mgmt 301 chapter 15 quiz

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20. Which of the following is a good tip for being an effective writer? -Write and send e-mails without proofreading—everybody is busy. -Include as many words on a page as possible to reduce the number of pages. -Keep it simple; use short words, sentences, and phrases. -Write in all caps. -Use abbreviations whenever possible

-Keep it simple; use short words, sentences, and phrases. Keeping your words simple and using short words, sentences, and phrases help your efforts to be an effective writer.

Jeremy shares information with his fellow task-force members about their project. Jeremy is communicating: A. Externally B. Downward C. Upward D. Horizontally

D. Horizontally

22. A rich medium is more effective with routine situations. True False

False A rich medium is more effective with nonroutine situations. A lean medium is more effective with routine situations.

15. People who enjoy the social camaraderie of the office setting will probably like telecommuting. True False

False Although telecommuting represents an attempt to accommodate employee needs and desires, it requires adjustments and is not for everybody. People who enjoy the social camaraderie of the office setting, for instance, probably won't like it. Others lack the self-motivation needed to work at home.

1. Dissemination is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another. True False

False Communication is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another. The process involves sender, message, and receiver; encoding and decoding; the medium; feedback; and dealing with "noise," or interference.

7. ______ beliefs about a certain group of people are stereotypes. Unusual Oversimplified Positive True Critical

Oversimplified A stereotype consists of oversimplified beliefs about a certain group of people.

17. Nonverbal language and other subtleties are often lost in e-mail, so jokes may be taken as insults or criticism. True False

True Be careful with jokes and informality in e-mail. Nonverbal language and other subtleties are lost, so jokes may be taken as insults or criticism.

9. Which of the following communication styles would women not use more often than men? be direct when telling others what to do use "we" statements make apologies ask questions compliment

be direct when telling others what to do According to the text, women are more indirect than men when telling others what to do.

23. Which of the following is not a suggested strategy for laying out your ideas in writing? least controversial to most controversial most important to least important purpose first negative to positive complex to general

complex to general Three general strategies for laying out your ideas in writing include (1) most important to least important—this is a good strategy when the action you want your reader to take is logical and not highly political; (2) least controversial to most controversial—this builds support gradually and is best used when the decision is controversial or your reader is attached to a particular solution other than the one you're proposing; (3) negative to positive—this strategy establishes a common ground with your reader and puts the positive argument last, which makes it stronger. In addition, you should start your writing by telling your purpose and what you expect of the reader.

11. The communication advantages of social media use by businesses can best be summarized as _____. connectivity productivity self-promotion privacy distraction

connectivity The essence of social media is connectivity. If deployed effectively, social media enable businesses to connect with key stakeholders, with various sources of expertise within the organization, and with experts outside the organization

4. Which type of communication is highest in media richness? newsletter face-to-face telephone videoconference report

face-to-face Media richness indicates how well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning. That is, the "richer" a medium is, the better it is at conveying information. Face-to-face communication, also the most personal form of communication, is the richest.

6. Which of the following is not one of the three types of formal communication? vertical (downward) horizontal external grapevine vertical (upward)

grapevine The grapevine is an informal and unofficial communication channel.

2. The telephone you use to speak to another person is an example of which part of the communication process? decoding medium feedback sender encoding

medium The means by which you as a communicator send a message is important, whether it is by an e-mail traveling over the Internet, by voice over a telephone line, or by a hand-scrawled note. This is the medium, the pathway by which a message travels.

14. Texting while participating in a meeting or group conference call is an example of _____. multichanneling multicommunicating social camaraderie multisharing e-tasking

multicommunicating Multicommunicating represents "the use of technology to participate in several interactions at the same time," in one explanation. Examples would be answering e-mail messages during a lecture and texting during a dinner conversation or while participating in a group conference call.

3. When a pharmacist can't read a prescription because of a doctor's poor handwriting, it can be due to ________, which is defined as any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message. noise feedback interpretation interference transmission

noise Noise is any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message. It can occur in the encoding or decoding, as when a pharmacist can't read a prescription because of a doctor's poor handwriting

18. Which of the following is an attribute of good listeners? -They judge all the details, including the speaker's dress, mannerisms, and accent. -They listen only to those with whom they agree. -They focus on internal thoughts instead of the content of the message. -They know what they will say immediately following the speaker's remark. -They recap what the speaker has said.

-They recap what the speaker has said. Effective listening is a learned skill, but it takes energy and desire to develop it. Pay attention to the content of the message, ask questions to make sure you understand, and recap what the speaker said.

Rachel and Alexa are talking on their cell phones. After Rachel reads her a phone number, Alexa repeats the number back to Rachel. This is an example of: A. Feedback B. Encoding C. Decoding D. Medium selection

A. Feedback

Greg was thinking about how he just did on his Economics test when his Management professor talked about tomorrow's Management quiz. This is an example of a(n) _____ barrier. A. Encoding B. Decoding C. Medium D. Receiver

D. Receiver

12. The unofficial communication system of the informal organization, a system of gossip and rumor, is known as jargon. True False

False The grapevine is the unofficial communication system of the informal organization, a network of gossip and rumor of what is called "employee language."

19. The top-down system, a variant of the SQ3R system, is designed to help you improve your writing. True False

False Top-down reading is a variant of the SQ3R system, both of which help you be a better reader. The top-down system gives you a five-step method to be a productive rather than a passive reader.

21. Communication has been said to be a process consisting of "a sender transmitting a message through media to a receiver who responds." True False

True Communication has been said to be a process consisting of "a sender transmitting a message through media to a receiver who responds."

13. Management by wandering around (MBWA) is the term used to describe a manager's wandering around his or her organization and talking with people across all lines of authority. True False

True Management by wandering around (MBWA) is the term used to describe a manager's literally wandering around his or her organization and talking with people across all lines of authority. Management by wandering around helps reduce the problems of distortion that inevitably occur with formal communication flowing up a hierarchy.

16. One violation of privacy is identity theft, a downside of the digital age. True False

True Privacy is the right of people not to reveal information about themselves. A particularly aggravating violation of privacy is identity theft, in which thieves hijack your name and identity and use your good credit rating to get cash or buy things.

10. An example of a norm of the Millennial or Internet Generation is freedom, the desire to experience new and different things. This norm takes precedence over long-term commitments, and is expressed in a desire for flexible work hours and locations, to have a say in how things are done, and for freedom of choice. True False

True An example of a norm of the Millennial or Internet Generation is freedom, the desire to experience new and different things. Other norms of this group include customization, scrutiny, integrity, collaboration, entertainment, speed, and innovation.

5. External communication flows between people inside and outside the organization, including stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, shareholders, or other owners, and so on. True False

True External communication flows between people inside and outside the organization, including stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, shareholders, or other owners. Formal communication channels develop outside the formal structure and do not follow the chain of command—they skip management levels and cut across lines of authority.

8. Setting and time are two ways nonverbal communication is expressed. True False

True Nonverbal communication consists of messages sent outside the written or spoken word. Six ways in which nonverbal communication is expressed are through (1) eye contact, (2) facial expressions, (3) body movements and gestures, (4) touch, (5) setting, and (6) time.

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