Meteorology test 3

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4. What is global average sea level pressure? (provide 2 answers, proper units.

1013.25 mb 29.92 in Hg

10) If a column of air is heated, it will: A have a smaller vertical pressure gradient. B) contract. C) become more dense. D) have a lower pressure at its base.


13) The Coriolis force would be strongest on a(n): A. supersonic jet. B) baseball pitcher's 100 mile-per-hour fastball. City that is flying above a C) alien spaceship the size of New York north-bound freeway at the speed of traffic. D) flock of Canada geese migrating north.


15) The Coriolis effect is strongest at this latitude: A. 90 degrees B. 45 degrees. C) 15 degrees. D) 0 degrees.


17) A geostrophic wind: A. Flows perpendicular to the pressure gradient force. B) curves around to flow toward its original source. C) follows the pressure gradient force. force. D) is usually not affected by the corrolis affect


23) You would expect vertical airflow in an anticyclone to result in A))convergence aloft. B) clouds. C) convergence at the surface. D) divergence aloft.


29) Most.of the United States is situated in which zone of prevailing winds? A))westerlies B) doldrums C) northerlies D) trade winds E) subpolar easterlies


32) The term Hadley cell applies to A)9 degrees to 30 to 90 degrees latitude. degrees latitude. B) 60 degrees C) the whole atmosphere. E) the poles and the equator. D) 30 degrees to 60 degrees latitude.


34) Regarding troughs and ridges, it is true that: A. height contours for troughs are shifted toward the equator. B) troughs are associated with high pressure. C) they most closely approximate a spiral pattern. D) there is always an equal number of troughs and ridges across the continental United States.


35) The region where the northeast trades meet the southeast trades is known as the A) ITCZ. B) hot zone. C) subtropics. D) rainforest. E) high latitudes.


38) The wave-like or meandering pattern of the upper level winds middle latitudes is of major importance for A) transporting heat between equator and poles. B) reducing wind speeds in the tropics. C) causing jet streams. D) causing westerly winds. E) reducing the Coriolis effect.


5) A steep pressure gradient: A) produces strong winds. C) would be depicted by widely spaced isobars. D) is only possible in the tropics. B) produces light winds.


7) The pressure gradient force: (A) creates wind if it is horizontal. B) will not necessarily result in the movement of air. C) is unrelated to the speed of air movement. D) can be measured by knowing the sea level pressure of just one point.


Cyclonic airflow is characterized by: A)divergence aloft and convergence at the surface. B) convergence aloft and divergence at the surface. C) convergence both at the surface and aloft. D) divergence both at the surface and aloft.


Horizontal pressure changes are than vertical pressure changes. A) less than B) about the same C) greater D) None of the above. There are no horizontal pressure changes.


Metcorologists convert all atmospheric pressure data to the equivalent sea-level air pressure A) remove the effects of elevation. C) correct for the effects of the Coriolis force. B) unify the pressure gradient force at all locations. D) make sure all of the data is measured in millibars.


Neglęcting friction, the speed and direction of the horizontal wind are determined by A) pressure gradient and coriolis B) only gravity. C) viscosity and turbulence D) temperature and humidity. E) gravity and humidity.


Semi-permanent pressure cells:. A) Can change substantially from summer patterns. B) have no impack on major weather to winter C) stay in one place. D) maintain the same intensity year-round.


Surface high pressure zones are usually associated with A) stormy weather. B) converging winds. C) ascending air. D) clear or nearly clear weather.


The geostrophic wind describes a situation where the air moves A) parallel to the isobars. B) from pole to equator. C) upward. E) very fast. D) very slowly.


The single-cell model for general atmospheric circulation: A) demonstrates the effect of thermally direct circulations. B) is the major cause of the Gulf Stream. C) causes wild deviations in the sub-tropical jet stream. D) works only in the northern hemisphere.


Which of the following connects points of equal atmospheric A) isobars B) isotachs C) isohytes D) isotherms


mercury. Mercury barometer readings must be corrected for all of the following factors, except: A) moisture content of the air. B) elevation above sea level. C) changes in the acceleration of gravity with latitude. D) temperature.


Choice Point Air pressure is:

A the constituent B) measured in pascals by American meteorologists. C) independent of the density of air. D) independent of the temperature of air.

How do upper air winds blow around an cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere (indicate if they are clockwise or counterclockwise and the relationship to the isolines)?

Clockwise, curving parallel to the isolines

19) Cyclones: A are associated with supergeostrophic wind. B) experience Coriolis effects that deflect Hemisphere. C) are typically regions of fair weather. D) are associated with low-pressure systems.


21) According to Newton's Laws, an air parcel can accelerate: A) by speeding up. B) by changing direction C) by slowing down. D) all of the above


25) The ITCZ: A) forms the boundary between the Ferrel and polar cells. B) is where trade winds originate. C) is an area of high pressure. D) receives a lot of rain.


30) The prevailing winds that blow northerlies from the horse latitudes toward the doldrums are called: A) polar easterlies B) subtropical southerlies. C) southerlies D) westerlies E) trade winds.


32) Westerly winds in the upper atmosphere at mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere: A) are stronger in summer than in winter. B) are moving perpendicular to 500 mb contours. C) are a result of a pressure gradient that moves air from the poles toward the equator. D) are the reason most mid-latitude storms move from west to east.


34) Winds are usually named for: A) the altitude where they are strongest. B) the direction or place to which they are heading. C) the approximate latitude of their origin. D) direction or place from which they are blowing.


36) In which of the following situations would swimmers find the warmest waters at the beach? A) winter off the north coast of Alaska B) just north of San Francisco in summer C. Los Angeles in summer with a Santa Ana wind- causes upwelling D. Los Angeles in summer with an on-shore wind


4) Mercury barometers: A) are more cumbersome than water barometers. B) give direct measurements in millibars. C) use mercury because it has a low density. D) are inverted into a pool of mercury.


49) The process where cold ocean waters are circulated to the surface is called A) the Gulf Stream. B) the North Atlantic Drift. C) the Eckman Spiral effect. D. Upwelling E) the Humbolt conformal effect.


6) Which of these factors influence the magnitude of the Coriolis force? A) latitude B) wind direction C) wind speed D) Both wind speed and latitude


A plane takes off from City A headed for City B, located directly to the north. but arrives at a city some distance to the west of City B. What can be said of the airplane? The pilot flies directly north, A) It probably has a broken compass. B) It was flying in the Southern Hemisphere. C) it was flying in the Northern Hemisphere. D)At was blown off course by upper atmospheric winds. gas (i.e.


All other variables equal, humid air is less dense than drier air because: A) some of the water in humid air will condense, and the latent heat released will expand the air. B) water molecules are negatively charged and thus repel other molecules. C) water molecules have a lower average velocity than does diatomic nitrogen. D) the molecular weight of water is less than that of either diatomic oxygen or diatomic nitrogen.


An altimeter is an adaptation of the: A) millibar. B) mercurial barometer C) anemometer (D) Aneroid barometer.


Angular momentum is dependent upon all of the following, except: A) velocity. B) mass. C) radius. D material the mass is composed of.


D) a balance between the upward pressure gradient force and the downward gravity force.


Foehns: C) are usually associated with heavy B) are mesoscale winds. A) are called Chinooks in Los Angeles. rainfall. compression. B) are mesoscale winds C) are usually associated with heavy rainfall D)flow downslope and warm by


If the earth were not rotating, A) atmospheric pressure would decrease. B) all winds would cease. C Earth would lose its atmosphere. D) it would move directly from high to low pressure.


Rossby waves: A) usually occur in global sets of ten or more. B) tend to reinforce normal weather patterns at middle latitudes . C. change little from season to season. D) usually move from west to east.


The C in ITCZ stands for convergence. What does the convergence refer to? A) surface winds in the mid latitudes B) winds aloft near the poles C) surface winds in a monsoon D) surface winds along the equator


The Hadley cell: A) does not account for the formation of trade winds. B) creates a high-pressure area at the equator. C) does not explain upper air movement in the troposphere. D. originates with strong solar heating at the equator.


The northeast trade winds: nd A) are the product of a strong Coriolis force. B) span the horse (8 C) have been the dread of sailors for centuries. D) are the result of air flowing from the subtropical high to the ITCZ.


This is NOT a part of the Hadley cell: A) ITCZ. B) trade winds. C) subtropical highs. D) mid-latitude westerlies.


14) The primary force which causes all winds is A) Coriolis effect. B) inertia force. C) geostrophic force. D) centrifugal force. E) pressure gradient force.


22) If air pressure is reduced by one-half for every five-kilometer increase in altitude, what would be the air pressure at a height of 25 kilometers as a fraction of sea-level air pressure? A) 1/8 B) 1/64 C) 1/4 D) 1/16 E) 1/32


A cold air drainage wind is called a: A) Foehn. B) Bora. C) Santa Ana wind. D) Sea breeze. E)Katabatic wind.


The threecell model for general circulation: A) accounts for the positioning of the Polar and Sub-tropical jet streams. B) takes in to account the spin of the earth. C) includes a segment called the Hadley Cell. D) is a better representation of the atmosphere than the single-cell E) all of the above


When geostrophic conditions exist in the atmosphere, the net force on the moving air is A) large since the wind speed is fast B) large when the wind speed is slow C) called a centrifugal force D) called a centripetal force E) zero


The geostrophic Hemisphere. Is high pressure is located wind is blowing from south to north in the Northern to your (N,S,E,orW):


If cold air advection is taking place at the surface, what will happen to height of an upper-air constant pressure surface above that area?

It will sink

What weather scale are Lake effect snows considered?


13. The wind direction is 315 degrees, from what compass direction is the wind blowing from


14. Referring to the idealized three model of atmospheric circuilation, most of the United States is situated in which belt of prevailing

Prevailing westerlies

In order to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium the vertical pressure gradient must be ______________________ in a warm column of air compared to a cold column of air.


What area of North America experiences a pronounced monsoon circulation?

Southwest/ Arizona

11. What are the general weather conditions to be expected when the pressure tendency is rising?

Stable/ fair

In reference to the above question (no. 7) What force is stronger, the pressure gradient force or the coriolis force? Also what is the force that results from the imbalance between these forces called?


If warm air advection is occurring at the surface what should be happening to the heights of upper-air constant pressure surfaces?

They should rise

12. What two factors influence the magnitude of the coriolis force, also address what has to happen to the factors to cause the coriolis force to increase


12) This prevents wind from following the direction of the horizontal pressure gradient force: A) friction with the ground. B) the Coriolis effect. C) interaction with the solar wind. D) the earth's magnetic field.


14) Given that the circumference of a circle is 360 degrees, it follows that the earth rotates about this many degrees per hour: A) 10. B) 15. C) 36. D) 360.


16) The Coriolis force: A) is caused by pressure gradient forces. B) affects the direction of motion. C) affects the speed of motion. D) is constant.


2) Air pressure: A) constantly changes in order to avoid is the equilibrium. B. Is force exerted in all directions of a column of air rising point measurement. C) is independent of the force of gravity. D) is exerted downward only.


21) When density remains constant and the temperature is lowered, the pressure of a confined gas (i.e. in sealed tank) will: A) There is no way of knowing whether the pressure will increase or decrease. B)decrease. C) remain the same. D) increase.


33) The polar front: A) is not associated with the polar jet stream. B) is a region marked by a sharp change in horizontal temperature. C) is a region of small changes in the slope of pressure surfaces. D) is a boundary between two regions of cold air.


47) A ___________aloft is associated with _________ air; a _________aloft is associated with __________air. A) Low/sinking; high/rising B Ridge/warm; trough/cold C) Ridge/cold; trough/warm D) none of the above


9) If "fair" weather is approaching, the pressure tendency would probably be: A) falling. B)rising. C) steady D) Pressure tendency has nothing to do with forecasting good or bad weather.


Cyclones and anticyclones are classified as this scale of phenomena: A) global scale. B) synoptic scale. C) mesoscale. D) microscale.


High pressure air zones are usually associated with: B) relatively dry conditions. D) converging winds. C) ascending currents. A) stormy weather


In the southern hemisphere, anticylonic winds flow A) inward and clockwise. B)outward and counterclockwise. C) outward and clockwise. D) inward and counterclockwise.


Meridional flow is characterized by flow that is while zonal flow is ________characterized by flow that _____________ A) west/east; north/south B) ñorth/south; west/east C) slow; fast D) all of the above


Microscale winds generally last for: A) 1 to 2 days. B) a few seconds. C) 3 days or longer. D) 1 to 2 hours.


Monsoons are most dramatic on this continent: A) North America. B) Asia C) Europe. D) South America.


Newton's second law of motion states that an object's acceleration is A) inversely proportional to the force acting on it and its mass. B) Proportional to the force acting on it and inversley proportinal to its mass C) proportional to the force acting on it and to its mass. D) inversely proportional to the force acting on it and proportional to its mass.


Sea breezes: A) occur when the seashore is higher than that inland. temperature at the warms and cools more slowly than B) result from the fact that water both land. C) require a surface region of high pressure inland. D) are usually less intense than land breezes.


The trade winds are the result of: A) flow around large, dynamic sub-tropical low pressure systems. B) flow around large, dynamic sub-tropical high pressure systems C) friction. D) an imbalance in the Coriolis Force.


This is most prominent in summer: A) Siberian high. B) Hawaiian high. C) Aleutian low. D) Icelandic low.


Upper air winds: C) are greatly influenced by friction. A) are unaffected by the Coriolis force. B) are generally faster D) do not influence


Why do surface winds cross the isobars at an angle toward lower pressure (instead of blowing parallel to the isobars)? E) Coriolis strengthens by combining with friction. D) Convergence causes this. B) friction reduces the speed so corolis is weakened A) Pressure gradient becomes stronger near the surface


11) The pressure gradient force is proportional to: A) the change in temperature expressed in Kelvin degrees. B) the change in air density. C the spacing of the isobars. D) the speed necessary to achieve hydrostatic equilibrium.


18) Gradient flow: A) maintains the same direction. B) occurs when wind flows parallel to the pressure gradient. C) Undergoes constant acceleration. D) is a geostrophic wind.


22) According to the Ideal Gas Law, the pressure will increase if: A) the air density and temperature decreases B) the air density and the temperature are held constant temperature is held constant C) the air density increases while the


50) The horse latitudes were associated with the: A) equatorial low. B) sub-polar lows. C) Subtropical highs. D) polar highs.


8) Hydrostatic equilibrium occurs when: A) the force of gravity and the vertical pressure gradient both act to push air upward. B) large air masses are moving either up or down. C) the force of gravity and the vertical pressure gradient have equal value and oppose each other. D the force of gravity and the vertical pressure gradient both act to push air downward.


9) Regarding hydrostatic equilibrium and movements toward hydrostatic equilibrium, it is true that: A) air density has no effect on the up or down motion of air masses. B. sparse atmosphere feels a stronger gravitational pull does a dense atmosphere. C. Upward vertical movements are likely occur more rapidly than downward movements.


A Santa Ana (or Chinook A) or Foehn wind is a A) cold, damp wind blowing off a field of snow B) wind associated with a blizzard. C) very dry, warm wind coming down a mountain slope D) wind dry, warm that is peculiar wind coming down the China mainland.


An aerovane is commonly used to measure: A) pressure gradient force only B) wind speed only C) both wind direction and wind speed D) wind direction only


Concerning rainfall patterns, areas of persistent high pressure tend to cause A) severe flooding. B) pronounced wet and dry seasons. C) desert regions D) moderate rainfall.


Most of the earth's deserts are located in the A) tradewind belt. B) boundary between liquid and frozen oceans. C) subsidence areas of subtropical highs. D) areas along the polar front. E) doldrum belt.


Regarding isobars, it is true that: A) they depict areas having the same barometer reading. B) you you will not find them on Canadian pressure charts. C) their spacing indicates the strength of the pressure gradient. D) they are drawn at 10 mb intervals in the United States.


The Sahel: A) has a rainy season that lasts for nearly nine months out of the year B) is located in South America. C) is usually dominated by the subtropical high. D) has seen little meteorological change in recent decades.


The pressure gradient force is directed from higher to lower pressure A) everywhere except the equator. B) only at the equator. C) everywhere. D) only in the Northern Hemisphere E) only at the poles.


The source of moisture for the Asian monsoon is: A) evapotranspiration from southeast Asian jungles. B) the Ganges River delta. C the Indian Ocean. D) the snows of the Tibetan Plateau.


What option below best characterizes the rainfall distribution at a station located south of the Sahara A) dry all year round B) adequate precipitation year round C) winter dry season D) summer adequate dry season precipitation all year around dry


When air moves from the ocean onto land: A) divergence and subsidence occur over the land. B) curved flow is initiated. D) the winds tend to increase their speed. C)converging winds and ascending air result over the land.


Winds in the upper atmosphere are: A) westerly only in the southern hemisphere. B) westerly only in the northern hemisphere. C) westerly in both the northern and southern hemisphere. D) faster in summer than in winter in both the northern and southern hemisphere.


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