MGMT 1001: Quiz 1

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distributive negotiations

Single-issue negotiations that are assumed to be part of a "fixed pie" where one person's gain is the other person's loss

vertical teams

Teams composed of a manager and his or her subordinates in the formal chain of command, usually in one functional department.

horizontal teams

Teams composed of employees from about the same hierarchical level but from several different departments in the organization.

geographically distributed teams

Teams that are made up of geographically or organizationally dispersed members who rely heavily on electronic tools such as e-mail, fax, voicemail, telephone, and videoconferencing to interact with one another

collocated teams

Teams that use a significant amount of face-to-face communication to make operating decisions. They operate in close proximity to one another, engage in a lot of social interaction, and provide quick feedback on the team's progress to one another

Theory X

assumes that workers are basically lazy, error-prone, and extrinsically motivated by money and, thus, should be directed from above.

Theory Y

assumes that, given challenge and freedom, workers are motivated to achieve self-esteem and to demonstrate their competence and creativity.

behavioral science approach

uses scientific methods and draws from sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, and other disciplines to develop theories about human behavior and interaction in an organizational setting

top managers

vertical difference, the bosses of the hierarchy and are responsible for the entire organization

identifying multiple interests

what do other parties have to provide for you? instead of not agreeing on one issue, see if you can gain somethin in another field

adjourning stage

when a team has completed its task and the team is disbanded

social business

Using social media technologies for interacting with and facilitating communication and collaboration among employees, customers, and other stakeholders

first-line managers

make short-term operating decisions, directing the daily tasks of non managerial personnel

supply chain management

managing the sequence of suppliers and purchasers, covering all stages of processing from obtaining raw materials to distributing finished goods to consumers

operations research

mathematical model building and other applications of quantitative techniques to managerial problems

other party's BATNA

-What do you think your counterpart's best alternative to a negotiated agreement is? -Your counterpart's BATNA determines her leverage and bargaining power in the negotiation.


Assigning tasks, grouping tasks into departments, delegating authority, and allocating resources across the organization

approaching constructive conflict

1. Make sure teams understand the purpose of the discussion upfront 2. Focus on members' perspectives, not on challenging them 3. Avoid using imprecise language that may cause confusion among team members 4. When negative feelings arise, raise concerns without casting blame 5. When a team is impasse, determine the source of disagreement

components of a team

1. Producing results that are meaningful and tangible 2. Building the capacity of team members to learn, adapt to change, and work together constructively in the future 3. Creating an opportunity for personal growth and development


A group of two or more people with complementary skills who are committed to working together to achieve a specific objective

classical perspective

A management perspective that emerged during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that emphasized a rational, scientific approach to the study of management and sought to make organizations efficient operating machines.

boundary manager

A manager who determines how the team will work with clients, upper management, and others who have an interest in the team's product. They buffer the team from organizational infighting, persuade top management to support the team's work, and coordinate and negotiate with other groups on work deadlines.


A situation in which group members seek unanimous agreement despite their individual doubts

social forces

Aspects of a culture that guide and influence relationships among people

psychological safe

An environment that encourages an open expression of ideas and feelings without fear of being penalized

cognitive conflict

Conflicts results from disagreements over work-related issues suck as meeting schedules, work assignments, processes, or the task itself

effective team leaders...

Demonstrate integrity, be clear and consistent, create positive energy, find common ground, manage agreement and disagreement, encourage and coach, share information

humanistic perspective

Emphasized the importance of understanding human behaviors, needs, and attitudes in the workplace, as well as social interactions and group processes

scientific management

Emphasizes scientifically determined jobs and management practices as a way to improve efficiency and labor productivity

administrative principle approach

Focus on total organization not an individual worker. Delineates the management of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling

accessing BATNA

Identify all possible alternatives you might be able to pursue of you are unable to reach an agreement with the other party Estimate the value associated with each alternative Select the best alternative


Identifying goals for future organizational performance and deciding on the tasks and us of resources needed to attain them

social media programs

Include online community pages, wikis for virtual collaboration, social media sites, video channels, microblogging platforms, and company online forums


Increase in a conflict that occurs when one person's negative behavior encourages or foster another person's negative behaviors


Influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals


Monitoring employees' activities, determining whether the organization is moving toward its goals, and making necessary corrections

addressing a conflict

Nature of the differences among the people involved factors that may underlie this difference The extent to which the difference has evolved

integrative negotiation

Negotiations that focus on multiple issues to "expand the pie" and actively seek alternative solutions that satisfy both parties

components of team process

Purposeful and rigorous decision making, effective participation and meaning influence, constructive conflict

Hawthrone studies

Research done in the late 1920s and early 1930s devised by Western Electric industrial engineers to examine the effect of different work environment changes on worker productivity, which led to a new emphasis on the human factor in the functioning of organizations and the attainment of their goals

project manager

Responsible for a temporary work project that includes the participation of people from various functions and levels of the organization, and perhaps from outside the company as well

functional managers

Responsible for departments that perform a single functional task and have employees with similar training and skills

task complexity

The amount of information that must be processed to understand the task, the degree of uncertainty about possible outcomes, the presence of many subtasks that require a range of skills and knowledge, or the absence of standardized procedures to conduct a task


The amount of resources used to achieve an organizational goal, using less resources to get the most

economic forces

The availability, production, and distributions of resources in society

Management Science

The careful, objective study of management decisions and procedures in order to improve the operation of businesses and organizations.

best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA)

The course of action that a person will take if a negotiation ends in an impasse


The degree to which the organization achieves a stated goal, or succeeds in accomplishing what it tries to do

task interdependence

The extent to which group members need to work with and rely on each other to produce the collective work of the group

political forces

The influence on political and legal institution on people and organizations

reservation value

The lowest offer a negotiator is willing to accept. It is the point at which a negotiator is indifferent between accepting a proposed offer and rejecting it in favor of pursuing his or her BATNA

negative bargaining zone

The zone that exists when negotiators' acceptable positions do not overlap and no settlement will be acceptable to both parties

positive bargaining zone

The zone that exists when negotiators' acceptable positions overlap

human resource perspective

an interest in worker participation and considerate leadership with emphasis to considering the daily tasks that people perform

human relations movement

based on the idea that truly effective control comes from within the individual worker rather than from strict, authoritarian control

blocking behaviors

behaviors that inhibit the team and its members from achieving their objectives

conceptual skills

cognitive abilities to see the organization as a whole and the relationship among its parts

affective conflict

conflict occurs when disagreements between individuals are attributed to personal characteristics instead of differences in how to approach a task or problem

big data analysis

data that is too large to be dealt with by traditional database management means

scientific management approach

develop standard methods for each job, select workers with the appropriate abilities, train workers in the standard methods, support workers and eliminate interruptions, and provide wage incentives

social loafing

disengaging from the team process and failing to contribute to the team's recommendations and other deliverables

leveraging diversity

diverse teams produce more creative and innovative solutions, process more complementary information and expertise as well as a browser network to draw upon

characteristics of bureaucracy

division of labor, position organized in a hierarchy of authority, managers subject to rules and procedures that will ensure reliable, predictable behavior, management separate from the ownership of the organization, administration acts and decisions recorded in writing, personnel selected and promoted based on technical qualifications

Fredrick Winslow Taylor

father of scientific management, said workers can be rewired like machines, they could be trained to think productively


financial managers who base their decisions on complex quantitative analysis

work group

has a focused leader and individual tasks to achieve the same goal as an organization


people enjoy their jobs and are satisfied with their work conditions, contribute enthusiastically to meeting team and organizational goals, and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization

four fundamental management functions

planning, organizing, leading, controlling

general managers

responsible for several organizational activities

other's reservation value

see if there's any overlap between your boundaries and theirs


set goals, organize activities, motivate and communicate, measure performance, and develop people

team composition

teams should include members with different backgrounds for a wider view of possible tasks, types of individuals should be determined by a team's task, members selected due to interpersonal skills, size should reflect nature of the task

self-directed teams

teams that determine their own objectives and the methods by which to achieve them

contingency view

tells managers that what works in one organizational situation might not work in others

systems thinking

the ability to see both the distinct elements of a system or situation and the complex and changing interaction among those elements

human skills

the ability to work with and through other people and to work effectively as part of a group


the action of people behaving in line with a group's expectations and beliefs


the attainment of organizational goals by using resources in an efficient and effective manner


the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner

package reservation value

the lowest value that a negotiable would be willing to accept for a package offer


the perspective a person takes on an issue

bargaining zones

the range of settlements within which it is better for both parties to agree than not to agree

zone of possible agreement

the set of all possible deals that would be acceptable to both parties. is the space between one part's reservation value and the other's


the subject of a dicussion


the underlying reasons or needs of each part involved in an issue

technical skills

the understanding of and proficiency in the performance of specific tasks


the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

middle managers

those who are responsible for the business units and major departments

norming stage

when members uncover ways to create new standards that encourage more collaborative behavior

performing stage

when team members adopt and play roles that enhance the activities of the group

forming stage

when team members define the task and how the task is to be accomplished, setting ground rules

storming stage

when team members experience conflicts about interpersonal issues and differences in perspectives

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