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Networking club differences

-Focus of interest -Size of membership -Membership Composition -Rules and Procedures

Benefits of Employee Engagement

-Stronger Financial Performance -Lower employess turnover -Increased employee morale

needs hierarchy

5 Self-Actualization Needs 4 Esteem Needs 3 Belongingness Needs 2 Safety Needs 1Physiological Need

Networking Clubs

A type of external network that provides members with opportunities to lean and develop professional relationships outside work.


Act of leveraging network position to connect who are not otherwise connected to one another to generate and control information


Act of presenting an aversice stimulus in response to an undesire behavior

Negative Reinforcement

Act of remoing an aversice condition in responce to a desired behavior

Positive Reinforcement

Act of rewarding a desired

Suppose that you want to become a more effective broker in your network. Which of the following actions would best help you do this?

Add people to your network who are not already connected to others in your network.

Ryan is a technical expert from whom the employees in an organization often seek suggestions when they face any technical issues at work. The network thus formed is an example of a(n) ________ network.


Kennon, your manager, wants everyone to like him, so he brings lunch for everyone in the office on Fridays.


Belongingness Needs

Affiliation such as family, friendships, and intimacy

According to research, which person is most likely to be chosen as a member of an employee's advice network?

An employee who is liked by most of the member of the organization

Intrinsic Rewards

Associated with "doing the job", include interesting and challenging work, self-direction and responsibility, variety, opportunities to use one's skills and abilities, and sufficient feedback regarding one's efforts

Achieving Employees Engagement

Characteristics of organizations with high employee engagement 1. Participate decision making 2. information sharing (open communication up and down the organization) 3. Training and Development 4. Performance-based outcomes or rewards

Kim, Jake, and Maria are team leaders who work for an organization's HR department. Their teams coordinate during the recruitment and selection process. Kim's team shortlists candidates' profiles from job portals. Jake's team talks to the shortlisted candidates for initial screening. Maria's team conducts the interviews. Finally, James, the HR manager, decides whether the candidate can be given the offer or not. This scenario is a best example of a(n) ________ network in an organization.


Hygiene Factors

Comprise the makeup of the work environment and are a potential source of dissatisfaction PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS SAFETY NEEDS BELONGINGNESS NEEDS

Mapping your Network

Create a graphical representation of your network to outline the strengths and weaknesses of the network.

According to Brian Uzzi and Shannon Dunlap, which of the following is the last step in building a useful internal network?

Cultivate brokers

________ represents the number of contacts to whom a person is connected in a social network.

Degree of centrality


Desire to grow and develop into the best person he or she can be


Direct consequences of doing the job and the primary cause of satisfaction on the job

Theory Y

Employees are motivated to do their best and to work to their potentioal

Expectancy Theory

Employees expect that high effort should lead to good performance and that good performance, in turn, should lead to reaward

Thery X

Employess inherently dislike work and need to be constantly monitored and evaluated to ensure that they do what is expected

Performance to outcome expectancy

Evaluation of whether successful performance will lead to a desired reward

Structural Holes

Existence of a gap between two individuals that provides access to non redundant contacts

In McClelland's acquired needs model, the need for achievement is essentially the same thing as Maslow's esteem needs.


The most important thing content or needs theories teach managers is that money is the best motivator.


Lyle's manager just handed him a list of goals for the year. Because Lyle had no say in setting these goals, he isn't sure that they are the right ones for him, and as a result, he isn't very motivated to accomplish them.

Goal Acceptance

Vonda is frustrated with her manager, Glenda. Last week, when Vonda asked about Glenda's expectations, Glenda said, "Just do your best." But Vonda doesn't know exactly what to do, and as a result, she isn't very motivated.

Goal Specificity

Closeness (Efficiency)

How close a person is to all other people in his or her network through his or her direct and indirect ties

Which of the following statements best describe David McClellan's acquired needs theory?

Individuals are driven or motivated by 3 needs: the need for affiliation, the need for power, and the need for achievement

Aldefer;s ERG Theory


Advice Network

Made up of ties between individuals in an organization who seek and provide advice on how to solve problems and obtain information

Which of the following statements is true of Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y?

Managers who conform to theory X believe that employees are principally motivated by extrinsic rewards

Building Internal Networks

Mapping your networks Forging Better Connections Cultivating Brokes

Need for power

Need to seek opportunities for personal aggrandizement (personalized power) or to make an impact on the and influence others (socialized power)

________ provides individuals with opportunities to learn and develop professional relationships outside work.

Networking Clubs

Trust Networks

Pattern of linkages among people in an organization who trust one another, share sensitive information, and support one another in a crisis.

Equity Theory

People will compare their circumstances with those of similar others and that this behavior motivates them to seek fairness in the way they are rewarded for performance (KEY TO ALL COMPARISIONS IS PERCEPTION)

When a student asked a question, Professor Smith said, "I'm in charge of this classroom. You'll ask questions when I permit you to!"


Interpersonal Networks

Relationships b/w people who work together, who have done business together, or who have engaged in some other joint activity together

Physiological Needs

Required for survival- food, water, shelter and oxygen

Safety Needs

Secure and protected physical and emotional environment

Esteem Needs

Self-image, self-confidence, achievement, and respect

______refers to the value that an individual can derive from his or her contacts

Social Capita

Content Theories

Study of incentives and needs that motivate people to perform in a certain way

Reinforcing Strengths

Tailoring opportunities and rewards that accentuate employee strenths, requires determining: -Individual strengths -Triggers that activate those strengths -Individual learning style


The belief that one has the capabilities to accomplish organizational goals. Grows when individuals complete more comples tasks.

Betweenness (Control)

The extent to which people fall between pairs of other people in the control over information and over others.

Which of the following actions is likely to increase an employee's trust in his or her manager?

The manager follows the rules he or she sets for employees. For example, the manager never spends more on a meal than he or she tells employees to spend.


The motivation to treat the other person in positive ways

Which of the following statements is true of intrinsic rewards

The value of intrinsic rewards is based on individuals' conception of their worth

According to David Krackhardt, which of the following is a characteristic of strong ties that brings value to a network?


Process Theories of Motivation

Why do people behave in certain ways to satisfy their needs and how do they evaluate their overall level of satisfaction after they attempted to fulfill their needs -Goal-Setting Theory -Expectancy Theory -Equity Theory

Kevin, a top manager in an organization, often socializes and maintains warm relationships with his employees. He tends to be more concerned about his team members rather than their performance. He tries to avoid confrontations and negative feedbacks in an attempt to be liked by everyone. Based on David McClelland's acquired needs theory, it can be inferred that Kevin is an example of a(n

affiliation-oriented manager

Social Capital

benefit that an individual can derive from his or her social relationships

Theory of operant conditioning

both posite and negative reinforcement increase behavior while punishement and extinvtion decrease behavior

Kiara works with both Makayla and Isis, but Makayla and Isis have never met each other. Kiara uses_________ to introduce Makayla and Isis as a way to control how information is spread throughout her organization.


Measuring Centrality

centrality: Extent to which an individual is centrally positioned in a network, giving them preferential access to information and influence.

Within Software Systems, Paul is the CEO, Alexandria is the CFO, and Gage is the COO. But it turns out that Paul, Alexandria, and Gage all spend time talking about work with Derek, the office manager at Software Systems. They don't necessarily go to Derek for answers or share sensitive information with him, but they find that he is a key member of their__________

communication networks

Herzberg's 2-factory theory

conditions that simultaneously act as drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction

Nonredundant Contacts

contacts in a network who do not lead to the same people or provide the same information

Redundant Contacts

contacts in a network who know and communicate with each other and who therefore to provide similar information

Barbara has 30 friends, making her______ much higher than Richard's, who only has 5 friends.

degree of centrality

The three distinct conceptions of centrality are:

degree, closeness and betweeness

Strength of ties

emotional intensity, intimacy, and frequency of interaction that characterize the relationship between two parties

The ________ theory holds that people will compare their circumstances with those of similar others and that this behavior motivates them to seek fairness in the way they are rewarded for performance


Effort to performance expectancy

evaluation of whether putting in effort will lead to high performance


evaluation of whether the available outcomes are attractive

In ____________ , employees evaluate the strength of connections between effort and performance and between performance and rewards. They also evaluate how much they want the rewards that are being offered as a way of determining how motivated they are to complete a task.

expectancy theory

Reinforcement Theory

explains that both positive and negatice reinforcements can induce certain behaviors

Sometimes mothers will ignore their crying babies, using _______ to stop the undesirable behavior.


Extrinsic Rewards

facilitate or motivate task performance that include pay, promotions, fringe benefits, and job security

____________ refers to information people receive about how well they are doing on reaching a goal


Forging better conditions

focus on building better connections with a cross section of different individuals through shared activities

4-Drive Theory

fulfilling 4 drives- the drive to acquire, the drive to bond, the drive to comprehend and the drive to defend. -Underlies motivation, and that the degree to which these are satisfied directly affects employees' emotions and behaviors

The __________ suggests that people have physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization needs that must be satisfied in order for motivation to occur.

hierarchy of needs theory

Abigail is having problems. She does not feel like her boss is paying her enough money to live on, despite the fact that she works hard. The fact that Abigail is not receiving_____________ will make her dissatisfied with her work, according to Frederick Herzberg.

hygiene factors


idea that a behavior stops because it had ceased to be rewarded or punished

Cultivating Brokers

identify information brokers and activities that can support the development of more frequent contact

Tips on how to cultivate brokers

identify the people on whom you depend for getting things done and focus on cultivating relationships with those people

boundary spanners

individuals who connect their immediate work group with other parts of the company or with groups in other organizations

A manager can have a vision, but employees must have_______ to take the actions that will turn that vision into reality.


Managers who have a high ___________ want to accomplish tasks. They are most effective in entrepreneurial ventures.

need for achievement

People who like persuading others to do work and who can generate strong positive emotions in others are likely to have a high __________ . They will be especially good when taking charge of complex organizations and bureaucracies.

need for power

Need for affiliation

need to interact, socialize, and develop friendship

Need for achievement (Acquired Needs Theory)

neet to set, meet, and exceed goals

Ella is actively working on her_______ skills. She is reaching out to others, both inside and outside work, and developing relationships that will help her to be more effective both personally and professionally.


Members of the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) meet regularly at socializers designed to help members get to know each other. This________ can also give trainers valuable relationships with professionals who work outside of their organizations.

networking club

Rewards such as bonuses, thank-yous, and gift cards are all forms of___________, which increase the probability that the behavior they follow will occur again.

positive reinforcement

To fulfill employees' drive to acquire, managers should:

provide competitive salary and benefits

Redundant contacts

provide similar information

which of the following is an example of an extrinsic reward


Goal-Setting Theory

setting goals that are difficult, but achievable, is a significant motivator of performance 1. Goals direct attention and effort toward goal-relevant activities and away from goal-irrelecant activities 2.Difficult goals, make employees work harder regardless of who assigned it. 3. Tight deadlines for goal completio lead to a more rapid work pace 4.People use the knowledge and skills that have attained from other activities and apply them to meet new goals.

When people spend a lot of time together, trust each other, and have similar interests, their___________ will be strong.

strength of ties

If you have non-redundant contacts in your organization, you are likely to have________in your network.

structural holes

Negative reinforcement refers to:

the act of removing an aversive condition in response to a desired behavior


the activities associated with developing and managing relationships that are critical to a person's ability to accomplish tasks and develop personally and professionally


the desire, stimulus, or incentive to pursure a particular course of action


the experiences necessary to allow each person to witness how the other person will use shared information

Degree (position)

the number of adjacent links to or from someone when he or she needs information


the opportunity for the exchange of information

which of the following theories is a variant on mallow's hierarchy of needs theory?

the theory of suggesting that individuals are motivated by three primary needs: existence, relatedness, and growth

The theory that both positive and negative reinforcement increase behavior while punishment and extinction decrease behavior is called the ________ .

theory of operant conditioning

According to the expectancy theory, the variable that includes the evaluation of whether available outcomes are attractive to an employee is called


According to Mark Granovetter, individuals obtain their most valuable information like job leads through their ________ .

weak ties

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