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Some experts estimate managers spend approximately _____% of their time communicating.


By establishing teams in organizations, employees experience increased motivation and satisfaction that leads to _________ for the firm.

A decrease in turnover

What is necessary for the successful implementation of a six sigma plan?

A demand for the product or service; committed management; motivated employees.

Face-to-face communication alone is not always the best communication when _______.

A paper or electronic trail is needed; it is too time consuming.

Evaluation of employees' job performance and their contributions to the organization is _________.

A performance Appraisal

Benefits that may be directly attributed to telecommuting.

Ability to better attain work-life balance; improved home life; increased productivity

Elements that enable telephone conversations to convey extensive amounts of information between sender and receiver include which of the following?

Ability to hear the words used; access to the tone of voice; opportunity for questions and immediate responses

After his performance appraisal, Nathan's manager shared the results and gave Nathan an opportunity to reflect on it. Then, Nathan and his manager developed plans for the future. These actions collectively represent performance ____________.

After his performance appraisal, Nathan's manager shared the results and gave Nathan an opportunity to reflect on it. Then, Nathan and his manager developed plans for the future. These actions collectively represent performance ____________.

Email and electronic bulletin boards are examples of _________ technology, which delays interaction between virtual team members.


Human resource management includes all the activities managers engage in to ________.

Attract employees; retain employees; ensure employees contribute to the accomplishment of organizational goals. Ensure employees perform at high levels.

Guidelines for giving effective performance feedback that contributes to employee performance and motivation?

Avoid personal criticisms and treat employees with respect; Provide performance feedback both formally and informally; express confidence in a subordinate's ability to improve. Agree to a timetable for performance improvements; be specific and focus on behaviors or outcomes that are correctable and within a worker's ability to improve

__________ information such as education level and years of experience, can be helpful both to screen out applicants who are lacking qualifications and to determine which qualified applicants are the most promising.


Objective appraisals are __________.

Based on facts; likely to be numerical

When it comes to group development, managers should _________.

Be a resource for the group. Be flexible

When it is important to assess how workers perform their jobs, _______ appraisals are especially useful.


When it is important to assess how workers perform their jobs, ___________ appraisals are especially useful.


Subjective appraisals are based on managers' perceptions of which of the following?

Behaviors results

Most top management teams have _____ members.

Between five and seven

One benefit of structured interviews is that they are less subjective, so an interviewer's _______ are less influential.


Pay includes ______.

Bonuses, base salaries and pay raises

Which of the following is/are challenges virtual team members face?

Building trust and building a sense of camaraderie

How do expert systems mimic human expertise and intelligence?

By explaining solutions to problems; by recognizing, formulating and solving problems

How can managers use decision support systems to aid in their decision-making and provide support?

By helping them decide whether to cut prices for a product by generating a model for how customers would respond. To use cost, risk, and other data to help determine whether or not to proceed with drug development.

Tom has noticed that recently his team seems to be more focused on accomplishing group goals. One possible explanation for this is an increase in group __________.


In order to realize the performance gains that result from synergy, managers need to make sure to compose groups with members who have ______.

Complementary skills and knowledge relevant to group work.

Because of uncertainty, ambiguity, or bounded rationality, managers rarely have access to all of the background information, details, or data regarding a decision. Therefore, one of the functions of IT is to increase the ____________ of the information that managers have at their disposal.


The _________stage of a production system relies on skills, machines, and computers.


A production system is that system an organization uses to ______.

Convert inputs into outputs. Dispose of the outputs as goods or services; and acquire inputs

Reasons that managers need information?

Coordinate activities; control activities; make effective decisions

By taking advantage of the rapidly growing power of microprocessors, software developments have vastly increased the ability of managers to _________.

Coordinate and control activities in their organizations, acquire and process information.

Reasons why managers choose to outsource?

Cost Savings; increased flexibility

Jonas is part of a formal group at work that is composed of managers from the various departments in the organization. This is called a(n) _______.

Cross-functional team

An interactive computer-based management information system, with model building capability, that managers can use when they must make nonroutine decisions is knows as a(n) ________ system.

Decision support

In the product life cycle, demand for a product lessens in the ________ stage.


With process reengineering, positive performance results can be measured in terms of __________.

Decrease in time-to-market; increase in service; reduction costs

Since the 1950s, labor union membership has ___________.


Which of the following are potential benefits of just-in-time inventory management system?

Defective parts are reworked more quickly. Defects can be traced to their source and corrected sooner; parts or supplies arrive at the time they are needed.

The growth stage of the product life cycle has ________.

Demand increasing rapidly; many customers buying the product for the first time; many customers entering the market

Growth stage of the product life cycle has _______.

Demand increasing rapidly; many customers entering the market; many customers buying the product for the first time.

Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning are the five stages in group _________.


Which of the following are among the key elements of group dynamics?

Development, Size, and leadership

Information ________ is one weakness of applying organizational hierarchy to information systems.


What is the relationship between diversity and group performance?

Diverse groups can help an organization gain a competitive advantage.

In forming their top management teams, to ensure good decision making and to avoid groupthink, CEOs are well advised to stress ______.

Diversity in backgrounds, knowledge and expertise of top management teams.

Splitting the work to be performed into particular tasks and assigning tasks to individual workers is called _________.

Division of Labor

Operations managers are managers who are responsible for managing an organization's production system. In executing this role, they ____________.

Do whatever it takes within legal/ethical limitations to transform into outputs. Determine ways operating improvements might be made. Manage the three stages of production.

Included in the six types of management information systems?

E-commerce systems; expert systems; transaction-processing; decision support systems

Self-managed work teams are a(n) _______ technique.


Which of the following are goals that managers seek by forming various types of groups and teams?

Employee Motivation, Responsiveness to Customers, High Performance, and Innovation

A Cafeteria-style benefit plan means ________.

Employees choose their benefits

An informal group refers to ______.

Employees that form groups to achieve their own goals or meet their own needs.

In order to encourage innovation, managers should _______ team members.


Which of the following are steps that managers can take to ensure there is an adequate tolerance of deviance in groups?

Encourage members of groups and teams to periodically assess the appropriateness of their norms. Let groups know there is always room for improvement and that it may be o.k. to replace existing norms. Be a role model in accepting a certain level of deviance.

When group cohesiveness is low, managers can increase it by encouraging groups to _________.

Engage in healthy competition and develop their own ideas.

Incorporating artificial intelligence in their design _________ systems are considered to be the most advanced management information systems available.


Advertising in newspapers and magazines, running open houses on high school or college campuses, and posting jobs on websites are all methods of __________ recruiting.


An operations management technique designed to increase the production system productivity of the machine-to-worker interface is the _______.

Facilities layout

T or F Generally speaking, groups are not concerned if individual members do not conform to group norms.


In order to build an airplane, since it is so large, the shell of the plane stays in one place, and its component parts are produced in remote workstations and brought to the plane for final assembly. This is an example of a _____-position layout.


The driving force behind the development of _____ manufacturing techniques is the realization that if setup times for complex production equipment can be reduced, so can setup costs, which lead to an increase in efficiency.


The driving force behind the development of ______ manufacturing techniques is the realization that if setup times for complex production equipment can be reduced, so can setup costs, which will lead to an increase in efficiency.


The set of operations management techniques that attempts to reduce the setup costs associated with a production system is ________ manufacturing.


Sources of major costs in manufacturing companies include costs associated with __________.

Foregone production costs incurred while equipment is being setup. Setting up equipment needed to make a particular product

Groups established to achieve organizational goals, such as cross-functional and cross-cultural teams, are ________ groups.


A cross-cultural team that meets regularly and has specific goals is a type of _______.

Formal group

Which of the following is/are examples of an informal group?

Friendship groups, Interest Groups

How groups function and their ultimate effectiveness depends on ___________, the collective characteristics and processes of the group.

Group Dynamics

Carol works for an advertising agency as an artist. According to theories of group dynamics, when the team is working for the client, Carol's _________ within the group is to do the artwork.

Group Role

Franco's team has been doing very well lately. Several Individuals within the team have been participating more and contributing more to its progress. This is likely a result of an increase in _________.

Group cohesiveness

Along with emphasis on group goal accomplishment, the other major consequences of group cohesiveness are level of participation within a group and the level of conformity to ________.

Group norms

What is the primary difference between groups and teams?

Groups accomplish certain goals or meet certain needs while teams work intensely together to achieve a specific common goal or objective.

Self-Managed work teams are teams in which members __________.

Have the responsibility and autonomy to complete identifiable pieces of work, and are empowered

The relationships that managers build in informal friendship groups can often ___________.

Help them solve work-related problems

What exemplifies the purpose of providing feedback?

Improved Employee Performance. Managers can gather information about employees that will help managers to better distribute pay raises and bonuses. Increased employee motivation

Disadvantages associated with external recruiting?

Increased training necessary due to lack of knowledge about internal workings of the organization; high costs; uncertainty as to whether or not candidates will perform well.

What occurs when group cohesiveness is high?

Individuals have a strong desire to remain a part of the group. Individuals find the group appealing. Individuals value their membership.

Evan meets with his subordinates frequently to discuss their ongoing progress and give them timely feedback. In this way, Evan is conducting ______ appraisals.


A management information system is a specific form of ______ that managers select and use to generate the specific, detailed information they need to perform their roles effectively.

Information Technology

Input: Conversion: Output:

Input: raw materials component parts and labor. Conversion: skills, machines and computers. Output: finished goods and services

Which of the following factors regarding self-managed teams highlight the importance for managers to understand the stages of group development?

It takes a considerable amount of time to get up and running. New team members need a considerable amount of training and guidance.

Human resource planning and _______ analysis are necessary before organizations can recruit new talent and hire new employees.


Varied ____ experiences expose employees to a range of job functions and helps them understand different values, beliefs, and cultures.


Toyota pioneered just-in-time manufacturing with the introduction of its _____ system.


Job analysis is the process of identifying the __________.

Knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform the job; tasks, duties and responsibilities that make up a job.

calculated by dividing the outputs by the cost of direct labor.

Labor Productivity

The measure most commonly used to draw efficiency comparisons between different organizations is ___________.

Labor productivity

Collective bargaining is a process of negotiation to resolve conflicts about important issues between managers and __________.

Labor unions

A job change that entails no major changes in responsibility or authority levels is a(n) ______ move.


Factors that impact production efficiency?

Layout of an organization's physical work facilities; the way workers are organized to perform a task; the costs associated with setting up the required equipment

Which two of the following are results of social loafing?

Lower group performance. Failure to attain group goals.

Which of the following are ways to reduce social loafing?

Make individual contributions to a group identifiable. Emphasize the valuable contributions of individual members. Keep group size at an appropriate level.

Assuming additional responsibilities is role ____________.


Formal Leaders in business organizations are typically appointed by _______.


__________ are the most common appraisers of performance.


Exemplifies the purpose of providing feedback?

Managers can gather information about employees that will help managers to better distribute pay raises and bonuses. Increased employee motivation; improved employee performance

Benefits managers gain through informal conversations with employees, such as those had when managing by wandering around, include __________.

Managers receive important information from employees; fostering the development of positive relationships.

A cross-functional team can increase responsiveness to customers because it includes ________.

Members from different department or levels

A disadvantage of self-managed work teams is ________.

Members may be reluctant to discipline one another by withholding bonuses.

Equal Pay Act mandated equal pay for equal work for which group of people?

Men and Women

Applications software has vastly increased the ability of managers to acquire, organize, and communicate information by harnessing the rapidly growing power of _______.


As compared to large groups, groups small in size tend to be ________.

More motivated and more committed.

A(n) _______ is a system of interlinked computers that exchange information.


Artificial intelligence that try to mimic human thought processes go by which of the following names?

Neural networks; fuzzy logic

Video calling apps enable people to use ____ forms of communication while speaking to one another.


Frank's team is beginning to develop camaraderie with one another. Frank's team is in the _________ stage of group development.


An appraisal that is based on facts and results that can be quantified is a(n) _________ appraisal.


In 1970, the _______ Act mandated procedures to ensure workplace safety and protect workers.

Occupational Safety and Health Act

To reduce social loafing, managers should keep the group size limited to ________.

Only the number necessary to accomplish group goals and perform at a high level.

_______ system software tells the computer hardware how to run; _______ software, such as word processing, is software developed for a specific task or use.

Operating; Applications

Outputs/all inputs

Outputs/all inputs

Compared to the average hourly worker, a CEO working in the United States earns _______.

Over 360 times more

The measure of the efficiency of an individual unit or resource is ______ productivity.


_______ productivity measures the efficiency of an individual unit or resource.


Which statement regarding pay and benefits is correct?

Pay is used to reward high performing organizational members; benefits refers to outcomes' employees receive by being a part of an organization.

Which of the following are essential to communication?

People must share information and coordinate actions; a common understanding must be reached.

The measurement of an applicant's execution of actual tasks is a(n) ______ test.


The process through which managers share performance appraisal information with subordinates, give employees an opportunity to reflect on their own performance, and develop, with subordinates, plans for the future is called __________.

Performance feedback

Advantages of behavioral appraisals?

Performance feedback that comes with behavioral appraisals is more likely to lead to improved performance. They give employees feedback about what they are doing right and wrong

In the _______ stage of group development, managers oversee self-managed work teams to empower and give them enough responsibility and autonomy.


Control is the process whereby managers regulate how efficiently and effectively an organization and its members are __________.

Performing the activities necessary to achieve organizational goals.

What are the two main types of traditional "paper-and-pencil" tests used in the selection process?

Personality; Ability

Two main types of traditional "paper-and-pencil" tests used in the selection process?

Personality; ability

Paper-and-pencil ability tests assess if applicants __________.

Possess the skills necessary to perform the job well.

In a _______ layout, workstations are relatively self-contained, and a product goes to whichever workstation is needed to perform the next operation to complete the product.


Mass production is an alternative name for _______ layout.


CRM is a powerful functional strategy used to better align a company's _________.

Products with customer needs

Employees recruited internally are seeking either ________ or _______.

Promotions and Lateral Moves

Accuracy and reliability determine the _________ of information.


During the Forming stage, members try to _________.

Reach a common understanding of what to accomplish. Get to know how group members should behave. Get to know one another.

Major components of an organization's human resource management system?

Recruitment and Selection; Pay and benefits; labor relations; performance appraisal and feedback; training and development

When interviews are _________ the interviewer's conclusions about a candidate should be similar.


Managers use the pay and benefits component of an HRM system to motivate human resources to ______.

Remain with the organization and continue their high levels of contribution.

A team whose members have the experience and expertise needed to develop new products is a(n) __________ team.

Research and Development

Chet does whatever he can to keep his customers happy. When they have demands, he pulls out all the stops to meet those demands. This is an example of __________.


An issue that has been raised regarding pay structure is whether it is fair that CEOs of large U.S. companies make millions of dollars in years when their companies are _______.

Restructuring; laying off a large portion of their workers

There are different types of formal appraisals managers can use. Enrique is evaluated based on the actual outcomes of his work. This is an example of an objective appraisal type called a __________ appraisal.


When Sandra has to do an appraisal, she likes to use objective appraisals because ____________.

Results tend to be easier to quantify than traits; results tend to be easier to quantify than behaviors

When Sandra has to do an appraisal, she likes to use objective appraisals because ___________.

Results tend to be easier to quantify than traits; results tend to be easier to quantify than behaviors.

In a structured interview, managers ask each applicant ________.

Same standard questions

Which of the following are benefits individuals receive from working in teams?

Satisfy the need for social interaction. Reduced stress levels through the sharing of stressors. Higher job satisfaction.

When trying to assess whether an applicant will be a good performer, managers utilize interviews, background information, paper-and-pencil tests, and references, which are known as _________.

Selection Tools

With _________ teams, managers provide team members with the overall goals but allow team members to decide how to achieve those goals.

Self-managed work

CRM IT monitors, controls, and links each of the functional activities involved in _________.

Selling products to customers. Delivering products to customers. Marketing products to customers

Group norms refer to _____.

Shared rules for behavior that most group members follow.

For complicated jobs that require an extensive amount of learning and in which errors carry a high cost, _____ is/are particularly useful.


An interview in which the candidate is presented a scenario that they would likely encounter on the job and asked how they would handle it is known as a(n) ___________.

Situational Interview

An interview in which the candidate is presented a scenario that they would likely encounter on the job and asked how they would handle it is known as a(n) ______.

Situational interview

Managers can help ensure that products are as free of defects as possible by implementing which plan?

Six Sigma

With a trend in some organizations toward more flexible jobs, for these kinds of jobs, job analysis focuses more on determining the _________ and less on _______.

Skills and knowledge workers need to be effective; specific duties

When forming virtual teams, it is helpful if ______.

Some members already know each other.

Group members experience conflict and disagreement because some members do not wish to submit to the demands of other group members in the _____ stage of group development.


Managers must make sure that all five components of the human resource management system fit together and complement their company's ___________.

Structure and Control system

Julie has to appraise Ronaldo's performance. Julie thinks he does not apply himself and that Ronaldo is Lazy. Julie is conducting a(n) ______ appraisal.


Command groups refer to ___________.

Subordinates that report to the same supervisor.

________ forecasts estimate the availability and qualifications of current employees now and in the future, as well as the supply of qualified workers in the external labor market.


Performance gains that can be achieved when individuals and/or departments coordinate their actions refers to __________.


A group whose members work intensely with one another to achieve a specific common goal or objective is a(n) ____________.


What are advantages of using teams to innovate?

Team members can critique each other's approaches and ideas. Individuals working alone cannot. Team members can spot each other's errors where individuals might not. Team members can build on one another's strengths.

People who are employed by organizations, but who work out of offices in their own homes are called __________.


The NLRB specifies practices that ______.

The NLRB specifies practices that ______.

The main advantage of a virtual team is ___________.

The ability to form teams with the knowledge, expertise, and experience regardless of geographic location.

Group cohesiveness refers to __________.

The degree to which members are attracted to or loyal to their group.

Which of the following are group responses to members who deviate from the group's norms?

The group might expel the member. The group might change the norm to be consistent with the member's behavior. The group might get the person to try to change his or her ways.

Strategic human resource management is the process by which managers design the components of an HRM system to be consistent with __________.

The organization's strategy and goals; each other; other elements of organizational architecture.

What distinguishes a team from a group?

The presence of a specific team goal or objective. The intensity with which team members work together.

Strengths of personally addressed written communication?

The receiver is likely to read and respond; it demands attention from receiver.

Which of the following conditions can make motivating team members difficult?

The work is tedious, the work is difficult, the work requires a high level of commitment

Enterprise resource planning systems assist with which of the following?

They help each individual function improve its functional-level skills; they help build a competitive advantage; they help improve integration among all functions.

Which of the following should managers do to ensure self-managed work teams are effective in their goals?

They should make sure the team's work is sufficiently complex. They should make sure team members are diverse in their skill sets. They should give the teams enough autonomy to be self-managed.

Which of the following are reasons why group members conform to norms?

They want to avoid punishments. They want to imitate group members whom they like and admire. They believe the norm is the right and proper way to behave. They want to obtain rewards.

Information that is _________ is available when it is needed for managerial action, not after the decision has been made.


A task force is created by managers ___________.

To accomplish a specific goal and to solve problems

Interest groups exist ______.

To achieve a common goal related to the organization

Which management team is responsible for developing the strategies that result in an organization's competitive advantage?

Top Management

The productivity measure that looks at how well an organization utilizes all of its resources- labor capital, materials, energy-to produce its outputs is known as ________ productivity.

Total factor

Total factor productivity is calculated by dividing _________.

Total outputs by all inputs

Serena a social worker, is assessed based on her empathy and concern for others. This is an example of a(n) ______ appraisal.


T or F By making the organization as a whole the focus of a group's efforts, a managers can decrease the level of cohesiveness in a group.


Command groups are often called __________.

Units. Departments

Frank works with a product development team where managers can assess both individual and group performance. To motivate Frank and his team to perform at their best, the organization should ___________.

Use both individual-based and group-based pay.

Employee Benefits include ______.

Vacation days

Degree to which a tool or test measures what it purports to measure is _______.


Ethan has recently joined a team that rarely meets face-to-face but rather interacts by the use of videoconferencing. Ethan is on a _______ team.


Because each of the five components of HRM influences the other, the kinds of people that the organization attracts and hires through recruitment and selection determine the _________.

Way performance is appraised; kinds of training and development; appropriate levels of pay and benefits

With a 360-degree performance appraisal, managers are evaluated by ___________.

With a 360-degree performance appraisal, managers are evaluated by ___________. Peers, customers, subordinates, their manager.

Which of the following are characteristic of a product layout?

Workers are stationary; machines are organized so that operations occur in a fixed sequence; a conveyor belt moves the product along while being assembled.

What is not a characteristic of a process layout?

Workstations are organized in a fixed sequence

Managers' responsibilities in forming groups:

communicate how various group roles fit together to accomplish group goals. Communicate the expectations of members' roles in the group. Communicate what is required of each group member.

3 types of arranging workstations are:

process layout, fixed-position, and product layout

Disadvantages of trait appraisals:

they do not enable managers to provide employees with feedback to improve performance. Traits do not always show a direct relation to performance which can result in workers and courts viewing them as unfair and discriminatory. Possessing a certain characteristic does not ensure that it will be used on the job or lead to high performance.

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