MGMT 434 Compensation Ch 7

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If a lag pay-level policy is coupled with the promise of higher future returns, this combination may increase employee commitment and foster teamwork. A) True B) False

A) True

The higher the pay level relative to what competitors pay, the greater the relative costs to provide similar products or services. A) True B) False

A) True

The two consequences of external competitiveness are: It affects operating expenses and employee attitudes and work behaviors. A) True B) False

A) True

The _____ theory predicts that work with negative characteristics requires higher pay to attract workers. A) compensating differentials B) efficiency wage C) surplus value D) signaling

A) compensating differentials

Marginal product of labor

Additional output associated with employment of one additional human resources unit, with other production factors held constant Decreases with increasing new hires; each new hire has less utilization of fixed resources

Marginal revenue of labor

Additional revenue generated when firm employs one additional unit of human resources, with other production factors held constant Also decreases with each additional new hire Will keep hiring until benefit (income) equals cost (wage) This is the marginal product revenue

In the short run, an employer cannot change any factor of production except human resources

An employer's level of production can change only if it changes the level of human resources An employer's demand labor coincides with the marginal product of labor

Orgs may pay more to...

Attract more productive/better trained workers Reduce turnover costs

Shared choice begins by offering employees choices in the pay mix. A) True B) False

B) False

Which of the following is not a factor that affects decisions on pay level and mix? A) Competition in the labor market for people with various skills B) Federal and state laws governing pay rates C) Competition in the product and service markets D) Characteristics unique to each organization and its employees

B) Federal and state laws governing pay rates

The _____ theory is based on the premise that higher earnings flow to those who improve their potential productivity by investing in themselves. A) surplus value B) differential wage C) human capital D) efficiency wage

C) human capital

Pay level and pay mix decisions focus on:

Controlling costs Attracting and retaining employees Maximizing productivity

Orgs may pay less to...

Controlling costs Differentiate on non-financial returns

Which of the following is not a basic assumption of labor market theories? A) Employers always seek to maximize profits. B) The markets faced by employers are competitive. C) The pay rates reflect all costs associated with employment. D) People are heterogeneous and therefore not interchangeable.

D) People are heterogeneous and therefore not interchangeable.

Product market factors

Degree of competition Level of product demand

Research evidence states:

Higher wages associated with lower shirking (measured as number of disciplinary layoffs) Inconclusive evidence on if it was cut enough to offset higher wage bill Higher wages do attract more qualified applicants Also attract more unqualified applicants

Degree of competition

In highly competitive markets, employers are less able to raise prices without loss of revenues

Organization factors

Industry, strategy, size Individual manager

How an org compares competitively

Is relative; depends on what competitors we compare Depends on what pay forms are included For example, may lead with base pay, lag in benefits -There is no such thing as a "going rate" or "market rate" for any job.

What shapes external competitiveness?

Labor market factors Product market factors Organization factors

Orgs may have different pay levels for different job families

Marketing above market, engineers below market This would support orgs where marketing is key

Labor Supply. Upward sloping supply curve:

More people willing to take a job as pay increases

Labor market factors

Nature of demand Nature of supply

Two key product market factors affect ability of a firm to change price of its products or services

Product demand Degree of competition

Product Demand

Puts a lid on maximum pay level an employer can set

Labor Supply. Assumptions on behavior of potential employees

Several job seekers Possess accurate information about all job openings No barriers exist to mobility among jobs

Analysis of labor demand indicates...

how many employees will be hired by an employer

Labor Supply. If unemployment rates are low,

offers of higher pay may not increase supply

Labor Costs equal

pay level x number of employees

What is external competitiveness?

refers to pay relationships among organizations - an organization's pay relative to its competitors.

What is pay level?

refers to the average of the array of rates paid by an employers: (base + bonuses + benefits + value of stocks)/number of employees.

What are pay forms?

the various types of payments, or pay mix, that make up total compensation.

Given the choice to match, lead, or lag, the most common policy is to lead rates paid by competitors. A) True B) False

B) False

The _____ is the additional output associated with the employment of one additional person, with other production factors held constant. A) incremental output B) marginal product of labor C) surplus output of labor D) differential output of labor

B) marginal product of labor

External competitiveness is expressed in practice by:

Setting a pay level that is above, below, or equal to that of competitors (size of the "pie") Determining mix of pay forms relative to those of competitors (pieces of the "pie")

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