Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus, China, Paleolithic/Neolithic

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A major reason for the collapse of the Mesopotamian civilization was A. The constant invasions from foreigners B. A series of famines, which severely limited the food supply C. Tensions between neighboring city-states for power D. Problems of succession


After period of the warring states, Qin Shi Huang ruled China for 14 years by which of the following tactics? A. Centralizing power through Legalism B. Relying on Confucianism to unite the warring clans C. Slaughtering all dissidents D. Restoring education


All of the following occurred during the Han Dynasty except A. Successful limitation of aristocratic power B. Selection of government officials based on merit C. Extensive textile manufacturing, water mills, and iron casting D. Territorial expansion and consolidation


As in ancient Sumer, one result of improvements in agricultural techniques such as iron implements and irrigation systems was A. It fueled population growth and territorial expansion B. Agriculture diminished in economic importance C. New philosophies and religions emerged which combined elements from the natural world D. Fewer people lived in major Zhou cities like Loyang


At the end of the New Kingdom, what happened to leadership in Egypt? A. It was largely dominated by invading Libyans, Nubians, Persians, and Macedonians B. It became less democratic C. Central authority was deemphasized in favor of regional governments D. There was a separation between religion and government


Between 1500 and 1000 BCE as the Aryans arrived in India, what notable aspect of their culture did they bring with them? A. A rigid class system based on a ruling warrior class B. An elaborate writing system C. A long agricultural system D. A monotheistic religion


Between 1900 and 1700 BC, distinct local cultures began to emerge because of A. The collapse of Harappa's trading networks and productive farms B. The invasion of the Babylonians C. Succession problems D. The drastic shift from a ploytheistic religion to a monotheistic one


Confucianism outlived Legalism largely because A. Common people suffered greatly under the strict policies of Legalism B. The weak Qin dynasty leaders were unable to enforce laws C. The invading peoples from the North promoted Confucianism D. Wealthy elite who lost most of their property to the state violently protested Legalism


Despite both being social beliefs systems, Confucianism and Legalism differed in that A. Confucianism asserts that ethics and morality are essential to creating a successful society B. Legalism is concerned with helping people live in harmony with nature C. Confucianism encourages a limited involvement in government and society D. Confucianism proclaims the need for strict laws and harsh punishments to preserve society


Geographically, how was Lower Egypt distinct from Upper Egypt? A. In Lower Egypt, the Nile branched our into a triangular-shaped delta B. In Lower Egypt, the Nile flowed between bands of limestone hills C. In Upper Egypt, the Nile branched our into a triangular-shaped delta D. Lower Egypt was a more arid environment because of the Eastern Desert


How did the status of the family change from the Qin Dynasty to the Han Dynasty? A. Under the Han, the family system increases in importance thanks to the revival of Confucianism B. Under the Han, the family system was deemphasized in favor of commitment to the state C. Using Legalism principles, Qin rulers enforced the economic importance of the family unit D. The Han family unit was extended instead of nuclear


In ancient Mesopotamia, the Code of Hammurabi was important for which of the following A. It established laws pertaining to daily life B. It provided a tutorial about military strategy C. It showed how the city-state ruler was given divine status D. It kept historical record about the rulers' reigon


In ancient Mesopotamia, writing was primarily used to A. Record business transactions of daily life B. Develop an epic literary tradition C. Correspond with neighboring city-states D. Record the military achievements of the ruler


In order to ensure a sustainable harvest, both Mesopotamian and Indus Valley city-states had to do which of the following? A. Develop complex irrigation systems B. Rely on rice as a staple crop C. Practice slash and burn agriculture D. Limit the city-state population


Laws such as the ones provided above in the passage were meant to provide which of the following to the people associated with them? A. Ethical codes to live by B. Reinforcement of gender hierarchies C. Regulations for business transactions D. Laws of divine origin


One consequence of the growing power of the Mesopotamian cities was A. They began to exercise political and economic control over the surrounding countryside B. The division of labor became the most prominent feature in everyday life C. The construction of roads linking the cities to each other D. The development of a distinct religion, currency, and system of laws for each city


The Sumerian economy was primarily A. Agricultural, although commerce and manufacturing developed as well B. Based on long-distance trades with eastern Mediterranean traders C. Commercial, since only a small number of farmers was needed to feed the population D. Controlled by priests and priestesses of the city-states


What aspect of agricultural societies led to the development of social class and specialization of labor? A. Surpluses of food and other resources B. Their lack of mobility C. The use of irrigation systems D. The use of domesticated animals for labor


What does the prominence of the ziggurat suggest about the Sumerians? A. Religion was integral to the economic, political, and social aspects of daily life B. The Sumerians has the most sophisticated military force in the ancient world C. The Sumerians depended on long-distance trade as a source of wealth D. The Mesopotamian civilization was the first to emphasize literacy and education


What does the shrine stela above suggest about family life in Ancient Egypt? A. Both parents had close relationships with their sons and daughters B. Men rarely helped raise the children because they were polygamous C. Daughters were considered subordinate to sons D. Grandparents were important in helping care for the children


What effect did the Nile cataracts in the south and deserts in the east and west of Egypt have on early development of Egypt? A. They served as natural barriers protecting it from invasion B. They prevented Egypt from engaging in trade with other regions C. They forced Egypt to rely solely on local materials for building D. The agricultural fields of central Egypt became the driving force for the Egyptian economy


What was one of the major differences between the early history of Mesopotamia and that of Egypt A. Egypt passed directly from precivilization to regional governments without experiencing a city-state phase B. Egyptian civilization developed a political system based on priests instead of kings C. Egyptian civilizations was less politically unified than Mesopotamia D. Egyptians did not need to rely on large irrigation projects as much as the Mesopotamians


What was the importance of the vizier in Egyptian society? A. He was in charge of bureaucracy B. He was responsible for designing the pharaoh's mortuary temples C. He was the highest military official in Ancient Egypt D. He was the high priest of the temple of Amun in Thebes


Which of the following best explains why agriculture first developed in the Middle East? A. Favorable sun and seasonal rains allowed for the growth of vast fields of cereal grains B. It had thousands of acres of flatlands ideal for agricultural in the Fertile Crescent C. It didn't experience destructive floodings like Egypt did from the Nile D. It had numerous rivers and lakers to serve as water sources


Which of the following is correct about the Sumerians cities? A. Kings, priests, and nobles owned much of the land B. The institution of slavery was not practiced C. The king's palace was the most prominent building D. Writing was inscribed on temple walls for historical records


Which of the following statements about polytheism is true? A. Polytheism characterized nearly all early human societies B. Hinduism predates polytheism C. The Eightfold Path is a major tenet of polytheistic belief D. Polytheism has successfully adopted many elements of monotheistic religion E. Polytheism is more scientifically probable than most modern religions


Which of the following was necessary for the expansion of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent? A. Large-scale irrigation projects B. Constant flooding from the Tigris and Euphrates throughout the year C. Importation of seeds and cattle from Egypt D. The existence of a well-defined bureaucracy


Which of these best describes how the code of Hammurabi addressed differences in social status? A. Punishments were scaled depending on social status. People of lower social standing received harsher punishment B. Punishments were scaled depending on social status. People of higher social standing received harsher punishments C. Punishments were applied equally regardless of social status D. Slaves were not subject to the Code of Hammurabi


Why was the Middle Kingdom considered to be a period of democratization in Egypt? A. Luxury items previously exclusive to the pharaohs became more widely available B. All adult male were given the right to vote for the pharaoh's successors C. Men and women from any social class could be named high priests and priestesses D. Children from all social classes were expected to attend the scribe schools


Why was the planting of grains and vegetables important for people during the Neolithic Revolution? A. It provided a reliable food source throughout the year B. It was healthier than the meat and fish consumed by earlier peoples C. It didn't require complex stone tools and technology to grow D. Grains and vegetables were symbolically important as the foods of the gods


as under the shang dynasty, which class of society played a prominent role in zhou government? A. Members of the hereditary aristocracy B. Military leaders in the Mandate of Heaven C. Wealth merchants and craftspeople D. Confucian philosopher-kings


how was the notion of "heaven" affected by the reign of the Zhou ruler? A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I and II only


An important characteristic of Egyptian civilization was A. It's dependence on sophisticated irrigation projects to control the monsoon floods B. The supreme importance of religion in society C. The development of a democratic political system D. The role of the satrap in administrative issues


As new civilizations came to power in the Fertile Crescent, what happened to the cultural heritages of those civilizations already there? A. They were erased from the historical record by the conquering invaders B. They were adopted and adapted by the newcomers C. Small pockets of the old civilizations emerged D. The new leaders allowed only the priests and landowners to keep their cultural heritage


As organized communities increasingly began to store food and accumulate material goods A. The need for fortification/defense became evident B. Villagers began to engage in trade C. The earliest writing system developed D. Villagers elected an official to oversee distribution of goods


At the end of the last ice age around 10,000 BCE, the major change that occurred was A. The use of stone tools B. The shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture C. The reliance on the horse as a primary means of transportation D. A rapid decrease in the global population due to massive floodings


Both the Mandate of Heaven and the Divine Right of Kings in Europe were fundamental in A. Limiting the power of the ruler B. Establishing the absolute authority of the ruler C. Separating the religious and political spheres D. Creating a code of laws


How did housing structures change over time during the Agricultural Revolution? A. Later structures lacked cooking hearths since villagers ate raw fruits and vegetables mostly B. They became larger and had a more permanent construction to accommodate bigger families C. Later structures were made out of limestone bricks D. Later structures had oval-shaped foundations to symbolize agricultural deities


How was Egyptian hieroglyphics different from cuneiform? A. It required a wedge-shaped stylus and clay tablets B. It was mainly written on papyrus rolls C. It was mainly used for producing literary works D. It had a much greater influence, spreading throughout the Middle East


In contrast to Buddhism, Confucianism and Legalism would be described as A. Polytheistic religions that were deeply concerned in the afterlife B. Social belief systems intended to lead to an orderly society C. Political systems that fostered strict laws and harsh punishments D. Monotheistic religions that were deeply concerned in the afterlife


Many scholars believe that Indus Valley cities like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were A. Huge farming villages with large populations B. City-states controlled by a small number of merchants, landowners, and religious leaders C. Constantly in conflict with each other as indicated by their citadels D. Important in spreading their civilization to other parts of the world


One result of the economic specialization that occurred was A. A breakdown of interregional trade networks B. Rapid social stratification and the creation of elite classes of rulers C. The founding of craft and trade schools D. An increase in population


Societies developed codes from laws found in the passage above that reinforced which of the following? A. Societal norms from previous generations B. Gender and social structures C. Filial Piety through scripture D. Asceticism which formed the practice of monasticism


The Confucian concept of filial piety means A. Obedience to the government B. Respect for one's parents and ancestors C. Respect for religious customs D. Respect for teachers


The Mesopotamian civilizations was located in A. The Nile River valley B. The Tigris and Euphrates river C. The Indus River valley D. Mesoamerica


The hymn above, is referring to which of the following? A. The Mediterranean Sea B. The Nile River C. The Tigris and Euphrates River D. The Sinai Peninsula


What characteristics of the region between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers made it ideal for the growth of civilization? A. It's numerous mountain ranges kept it isolated from other regions B. It's soil was enlarged and enriched by river silt deposits C. It had abundant forests for timber and quarries for minerals D. There were numerous lakes and waterholes for irrigation


What does the Code of Hammurabi reveal about Sumerian society? A. It relied heavily on its extensive trade network B. It emphasized a strict system of justice C. It was strongly militaristic D. Egalitarianism was enforced in villages and cities


Which of the following was a significant technological improvement that occurred before 4000 BCE? A. The invention of writing B. The discovery that metal-bearing rocks could be melted and cast in molds to produce tools C. The construction of the first monumental architecture in Egypt


Which of the following was not a responsibility of a Sumerian Ruler? A. Leading armies into battle B. Supervising the temples C. Supervising the construction of public works D. Overseeing irrigation projects


why were sophisticated irrigation works needed to support the agricultural system of the harappan cities? A. The Indus River was located hundreds of miles away B. There had to be a way to control the monsoon floods C. The Indus River would flood regularly throughout the year D. The soils of the Indian sub-continent were not particularly fertile


A major similarity between the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations was A. Both developed a writing system using a wedge-shaped stylus and clay tablets B. Both constructed ziggurats to worship their important deities C. Both featured social stratification with a priestly and landowning elite class on top D. Both granted equal rights to women


All of the following contributed to periods of weak central authority and social discord in ancient Egypt except A. Succession problems B. Rise of local rulers C. Periods of severe monsoons which destroyed crops D. Border problems in Nubia


At the end of the last Ice Age, how did the global climate change? A. The Earth became dryer and colder B. The ice caps receded back to Europe C. The Earth became warmer and moister D. The earth remained cold, however, sea levels rose rapidly


City-state political organization in Mesopotamia tended to be A. Imperial rather than regional B. Democratic rather than oligarchic C. Regional rather than imperial D. Theocratic rather than monarchic


During the agricultural revolution, what types of stone tools were mainly produced A. Arrows and daggers for defense B. Hooks and spears for fishing C. Sickles and hoes for farming D. Spears and arrows for hunting


How did pastoralists change warfare in agricultural civilizations? A. By encouraging economic cooperation among civilizations B. By spreading new weapons and modes of transportation C. By introducing the concept of biological warfare D. By building armies that were able to defeat any civilizations in their path


How did the predictability of the Nile flooding inhibit the initial development of state society in Egypt? A. All people had access to fertile lands B. People would aggregate during times of flooding and then they would disperse C. There was no need to implement large-scale irrigation projects D. Village settlements were not permanent


In contrast to the rulers of Mesopotamia and Egypt, Indus Valley rulers A. Were also the highest religious officials in the cities B. Could appoint either men or women as successors C. Did not immortalize themselves with elaborate monuments or mortuary temples D. Had no control over the bureaucracy


In which of the following ways did Harappan civilization resemble that of Mesopotamia and Egypt? A. It had a monotheistic religion B. Long-distance trade was the driving force for the economy C. It had a centralized state with extensive town plannings D. Priests emerged as the most powerful rulers in the cities


Modern scholars have had more difficulty learning about Harappan civilization than Ancient Egypt because A. The Harappan civilization did not establish large cities B. The Harappan civilization was not located near a major river valley C. Unlike hieroglyphics, the Harappan writing system has not yet been deciphered D. Indo-Aryan invaders destroyed all of the Harappan cities


The first civilizations developed in geographic areas where A. Plenty of grassland was available for raising livestock B. People had access to an abundance of wood for fire C. Agriculture flourished D. Plenty of wildlife was available for hunting


The rule of emperor Shi Huangdi was characterized by all of the following except A. Massive public works projects B. The unification of China C. State support for Confucianism D. Cruel punishments for lawbreakers


What aspect of Harappan religion survived Hinduism? A. Using religious symbols to portray scenes from everyday life B. A rigid caste system C. Attaching a religious significance to animals D. It's sacred texts that were written in the Indian language


Wheat and barely were cereal grains initially harvested in which part of the world A. The New World B. The tropical forests of Central Africa C. The Middle East and Southwest Asia D. Northern China


Which of the following indicates that some kind of centralized government was implemented by the Harappan civilization? I. Regularity of weights and measures II. Use of similar building materials for construction in different cities III. Domestication of animals and crops such as cotton, sesame, peas, and barely A. I only B. II only C. I and II only D. II and III only


Which of the following statements best describes the material culture of the Harappan civilization? A. It was confined to stone and bronze B. Harappan technology was vastly superior to the civilizations of Mesopotamia. C. It was particularly advanced in weapons production due to the constant threat of invasion D. Harappans had adopted to the use of iron following contacts with the Hittite culture


According to the excerpt above, good rulers have which of the following qualities? A. They are highly knowledgeable about government, religion, and military B. They descend from families with a long political tradition C. They promote democracy and limit their own authority D. They govern their subjects compassionately


According to the map above, which of the following helped Egypt become a fully functional state? I. Access to raw materials for building and commerce II. Deserts isolated Egypt from foreigners III. The Nile River only flowed through Egypt A. I only B. II only C. I, II, III D. I and II only


All of the following are considered to be common elements of complex societies expect A. A distinct religious structure B. Am organized government bureaucracy C. Some kind of military force/institution D. Location near a major ocean


In ancient Mesopotamian society, what was the ziggurat A. A provincial governor with both civil and military duties B. The code of laws that was believed to govern the universe C. The system of writing using a wedge-shaped stylus and clay tablets D. A massive stepped tower upon which a temple was built


In the Sumerian city-states, most scribes worked in which of the following settings I. Temples and palaces II. Military III. Agricultural fields A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II, and III


The Old, Middle, and New Kingdom were periods of I. Strong monarchical authority II. A flourishing cultural and literary tradition III. Extensive temple building and monumental architecture A. I only B. II only C. I and II only D. I, II, III


The cuneiform writing system originated in A. China B. Egypt C. Mesoamerica D. Mesopotamia


The phrase "without agriculture, there is no culture" implies all of the following except A. Hunting and gathering takes time B. Culture evolves from free time C. Culture evolved from the Neolithic Revolution D. Farmers are more affected by culture than others


What was the miracle of the Nile for the ancient Egyptians? A. It's water was drinkable B. It's gentle current allowed for the passage of boats C. It's temperature and salinity was ideal for fish D. It's annual floodings made the surrounding land fertile


Which of these is an example of neighboring civilizations that became culturally and economically integrated? A. The Olmecs and the Shang dynasty B. Egypt and the Indus Valley Civilization C. Nubia and Mesopotamia D. Egypt and Nubia


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