Mega Food

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According to official guidelines, total daily intake of fats should be no more than_______ percent of total daily calories.


EER Equation Female

354 - (6.91 X Age in yrs) + PA[(9.36 x Weight in kg) / (726 x Height in m)] Physical Activity: 2403 (19 y)

refrigeration temp


deep fat frying

375 F

Total Fiber

38 g 25

The butterfat content of table cream is approximately ________.

38 to 40 percent

Dust collection systems are most effective if conducted under a ------ pressure


3. ____________________ is an example of a hetergeneous mixture.

Potato Soup

Minimum Cooking temp 165F (for 15 seconds)

Poultry, Stuffing made with TCS ingredients, Stuffed meat, seafood, poultry, pasta, Reheating leftovers

Which would be MOST responsible for monitoring processing to ensure standards are met?

Quality Control specialist

To a six-year old, "Catching" fish-shaped crackers that "swim" in a tomato soup "lake",is an example of which concept?

Sensory appeal

How is flavor quantified?

Sensory panels

What can be added to fats to prevent autoxidation?

Sequestering agents and antioxidants

Composition of cereals and grains is based largely on what three things?

Starch, protein, dietary fiber

When using scale, this procedure is used to find the mass of a substance, but its not a container.


What usually result when a food normally eaten cold is served warm?

Taste too strong

Had a major impact on the development of the food industry


Makes possible the staggering variety and availability of frozen, baked, dried, fermented, canned, refrigerated, packaged and fresh foods


Which factor is NOT considered a cost of a typical cleaning operation in food manufacturing?


TCS Food stands for

Temperature Control for Safety Foods

T = Temperature

Temperature Danger Zone 41F - 135F keep foods out of this zone

Danger Zone

Temperature range between 41 and 135 degrees Fahrenheit in which bacteria grows rapidly

Relates to how easily crushed or chewed a product is when eaten, they are soft and fragile


Sense of feel in regards to food


provides an impression of food structure through the eating process


Cross Contamination

The unintentional transfer of bacteria from one food or surface to another food or surface. Example: Using the same platter for raw meat, poultry, or seafood, and cooked meat, poultry or seafood

1. Many foods are designed to be heated in the microwave oven which delivers electromagnetic waves to transmit energy to food. Which of the following statements is correct?

The shorter the wavelength, the greater the energy

danger zone

The temperature range from 40 to 140 degrees F in which food-borne bacteria can grow.

Gamma rays

The type of electromagnetic waves used for irradiation are called _______?

In a ________ process, fat globules are reduced to a smaller, more equal, size and distributed evenly.


The monosaccaride


Yogurt is made with ________.



bacteria concern with poultry

Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ)

bacteria grow in warm, moist, protein rich environment between 41F and 135F KEEP FOODS BELOW 41F AND ABOVE 135F

A compound that destroys bacteria on contact and has residual activity to continue to kill bacteria on a surface is called:


A compound that inhibits the growth of bacteria but does not necessarily kill bacteria is:


an energy used by a body at rest to maintain automatic, life-supporting processes

basal metabolism

A solution containing more OH- ions than H+ ions is considered to be a(n) _____ solution.


Amino acid structure

basic unit of proteins; contains both a carboxyl groups and an amino acid group

As eggs age, the egg white becomes thinner because the pH of the egg:

becomes more basic due to decreased carbon dioxide levels inside of the egg

When freezing foods, it is important to note that the freezing point of various foods is:

below 0 degrees C

Enzymes can have ______ and ______ effects

beneficial, detrimental

How do small fat crystals affect creaming properties?

better emulsification, better dispersion, more air pockets

______is cultivating a variety of plants and animals. It involves less reliance on a few food sources.


The presence of Listeria monocytogenes in Bologna is an example of a _____ in food.

biological hazard

The three categories of food safety hazards are

biological, physical, and chemical.

Scientists at Calgene Company isolated the gene responsible for the deterioration of a tomato when it is picked, then used this knowledge to create the Flavr-Savr® tomato. This is an example of applying _____ to alter the genetic makeup of a food.


The use of biochemical techniques to alter the genetic makeup of a plant to enhance characteristics for food production is called:


Oxidases are enzymes in vegetables that are activated by:


To deactivate enzymes in fruits and vegetables, the produce is immerse in boiling water in a process called:


Iron is important in the diet for the development of _______.


excess sugar is stored in the body as

body fat


body temp: 98-100F

Addition of salt or sugar raises the ______ ______

boiling point

100 degrees Celsius

boiling point of water

Peptide bonds

bonds between the nitrogen of one amino acid and the carbon of a second amino acid

Water that cannot be easily separated in food is called?

bound water

The wheat kernel is made of three parts. The portion is rich in fiber and contains many B-vitamins as well as iron


The food pyramid indicates that the _____ group is the where you should obtain the most servings each day.


4 functions of proteins

buffering, water holding, enzymes, emulsification

____are substances that help maintain the balance of hydrogen and hydroxide ions ina solution



build and repair body tissue

Toughens flour-base formulations as its water component hydrates the starch

butter and margarine

Example of an absorbing oil

butter left unopened int he refrigerator

Butter contains a high amount (about 4 percent) of _____ acid, which is a short chain fatty acids that gives butter a buttery aroma, especially as it warms up.



buy cold food last (meat, poultry, dairy), get it home fast, keep meat away from fresh produce, put meat in bottom of the cart, do not buy canned goods that are dented, cracks, bulging lids, buy fresh produce, check expiration date, keep cold foods cold between store/home (cooler), keep foods out of temperature danger zone, have enough storage in refrigerator for foods

MAP is an acronym for ________ and used as a packaging technique.


Mushrooms are high in _________________, which makes them a natural version of MSG, contributing to the umami taste


The chemical formula C8H10N402 represents the chemical ______________


To deactivate enzymes in fruits and vegetables prior to freezing, companies use a process called ____________________


Which of the following is not an example of an emulsion?


A compound that is found in many soft drinks has the chemical formula C8H10N4O2 and is called


If an employee is sick or vomiting, they should

call in sick or stay home

This foodborne pathogen is the second most common bacterial cause of diarrhea in the US. It is associated with raw and undercooked poultry and untreated water


A component in chili peppers called _____ makes them hot and may cause a burning sensation in your mouth when food containing chili peppers is consumed.


Starch is a:


Glycogen is the form of _________ that is found in meat.


In the body, enzymes break down _____ into simple sugars.


Which of the following food component is primarily derived from fruits, vegetables, and grains?



carbohydrates and proteins

The enzyme maltase in yeast cells helps in baking yeast bread because it acts as a catalyst for the breakdown of maltose to simple sugars that are then metabolized to produce ________ which causes the dough to rise.

carbon dioxide

The first ingredient in the ingredient statement on the can of Mountain Dew soda is listed as "carbonated water." This is actually a solution of the gas _____ dissolved in water.

carbon dioxide

The purpose for using a leavening agent such as baking soda or baking powder in cakes and cookies is to provide a source of:

carbon dioxide

When glucose and oxygen react with each other, the resulting products are:

carbon dioxide and water

Swiss cheese has holes because it is ripened with organisms that produce:

carbon dioxide gas

Table sugar is composed of:

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

How do food labels meet Federal regulations?

carefully analyzing all ingredients in food item

Low-density lipoproteins

carries cholesterol from liver to body cells

Very low-density lipoproteins

carry cholesterol and TGs from liver to body

High-density lipoproteins

carry cholesterol back to the liver

When a summer sausage is thermally processed in a smokehouse that has excessive air speed and/or too little humidity, the sausage may form a hard outer layer, trapping moisture inside, which could lead to subsequent microbial problems. This is called:

case hardening

This is a potential defect in dehydration caused by temperatures that are too high. It results in a hard outer layer that traps moisture inside a product.


If acidic foods (such as tomatoes) are added to milk,

casein coagulates

Metabolism of food involves two separate processes. One of these, _____ , involves breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones during chemical reactions.


Metabolism of food involves two separate processes. One of these,_____________________, involves breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones during chemical reactions.


A ______________ is used in the production of high fructose corn syrup, which is a substance that speeds up the reaction rate without being permanently changed or used up itself.


Food Scientist must understand how raw food sources re organized on the ________ level


Approved sources

check for USDA inspection stamp; stamps for meat & poultry are mandatory

Immersion Probe

check temperatures of liquids

Examples of enzymes used in food processing: Chymosin


The first food product to use modern biotechnology (bioengineering) is:


Antibiotics are an example of a _____ hazard in a food product


The presence of an agricultural pesticide in a food product would be considered a ______ hazard in a HACCP plan.


Based on the principles of HACCP, broccoli that is contaminated with a pesticide residue is an example of a

chemical hazard.


chemical substances in food that help to maintain the body

Isomers offer different ______ and ______ properties

chemical, physical

one way to prevent cavities?

chewing gum


chlorophylls, carotenoids, anthocyanins, betalains are examples of these

Fermentation is a production step in the process of making _____.


Desirable microbial growth in foods is important for the production of all of the following times but:

chocolate, pasta, meats

What is the most common sterol


A chemical linked to long-term effect such as cancer, sterility and birth defects could cause which of the following:

chronic toxicity

Double bond configuration that introduces a kink


which isomer has a lower melting point?



citric acid, benzoic acid are examples of this

four guidelines to reduce food borne illness at home

clean separate cook chill

Once food production operations are finished, a sanitation crew will remove all visible dirt, grime, and grease. This step is also called:


Common food poisoning can be avoided by taking simple preventative steps. Which of the following steps is the most important?


Oil and water are two immiscible liquids found in salad dressings that can be blended together with the addition of a(n):


What prevents the separation of oil and water in food?


Surface-like agents that prevent like-particle conglomeration are:



ensure the accuracy of something; measure, adjust regularly

Bound water density is ______ than that of free water


Saturated fats are implicated in a ______ rise in serum cholesterol



greatest threat to food, grow quickly at favorable temperatures. Some bacteria useful: cheese, buttermilk, sauerkraut, pickles, yogurt. OTHERs are infectious disease-causing agents = pathogens Bacteria can double every 10-30 minutes. Two become four, four become eight, etc.... A single cell can become billions in 10-12 hours.

Oxymyoglobin is responsible for the bright cherry red color of

ground beef.

An IQF process means that a food product has been __________________________.

individually quick-frozen

High Risk Consumers

infants, young children, pregnant women, elderly, people chronically ill

Lard, or rendered ____________________, is popular in the baking industry for use in pastries, cakes, and frostings.

pork fat

Which of the following food component is primarily derived from red meat and poultry?


Shortening functions to physically shorten platelets of ______, ______ structure developed

protein, starch

Composition of dairy PRODUCTS is largely based on

protein, water, and fat

Hard wheat will yield a flour that has a higher _______________ than that of flour from soft wheat.


Amino acids are the building blocks of .


Gluten in flour contains fibrous and globular _____________ and gives baked goods their structure and shape.


When a food scientist appraises a food using sight, smell, taste and possibly touch, this is often referred to as:

sensory evaluation

Taste buds

sensory organs located on various parts of the tongue

If a food product label bears the symbol in this picture, it means that the product has been ______________________.

treated with irradiation

Fats do not melt at fixed temperatures. but over a range because the ______ all have different melting points, this is plasticity


The hunter lab colorimeter measures color reflected from food using a ________ approach, x,y,x approach


The Delaney Clause passed in 1958 states that

no carcinogens shall be added to the food supply

______________ is a linear polymer of D-galacturonic acid that forms an ester with methanol and is used as an ingredient to make jelly.



35 ug 25

The process of changing a liquid oil to a solid fat is known as:


Which of the following is NOT a type of food processing?


The recent recall of tomatoes was due to contamination by:


Complete protein

a protein that contains all the essential amino acids

High-quality protein

a protein that contains all the essential amino acids

The creamy texture of Dannon™ yogurt is an example of a food:


Always store chemicals

away from food and utensils and in locked cabinets.

Butter contains ______


Fats and oils are part of a family of compounds called:


MUFAs are ______ at room temperature


PUFAS are ______ at room temperature


Acetin fats may be ______ or ______ at room temperature

liquid, solid

A microorganism that causes a food borne illness is called a:


Any microorganism that can cause disease is called a:


Water influences the ______, ______, and ______ of a food

texture, flavors, stability


"The Buffet Germ" causes food intoxication when food is allowed to cool

The ___ ___ rule refers to using older food supplies before newer ones.

"first in, first out "

In most cases, which phrase means that the food product in question contains no nutritive carbohydrate sweetener, either added or naturally occurring, and is a low or reduced calorie food?

"sugar free"

Preventing Cross Contact in Food Service

*Tell customer how each dish is made *Tell customer about any "secret" ingredients that may contain allergens. While you might not want to share these recipes with the public, you still must be able to tell the "secret" items when asked. *Suggest alternative menu items that don't have the food allergen. *Servers should never guess about what a menu item contains. IF they don't know, they should ask someone who does.

Prevent Cross Contamination

*Wrap or Cover Food *Store refrigerated raw meat, poultry, seafood separately from ready to eat food *Store ready-to-eat food above raw meat, poultry, and seafood Store raw meat, poultry, and seafood in coolers in the following top-to-bottom order: seafood (top) whole cuts of beef & pork ground meat & ground fish whole and ground poultry (bottom) Based off minimum internal cooking temperature of each food. (Low to High)

Cooling food for refrigeration

*cool from 135F to 70F within 2 hours *then cool to 41F or lower within the next 4 hours *IF it hasn't reached 70F within first 2 hours REHEAT and cool again or THROW OUT

3 uses of water sorption isotherms

-Determine rate and extent of drying -Optimum frozen temperature -Moisture barrierer properties required in food packaging materials

n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (a-linolenic acid)


At sea level, pure water freezes at:

0 degrees C

Water activity range


Water activity, the degree of availability of water in food, is measured on a scale of:


If NOEL value of a pesticide is 1 gram, what is the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for each kilogram of body weight?

0.1 gram

If Joe's daily intake is 2000 calories and he consumes a candy bar that contains 220 calories, what percent of Joe's calorie intake is in that candy bar?


The average American spends less money on food than most nations of the world. The average American spends what percent of total disposable income on food?


Food scientists often need to know how much solute a solution contains. What would be the mass percent of sucrose in a solution if 23 g of sucrose was dissolved in 77 g of water?


Poultry consumption in the United States has increased ________ from 1976 to 1989.


It is estimated that the average consumer spends approximately what percent of his/her food dollar on food prepared outside of the home?


When you spend one dollar for food, approximately how much goes into the labor required to harvest, and then process that food after it leaves the farm?


Water activity is the degree of availability of water in food. The water activity of pure water is:


A calorie is the amount of energy required to raise ____ of water one degree ________.

1 gram, Centigrade

It is estimated that _________in __________ Americans could get sick from food poisoning this year alone

1 in 6

Clean and sanitize anything that touches food

1) After every use 2) When beginning to work with another type of food 3) And if using something constantly

When using a dishwashing machine to clean and sanitize:

1) Check detergent and sanitizer dispensers to make sure they are filled. 2) Check water temperature and pressure. 3) Keep the machine clean inside and out. 4) Do not overload dishwasher racks. 5) Do not double stack the racks.

Types of chemical sanitizers include:

1) Chlorine, 2) Iodine, and 3) Quats


1,000 mg 1,000

_________is a measurement of the degree of availability of water in food

water activity

Food becomes hazardous 3 ways

1. chemical (cleaning solutions, sanitizers) 2. physical (foreign particles: glass, metal, staples, bandages) 3. biological (microorganisms ~ bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi)

Key concepts

1. food safety requires temp control 2. enforcement of high standards of sanitation needed where food is being stored, prepared & served 3. Food-borne illness are caused by bacteria, molds, etc. b/c were not refrigerated or handled safely (leads to physical discomfort or death) 4. FDA regulates additives 5. several federal agencies share responsibility for the nation's food safety

A food contains 8 grams of fat, 4 grams of carbohydrates, and 5 grams of protein. That would be equivalent to ___ calories.



11 mg 8

37. By federal law, baking powder must yield at least ___________ CO2 for every 100g of powder.

12 g

Vitamin K

120 ug 90

Microorganisms grow much faster between ___ and food must pass through this zone much more quickly to minimize bacteria growth.

125 and 70


1.2 mg 1.1


1.3 mg 1.1

Vitamin B6

1.3 mg 1.3


1.5 g 1.5

a-Linolenic Acid

1.6 g 1.1

The acceptable daily intake (ADI) of a non-carcinogen is:

1/100 of a no-observed effect level (NOEL)

Yolk is ________ of edible protion with ________% of calories

1/3, 75%

recommended daily percentage of calories from sugar


The percent of disposable income in the US that is spent on food

10% 5.6% at home 4.3% away from home

A focus group is a group usually composed of "target" customers who evaluate product ideas or concepts. Focus groups usually contain_____people and a group leader




In the decmel system, numbers are expressed in units of:


17. ____________ degrees separates freezing and boiling points on the celsius scale


To calibrate a candy-making thermometer one should place it in boiling water and adjust for any difference from:


If a food product contains 10,000,000 (10⁷) microbes per gram, and experiences a 99.99 percent kill rate, then _____ microbes per gram will survive.


Linoleic Acid

17 g 12

21. To estimate basal metabolic rate of a woman weighing 130 pounds to know how much energy she needs to consume for breathing, digesting food, growing new cells, and other basic processes, first convert her mass to kilograms. Then, calculate the kcalories she would use per hour by multiplying her mass by a BMR factor of .9 to learn her BMR. Finally, multiply her BMR by 24 since there are 24 hours /day to find her estimated daily basal kcalorie needs. Her estimated daily kcalorie needs would be ____________ k calories/day.


Temp for runny yolks

130 F (may have risk of salmonella)


130 g 130

Hot TCS food must be received at ___ or higher


Hot food should be held at a temperature of

135 or higher

Food that needs to be cooled, should be brought from

135 to 70 within 2 hours and then from 70 to 41 within the next 4 hours

The pH scale is a mathematical scale in which the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution is expressed as a number from 0 to ___ to indicate acidity.


Eggs being prepared for immediate service should be cooked to _____

145 for 15 seconds

Steaks and chops should be cooked to an internal cooking temperature of

145 for 15 seconds

Fish should be cooked to an internal cooking temperature of

145 for 15 seconds .

Roasts should be cooked to an internal cooking temperature of

145 for 4 minutes

All meat should be cooked to the following temperature to kill Salmonella species:


No more than _____% of your day's food intake should be protein.


The mass percent of 15 g of salt (sodium chloride) in 85 g of water is equal to:


Vitamin E

15 mg 15

Vitamin D

15 ug 15

Superstores are likely to carry how many items?


10. When fruits and vegetables are dried, they should contain ________ percent of their original moisture, otherwise the finished product quality will not be acceptable.


The lean part of meat is about _____ percent protein.



150 F heats liquid just to the simmering point (very hot) ex. milk


150 ug 150

Bacteria do not thrive below 40 degrees F or above _______ degrees F.


Nabisco markets Oreo Double Stuff sandwich cookies. One serving, equivalent to 1 ounce, contains 7 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 120 mg of sodium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of dietary fiber, 13 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of protein. One serving would be equivalent to _____ calories.


A food contains 11 grams of fat, 6 carbohydrates, and 8 grams of protein. That would be equivalent to ___ calories.


Ground meat should be cooked to an internal cooking temperature of

155 and 15 seconds

Cook injected meat or brined ham to an internal cooking temperature of

155 for 15 seconds

Eggs held hot for service should be cooked to an internal temperature of

155 for 15 seconds

If the legal maximum of nitrite (NO2) is 156 ppm, how much sodium nitrite can you legally add to 1 kg. of meat?

156 mg


16 mg 14


160 - 180 F

A left-over hot dish needs to be reheated prior to serving again. The internal temperature of the food should reach _____ degrees F.


Foods that are being cooked in a microwave such as eggs, poultry, fish, and meat should be cooked to an internal cooking temperature of


temp at which to reheat food (leftovers)

165 F

Cook poultry to an internal cooking temperature of

165 for 15 seconds

Reheat food for hot holding to an internal temperature of

165 for 15 seconds

________% of US is employed by the food industry


A pizza company printed a new package for frozen pizza and the consumer cooking instructions on the package states that the pizza should be reheated to a final temperature of 77°C. The cooking instructions should have listed the final cooking temperature in °F instead of °C. You have been asked to convert 77°C into °F. What should the final cooking temperature be in °F on the label?


In _____, a German chemist named Andreas Sigismund Marggraf discovered that the sweetness of sugar beets and of sugar cane was the result of sucrose.


Animal fats typically have ______ carbons in the fatty acid chain


45. The concentration of a 23 g of sugar in 105 g of water would be ___________.



180 - 211 F bubbles just around, but NOT popping

When were convenience foods introduced?


In __________, the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act required food labels to carry basic nutrition information.


Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach has a pH of :


T = Time

2 hour rule = 2 hours or less; keep low acid, high protein foods out of the TDZ (temperature danger zone) below 41F above 135F; prevents growth of large number of pathogens

Check the temperature every ____ If food does not meet temperature standards after 4 hours, it must be thrown out.

2 hours to allow time for corrective action


2 or more people have same symptoms after eating the same food, investigation of state & local regulatory authorities, confirmed by lab test

An outbreak occurs when

2 or more unrelated people get the same illness after eating the same food.

To help prevent the spread of disease and to produce safe food, what is the recommended length of time that hands should be washed prior to handling food?

20 seconds


20 types of these single celled microorgansims found in the Air, Soil, Water, in & on our bodies



One Kilogram is equal to how many pounds?



2.3 g 2.3


2.3 mg 1.8

Vitamin B12

2.4 ug 2.4

Hands should be washed for at least____________seconds before handling food


Harry's BBQ company processes their BBQ sauce at ambient temperature, which is currently 68 degrees F. This would be equivalent to ___ degrees C.


The number of minerals needed by the body is approximately ________.


To help prevent the spread of disease and to produce safe food, what is the recommended length of time that hands should be washed prior to handling food?

20 Seconds

The % Daily Value is based on a _____-calorie diet.


A 42 g serving of M&Ms® contains 9 grams of fat, 30 grams of carbohydrates, and 2 grams of protein. That would be equivalent to ___ calories.



212 F (at SEA LEVEL; takes longer to cook @ high altitutdes) bubbles POPPING

Compared to people in Mexico, who spend ________%, China, ________%, and Russia, ________%

22, 28, 37

It takes approximately ______ pounds of milk to make 1 pound of butter.


A Hershey's Milk Chocolate bar contains 13 g fat, 8 g saturated fat, 26 g total carbohydrates, 1 g dietary fiber, 24 g sugar, and 3 g protein. Based on this information, the chocolate bar would contain ____________ calories.


You are creating a new chocolate product and are using 57 pounds of cocoa powder in the formulation. Your supervisor has asked that you convert the formulation from English units to metric units. How much would the cocoa powder weigh in kilograms?

25.85 kg

Oscar Mayer markets a product called "Fast Franks" that is a microwavable hot dog in a bun. One serving, equivalent to 1 hot dog with bun, contains 19 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 45 mg of cholesterol, 790 mg of sodium, 21 g of carbohydrates, 1 gram of dietary fiber, 5 grams of sugar, and 10 grams of protein. One serving would be equivalent to ___ calories.


To increase shelf life, the air in a controlled atmosphere storage room containing apples should contain only _____% oxygen rather than the 21% found in normal air.


Approximately what percentage of the U.S. food dollar is spent on meals away from home?

35 percent

Approximately what percentage of all the jobs in the food and fiber system is related to wholesale and retail sales?

30 percent


30 ug 30

Cream is classified by the amount of fat it contains. Light whipping cream must contain _____ percent fat.


When roasting meats and poultry, an oven temperature of at least ________ should be used.

325 degrees F



Eggs are stored and shipped at temperatures between:

33 degrees and 38 degrees F

Total Water

3.7 L 2.7

How many bonds hydrogen bonds can water form?


If food is held for more than __ hours, it has to be thrown out


In food, carbohydrates supply _____Kcal. Per gram.


In food, proteins supply _____Kcal. Per gram.


Vitamin C

90 75 mg


900 ug 900


4 calories per gram


4 calories per gram


4 mg 3

unsafe food temp

4-60 degrees Celsius

Processing a food product so that it receives a 5 D treatment means that _____ percent of the microorganisms will be destroyed.


When food is prepared in a food service establishment, hot foods should be maintained at

>145 degrees F

F.A.T. T.O.M.

An acronym that helps us to remember all of the conditions needed in order for microorganisms to grow


4.7 g 4.7

To ensure that the foods you store maintain their safety and quality, make sure your refrigerator is at _____ degrees Fahrenheit.


Bacteria multiply rapidly in the temperature range of ___________. It is commonly called the temperature danger zone.

40-140 degrees F

Bacteria multiply rapidly in the temperature range of _______________. It is commonly called the temperature danger zone.

40-140 degrees F


400 mg 310


400 ug 400

Cold TCS food must be received at __ or lower


Danger zone

41 - 135 F - where microorganisms grow the fastest keep hot foods hot, 135 or above) and cold foods cold (41 or below)

Cold food should be held at a temperature of

41 or lower

The temperature danger zone is

41 to 135

Shell eggs must be received at a maximum air temperature of


________ grams of a day's food intake should be protein.



45 ug 45



Pantothenic Acid

5 mg 5

How much food from the meat and beans group is recommended for teenagers?

5 to 6 oz.

n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid)


Partially hydrogenated oil is approximately ______% MUFAs and ______% PUFAs

50, 25

Tomatoes are stored and shipped at temperatures between:

50-65 degrees F


55 ug 55


550 mg 425


56 g 46

20. The nonnutritive sweetener called sucralose, also known be the brand name Splenda, is ______ times sweeter than sugar.


EER Equation Male

662 - (9.53 X Age in yrs) + PA[(15.91 x Weight in kg) / (539.6 x Height in m)] Physical Activity: 3067 (19y)

HACCP, a dynamic, preventative food safety concept, has ___ principles.


Ready to eat TCS food that has been prepped in-house and stored at 41 degrees or lower should be thrown out after ___ days


Fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats are __________ percent water.


The water content in fruits, vegetables, and meats ranges between _____ percent.



700 ug 700

For consumer safety, ground beef should always be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 160 degrees F before it is consumed. This would be equal to _____ degrees C.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are approximately _____ million cases of foodborne illness in the United States annually.



8 mg 18

Food scientists commonly use the metric system when developing products. In a 10 pound product test batch, 3.17 oz of salt is used. How much salt would be used in grams?

89.9 grams

A gram of fat contains _________ calories



9 calories per gram

The percentage of an average U.S. worker's pay that is used for food is ________.

9.9 percent

physical change

A change in a substance that does not involve a change in the identity of the substance

chemical change

A change in matter that produces one or more new substances


A chemical added to food to make it taste, look, or feel better or to preserve it.


A chemical additive that stops or slows the growth of microorganisms.


A chemical change in which a substance combines with oxygen. Food will turn brown.

Consumer panel

A company developed a new food product and is asking several hundred people how much they like or dislike the product or one of its flavor/texture characteristics. This would be an example of a _______.


A company recalled chicken spring rolls because the product contained eggs that were not listed on the package label. This would be an example of a hazard due to a(n) _________.


A factor that can change in an experiment


A factor that can change or be manipulated in an experiment

saturated fats

A fat that is solid at room temperature and found in animal fats, lards, palm oil, coconut oil and dairy products.

Propionic Acid

A food scientist is designing a product that requires a mold inhibitor. Which one of the following ingredients should this person select to provide this function?

Confectioners sugar

A food technologist is making a new product that will use a powdered granulated sugar with an added anti-caking agent such as cornstarch. This type of sugar is called ______.


A fungi. A single-celled eukaryotic organism.

data table

A grid that displays the data plotted in the chart


A large pressure canner used to commercially can food is called a _____.


A measure of the amount of matter in an object measured in grams


A possible answer to a question


A single sugar molecule such as glucose or fructose, the simplest type of sugar.s

What is a toxin?

A substance that can cause extreme illness or death


A substance used to destroy undesirable plants or insects


A substance used to destroy undesirable plants or insects.

taste bias

A tendency to like or dislike a food based on positive or negative experiences, respectively.

Thawing Meat

ALWAYS thaw meat in refrigerator, microwave (cook completely afterwards), in cold running water below 70F

Associates in layers via intermolecular H bonds around hydrophilic food molecules

Absorbed water (structural water or Type 2)

71.1 degrees celsius

According to the U.S. government, ground beef should be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of _______ for safety.

How close a single measurement comes to the actual or true value of the quantity measured refers to which concept?


_____ bacteria are used to make vinegar.

Acetic acid

Formed when one or two fatty acids are replaced by acetic acid

Acetin fats

36. Soft drinks are _____________ formulations with a pH of less than 7.0



Aerobic microorganisms that cause more waste than danger and need a moist environment to grow.


Aerobic microorganisms that cause more waste than danger need a moist environment and a temp between 20-35 C

A toxin commonly found in corn and peanuts is:


Sanitizers are applied______ the cleaning step of a sanitation program


When does crystal formation occur?

After oils are heated and cooled

__________________ is a type of polysaccharide that occurs natural in brown algae as a skeletal component of their walls. It is useful in the food industry as a thickener or stabilizing agent.


______________________ is a type of polysaccharide that occurs naturally in brown algae as a skeletal component of their walls. It is useful in the food industry as a thickener or stabilizing agent.


M = Moisture

All microorganisms must have an abundant supply of water to grow. Moisture content: amount of water in food expressed as a % scale 0 to 1.0 Bacteria, yeast, & mold multiply rapidly with high water activity level above 0.86

Cross contact

Allergens transferred from food containing an allergen to the food served to the customer.

Conditions under which natural toxins will NOT cause problems in humans are:

An abnormal food constituent is eaten moderately

Proteins are composed of building blocks of:

Amino Acids

_____________________ Is often used in thin products with a large surface area (crackers) as a leavening agent to allow the unpleasant tasting gas that is produced to escape.

Ammonium Bicarbonate

______________________ is often used in thin products with a large surface area (crackers) as a leavening agent to allow the unpleasant tasting gas that is produced to escape.

Ammonium bicarbonate


Amount of space occupied by a fluid. measured in liters

2 Hours

Amount of time perishable foods can be left at room temperature.

_____ is a digestive enzyme found in saliva, and reacts with carbohydrates in food to initiate breakdown into simpler sugars.


______________________ is a digestive enzyme is found in salvia, and reacts with carbohydrates in food to initiate breakdown into simpler sugars.


Food-borne Illness

An illness caused by a pathogen found in food

Food Poisoning

An illness caused by the ingestion of toxins, usually a pathogen; also known as a food borne illness


An organism that absorbs nutrients from the environment; a decomposer


An organism that causes disease

A chemist, ________, discovered that the sweetness of sugar beets and of cane sugar was the result of the same chemical, sucrose.

Andreas Sigismund Marggraf

_____ is a pigment that contributes to the red color of tomatoes and raspberries.


4 Aspects of Food Quality

Appearance, Texture, Flavor, Storage Stability

Dietary cholesterol

As low as possible

Saturated fatty acids

As low as possible

Trans fatty acids

As low as possible

A synthetic sweetener made of aspartic acid and phenylalanine that is found in many diet soft drinks is called:


_____ is sweeter than sucrose.


3 factors that effect water in a food system

Atmospheric and Barometric pressure Mineral content pH

6. A monounsaturated fat lacks two hydrogens, creating one double bond between carbon atoms, and tends to lower LDL cholesterol without affecting HDL levels. ______________ is a food that is naturally high in monounsaturated fat.


The topography near a food facility should be sloped to permit water flow___________ the building__________ the formation of water puddles.

Away from, without

Unstable ______ crystals change to ______ crystals, which turn into ______ ______ crystals during storage

B, intermediate, coarse beta

_____ is an effective antioxidant that is used in many food products to prevent fat from oxidizing and developing off flavors.


A synthetic hormone to increase milk production is ________.


Which is NOT a pathogen of concern in dairy processing facilities?

Bacillus Cereus


Bacterial Source: Canned food and honey caused by the toxin of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum


Bacterial Source: Poultry, Milk and Eggs


Bacterial Source: Raw or rare ground beef, venison, fresh fruits and vegetables can cause kidney failure

Food Intoxication

Bacterial food borne illness that occurs when poisons are produced by bacteria in the food

Food Intoxication

Bacterial food borne illness that occurs when poisons are produced by bacteria in the food.

What release hydroxide ions in water solutions


Which is held in place by an iron ring on the ring stand?


Which of the following statements is true?

Before coagulation occurs, denaturation of proteins is sometimes reversible.


Believable or truthful

When manually cleaning and sanitizing in a three-compartment sink, the first compartment is for


small needlelike crystals

Beta prime crystals

The liver produces ______________, which helps fat mix with the water in the intestine?


Waste disposal from food processing facilities can present a hazard if the wastes are not properly handled because of high content of organic matter, which is measured as BOD. BOD stands for

Biological Oxygen Demand

Food science is the discipline of what three components?

Biology, physical science, and engineering

32. Corn, soybeans, and canola improved by _________________ could produce oils that have a better balanced saturated/unsaturated fat content.


Which BEST describes speeding up generational changes by altering the organisms genetic material?


_____ is a subject that is helpful in the Food Science field. It involves using biology, genetics, and technology to improve plants, animals, and microorganisms for food production.


____________________ is a subject that is helpful in the Food Science field. It involves using biology, genetics, and technology to improve plants, animals, and microorganisms for food production.


Pest control programs should be created for control of insects, rodents and


Bases, if edible, would taste


The process used to inactivate enzymes before foods are frozen


4 physical characteristics influenced by the structure of water

Boiling point Freezing point Vapor pressure Heat of Sublimation

Measures distance a food travels in a given time

Bostwick consistometer

Castlebury Foods had a recall of canned foods due to contamination of:


Not free to bind to act as solvent for sugars and salts

Bound water

exits tightly chemically bound to compounds, cannot be extracted, closely packed and dense

Bound water (water of hydration or Type 1)

only removes soil


CIP stands for

Cleaning in Place

Wheat with the bran and germ intact

Bread manufacture from _____ can use the term "whole wheat" on the label.

_____ is a scale for relating specific gravity to sugar content in a beverage.


_____ is the scale used to relate specific gravity of a beverage such as Diet Coke® to sugar content.


5 factors which measure quality in foods made from F/V

Brix, moisture content, pH or titratable acidity, microbiological factors, and product viscosity

39. Ice cream and pudding are examples of food that may contain alginate, a type of polysaccharide that occurs naturally in ___________________ as a skeletal component of their cell walls.

Brown Seaweed

Who did the food industry target in the 1950s?

Busy housewife



Isomers have a similar number of what three elements?



Caffeine is an example of a(n) ________.

In the United States, more than one-half of the fresh fruits and vegetables are grown in which states?

California, Florida, and Texas

27. _______________ is a naturally occurring chemical in chili peppers that makes them hot.


_____ is a vegetable gum added to evaporated milk before processing to stabilize the casein proteins.



Carried by many farm animals. Found in Poultry, eggs, dairy products and produce. Causes diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and fever.

Food that is dried at too high a temperature during dehydration can become _____ on the outside of the product.

Case Hardened

The protein that coagulates and forms cheese curd in cheddar cheese is


_____ is a globular protein that is found in milk.


_____ is a protein found in milk.


A _____________ is used in the production of high fructose corn syrup, which is a substance that speeds up the reaction rate without being permanently changed or used up itself.


The major diet component for most of the worlds population is

Cereal Grains

3 melting point factors of individual fatty acids

Chain Length Number of double bonds isomeric configuration

Approved sources

Check for USDA inspection stamp; stamps for meat & poultry are mandatory


Chemicals that kill crop-destroying organisms

_____ has complicated production process involving fermentation and roasting resulting in production of more than 300 chemical compounds.


___________________ has a complicated production process involving fermentation and roasting resulting in production of more than 300 chemical compounds.


4. For a food scientist to formulate new products, they must be familiar with ingredients that could be used in a formulation. A food scientist was asked to develop a seasoning using coriander leaves that could be used in Latin American, Asian, and Middle Eastern products. Another name for Coriander leaves is _____________________.


What does saturation or chroma refer to?

Clarity and Purity

___ and ___all equipment and utensils before and after every task.

Clean and Sanitize

Canning of foods is a common process that can safely preserve foods. If canning is done improperly, _________________ can grow and produce a deadly neurotoxin.

Clostridium botulinum

Castleberry's Food Company initiated a voluntary recall of canned chili sauce and meat products dues to the risk of a potent neurotoxin being present from under-processing the canned products. The organism, _____, is responsible for producing this toxin.

Clostridium botulinum

This pathogen is commonly associated with canned foods. A can appearing puffy or bulging could be an indication that the can contains this harmful pathogen and should be discarded.

Clostridium botulinum

_____ is a pathogen that grows under anaerobic conditions and is a concern in canned food products.

Clostridium botulinum

Canning of foods is a common process that can safely preserve foods. If canning is done improperly, _____ can grow and produce a deadly neurotoxin.

Clostridium boutulinum

Which food item is not one of the eight major food allergens?


Since 1963, _____ has helped nations agree on food safety and trade regulation.

Codex Alimentarius

41. Mixing boiling water with gelatin forms a __________________.

Colloidal dispersion

50. __________________ is not a reliable indicator of doneness when ground beef patties are prepared for consumption.


Strongly influences consumer preferences and perceptions of food acceptability


_____ is the complete destruction of all microorganisms, except for some bacterial spores.

Commercial sterilization

The basis of food science is based on what three principles?

Composition of foods Interaction between food constituents Interaction between food and environment

The use of computers in interactive engineering drawing and storage of designs is known as CAD, or ______.

Computer-Aided Design

Opposite of hydrolysis


31. The method of heat transfer where heat energy is passed by the collision of molecules is called ______________.


A food manufacturer is producing frozen waffles. The waffles are prepared by pouring a batter into a waffle iron and the waffle iron transfers heat by _______________ to the batter.


Are needed to determine and judge key quality parameters

Consumers perceptions

Why is lard different?

Contains 37% saturates, but has mostly long-chain fatty acids and is a semi solid

What does oil do to gluten?

Controls its development and toughness because less water contacts the gluten proteins

two reasons for hydrogenation

Convert liquid oils to semisolid or plastic fats Increase the thermal and oxidative stability of the fat and its shelf life

What does a phospholipid contain?

Glycerol backbone, 2 Fatty acids, phosphoric acid, and a nitrogen containing group

_____ is the form of carbohydrates found in meat.


Food Infections

Group of illnesses caused when pathogenic bacteria are eaten along with food.

A chemical reaction in which water is used to split a compound into a simpler compound


Two ways in which rancidity may occur

Hydrolytic and oxidative rancidity

48. Acetic acid is a ______________ ingredient.


Milk is supplemented with Vitamin ___ because it is essential to the growth and repair of bones.


While milk is in a holding or storage tank and after it has been adjusted for butterfat content, it is fortified with Vitamin


Thaw Law

Defrost foods in the refrigerator, microwave or running cold water. Never defrost foods on the counter.

A food preservation method whereby moisture content is lowered to inhibit growth of microorganisms is


_______________ is a process of preserving food through a combination of partial drying and freezing.


Foods that have a PH greater than 5.3 are considered to be _______________.

Low-acid foods

The length of time required at a specific temperature to destroy 90% of the microorganisms when processing food is called the _______________.


The length of time required at a specific temperature to destroy 90% of the microorganisms when processing food is called the ______________________________.


26. With the ________________ on a nutrition facts panel, consumers can determine how the nutrients in a food serving fit into what they could consume for the day

Daily Value

Reliable Data

Data that is consistent and repeatable

The _____ on a package of chocolate chip cookies tells the consumer what nutrients are in the product.

Nutrition Facts panel

The transfer of allergens from food containing an allergen to the food served to a customer is known as


Why is biodiversity used by genetic engineers?

Cultivate a variety of plants and animals


Curved surface used to accurately read a graduated cylinder


Denaturation is the first step in the process of protein ______, or when a liquid changes into a soft, semisolid clot or solid mass such as in the process of manufacturing yogurt.

Unsafe Can

Dented, bulging, or leaking

Holding equipment

Designed to keep hot foods hot, not to reheat them.

Two phases of emulsions

Dispersed and continuous

Which is MOST true of all sensory evaluation panels?

Distractions are minimized

Which is MOST true of entry level jobs?

Does not require training or experience

How do phenolics suppress lipid oxidation?

Donating hydrogen atoms to lipid peroxide radicals which interferes with the initiation or propagation of primary oxidation


During the manufacture of crackers, ammonium bicarbonate in the presence of heat produces______, carbon dioxide, and water.

_____ wheat is the type of wheat most commonly used to manufacture pasta.


The ________ registers or approves the use of pesticide tolerance levels for pesticide levels in food.


three food sources of lecithin

Egg yolk, sunflowers, soy

Refers to foods ability to be molded, or deformed, after a certain minimum force is applied


________ is a measure of the responsiveness of quantity of a commodity demanded to a change in the market price.

Elasticity of demand

________________ is a heat resistant connective tissue found in meat.


_____ are important in the production of foods that contain water and fat, such as mayonnaise or margarine.


What two purposes do mono- and di- glycerides serve?

Emulsifiers and replace fat in foods

A mixture of two liquids containing droplets that don't normally blend with each other is called


Food Science is just cooking and food additives. True or False?


A discovery by a 19th century economist relating family income with food purchases as a proportion of total expenditures is often referred to as:

Engle's Law


Ensure the accuracy of something; measure, adjust regularly


Ensuring food reaches the correct temperature prior to consumption to ensure all harmful bacteria are killed.

The ________ regulates genetically engineered microbes used in natural pesticides.

Environmental Protection Agency

40. When oxygen reacts with ______________ in freshly cut bananas, the bananas turn brown.


________ is sometimes used as an indicator microorganism which means it can provide an index of the sanitary quality of the product and may serve as an indicator of potential for the presence of pathogenic species.

Escherichia coli

_________________ is a well-known organism in the coliform group and is an indicator of potential fecal contamination.

Escherichia coli

______________________ is a well-known organism in the coliform group and is an indicator of potential fecal contamination.

Escherichia coli

Which nutrient cannot be made by the body and must be obtained from food?


When and where did the food industry begin?

Europe in the mid 1700s

What three things is food science used FOR?

Feeding the hungry Preventing food-borne illnesses Product development/improvement


Example: cutting boards for raw meat and veggies keep foods that have bacteria away from foods that are safe


Example: ice cold foods need to stay cold and perishable items should be refrigerated within two hours.


Examples: Hands, dishes, counters, and the food

Controlled Experiment

Experiment in which only one variable is changed; everything else stays the same


Exposure of foods to gamma rays or radiant energy to reduce harmful bacteria

33. An ingredient that is GRAS has been shown to be safe under the conditions of its intended use according to the _______________.


The _____ is the agency responsible for regulating most non-meat food and food products.


The ________________ has the responsibility for regulating additives that are used in food processing.


The government agency that created a special class of additives that are generally recognized as safe was the:


The government agency that has oversight for regulating the safety and quality of seafood is the:


Fight Bac

FDA's food safety education program; based on 4 points ... 1. clean 2. separate 3. cook 4. chill

_______ molecules can greatly inhibit protein molecules from bonding with each other and with water, leading to the reduction of foam's volume and stability.


______________________ molecules can greatly inhibit protein molecules from bonding with each other and with water, leading to the reduction of foam's volume and stability.


Appear solid at room temperature


The essential nutrient provides the body with its most concentrated source of energy.


This essential nutrient provides the body with its most concentrated source of energy.


Which nutrient contains the most calories per gram?


FDA (Food and Drug Administration)

Federal agency that publishes the Food Code and inspects food service operations that cross state borders.

16. One of the reasons that a company such as Kellogg's would add _____________ to some of their products is that it absorbs water after the food is consumed. This in turn facilitates moving food through the digestive tract which may help prevent colon cancer as well as lower blood cholesterol levels.


These products contain many pieces or layers of cooked dough


A property of food material and the receptor mechanism of the human body


47. ________________ is added to many breakfast cereals to increase consumption of this nutrient which is important to prevent birth defects in the brain and spinal cord.

Folic Acid

Substances or components found in a food or beverage

Food Composition

Mass production of products generated from raw animal and plant matter using principles of food technology

Food Manufacturing

The sum of a product's qualitative and quantitative characteristics that provide consumer satisfaction

Food Quality

FSIS stands for:

Food Safety and Inspection Service


Food Safety and Inspection Service. An agency of the USDA responsible for ensuring that the nation's commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products is safe, wholesome, and correctly labeled and packaged.

Largest employer in the US

Food Science

35. __________________ means access to enough food for people to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle.

Food Security

the application of food science to the selection, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution, and use of safe food.

Food Technology

FDA stands for:

Food and Drug Administration

The government agency responsible for ensuring that food such as ketchup is safe and wholesome is the:

Food and Drug Administration

The use of food additives in the US is regulated by the:

Food and Drug Administration

Food manufacturing firms involved in interstate commerce are regulated by the____ and subject to state inspection.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


Food and Drug Administration: federal agency regulating food *additives*

3 Functional properties of the food matrix dependent on chemicals

Food flavors, colors, textures

The proteins, fats, and CHOs that are present and contribute to the formation of specific food systems

Food microstructure

Water is an important vehicle for heat transfer in what two activities?

Food processing and food preparation

15. HACCP is systematic, science based process control system for _______________.

Food safety

Time-temperature abuse occurs when

Food that has been held too long at temperatures that all pathogens need to grow (in temperature danger zone)


Food that has been made impure by the addition of improper ingredients


Food that has been made impure by the addition of improper ingredients.

Food Waste

Food waste or food loss is food that is discarded or cannot be used.


Food, Acidity, Time, Temperature, Oxygen, Moisture

_____ is a scientific term that is used to describe how food feels in the mouth.


25. During the manufacture of many breakfast cereals, B vitamins are added to the formulation to achieve a specific dietary purpose since they are not normally found in this food.


The process of adding nutrients to a food is known as:


Lightly bound, free to pass, important for water activity

Free Water (Type 3)

If a food product undergoing slow freezing is improperly wrapped, the airflow past the food will increase water loss from the frozen product into the air. This could result in __________ on the product surface.

Freezer burn

_____ is caused by moisture loss from a ham that is exposed to air during frozen storage, possibly as a result of loose packaging.

Freezer burn

Caused by moisture loss from food when food is exposed to air in a freezer.

Freezer burn is ________.

46. In the manufacture of popsicles, what phase change would a liquid sugar solution go through to become a solid?


What are the top three criteria used to describe quality in consumer studies?

Freshness, Appearance/color, good taste

A food scientist is developing a new product and needs to use a sugar that is not only the sweetest, but also the most soluble from an available list of sweeteners that they have in their product development lab. To meet these criteria, which of the of the following sweeteners would you recommend that they use?


________ caramelizes at 110 degrees Celsius.


Ripe ovary and surrounding the seed


4 Largest markets for edible oils

Frying, margarine, spreads, bottled oils

Major program(s) used by food processors to assure foods aren't contaminated during processing is (are):


_____ is an acronym for a special list of additives that contains substances such as spices, natural seasonings, and flavorings that are considered safe for human consumption and not regulated as additives.


28. ______________ is a corrosion resistant surface that should not be used for direct food contact in a food production environment because it can discolor certain foods and is highly reactive with acids.

Galvanized Iron

2. Unflavored ________________ is polar molecule derived from animal protein used to stabilize liquids in food manufacturing and can bind 100 times its weight in water.


Food ingredients that are GRAS, also known as _____, are considered safe for human consumption.

Generally Recognized as Safe

The FDA has complied a list of over 600 ingredients considered safe and are not designated as additives. This list is called the _____ list.

Generally Recognized as Safe

GRAS List (what the initials stand for)

Generally Recognizes As Safe: list of additives considered to be safe and legal to use (over 680)

In grains, the _________ is the portion of the kernel that contains the embryo of a future plant, as well as the lipid or oil.


Trade Off

Giving up one thing for another

Refers to the temperature at which a change in the physiochemical state an mobility of water and polymer constituents of food occurs

Glass transition temperature


Glucose, Fructose, Galactose

An elastic, stretchy protein found in wheat is known as


What is a vitamin deficiency disease that can be prevented with the use of iodized salt?



Government agency that monitors food safety be regulating the use of additives

Which is used when an exact measurement is needed?

Graduated cylinder

The great advance in world food production in the 1960s was called the ________.

Green Revolution

Food Infections

Group of illnesses caused when pathogenic bacteria are eaten along with food

Identifying critical control points is an important principle of:


The preventative food safety concept called _____ has seven principles.


This system that was developed for NASA is utilized by FSIS to prevent foodborne hazards. This system is?


__________ is (are) a systematic, science based process control system for food safety that serves as the basic structure of a preventative system to produce safe foods.


_______________ is (are) a systematic, science based process control system for food safety that serves as the basic structure of a preventative system to produces safe foods.



Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point: Process-control system developed for NASA that focuses on "critical control points."

HACCP (what the initials stand for)

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points - 7 point system developed by each food company to create its own food safety program

The manner in which heat energy is transported from a food's surroundings to the surface and interior of a food

Heat transfer

8 Functions of fat in foods

Heat transfer, emulsions, prevents stickiness, lubricant, contribute to tenderness, contribute flakiness, add or modify texture, aerate batters and dough


Heating food to high temperatures for a period of time to prevent microbial growth.

Why is coconut oil different?

High level of saturation, but short chain

3 Characteristics of Oils

High liquid to fat crystal ratio Unsaturated Shortens strand of protein by coating the platelets

23. HTST milk refers to the use of _____________ procedures for the production of this product

High temperature, short time

Process of adding hydrogen to unsaturated fatty acids to reduce the number of double bonds


Potentially hazardous foods ( TCS: Temperature Control for Safety Foods)

High-protein, low acid foods that can support rapid growth of infectious or disease causing microorganisms: milk/milk products, shell eggs, meats, baked or boiled potatoes, tofu/soy products, raw seed sprouts (alfalfa or bean sprouts).

______ water activity supports microorganisms


13. A company that manufactures bread should use hard wheat flour rather than soft wheat flour because the hard wheat would have a ________________.

Higher protein to starch ratio

Actual color name, a particular gradation of color, a shade, or tint


This method provides the user with a number that correlates to the color perceived by the instrument

Hunter lab colorimeter

Measures light reflected from food

Hunterlab colorimeter

The process by which water molecules surround and interact with solutes by acting as a solvent


The unit used for measuring length in the metric system is the meter but in the english system the unit that measures length is the:


29. The major objective of _______________ is to control pests economically through environmentally sound techniques in a food processing facility.


A food that contains a potential allergen is

Ice Cream

tough product with tunnels would occur due to overdevelopment of gluten.

If a commerical manufactuer of prepared muffins stirred the batter to long prior to baking, a _______.


If an acid is added to milk lowering the pH to about 4.6, the _____breaks down and forms lumps called curds.

7. Sensory evaluation panels that use discrimination tests are obtaining information about products to describe ______________________.

If the products are different


Illness caused by a parasite found in pork that is undercooked

Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration.

In the U.S., milk is regulated by the _______.

The process in which free fatty acids with the desired degree of saturation and carbon length are added to a mixture of TGLs to develop fats with the desired melting and/or smoke point


Hydrogenated fats

Incorporate air into a mixture. Finished products may be flaky, but not as flaky as with lard

IF a food scientist encourages a local community to raise cattle instead of crops, the MOST likely objective is to:

Increase the protein and minerals in the local diet


Infectious disease-causing agents or pathogens.

In what 2 ways is food quality measured?

Instrumental and sensory panel

Using biological controls for effective pest management is called IPM, which stands for

Integrated pest management

Which practice is central to sustainable agriculture?

Integrated pest management

The range from lightness to darkness for the color


What two things does a Hunterlab colorimeter detect?

Intensity and hue

What bond is the bond formed by the transfer of electrons between atoms?


Where is water as a plasticizer found?

Low moisture and frozen foods

________ is a common term for the osmotic process that causes some water-soluble components in vegetable to leave the vegetable for the surrounding medium during the canning process.



Leaf, stem, root, shoots, flowers, or stems

A company is formulating a high quality ice cream and wants to use milk from a breed of cow that will provide the highest percentage of butterfat in its milk. Which breed of cow should be used?



Keep hot foods hot, cold foods cold, never leave Potentially Hazardous foods at room temperature longer than 2 hours, hot foods above 135F, cold foods below 41F, designated utensils for each item, keep batches of food items separate, put out small amounts of product on buffet at a time, replenish as needed, products served to guests should not be reused.

A lipoprotein is a large, complex molecule of lipids and proteins, and it carries lipids in the blood. A high level of this particular lipoprotein indicates an increased risk of heart disease


Sourdough bread has a unique flavor that is due to the presence of:


The characteristic flavor of sourdough bread is from the microorganism called


_____ reacts with amino acids when milk is heated to contribute to the tan color and slightly caramelized flavor of cooked milk products.


Forms a desirable flaky product




8. ______________ is a common term for the osmotic process that causes some water-soluble components in vegetable to leave the vegetables for the surrounding medium during the canning process.


_____ are substances added to baked goods, such as cakes, to help them lighten or rise during baking.

Leavening agents


Leaves from the tea plant, which is part of the ______ family, grow in a wide range of climates and are used to make tea.

Commonly used phospholipid in foods


It has a polar end that is attracted to water and a non-polar end that is attracted to oil

Lecithin is an emulsifier because

Edible seeds and pods


3 properties that define a fat

Length of fatty acid side chain Position of fatty acid on glycerol backbone Degree of saturation

When a food is labeled "Calorie Free," this means that the food has:

Less than 5 calories per serving


Lightness, 0 = absolute black, 100=absolute white

Good heat transfer medium


______________________ is an environmental pathogen that can contaminate ready-to-eat products. If a contaminated food is consumed, it may be up to eight weeks before the onset of illness.


Hot dogs, cold cuts, and soft cheeses are ready-to-eat foods that have been known to be responsible for foodborne outbreaks due to _____. This organism can survive at greater temperature extremes than most other organisms.

Listeria monocytogenes

Symptoms of this foodborne illness include fever, nausea, and vomiting. It primarily affects pregnant women and their fetuses. This pathogen is ______________

Listeria monocytogenes

______ is an environmental pathogen that can contaminate ready-to-eat products. If a contaminated food is consumed, it may be up to eight weeks before the onset of illness.

Listeria monocytogenes

Edible flesh and organs of animals and fowls


A food chemist conducting research in a laboratory must know how to use all chemicals properly and keep an ____________ for each chemical in the lab that describes the safe use of the chemical and steps to take in case of an accident.


_____is a sheet containing information about the safe use of a chemical and the steps to take in case of an accident


____ is a flavor enhancer that some processors are removing from products to create a clean ingredient statement. While it is an FDA approved ingredient, it also occurs naturally in some foods like mushrooms.


__________________ is a flavor enhancer that some processors are removing from products to create a clean ingredient statement. While it is an FDA approved ingredient, it also occurs naturally in some foods like mushrooms.


The color of maple syrup is the result of a _____ between a monosaccharide and an amino acid normally found in the sap of the maple tree.

Maillard reaction

Vitamin A

Males: 900 ug/d Females: 700


Maltase in yeast cells acts as a catalyst for the breakdown of ______ to simple sugars in the process of making yeast bread.


Maltose, Lactose, Sucrose

viscosity changes with change of shear


24. Food chemists must have MSDS or __________________ sheets accessible for all chemicals stored in their lab

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Condition of development of fruit when picked at or just before the ripened stage


Are triglycerides liquid or solid at room temperature?

May be either

An index of the force of attraction between molecules

Melting points

30. A food scientist is conducting a study that involves measuring the volume of a liquid using a graduated cylinder. The volume of liquid is read from the _________________.


Food scientists commonly use the metric system when developing products. In a 10 pound product test batch, 3.17 oz of salt is used. The volume of liquid is read from the _____.


The color of ground beef color changes from bright cherry red to brown or ____________ when packaged in an oxygen permeable package.


When ground beef that is packaged in a Styrofoam tray and covered in plastic wrap is stored under refrigeration for several days, the color changes from bright cherry red color to brown or:


_____ is formed when the myoglobin in meat becomes oxidized and turns brownish in color.


______________ is formed in meat as naturally present enzymes use up available oxygen causing the meat to become brown in color.


________________ is formed in meat as naturally present enzymes use up available oxygen causing the meat to become brown in color.



Microorganism ~ cause of food borne illness, need living host to grow, can survive for short time on door handles, etc..., can be resistant to extreme heat/cold


Microorganisms in a dormant, inactive or resting state


Microorganisms in a dormant, inactive or resting state.

O = Oxygen

Microorganisms that need oxygen are called aerobic; microorganisms that are anaerobic (absence of oxygen) don't need oxygen to grow ~ Botulism; home canned items can NOT be used in food service

Oldest technology that developed and when

Milling of cereal grains into flour and baking unleavened bread, 10,000 BC

The portion of a label found on food packages that presents nutritional information is called:

Nutrition Facts

Which of the following is not a type of microorganism?


Contains 2 or 3 different fatty acids

Mixed Triglyceride

_____ is a packaging technology used for some vegetable, meat, and potato products that creates a specific gaseous environment so the food product has a longer shelf life.

Modified atmosphere packaging

The amount of water present in a food, as a component, relative to all the solid constituents

Moisture content

Potassium sorbate is a common food additive that functions as a ______

Mold Inhibitor

Three things the type of crystalline form depends on

Molecular Structure Composition of the lipids Environmental conditions during crystallization

Glucose is an example of a __________________.



Mycotoxin produced by molds in some food crops ex. peanuts grown in mold-contaminated soil OR stored in a damp place (grows mold)



A consumer concerned wanting information about the irradiation of foods should contact:



Natural toxin found in the green portion under the skin of a potato.

18. When sodium nitrate is added to the formulation to manufacture a frankfurter, the thermally processed frankfurter color is pink due to the formation of _________________.


Does interesterification alter the fatty acids?


About 50% of all outbreaks of food-related illnesses are caused by ____________ and is commonly spread by food handlers.


About 50% of all outbreaks of food-related illnesses are caused by _______________ and is commonly spread by food handlers.



Number of people in the United States with food allergens is increasing. Food allergy is the body's negative reaction to a food protein. People with allergy may get sick or die from a triggering allergen. (Milk & Dairy, Eggs, Fish, Shellfish, Wheat, Soy, Peanuts, Tree nuts

The nutrition label found on many food packages is called:

Nutrition Facts

4 Measurements of Food Quality

Objective, Subjective, Microbial, Nutritional

What 5 things of a product is influenced by water activity?

Odor, color, flavor, texture, shelf life

Milk emulsion

Oil in water

14. The essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid, is also considered an ________________ which may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Omega 3 fatty acid

Salmon, herring and tuna are good sources of_________: which have been shown to improve heart health, reduce hypertension and aid in cancer prevention.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Which of the following products would NOT contain trans fat?

Oreo cookies made with canola oil

_____ flourish in environments of high osmotic pressure, or low water activity, and are responsible for spoilage of dry fruits, fruit juices, and maple syrup.

Osmiophilic yeasts

In making ice cream, large amounts of air are incorporated into the mixture to increase the volume of the product. The percent increase in volume is known as _____________.


Addition of oxygen


______ and ______ reactions involve electron transfers

Oxidation, reduction

______________ is the spoilage of lipids or lipid material through the chemical bonding of oxygen to unsaturated sites of fatty acids.

Oxidative Rancidity

Predominate type of rancidity

Oxidative or autoxidation

____________________ is the spoilage of lipids or lipid material through the chemical bonding of oxygen to unsaturated sites of fatty acids.

Oxidative rancidity

Extrinsic factors are environmental factors that affect the growth rate of microorganisms. All of the following are extrinsic factors except ____________.


What is used to match color to standardized colored tiles or pictures?

Pantone color swatches

___ need to live in a host to survive


_____are organisms that derive nourishment and protection from other living things known as hosts. Toxoplasma gondii is one such organisms that causes many deaths and hospitalizations in the US


____ denatures enzymes that cause milk to spoil.


_____ is a heat treatment that destroys all pathogens but does not destroy all spoilage organisms.


________________________ denatures enzymes that cause milk to spoil.


Denature enzymes

Pasteurization of milk will______?

____________________ is a mycotoxin that is a potential chemical hazard in apples and apple products.


_____________________ is a mycotoxin that is a potential chemical hazard in apples and apple products.


_____ is one of the top 8 foods that account for 90% of food-allergic reactions.


The Substance used to form a gel in jams and jellies is


_____ is a carbohydrate in some fruits that has the ability to form gels.


A product like eggs is considered to be--- because in the normal course of storage, distribution, or retailing, the product is subjected to refrigeration, including freezing, for the purpose of preserving freshness and shelf life.


In 1810, an Englishman named _____ patented the tin canister, or can, which became the most popular container for food preservation through canning.

Peter Durand

Natural antioxidants

Phenolics such as in rosemary oil

Which of the following is not an essential amino acid>


A consumer finds a piece of plastic in their yogurt cup. This piece of plastic is an example of a ______________ hazard.


The study of matter and energy and is concerned with the physical changes that matter experiences under certain circumstances


Which branch of science is MOST often used in food science?


________________ is a common process used in the food industry that involves the addition of salt, sugar, and vinegar to vegetables to lengthen their shelf life.


_________________ is a common process used in the food industry that involves the addition of salt, sugar, and vinegar to vegetables to lengthen their shelf life.


19. Early explorers fed food to _______ to determine if the food was potentially safe for human consumption.


Perception of texture

Placed into mouth Initially bitten into Pushed by the tongue against the palate Chewed by the teeth with the action of the tongue and oral muscles Eventually swallowed

Shows continuous deformation with the application of stress, but has some shape recovery when removed


Interesterified or hydrogenated vegetable shortening that can be easily creamed

Plasticized fats


Poisons produced by microorganisms growing in your food

______ allows water to interact with itself by forming ______ bonds

Polarity, hydrogen

Cholesterol is present in

Pork and Beans (SALT!!!!!!)

_________ is the use of a process to allow a substance or food to keep its useful properties for a longer than normal period.


Antioxidants perform all of the following except:

Prevent protein degradation

What two functions do tocopherols have as antioxidants?

Prevents rancidity and source of Vitamin E

Which BEST describes a theory?



Process-control system developed for NASA that focuses on "critical control points"

Modified atmosphere packaging

Product that is contained in a MAP package means that it is packaged in ______.

40 degrees F. or below

Proper temperature of refrigerator.

43. Collagen is a ________________ found in connective tissue of animals that can by solubilized and dried to form a powder used in gelatin.


The Proximates

Protein, Fat, Carbs, Water, Ash

Composition of legumes and nuts is based largely on what three things?

Protein, fat, fiber

_____ are commonly used to break down protein in the production on cocoa and chocolate for candy and other products.

Proteolytic bacteria

_______________________ are commonly used to break down protein in the production of cocoa and chocolate for candy and other products.

Proteolytic bacteria

42. A product development team is developing a new product. What would be the usual order for taking the product from concept to production?

Prototype--Bench top formation--pilot plant formation--full scale production

Danger Zone

Range of temperatures where bacteria are likely to grow (40 degrees F to 140 degrees F)

Temperature Danger Zone

Range of temperatures where bacteria are likely to grow(41 degrees F-135 degrees F)

What is the element or compound present at the start of the reaction?


RDA stands for

Recommended Dietary Allowances

Anthocyanins will create _______ colors in certain foods.

Red and Blue


Red-green axis

Gain of hydrogen


Deodorized oils

Removal of odors by heat and vacuum or by adsorption onto charcoal

_____ is a proteolytic enzyme that is used to coagulate milk to make cheese.



Required for Pathogens to grow

Which food scientist would focus MOST on developing new products?

Research and design specialist

A bacteria that can contaminate poultry products and cause foodborne illness in humans is ________.


5. Large pressure canners used for commercial canning are called ____________.


34. The detection of an odor when it is released from food in your mouth during chewing, exhalation, or swallowing is called __________________ olfaction.


The science that is concerned with the flow and deformation characteristics of a food


_____ is needed to metabolize protein and for tissue repair. It can be found in broccoli, beef liver, and asparagus.


_____________________ is needed to metabolize protein and for tissue repair. It can be found in broccoli, beef liver, and asparagus.


When manually cleaning and sanitizing in a three-compartment sink,the second compartment is for


FIFO (First in First Out)

Rotate refrigerated, frozen, dry foods during storage Identify food item's use-by expiration date Store items with the earliest use-by or expiration dates in front of items with later dates Once shelved, use those items stored in front first.

The yeast used in making bread products is:

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

What reduces, but not necessarily eliminates, microbial contaminants on surfaces to levels that are considered safe from a public health standpoint?


When manually cleaning and sanitizing in a three-compartment sink, the third compartment is for


reduces microorganisms on a surface to safe levels.


_____ is a required component that must be included on Nutrition Facts panel found on most food products.

Saturated fat

Quality decline in stored, respiring fruits and vegetables that occurs after harvesting


What are food composition tables based on

Serving sizes- weight volume, or obvious basis

The HACCP system for preventing hazards in food processing and ensuring food safety has the following number of steps:


________ is more difficult to measure


4 properties of covalent bonds

Share 1 or more pairs of electrons Very stron C-C or C=C Bound water in food

49. A product that is capable of being stored at room temperature for a prolonged or indefinite period of time with little deterioration in quality is a _________________ product.

Shelf Stable

Contains 3 identical fatty acids

Simple triglyceride


Single celled microorganism needing a moist environment with a pH of 4-6.5 & a temperature between 20-38 C can form spores if conditions get to harsh


Single celled microorganism needing a moist environment with a pH of 4-6.5 & a temperature between 20-38 C can form spores if conditions get to harsh.

First identified viscosity as the tendency of a fluid to resist any internal motion

Sir Isaac Newton

________ is easily measured


What size crystals are desirable if a fat contributes aeration to a food?


_____ is an alternative name for baking soda.

Sodium bicarbonate

_____ is an ingredient used in cured meat that inhibits the growth of Clostridium botulinum.

Sodium nitrite

Curing agent

Sodium nitrite is added to some meat products as a ______.

What substance do potatoes contain which can cause severe reactions in people?


Which is NOT a method of heat transfer?


________ is defined as individual cells of crop plants exhibiting desirable characteristics, which are selected and grown into mature plants.

Somaclonal variation


Some bacteria need it to grow while some do not.

Flavor is sensed by taste buds which are located on parts of the tongue. The taste buds on the sides of the tongue respond to what flavors?



Source: Canned food and honey caused by the toxin of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum


Source: Raw or rare ground beef, venison, fresh fruits and vegetables can cause kidney failure


Source: Raw/unpasteurized dairy products, soft cheeses, meat, and ready to eat foods potentially serious illness to infants and the elderly.

Measures the absorbance or transmittance of color in liquid samples at a specific wavelength that passes through a sample


Used to detect amount of light absorbed in liquids



Spoilage caused by breakdown of fats

The difference between spoilage microorganisms and pathogens is

Spoilage microorganisms cause food to smell bad or taste bad. Pathogens are silent but may be deadly.

38. __________________ is a microorganism that is found on the skin of many people and can form a heat stable toxin in temperature abused food.

Staphylococcus aureus

_____ is a microorganism that can cause a foodborne intoxication.

Staphylococcus aureus

_____ is a microorganism that may be found in the body's nasal passages and on the skin. If perishable food contaminated with this organism is allowed to sit at room temperature for an extended period of time, this organism produces a toxin that causes foodborne illness.

Staphylococcus aureus

_________ causes a food intoxication and the toxin is not destroyed by heating a food.

Staphylococcus aureus

__________________ produces a heat stable toxin so even prolonged heating doesn't destroy this toxin if present in food.

Staphylococcus aureus

What is the most important when looking at quality of F/V?

State of ripeness

Which is NOT a source of ionizing radiation available for the treatment of food?

Steamed Water

44. Which of the following items would NOT be considered a physical hazard in a food product?

Strand of hair

A change from the solid phase directly into the gas phase is called.


Freeze drying

Sublimation is induced in a method of food preservation called ______.

9. Frozen carbon dioxide is preferable for pre-cooling some food products because it does not go through a liquid state, but goes from a solid state to a gaseous state in a process in a process is known as


In the Maillard reaction, reducing sugars react with the amino acid lysine. All of the following are examples of reducing sugars, except __________.


_____ is a nutritive sweetener because it produces calories when it is metabolized in the body.


_____ is a process used to prevent browning in fruit and light colored vegetables.


__________________ is a pretreatment for dehydration that stops enzyme activity, but extends drying time due to water absorbed by food during soaking pretreatment.


______________________ is a pretreatment for dehydration that stops enzyme activity, but extends drying time due to water absorbed by food during the soaking pretreatment.



Sweet, sour, bitter, salty

_____ is an example of a pure substance.

Table salt

Food and Agricultural Organization

The _______ was established in 1944 by the United Nations with the objectives of eliminating hunger and improving nutrition worldwide.

Maillard browning

The aroma and color of pancakes come from a chemical reaction known as ______.

Optimum Growth

The best conditions under which something grows.

sensory evaluation

The human analysis of the taste, smell, sound, feel, and appearance of food.


The color of fresh meat before it becomes oxygenated is _____.

LD50 represents:

The concentration of a chemical at which half of the test animals die

_____ is required, by law, to be on all food labels.

The ingredient statement


The food safety squad of the USDA


The percent daily value recommendation on a nutrition facts label is based on a _______ calorie daily diet.

Preventive Controls for Human Food

The meat industry is mandated to have HACCP while FDA commodities other than juice or seafood are mandated to have__________ plans for food safety.

Higher, lower

The more solute present in a solution, the ________ the boiling point and the _____ the freezing point will be.

What three things is food science used to study?

The nature of foods The causes of their deterioration The principles underlying food processing


The number of times an experiment is repeated

Cross Contamination

The process by which bacteria is unintentionally transferred from one food or object to another.

_____ is (are) required by law to be on al food labels.

The quantity

Consistency of plastic facts is dependent on what?

The ratio of solid to liquid TGI

A _____ is an explanation based on a body of knowledge gained from many observations and supported by the results of many food science experiments.


The study of heat and other forms of energy, which seeks to explain the properties of matter such as the solid or liquid state of food


Why are plastic facts moldable?

They have liquid and solid crystals in a two-phased system, containing solid fat surrounded by oil

Meat tenderizer

Three enzymes which come from papaya fruit are diluted with salt to make a dry powder that can be used as a _____.


To hold back; prevent

Beef brain

To reduce the risk of BSE in the U.S. food supply, ______ is not permitted in human food products or dietary supplements.

Important minor constituent of most vegetable oils


95% of fats found in foods


The regulatory agency involved with meat and poultry inspection is:

USDA- US department of Agriculture


a process that changes the shape of a protein molecule without breaking its peptide bonds

A foodborne disease outbreaks occurs when ______ or more people develop the same illness after consuming the same food.


11. Maltose, a disaccharide found in cereals sprouting grain consists of _________________.

Two glucose units

4 Factors affecting tenderness and flakiness of a food product

Type of fat or oil used Fat concentration Degree of manipulation Temperature

Milk aseptically processed and marketed in a box that can be stored without refrigeration for three months or more if unopened is called _______________ milk.



UN organization that wants to eliminate hunger & improve nutrition worldwide.

The government agency responsible for ensuring that meat and poultry are safe and wholesome is the:


_____ is a taste component that is best describes as savory, pungent, deliciousness, or musty.


Amino Acids

Umami is found in a food and beverages that are high in _______?

Pathogen reproduction rate

Under the right conditions, pathogens are capable of doubling every 20 minutes.

When animals are harvested at a meat processing facility, mandatory antemortem and postmortem inspection is conducted by the

United States Department of Agriculture.

The label on Red Bull Energy beverages must meet the requirements of the _________ for labeling.

United States Food and Drug Administration

A solution that contains less solute than can be dissolved in it at a given temperature is called a _____ solution.


3 properties of oils at room temperature

Unsaturated Shorter chains Lower melting points

12. A food scientist would ______________ to draw a general conclusion from specific facts or experiences.

Use inductive reasoning

Two ways to prevent autoxidation

Vacuum packaging, and colored glass

_________ is an economic term for the transformation that occurs in a product from raw material to finished product.


When vapor molecules have escaped from the liquid state and exert a pressure on the surface of the liquid

Vapor pressure

How is water activity measured?

Vapor pressure of food/ vapor pressure of pure water at the same temperature

Which BEST describes factors that can change in an experiment?


___ are the leading cause of foodborne illnesses


Foods that exhibit both elastic and viscous properties such as dough


What are the 3 rheological properties?

Viscosity, Elasticity, and Plasticity

Which of the following vitamins must be declared first on a nutritional label for a food product?

Vitamin A

_____, in the form of carotene, is found in large amounts in carrots, sweet potatoes, and apricots.

Vitamin A

The fat soluble vitamins include:

Vitamin A, D, E, K

Ascorbic Acid

Vitamin C

A substance that is easily changed into a vapor is:


#1 ingredient in many foods


The most commonly used medium for heat transfer


______ is a polar covalent compound commonly referred to as the universal solvent.


________________________ is a polar covalent compound commonly referred to as the universal solvent.


Low moisture foods contain low ______, which reduces the chance of microbial spoilage.

Water Activity

A measure of the availability of water molecules to enter into microbial, enzymatic, or chemical reactions

Water activity

Butter emulsion

Water in oil

Composition of a beverage is largely based on what 3 things?

Water, Brix, acid

Composition of milk is based largely on what four things?

Water, Fat, Protein, Carbohydrate

Composition of fruits and vegetables is based largely on what 5 things?

Water, Sugar, Phytochemical, Dietary Fiber, and other health benefits

Composition of meat is based largely on what three things?

Water, fat, protein

Composition of eggs is based largely on what three things

Water, protein, fat

22. It is important for food scientists to be aware of where to source ingredients for food products. Approximately three quarters of the worlds supply of cocoa comes from ________________.

West Africa

Most of the world's supply of cocoa comes from:

West Africa


a condition caused by a calcium deficiency which results in porous, brittle bones and a loss of bone density

Incomplete protein

a protein lacking one or more essential amino acids

When does hydrolytic rancidity occur?

When TGIs react with water and free their fatty acids from glycerol and break down into volatile secondary products with off flavors and odors

Colder temperature

When carbon dioxide is dissolved in a liquid such as carbon dioxide in a carbonated soda, the carbon dioxide is more soluble under _____.

The specific heat of water is higher than that of oil

When equal amounts of water and cooking oil are placed in matching containers over identical heat sources, the temperature of the cooking oil will increase much faster than water because_________.


When oxygen reacts with ____ in freshly cut bananas, the bananas turn brown.

What is a by-product of cheese manufacture and can be used in a variety of foods?


Gelling agent

Which of the following is not a function of fat in a food?

Vitamin K

Which of the following is not a water soluble vitamin?


Which of the following sugars is considered to be the sweetest?

Cocoa butter

White chocolate contains _______.

Oils are pretreated to control undesirable cloudiness


Some oils become cloudy when stored in a refrigerator. Because of this, many oils are _________ to precipitate saturated fatty acids.


What factor improved public opinion regarding cake mixes?

Women working in WWII

The advent of large scale food dehydration began during:

World War I

____ can cause signs of spoilage, including discoloration, slime, bubbles, and odors on refrigerated foods such as jams.



Yellow-blue axis

Acetic acid

_____ bacteria are used for fermentation in the vinegar making process.


_____ is an artifical sweetener that is a chlorinated sucrose derivative, is not absorbed by the body when consumed, and does not break down with heat so it can be used in baked products.

Food defense

_____ is the protection of food products from intentional adulteration by biological, chemical, physical, or radiological agents.


______ is (are) a water soluble pigment found in blackberries, blueberries, and other fruits and vegetables, and turn red in acid solutions.

Listeria Monocytogenes

______ is a pathogen that has the potential to contaminate ready to eat foods by contaminating the food after processing and before packaging, and was responsible for a recent recall with Eggo waffles.


______ is a protein formed from glutenin and gliadin found in wheat.


______ is the main plant fiber found in food and is polymer made of a form of glucose called beta- D- glucose


_______ is a method that measures ATP by its reaction with the luciferin- luciferase complex to provide an indication of the microbial load on the surface of food processing equipment.


_______ is an enzyme that converts milk sugar into glucose and galactose.


_______ is the change of a protein's shape under stress, such as when egg whites are beaten to form a foam.


________ is considered an allergen that would require labeling on a food product in the U.S.


_________ are compounds or metabolites produced by molds that are toxic or have other adverse biological effects on humans.

During bread-making production, water is mixed with flour to form _________ from wheat proteins


_________ increase the effectiveness of a cleaner in a food production facility by controlling properties of the cleaning solution that tend to reduce a surfactant's effectiveness


to measure a product temperature after thermal processing, a food technologist would use a _______________ thermometer


poison control center

a 24-hour hot line that provides emergency medical advice on treating poisoning victims


a FBI that can have negative effects on pregnant women and is often found in lunch meat and hot dogs.


a FBI, often associated with raw or under-cooked chicken. This is why is it NEVER recommended to rinse chicken prior to cooking.


a FBI, often associated with raw or under-cooked eggs. This is one of the reasons why it is never recommended to eat raw cookie dough.


a FBI, often associated with raw or under-cooked ground beef.

Clostridum perfringens

a FBI, often called the "food service germ" as it is caused by temperature abused foods. Many people experience symptoms for 24 hours.

Delaney Clause

a clause in the Food Additives Amendment mandating that *additives* shown to cause *cancer* at any level, must be REMOVED from the market place

Sugar is considered ______________________________.

a compound


a pigment used to impart color to a food or beverage


a contagious gastrointestinal illness often called the "cruise ship virus". It is spread from one infected person to the other often by contaminated food or surfaces.

Microwave oven

a cooking device which uses invisible waves of energy that cause water molecules to rub against each other and produce heat which cooks the food


a desire to eat

Aspartame, a common low-calorie sweetener used in beverages such as Diet Coke™ is __________________________.

a dipeptide consisting of aspartic acid and phenylalanine

Deficiency disease

a disease caused by the lack of a specific necessary element in the body; examples include pellagra, rickets, anemia, goiter, kwashiorkor, night blindness and osteoporosis

food code

a document that is updated frequently to reflect new findings about keeping food safe

Initiation of autoxidation

a hydrogen on a carbon atom adjacent to one carrying a double bond is displaced to give a free radical


a measurement of the amount of energy produced when food is burned by the body; in science, it is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1.0 g of water 1.0 degrees Celsius


a mistaken belief


a mucus and enzyme-containing liquid secreted by the mouth that begins to break down starches and makes food easier to swallow


a rearrangement or recombination of fatty acids from a triglyceride


a single protein molecule containing ten or more amino acids linked in peptide chains


a toxin is formed by the microorganism prior to ingestion

Carotenoids in pumpkins are considered _________ because they have antioxidant properties and may reduce cancer risk.

a type of phytochemical

Water soluble vitamin

a vitamin, specifically vitamin C or one of the B complex vitamins, that dissolves in water; are not stored in the body


a written promise by a manufacturer that a product will meet specified standards of performance

Energy guide

a yellow tag that is displayed on all newly purchased major appliances which shows an estimated, yearly energy usage for the product

The four types of microorganisms that can contaminate food are:

a) Bacteria b) Viruses c) Parasites d) Fungi

Five common risk factors responsible for foodborne illness are:

a) Buying food from an unsafe sources b) Holding food at improper temperature c) Failing to cook properly d) Using contaminated equipment e) Poor personal hygiene

Ways an employee can contaminate food are

a) Have a foodborne illness b) Vomiting or Diarrhea c) Uncovered, infected wounds on hands or arms d) If they touch anything that can contaminate hands e) May be carrying foodborne pathogens and look healthy

Personal hygiene can contaminate food in the following ways:

a) Improper washing of hands, after restroom, or contaminating b) Coughing or sneezing into hands c) After touching open-sores of wounds d) After smoking

High-risk populations include:

a) Infants and preschool age children b) Pregnant Women c) Elderly d) Transplant Patients e) Patients on Chemotherapy f) Chronically ill people

Proper hand care consists of:

a) Keep finger nails clean and short b) No false fingernails or polish c) Wear clean gloves over cuts

Costs of a Foodborne-Illness Outbreak occurs in the following ways

a) Loss of customers b) Damage to your reputation c) Lawsuits d) Increased insurance premiums e) Lowered employee morale f) Employee absenteeism g) Need for retraining h) Embarrassment

What are the different types of contaminants that can occur?

a) Microbial Contaminations b) Conditions affecting growth of microorganisms c) Food supporting growth of microorganisms d) Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, Fungi e) Biological, Chemical, and physical contaminants f) Food allergies

Gloves should:

a) Never be used in place of handwashing b) Change gloves when they are soiled or torn c) Before beginning a different task d) Change at least every 4 hours e) Change after handling raw meat f) Before handling cooked or ready to eat foods

Foodborne illness can occur through time-temperature abuse in the following ways:

a) Not held or stored at required temperatures b) Not cooked or reheated to temperature that kills microorganisms c) Not cooled properly

You should wash your hands at the following times:

a) On site at the beginning of the day b) After using the restroom c) After touching hair, face, or body d) After sneezing or coughing into hands e) After smoking, eating, drinking, or chewing tobacco, or gum f) After handling money g) After handling cleaning chemicals h) After handling trash i) Or anything else that may contaminate hands j) Before and after handling raw meat, poultry, and fish

Employees need to know how to

a) Properly wash hands b) Proper hand care c) Using gloves d) Proper attire e) Policies for smoking, eating, drinking, and chewing gum or tobacco f) Reporting illness and injury

Cool food quickly using the following methods:

a) Put food into an ice water bath b) Cool using an ice paddle c) Use a blast chiller/tumble chiller

The following factors affect TCS food:

a) Requires time and temperature control b) Has caused foodborne-illness outbreaks c) Has natural potential for contamination

Employees should avoid the following actions with hands:

a) Scratching Scalp b) Running fingers through hair c) Rubbing Ears d) Touching pimples or infected wounds e) Wiping or touching nose f) Coughing or sneezing into hands g) Wearing dirty uniform h) Spitting in operation

Employees should not work with food if:

a) Sore throat or fever b) Vomiting or diarrhea c) Must be symptom free for 24 hours or with physician's note d) Jaundice e) Food borne illness

Reject purchases if they have:

a) Tears, Holes, or Punctures in packaging b) Dirty wrappers, broken packages or seals c) Any package leaking or that has water stains d) Check code or use by date on package e) Shows signs of pests or pest damage f) Cans with swollen ends, rust or dents g) Quality of foods

Challenges to food safety

a) Time & money to train employees b) Language & culture barriers of employees c) Literacy/education level of employees d) Pathogens found more frequent & getting stronger e) Unapproved suppliers f)high-risk customers (elderly, pre-school age, compromised immune systems) g) high staff turnover (hire & train)

Food becomes unsafe in the following ways:

a) Time and Temperature Abuse b) Cross contamination c) Poor personal hygiene

The four acceptable methods for thawing food are:

a) Under cold running water (70 or lower) b) As part of the cooking process c) In a microwave if cooked immediately d) In a refrigerator at 41 or lower

When serving eggs to high-risk populations:

a) Use pasteurized eggs or egg products b) Use pasteurized shell eggs of pooling eggs? c) Can use unpasteurized shell eggs if dish will be cooked through

The following steps to proper hand washing should be:

a) Wet hands as hot as you can stand b) Apply Soap c) Scrub for 10-15 seconds, washing under fingernails & between fingers d) Rinse Hands e) Dry Hands f) Use paper towel to turn off faucet

Cross-contamination can occur when the following things happen:

a) When contaminated ingredients are added to food that receives no further cooking b) When cooked or ready food is allowed to touch food contact surfaces that have not been cleaned c) When food that is contaminated is allowed to drip fluids onto ready to eat foods d) When a food handler touches food that is contaminated and then touches ready to eat foods e) When contaminated cleaning cloths are not changed and adequately cleaned

All employees should:

a)Shower or bathe daily b) Keep hair clean c) Keep clothes or uniform clean d) Wear hair restraint e) Closed toe non-skid shoes f) Wear an apron but remove for restroom g) Remove all jewelry

Preventing Cross Contact in Food Service

a)Tell customer how each dish is made b)Tell customer about any "secret" ingredients that may contain allergens. While you might not want to share these recipes with the public, you still must be able to tell the "secret" items when asked. c)Suggest alternative menu items that don't have the food allergen. d) Servers should never guess about what a menu item contains. IF they don't know, they should ask someone who does.

Mad cow disease

a.k.a Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) fatal disease of the *central nervous system* in cows; caused by eating infected meat/bone meal

Reject fish that has these problems

abnormal color, slimy, sticky, dry texture, soft flesh that leaves an imprint when you touch it, abnormal or unpleasant odor (fish that smells like ammonia)

In a refrigerator, raw ground meat should be stored

above the whole and ground turkey

Light striking a food object is ________, ________, or ________

absorbed, reflected, transmitted

The concentration of a colored solution can be determined by measuring the ________ at a specific ________

absorbency, wavelength

The hydrogen bonds among molecules have a strong effect on how water ______ and ______ heat

absorbs, transmits

Which of the following is not a function of protein?

absorption of water and fiber

________is how close a single measurement comes to the actual or true value of the quantity measured


The acid found in vinegar is __________ acid.


All foods have a pH, which is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. The pH of most foods is in the _____ range of the pH scale.


The carbonation of soft drinks such as Pepsi or Coke results from a reaction between a form of carbonate and a(n):


Essential fatty

acids are required in the diet for absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and because they aren't synthesized by the body


acids, protein break down products - containing nitrogen

Meat is composed of fibrous proteins called:

actin and myosin

________ means that the product contains bacteria that can make more of the product.

active culture

/a pudding manufacturer discovered moisture on the pudding surface after holding the cooked pudding in the refrigerated storage. This moisture is due to _____________



air bubbles incorporated and trapped in the protein film by whipping as in meringue

What are some freezing methods?

air freezing, indirect contact freezing, immersion freezing


airborne in vomit particles; Use good hygiene, exclude workers who are sick: vomiting, diarrhea, workers who have been diagnosed

The egg white


Cholesterol is a chemical that actually belongs to the _____ family.


During fermentation the Saccharomyces cerevisiae compound sugars are hydrolyzed to form ________.

alcohol and carbon dioxide

A safe way to defrost food is: in the refrigerator in cold water in the microwave

all of the above

In this state of matter, molecules will speed up when heat energy is added. a. solid b. liquid c.gas d. all of the above

all of the above

According to the National Agricultural Chemicals Association, crops without protection chemicals would have:

all of the listed answers

Cooking food properly:

all of the listed answers

Total counts of microorganisms in foods are:

all of the listed answers

Cross contact

allergens transferred from food containing an allergen to the food served to the customer.

Fruit punch sold in a standup foil pouch at ambient temperature is processed using ________ which sterilizes the beverage to a sterilized container.


A complete protein is a protein that contains all the essential:

amino acids

During digestion, proteins are broken down into:

amino acids

Water activity is used to determine the:

amount of free water available for microorganisms to grow in a food product

Most starches found in food contain _____ in differing proportions.

amylose and amylopectin

The government regulates irradiation as ______________________.

an additive


an animal starch stored in muscles as a source of energy


an elastic substance formed by mixing water with the proteins found in wheat; produced when dough is kneaded

The major or main part of a meal is called:

an entrée

Combination oven

an oven that can do two types of cooking, such as conventional and convection

Convection oven

an oven that uses a fan to circulate hot air over food

3 sources of fats and oils

animal, plant, marine

Saturated fats are found primarily in ______


Which is true of the hypothesis on an experiment?

answers the question "what am I trying to prove"

Certain foods having a blue or red shade get their hue from pigments called ___________ that are sensitive to pH changes. In acid solutions, they turn red, while they turn blue in basic solutions.


Silicon dioxide is a common food additive that serves as a(n)_______________.

anticaking agent

A food additive that retards rancidity of unsaturated oils and prevents browning in fruits and vegetables that occur during exposure to oxygen is called an:


Food additive

any substance added to food


arachidonic acid


are a source of carbohydrates and dietary fiber


are chemical compounds that slow the growth of microbes


are chemicals produced by bacteria that inhibit others


are important macronutrients and provide essential amino acids; proteins provide structure in foods


are largely responsible for the digestion and breakdown of food molecules into absorbable units and are protein molecules that cause chemical reactions to occur without being altered in the process

All viruses

are parasitic and are generally host-specific


are required for proper brain function and to produce key hormones


are single-celled eukaryotes; classified by their morphology, locomotion and life cycle; they do not grow in foods, but are parasites that require a host to complete their life cycle

Only Lactic acid bacteria can ferment sugars and nutrients in pickles because they:

are tolerant of salt levels


are unicellular eukaryotes


are water soluble compounds ranging from purple to orange

Hot spots

areas of food that during cooking reach a higher temperature than surrounding areas due to receiving a greater concentration of energy

The ______ and specific ______ of fatty acids on the glycerol determine the ______ and ______ properties of a fat

arrangement, type, chemical, physical

Isomers have different ______



as many cells are dying as are being created

Milk that has been first sterilized by heat, and then placed in sterilized containers for retail sale at ambient temperature has undergone:

aseptic processing

Juice packaged in a foil pouch is kept safe without refrigeration due to

aseptic processing.

The original form of this sweetener was not stable when heated. It is often used to sweeten soft drinks and was not used for baked goods or cooked products


Character-impact compounds

associated with particular products: Benzaldehyde - cherry or almond; Isoamyl acetate - banana

Which of the following foods would be exempt from nutritional labeling?


In the process of canning green beans, the point in the beans that is the last to reach the temperature considered safe for killing microorganisms is known as the:

cold point

Gelatin is made by taking _____, a protein that is not easily soluble in water, and altering its structure, and then reforming it with the addition of a sweetening agent, a flavorant for taste, and a colorant.


Emulsion is a type of ______ dispersion


An egg foam is formed by beating egg white. Denatured by beating, the egg protein forms a:

colloidal dispersion

Reading with a spectrophotometer is proportional to the ________ or ________

color, clarity

When receiving, check the quality of food by looking at the

color, texture, or smell.

Proteins are responsible for specific ________, ________, and ________

colors, flavors, textures

Minimum Cooking temp 135F

commercially processed, ready to eat food, that will be hot held for service (cheese sticks, deep fried vegetables), fruit, veg., grains, legumes that will be hot held for service

Food composition tables are ________


A protein that contains all the essential amino acids in food is called a (n)______ protein


Carbohydrates and proteins are more ______ than water


Autoxidation is ______ and is promoted by ______, ______, and certain ______ (______ and ______) and enzymes known as ______

complex, heat, light, metals, iron, copper, lipoxygenases

a(n) ____________ is a substance made of two or more different elements chemically joined together



concentrated dairy food made by coagulating milk proteins using an enzyme (rennin)

The demand for which of the following food products would go up the least if per capita income increased significantly?

dairy products

When steam undergoes a phase change to liquid water, _____ occurs.


To which milk product is sugar added during processing?

condensed milk

A food manufacturer is producing frozen waffles. The waffles are prepared by poring a batter into a waffle iron and the waffle iron transfers heat by _________________ to the batter.


The method of heating that occurs during canning of solid-pack canned foods like tuna or ham is:


To make ready-to-reheat and eat pancakes that are sold frozen in retail stores, the manufacturing company must cook the pancakes before the freezing process. When pancake batter is poured into a pan that is made hot by energy released from a heating element, the pan transfers the heat by __________ to the batter.


When pancakes are cooked on a griddle, the griddle transfers heat to the pancake batter by:


Quality should always be ________ throughout a product


Indirect additives

contaminants but are often anticipated at a minimal level


contaminated soil/manure, vegetables, unpasterized milk and dairy, raw meat, ready to eat foods, deli meats

________ is a method of heat transfer where heat is transferred by circulatory movement in a liquid or gas.



cook food to recommended internal temperature to destroy bacteria, use thermometer, avoid interrupted cooking, use microwave safe containers, rotate & stir microwave foods, check thickest part or center of food items with thermometer~calibrated weekly~place in container of ice water check reading of 32F

what causes chemical change?


To prevent autoxidation, store in a ______, ______ environment

cool, dark

Disadvantage(s) of low temperature preservation

cost; shorter shelf life

To control crystal size when making candy, an interfering agent such as _____ is added.

cream of tartar

________ are places in the food processing system where the lack of proper control can result in a safety risk for the consumer.

critical control points

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP)

critical points when foods are susceptible to contamination from food borne pathogens. Purchasing, Storage, Preparation, Cooking, Serving, Handling Left Overs

Traditional soybean oil is developed through conventional ______ and selection of a ______-______ oil which does require ______

crossbreeding, low-linoleic oil, hydrogenation

Absorbed water is bound by the food matrix via ______


Functions of fat in foods

crystal modification, medium for heat transfer, tenderness in baked products, flavor and tenderness in protein foods, body and mouthfeel


crystallization of starch molecules in stale bread

A company is producing ready-to-reheat-and-eat Beef burritos to be sold at convenience stores. During production of the product, what is the minimum temperature that the ground beef must reach for safety? (assume no holding or rest time at the final end temperature)


Cottage cheese manufacture involves a(n) ______ precipitation of casein.


Fatty acids with ___________ have higher melting points.


When maufacturing baked goods, baking soda is used with an acid to prevent _________ from forming.


___________ wheat is used to make pasta



dairy spread made from cream that was separated from milk

MUFAs are associated with a ______ in serum cholesterol


As you increase the number of double bonds, the melting point ______



defined as chemical compounds that are soluble in organic solvents but not soluble in water

Which of the following would NOT be a requirement or function of a commercial food container?


A _____ is a piece of equipment that is used to provide a steady supply of circulated, heated air to dry foods.


The amount of foods and food service that would be bought at a given price is called ________.


The process that changes the shape of a protein molecule without breaking its covalent bonds is called:


Oil floats above water in salad dressing because oil has a lower _____ than water.


enzymes are important to the food industry for many reasons, an it is important to understand how certain conditions affect their activity. Which condition does not affect the activity of enzymes?


Food scientists continually conduct experiments to test processing conditions. In an experiment for a cookie company, a scientist tested spread of a cookie using butter or shortening to determine which was best for minimizing the spread of a cookie. For this experiment, the spread of the cookie would be considered a

dependent variable.

Hydrolyzed vegetable protein

derived from soybeans

During the cleaning and sanitizing process following food production, a company will use a ________ which is a chemical compound designed to emulsify fat and solubilize food residue.


The basal metabolism rate of a human being is NOT affected by ________.



disease caused by eating raw or undercooked meat, usually pork, infected with Trichinella larvae.

Food borne illness

disease transmitted to humans by food

If the food molecules are surrounded by water, and separated from each other, then this substance has ______ in water.


Dietary fiber

does not provide energy but does avert or decrease some problems


don't wait refrigerate, wash hands as soon as get home, refrigerate/freeze meat, fish, poultry immediately, Freezers be at 0F, Refrigerator below 41F, store meat, eggs on plate lowest shelf of refrigerator, wash hands after handling raw meat, canned goods~dry, cool, clean area~new items in back of old items, fresh produce refrigerate

The more ______ ______, the greater the opportunity for addition of oxygen

double bonds

Genetic engineering used in plant development can help increase

drought resistance

Baking powder is a leavening compound that contains baking soda, _____, and starch or some other filler.

dry acids


due to lipid hydrolysis-Enzyme driven (lipase)

TCS foods include

egg and egg product, milk/dairy products, shellfish and crustaceans, fish, baked potatoes, sliced and cut tomatoes, textured soy protein, meat: beef, pork, and lamb, poultry, raw sprouts and sprout seeds, heated plant food, tofu or other soy protein, untreated garlic and oil mixtures.


egg white

While having almost no mass, this particle determines whether a chemical reaction takes place


Trace elements

elements or minerals needed in very small amounts

In HACCP systems, critical points should be identified so that hazard can be ________.



eliminates water through the process of evaporation

Another name for absorbed water

entrapped water

An avocado will turn brown after it has been cut and bruised due to __________________.

enzymatic browning

Fruits and vegetables discolor when bruised or cut due to:

enzymatic browning

Blanching is a process used during preservation of fruits and vegetables to deactivate _____ prior to freezing.


Fermentation of glucose with yeast produces________________________.

ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide

Good Manufacturing Practices are used to:

evaluate the design of food processing plants

Prior to purchasing dairy foods at the grocery store, the ________ should be checked:

expiration date of the product

A plastic fat will respond to an ______ force by ______

external, deforming

Which of the following food processing operations IS NOT for cooling food products?


Nontyphoidal Salmonella

farm animals to humans, meat poultry, egg, dairy

Food science is a science that consists of the continuum from the ________ to the ________

farm, consumer

A major criticism of American diets and eating patterns is that our diet contains far too much



fat soluble ranging from yellow to red-orange

Vitamins A, D, E, and K are _________________.

fat soluble vitamins

Water as a component of processed foods is common practice, including foods formulated to be ______-______ or ______-______

fat-free, low-fat


fats make things taste better.

Melting range dependent on the ______ ______ composition

fatty acid


fatty acids can occur after fatty acids are hydrolyzed from glycerol

During bread production, Saccharromysces cerevisiae causes bread to rise through the process of:


An example of a non-digestible complex carbohydrate is:


Quaker® Oats is an example of a company that was permitted by the FDA to place a food-specific health claim on Quaker® Oatmeal because research studies suggested that _____ may lower blood cholesterol slightly.


To make some ready-to-eat cereals, manufacturers use:

flaking and shredding

_______________is the distinctive quality that comes from a food's unique blend of appearance, taste, odor, feel, and sound


MSG is an example of a ______. It is an additive that has little or no flavor itself but assists or boosts the primary flavor of a food to which it is added.

flavor enhancer

Ripeness is optimum or peak condition of ________, ________, and ________

flavor, color, texture

Product development

flavor, texture, shelf-life (preservatives), fortification

Acetylation form ______ films and ______ ______

flexible, coating agents

The most important ingredient in bread is _____ because it determines the texture.


The HACCP process uses ________ to show the entire food processing operation.

flow charts and diagrams

The part of a cauliflower used for food by consumers is (are) the:

flower buds

Which mineral is added to most drinking water in the United States to assist in tooth development?


If a food product is altered so that it appears to be of a higher quality than it actually is, this is considered to be:

food adulteration

A sensory scientist evaluates characteristics such as texture, aroma, and flavor of food products. These are also called:

food attributes

The study of flavor includes the composition of ________ ________ producing taste or odor, and their interaction with ________ of the taste and smell organs

food compounds, receptors

The chemistry of food is critical in ______ ______ and ______ ______

food formation, product development


food has to be handled very carefully when it is thawed, cooked, cooled, and reheated.

A _____ is a foodborne illness that occurs when microorganisms grow in food and produce a toxin in the food. The toxin causes illness when the food is consumed.

food intoxication


food product developed before industrial revolution

Differences in the physical and chemical conditions in which water can exist can impact ______ ______

food quality

The study of food production, processing, preparation, evaluation, and use is called:

food science

The interactions of food molecules with water molecules is of great significance in determining the kind of ______ ______ that will exist and its ______

food system, stability

A food additive that promotes or produces a desired physical state or texture is called a(n):

formulation aid

An addition of a nutrient to foods such as adding Vitamin D to milk is called ________.


The addition of vitamin A to margarine is an example of food:


______is the addition of a nutrient to a food


Escherichia Coli (E Coli)

found in cattle intestines, raw & undercooked ground beef, raw milk, alfalfa sprouts, unpasteurized fruit juices, lettuce, spinach

Initiation involves the formation of a ______ ______

free radical

Large amounts of sugar can cause products to never ______


As water ______, it gives off ______

freezes, energy

A method of food preservation that does destroy microorganisms and enzymes is:


temp for freezing? for home freezer?

freezing = 32 F home-freezer = 0 F

Addition of sugar can lower the ______ ______

freezing point

When people work in a food processing establishment, employees are taught to wash their hands and wear appropriate clothing and a hairnet. These steps are part of the company's _____ to produce safe and wholesome food.

good manufacturing practices


from nonenzymatic thermal processing of sugars

Make sure frozen food is ___ when you receive it


Ice cream

frozen cream and sugar emulsion

In the research and development laboratory of a food company, a scientist is deciding on the type of sweetener to use in a cereal product. Which sugar should they choose if they want to use the sweetest sugar from the following choices available to them?


The sugar _____ is sweeter than sucrose.


In milk, the enzyme lactase breaks down lactose, or milk sugar, into _____ and glucose.


Hydrogenation occurs when hydrogen ______ is reacted with ______ under controlled conditions of Temp and pressure in the presence of a ______ or ______ catalyst

gas, oil, nickel, copper

_____is a protein made by the body. It controls acid secretion


4 places where absorbed water is found

gels, pectins, fruits, vegetables

In grains, the __________________ is the portion of the kernel that contains the embryo of a future plant, as well as the lipid or oil.


When added to a polymer food system, water as a plasticizer lowers the ______ ______ ______

glass transition temperature

_____________ is the basic sugar molecule from which all other carbohydrates are built.


The stretchy, elastic protein found in wheat that gives bread its final shape and structure is called:


Composition of triglycerides

glycerol and three fatty acids

Minimum Cooking temp 155F (for 15 seconds)

ground meat (all types), injected meat (brined ham, flavor injected roasts, ground seafood, eggs that will be HOT HELD for service


grows well between the temperatures of 41 to 135

function of protein in the body

growth and repair

A manufacturer that produces baked beans might have challenges with their process if they use ________ because the beans will take longer than normal to cook, changing their overall processing time.

hard water

A food technologist is formulating a low carbohydrate pasta. They need to select a grain that has the highest amount of protein and lowest amount of carbohydrates. Which grain should they use?

hard wheat

The more solid TGIs, the ______ the fat will be


Cream produces foam or whipped cream because of its viscosity and it ________________.

has a low surface tension

Using salt to control the unwanted growth of microorganisms in food:

has been used for many years and is only effective if foods are stable


have a porphyrin ring with Mg and green color

________ stands for a system that is used to assure food safety in food processing, packaging, storage, distribution, and preparation.

hazard analysis and critical control point

The word sanitation is derived from the Latin word sanitas, meaning "_____________."


The amount of heat required to convert water from a liquid to a gas at its boiling point is called:

heat of vaporization

Reheating leftovers

heat to internal of 165F within 2 hours, stay at them temperature for 15 seconds ~ IF it doesn't reach this temperature throw the food out *if the food is going to be reheated for immediate service, reheat to an appropriate serving temperature.

Hydrolytic rancidity is catalyzed by ______ and enzymes known as ______

heat, enzymes

Only three processes have been identified to safely eliminate living micro-organisms. They are:

heat, selected chemicals, and irradiation


helped scientists better understand bacteria on food.

Fiber is not digestible, it passes through the intestine system and is removed in the stools. It absorbs water on its way through the digestive system and results in a softer stool, reducing the risk of:


A rearrangement of the fatty acids increases the ______ of the oil


The more ______ the fat, the more likely that molecule will form small stable crystals


Melting point of simple tgi


Potentially hazardous foods ( TCS: Temperature Control for Safety Foods)

high-protein, low acid foods that can support rapid growth of infectious or disease causing microorganisms: milk/milk products, shell eggs, meats, baked or boiled potatoes, tofu/soy products, raw seed sprouts (alfalfa or bean sprouts)

Long-chain fatty acids- ______ melting point


Hard wheat flour will yield flour that has a ________ ratio than that of flour from soft wheat.

higher protein-to-starch

Beta crystals have the ______ melting point


Holding TCS (Temperature Control for Safety) food

hold hot food above 135F and cold food below 41F; check temperature every 4 hours, throw out food that's in the temperature danger zone

Previously frozen foods no longer ______ when frozen and thawed


______ fats readily form large crystals


Cola is an example of _____

homogeneous mixture

Cola is an example of a(n) _________________________________.

homogeneous mixture

During the process of ________, fat particles break down and are surrounded by an emulsifier that keeps the tiny particles permanently separated.


The process that breaks down fat globules in milk to make them smaller and more uniform in size is called:


To prevent butterfat from separating out as cream when milk stands during retail display and storage, milk is __________.



how bacteria spreads from one item to another.

Shigella SPP (pronounced FLI)

human feces contaminated water, flies

What are the costs associated with foodborne illnesses

human life, loss work, medical/disability, media exposure, loss reputation/legal fee, insurance premiums go up

Water dissolves biomolecules by ______ them


Trans fat is made when _____ is added to vegetable oil in a process called hydrogenation.


When acids dissolve in water, their molecules break apart and release---- into the solution


Responsible for structure of water

hydrogen bonding

When acids dissolve in water, their molecules break apart and release ________ into the solution to make the solution acidic.

hydrogen ions

Propagation displaces ______ from another ______ fatty acid, forming another ______ ______. The liberated hydrogen unites with the ______ to form a ______.

hydrogen, unsaturated, free radical, peroxide, hydroperoxide

Margarine is a plant oil that was ________ to a semi-solid form to resemble an animal fat product.


Shortening is a ______ oil


Liquid oil is changed into margarine through a process known as:


The process if adding hydrogen to unsaturated fat molecules causing double bonds to break and be replaced with single bonds resulting in liquid oil being converted to a semi-solid fat is known as:


Which of the following processes changes liquid oils into semisolids and makes the oil less susceptible to oxidation and rancidity?


Water acts as a carrier for ______ substances, as well as a ______ of food ingredients

hydrophilic, carrier

Oil and water separate when mixed together in some salad dressings due to the _________ portions of fatty acids in oil.



ideal container for cooling

first step in scientific method

identify a problem

Work triangle

imaginary triangle formed by the refrigerator, stove and sink; are the focal points of the major work centers in a kitchen

Oil and water will not mix together in a salad dressing because they are:


Phospholipids can form a bridge between fat and water, two ordinarily ______ sustances


Reasons food becomes unsafe

improper holding temperatures, poor personal hygiene, inadequate cooking, contaminated equipment, unsafe food source


improperly canned foods, temperature abused veg., meats, sausage, fish


in oven

A reaction that occurs _________ is called anaerobic.

in the absence of oxygen

The presence of bonds that have to be broken, ______ the boiling point of water


a student is making whipping cream and wants to see how the temperature of the cream affects the finished product. The temperature of the cream is an example of a(n)______variable


In an experiment for a whipped cream company, a scientist tested whipping the cream in a metal or plastic vat to determine which was best for whipping cream. For this experiment, the bowl material would be considered a(n):

independent variable

Food composition tables list key ________ and ________

ingredients, amounts

When a food processing plant is cleaned and sanitized, a bacteriostatic agent may be used that will:

inhibit the growth of bacteria but does not necessarily kill them

3 phases of autoxidation

initiation, propagation, termination

To make fermented milk products such as cottage cheese or yogurt, a starter culture is added to pasteurized milk in a step known as:


Fats are ______ in water


Food components such as fat that do not dissolve in water are considered:



insoluble for food surfaces

Egg products must have an ___ stamp indicating all regulations have been enforced.


Food Science is an ________ field of study



involves splitting oils into high and low melting point components


involves storing food at a temperature colder than 0 C


involves storing food at an approximate temperature of 4 C


involves the use of salt to draw the moisture from the cells of the food

This chemical bond is formed by the transfer of electrons between atoms of different elements resulting in positive and negative ions.

ionic bond

A greed radura symbol displayed on a food package label indicated the product has undergone:


The most effective way to eliminated living microorganisms in spices is:


Water activity

is a measure of the availability of water molecules

Ready to eat food

is food that can be eaten without any further preparations to it.

Complementary DNA ________ and is used for cloning

is synthesized from a messenger DNA


is the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to all of the body's cells by the vascular (aka circulatory) system


is the key to controlling food at the proper temperatures and controlling pathogen growth.

Fatty acids have geometric or positional ______


Why should you be concerned about excessive use of black pepper?

it can become a strong carcinogen

Which of the following is NOT true about the Consumer Price Index (CPI)?

it is a comparison between raw food and fast food prices

Cream creates a better foam than milk because:

it is more viscous than milk

Which of the following is NOT a way to control food pathogens?

keep food at 40-140F (x)


keep it straight don't cross-contaminate, proper hand washing, clean equipment, never thaw foods at room temperature, if use microwave to thaw~cook immediately, wash surfaces~spray with disinfectant to sanitize, air dry, pets away from food prep, wash dish clothes, towels after each meal


keeps air out


kills micro-organisms

When food is irradiated, the amount of radiation the food is exposed to during processing is commonly measured in


With the addition of heat energy; the ______ energy of water increases


If using leftovers to prepare salads, make sure to go by their ___ and ___ to insure that they are safe to use. They should only be used if the ___ has not expired.

label, date, "use by" date

Diabetes mellitus

lack of or inability to use the hormone insulin, which results in the build up of glucose in the bloodstream

Yeast breads are made from soft dough and rely on yeast fermentation to make the bread rise. The one sugar yeast cannot ferment is:


In the process of freezing food, _____ in the food product if a slow freezing process is used.

large ice crystals will form


large molecules containing many atoms

To obtain the most reliable sensory information from people about a food product, it is recommended that sensory scientists hold sensory evaluation panels in:

late morning or midafternoon

Energy lost when water molecules form ice crystals is called:

latent heat

Food will keep colder longer in an ice chest with ice at 0 degrees C compared to an ice chest with water at 0 degrees C because of the:

latent heat of fusion

The D-value is the:

length of time required at a specific temperature to destroy 90% of the microorganisms present

Water freezing results in a solid that is ______ dense than its liquid state and ______ as it freezes

less, expands

Which of the following foods cannot be effectively frozen?


The percentage of disposable income spent on all food, food at home, and food away has ________ ________, and been ________ since 2007

leveled off, stagnant

Two factors that accelerate rancidity in food products are:

light and oxygen

Vegetables are stored in individual rooms within a warehouse. The room storing _____ would be expected to generate the most heat in one 24 hour period in their confined storage space.

lima beans

Cherry Pepsi is an example of a ____. It is a product that is similar to the the initial product but is a new flavor

line extension

The Hershey Company is marketing a Hershey milk chocolate bar containing Reese's pieces called Twosomes. This is an example of a:

line extension






little or no acid

Salmonella Typhi

lives only in human feces, found in meat, poultry, egg or dairy products

Foods are ________ ________

living organisms

3 characteristics of fats that are solid at room temp

long chains more saturated higher melting points

The _____ a fatty acid chain becomes, the more solid a fat will be at room temperature.


Alpha crystals form ______ structures, with ______ ______ ______

loose, low melting points

Which of the following may NOT be used as a claim on a food label?

low sugar

Foods that have a pH greater than 5.3 are considered to be ___________________.

low-acid foods

The more heterogeneous or mixed TGI will have ______ melting points.


Disadvantage(s) of hydrogenation

lowers nutritional qualities, transfat

In plastic facts, the liquid phase acts as a ______, enabling the solid crystals to slide past one another


Acetin fats are used as edible ______


The technical name for freeze drying is:


Maillard reaction products

made by heating amino acids with reducing sugars


made from emulsified vegetable oils

Which of the following is a macromineral needed by our bodies to maintain health?


__________ is important in baking yeast bread since it acts as a catalyst for the breakdown of a disaccharide into simples sugars, that in turn, break down to produce carbon dioxide which causes dough to rise.


Whenever a chemical is used in a food processing lab, a/an _________ must be available in case of an accident.

material safety data sheet

The ________ dose is the largest dose that the animal in an experiment can take without endangering its health.

maximum tolerated dose

Air Probe

measure temp inside refrigerator or oven

Infrared Thermometer

measure temp of food and equipment surface

Bimetallic stemmed thermometer

measures temperature through a metal probe with a sensor toward the end, measures from 0-220, only one that can be calibrated, has a dimple to mark the end of the sensing area, needs accuracy within 2 degrees, useful for checking large or thick food

Surface Probe

measures temps on flat surfaces like grills

Penetration Probe

measures the internal temperatures of food like meat and other cooked foods

Which of the following is NOT a carbohydrate?


Check the following for an approved USDA stamp:

meat and poultry


meat would be cut in strips and hung in the smoke from a wood fire to add flavor

A food scientist is conducting an experiment and measuring a volume of a liquid in a buret. The volume of liquid is read from the


Fats must be stored away from ______


Common pro-oxidants of fat in food

metals, light, heat

Convection cooking

method of cooking in which foods are baked or roasted in a stream of heated air

What happens to food stored higher than -18 degrees C, even if it is still frozen?

microbes become active, freezer burn more likely; enzymes more active, textural changes can occur, water migrates out

Water activity controls ______ ______ and many ______ ______

microbial growth, chemical reactions


microorganism ~ cause of food borne illness, need living host to grow, can survive for short time on door handles, etc..., can be resistant to extreme heat/cold

Pathogens are

microorganisms that grow rapidly

Processing can change the texture of a food's ________, so food scientists must learn how to apply techniques that measure food texture


Which of the following processes will NOT eliminate living microorganisms in food?

microwaving foods

Inorganic elements essential for human health and growth are called:


Ions such as NaCl and ionic groups hinder the ______ of water, requiring more ______ to be applied before a phase change will occur.

mobility, energy

Soy sauce is made with the use of:


Sodium benzoate is used in soft drinks primarily to inhibit:

mold growth

Potassium sorbate is a common food additive that functions as a(n) _______________________________.

mold inhibitor


molds produce dangerous toxins in food

Food scientists want to know and understand the ________ ________ of these food components and to study changes to them that might affect quality

molecular structures

higher temps increase rate of reaction because...

molecules collide with greater force

Glucose is an examples of a _____________________.


cross contamination

most common cause of food-borne illness

Cell division

most reproduction is by

When you eat breakfast in the morning, digestion of your cereal starts in your:



multi- or unicellular eukaryotes

scientific experiment

must be repeatable by other scientists

Poisons produced by certain species of molds are:


The chemical state of the meat protein _____ determines the color of meat.


The protein in meat that is primarily responsible for meat color is:


_____ is the protein found in meat that is responsible for color.


A food scientist was calibrating a thermometer prior to measuring the internal temperature of a product coming out of an impingement oven. To calibrate their thermometer, they placed the thermometer in boiling water and the thermometer reading stated that the temperature was 102 degrees Celsius. Since the food scientist only had this thermometer to use and they could not physically adjust the thermometer for calibration, they _________ when they take the temperature of the product.

need to add 2 degrees to their temperature reading


need to live in a host; pork (trichinosis); fish (roundworm~Anisakis); purchase from reputable approved supplier, cook at correct temperature, seafood frozen correctly

room temperature

never defrost meats at this temperature.


never eat these types of fruits and vegetables

viscosity does not change with a change in shear and remains constant

newtonian flow

The vitamin found in dry peas and beans, liver, and fish, is necessary for every living organism. It is crucial for the release of energy from carbohydrates, fats, and protein and is needed to form DNA. This vitamin is _________


Essential amino acids

nine amino acids that cannot make itself

Sodium _____ is an ingredient used to impart a unique flavor and pink color to cured meat products.


A fatty acid does NOT contain which of the following elements?


Added sugars

no more than 10%


no or slow growth, getting use to the environment

Integrated Pest Management in a food production area focuses on controlling pests with ________________________ deterrents.


Integrated Waste Management in a food production area focuses on controlling pests with ____ deterrents.


Because triglycerides molecules are ___________, they resist the hydrogen bonding that dissolves sugars in water.


Holding equipment

not to be used for re-heating food, not designed to do so

The F-value is the:

number of minutes required to destroy a specific number of microbes at 250 degrees F

_____are foods that not only nourish us in the traditional sense but also provide some protective component that may help us to fight disease


F = Food

nutrients available in the food often determines whether microorganisms will grow; protein rich foods (meat, milk, eggs, fish ~ potentially hazardous)


nutrients that don't provide energy or build body tissue, but help regulate these and other body processes

Which comes first in the "scientific method"?


Fats deteriorate by absorbing ______ or becoming ______

odors, rancid

The most common cause of off flavor in oil

off flavor

Double bonds tend to make lipid a ______


Vegetable oil

oil bearing portion of the seed is cleaned, ground and tempered. Pressing or solvent extraction. Refined. Bleached. Deodorized.

Liquid fat




After World War II, studies were conducted to replace erucic acid in rapeseed oil with _____ to create canola oil.

oleic acid

Which of the following cannot be digested, absorbed, but looks, feels, and behaves like fat?


During the sensory analysis of chicken soup, ________ respond to odors in the form of steam rising from the container of hot chicken soup.

olfactory organs

deodorized to use in baking

olive oil, not EVOO

Amino acid

one of the building blocks of protein molecules

At low temperatures, water exists as solid ice, its molecules are highly ______ and ______

organized, structured

Cross-contamination occurs when

pathogens are transferred from one surface or food to another

Which of the following products would contain the lowest water content?


Celery wilts when placed in a dry environment because water leaves the cells through a process called ____________.



overall spatial structure if the protein has more than one polypeptide

In making ice cream, large amounts of air are incorporated into the mixture to increase the volume of the product. The percent increase in volume is known as ___________________.


Fats serve many functions in foods. While many of its functions are desired, ________________ is one function that is not desired.


Fats serve many functions in foods. While many of its functions desired,____ is one function that is not desired.


Rancidity is a condition produced by ______ of ______ fats present in foods and other products

oxidation, unsaturated

__________ is the spoilage of lipids or lipid material through the chemical bonding of oxygen to unsaturated sites of fatty acids

oxidative rancidity

Explain oxidative vs. hydrolytic rancidity

oxidative rancidity occurs at the double bonds (enzymatic); hydrolytic rancidity occurs when short fatty acids are hydrolyzed from the glycerol (non enzymatic)

Fat in products such as peanut butter and potato chips can _____ over time to become rancid, causing undesirable flavors and colors.


Anemia is a disease resulting from a low red blood cell count. The red blood cells are the cells that carry ________ throughout the body.


In water, ______ has a greater electronegativity.


The bright red color normally associated with fresh meat is called_____


Extrinsic factors are environmental factors that affect the growth rate of microorganisms. All of the following are extrinsic factors except ______________.


It is important for a food technologist to measure the relative number of hydrogen and hydroxide ions in a food system. This is also known as measuring the _____ of a food.


A = Acidity

pH 7.0 = neutral *foods with pH below 7.0 = acidic (bacteria will not grow at pH levels below 4.6 ~ environment too acidic *foods with pH above 7.0 = alkaline (microorganisms thrive in a pH between 6.6 & 7.5) *bacteria grow best in an environment that is neutral or slightly acidic *most bacteria growth is inhibited in very acidic conditions ~ vinegar, fresh fruits (citrus)



Less tender cuts of meat can be tenderized by using enzymes in _____ that are extracted from the papaya fruit.


Papain is a protease isolated from:


_______ is a heat treatment that destroys all pathogenic microorganisms in a food but does not destroy all spoilage microorganisms


Protein hydrolysates

perform as both flavorings and enhancers

Examples of endogenous food enzymes

phenolase, lipoxidase, proteases, amylase

A consumer finds a piece of plastic in their yogurt cup. This piece of plastic is an example of a _______________ hazard.


If a customer were to find a bone in their canned chicken noodle soup, this would be a _________ hazard


The presence of a cherry pit in a container of yogurt is an example of a:

physical hazard in food

Quality involves not only the ________ and ________ parameters of a food, but also its ________ character

physical, chemical. microbial

Which one of the following is NOT a type of food preserved by mold?


The molecular basis of color in foods

pigment molecules

To test a food manufacturing process with batches larger than bench top size, but smaller than full scale industry size, processors will use:

pilot scale production

______, ______, or ______ of both may be used for shortening - ______ in texture

plant, animal, blends, creamy

MUFAs are chiefly found in ______


PUFAs are found primarily in ______


Fats that are creamed for a recipe must be ______


Refers to the physical property of a fat that describes its softness at a given temperature



poisons produced by microorganisms growing in your food

Carbohydrates and proteins also have ______ regions, which water is attracted to



polymers of D-galacturonic acid linked alpha1-4 that have various amounts of methylation on carbon #6 (high Methoxy pectin)

Fats existing in a crystalline form


Food scientists use controlled ______ to obtain fats with crystal sizes that improve their ______ in foods

polymorphism, functionality

Starch is a _______, witch is a large molecule formed when small molecules of the same kind chain together.


Starch is a _______________________, which is a large molecule formed when small molecules of the same kind chain together.



poor nutrition over an extended period of time which can be caused by inadequate diet or the body

In which of the following foods is solanine considered a toxin?


You are developing a new food product that requires a rapidly dissolving sugar. Given a choice of using equal amounts of granulated sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, or a sugar cube, which type of sugar would dissolve the fastest?

powdered sugar because it has more surface area per gram of solid

If a food scientist measures a quantity of salt several times with similar results for a formulation, this measurement would be considered ___________________.


Wash vegetables before


How do you set the electronic balance to zero?

press the "tare" button on the balance

To prevent or slow oxidative rancidity in a food product, a food processor could ________.

prevent light transmission through the use of opaque or non-light-transmitting packaging

BHT is an ingredient added to Cap'n Crunch cereal to:

prevent rancidity

An emulsifier

prevents the separation of oil and water in food


process of incorporating 3-6% emulsifier into shortening to improve its baking qualities

The development of Gatorade® G Series Fit to be sold alongside of other Gatorade® products would be considered a

product line extension.

A company that manufactures potato chips inspects the product for color, chip size, thickness, and other attributes to assess the degree of acceptability of the chips. In other words, the company is checking __________________.

product quality

Protein is required for:

production of antibodies

Some food scientists are employed by federal, state and local government agencies responsible for the enforcement and administration of food laws. The food scientist engaged in this work is doing:

production/operations management work

Involves the oxidation of the free radical to yield an activated peroxide

propagation of autoxidation

Six essential nutrients are needed to keep the human body working well. This nutrient is often called the body's building block and aids in growth and healing after injuries



proteins and protein break down products react with sugars

One of the functions of sodium nitrite in cured meat products is to .

provide flavor

Which of the following is not a primary function of protein?

provides good and readily available source of energy

A microorganism that can grow at refrigeration temperatures is a:


Listeria monocytogenes is considered a _________ since it can thrive and grow under refrigeration temperatures.


Listeria monocytogenes is a pathogen that grows at refrigerator temperatures. Organisms that thrive at refrigerator temperatures are called________


Microorganisms that grow at refrigeration temperatures are considered to be ______.


The first step in the flow of food is


In the U.S., the Food Guide ________________ is a visual reminder of what makes up a balanced diet and the icon is found on the labels of some food packages.


Increased water can cause issue with ______


Our health depends upon the nutritional ________, ________, and ________ of foods we eat

quality, safety, balance

Freezing an ice cream mixture ________ will create very small ice crystals.


Irradiation can be used as a food preservation method called _____. Food is first blanched, and then subjected to high levels of radiation to kill all forms of microorganisms, resulting in a shelf life of several years.

radiation sterilization

this symbol shows that a food has been irradiated. It appears either on the food label or on a sign nearby and is called_______


When the fat in walnuts begins to oxidize, the flavor of the walnut changes and becomes


Potato chips are commonly sealed in packages flushed with pure nitrogen to minimize oxidation that would lead to unpleasant flavors, otherwise known as:


Formation of small crystals is favored by ______ ______ and ______ or by adding ______

rapid cooling, agitation, surfactants

Prepare produce away from

raw meat and poultry

Make sure that you keep your ___ separate from your raw meats.

ready to eat foods

Anthocyanins will create ______________ colors in certain foods.

red and blue


refer to environmental characteristics that surround the food product

Intrinsic factors

refer to the food composition and characteristics that influence microbial growth in the food


refers to the degree to which nutrients are digested and absorbed

It is ________ light that determines the color of food


Food possess color based upon wavelengths of ________ and ________ visible light

reflected, absorbed

Which of the following is not an essential function of a food container?

refrigerator fit

When holding food,

regularly check the temperature


releases dopamine which is released by all addictive drugs

A deaerator:

removes the air from peanut butter

The enzyme _____ causes milk to coagulate by converting the milk protein casein into a compound called paracasein.


Service contract

repair and maintenance insurance purchased to cover a product for a specific length of time

The state of the lipid crystals impacts their ______ and rheological properties such as ______

texture, spreadability


require oxygen


requires the use of vinegar and other acids

The viscosity of ketchup is a measure of its:

resistance to flow

When cabbages are stored they undergo a process termed __________ that yields principally water and carbon dioxide.



result of oxygen reacting with the double bonds of unsaturated fatty acids to produce a rancid flavor or aroma


results in degradation to primary structure by enzymes, heat or extremes of pH

Canned foods are processed in a commercial canner called a:


Commercially canned carrots, peas, and corn are processed in a huge pressure canner called a:


MREs or meals ready-to-eat are processed in ___________ and have an extended shelf life of up to 3 years.

retort pouches

The ability to thicken when a starch has begun to cool is called:


Texture is related to the ______ aspects of a food, or how it responds to cutting, shearing, or pulling


Vitamin D is added to milk to prevent a condition called:


Fruits continue to ________ after they are picked.


Color sensations originate from the _____ and _______ of the _____ of the eye

rods, cones, retina

Make sure that food is never thawed at

room temperature

The food industry began because of the need for ________ ________ ________ to feed the world's population

safe food supply

Water that is potable is:

safe for drinking

four factors food scientists must consider when developing new food products

safety quality variety ease of preparation and nutrition

Winterization is commonly used with ______ ______ to help with ______

salad oils, emulsion

Chemically, each form of water is the ______


A _______________ is a substance that reduces, but not necessarily eliminates microbial contamination on inanimate surfaces to levels that are considered to be safe from a public health standpoint.


Fatty acids that have a long carbon chain in which every carbon atom carries a maximum number of hydrogen atoms is called a/an ________ fatty acid.


Inesterification is used to produce customized fats by blending ______ with ______ edible oils to produce fats with intermediate characteristics

saturated, liquid

Tropical oils have a high ______ fat content an appreciable amount of ______-chain fatty acids

saturated, short

Application efficiency of pesticides can be improved by:

scouting fields

Minimum Cooking temp 145F (for 4 minutes)

seafood (fish, shellfish, crustaceans), steaks/chops of pork, beef, veal lamb, eggs to be served IMMEDIATELY

Work center

section in a kitchen that has been designed around a specific activity

To stabilize liquids in some foods, _____ such as citric acid, maltic acid, and tartaric acid, are added to surround metal ions and prevent them from catalyzing the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids.


Water functions in the body to ________.

serve as a medium for chemical reactions

The length of time cottage cheese can be safely stored refrigerated before deteriorating is known as:

shelf life

Traditional soybean oil is not ______ ______

shelf stable

Food borne illness

sickness caused by eating food that has unsafe bacteria

What are 5 quality considerations of fruits and vegetables?

size, color, blemishes and bruises, firmness, and presence of extraneous stems, pits, or leaves

Sulfating is sometimes used for pretreatment of fruits and vegetables that are to be dehydrated in order to:

slow oxidation and enzymatic browning

Alpha crystals are the ______ and least ______

smallest, stable

Ofactory organs are related to the sense of:


Which of the following work together to maintain chemical, fluid, and electrical balance between tissue cells and blood?

sodium and potassium

The more liquid TGIs, the ______ the fat will be



solanine, amygdaline are examples of this

Interesterification tends to make a lipid ______


The greater the attractive forces between molecules, the more easily they will associate to form a ______ and the harder it is to separate them when they are in ______ form and convert to a ______

solid, crystalline, liquid

Food molecules form H bonds to water influencing its ______


The carbon dioxide dissolved in a can of soda is a:


________ determines the stringiness of celery and the softness of bananas:


When you consumer a cracker, the texture that you perceive is the result of several sensations including consistency, mouthfeel, and:


Three kinds of information must be found on a food label. One of those listed is incorrect. Which one of the following is incorrect?

sources of food ingredients

_____ is related to a food's hydrogen ion concentration, or with the acid's potential for ionization.


Isoflavones are phytochemicals that have been shown to possibly help reduce the risk of some cancers. Isoflavones are found in products such as Silk®, a non dairy beverage, and are derived from:


"Yellow jewel" is the name given by the Chinese to ________.


2 common food sources of phospholipids

soybeans and egg yolks

Enzymes have a high degree of ______


An additive that can keep a compound, mixture, or solution from changing its form or chemical nature is called a:


To prevent oil from separating in a jar of peanut butter, _____ are added to the formulation.


Want an oil or fat that has a ______ arrangement of crystals to function as needed


The release of energy as water freezes, forces the water molecule into a ______ ______ structure, allowing for the maximum # of hydrogen bonds

stable lattice

Oligosaccharides example and number

stachyose 3-10

Polysaccharides 3 examples

starches, glycogen, fibers



Components of Sterols

steroid nucleus, 8-10 carbon side chain, and an alcohol group

Food flavorists

study natural flavors in foods and develop flavor additives

Freeze drying food is based on the phase change called:



substance that is capable of causing cancer


substances added by intent, or by accident, into foods

In the Malliard reaction, reducing sugars react with the amino acid lysine. All of the following are examples of reducing sugars except ________________.


Bacteria cannot grow in all ________ environment because of lack of available moisture.


Sugar, one of the most common sweeteners in the world, is derived primarily from:

sugar cane and sugar beets


suggested levels of nutrient intake to meet the needs of most healthy people

Which of the following products is native to North America?


Producing food by natural methods that fit with local needs and conditions is considered:

sustainable farming

What are the four basic tastes of humans?

sweet, salty, sour, bitter

Butterscotch pudding that has been thickened with starch can experience retrogradation if held in the refrigerator for a few days and have:


Which of the following is not a factor in controlling insects, fungi, weeds, and molds in crops raised for food consumption?

synthetic fertilizers

Flavor involves both ________ and ________

taste, aroma

The high fat contact of chocolate influences its ______ and its ______

taste, consistency

Mouthfeel, one of several sensory sensations that contribute to the perception of flavor, is influenced by a food's:


Water activity is ______ dependent


Increasing water in a food can change state with ______ and exhibits ______ within food matrix

temperature, motion

Crystals are grown via nucleation within the chocolate mass or by the addition of seed crystals


__________is the ability of a test substance to induce birth defects or the development of malformed fetuses


Interacting forces involving food and ingredient molecules establish important chemical and physical balances to create a food's ________


The terms "chewy," "fibrous," "gritty," "mealy," and "sticky" are important in the _____ of foods.


During _____, the interaction of an amino acid and a reducing sugar results in non-enzymatic browning.

the Maillard reaction

Water holding capacity

the ability to retain moisture during the application of external forces like heating, grinding and pressing

Threshold level

the dose above which adverse effects are produced

Through this process, matter and energy transfer between organisms as food. This process is called_______?

the food chain


the forced addition of hydrogen atoms to the unsaturated bonds of fatty acids to raise the melting point of the fat (harden)

Calcium or sodium propionate is added to bread to inhibit:

the growth of mold


the linear sequence of amino acids


the live microorganism must be ingested to cause disease

Salt and sugar

the most common preservatives and work by decreasing water activity


the passage of nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract into either the blood or the tissue fluid surrounding the cells


the primary pigment in meat


the process by which living cells use nutrients in many chemical reactions that provide energy for vital processes and activities


the process by which the body breaks down food into useable nutrients


the process of preserving food by heating and sealing it in airtight containers for storage

You can't add fig, kiwi or fresh pineapple to gelatins because

the proteases hydrolyze peptide bonds

Wave patterns

the repeated cycle in which energy in a microwave oven is emitted by the magnetron tube

A mole of water, salt and sugar cubes are ________ and the masses of each of these products are ________.

the same; different


the science of identifying the causes of disease outbreaks


the study of food components and how the body uses them to sustain life and health


the study of nutrients and how they are used by the body

Food science is

the study of producing, processing, preparing, evaluating and using food.

Food Science

the study of the nature of food and the principles of its production, processing, preservation and packaging.

Food chemistry

the systematic evaluation and understanding of water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients, such as additives, as they undergo chemical interaction/reaction during the harvest, storage and distribution of foods

Standing time

the time during which foods finish cooking by internal heat after being removed from the cooking appliance


the twisted, rope like structure in an egg that keeps the egg yolk center

A ____________________ is an explanation based on a body of knowledge gained from many observations and supported by the results of many food science experiments.


To assess the effectiveness of a heat treatment when processing food, companies use a _________________________ which is a graph that plots microbes killed against time at a particular temperature

thermal death time curve


these temperatures slow the growth of bacteria


these work by slowing, stopping or killing microbes

To keep fresh produce from deteriorating during distribution and retail display, produce are often:

treated with a light coat of approved oil-based wax to seal in moisture

If a food product label bears the symbol in this picture, it means that the product has been

treated with irradiation


this fat has two configurations defined by their structure at the double bonds

sensory characteristics

those ones detected by the five senses (sight,taste, touch, hearing, and smell)

A food technologist developing a formulation for a soft dough should use:

three parts flour to one part liquid

Challenges to food safety

time & money to train employees, language & culture barriers of employees, literacy/education level of employees, pathogens found more frequent & getting stronger, unapproved suppliers, high-risk customers (elderly, pre-school age, compromised immune systems), high staff turnover (hire & train)

Leading cause of food borne illness

time & temperature abuse

Taste buds are sensory organs located on various parts of the tongue. If you were eating salty pretzels, you would perceive the salty taste on the _____ of the tongue.



to change a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass

Tartaric acid is used

to control the pH in soft drinks.

The main purpose of blanching vegetables would be:

to inactivate plant enzymes

A list of ingredients must be included on a food label. The first ingredient listed is by its amount of....

total weight

A list of ingredients must be included on a food label. The first ingredient listed is by its amount of:

total weight

Iron ,copper, and zinc are all examples of _______ used in food. They are needed in small amounts for many metabolic functions such as transport of oxygen in blood cells, red blood cell synthesis, and nucleic acid synthesis

trace minerals

Hydrogenated fats are also known as...

trans fats

Ionic bonds are filling of orbitals through the ______ of electrons


Foodborne illness is a disease that is

transferred to people by food


transportation of harmful substances to food by: hands (touch raw meat ~ then ready to eat foods), surfaces (cutting boards, cleaning cloths), raw or contaminated foods (drip fluids on cooked ready to eat foods), poor personal hygiene (wash hands after restroom, cough/sneeze, touch or scratch face, do NOT work while sick)

As popcorn heats, the _____ inside each kernel expands. Pressure builds, causing the corn to pop.


A company that makes fresh bratwurst has received complaints from consumers that the sausage looks uncooked in the center of the product even though the consumer has thoroughly cooked it. A scientist has been called in by the company to look at the product and identify why this is occurring. The ability to view and understand the entire production process well enough to identify potential problem areas is called:

trouble shooting

A meat scientist cut open a cured ham and observed a brown spot the size of a penny near the center of the ham and deduced that this was due to the ham being frozen in the center when the cure was injected into the fresh ham. This ability to detect and solve problems is called


Vegetables such as lettuce wilt, or become limp, when _____ is lost.


A foodborne disease outbreak occurs when ______________ or more people develop the same illness after consuming the same food.


Amino group

two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of nitrogen and is written - NH2


two-phase systems in which one phase is dispersed in the other

Amino acids

type of organic acid


type of simple sugar; the body's primary energy source and the only energy source for the brain and nervous system; the basic sugar molecule from which all other carbohydrates are built

At the Country Farms Soup Company, a food scientist is evaluating the sensory properties of a new chicken soup and wants to evaluate the impact of savory, or _________, characteristics.


2 Other tastes

umami, astringency

Which of the following foods is NOT exempted from food labeling?

unpopped popcorn

A solution that contains less solute than can be dissolved in it at a given temperature is called a ______ solution.


A solution that contains less solute than can be dissolved in it at a given temperature is called a(n) ____________________ solution.


Oxidative rancidity occurs with ______ fatty acids


The more _____ a lipid contains, the softer or more oily a lipid will be.

unsaturated fatty acids

Hydroperoxides are very ______ and decompose into compounds with shorter chain compounds such as what?

unstable, volatile fatty acids, aldehydes, and ketones

Each water molecule is electrically ______


How can freezer burn be controlled?

use moisture-proof packaging and avoid temperature fluctuations

Fruits and vegetables are primarily composed of:


Microwaves do not affect all molecules equally. They have the greatest effect on _____ molecules.


Fermentation is a production step in the process of making _____.


Bound water exhibits essentially no ______ ______

vapor pressure

With increased temperature, you will increase ______ ______

vapor pressure

When water boils, a phase change occurs so that liquid turns into a gas. This phase change is called ________________.


Nutrient requirements

vary with the type of organism, but most foods provide high nutrient availability for microorganisms


very large proteins that weaken or destroy foreign substances in the body

A low acid food is a food that has:

very little acid

Lactidiacid bacteria can be used in the production of all of the following foods, except__________.


Hepatitis A

virus contacted by fecal oral route, found in ready to eat foods, shellfish, contaminated water. Use good hygiene, exclude workers who are sick: vomiting, diarrhea, workers who have been diagnosed

As the starch concentration increase in a mixture, the resulting paste becomes more _______.


Processed food products such as cereal and juice may be supplemented with __________ to enhance their nutritional content.

vitamins and minerals

Fat soluble vitamin

vitamins that are absorbed and transported by fats; includes vitamins A, D, E and K

Meat grading is a:

voluntary procedure conducted by the USDA

Good personal hygiene

wash hands after restroom, sneeze, cough, touch hair, etc..., clean clothes, no baggy sweatshirts, coats, closed toed shoes

Handling Leftovers

wash hands, divide hot leftovers into small units cool quickly, refrigerate, reheat leftovers thoroughly to a temperature over 165F (soups, sauces, gravies bring to rolling boil) don't keep leftovers more than 7 days

Properly wash surfaces

wash with warm soapy water, sanitize, and dry

Almost all food processing has to do with controlling ______



water soluble for entire food

Butter is a _____ food emulsion.


Butter is made by agitating cream to form a _____ emulsion.


Butter is an example of a(n)_________ water-oil emulsion oil-in-water emulsion colloidal dispersion

water-oil emulsion colloidal dispersion


weak CNS stimulant


weighing twenty percent or more above desirable weight for height; in an adult, obesity is defined as a body mass index of 30 or more


when harmful microorganisms are transferred from one food/object to another due to... - using same utensils - mixing raw foods with ready to eat foods

Which one of the following is not a type of food preserved by fermentation?

whole milk

Some oils become cloudy when stored in a refrigerator. Because of this, many oils are _______________ to precipitate saturated fatty acids.


A low acid food is a food ________________________________.

with very little acid (pH>4.6)

Clean and sanitize ___ before and after use


At forces above _____ _____ or force, the food behaves as a liquid

yield stress

What is a type of food preserved, in part, by bacteria?


Which one of the following is a type of food preserved, in part, by bacteria?


The term "Daily Value" that is found on a nutrition facts label means

you can determine how the nutrients in a food serving fit with what you can or should have for the day.


you cannot always see, smell or taste them.

Which of the following would most likely NOT be a science involved in the making of a pizza?


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