Meteorology 1 ISCI 171

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d. both A and B.

A hole in the ozone layer * a. is caused by pollutants such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which destroy ozone at very low temperatures. b. causes animals and plants to die due to excess UV radiation absorption. c. is a major cause of global warming. d. both A and B. e. A, B, and C.

b. nitrogen.

Air is comprised of mostly * a. carbon dioxide. b. nitrogen. c. oxygen. d. water vapor. e. an equal combination of all of the above.

d. both A and B.

Air pressure is * a. also called atmospheric and barometric pressure. b. read with a barometer. c. usually read in inches by scientists. d. both A and B. e. A, B, and C.

d. the Northern Hemisphere's warmest time of year is late July through early August.

All of the following are true except * a. Earth's average temperature is 60F. b. the coolest time of day is one hour after sunrise. c. the warmest time of day is between 2 and 5PM. d. the Northern Hemisphere's warmest time of year is late July through early August. e. the Northern Hemisphere's coolest time of year is late December through Mid-February.

a. high.

An air pressure of 1020.4 inches would be considered * a. high. b. low.

b. low.

An air pressure of 980mb would be considered * a. high. b. low.

e. both A and C.

An example of the carbon dioxide - oxygen cycle is * a. an animal breathing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. b. an animal breathing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. c. a plant absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. d. a plant absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. e. both A and C. f. both B and D.

e. both A and C.

As altitude increases, * a. air pressure decreases. b. air pressure increases. c. temperature decreases. d. temperature increases. e. both A and C. f. both B and D.

c. seawater.

Carbon sources include all of the following except. * a. forest fires. b. human pollutants. c. seawater. d. volcanism.

a. primarily survive on oxygen.

Chemosynthetic organisms are all of the following except * a. primarily survive on oxygen. b. primarily survive on gases other than oxygen. c. were likley part of Earth's second atmopshere. d. sill exist today.

e. A, B, and C.

Global warming is * a. caused by the Greenhouse Effect. b. is effected by natural sources such as volcanism and excess solar radiation. c. is effected by human sources such as factories, power plants, and transportation. d. both A and C. e. A, B, and C.

b. positive feedback loop.

Hotter temperatures on Earth causing methane hydrate on the seafloor to melt, rise into the atmosphere, and cause Earth's temperatures to increase even more is an example of a * a. negative feedback loop. b. positive feedback loop.

d. Troposphere.

If the stairs below were the atmosphere, what layer would the bottom one be? * a. Mesosphere. b. Stratosphere. c. Thermosphere. d. Troposphere.

b. One down from top.

If the stairs below were the atmosphere, what one would be the coldest? * a. Top. b. One down from top. c. One up from bottom. d. Bottom.

c. the study of shooting stars (meteors).

Meteorology is all of the following except * a. the study of the atmosphere. b. the study of climate. c. the study of shooting stars (meteors). d. the study of weather.

d. both A and B.

Other atmospheric components such as ash and meteor debris * a. can cause temperature changes. b. form the nuclei of water droplets. c. have little effect on Earth's weather. d. both A and B. e. both B and C.

d. both A and B.

Ozone * a. is good in the ozone layer where it absorbs some of the Sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. b. is bad in large quantities near Earth's surface as it may cause difficulty breathing. c. is good for plants in large amounts. d. both A and B. e. A, B, and C.

a. conduction.

Sand on a beach warming during the day is an example of * a. conduction. b. convection. c. radiation.

a. Celsius.

Scientists often read a thermometer in degrees * a. Celsius. b. Fahrenheit.

d. is synonymous with global warming.

The Greenhouse Effect is all of the following except * a. the natural retention of heat around a planet due to it being trapped by gases. b. allows life to survive on Earth. c. is enhanced by air pollution. d. is synonymous with global warming.

c. Proximity to a body of water.

The average annual snowfall of New York City is 25 inches and of Pittsburgh is 42 inches. This demonstrates what factor that effects weather and climate? * a. Elevation. b. Latitude. c. Proximity to a body of water. d. Proximity to mountains.

b. Latitude.

The average annual temperature of San Diego is 64 and of Seattle is 52. This demonstrates what factor that effects weather and climate? * a. Elevation. b. Latitude. c. Proximity to a body of water. d. Proximity to mountains.

f. both B and D.

The dividing line between the troposphere and stratosphere is * a. the stratopause. b. the tropopause. c. where temperatures even out and start decreasing. d. where temperatures even out and start increasing. e. both A and C. f. both B and D.

a. Elevation.

The picture below of Mt. Ranier in August shows what factor that effects weather and climate? * a. Elevation. b. Latitude. c. Proximity to a body of water. d. Proximity to mountains.

b. convection.

The upstairs area of a house being warm and the downstairs area of a house being cool is caused by * a. conduction. b. convection. c. radiation.

b. weather.

Tomorrow's forecast calls for temperatures in the 40s and rain. This is an example of * a. climate. b. weather.

c. both A and B.

Volcanism can * a. decrease Earth's temperatures. b. increase Earth's temperatures. c. both A and B.

d. Proximity to mountains.

What factor that effects weather and climate explains the difference in precipitation totals between Eastern and Western Washington on the map below? * a. Elevation. b. Latitude. c. Proximity to a body of water. d. Proximity to mountains.

b. Stratosphere.

What layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer? * a. Mesosphere. b. Stratosphere. c. Thermosphere. d. Troposphere.

c. Thermosphere.

What layer of the atmosphere is the hottest * a. Mesosphere. b. Stratosphere. c. Thermosphere. d. Troposphere.

e. A, B, and C.

Geoengineering * a. is a means of changing Earth's climate. b. could decrease the effects of global warming. c. may have unintended environmental effects. d. both A and V. e. A, B, and C.

e. A, B, and C.

Global cooling * a. is also called ice ages. b. may be caused by continent locations, volcanism, and astronomical factors. c. may cause mass extinction. d. both B and C. e. A, B, and C.

c. largely caused by human air pollution since the Industrial Revolution.

Consensus among qualified scientists is that current climate change is * a. caused by a warming trend that is part of the normal cyclicity of Earth. b. equally caused by natural and human causes. c. largely caused by human air pollution since the Industrial Revolution.

b. the amount of sunlight received by Earth, reflected to space, and absorbed by the surface and atmosphere.

Earth's Energy Budget is * a. the amount of energy pollution produced by countries that causes climate change. b. the amount of sunlight received by Earth, reflected to space, and absorbed by the surface and atmosphere.

e. A, B, and C.

Earth's first atmosphere * a. escaped because it contained fast moving gases. b. escaped because Earth had a weak magnetosphere that di not deflect solar wind which stripped the early gases. c. was comprised of hydrogen and helium. d. both A and C. e. A, B, and C.

d. formed as iron was absorbed into sea water.

Earth's first oxygen likely is all of the following except it * a. came from cyanobacteria photosynthesis. b. came from stromatolites. c. is evidenced by ironstone. d. formed as iron was absorbed into sea water. e. formed 2.5 billion years ago.

c. radiation.

Energy moving directly from a fireplace any warming your body demonstrates * a. conduction. b. convection. c. radiation.

e. A, B, and C.

Evidence for global warming includes * a. longer lifespans of some insects. b. migrating animals. c. rising sea level. d. both A and C. e. A, B, and C.

d. both A and B.

Excess trace gases in the atmosphere can cause * a. temperatures to rise (global warming). b. temperatures to decrease (global cooling). c. have no effect. d. both A and B.

a. climate.

Florida summers are generally hot and humid. This is an example of * a. climate. b. weather.

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