MGMT 340 Exam 2

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What are three types of needs in alderfer's theory?

( ERG) Existence, Relative, Growth

What are the four schedules of partial reinforcement?

Fixed & variable interval, fixed and variable ratio

When punishment is used, managers need to be very careful that while eliminating the undesired behavior, they don't create excessive hostility or negative feelings (T/F)


When you model the study behaviors you observed in your classmate who is earning A's in course, you engage in vicarious learning (T/F)


Within expectancy theory, expectancy is an employee's perception about the extent to which his or her effort will result in a certain level of performance (T/F)


Work motivation is a psychological factor that will directly affect work performance, all other things being equal (T/F)


An employee's work motivation can be either intrinsic or extrinsic, but not both, and its important that managers identify which of the two is important to the employee (T/F)


In an effort to use operant conditioning to reduce on the job accidents, the company decided to pay a bonus to all employees in a department that went 90 days without an on the job accident reported. This programmay unintentionally reinforce employees who...

do not report on the job accidents

A Company gives its salespeople on the 15th of every month for superior performave. Reinforcement is on a ...

fixed interval schedule

Certain number of desired behaviors must occur before reinforcement is provided with a...

fixed ratio

Punishment_____ the probability of a(n) _____ behavior.

reduces; undesired

US Army's "Be all that you can be": Maslow's hieracy of needs theory would classify recruits who enlist in order to use all of their skills and abilities to the fullest extent as being motivated by....

self-actualization needs

Method of breaking a job down in to doing one or just a few tasks is known as...

simplification and secialization

In Job characteristics model, the extent to which a job requires an employee to use a number of different skills, abilities, or talents is referred to as...

skill variety

Job Enrichment is also known known as ...

vertical job landing

In operant conditioning, learning occurs when the learner recognizes link between...

Behavior and its consequence

Extinction is used in a situation where managers need to immediately reduce the occurrence of a certain behavior and do not have enough time to use punishment (T/F)


In operant conditioning only good behaviors can be reinforced (T/F)


In operant conditioning, antecedents are the process by which the probability that a desired behavior will occur is increased by applying consequences that depend on the behavior in question (T/F)


Procedural justice theory focuses primarily on the relationship between inputs and outcomes (T/F)

F; Distributive

Procedural justice theory is concerned about the actual distribution of outcomes (T/F)

F; Not concerned

Managers who decide to use continuous reinforcement can choose from four schedules (T/F)

F; Partial reinforcement

Job enlargement is also referred to as vertical job loading (T/F)

F; enrichment or horizontal

Intrinsically motivated behavior is performed not for its own sake but rather for its consequences (T/F)

F; extrinsically

Employees who are paid $20 for every four coats they sew are being reinforced on a variable-ratio schedule (T/F)

F; fixed-ratio

Negative reinforcement reduces the probability of an undesired behavior (T/F)

F; increases desired behavior

Three key elements of work motivation are direction of behavior, level of effort, and goal achievement (T/F)

F; level of persistence not goal achievement

Mike Smith has led the company softball team to three straight league championships with his excellent pitching skills. Surprisingly, Mike dislikes softball, never practices, and is often bored while pitching in games. This incident illustrates that...

Performance and motivation are not the same thing

Organizational behavior modification can be used to discourage undesired organizational behaviors as well as to encourage the learning of desired organizational behaviors (T/F)


Perceived relationship between a certain level of job performance or performance of certain behaviors and the receipt of a specific outcome is instrumentalitiy (T/F)


Procedural justice is concerned with the fair and equitable distribution of outcomes across workers to encourage high levels of motivation. (T/F)


Reinforcement of successive and closer approximations to a desired behavior is known as shaping (T/F)


Rodney Lewis watched over 100 hours of videotaped heart operations. As a result, he has detailed knowledge of surgecal procedures he didn't have before. Although he's never performed the operation, learning has taken place (T/F)


Scientific management method was developed out of the US war effort in World War II


Taylor developed this to increase performance of individual employees and believed there was only one best way to perform a job

Scientific management

What is the highest level need according to Maslow hierarchy of needs?


Five core dimensions of the job characteristics model include...

Skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback

SMART stands for...

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely

According to operant conditioning, an individual learns to engage in specific behaviors to receive certain consequences (T/F)


Antecedents are instructions, rules, goals, or advice that help link behaviors and consequences (T/F)


Difference between operant conditioning and social cognitive theory is that social learning theory incorporates cognitive processes whereas operant conditioning does not (T/F)


Employees with low self-efficacy who think they are unlikely to be able to learn a difficult task are likely to give up as soon as an obstacle appears of the going gets a little tough (T/F)


In scientific management approach to job design, pay is the principal outcome used to motivate employees to contribute their inputs (T/F)


Jobs that were designed under scientific management principles tended to be monotonous and dehumanizing (T/F)


Maslow's hirarchy of needs theory proposes that all human beings have five needs that they seek to satisfy: Psychological, safety, belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. (T/F)


Opponents of OB Mod complain that it involves expicitly manipulating consequences to control behavior which may rob employees of their freedom of choice (T/F)


in operant conditioning, instruction, rules, goals, advice from other members, and anything else that help workers realize what behaviors they should and should not perform and what are the likely effects for different behaviors are known as...


In Job characteristics model, the degree to which a job allows a worker the freedom and independence to schedule work and decide how to carry it out is known as...


Difference between punishment and negative reinforcement is that punishment...

discourages behavior by giving a negative outcome whereas negative reinforcement encourages a behavior by removing a negative outcome

Manager who measures exactly how long tasks take and works on developing ways to complete job in minimal time. Process he uses to develop optimal way to perform a task is known as...

job enrichment

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