MGMT 3123 Managing Behavior and Organization Exam 2

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Communication begins when a sender ________ an idea or thought.


Job ______ puts more variety into a worker's job by comparing specialized tasks of comparable difficulty.


A two way __________ is the richest form of communication


"Your assignments are always late" is an example of good feedback.


_________ achievement leads to job satisfaction, which in turn motivates employees to set and commit to even higher levels of performance


_______ ________ means whether a goal has been quantified

goal specificity

An _______ group exists when the members' overriding purpose in getting together is friendship or a common interest.


______ _______ means measuring, tracking, or otherwise verifying progress and ultimate outcomes.

monitoring performance

Skinner labeled behavior that is learned when one acts on the environment to produce desired consequences ________ behavior


Formal groups perform two basic functions: __________ and __________.

organizational; individual

The three common sources of feedback include:

others, task, self

No matter how fair management thinks the organization's policies, procedures, and reward systems are, each employee's ________ of the equity of those factors is what counts


________ feedback and ________ in deciding how to achieve goals are necessary but not sufficient for goal setting to work.

performance, participation

A _____ is a set of expected behaviors for a particular position


Which theory assumes that our behavior and well-being are influenced by three innate needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness?

self-determination theory

The first step in the performance management process is to:

set goals and communicate expectations

Which of the following rater errors is made when people give higher evaluation to individuals who they consider akin to themselves?


A negative reinforcer tends to ___________ the behavior it follows.


The type of performance measurement system where a company assembles performance data on an individual from most or all of his/her contacts within and outside the company is known as:

360-degree performance appraisals

What is the difference between formal and informal groups?

A formal group is assigned by an organization or its managers to accomplish specific goals.

According to Gallup, which conditions make PM more effective?

Accountability exists. Coaching is continual. Expectations are collaborative, clear, and aligned.

______ is the extent to which a job enables an individual to experience freedom, independence, and discretion.


The 3 C's for an effective team

Charters and stratagies Composition Capacity

Three C's of team players

Committed Collaborative Competent

Three forms of trust are

Contractual: trust of character Communication: trust of disclosure Competence: trust of capability

Who wrote the book "The Human Side of Enterprise", which explores two contrasting sets of assumptions about human nature?

Douglas McGregor

______ _______ holds that people are motivated to behave in ways the produce desired combinations of expected outcomes.

Expectancy theory

In what stage of the group development process are group standards developed?


Which of the following refers to how long we focus on an activity?


_____ is the discretionary or formal expression of ideas, opinions, suggestions, or alternative approaches directed to a specific target inside or outside of the organization with the intent to change an objectionable state of affairs and to improve the current functioning of an organization.


A performance goal is related to

achieving a defined outcome.

David McClelland's theory about the drivers of employee behavior is the:

acquired needs theory

Team _______ _______ (adaptability) is the ability to make needed changes in response to demands put on the team

adaptive capacity

Communication competence is

an individual's ability to effectively use communication behaviors in a given context.

Goals direct ______, regulate ______, increase _______, and foster the _________ and __________ of task strategies and action plans.

attention, effort, persistence, development and application

An important factor in the perception of feedback is the fundamental ________ bias.


A customized process between two or more people with the intention of enhancing learning and motivating change is


What motivates corrective action in equity theory?

cognitive dissonance

Norman is elected president of the debate club. He is known as a team player. That means that Norman is

committed, collaborative, and competent.

The primary functions of performance management include:

communicating the employee behavior that is being sought guiding employee training and development making decisions related to employees such as pay raises

___________ is the exchange of information between the sender and a receiver, and the inference (perception) of meanings between the individuals involved


_________ __________ is a performance-based index of an individual's ability to effectively use communication behaviors in a given context

communication competence

Which of the following explains why humans tend to do what everyone else is doing?


Maslow's needs hierarchy is an example of a(n) ________ theory of motivation


The theories that focus on identifying internal factors that motivate people are _______ theories. The more dynamic theories that focus on explaining how internal and external factors motive people are _______ theories

content, process

If a target behavior is rewarded every time it occurs, then it is a(n):

continuous reinforcement schedule

What type of common perceptual error occurs when an employee is rated as being average after being compared to top performers?

contrast effect

Job ________ represents employees' attempts to proactively shape their work characteristics. This could involve expectations to define and create their own job boundaries.


_____________ teams are created with members from different disciplines within an organization, such as finance, operations, and R&D


_________ are discussions between two or more people where the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong.

crucial conversations

________ and ________ justices have consistently stronger relationships with outcomes.

distributive and procedural

_________ __________ reflects the perceived fairness of the way resources and rewards are distributed or allocated

distributive justice

I-deals Approach

employee and management design job

Button-up Approach

employee or work team designs job

Job ________ modifies a job such that an employee has the opportunity to experience achievement, recognition, stimulating work, responsibility, and advancement.


Psychologist J. Stacy Adams first applied ___________ theory in the workplace


Comparing actual performance to a previously set goal is the step in the performance management process called:

evaluating performance

A ______ represents an individual's belief that a particular degree of effort will be followed by a particular level of performance. "Can I achieve my desired level of performance?"


The elements of Vroom's Expectancy Theory

expectancy, instrumentality, valence

In the job characteristics model, the presence of skill variety, task identity, and task significance cause an employee to feel

experienced meaningfulness of the work

Sharon is the Director of Human Resources at a company that is undergoing a merger with another organization. As a result of the merger, a portion of the combined workforce will be laid off. Sharon understands that even with a lucrative severance package, the news will adversely affect the lives of these employees. Therefore, she wants to break the news to them in a sensitive manner so as to maintain the company's image. Which of the following is the most appropriate communication medium to use in this situation?

face-to-face conversation

Norms only emerge on their own in group situations; they are not consciously formed.


In the job characteristics model, the degree to which a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness is:


Information about performance given to those who can make the situation better is the definition of:


Rebecca e-mailed a wedding invitation to her cousin Shawn. A few days later, she got a reply saying that he can't make it to the wedding because he will not be able to get any vacation. In the communication process, Shawn's reply is an example of


Effective coaching typically includes a considerable amount of which of the following elements?

feedback self-assessment self-reflection

A _____ group is assigned by an organization or its managers to accomplish specific goals.


__________ is the perceived relationship between performance and outcomes. "What intrinsic and extrinsic rewards will I receive if I achieve my desired level of performance?"


_________ _________ describes the "quality of the interpersonal treatment people receive when procedures are implemented"

interactional justice

Samuel absolutely loves being a college professor because he is good at teaching and enjoys research even though he would make more money working in the private sector as an engineer. His choice to be a college professor is best explained by:

intrinsic motivation

The goal of the ______ ________ ______ is to promote high intrinsic motivation by designing jobs that possess the five core job characteristics.

job characteristics model

_____ ________ refers to any set of activities that alter jobs to improve the quality of employee experience and level of productivity.

job design

Which of the following are aspects of a learning goal?

learning new knowledge adding to a skill set

Managers can improve employee satisfaction with the feedback process by:

letting the employee voice his/her opinion and discuss performance goals

_________ is the process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages


Which two of the following are aspects of a performance management process function?

locating a need for employee development explaining the reason to terminate employment

________ roles foster supportive and constructive interpersonal relationships


Top-Down Approach

management designs job

_________ ____________ measures the capacity of a given communication medium to convey information and promote understanding

media richness

The two functions of feedback are to:

motivate and instruct

The acquired needs in McClelland's acquired needs theory include:

need for affiliation, power, achievement

Hunger or thirst are examples of physiological deficiencies that arouse behavior known as ______.


A person will experience ______ when his or her outcome-to-input ratio is less than that of a comparable person.

negative inequity

Herzberg's motivating factors move employees from a state of:

no satisfaction to satisfaction

________ is anything that interferes with the transmission and understanding of a message


______ are shared attitudes, opinions, feelings, or behaviors that guide individual and group behavior


Which of the following are among Herzberg's motivating factors?

opportunity to advance, recognition, achievement

Formal groups fulfill two basic functions:

organizational and individual

Which of the following types of performance is characterized by assisting coworkers, having a positive attitude, and representing the company in a positive way outside of work?

organizational citizenship behaviors

People's perception of __________ is their judgment that they were adequately compensated for the consequences of their actions.

outcome fairness

A process that defines expectations, evaluates performance against the expectations and ensures consequences is _________ management


Jack set himself a goal of shooting a 79 or better on his local golf course before the end of spring. This is a ________ goal.


When a manager monitors, evaluates, and creates consequences for an employee's work so that it meets defined performance expectations, it is an example of:

performance management

_________ ________ is the perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make allocation decisions

procedural justice

The theories that focus on explaining the process by which internal and situational factors influence employee motivation are known as ________ theories.


What elements need to be both monitored and evaluated when determining someone's performance?

progress toward the goal goal achievement

________ teams are assembled to tackle a particular problem, task, or project


When a group has established periods of stable functioning until an event causes a dramatic change in norms, roles, and/or objectives

punctuated equilibrium

Skinner concluded that behavior is:

respondent; operant

The step in the effective performance management system in which feedback and coaching are delivered is called _____.

reviewing performance

Key components such as types of rewards, distribution criteria, and desired outcomes are part of an organization's ______ sytem


Key components such as types of rewards, distribution criteria, and desired outcomes are part of an organization's:

reward systems

Which of the following is an individual function of a group?

satisfy the person's needs or affiliation

_________ management is "that kind of management which conducts a business or affairs by standards established by facts or truths gained through systematic observation, experiment, or reasoning.


Which of the following are included in Maslow's needs hierarchy?

self-actualization, esteem, love, safety, physiological

Which of the following are content theories of motivation?

self-determination theory, Maslow's need hierarchy theory, acquired needs theory

___________ teams have collective autonomy and responsibility to plan, manage, and execute tasks interdependently to achieve their goals

self-managed teams

Five characteristics of the job characteristics model

skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback

In equity theory, inputs can include:

skills and knowledge, personality traits, education

The theory that there is a purposeful if-then link between a target behavior and a consequence is:

skinners operant theory

When some group members try to avoid responsibility and allow others to do the work of the group, they are displaying:

social loafing

According to Herzberg's theory, issues related to hygiene factors will cause an employee to move from a:

state of no dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction

What kind of goal is best for jobs that are dynamic, but in which nearer-term activities and milestones can be defined?


______ roles enable the work group to define, clarify, and pursue a common purpose


_____ _________ is the degree to which team members depend on each other for information, materials, and other resources to complete their job tasks.

task interdependence

_____ ______ describes how the team will operate, share info, hold members accountable, and make decisions

team charters

_____ ______ describes the collection of jobs, personalities, knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience level of team members

team composition

_____ ________ strategies deliberate plans that outline exactly what the team is to do, such as goal setting and defining particular member roles

team performance strategies

In a study of executives from 300 companies, the most desirable soft skill named was


As part of the contingency approach to goal setting, what elements should fit the situation?

the behavior the practice the policy

Compensation, benefits, and personal growth opportunities are all part of an organization's:

total rewards

Communication competence is a performance-based index of an individual's abilities to effectively use communication behaviors in a given context.


In 360-degree feedback, individuals compare perceptions of their own performance with information from their manager, subordinates, and peers.


Intensity pertains to the amount of effort being invested in an activity. t/false


Job tasking may involve changing task boundaries, the relational nature of a job, or cognitions about the job. t/false


Recent research has shown that employees' use of social media is related to increased job satisfaction, performance, and retention.


Of the three potential outcomes from rewards, which one motivates the wrong behaviors?

undesired side effects

Thorndike's observations that led to the law of effect were that behavior with ______ consequences tends to disappear.


A variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement is one in which a response is reinforced only after a(n):

unpredictable number of responses have been made

_______ describes the positive or negative value people place on outcomes. "How much do I value the rewards I receive?"


A ________ _________ is one in which employees are encouraged to freely express their opinions and feelings.

voice climate

We have the cognitive capacity to process words at a much higher rate than people speak. Which of the following can result from this?

we miss or lose some of what we hear

_____ teams have a well-defined and common purpose, and are more or less permanent, and require complete commitment of their members


Whose theory states that contingent consequences, such as positive reinforcement and punishment, control behavior?

B.F. Skinner

Which of the following statements are true of Thorndike's law of effect?

Behaviors with favorable consequences tend to be repeated Behaviors with unfavorable consequences tend to disappear

Which of the following are considered outputs in equity theory?

Bonuses, Recognition

Which statements describe why rewards often fail to motivate employees?

Monetary rewards are over emphasized. Too much time passes-between the achievement and the reward. Motivation is impacted by the use of one-shot rewards.

Which of the following types of performance measurement is more reliable, valid, and provides more useful feedback to employees?

behaviorally anchored rating scales

___________, the process of interpreting or making sense of a message, occurs when a receiver receives a message.


_________ occurs when people perceive that they are being attacked or threatened.


Components of the performance management process include:

defining expectations creating consequences overseeing performance

Select all of the characteristics that are influenced by motivation

direction, intensity, and persistence in behavior of thought

When a receiver expresses a reaction to the sender's message, he or she is

providing feedback

Tuckman's Five-Stage Model of Group Development

forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning forming- Stage where the group comes together for the first ti,e storming- Stage when participants focus less on keeping their guard up as they shed social facades, becoming more authentic and argumentative. norming- Stage where participants find it easy to establish ground rules & identify their operations & procedures. performing- Stage where participants are not only getting the work done but also pay greater attention the how they are doing it. adjourning- Stage where team members gather in the end and discuss what went right, what went wrong & what could've been done differently.

Group polarization research suggests that:

group members will ignore or minimize evidence that challenges positions they already hold

Collections of individuals with low dependency on one another are known as ______, whereas _____ are collectively responsible for their performance.

groups; teams

Which of the following rater errors leads employees to believe that no aspects of their performance need improvement?


What does the equity theory explain?

how people strive for fairness in social exchanges, how people strive for fairness in give-and-take relationships

Herzberg's theory classified company administration, salary, and working conditions as ______ factors.


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