MGMT 371 Midterm 1

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Which of the following is an example of a strain? A) Sylvia leaves her waitressing shift early many days in a row as a result of low customer turnout. B) Amrita develops insomnia while trying meet the deadline to sequencing a new gene. C) Dario clocks in late to his retail sales job after a night of partying. D) Vandaya works a second job to save up money for college. E) Ahmed sits alone on his lunch hour and reads a book.

Amrita develops insomnia while trying to meet the deadline to sequencing a new game

Some employees do not want frequent promotions because promotions bring more responsibility and increased work hours. A) True B) False


Someone with affective commitment would most likely say which of the following? a. "My current job duties are very rewarding." b. "I'm likely to get a promotion here soon." c. "I like the authority and independence I have at this company." d. "My organization gave me money to finish my college degree."

a. "My current job duties are very rewarding"

Alberto works as a receptionist for a graphic design firm. His daily job duties include making copies, replying to e-mails, answering phones, and greeting people who enter the office. This suite of tasks, when they are not overly taxing or exceeding his capacity, are called A) benign job demands. B) primary appraisals. C) Type A activities. D) stressors. E) strains.

a. benign job demands

Which of the following offers the best definition of "job performance?" a. Evaluation of employee behaviors while at work b. Degree to which employee activities accomplish organizational goals c. Employee enactment of job activities outlined in the job description d. The sum total of employees' task and citizenship activities

a. evaluation of employee behaviors while at work

Volkwear Ltd., a German clothing manufacturer, is known as a company that focuses on improving its customers' quality of life. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural values dimension of ________ best describes Volkwear Ltd. A) femininity B) individualism C) high power distance D) short-term orientation E) uncertainty avoidance

a. femininity

As a manager, you have been alarmed by the fact that a number of employees on your team have recently left the company for other job opportunities. You offer competitive wages and benefits to your employees, and a recent company survey suggests that employees feel adequately compensated and rewarded. Yet, you cannot seem to keep people in your organization. What is likely the best opportunity for resolving this issue? a. Hold company-wide events that include employees' families. b. Restructure teams within the organization to be more interdependent. c. Offer rewards to employees for staying at the organization. d. Impose restriction to ensure that employees engage in fewer withdrawal behaviors.

a. hold company-wide events that include employees families

Research shows that the differences between experts and novices are almost always a function of A) learning. B) intuition. C) expertise. D) intelligence. E) distinctiveness.

a. learning

Which of the following is an Individual mechanism? a. Motivation b. Personality c. Job Performance d. Ability

a. motivation

When employees consider efficacy levels for a given task, they first consider their A) past accomplishments. B) vicarious experiences. C) current projects. D) extrinsic motivators. E) instrumentality.

a. past accomplishments

Ralph consistently completes the duties outlined in his job description. He arrives on time and never leaves before the end of his shift. He tends to keep to himself and prefers to "get the job done." His efforts have helped his team meet several organizational directives over the last few years. In spite of these efforts, Ralph continues to have average scores on his annual performance review. What is one thing Ralph could do that would have the best potential for improving his scores on the next performance review? a. Reach out to his coworkers and share his expertise when relevant. b. Change his role within the organization. c. Demonstrate greater commitment by working past the end of his shift. d. Spread rumors about his coworkers to make them look like worse performers than himself.

a. reach out to his coworkers and share his expertise when relevant

Alvin is the leader of a team of counselors at a camp for recovering addicts. He and his team have been asked to implement a new program, which on the surface looks much more difficult than what they have been doing. Before the program begins, Alvin feels he needs to give his team a speech to help motivate them for the upcoming challenge. What is the first thing Alvin should do in his speech? A) remind the team of how they worked hard to successfully overcome challenges in the past B) admit that he is not completely sure the project can be done with existing staff numbers C) tell them that he will be watching them carefully for any failure to follow procedure D) express that he has a great deal of anxiety about taking on such a huge endeavor E) tell the team they may get a raise if everything goes well for a few weeks

a. remind the team of how they worked hard to successfully overcome challenges in the past

Which of the following is part of Maslow hierarchy of motivation. A) Self actualization B) Equality C) Hygiene D) Motivation E) Leadership

a. self actualization

Which of the following is an Organizational mechanism? a. Structure b. Personality c. Job Performance d. Ability

a. structure

________ is the willingness to be vulnerable to an authority based on positive expectations about the authority's actions and intentions. A) Trust B) Credence C) Consensus D) Ethics E) Proximity

a. trust

wame designs and delivers public outreach programs for Hydro Sun Electric. He seems to never take a break, he always talks about work, and he often reaches the end of the day wishing he could do more and not realizing how late it has gotten. Kwame's behavior demonstrates the concept of A) Vicariousness. B) Engagement. C) Feedback. D) Valence. E) Equity.

b. engagement

Normative commitment is likely to increase when an employee believes: a. that the organization is a great place to work. b. that the organization has invested in the employee. c. that the organizational culture is strong and positive. d. that the organization pays employees a lot of money.

b. that the organization has invested in the employee

Personality is a collection of multiple A) abilities. B) traits. C) aptitudes. D) emotions. E) capacities.

b. traits

The following are all examples of counterproductive behaviors EXCEPT: a. Theft b. Substance abuse c. Complaining d. Harassment

c. complaining

Justice reflects the perceived fairness of an authority's A) corporate social responsibility. B) ethical orientation. C) decision making. D) benign power. E) morality.

c. decision making

Which of the following is an Individual outcome? a. Motivation b. Stress c. Job Performance d. Ability

c. job performance

The following are all examples of psychological withdrawal behaviors EXCEPT: a. Cyberloafing b. Socializing c. Missing meetings d. Moonlighting

c. missing meetings

Which of the following is an Individual outcome? a. Job analysis b. Learning c. Organizational commitment d. Task performance

c. organizational commitment

________ refers to a work hindrance stressor that occurs when the number of demanding roles a person holds is so high that the person simply cannot perform some or all of the roles very effectively. A) Time pressure B) Daily hassle C) Role overload D) Role ambiguity E) Role conflict

c. role overload

What is the best way to describe how task performance differs from citizenship behaviors and counterproductive behaviors? a. Task performance is interpersonal and organizational in nature. b. Task performance includes voluntary work-related behaviors. c. Task performance describes intentional work-related efforts. d. Task performance is required for compensation.

c. task performance describes intentional work-related efforts

Trudy is an excellent performer and enjoys working for the company. She frequently spends her breaks socializing with her closest colleague, Sally. Recently, Sally left the organization for a new job opportunity. Based on this information, what do you think is most likely to happen? a. Trudy will take on new job responsibilities. b. Trudy will strengthen her connections to other employees. c. Trudy will leave the organization. d. Trudy's performance will decline.

c. trudy will leave the organization

Which of the following scenarios demonstrates personality? A) Dalton can perform any mechanical task well. B) Lulu scores extremely well on an intelligence test. C) Monte lacks coordination and performs poorly in all sports. D) Shanda is generally friendly, likable, and calm under pressure. E) Phoebe volunteers in the crisis shelter like everyone in her church.

d. Shanda is generally friendly, likeable, and calm under pressure

Which of the following is NOT an Individual mechanism? a. Motivation b. Stress c. Learning d. Ability

d. ability

Which of the following is NOT an individual mechanism? a. Motivation b. Stress c. Justice d. Ability

d. ability

Which of the following is an Individual characteristic? a. Motivation b. Stress c. Leadership styles d. Ability

d. ability

True learning only occurs when A) negative behaviors are unlearned over time. B) novices distinguish themselves from experts. C) employees are assigned larger responsibilities. D) changes in behavior become relatively permanent. E) employees avoid mimicking the behaviors of experts.

d. changes in behavior become relatively permanents

Which of the following is NOT a group mechanism? a. Leadership style b. Diversity c. Communication d. Cultural values

d. cultural values

Which of the following is NOT a group mechanism? a. Leadership styles b. Leadership negotiation c. Team processes d. Cultural values

d. cultural values

The following are all examples of Group mechanisms EXCEPT: a. Leadership styles b. Leadership negotiation c. Team processes d. Culture

d. culture

Kartik never raises his voice or loses his temper, and he explains things calmly in chaotic situations when others cannot. He is described by his coworkers as cool and relaxed. Kartik probably scores A) high in openness to experience. B) high in neuroticism. C) high in introversion. D) low in neuroticism. E) low on introversion.

d. low in neuroticism

________ is the set of energetic forces that originates both within and outside an employee; initiates work-related effort; and determines its direction, intensity, and persistence. A) Organizational commitment B) Job satisfaction C) Job performance D) Motivation E) Leadership

d. motivation

Which of the following scenarios describes a worker with a neurotic personality? A) Raul greets everyone entering the office with a handshake and a funny story. B) Lynn stays two hours after closing all week to complete her blueprints perfectly. C) Tyler envisions and then experiments with a new approach to do his job every week. D) David takes on a substantial part of Jo's workload just to help her and everyone on the team have a pleasant day. E) Amy yells at Jacob to go away when he asks her how she is doing, then brings him coffee with a big smile an hour later.

e. Amy yells at Jacob to go away when he asks her how she is doing, then brings him coffee with a big smile later

The belief that others think, feel, and act the same way as you do is called ________ bias. A) fundamental attribution B) social identity C) availability D) self-serving E) projection

e. projection

Expectancy theory focuses on describing A) How goals are the primary drivers of the intensity and persistence of effort. B) the type of rewards people get from outside forces, such as wages and vacations. C) a form of intrinsic motivation in which merely performing the work tasks serves as its own reward. D) how employees create a "mental ledger" of the outcomes (or rewards) they get from their job duties. E) the cognitive process that employees go through to make choices among different voluntary responses

e. the cognitive process that employees go through to make choices among different voluntary responses

Kate is reading a job posting for an accountant's position at a local office. The advertisement mentions preparing, examining, and analyzing accounting records for accuracy and completeness as job responsibilities for the position. This job description refers to: a. Job analysis b. Job performance c. Citizenship behaviors d. Task performance

task performance

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