MG 485 Module 2 In-Depth Questions - Chapter Assignment Questions & Check Your Knowledge
Task culture
One framework distinguishes four types of organizational culture according to what is the most powerful motivator. In which type of organizational culture is it more important to get the job done than to worry about who does the work or who gets credit? a. Role culture b. Task culture c. Personal culture d. Power culture
Determine how the organization likes to communicate internally and externally
Organizational values guide project managers and provide them with a moral compass. Values provide a frame of reference to set priorities and determine right and wrong. Which of the answers below is NOT an example of how values can guide a project manager's actions? a. Determine how people are treated, controlled, and rewarded b. Determine how the organization likes to communicate internally and externally c. Motivate the ethical actions and communications of managers and subordinates d. Encourage personal commitment to the organization and justification for its behavior
Strategic business management
PMBOK 7e emphasizes the need for project leaders and team members to have a high degree of emotional intelligence. Listed below are three of the four domains of emotional intelligence. Which of these is NOT one of the emotional intelligence domains? a. Self-awareness b. Strategic business management c. Social awareness d. Social skills
Where will project meetings take place?
A project communications matrix should include several columns of information. Which of the information below should NOT be contained in the communications matrix? a. Who does the project team need to share with? b. Where will project meetings take place? c. What does the stakeholder need to know? d. When does the stakeholder need to know the information?
Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
A project manager and team are working on a high profile project and want to be sure that they are proactive about managing stakeholder expectations. What document can they refer to in order to understand their stakeholders' assumptions? a. Stakeholder identification and prioritization matrix b. Business case c. Communications plan d. Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
Help in reporting project progress
A project manager must use effective communication to set and manage expectations of all stakeholders. Which one of these is NOT an important and necessary function of communications from stakeholders? a. Help in reporting project progress b. Help in authorizing work c. Help in determining requirements d. Help in uncovering and resolving issues and assumptions
Unity of command
A variety of organizational culture themes make project success more likely. All but one of the answers below reflect organizational culture themes that are helpful in achieving project success. Which of these is NOT one of those culture themes? a. Vision-led b. Unity of command c. Goal-oriented d. Flexible leadership with rapid decision making
Staff changes
A variety of outcomes may result from managing the project team. Poor appraisals, insufficient progress, conflict, necessary reassignments, or other causes may warrant ___________on a project. a. role clarification b. staff changes c. lessons learned d. morale changes
Open and transparent communications
An experienced project manager took over a troubled project that had serious performance and morale issues. The PM called the team together and stressed that all team members should keep each other informed, demonstrate that they value each other's input, share feelings, and respect confidentiality. With these new group norms, the project manager was establishing ________ between team members. a. team charter b. open and transparent communications c. joint establishment of project meeting agendas d. appropriate decision making and problem solving
Chief Projects Officer (CPO)
During all five stages of team development, project managers should remember that their responsibilities are to simultaneously support all of these three intertwined groups EXCEPT: a. chief projects officer (CPO). b. parent organization. c. project d. project team
Stakeholder engagement plan
During the plan stakeholder engagement process, project teams create a ______ to define how they will effectively engage stakeholders in planning and performing the project based on the analysis of the stakeholder's needs, wants, and influences. a. stakeholder register b. stakeholder identification and prioritization matrix c. stakeholder engagement plan d. stakeholder priority list
Servant Leadership
During the project, stakeholders change in their interest and influence toward the project. The project team should seek to understand project stakeholders by analyzing all of the factors below EXCEPT: a. power. b. impact. c. expectations. d. servant leadership.
The project manager who serves and leads in a collaborative, facilitating manner
In an Agile project, the scrum master is _______. a. an extra helper needed for their specific expertise b. the project manager who serves and leads in a collaborative, facilitating manner c. someone who helps the team expand their thinking by focusing on many possibilities or to help them focus on selecting from many options d. the individual who ensures that the needs and wants of the customer's organization are identified and prioritized
Stakeholder list
In order to manager stakeholders' expectations, a project manager needs to understand the stakeholders' assumptions. What document(s) can help with this? a. Stakeholder list b. Resource estimates c. Team-operating principles d. Charter signatures and commitment
In which stage of team development do team members jockey for power, ask many questions, and establish dubious goals? a. Forming b. Storming c. Norming d. Performing
In which stage of team development is the project manager's strategy to personalize each member's role, collaborate when possible, and assess and build members' and team's capability? a. Forming b. Storming c. Norming d. Performing
Lessons learned can help identify project members who should be blamed for wrong decisions.
It is important to capture lessons learned from the project in a lessons-learned knowledge base. All of these are reasons that capturing lessons learned is an important practice EXCEPT: a. it is important to communicate project successes and failures from all aspects of a project. b. the team may forget what decisions they made earlier in the project. Reviewing lesson learned can promote successful use and reapplication of this information. c. lessons learned can help identify project members who should be blamed for wrong decisions. d. part of the project closeout process should include facilitating a lessons-learned session from the entire project, especially on unsuccessful projects.
Personal conversations
Monitor stakeholder engagement is the process of engaging stakeholders and managing relationships with them effectively. What is NOT one of the things that a project manager should monitor throughout this process? a. Relationships b. Personal conversations c. Communications d. Lessons learned
Emotional intelligence (EQ)
PMBOK 7e emphasizes the need for project leaders—and, ideally, all project team members—to have a high degree of _________. This is comprised of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness (i.e., empathy), and social skills. a. situational leadership b. strategic business management c. emotional intelligence (EQ) d. technical knowledge
PMBOK 7e notes that a wise project manager will use a number of behaviors to allow the team to grow and become more skillful, ultimately leading to the desired outcome of value and organizational benefit. Which of these would NOT be one of the desired behaviors for a project manager to use when interacting with the team? a. Supportive b. Controlling c. Coaching d. Delegating
Throughout the project
Project managers and teams seek to develop strong working relationships with important stakeholders. When should relationship building between the project manager/other core team members and important stakeholders occur? a. Initiating/creation of the project charter b. Planning/creation of the detailed project plan c. Executing and monitoring and controlling d. Throughout the project
Learns customer expectations and how they relate to organizational objectives, insists project decisions be based upon facts, ensures effective work processes are used.
Project managers are entrusted with delivering project results. As such they must possess integrity, competency, and requisite skills. Below is a list of behaviors that should be exhibited by the project manager in four of the ten knowledge areas. Which of these behaviors is associated with the quality knowledge area? a. Accurately documents all specifications, identifies and fairly considers potential sellers, proactively managers contracts. b. Leads in a facilitating and supporting manner when possible and directing when needed, attracting and retaining good people. c. Learns customer expectations and how they relate to organizational objectives, insists project decisions be based upon facts, ensures effective work processes are used. d. Understands resource and logistics limitations, understands the project life cycle, and focuses on key milestones.
Project planning teams use project life cycle models because various types of projects have differing demands. Between the two extremes of a traditional, plan-driven life cycle and an Agile life cycle is a range of other, alternative life cycle approaches. Which of these is NOT an alternative life cycle approach? a. Iterative b. Hybrid c. Incremental d. Construction
The customer who pays for the project is always the actual person who uses the project deliverables or outcome, and they understand their needs perfectly
Projects are undertaken to meet the needs of an organization or other stakeholders such as internal or external customers and end-users. All of the answers below are reasons why understanding project stakeholders is important to successful project management. Which of these is NOT a reason? a. There may be multiple users, and each may have different wants and needs. b. End-users may not fully understand what they want because they don't know what alternatives might be available. c. The customer who pays for the project is always the actual person who uses the project deliverables or outcome, and they understand their needs perfectly. d. When someone else is paying for the project, some users will ask for many project outcomes that are expensive or time consuming to deliver.
The team charter contains the project scope overview, which is used to distinguish between what the project will and will not do.
Teams eager to become high performing often create and use a team charter to enhance their effectiveness. When people are arguing over a decision, it might be helpful to bring out the charter. Which of these is NOT a reason for referring to the team charter when disagreements arise? a. The team charter presents information about how members are expected to collaborate in project activities and participate in making decisions. b. The team charter specifies professional performance and personal behavior expectations for team members. c. The team charter defines group norms for work ethics, respect, conflict management, and communication protocols. d. The team charter contains the project scope overview, which is used to distinguish between what the project will and will not do.
Ability to put their own needs above those for the project.
The characteristics of high-performing teams start with the personal values of individual team members. Which of these is NOT one of the personal values that can contribute to a high-performing team? a. Appreciation and acceptance of personal responsibility b. Ability to put their own needs above those for the project c. Willingness to consider and accept alternative views d. High need for achievement
Approves the project charter
The chief projects officer (CPO) ensures that the steering team does all of these EXCEPT: a. selects a manageable set of projects to be implemented. b. identifies potential projects during strategic planning. c. selects appropriate project sponsors and teams. d. approves the project charter
Continually manage one-way communications
The project manager and team must build trust with all project stakeholders. There are a number of strategies for building trust. Which of these is NOT correct? a. Continually manage one-way communications b. Demonstrate a willingness to answer probing questions c. Display honest and ethical conduct d. Use lessons learned from previous projects and previous project phases
Sponsor decides to ensure buy-in from all participants
The project manager and the core team need to determine who will make which types of project decisions. Some may be made by the sponsor, functional manager, core team, etc. Which of these is NOT a valid guide to decision making on projects? a. Sponsor decides to ensure buy-in from all participants. b. Core team discusses and project manager decides, because team input is useful. c. Decision is delegated to one or two team members to decide, because team input not needed. d. Functional manager decides, "how" functional work on the project is done.
To facilitate effective project communications and decision making
The project manager for a construction company is working on a project for an external client. Which reason below best explains why it is important for this project manager to understand the cultures of both organizations? a. To facilitate effective project communications and decision making b. To understand the standard project management practices and policies c. To understand how well the client's organization supports project management d. To understand if the client organization is viewed by insiders and others as being true to its values
Collaborating/problem solving
This style of conflict resolution is preferred when the issue is important for both sides, and buy-in is needed. a. Forcing/competing b. Compromising c. Smoothing/accommodating d. Collaborating/problem solving
When the decision requires a higher authority
Under certain circumstances, a project manager or sponsor might retain the right to make a project decision. What would these circumstances be? a. When they want the team to consider at least two alternative approaches before proceeding b. When the decision requires a higher authority c. When the project manager wants to encourage participation d. When they want to handle conflict
Choose a development approach and then tailor everything we do first for the organization and then for the project itself.
What does the term "tailoring" mean in a project management context? a. Choose a development approach and then tailor everything we do first for the organization and then for the project itself. b. Make a one-time decision about which development approach to use for the project. c. Define and deliver products one iteration at a time. d. Produce a continuous workflow with highly visible information.
If highly experienced people are brought in before they are needed to complete project activities, this can be expensive
What is a disadvantage of assigning core team members and subject matter experts (SME) to a project as early as possible? a. People don't like to be told what to do but are usually enthusiastic when given the chance to help create the project plan. b. If highly experienced people are brought in before they are needed to complete project activities, this can be expensive. c. When experienced people participate in creating the project plan, the plan is often more detailed and realistic. d. Securing experienced workers early ensures they will be available when needed.
When the project charter is being written
What is the best time to on-board team members? a. When the project charter is being written b. After the project plan has been completed c. During project execution d. When the financial and scoring models have been completed
People may still be committed to finishing work on a previous project
What is the potential downside to bringing project workers into a project too early? a. People don't like being told what to do, but are usually enthusiastic if they can participate in creating the project plan. b. When the people who perform the work help to plan it, many more details may be considered. c. People may still be committed to finishing work on a previous project. d. For external projects, it is common to list the specific workers who will be assigned to a project team in the proposal.
Project management/scrum office
Which of these is NOT a managerial role in an Agile project? a. Project management/scrum office b. Customer (product owner) c. Coach d. Functional manager
Clear career path for professionals
Which of these is NOT an advantage of a projectized organization? a. Rapid response times and decision making b. Enhanced project team identity c. Clear career path for professionals d. Reduction in traditional department barriers
Use individual learning
Which of these is NOT an example of stakeholder relationship-building activities that are effective during the process of project planning? a. Encourage open communication b. Use individual learning c. Share enjoyment of project d. Jointly establish agenda
Which of these is NOT an issue for the project manager regarding the use of subject matter experts (SMEs) on a project? a. Inability to relate to the project b. Scheduling issues c. Lack of understanding d. Infighting
Considering the effects of uncertainty on the project
Which of these is NOT one of the activities that would be performed as part of the PMBOK 7e Delivery Domain? a. Meeting requirements b. Fulfilling quality expectations c. Considering the effects of uncertainty on the project d. Producing deliverables to drive intended outcomes
Promotes a role culture
Which of these is NOT one of the desirable behaviors and temperaments for a project sponsor? a. Ability to handle ambiguity b. Promotes a role culture c. Collaborative attitude d. Responsiveness
Pride in performing as an individual
Which of these is NOT one of the favorable outcomes of fostering a high-performing project team? a. High spirit and team morale b. Satisfaction in project accomplishments c. Pride in performing as an individual d. Enjoyment of their work
Situational leadership
Which of these is NOT one of the three common approaches to leadership that are effective on Agile projects? a. Transformational leadership b. Servant leadership c. Developmental leadership d. Situational leadership
What improvements they're recommending to simplify the work?
Which of these is NOT one of the three questions that each team member answers in a daily Agile scrum (aka standup) meeting? a. What they did yesterday? b. What may get in the way? c. What they plan today? d. What improvements they're recommending to simplify the work?
Payment system
Which of these is NOT one of the types of project control systems that a customer and contractor should collaborate to create? a. Communications plan b. Risk management system c. Payment system d. Change control system
Competing projects
Which of these is an example of an internal stakeholder who would be impacted by the project process? a. Government agencies b. Special interest groups c. Suppliers d. Competing projects
Encourage open and transparent communication
Which of these is one of the ways for a project manager to build relationships within the core team? a. Encourage open and transparent communication b. Discuss confidential information c. Strictly control the project plan and share on a "need to know" basis d. Make decisions in their own best interest rather than those of the team
Which one of these is NOT a criterion to consider when prioritizing stakeholders? a. Power b. Legitimacy c. Attitude d. Urgency
Team members have varied skills
Which one of these is NOT one of the increased challenges to working with a global or virtual team? a. Time boundaries are crossed. b. Cultural, age, gender, functional diversity c. Team members are physically dispersed. d. Team members have varied skills.
Functional organization
Which organization structure is often used for small projects that require most of their work from a single department? a. Functional organization b. Projectized organization c. Balanced matrix organization d. Strong matrix organization
Chief projects officer (CPO)
Who is responsible for ensuring that the organization's steering team completes its tasks to identify, select, prioritize, resource, charter, and monitor & control the implementation of projects? a. Chief executive officer (CEO) b. Chief projects officer (CPO) c. Project sponsor d. Customer
Helps the project manager understand priorities and motivations of each core team member
Why is it important for project managers to have one-on-one discussions with their core team members? a. Ensures that the team member understands the project manager's power b. Helps the project manager understand priorities and motivations of each core team member c. Helps them establish ground rules and the team charter d. Helps them move through the forming stage of team development
Because highly skilled workers tend to be excellent generalists that need to be "sold" on the project
Why is it often necessary for project managers to persuade experienced workers to be part of the project team? a. Because the project manager has a reputation of being a good boss by caring for team members b. Because functional managers always offer their least experienced people as resources c. Because strong technical skills are the most important qualification for team members d. Because highly skilled workers tend to be excellent generalists that need to be "sold" on the project
________ serve(s) as a moral compass to guide us and provide a frame of reference to set priorities and determine right and wrong. a. Social rituals b. Work ethics c. Values d. Symbols
Communicate effectively
__________ is the extent to which the receiver opens, understands, and acts appropriately upon the communications. a. Communicate promptly b. Communicate accurately c. Communicate effectively d. Communicate economically
__________ power should be used by a project manager only in circumstances in which it is necessary to maintain discipline or enforce the rules.
Which of these is NOT one of the five stages of team development? a. Storming b. Performing c. Transforming d. Norming
Project kick-off with formal project plan review
Which of these is NOT one of the five types of Agile Meetings? a. Project kick-off with formal project plan review b. Sprint planning meetings c. Retrospective meetings d. Daily stand-up meetings
Authorizing work
Which of these is NOT one of the stakeholder information needs that underscores the importance of communications with stakeholders? a. Status—project progress b. Resource commitments and status c. Authorizing work d. Changes to plans affecting them
high, high
The collaborative style for handling conflict has a __________ concern for self and a __________ concern for others. a. high, high b. high, low c. low, high d. medium, medium
__________ power should be used by project managers when they are asking their team members to perform a task within their job description.
Perhaps the most common challenge to project success is ______________. a. technical b. communication c. cost d. schedule
The project management office (PMO)
When the project sponsor and manager are determining how to create the project culture, ethics should be an important consideration. The project manager and sponsor need to act in the best interest of all of these constituencies EXCEPT: a. the project itself. b. the project team. c. the project management office (PMO). d. Other project stakeholders
When significant commitment is necessary to implement the decision
When would consensus be the best decision-making strategy? a. When significant commitment is necessary to implement the decision b. When sufficient information or time is not available and the decision needs to be made before the next meeting c. When the project manager wants to test for agreement, to see if the majority agrees d. When the decision requires higher authority
Which of the four values in the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is modeled by the behavior described as "make decisions and act impartially?" a. Responsibility b. Honesty c. Respect d. Fairness
Select and mentor project manager, charter project
Which of these activities is NOT the responsibility of the steering team? a. Project selection and prioritization b. Sponsor selection c. Overall priority setting d. Select and mentor project manager, charter project
In which type of organizational structure do members of the project team have two bosses? a. Functional b. Projectized c. Agile d. Matrix
During which stage of team development do team members often feel close to one another and have a good understanding of how to work together? a. Storming b. Norming c. Forming d. Performing
Ground rules
Acceptable behaviors adopted by a project team to improve working relationships, effectiveness, and communication are referred to as __________.
A plan-driven model with phases including: selecting and initiating, planning, executing, and closing and realizing benefits
Agile is a form of adaptive or change-driven project management that largely reacts to what has happened in the early or previous stages of a project rather than planning everything in detail from the start. All of these are characteristics of an Agile life cycle model that distinguish it from other life cycle methodologies EXCEPT: a. increased visibility, adaptability, and business value while decreasing risk. b. life cycle proceeds in an iterative or continuous way. c. a plan-driven model with phases including: selecting and initiating, planning, executing, and closing and realizing benefits. d. project started with a charter, then a backlog, first release plan, and first iteration plan.
Use formal matrix with power, legitimacy, and urgency
All of these are good ways to analyze the relative priority of stakeholders on an Agile project EXCEPT: a. focus on outcomes. b. remain available. c. ask questions. d. use formal matrix with power, legitimacy, and urgency.
Face-to-face communication is used
All of these are indications that a team is operating in a virtual mode, EXCEPT: a. face-to-face communication is used. b. time boundaries are crossed. c. cultural, organizational, age, gender, and functional diversity is present. d. team members are physically dispersed.
Technical approach
All of these are typical relationship sources of conflict EXCEPT: a. lack of commitment b. next project assignment c. technical approach d. roles and responsibilities
Plan-do-check-act (PDCA)
All of these are valid timing options that might be considered when planning frequency of project communications EXCEPT: a. project life cycle b. project close-out c. Plan-do-check-act (PDCA). d. As-needed.
They all involve a series of phases that need to be completed and approved before proceeding to the next phase
All projects go through a predictable pattern of activity, referred to as a project life cycle. The major types of project life cycle models have some things in common. Which of these is a characteristic that all project life cycles have in common? a. They all have four phases: Selecting & Initiating, Planning, Executing, and Closing & Realizing. b. They are all predictive and plan-driven. c. They all involve a series of phases that need to be completed and approved before proceeding to the next phase. d. They are all based on the Project Management Institute's 5 process groups.
An organizational technique in which project team members are moved to alternate locations to allow them to better work with one another, and on the project in general, is called __________.
Different project stakeholders hold different _______ concerning the project at the outset, and these form the basis of their expectations. a. opinions b. biases c. hope d. assumptions
Automated telephone interview
During a project, stakeholder satisfaction should be captured regularly, with corrective actions taken if crucial stakeholders are not happy. This satisfaction may be measured in a number of ways. Which of these would NOT be a way to measure stakeholder satisfaction? a. Net promoter score b. Turnover c. General morale d. Automated telephone interview
Effective project communications allow stakeholders to make decisions, understand challenges, remain motivated, and believe that the project is in control. The most effective method of communication is_________. a. formal reports b. telephone c. email d. face-to-face
Steering team
For projects internal to the organization, which of these traditional project executive roles might participate in or be responsible for selection of the project manager and the core team? a. Steering team b. Functional manager c. Customer d. Chief projects officer/Project management office (PMO)
Research and development (R&D) project life cycle
Idea generation, idea screening, concept development, validation, and transition are all phases in what type of life cycle model? a. Generic, plan-driven project life cycle b. Research and development (R&D) project life cycle c. Construction project life cycle d. DMAIC project life cycle
In a strong matrix the project manager is strong; they have more power than the functional manager
In a matrix organization, the project manager or project lead shares responsibility and accountability for the project with functional managers. A strong project matrix is different from a weak matrix in that: a. in a strong project matrix the functional manager is strong; they have more decision-making authority than the project manager. b. in a strong matrix the project manager is strong; they have more power than the functional manager. c. in a strong matrix the project manager has complete, or very close to complete, power over the project team. d. in a strong matrix "staff is grouped by areas of specialization and the project manager has limited authority to assign work and apply resources."
In projectized organizations, project team members are often moved to alternate locations to allow them to better work with one another and on the project in general. This is called _________. a. functional b. matrix c. co-location d. subproject
Control issues—with less group interaction, easy to identify
Managing a virtual project team presents increased challenges. Which of these pairings of project management needs with the associated challenges of a global, virtual project is NOT correct? a. Project stakeholders—more difficult to understand b. Build relationships—needs more time c. Control issues—with less group interaction, easy to identify d. Project initiation—more unique project needs
Manager-level roles
Project manager, functional manager, and facilitator are all what level of traditional project management roles? a. Manager-level roles b. Executive-level roles c. Team-level roles d. Steering team roles
Project managers need to use various types of power to encourage people to perform. When they persuade others based on their own knowledge and skills, what type of power are they using? a. Coercive b. Referent c. Connection d. Expert
Yes; the team should meet in person once, at the beginning of the project.
Should a virtual team also meet in person? a. No; the additional expense of arranging for all team members to meet in a central location is prohibitive. b. No; with the availability and diversity of technology methods available, it should not be necessary to physically bring team members together one time. c. Yes; the team should meet in person at every major project milestone. d. Yes; the team should meet in person once, at the beginning of the project.
Stakeholder analysis is a technique comprised of gathering and evaluating information to determine whose interests should be emphasized throughout the project. The first part of stakeholder analysis is to _____ the stakeholders. a. socialize b. interview c. prioritize d. list
The Six Sigma approach to quality improvement uses the DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) model. In which phase of the DMAIC model are root causes identified and statistically proven? a. Define b. Measure c. Analyze d. Improve
When the project charter is being written
The ideal time to bring core team members and even a few SMEs on-board is __________. a. during project selection b. when the project charter is being written c. when the detailed project plan is being written d. during project execution
The manage stakeholder engagement process can be visualized with managing on the left and "_________" on the right. a. monitoring b. controlling c. analyzing d. leading
Give stakeholders who feel threatened the space to work things out on their own
The old saying "What's in it for me?" describes what each stakeholder wants, and there are a number of things that can be done to build a relationship between stakeholders and the core team. Which of these is NOT one of the ways to build these relationships? a. Deliver on all promises b. Always provide fair treatment c. Give stakeholders who feel threatened the space to work things out on their own d. Create a sense of pride by association
Stakeholder Register
The primary output of the "identify stakeholders" process is a ______, a repository of information regarding all project stakeholders. a. stakeholder breakdown structure (SBS) b. stakeholder register c. stakeholder directory d. contact list
Meeting summary
The second-to-last item on a standard project team meeting agenda is __________. a. purpose b. meeting summary c. logistics overview d. topics
Project Phases
The terms "development approach" and "life cycle" are frequently used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Which of the answers below is related to the project life cycle, NOT the development approach used? a. Project phases b. Predictive c. Hybrid d. Adaptive
Meeting scope, schedule, and cost agreements
There are a number of differences between teams on traditional, plan-driven projects vs. Agile projects. Which of these is NOT a characteristic of an Agile project team? a. Meeting scope, schedule, and cost agreements b. Collaboratively and continually plan and commit c. Visible and constant communication, face-to-face when possible d. Principles of simplicity, willingness to change, value, and rapid feedback
There are certain considerations that apply to all project communication plans. The first column in a table of Communications Plan Considerations is the _____________. a. purpose b. structure c. timing d. methods
It enables the two team members to get to know each other better and work well together
There can be benefits to delegating a decision to one or two core team members or SMEs. What are these benefits? a. The decision can be made quickly by a higher authority. b. It enables the two team members to get to know each other better and work well together. c. It gives each team member the opportunity to articulate what they believe is important to the decision, and why. d. It allows each team member of the team to cast a vote.
Communications are posted either on paper or in electronic form, and stakeholders need to take the initiative to retrieve the communication
What are the characteristics of "pull" communications? a. Communications are posted either on paper or in electronic form, and stakeholders need to take the initiative to retrieve the communication. b. Communications are sent out to the receiver in either on paper or in electronic form. c. Communications flow in multiple directions. d. Information methods include instant messaging, e-mail, and voicemail.
The project manager removes obstacles and shields the team
What does it mean to be a "servant leader," and how does it apply to project management? a. The project manager has a lot of tasks to do. b. The project manager may serve in a number of project roles. c. The project manager serves the sponsor and the steering team. d. The project manager removes obstacles and shields the team.
Stakeholders are unmotivated and dissatisfied with the project
What is a possible sign that your communication planning was NOT effective? a. Stakeholders have the information they need to make decisions. b. Key stakeholders understand the real project challenges. c. Stakeholders believe the project is in control. d. Stakeholders are unmotivated and dissatisfied with the project.
When a spirit of mutual trust prevails and people know how to act, they will produce better ideas and partner more effectively within the team and with other stakeholders
Why should a project manager show courage to create an ethical project culture where others are encouraged to make the right decisions? a. When a spirit of mutual trust prevails and people know how to act, they will produce better ideas and partner more effectively within the team and with other stakeholders. b. In an ethical project culture, the project manager will exert a great deal of economic and political power, and will please the boss. c. The project manager should adopt ethical policies that primarily satisfy the team, possibly to the detriment of the project itself and other stakeholders. d. During difficult periods people may act inappropriately, exhibiting unethical behaviors that do not support the project, the team, or the other stakeholders. This is OK as long as the project manager behaves ethically at all times.
Core team members
_______ are the small group of people who are on the project from start to finish, and who jointly, with the project manager, make many decisions and carry out many project activities. a. Subject matter experts b. Chief project officer c. Sponsors d. Core team members
__________ power is the ability to persuade others based upon the project manager's personal knowledge and skills.