ME/WH Final Exam

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Caspar David Friedrich

(1774-1840) his early experiences left him with a lifelong preoccupation with God and nature. This was shown in his work. He painted vast landscapes truly evoking every detail of nature. He conveyed feelings of mysticism and mystery. Man and Woman Gazing at the Moon. His paintings mixed the imagination with the real.

Tsar Alexander I

(1801-1825) Was the last Divine Right Monarchy of Russia, he was raised by enlightenment ideals, and initially during his reign he gave many freedoms and rights relaxing censorship, freed political prisoners, and reformed education. He refused to grant a constitution however or free the serfs from their nobles. This led to secret societies planning revolt, but they were unable to do so with Alexander's sudden and untimely death. His brother Constantine was to take the throne, but unbeknownst to the public he was not in line as he gave his right to his brother Nicholas I. This was not taken well by the general public, and Nicholas I had to deal with the Decembrist Revolts a result of the public's unrest.

Charles Darwin

(1809-1882) - helped the secularization of the world, which undermined the faith in religion that many had. Darwin did this through the publishing of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection which was a book that proclaimed the basic idea of Natural selection and Organic evolution. Darwin is also important because his idea of Natural Selection was applied to humans creating the term Social Darwinism.

Congress of Vienna

(1814-1815) held by the Austrian Emperor Francis I. But the real leader of the Congress was the Austrian foreign Minister: Prince Klemens von Metternich It was a congregation of European leaders and their advisers who had fought Napoleon. Their business in Vienna, Austria was to arrange a final peace settlement after the decade of war.They attempted to restore stability by reestablishing the Old Regime and old order to Europe, with the ideals of Conservatism. They helped to avoid major conflict for 100 years, and it all started with a goal of preventing any nation to become as powerful as France was.

Concert of Europe

(1818-1822) Grown out of the European powers' fear of revolution and war, the Concert of Europe was made to maintain the new status quo tat they had constructed in the Congress of Vienna. This was a group made up of the Quadruple Alliance(Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria). They met periodically between the given years to renew their commitment again against any attempted restoration of Bonapartist power. In their meetings they discussed their common interests and any possible threats. A number of 4 meetings were held, not all extremely successful.

Louis Pasteur

(1822-1895) part of the Scientific Revolution, came up with the germ theory of disease, which had enormous practical applications in the development of modern scientific medical practices

Vincent Van Gogh

(1853-1890) a famous Post-Impressionist that believed art was a spiritual experience, he was especially interested in color and believed that it could act as its own form of language, and that artists should paint what they felt. Famous work: " The Starry Night"

Albert Einstein

(1879-1955) a brilliant German born patent officer working in Switzerland who pushed new theories into a new terrain, in 1905 he published a paper "The Electro-Dynamics of Moving Bodies" that contained his special theory of relativity.

Pablo Picasso

(1881-1973) was a Spanish artist that much like Van Gogh rejected realism, and painted with a remarkable variety of style. He had a remarkable variety of styles, and was instrumental in the development of a new style called Cubism . He painted a lot of sexual pictures, and his most famous work is: Guernica

Decembrist Revolt

(December 1825) the military leader of the Northern Union rebelled against the accession of Nicholas. It was stopped by troops royal to Nicholas and its leaders were executed.

Battle of Stalingrad

(July 17, 1942-Feb. 2, 1943), a successful Soviet defense of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in the U.S.S.R. during World War II. Russians consider it to be the greatest battle of their Great Patriotic War, and most historians consider it to be the greatest battle of the entire conflict. It stopped the German advance into the Soviet Union and marked the turning of the tide of war in favor of the Allies. The ________________ was one of the bloodiest battles in history, with combined military and civilian casualties of nearly 2 million.


During World War II (1939-1945), the Battle of Normandy, which lasted from June 1944 to August 1944, resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany's control. Codenamed Operation Overlord, the battle began on June 6, 1944, also known as D-Day, when some 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France's Normandy region. The invasion was one of the largest amphibious military assaults in history and required extensive planning. Prior to D-Day, the Allies conducted a large-scale deception campaign designed to mislead the Germans about the intended invasion target. By late August 1944, all of northern France had been liberated, and by the following spring the Allies had defeated the Germans. The Normandy landings have been called the beginning of the end of war in Europe.

Social Darwinism

Darwinism is purley based around the idea "survival of the fittest." ______________ is taking this idea and applying it to society. For example, the British feel as though they are more fit as a civilization and race than the Indians, therefor they imperialize India because they believe they should control it due to their ethnic and cultural superiority.

Red Guards

Discontented youth and disgruntled party members mobilized into revolutionary units who took to the streets to cleanse Chinese society of capitalism. They cleansed local schools, factories, and government ministries.

"White Man's Burden"

Written by the British poet Rudyard Kipling. The theory was based around the ignorant idea that the allegedly "more advanced" white people had this "moral" responsibility to raise the "ignorant" indigenous people to a higher level of civilization.

Mary Shelley

Wrote Frankenstein, One of the many romantic authors who took Gothic Literature to a whole new level.


the use of geometrical designs as visual stimuli to re-create reality in the viewer's mind

Strategic bombing

to attack military bases military supplies and railroads but ended up targeting highly populated places in Britain and Germany.

Yalta conference

took place in Feb 1945 in a Russian resort town. Was a meeting with US president FDR, British Prime Minister(PM) Winston Churchill, and and Soviet Leader Stalin during WWII to plan for post-war

William Wordsworth

(1770-1785) exemplifies the romantics' love of nature in his poetry works


Hitlers decision to kill jews. only Arian race

Emancipation of the Serfs

The reform was put into place during the reign of Tsar Alexander II of Russia and lead to the liquidation of serf dependence previously suffered by peasants of the Russian Empire.

Great Leap Forward

A failed national revolution by Mao. Tried to focus masses of unskilled villagers on producing pure iron, which is skilled labor. Major fail.

Shidehara diplomacy

A tactic taken by Japan in the post-Meiji era called for the seizing of terrirories such as Taiwan, Korea, and Manchuria, turning them into colonies under Japansese empire. This causes hostility in the Western nations. After a meeting in washington, the Japan foreign minister sought to use diplomatic and economic means to realize Japanese interests in Asia. This approach was hindered as Japanese industrialist began to move to indusry, chimicals, mining, and manufacturing of appliances and automobiles.

Cultural Revolution

After the failed Great Leap Forward, Mao came back with more radical ideas in 1966. He mobilized "discontented" youth and disgruntled party members into revolutionary units, turning them into the Red Guards whose goal was to "take to the streets to cleanse Chinese society-from local schools and factories to government ministries in Beijing-of impure elements who were guilty of "taking the capitalist road"" This revolution lasted from 1966 to 1976. New School systems were establsihed emphasizing "Mae Zedong Thought" specializing in science and humanities as well. Mao's little red book was hailed the most important source of knowledge in all areas.

Potsdam conference

Allied conference of wwII at Potsdam in Berlin. Harry Truman, Churchill, and Stalin. The conference discussed the substance and procedures of the peace settlementws in Europe but did not attempt to right peace treaties. The task of the Big Three were the immediate administration of defeated germany, the demarcation of the boundaries of Poland, the occupation of Austria, the definition of the soviet unions role in eastern Europe, the determinations of reparations, and the further prosecutions of the war against japan. In this conference each nation was most concerned with its own self-interest. And Churchill was suspicious of stalins motives and yielding positions.Demilitarization, denazifacation, democratization, decentralization, and deindustrialization were decided upon at Yalta.

Mao Zedong

An Extremely revolutionary leader, _____ founded "The People's Republic of China in 1949, and lead it as Chairman until his death in 1976. He oversaw the failed "Great Leap Forward" and the " Great proletariat Revolution". He sought to eradicate any and all old traditions and artifacts of the Old china, he encouraged and even admitted to the deaths of people who even looked to be traditional. Many were innocent.

Principle Of Legitimacy

An ideal set forth by Metternich which sought to reestablish peace and stability in Europe by restoring the legitimate monarchs who would preserve traditional institutions. Legitimate meant that they were proven or chosen, due to family lineage, and if they were fit to lead by upholding the traditional ideals and beliefs rulers had before the revolution of France and other uprisings

Emperor Hirohito

As WWII was coming to a close the Emperor of Japan, ___________, was told by the Unihed States that he could remain as emperor if he renounced his divinity. He did on New Years Day of 1946.


At the end of the 18th century a new intellectual movement emerged to challenge the new ideas of the Enlightenment period, Balanced reason by stressing the importance of emotion and imaginations as sources of learning.

Oct/Nov revolution/Leon Trotsky

By the end of October the Bolsheviks had achieved a slight majority in the Petrograd and Moscow soviets. The number of party members had also grown from 50 thousand to 240 thousand. With Leon Trotsky a fervid revolutionary as chairman of the Petrograd soviet Lenin and the Bolshs were in a position to seize power in the name of the soviets. During the night of Nov 6th prosoviet and probolshevik forces took control of Petrograd, the prov gov quickly collapsed with little bloodshed. The following night, the all-Russian congress of soviets, representing local soviets from all over the country affirmed the transfer of power. Then the night of nov 8th Lenin announced the new soviet gov, the Council of People's Commissars, with himself as its head. But the bolshks soon renamed the Communists, still had a long way to go. Because Lenin had promised peace and the he realized was not an easy task because of the humiliating losses of Russian territory that would entail. On march 3rd 1918 Lenin signed the treaty of Brest-Litovsk with germany and gave up eastern Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltic provinces. Lenin argued that it made no difference because the spread of socialist revolution throughout Europe would make the treaty irrelevant.Peace did not come and civil war started.

Chiang Kai-shek

Close friend of Sun-Yat Sen, served as the leadr of the republic of China from 1928 to 1975.


Colonial policy concentrated on exporting raw materials during imperialism including rubber from Malayas.

Rape of Nanjing

During their takeover of Nanjing, China in 1937, Japanese soldiers were devoted to killing, raping, and looting. Tens of thousands of somen from Korea and the Philippines were forced to serve as "comfert women" for japanese troops.

Relativity Theory

Einstein's theory that space and time are not absolute but relative to the observer and both are interwoven into what is called a four-dimensional space-time continuum, Neither space nor time has an existence independent of human experience.

"Scramble For Africa"

European pace to imperialize Africa began in the beginning of the 1880s, but the "Scramble" began in the mid 1880s when European Countries including Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britian, and Portugal started going hard trying to take as much as they could as quickly as possible before it all got "picked". Berlin Conference was a result of this tension to take as much of Africa as quickly as possible.

Kita Ikki

In 1919_________, the radical nationalist, called for a military takeover and the establishment of a new system resembling the later system called National Socialism in Germany.

Josef Stalin/5 year plan

In a battle for power with Trotsky after the death of Lenin. He was skilled at avoiding allegiance to either the left or the right faction in the politburo. He was also a good organizer, and the other members of the politburo soon found that the position of the party secretary was really the most important In the party hierarchy. Stalin used his post to gain complete control of the communist party. He had succeeded in eliminating the old Bolsheviks and establishing a dictatorship so powerful that the Russian tsars of old would get so jealous of him. In 1928 Stalin launched his first five year plan. whos goal was to transform the agrarian soviet union into an industrial country fast. It emphasized maximum production of capital goods and armaments and succeeded in quadrupling the production of heavy machinery and doubling oil production. Between 1928 and 1937 during the first two five year plans, steel production increased from 4 million to 18 million tons per year. Stalin believed that the capital needed for the industrial growth could be by eliminating private farms and pushing people onto collective farms. Which would achieve a communist ideal. Stalin sent anyone who resisted into forced labor camps in Siberia. Which led to purges of the old Bolsheviks, army officers, diplomats, union officials, party members, intellectuals, and numerous ordinary citizens. This was called Dekulakization.

Qing Dynasty

The ruling Chinese Dynasty from 1644 until 1912. Since this is a Modern European class, it makes a ton of sense that we talked about China so much...not. We studied the Quings in both 1st and 2nd semester, but we focused mainly on the fall of the Quings this semester when the Commies took over China, getting rid of the 'old'.

October manifesto 1905

Issued by Tsar Nicholas II,that in effect marked the end of unlimited autocracy in Russia and ushered in an era of constitutional monarchy. Threatened by the events of the Russian revolution of 1905 Nicholas faced the choice of establishing a military dictatorship or granting a constitution. Although both the tsar and his advising minister had reservations about the latter option it was determined to be the better choice. Nicholas thus issued the October manifesto which promised to guarantee civil liberties, (freedom of speech,press, and assembly), to establish a broad franchise to create a legislative body(the duma) whose members would be popularly elected and whose approval would be necessary before the enactment of any legislation.

Confusion Restoration

Jiang Zemin succeeds Deng Xiaping and the government starts to promote rapid economic growth while cracking down harshly on political dissent. Industrial production increases rapidly. The government began to sponsor the establishment of Confucian center around the world to promote Chinese views that Confucian humanism is destined to replace traditional religious faiths in coming decades. As a result chinese leaders have conceded that Marxism is increasingly irrelevant to today's China.

King Leopold II

King of Belgium from 1835 to 1909. In context to the Congo, claimed the Congo during the Scramble for Africa.


Land in Poland with 10 mil germans and hitler wanted it due to national selfdetermination. Hilter took it due to appeasement

Vladimir Lenin

Leader of the Bolsheviks, led the communists in withdrawal from the war, and in the Russian civil war

New economic policy

Lenin adopted the _______________, a modified version of the old capitalist system. Forced requisitioning of food from the peasants was halted, and peasants were now allowed to sell their product openly. Retail stores and small industries that employed fewer than 2 0 people could now operate under private ownership, although heavy industry, banking, utilities, and mines remaind in the hands of the government. The New economic policy saved the nation from complete economic disaster even though Lenin and other leading communists intended it to only be a temporary, tactical retreat from the goals of communism.


Liberalism comes from the Enlightenment ideals of the eighteenth century and to the American and French revolutions. This belief gained a large amount of supporters during the Industrial revolution with the middle class. In simple terms Liberalism is the belief that people should be as free from restraint as possible, this basic ideal can be found in the two branches of Liberalism. THE MIDDLE CLASS IN ALL NATIONS WANT LIBERALISM. The middle class also equals the Bourgeoisie

Balance of Powers

Metternich and the rest of the Congress of Vienna wanted to make sure that no one would ever be as powerful as France once was. They did this by re-doing boundaries, Giving power to some nations, and taking some away from others. For example after Russia gained new land from it's fight with France the Congress allotted land to Austria, and other countries neighboring Russia.

Principle Of Intervention

Metternich gave the European powers the right to intervene in countries who were facing a revolution, to put down the revolt, and put a "legitimate" ruler back in power. Great Britain however did not agree with this, and left the Quadruple Alliance saying that it was not created to intervene in internal affairs. The Principle of Intervention worked in Spain and Italy as Britain was not able to stop the Alliance from getting involved however they were able to do so when the Quadruple Alliance attempted to interfere with the Latin American revolutions.


War tactic used by the germans in wwII. It used tanks and the warplane. First the airforce would attack bombing enemy positions and airfields and dropping paratroopers behind enemy lines then heavy tanks would smash through the front. Then medium tanks would open paths for the infantry who would consolidate the new positions and rid any enemy resistance

"The four olds"



Party lead by Sun Yat Sin. Ousted government ruling outside of China currently


Recognized as once a glorious empire, by 1800 the __________ had been reduced by British military power. The British overshadowed the _________ with their control over India.


Socialism and Radicalism stemmed from efforts to change the pitiful conditions the Industrial Revolution had created. Socialism plain and simple is an ideology that calls for collective or government ownership of the means of production and the distribution of goods. It eventually became associated with a Marxist analysis of human society but early socialism was largely the product of intellectuals who believed in the equality of all people and wanted to replace competition with cooperation in the industry. This was later seen to be an impractical dream. Radicalism wanted to make the same changes but it wanted to do so with by more violent means as seen in the 1st French revolution.

Deng Xiaoping

Succeeded Mao. The old policies were reversed and the new program emphasized economic modernization. His first step was the focus on The four modernizations, which were INDUSTRY, AGRICULTURE, TECHNOLOGY, and NATIONAL DEFENSE. Mao stressed the aphorism "Black cat, white cat, what does it matter so long as it catches the mice?" People were encouraged to work hard to benefit themselves and the chinese society- "Serve the people." China started to encourage foreign investment, sending thousand of students and specialists abroad to study capitalism. During the 1980s, China's per capita income roughly doubled. Housing, education, and sanitation all improved. His program was chritisized for not achieving the "fifth modernizion" of democracy.

Civil Service Exam

Test one had to take to be able to be a government official in China

Sepoy uprising

The _____________ was caused in 1857 when the British adopted a new rifle that used paper cartridges covered with animal fat lard, which because it had to be bitten off it broke strictures against Hindu eating animal products and Muslims eating pork. The rebellion was poorly organized and was eventually supressed by the British.

The Long March

The ____________lasting from 1934 to 1935. It was the communist evading Chiang Kai-Shek's Chinese nationalist party army. The ____________, led by young communist radical Mao, was about 6000 miles, started in Hunan and ended in Yan'an.

Romantic Individualism

The belief that nature served as a mirror into which humans could look to learn about themselves, this mirror reflected differently for each.

Chinese Civil War

The fight between the China National Party (the ruling government before the commies). The war raged from 1927 until the cease of major battles in 1950, although the commies were in control long before the end of the war.

Indirect vs. direct rule

The objective as a whole was the exploit natural resources of the impearialized area and open up markets for manufactured goods and capital investment from the mother country(britain). For indirect rule, this goal was to be siezed by cooperation with the native political elites, winning them over, and placing them in their positions of authority although obviously in a new setting. The only reason indirect rule would not work was if the local leaders that the imperializers were trying to put in political rank would not cooperate with the imperializers. Direct rule often happened when these colonial powers were struggling with resistance form the natives and were forced to completely overthrow the these local native political elites. This new Direct rule often resulted in destroying the traditinal native culture.


The practice of _____, a wife killing herself in mourning for the death of her husband, was outlawed by the British in India thus granting widows the ability to remarry.


This was used in rural areas of Britain and was a system that expected to facilitate the collection of agricultural taxes and create a new landed gentry who could become the conservative foundation of imperial rule. Often the local gentry would take advantage of this and increase taxes thus forcing the low peasants to become tenants or lose their land entirely.

British raj

___ comes from the Indian word raja and means "prince." Refers to the British rule in India and how they went about it. The introduction of British textiles to India, an idea brought up from the raj, put thousands of Bengali women out of work and damaged the local textiles.

Sun Yat-Sen

____ was thought in China as a young radical leader. He united a number of anti-Manchu groups into a single patriotic organization called the Revolutionary Alliance(Tongmenghui). He brought about the "three people's principles" which were nationalism, democracy, and people's livelihood. The three stage process was called to begin with military takeover and end with constitutional democracy.


__________ is just a word for financial clique. These __________ gradually developed and were put into large conglomerates that controlled a major segment of the Japanese economy. There were four large _________ that controlled 21% of the banking industry, 26% of mining, 35% of shipbuilding, and 60% of paper manufacturing and insurance. The only problems it created were the concentration of power and wealth which created a duel economy.


___________ was the first area of China to as a whole fall to Mao's communism. Was occupied by Japan pre WWI in order to boost the Japanese economy.

Meiji Constitution

adopted in Japan in 1890, was based on the Bismarckian model with authority vested in the executive branch.

De-Stalinization/Khrushchev/Hungarian uprising

____________ was best known for his policy of ________________. He had risen in the party hierarchy as a stalin protégé, but he had been deeply disturbed by his mentors excesses and once in a position of authority moved to excise the Stalinist legacy from the Soviet soviety. The campaign began at the 20th National Congress of the communist party in February 1956, when khrush gave a long speech in private criticizing some of Stalin's major shortcomings. It had not been intended for public distribution but was leaked. The next few years Khush encouraged more freedom for writers, artists, and composers. And under his instruction thousands of prisoners were released from concentration camps.

Charles X

_____________ called together another election in which the French Liberals won. He decided to seize the initiative at this point creating the July Ordinances which did the following: 1. Imposed rigid censorship on the press 2. dissolved the legislative assembly 3. reduced the electorate in preparation for new elections A revolution immediately broke out in response to the July Ordinances, a group barricaded Paris and a provisional government led by a group of moderates who in turn were led by Louise Phillipe


a group of the white race that lived in South Africa. The Boar were the Dutch who remained in South Africa post Dutch imperialization in the late 1800s. The Zulu are the Native group of South Africa. The Boar and the Zulu ****ing hate each other and have constant disputes. The Boar war is completly UNRELATED to the tension between the Boar and Zulue.

Prague Spring

a period of euphoria that came after the Brezhnev doctrine


a siberian peasant whom the tsarina( Alexandria, Nicholas IIs wife) regarded as a holy man because he alone seemed able to stop the bleeding of her hemophiliac son Alexis. ___________'s influence made him a power behind the throne and he did not hesitate to interfere in government affairs. As the leadership at the top experienced a series of military and economic disasters, the middle class, aristocrats, peasants, soldiers, and workers grew more disenchanted with the tsarist regime Even conservative aristocrats who supported the monarchy felt the need to do something to reverse the deteriorating situation. So to that Rasputin was assassinated in December 1916.


a small faction of the Russian social democrats who were led by Lenin. Under lenins direction they became a party dedicated to violent revolution. "Peace.Land.Bread" was there slogan for propaganda

Sino-Soviet Split

a split between the ideals of the Chinese and Soviets starting with China's New Democracy. It roughly followed Lenin's New Economic Policy but included some socialist and capitalist ideas. This occurred around 1950.

Tsar Nicholas II

began his rule with his father's conviction that the absolute power of the tsars should be preserved: "I shall maintain the principle of autocracy just as firmly and unflinchingly as did unforgettable father". The defeat of the Russians by the Japanese in 1904-5 encouraged anti government groups to rebel against the tsarist regime. Nicholas II granted civil liberties(October manifesto) and agreed to create a legislative assembly the Duma elected directly by the broad franchise.but real constitutional monarchy proved short lived. Already by 1907 the tsar had curtailed the power of the Duma and relied again on the army and bureaucracy to rule Russia. Peasant discontent flourished as conditions worsened after the revolution on 1905.Nicholas was increasingl insulated from events by his wife Alexandria, who had fallen under the influence of Rasputin.


first came around 1850, and it was given to artist and Authors with a new style of painting and literature, that rejected the romantic ideal. They wanted to deal with ordinary characters from actual life. They also avoided emotional language by using close observation and precise description

Truman doctrine

formulated by President Truman, alarmed by the british weakness and the possibility of soviet expansion into the eastern Mediterranean, responded with the doctrine, which said in essence that the US would provide financial aid to countries the proclaimed they were threatened by Communist expansion.

Klemens Von Metternich

led the Congress of Vienna, and was the Austrian Foreign minister. He led the revolution by the Principle Of Legitimacy. And by the principles of Conservatism

Berlin Conference(1884-1885)

place where German chancellor, Otto von Bismarck at partially the request of Portugal, decided segregation laws and imposed a policy of hold the Berlin conference in hopes of avoiding violent conflicts during the scramble for Africa. The conference was held with Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britian, Italy, Neitherlands, Portugal, Spain.

Operation Barbarossa

operation in June 22 1941, when Nazi armies poured across the frontiers of soviet Russia. The objective was the conquest of the largest country in the world. Hitler had planned the attack months before it actually happened when Luftwaffe was fighting the preliminary battles in the battle of Britain. It was part of Hitlers ideal for lebensraum "living space" for the german people.


originally philosophized by the French and was defined as making legitament effort to transform colonial societies in the Western image. The British did this in a sense to India by inforcing Direct rule , but as a whole did not really like the idea of assimilation possibly because the superiority they felt as a race was not wanted to be copied by the less superior natives that they are imperializing.

Tiananmen Square

place where many citizens put up "big character posters' in the 1970s which criticized the abuses of the past on the so-called Democracy Wall near _________________ in downton Beijing. The leaders made it clear they did not want any criticism of Cummunism and marxism. Fang Lizhi, a famous astrophysicist, claimed "China will not be able to modernize if it does not break the shackles of Maoist and Stalinist-style socialism." Expectations can say to have been at a peak because of the great improvements in the early 1980s and students started pressing for better living conditions, relaxed restriction on study abroad, and increased freedom to select employment after graduation. In may of 1989, student protesters carried placard demanding "Science and Democracy", and end to official corruption, and the resignation of China's aging party leadershipp. Deng saw this as a call for an end to Chinese Communist Party(CCP) rule.

Marshal Plan

the proclamation of the Truman doctrine was followed in June 1947 by European Recovery program called __________ plan, which provided 13 billion dollars in US assistance for the economic recovery of war-torn Europe. Because it was thought that the communist fed off of the economic turmoil. It was against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos, which communism fed off of.

Organic Evolution

says that over a long period of time from earlier and simpler forms of life all plants and animals evolved

Special Economic Zones

special economic zones located in mainland China. The government of the People's Republic of China gives SEZs special (more free market-oriented) economic policies and flexible governmental measures. This allows SEZs to utilize an economic management system that is more attractive to doing business than in the rest of mainland China.


the Munich conference was the high point of western appeasement of hitler. When Neville chamberlain the british prime minister returned to England from Munich, he boasted that the Munich agreement meant "peace for our time". Hitler had promised chamberlain that he made his last demand. Like scores of politicians before him, chamberlain believed hitler. Chamberlain wanted to agree with hitler and let him take Sudetenland and not go into war. But Churchill thought that the british military should have helped to bight Germany to keep Sudetenland.

Dual Legal System

used by the British in India during their Imperialization period. used both Direct and Indirect rule in India. In some parts of India, mainly the rural parts, the British would allow small self governing Indian Groups to have say, but at the same time, the British were using Direct rule and had ultimate say over everything.

Mirs & Zemstvos

village commune which was responsible for the payments to the government.during the emancipation of the serfs when the freed serfs got there own land.

Louis Blanc

was a French Social Democrat. He made the government give jobs like public service jobs, like road building, and post men etc. He payed these workers with taxes. New taxes crashed the stock market with a 55% decline in stocks when the rich French leave France to avoid the taxes. Louis Blanc was an early precursor to the idea of socialism. He denounced competition as the main cause for economic evils of the day. And believed that all social problems could be solved by government assistance. He called for the establishment of workshops that would manufacture goods for public sale. The state would finance these workshops but the workers would own and operate said workshops.


was a movement that originated in France in the 1870s when a group of artists rejected the studios and museums and went out into the countryside to paint nature directly.

Taisho democracy

was able to survive through the 1920s. It called for universal male suffrage. It also had an independent press and a bill of rights.


was an even more powerful ideology for change in the 19th century. It arose out of an awareness of being part of a community that has common institutions, traditions, language, and customs. This "community" constitutes a "nation" and this "nation" becomes becomes the focus of an individual's primary political loyalty. Nationalism wasn't popular until the French Revolution. Nationalists believed that that each nationality should have its own govt. So a divided people like the Germans should want a unified nation under one government. Nationalism threatened to break up existing political order because a united Germany or Italy would upset the balance of powers created by the Congress of Vienna in (1815) Nationalism and Liberalism became allies in the first half of the 19th century.

Total War

was having all the citizens involved in the war using propaganda to advertize the war. Every thing that the citizens do in factories and work places were to benefit the war. Involved planned economy


was imposed by the white parties in south africa in 1848 which strengthened the segregation laws and imposed a policy of full legal segreagtion,, which was what is known as Apartheid. This created the height of tension between the white parties and the African National Congress(ANC) , who called for violence instead of conciliation were growing.


was the favoring of obedience to political authority. Followers of Conservatism believed that organized religion was crucial to social order, hated revolutionary upheavals, and they were unwilling to accept the liberal demands for civil liberties and representative governments or the demands of the Nationalists. The community took precedence over individual rights, and tradition was the best guide for order.


was the rebelling against the traditional literary and artistic styles that had dominated European cultural life since the Renaissance; these changes that were produced are part of the modernist movement.

Natural Selection

was the struggle for existence between the plants/Animals that had evolved over time. Only the fit would survive, or those able to adapt, those that survived passed on their small variations that enabled them to survive to their offspring

War communism

was used to ensure the regular supplies for the red army in the Russian civil war. It included the nationalization of banks and most industries, the forcible requisition of grain from peasants, and the centralization of state power under Bolshevik control

Lotus Feet

what the feet were called after Foot Binding. After 1906, the status of women was transitioned, the foot binding marked women as useless sex objects. By the middle 1800s over half of all women had bound feet.

Berlin Airlift

when the western powers were facing the blockade of the city of berlin. They were blocking of all supplies. An attempt to break through the blockade with tanks and trucks was rule out. So the solution was to deliver the supplies by plane. At its peak, the berlin airlift flew 13 thousand tons of supplies daily into berlin. The soviets did not interfere because they did not want another war.

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