MGA Chapter 24

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A large amount of fat accumulates in the A. greater omentum. B. lesser omentum. C. coronary ligament. D. sigmoid mesocolon. E. visceral peritoneum.


What keeps the bolus from entering the larynx during deglutition? A. the epiglottis B. the uvula C. the tongue D. the upper esophageal sphincter


Which layer of the digestive tract is in direct contact with the food consumed? A. mucosa B. muscularis C. submucosa D. serosa E. peritoneum


Which of the follow is NOT an accessory organ of the digestive tract? A.) esophagus B.) salivary glands C.) pancreas D.) gallbladder


Which of the following represents a mismatch in stomach wall structure? A. muscularis - two layers; both circular B. rugae - folds of mucosa and submucosa C. mucosa - gastric glands D. gastric pits - open onto surface of stomach mucosa E. lining - simple columnar epithelium


A blockage in the colon where the ascending colon turns to become the transverse colon would occur at the A. ileocecal valve. B. hepatic flexure. C. splenic flexure. D. cardiac sphincter.


Arrange the following structures in order from the small intestine to the rectum. (1)ascending colon (2)descending colon (3)sigmoid colon (4)transverse colon A)1,2,3,4 B.)1,4,2,3 C)2,3,1,4 D)2,4,1,3 E)1,4,3,2


Bile is produced by cells of the A. duodenum. B. liver. C. gallbladder. D. pancreas. E. hepatopancreatic ampulla.


Bile would flow directly from the A. gallbladder into the hepatic duct. B. hepatic ducts into the common hepatic duct. C. bile canaliculus into the cystic duct. D. common bile duct into the gallbladder. E. cystic duct into the hepatic ducts.


Nutrient-rich blood from the digestive tract comes to the liver by way of the A. hepatic artery. B. hepatic portal vein. C. hepatic vein. D. inferior vena cava. E. celiac trunk.


The anal canal A. begins at the sigmoid colon and ends at the rectum. B. has an internal sphincter composed of smooth muscle. C. contains many goblet cells. D. contains tubular glands called crypts. E. has an external sphincter composed of smooth muscle.


The movement of food through the digestive tract is A. segmentation. B. propulsion. C. mixing. D. mastication.


Where does bile enter the duodenum? A. cystic duct B. hepatopancreatic ampulla C. hepatic duct D. duodenal ampulla


Which is the correct order of the regions of the digestive tract from superior to inferior? A. pharynx, esophagus, large intestine, small intestine B. oral cavity, stomach, small intestine, large intestine C. stomach, esophagus, large intestine, small intestine D. anus, large intestine, stomach, esophagus


Which of the following regions of the stomach is correctly matched with its description? A.)body - portion closest to the esophagus B.)pylorus - the most inferior portion of the stomach C.)fundus - opening from the stomach into the duodenum D.)cardiac region - the largest portion of the stomach E.)pyloric opening - opening from the esophagus


Beginning at the lumen, the sequence of layers of the digestive tract wall is A. submucosa, mucosa, serous membrane, muscularis. B. muscularis, lamina propria, submucosa, mucosa. C. mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa. D. peritoneum, submucosa, mucosa, lamina propria. E. submucosa, mucosa, adventitia, muscularis.


Parasympathetic nerves extend to the digestive tract through the _____________ nerve. A.)gastric B.)cardiac C.)vagus D.)accessory


The gallbladder A.)produces bile B.)is attached to the pancreas C.)stores bile D.)produces secretin E.)breaks down RBCs


The hepatopancreatic ampulla is formed by the union of the A. pancreatic duct with the lacteals. B. greater duodenal papilla with the lesser duodenal papilla. C. common bile duct and pancreatic duct. D. cystic duct and interlobular duct. E. hepatic ducts and cystic ducts.


What connects the gallbladder to the common bile duct? A. hepatic duct B. gallbladder duct C. cystic duct D. portal duct


What portion of the small intestine is most distal from the pylorus of the stomach? A.)jejunum B.)duodenum C.)ileum D.)common bile duct E.)hepatopancreatic ampulla


Where does the majority of nutrient absorption occur? A. the stomach and duodenum B. the duodenum and ileum C. the jejunum and duodenum D. the ileum and jejunum


Which of the following is a function performed by the digestive system? A. cellular respiration B. food selection C. elimination of undigested food D. regulation of blood pH E. integration and coordination of other systems


Which of the following is an accessory organ of the digestive tract? A. pharynx B. stomach C. liver D. large intestine


Why does the superior part of the esophagus contain skeletal muscle instead of smooth muscle? A. The first phase of swallowing is under involuntary control. B. The second phase of swallowing is under voluntary control. C. The first phase of swallowing is under voluntary control. D. The second phase of swallowing is under involuntary control.


A man had a gunshot wound in his abdomen. The bullet passed through his anterior body and lodged inside the transverse colon. What layers did the bullet pass through to arrive at the location? (1)parietal peritoneum (2)visceral peritoneum A.)1,2 B.)1,2,1,2 C.)1,2,2,1 D.)1,2,2,2 E.)2,1,1,1


Inability of the pyloric sphincter to open would prevent A. food from entering the stomach. B. stomach acid from being released. C. digestive enzymes from being released. D. food from entering the small intestine. E. the making of chyme.


Inflammation of the stomach mucosa in the area superior to the pyloric sphincter is most appropriately referred to as A.)esophagitis B.)a duodenal ulcer C.)a hiatal hernia D.)gastric ulcer E.)indigestion


One of the major functions of the large intestine is to A. produce vitamin C. B. regulate the release of bile. C. break down hemoglobin to release bilirubin. D. convert chyme to feces. E. absorb nutrients.


The esophagus A.)extends from the fauces to the stomach B.)has cartilage in its walls to keep it from collapsing C.)produces two enzymes that digest proteins D.)has upper and lower sphincters to regulate movement of food E.)has thin walls of connective tissue


The muscularis layer in the wall of the digestive tract is A. skeletal muscle throughout the tract, especially in the large intestine. B. the layer of the digestive tract wall that contains capillaries. C. in direct contact with the food that is consumed. D. composed of a layer of circular smooth muscle fibers and a layer of longitudinal smooth muscle fibers. E. connective tissue and the peritoneum.


The muscularis layer in the wall of the digestive tract is A.)skeletal muscle throughout the tract, especially in the large intestine. B.)the layer of the digestive tract wall that contains capillaries C.)in direct contact with the food that is consumed D.)composed of a layer of circular smooth muscle fibers and a layer of longitudinal smooth muscle fibers E.)connective tissue and the peritoneum


The villi, microvilli and plicae circularis function to A. liberate hormones. B. promote peristalsis. C. produce bile. D. increase surface area for absorption. E. stimulate chemical digestion.


What is the function of the gallbladder? A. produce bile B. store bicarbonate C. add pigment to bile D. store and concentrate bile


Which of the following is NOT part of a portal triad? A.)hepatic artery B.)hepatic duct C.)hepatic portal vein D.)central vein


Which of the following is located closest to the rectum? A)ascending colon B)decending colon C)transverse colon D)sigmoid colon E)cecum


Which of the following organs is part of the digestive tract or alimentary canal? A. salivary gland B. liver C. gallbladder D. stomach E. pancreas


Why doesn't the stomach digest itself? A. The stomach wall lacks proteins so enzymes won't attack it. B. The digestive enzymes in the stomach aren't efficient enough. C. The stomach lining is too tough to be digested. D. The stomach wall is protected by large amounts of mucus. E. The stomach is protected by HCl.


Blockage of the ileocecal valve would prevent A. pancreatic juice from entering the duodenum. B. bile from entering the duodenum. C. lymph from entering the jejunum. D. chyme from entering the ileum. E. chyme from entering the large intestine.


The liver A.)has two major lobes - caudate and quadrate B.)is located on the superior surface of the diaphragm C.)is not vascular D.)is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen E.)consists of two major lobes and two minor lobes


Which of the following apply to the small intestine? A. Secretions from the liver and pancreas enter this organ. B. Segmentation contractions occur in this organ. C. Both digestion and absorption occur in this organ. D. Mixing and propulsion of chyme. E. All of these choices apply to the small intestine.


Which of the following organs is retroperitoneal? A.)pancreas B.)ascending colon C.)the greater omentum D.)pareital peritoneum E.)All


What attaches the liver to the anterior abdominal wall?

Falciform ligament

True or False: The salivery glands, tonsils, liver, gall bladder, and pancreas are all primary organs of the digestive system


Disorder that is related to chronic acid in the esophagus


In order to remove a tumor in the muscular tunic of the stomach, a surgeon must cut through the


What is ascites?

The excess accumulation of fluid in the abdomen

Organ that is the primary site of chemical digestion


What structure moves food from the pharynx to the stomach? A. larynx B. laryngopharynx C. esophagus D. epiglottis


Organ that stores and concentrates bile


Organ that functions in bacterial decomposition

large intestine

What connects lesser curvature of stomach to the liver

lesser omentum

Damage to the liver would hamper digestion of


Organ that produces bile


Mesentery of the small intestine

mesentery proper

The abdominal cavity is lined with

parietal peritoneum

Bile secretion is

performed continuously by the liver

Reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus occurs because of A. relaxation of the cardiac sphincter. B. contraction of the pyloric sphincter. C. spasms of the submucosal layer of the stomach wall. D. increased hydrochloric acid production by the parietal cells. E. increased amounts of mucous produced by the stomach.

relaxation of the cardiac sphincter

Abdominal organs that lie against the body wall and have no mesenteries are said to be


Serous membrane that covers organs

visceral peritoneum

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