MGMT 371 Exam 3

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In what three sources can trust be rooted?

in disposition-based, meaning that one's personality includes a general propensity to trust others, it can be rooted in cognition-based, meaning that it is rooted in a rational assessment of the authority's trustworthiness, and it can be rooted in feelings toward the authority that go beyond any rational assessment of trustworthiness.

What does it mean to be equitably treated according to equity theory, and how do employees respond to inequity?

You are getting the same amount of rewards per input as others in the same company. Employees respond to under-reward inequity with either shrinking their inputs to match their outputs, or stealing from the company to get the outputs to match their inputs, and employees respond to over-reward equity by shrinking their outcomes (not likely) or by increasing their inputs to match their outcomes.

What is stress, and how is it related to stressors and strains?

a psychological response to demands that possess certain stakes for the person and that tax or exceed the person's capacity or resources. The demands that cause people to experience stress are called stressors. The negative consequences that occur when demands tax or exceed a person's capacity or resources are called strains

What is motivation?

A set of energetic forces that originates both within and outside an employee, initiates work-related effort, and determines its direction, intensity, and persistence.

What dimensions can be used to describe the trustworthiness of an authority?

Ability, Benevolence, and Integrity.

How do individuals cope with stress?

Behavior, cognitive, problem-focused, emotion-focused

What dimensions can be used to describe the fairness of an authority's decision making?

Distributive justice, Procedural justice, Interpersonal justice, and informational justice.

What types of knowledge can employees gain as they learn and build expertise?

Employees gain explicit and tacit knowledge. Explicit is easily communicated and available to everyone (Books). Tacit is something you gain through experience.

What are the methods by which employees learn in organizations?

Employees learn through reinforcement and observation of others, and it depends on whether they are learning-oriented or performance-oriented.

What three beliefs help determine work effort, according to expectancy theory?

Expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.

How does stress affect job performance and organizational commitment?

Hinderance stressors have a negative impact on organizational commitment, while challenge stressors have a positive impact on organizational commitment.

What are the four main types of stressors?

Hindrance, challenge, role conflict, and role ambiguity

What steps can organizations take to become more trustworthy?

It can achieve this by emphasizing corporate social responsibility, a perspective that acknowledges that the responsibilities of a business encompass the economic, legal, ethical, and citizenship expectations of society.

How does trust affect job performance and organizational commitment?

It has a moderate positive relationship with job performance and a strong positive relationship with organization commitment.

How does learning affect job performance and organizational commitment?

It has a moderate positive relationship with job performance and a weak positive relationship with organizational commitment.

How does motivation affect job performance and organizational commitment?

It has a strong correlation to job performance and a moderate correlation to organizational commitment.

What is the four-component model of ethical decision making?

It is a model of ethical decsiosn making that argues that ethical behavior depends on moral awareness, moral judgment, and moral intent.

What is learning, and how does it affect decision making?

It is a relatively permanent change in an employee's knowledge or skill that results from experience. It allows employees to make better decisions by making those decisions more quickly and by being able to generate a better set of alternatives.

What is psychological empowerment, and what four beliefs determine empowerment levels?

It is an energy-rooted belief that work tasks contribute to some larger purpose. The four beliefs that determine empowerment levels are meaningfulness, self-determination, competence, and impact.

What steps can organizations take to increase employee motivation?

Organizations use compensation practices, Those practices may include individual-focused elements such as piece rate, merit pay, lump-sum bonuses, recognition awards, gainsharing, or organization-focused elements

How does the Type A Behavior Pattern influence the stress process?

Persons tend to be hard-driving and have a strong desire to achieve, more likely to appraise demands as being stressful rather than being benign,

What two methods can employees use to make decisions?

Programmed and non programed

What two qualities make goals strong predictors of task performance, according to goal setting theory?

Setting specific and difficult goals will result in higher levels of performance than assigning no goals, easy goals, or "do-your-best goals.

What steps can organizations take to manage employee stress?

They must assess (stress audit), reduce stressors, provide resources, and reduce strains.

What steps can organizations take to foster learning?

Through various forms of training, companies can give employees more knowledge and a wider array of experiences that they can use to make decisions.

What decision-making problems can prevent employees from translating their learning into accurate decisions?

if they struggle with limited information, faulty perceptions, faulty attributions, and escalation of commitment.

What is trust, and how does it relate to justice and ethics?

It is the willingness to be vulnerable to an authority based on positive expectations about the authority's actions and intentions. Justice reflects the perceived fairness of an authority's decision-making, and ethics reflects the degree to which the behaviors of authority are in accordance with generally accepted moral norms.

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