Mental Health Exam 3

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Which of the following nursing statements would be considered a grounding technique? a. "Can you see me and the room we are in" b. "Tell me what's been going on" c. "What is your biggest fear" d. "Have you been taking your medications"

"Can you see me and the room we are in"

Which of the following statements indicates your patient taking Buspar understands the medication? a. "It will cause heavy sedation" b. "I need to monitor my urine for different colors" c. "I should take it with food because it can cause GI upset" d. "I should monitor my intake of carbs"

"I should take it with food because it can cause GI upset"

What patient statement for a patient on a Benzodiazepine would alert the nurse further teaching is needed? a. "I'm so glad I can still enjoy my mixed cocktails" b. "I will make sure I rise slowly to keep my blood pressure from dropping" c. "I will maintain my fluid intake" d. "I will slowly com off the medication and not quit cold turkey"

"I'm so glad I can still enjoy my mixed cocktails"

A nurse is assessing a client with conversion disorder. The client complains that the client's left side is paralyzed. Which statement made by the client would indicate "la belle indifférence"? a. "My paralysis doesn't bother me. I have accepted my disability." b. "Please do something to cure me. I am a burden to everybody." c. "I am not able to walk or do anything at all. I am totally dependent on my mom." d. "I am sure I will get well soon. This problem won't persist for long."

"My paralysis doesn't bother me. I have accepted my disability."

Which of the following statements is true regarding neurochemical factors as causes of schizophrenia? a. "Schizophrenia is caused by imbalances of dopamine and serotonin" b. "Schizophrenia occurs when there is an increase in CSF" c. "Schizophrenia is related to abnormal functions in the frontal and temporal lobe" d. "Schizophrenia is related to decrease in brain volume"

"Schizophrenia is caused by imbalances of dopamine and serotonin"

What are the 3 central features of somatic disorders?

1. medical complaints with no organic basis 2. psychological factors seem important 3. not under conscious control

When does typical recovery occur for individuals with PTSD? a. 6 months post diagnosis b. 3 months post diagnosis c. 1 year post diagnosis d. PTSD very rarely recovers

3 months post diagnosis

A patient with anxiety disorder has excessive anxiety and worries about multiple life circumstances. For how long would this patient experience these feelings before the anxiety disorder would be considered chronic and generalized? a. 2 months b. 6 months c. 12 months d. 4 months

6 months

Which of the following IQs would you expect someone to have that can live independently with support and are taught skills of daily life? a. 20 b. 65 c. 22 d. 45


Which of the following situations is abnormal? a. A 6 year old sleeping 8 hours each night b. A 4 year old who likes to play with others c. A 10 year old who shows disinterest in things he used to like d. A 1 year old who cries when his mom walks out of the room

A 10 year old who shows disinterest in things he used to like

You are getting ready to interview your client who has PTSD after having her house broken into and her children and husband murdered. Which of the following would be the best setting to do your interview? a. A quiet room b. In the common room with other individuals c. In the cafeteria d. Beside a loud TV

A quiet room

What childhood disorder is characterized by inattentiveness, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and easily distracted individuals? a. Autism b. Downs syndrome c. Tourette's d. ADHD


What does the AWARE acronym stand for?

Accept feeling and rate them on a scale from 1-10 Watch the anxiety Act normal Repeat the steps Expect the best

Which of the following would not be an appropriate treatment for dementia? a. Aricept b. Exelon c. Zyprexa d. Adderal


What is the biggest adverse side effect of Clozapine? a. Agranulocytosis b. QT prolongation c. Insomnia d. Respiratory Depression


Your patient that has been on Risperdal for 4 months suddenly develops a fever, sore throat, and complains of being more tired than usual. Based on the possible complications of the medication, what could be occurring? a. NMS b. Agranulocytosis c. Acute Dystonia d. Pseudoparkinsonism


In Seyle's General Adaptation syndrome, what stage involves stress that stimulates the body and sends messages from the hypothalamus to prepare for potential defense needs? a. Resistance stage b. Alarm reaction stage c. Exhaustion stage d. Frightened stage

Alarm reaction stage

What secondary disorder do individuals with conduct disorder usually end up getting? a. Schizophrenia b. Depression c. Antisocial personality disorder d. OCD

Antisocial personality disorder

What is the term for the vague feeling of apprehension, terror or dread arising from identified or unidentified stressors? a. Depression b. Anxiety c. PTSD d. OCD


Which of the following medications would NOT be appropriate in treatment of Schizophrenia? a. Lithium b. Risperidal c. Clozapine d. Aricept

Aricept (for demetia)

You observe your client sitting alone moving his lips, laughing inappropriately, and talking to himself. He has schizophrenia and often experiences auditory and visual hallucinations. What would be an appropriate nursing response at this time? a. Place him in isolation until the hallucinations subside b. Ask him what he hears and sees and evaluate the situation c. Call for backup d. Administer a sedative medication

Ask him what he hears and sees and evaluate the situation

What is the most common type of hallucination? a. Visual b. Auditory c. Olfactory d. Gustatory


Your client is covering his ears and shouting "Go away. Im not doing that!" but the room is silent. What kind of hallucination do you believe the client could be having? a. Auditory b. Olfactory c. Visual d. Kinesthetic


Which of the following intellectual disabilities inhibits children's ability to communicate and interact as well as stereotypes motor patterns that include delayed developmental milestones? a. ADHD b. Autism c. OCD d. Defiant disorder


You notice your 4-year-old son always wanting to play alone and not with others and not playing pretend like a normal child for his age. When talking to him, he avoids eye contact and often shows inappropriate facial expressions for the occasion. He also throws tantrums and gets upset easily. What are the following behaviors indicative of? a. ADHD b. Autism c. OCD d. Defiant disorder


Which of the following medications would you educate the parents of a child with ADHD that causes reverse reactions? a. Benadryl b. Claratin c. Tylenol d. Advil

Benadryl (causes a person that does not have ADHD to become tired but causes a person with ADHD to become hyperactive)

ADHD can be misdiagnosed as __________________ a. Schizophrenia b. Bipolar c. SCT d. Defiant Disorder


All the following are considered a Benzodiazepine, except: a. Valium b. Buspar c. Xanax d. Ativan


What is the proper treatment for GAD? SATA a. Buspar b. Antipsychotics c. SSRI d. SNRI


Your client expresses he has had issues with random and involuntary muscle contractions in which it makes it hard to move. In addition, he has a history of schizophrenia. Based on these symptoms, what related disorder could he be experiencing? a. Catatonia b. Delusional Disorder c. Shared psychotic disorder d. Schizotypal personality disorder


Which of the following medications has an off label use for treatment of ADHD? a. Clonidine b. Metoprolol c. Zyprexa d. Haldol

Clonidine (usually used for BP)

Which of the following drugs has the greatest risk for agranulocytosis? a. Risperdal b. Clozapine c. Zyprexa d. Haldol


What is considered an effective therapy for rape survivors? a. Cognitive processing therapy b. Medications c. Adaptive disclosure d. CBT

Cognitive processing therapy

What disorder is characterized by a persistent pattern of disregard for others' rights in addition to impaired ability to function in social, occupational, and academic areas. These individuals will be callous, unemotional, lack empathy, have a low self esteem and throw temper tantrums? a. Oppositional defiant disorder b. Destructive disorder c. Conduct disorder d. Intermittent explosive disorder

Conduct disorder

What is the term for the disorder characterized by unexplained, usually sudden deficits in sensory or motor function such as blindness or paralysis but express lack of concern for loss of function? a. Hypochondriasis b. Pain disorder c. Conversion disorder d. Somatic symptom disorder

Conversion disorder

Your client has just recently expressed, "I can't feel my legs. Its like they don't work anymore. Oh well, it will be alright." What disorder do you expect this client to have? a. Conversion disorder b. Hypercondriasis c. Scizophrenia d. DID

Conversion disorder

What is the term for working through an experience in hopes to return to level of prior functioning? a. Stressor b. Coping c. Depression d. Grief


Your patient has been experiencing Neuromalignant Syndrome with taking Zyprexa. What is the antidote for NMS? a. Narcan b. Dantrolene c. Activated charcoal d. Glucagon


What category of behaviors includes problems regulating emotions and behaviors with persistent patterns of anger, hostility, and aggression? a. Disruptive behavior disorders b. Intellectual disorders c. Mechanical disorders d. Functional disorders

Disruptive behavior disorders

What is the term for the disorder in which an individual has 2 or more distinct identities or personality states that currently take control of his or her behavior? a. Dissociative amnesia b. PTSD c. Schizophrenia d. Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Your client has expressed significant memory loss after losing her family in a car accident while she was at work. She is unable to remember personal information such as her social security number, child hood home address, and her phone number she has had for 25 years. She said after the wreck she packed up her things and moved from Indiana to Florida. She explains she don't recall anything about Indiana and only knows she lived there. Based on this what would you expect is occurring? a. Dissociative disorder b. Dissociative amnesia c. Attachment disorder d. Adjustment disorder

Dissociative amnesia

What disorder is categorized by a subconscious defense mechanism that helps a person protect his or her emotional self from recognizing the full effects of some horrific or traumatic event by allowing the mind to remove itself or forget the painful situation or memory? a. Dissociative disorder b. PTSD c. Attachment disorder d. Adjustment disorder

Dissociative disorder

The spouse caregiver of a client with dementia tells the nurse that the client has been agitated lately. The spouse states, "I don't know how to handle this. The client was always such a gentle person!" Which interventions should the nurse suggest? a. Leave the client in a safe place in the house and go to another area until the client calms down. b. Distract the client by turning on the television or watching a video. c. Distract the client with family photos and discuss the events pictured. d. Give the client a sedative when the client begins to get agitated.

Distract the client with family photos and discuss the events pictured

You are doing an interview with your client and tell him you are going to take his vitals. He says, "Going to take your vitals, take your vitals, your vitals, vitals, vitals, vitals...." over and over. What is this known as? a. Echolalia b. Echopraxia c. Flat affect d. Hallucination


You are doing an interview with your client and notice he mimics every move you make. What is this known as? a. Echolalia b. Echopraxia c. Flat affect d. Hallucination


Your client has been wanting to battle her PTSD of rape for about 5 years now. She thinks if she was able to talk to the man who done it, she would be able to more easily come over her trauma. What would be an appropriate suggestion for this client? a. Behavior/cognitive therapy b. Empty chair technique c. Find him and talk to him d. Medications

Empty chair technique

In Seyle's General Adaptation syndrome, what stage involves negative responses to anxiety and stress and body stores are depleted? a. Resistance stage b. Alarm reaction stage c. Exhaustion stage d. Frightened stage

Exhaustion stage

Your client who is deathly afraid of clowns wants to overcome her fears so she can take her nephew to the circus. What would be the most appropriate therapy for her to overcome her fears. a. Exposure therapy b. Medications c. Relaxation therapy d. Group therapy

Exposure therapy

True or False. Having an illness is only traumatic for the person with the illness.

False (it is traumatic for family, friends, and anyone who is close)

Which of the following is the proper antidote for benzodiazepine toxicity? a. Dantrolene b. Ativan c. Flumazenil d. Narcan


What neurochemicals are involved in onset of anxiety? SATA a. dopamine b. norepinephrine c. GABA d. serotonin

GABA serotonin

Your client expresses he's cousins with Kim Kardashian and that he's been invited to the red carpet awards with her, so he's got to go. This is expressed as what kind of delusion? a. Somatic b. Granidose c. Persecutory/Paranoid d. Referential


All the following would be appropriate medications for ADHD treatment, except: a. Ritalin b. Adderal c. Cylert d. Haldol


Which of the following medications would not be appropriate for treatment of intermittent explosive disorder? a. Haldol b. Prozac c. Lithium d. Depakote


Your patient has been non-compliant with her prescription for Risperdal for Schizophrenia. Which of the following would be an appropriate treatment for this client? a. Haldol Depot Injection b. Abilify c. Throazine d. Zyprexa

Haldol Depot Injection

What is the term for false sensory perceptions or perceptual experiences that do not exist in reality? a. Delusions b. Hallucinations c. Perceptions d. Reality


Which of the following is not a comorbidity of Intermittent explosive disorder? a. Trauma b. Neglect c. ADHD d. Hypertension


What is the term for the disorder characterized by preoccupation with the fear that one has a serious disease? a. Hypochondriasis b. Pain disorder c. Conversion disorder d. Somatic symptom disorder


What disorder is characterized by repeated outbursts of impulsive, aggressive, violent behaviors and angry outbursts that can result in physical injury, vandalism, or self injury? a. ODD b. Conduct DO c. Intermittent explosive disorder d. Anger disorder

Intermittent explosive disorder

Which of the following would be an important teaching point for an individual taking antipsychotics? SATA a. Limit sun exposure b/c photosensitivity b. Risk for weight gain, maintain diet/exercise c. Excessive urination d. Sexual dysfunction e. Causes sedation, avoid activities that require full alertness f. Rise slowly, risk for orthostatic hypotension/dizziness

Limit sun exposure b/c photosensitivity Risk for weight gain, maintain diet/exercise Sexual dysfunction Causes sedation, avoid activities that require full alertness Rise slowly, risk for orthostatic hypotension/dizziness

You have a patient who presents to the ER from the county jail complaining of headache and severe abdominal pain. All tests and labs show no complications and are normal. Despite this, he continues to express he has pain and needs medications and doesn't want to leave until he is treated properly. What is this known as? a. Munchausen b. Munchausen by proxy c. Malingering d. Nothing abnormal, he is just in pain


IQ of 50-70

Mild intellectual disability

IQ of 35-50

Moderate intellectual diability

Which of the following would not be in the criteria for diagnosing PTSD? a. Witnessing an event as it occurred b. Recurrent distressing dreams c. Mood disorders d. Persistant and exaggerated negative beliefs/expectations

Mood disorders

Your patient on the med-surg unit is about to be discharged when he suddenly flings himself in the floor and claims he is fallen. He stated one before he is dreading going home because he is widowed and his children live in another state. Based on this information, what is this situation known as? a. Munchausen b. Munchausen by proxy c. Malingering d. Nothing abnormal, he is just in pain


The case of Gypsy Rose and her mother giving her fake medications and manipulating her to become ill so she will get personal gain or praise is known as.... a. Munchausen b. Munchausen by proxy c. Malingering d. Nothing abnormal, he is just in pain

Munchausen by proxy

You have a 5-year-old boy brought to the ER by his mother with severe weakness, lethargy, seizures, and is unconscious. Upon further investigation, the child's sodium levels are 225. The mother is often found on her cell phone and recording her ill son and posting it on Facebook for sympathy. It is later discovered she injected pure Epsom salt into his bloodstream, which ultimately resulted in his death. What does this situation convey? a. Munchausen b. Munchausen by proxy c. Malingering d. Nothing abnormal, he is just in pain

Munchausen by proxy

All the following are potential side effect of antipsychotic medications, except: a. Dystonia b. Tardive Dyskinesia c. Muscle cramps d. Sedation

Muscle cramps

Your patient who has been taking Clozapine for Acute Psychosis r/t Schizophrenia has been experiencing muscle rigidity, high fever, and increased muscle enzymes. Based on this information, what side effect could be occurring? a. NMS b. Agranulocytosis c. Dystonia d. Tardive Dyskinesia


You are interviewing your client who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. When asking him questions, he just stares off in space and doesn't acknowledge your presence. He has a blank expression on his face and shows signs of avolition (lack of motivation). During social activities, he is always withdrawn and sits alone. What kind of symptoms are these considered? a. Negative b. Positive c. Indifferent d. Extrinsic


Your client is in panic because she believes her organs are rotting away and making her ill. This is expressed as what kind of delusion? a. Somatic b. Religious c. Sexual d. Nihilistic


What disorder is characterized by the persistent, intrusive thoughts, emotions or urge, unable to ignore that involves performance of propitious, uncontrollable purposeful act to prevent anxiety? a. OCD b. obsessions c. compulsions d. anxiety


Your teenager has been defiant lately. He has been argumentative, destructive, and rude. He does not listen to you or your husband and always gets in trouble at school. He says he hates you and that he will never respect authority. Based on this, what disorder is your teenager suffering from? a. communication disorder b. learning disorder c. ODD d. ADHD


What is the term for a disturbing pattern of behavior demonstrated by someone who has experienced, has witnessed, or had been confronted with a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, combat, or an assault? a. PTSD b. OCD c. Depression d. Anxiety


What is the term for the disorder characterized by physical symptoms of pain which is generally unrelieved by analgesics? a. Hypochondriasis b. Pain disorder c. Conversion disorder d. Somatic symptom disorder

Pain disorder

Which is an inaccurate statement regarding malingering? a. People who malinger have no real physical symptoms. b. It is the intentional production of false or grossly exaggerated physical or psychological symptoms. c. It is motivated by external incentives. d. People who malinger usually do not stop the physical symptoms when given a reward.

People who malinger usually do not stop the physical symptoms when given a reward

Your client yells, "The boogyman is coming after me! He's gonna kill me!" This is expressed as what kind of delusion? a. Somatic b. Granidose c. Persecutory/Paranoid d. Referential


Your client has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She has been battling a lot of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, speech and behavior. She has just been put on an antipsychotic to help with the symptoms. What kind of symptoms are these considered? a. Negative b. Positive c. Indifferent d. Extrinsic


Your patient has been taking Geodon for about 3 months for Schizoaffective disorder. You notice he has a shuffling gait, mask-like face, occasional muscle stiffness, and drooling. Based on this information, what side effect could he be experiencing? a. Dystonia b. Pseudoparkinsonism c. Akathesia d. Tardive Dyskinesia


Your client is watching the news quietly when all of a sudden he jumps up and says, "OH MY GOSH, I just saw 5 squares which means a square has 4 sides and 5 times 4 is 20. My son is 20. It has to mean something about him is going to happen." This is expressed as what kind of delusion? a. Somatic b. Refrential c. Sexual d. Nihilistic


Your client has been acting differently. He has been demonstrating impaired cause-and-effect reasoning, poor nutrition, decreased sleep, fatigue, mood swings, loss of motivation, and forgetfulness. You should recognize these are signs of which of the following? a. Antipsychotic overdose b. Relapse c. Medication ineffectiveness d. Disrupted thought


You are documenting at the nurse's station when out of nowhere, your client comes down the hallway with a sheet wrapped around him saying he is Jesus Christ and that he healed the other clients of their mental illness. This is expressed as what kind of delusion? a. Sexual b. Religious c. Granidose d. Nihilistic


In Seyle's General Adaptation syndrome, what stage involves fight, flight and freeze response behaviors? a. Resistance stage b. Alarm reaction stage c. Exhaustion stage d. Frightened stage

Resistance stage

What 2 behaviors are associated with reactive attachment disorder? Select 2 a. Resistance to social contact b. Unselective socialization c. Overexertion in social events d. Hyperactivity

Resistance to social contact Unselective socialization

Which of the following is considered a 2nd generation antipsychotic? a. Thorazine b. Abilify c. Navane d. Risperdal


Which drug classification has been shown to be effective in treating somatization disorders? a. Antianxiety medications b. Antimanics c. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors d. Antipsychotics


What group of medications is proven to be most effective for treatment of PTSD symptoms? a. SNRIs b. TCAs c. Antipsychotics d. SSRIs


What is considered an effective class of medications to treat OCD and the first choice of treatment? a. TCAs b. SNRIs c. SSRIs d. Antipsychotics


You are doing an interview on your client and trying to diagnose her in order to determine the best treatment option. In asking generally what has been going on, she replies, "well, recently, I haven't been feeling like myself. One minute I don't want to even leave my bed but the next minute I am out spending my whole pay check on random things I don't even need. For example, I bought 12 boxes of a cereal I don't even like and didn't even realize what I had done until the next day when I couldn't find my paycheck." Based on this information, what is a possible diagnosis? a. Schizophrenia b. Schizoaffective disorder c. Catatonia d. Delusional disorder

Schizoaffective disorder (mix of psychotic and mood symptoms)

What disorder is categorized by a syndrome or disease process with different varieties and symptoms, including positive and negative symptoms. It usually involves distorted, bizarre thoughts, perceptions, movements, and behaviors? a. OCD b. Personality Disorder c. Somatic Disorder d. Schizophrenia


What disorder is characterized by a brief time of schizophrenic symptoms lasting 6 months or less? a. Schizoaffective disorder b. Delusional disorder c. Schizophreniform disorder d. Shared psychotic disorder

Schizophreniform disorder

All the following are important education points for individuals with PTSD, except: a. Avoid social isolation b. Set big goals to achieve daily c. Get adequate sleep d. Avoid alcohol and drugs

Set big goals to achieve daily

IQ of 20-35

Severe intellectual diability

Your client is fearful that everyone is aware of his sexual behaviors. This is expressed as what kind of delusion? a. Somatic b. Religious c. Sexual d. Nihilistic


You are a school teacher at a local elementary school and you often find your student staring off in space, not paying attention, sleeping, and being inattentive. You often try and engage him by asking questions related to the material, but he just looks confused an does not give a response. Based on this what disorder may he have? a. communication disorder b. learning disorder c. ODD d. Sluggish Cognitive Tempo

Sluggish Cognitive Tempo

Your client expresses he has not been feeling that well and he's afraid that he has a parasite living in his body that is slowly killing him and making him ill. He believes because he has a headache that it is eating his brain first. This is expressed as what kind of delusion? a. Somatic b. Religious c. Granidose d. Nihilistic


All the following are secondary disorders to develop when someone has PTSD, except: a. Depression b. Somatic symptom disorder c. Anxiety d. Substance abuse

Somatic symptom disorder

What 2 classes of drugs are used for treatment of conduct disorder?

TCAs and Mood Stabilizers

Which of the following medications would be appropriate to give a child with Autism? a. Thorazine b. Escitalopram c. Fluoxetine d. Selegiline


What is the term for a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that is any event in a person's life that is extraordinary in intensity and severity well beyond the stress of daily life? a. Trauma b. Anxiety c. Depression d. OCD


True or False. ADHD may co occur with other psychiatric disorders


True or False. There has been no proven link between vaccinations and development of Autism


All the following are considered SSRI's, except: a. Prozac b. Paxil c. Zoloft d. Valium


Your patient has been taking Risperidal for Schizophrenia for about a month now but has stopped taking his medication. Which of the following is a normal side effect that make people quit taking or refuse antipsychotic medications? SATA a. Acne b. Weight loss c. Weight gain d. Sexual dysfunction e. Excessive urination

Weight gain Sexual dysfunction

What is the term for reaction to a stressful even that causes problems for the individual and includes more than expected difficulty coping? a. adjustment disorder b. reactive attachment disorder c. PTSD d. OCD

adjustment disorder

Children who have ADHD can be seen as __________ by their peers a. helpful b. aggressive c. playful d. bubbly


A client diagnosed with schizophrenia has been prescribed clozapine. Which is a potentially fatal side effect of this medication? a. Agranulocytosis b. Tardive dyskinesia c. Dystonia d. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome


What disorder is characterized by disturbances in memory that results directly from physiologic effects of a general medical condition or persisting effect of subtances? a. delirium b. dementia c. amnestic disorder d. somatic disorder

amnestic disorder

Which medication classification has been found to be effective in reducing or eliminating panic attacks? a. Anticholinergics b. Antipsychotics c. Antimanics d. Antidepressants


All the following would be appropriate nursing interventions for a patient with delirium, except: a. promote safety b. control environment c. manage confusion d. argue that his/her delusions aren't real

argue that his/her delusions aren't real

All the following would be appropriate interventions for delusions, except: a. establish trust b. argue that the delusions are not real c. identify triggers d. use distraction techniques

argue that the delusions are not real

All the following are important goals for children with Autism, EXCEPT: a. reduce behavioral s/s b. argue with the child c. promote learning development d. promote language development

argue with the child

What intervention does the nurse perform to assist the client in decreasing the frequency of repetitive behaviors? a. Teach the client to practice conversation and attentive listening. b. Assist the client to keep a record of when time is used in performing activities. c. Interrupt repeated behaviors to reduce the time used for activities. d. Help the client identify supportive resources in the community.

assist the client to keep a record of when the time is used in performing activities

What are the 7 types of hallucinations?

auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile, gustatory, cenesthetic, kinesthetic

What 2 classes of medications are effective in treatment of anxiety disorder?

benzos and non-benzos

Which medication is used to control the extrapyramidal effects associated with antipsychotic medications? a. Chlorpromazine b. Benzotropine c. Haloperidol d. Thioridazine


You are administering a 1st generation antipsychotic to your patient with Schizophrenia. You understand that it works by...... a. blocking serotonin and increasing epinephrine b. blocking dopamine c. increasing norepinephrine d. decreasing epinephrine

blocking dopamine

What is the term for the brain's ability to process, retain, and use information? a. cognition b. memory c. dementia d. delirium


All the following are risk factors for Oppositional defiant disorder, except: a. poverty b. unstable home life c. neglect/abuse d. cognitive disability

cognitive disability

All the following would be appropriate treatments of dissociative disorders, except: a. group and individual therapy b. cognitive processing therapy c. improve quality of life d. treated symptomatically with medications

cognitive processing therapy

Your 6 year old girl has a hard time communicating because of her stutter. You take her to a speech therapist that works with her 3 times a week to help build her communication. You understand that having a stutter is considered what kind of disorder? a. communication disorder b. learning disorder c. intellectual disability d. motor skills disorder

communication disorder

You are asking your patient who has dementia questions about their medical history and begins to make stuff up to fill what information you are asking. Her information does not seem reliable or true. This is known as? a. confabulation b. trickery c. confusion d. misinterpretation


The la belle indifference occurs in which somatoform disorder? a. Body dysmorphic disorder b. Hypochondriasis c. Conversion disorder d. Somatization disorder

conversion disorder

Which term describes the use of socially unacceptable words, which are frequently obscene? a. Echolalia b. Coprolalia c. None of the above d. Palilalia


Your teenager has been diagnosed with ODD. He has recently set the garage on fire and tripped his little sister. What behavior would be dealt with and what behavior will more than likely be ignored? a. deal with him tripping his sister and forget the fire b. deal with the fire and forget him tripping his sister

deal with the fire and forget him tripping his sister

All the following are considered risk factors of Conduct disorder, except: a. poor parenting b. low self esteem c. family violence d. decreased motor skills

decreased motor skills

What is the term for the cognitive disorder that disturbs conciousness, changes cognition, and develops over a short period of time from an identifiable cause and is usually resolved with treatment of the cause? a. dementia b. delirium c. alzheimer's d. parkinsons


What disorder is characterized by prolonged cognitive and memory impairments? a. delirium b. dementia c. amnestic disorder


What is the term for the disorder in which an individual experiences persistent or recurring feelings of being detached from his or her mental process or body? a. depersonalization b. derealization c. desensitization d. dissociative disorder


What is the term for the disorder characterized by dream-like states where the environment seems foggy or unreal? a. depersonalization b. derealization c. desensitization d. dissociative disorder


All the following is considered a disruptive behavior disorder, except: a. Oppositional defiant disorder b. Destructive disorder c. Conduct disorder d. Intermittent explosive disorder

destructive disorder

Which disease process is influenced by stress and emotions? a. Hypotension b. Diabetes c. Bipolar disorder d. Deep vein thrombosis


In dissociative disorders, ___________ is usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity or environmental perception. a. disassociation b. disruption c. trauma d. stress


All the following would be considered an appropriate nursing diagnosis for delirium, except: a. disturbed body image b. risk for injury c. acute confusion d. disturbed thought process

disturbed body image

Which medication used to treat dementia requires a liver function test every 1 to 2 weeks? a. Galantamine b. Rivastigmine c. Tacrine d. Donepezil


Which of the following is a risk factor associated with Tic Disorders such as Tourette's? a. scarlet fever contraction b. dopamine imbalance c. epinephrine imbalance d. brain injury

dopamine imbalance

What are the 3 major elements of PTSD?

dreams or recurrent and intrusive thoughts showing emotional numbing (detaching from others) being on guard, irritable or experiencing hyperarousal

Your son has a learning disability. He is placed in a special education class where he gets closer assistance than in the regular classroom setting. Despite the change, he is still at risk for which of the following? a. graduating early b. dropping out of school c. understanding communication d. getting a low paying job

dropping out of school

The nurse is developing a care plan for a client diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The nurse teaches the client to take the last dose of dextroamphetamine when? a. Early in the afternoon b. At noon c. At 9 p.m. d. At 6 p.m.

early in the afternoon

You are doing a workup on a 6 year old child with autism. You go in the patient's room to interview his mother. While asking, "When did these problems start?" The child says, "When did." "When did these?" and repeats the question over and over. This is considered what? a. echolalia b. language switching c. personal response d. questioning


A patient on Clozapine asks how often he will have to have labs drawn. What would be an appropriate nursing response? a. every month b. every week c. every 2 weeks d. every 6 weeks

every 2 weeks

The nurse is interviewing the parents of a child who is exhibiting obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The nurse would anticipate that the parents would report the occurrence of which situation with the child? a. Failing classes due to a lack of concentration. b. Appearing jittery and nervous all the time. c. Frequently "staring off into space." d. Spending excessive amount of times in the child's room.

failing classes due to lack of concentration

True or False. Benzos have been approved for treatment of PTSD symptoms


True or False. Dementia can be cured


True or False. Mental disorders are easy to diagnose in children due to their unique behavior


True or False. Tardive dyskinesia is reversible through neuropathic drugs

false (it is irreversible)

True or False. Long term treatment for PTSD is very easy and quick to acheive

false (may take years)

true or false. Medications are proved most effective treatment for negative symptoms of schizophrenia

false (medications do not help much)

What is the term for when an individual remembers something differently than how it actually happened or remembers something that didn't happen at all? a. false memory syndrome b. fake memory syndrome c. immediate memory syndrome d. disassociative memory syndrome

false memory syndrome

The nurse is caring for a client with conversion disorder. The client reports having paralysis of the right side of the body. Which action by the nurse would constitute a secondary gain? a. Feeding the client during mealtime b. Discussing coping strategies that the client used in the past c. Talking about family and friends with the client d. Teaching the client techniques of meditation and relaxation

feeding the client during meal time

Which is the hallmark of beginning mild dementia? a. Restlessness b. Forgetfulness c. Depression d. Anxiety


Which of the following is NOT a risk factor of mental health disorders in children? a. genetics b. damage to fetus intrauterine c. traumatic brain injury/traumatic childhood experiences d. gestational diabetes

gestational diabetes

Because the stimulant drugs used for treatment of ADHD causes weight loss what is an important teaching point for the parents of the child to know? a. give after a good breakfast b. give on an empty stomach c. avoid grapefruit d. give at noon

give after a good breakfast

A client with schizophrenia is hearing voices that tell the client to kill the self. What term is used to identify this type of false sensory perception? a. Flight of ideas b. Hallucination c. Ideas of reference d. Delusion


Which of the following is not a contributing factor of homelessness? a. deinstitutionalization b. unwillingness to seek out service c. frequency of crisis d. having a stable job

having a stable job

All the following are risk factors for the development of PTSD, except? a. lack of social support b. peritrauma dissociation c. failure to seek counseling after an event d. hyperactivity


Which of the following is not associated with conduct disorder? a. lying and theft b. aggression to people and animals c. hyperactivity d. serious violation of rules e. destruction of property


What is the term for misperceptions of actual environmental stimuli? a. hallucinations b. illusions c. delusions d. false beliefs


All the following are cognitive abilities, except: a. reasoning b. judgement c. attention d. immunity


All the following would be appropriate nursing diagnosis for dementia, except: a. risk for injury b. disturbed sleep pattern c. impaired memory d. impaired gas exchange

impaired gas exchange

You are a nurse in the gynecologists office and are working with a 30 year old pregnant woman. She expresses she drinks and smokes while pregnant despite knowing she shouldnt. You understand the child will be at high risk for developing which of the following? a. communication disorder b. learning disorder c. intellectual disability d. motor skills disorder

intellectual disorder

Your patient has downs syndrome. You recognize this as what kind of disorder? a. communication disorder b. learning disorder c. intellectual disability d. motor skills disorder

intellectual disorder

All the following would be appropriate treatments for PTSD, except: a. therapy/counseling b. medications c. CBT/specialized therapy d. isolation


A client's family member asks the nurse, "What is a conversion disorder?" Which is the best response by the nurse? a. It involves unexplained, usually sudden, deficits in sensory or motor function. b. It is a preoccupation with an imagined or exaggerated defect in physical appearance. c. It is a preoccupation with the fear that one has a serious disease. d. It is characterized by multiple physical symptoms.

it involves unexplained, usually sudden, deficits in sensory or motor function

Why are HCPs hesitant to place labels on children? a. labels mean people cant get jobs b. labels are hard to get rid of c. labels are indicative of disruptive behavior d. labels mean children will be separated

labels are hard to get rid of

What is the most dangerous complication of acute dystonia related to effects of antipsychotic medications? a. laryngospasm b. neutropenia c. fever d. tremors


Which medication is not known to cause delirium? a. Antidepressants b. Loop diuretics c. Narcotics d. Steroids

loop diuretics

Which level of anxiety helps the client focus the client's attention to learn, problem solve, think, act, feel, and protect himself or herself? a. Panic b. Mild c. Severe d. Moderate


Your client expresses restlessness, fidgeting, butterflies in her stomach, difficulty sleeping, and hypersensitivity to noise before she takes a big test. Based on her symptoms what degree of anxiety would this be considered? a. mild b. moderate c. severe d. panic


Which behaviors should the nurse anticipate in children with mild conduct disorder? Select all that apply. a. Minor shoplifting b. Conning people c. Drinking alcohol d. Cruelty to classmates e. Repeated lying

minor shoplifting repeated lying

Which is an inattentive behavior seen in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? a. Talking excessively b. Missing details c. Interrupting d. Fidgeting

missing details

Your client expresses muscle tension, diaphoresis, pounding pulses, headache, dry mouth, high pitched voice, fast rate of speech, GI upset, and frequent urination for a week before going to a doctor's appointment. Based on her symptoms what degree of anxiety would this be considered? a. mild b. moderate c. severe d. panic


The nurse is caring for a client who performs ritualistic hand washing and cleaning for about 30 minutes several times a day. What does the nurse tell the client's partner about caring for this client? a. Monitor own health and anxiety levels. b. Ignore the client's behavior, it will phase out with time. c. Ask the client to divert attention to other activities. d. Assist the client to complete daily activities.

monitor own health and anxiety levels

Your patent has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy after his mother recognized he had movement, coordination, and balance deficiencies. You understand that Cerebral Palsy is what kind of disorder? a. communication disorder b. learning disorder c. intellectual disability d. motor skills disorder

motor skills disorder

All the following are characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia, EXCEPT: a. delusions b. disorganized speech c. multiple personalities d. grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior

multiple personalities

Your 6 year old has been sleeping for 10-12 hours at a time where he used to just sleep 8 hours. Is this normal? a. no b. yes c. its hard to say at that age


All the following are possible causes of ADHD, except: a. Toxins b. Brain abnormalities/structural brain damage c. Prenatal exposure d. norepinephrine imbalances

norepinephrine imbalances

Which of the following are common signs of PTSD? SATA a. numbing of general responsiveness b. hyperactivity c. insomnia d. hyperarousal e. hallucinations f. hypervigilance g. avoidance of places

numbing of general responsiveness insomnia hyperarousal hypervigilance avoidance of places

Which of the following long term settings would be appropriate for a patient with severe dementia? a. nursing home b. home with minimal assistance c. hospital d. psychiatric facility

nursing home

What disorder is characterized by an enduring pattern of uncooperative, defiant, disobedient, hostile behavior toward authority figures? a. Oppositional defiant disorder b. Destructive disorder c. Conduct disorder d. Intermittent explosive disorder

oppositional defiant disorder

You approach a client who seems unstable in hopes to calm him down. He is in the corner of the room sitting on the floor and shaking. His heart is racing and his BP is 175/100. He is unable to say a word or move. He finally calms down about 30 minutes later and states, "This happens all the time. I get flashbacks from war and feel like im suffocating. I cant talk or move" Based on his symptoms what degree of anxiety would this be considered? a. mild b. moderate c. severe d. panic


What is the term for the illogical, intense fear of an object, animal, activity or situation? a. trauma b. phobia c. anxiety d. depresion


IQ of less than 20

profound intellectual disability

What disorder is in response to trauma or child abuse or neglect? a. adjustment disorder b. reactive attachment disorder c. PTSD d. OCD

reactive attachment disorder

The nurse suspects that a client is experiencing a brief psychotic episode based on what? Select all that apply. a. Recent life stressor b. Intense changes in affect c. Gradual onset of symptoms d. Mild confusion e. Evidence of hallucinations

recent life stressor intense changes in affect evidence of hallucinations

A client has been admitted to a hospital with the inability to move the client's right arm. The client has a diagnosis of conversion reaction. Which consequence of this condition would be an example of primary gain? a. Medical leave from the client's high-stress job b. Avoidance of jury duty c. Relief from anxiety d. Attention from the client's spouse and children

relief from anxiety

All the following are proper nursing diagnoses for PTSD, except: a. risk for self-mutilation b. risk for suicide c. chronic low self esteem d. risk for imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements

risk for imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements

What is priority in nursing interventions for children with ADHD? a. safety b. negative reinforcement c. no disciplining/consequences d. allow them to be in big groups


A client who has a major depressive episode tells the nurse that, for the past 2 weeks, the client has been hearing voices and at times thinks that someone is following the client. A history reveals that the client has had these alternating symptoms before. The client also has experienced time with neither of these symptoms and has been able to function adequately. The nurse interprets these findings as suggesting: a. Undifferentiated schizophrenia b. Brief psychotic disorder c. Paranoid schizophrenia d. Schizoaffective disorder

schizoaffective disorder

Learning disorders are usually diagnosed in _____________ a. home setting b. school c. doctor's office d. psychologist's office


The mental health nurse is gathering a health history on a new client. The nurse has difficulty getting the client's attention, and the client is pacing the floor and concerned only with stating that they are about to die. The nurse would classify this level of anxiety as what? a. Mild b. Severe c. Moderate d. Euphoria


Your client expresses severe headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, trembling, rigid stance, vertigo, pale, tachycardia, and even chest pain r/t his chronic illness and of what is going to happen. Based on his symptoms what degree of anxiety would this be considered? a. mild b. moderate c. severe d. panic


A client diagnosed with schizophrenia states to the nurse, "My intestines are being eaten by snakes." This statement represents which type of delusion? a. Persecutory delusion b. Somatic delusion c. Grandiose delusion d. Referential delusion

somatic delusion

What is the term for the disorder characterized by one or more physical symptoms that have no organic basis? a. Hypochondriasis b. Pain disorder c. Conversion disorder d. Somatic symptom disorder

somatic symptom disorder

Which would be an appropriate intervention for a client experiencing an anxiety attack? a. Turning on stereo music b. Leaving the client alone c. Staying with the client and speaking in short sentences d. Turning on the lights and opening the windows so that the client does not feel crowded

staying with the client and speaking in short sentences

What is the priority action if a client who is on an antipsychotic is experiencing NMS? a. stop the medication immediately b. call the pharmacy c. draw labs d. obtain a chest x ray

stop the medication immediately

A group of nursing students are reviewing signs and symptoms of anxiety. The students demonstrate a need for additional review when they identify what? a. Tearfulness b. Motor excitement c. Palpitations d. Extreme restlessness


What signs of stabilization does the nurse recognize during the follow-up visit of a client undergoing behavior therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? a. The client identifies stresses and anxieties. b. The client verbalizes conflicting thoughts and fears. c. The client recognizes and lists strengths and abilities. d. The client completes daily routine within a specified time.

the client completes daily routine within a specific time

A nurse is assessing a client with hypochondriasis. Which signs could the nurse expect to find in the client? Select all that apply. a. The client will discuss many emotional problems. b. The client is preoccupied with the self. c. The client reports having visited many physicians or hospitals. d. The client does not believe in the use of over-the-counter medications. e. The client is reluctant to participate in psychiatric treatment programs.

the client is preoccupied with the self the client reports having visited many physicians or hospitals the client is reluctant to participate in physical treatment programs

What distinguishes PTSD from acute stress? a. the severity of the event b. the onset of symptoms c. the type of stress d. the length of stress

the onset of symptoms (PTSD symptoms occur 3 months or more after the trauma)

Which would not be included in the plan of care for a client diagnosed with acute anxiety? a. Providing the client with a safe, quiet, and private place b. Touching the client in an attempt to comfort the client c. Approaching the client in a calm, confident manner d. Encouraging the client to verbalize feelings and concerns

touching the client in attempt to comfort the client

All the following are said to be causes of OCD, except: a. genes b. immune dysfunction c. environment (family behavior) d. trauma


True or False. Alcohol and other substances should be avoided with Intermittent explosive disorder


True or False. Children with ADHD usually have a low self esteem


True or False. Confusion, disorientation, and attentional deficits are common signs of amnestic disorders


True or False. Gradual progress is typical for PTSD


True or False. ODD includes low frustration tolerance


True or False. Red dye in foods can cause hyperactivity in some children


True or False. The mind can cause physical symptoms


True or False. The peak incidence of schizophrenia in men is 15-25 and for women it is 25-35.


True or false. Agranulocytosis usually develops suddenly and can occur late or early in treatment


True or False. Delusions are fixed, false beliefs with no basis in reality and can not be changed or convinced.

true (its in their mind its true so it is hard to convince otherwise)

Which of the following groups would you expect to have the highest rate of PTSD? a. mothers of children who passed b. victims of rape c. victims of a natural disaster d. children in foster homes

victims of rape

Which of the following would be considered a negative possible complication r/t diagnosis of schizophrenia? SATA a. water intoxication b. inattention to hygiene/grooming needs c. ability to form strong relationships d. clear speech e. poor judgment

water intoxication inattention to hygiene/grooming needs poor judgment

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