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In the Leadership Grid, a person who uses but does not integrate the 1,9 and 9,1 styles of leadership could be called a "benevolent dictator."


Who explored leadership behavior on performance of small groups? A) Ohio State studies B) Stogdill C) University of Michigan studies D) Blake and Mouton E) Katz

U of M

According to the Leadership Grid, opportunistic leaders rely primarily on the 5,5 style of leadership.


Assisting group members in building cohesiveness is primarily a task behavior.


In the Leadership Grid, the 9,9 type of leader prefers the middle ground, soft-pedals disagreement, and swallows convictions in the interest of progress.


The style approach has been validated by a wide range of studies


The style approach has failed to identify a universally effective leadership style.


The style approach is not heuristic.


Daily meetings, open communication, face-to-face interaction, and accessibility are all behaviors of which type of leader? A) Task B) Relationship C) Opportunistic D) Paternalistic/maternalistic E) Production orientation


Before the inception of the style approach, leadership was treated exclusively as a(n) A) Personality trait B) Sets of skills C) Process D) Ability E) Relationship

Set of skills

Larry dislikes giving instructions to employees. He is uncomfortable with A) Process behavior B) Task behavior C) The nondirective approach D) Relationship behavior E) Group process

Task Behavior

Which scholar(s) created the Leadership Grid? A) Stogdill B) Blake and Mouton C) French and Raven D) Kotter E) Ohio State University researchers

Blake and Mouton

Grid seminars are training and development programs that make use of the styles approach. These seminars are done through the use of ____________ findings. A) Ohio State studies B) University of Michigan studies C) Black and Mouton's D) Fisher's E) Mumford's

Blake and Moutons

Middle-of-the-road management best describes leaders who are A) Avoiding B) Empathetic C) Compromising D) Competitive E) Accommodating


The University of Michigan studies explored how leadership functioned in A) Organizations B) Follower interactions C) Dyadic relationships D) Small groups E) Political environments

small groups

The style approach suggests that leadership cannot be explained by any list of personality traits.


Paternalistic and maternalistic use both ______ and ______ but never combine the two. A) 1,1 and 5,5 B) 9,9 and 9,1 C) 5,5 and 1,9 D) 1,9 and 9,1 E) 1,1 and 9,9

1,9 and 9,1

You are required to report directly to your supervisor every morning. Upon arrival he gives you a large list of tasks to be completed by the end of the day; he states he will be checking in after lunch to see your progress. This is an example of A) Authority-compliance management B) Team management C) Country-club management D) Middle-of-the-road-management E) Impoverished management

Authority-compliance management

The Ohio State studies considered the behaviors of consideration and initiating structure as : A) Cause and effect B) Distinct and independent C) High value and low value D) Interdependent E) Contradictory

Distinct and Independent

What two types of leadership behavior were identified by the program of research at Michigan? A) Employee orientation and production orientation B) Initiating structure and consideration C) High task and low task D) Concern for people and concern for task E) Paternalistic and maternalistic

Employee orientation and production orientation

According to Blake and Mouton, the "authority-compliance manager" is highly concerned with people and has little concern for results


Which leadership style, according to Blake and Mouton, includes rewards and approval for people in return for their loyalty and obedience? A) Middle-of the-road B) Opportunism C) Paternalism/maternalism D) Authority/compliance E) None of the above


Styles approach does all of the following, except A) Broaden the field of leadership research to include behaviors B) Supports itself through a range of studies C) Emphasizes the importance of task and relationship behavior D) Identifies a universal set of leadership behaviors E) Provides framework in which we can examine our leadership

Identifies a universal set of leadership behaviors

The director of your department attends one weekly meeting. The director is seldom at the office outside of the meeting and rarely responds to e-mails when you send questions pertaining to the organization. This is an example of A) Authority-compliance management B) Team management C) Country-club management D) Middle-of-the-road management E) Impoverished management

Impoverished manager

Jim is a manager of a Wendy's. He is very concerned with efficiency and making employees happy. A) Jim is a compromiser. B) Jim is a country club manager. C) Jim is a high-high style leader. D) Jim is low in initiating structure and high in consideration. E) Jim is an impoverished leader.

Jim is a high-high style leader

The style approach reminds leaders that A) Personality is the essence of effective leadership. B) Who they are is more important than what they do. C) Task behaviors are more important than relationship behaviors. D) Leaders should adapt their behaviors to what the situation requires. E) The high-high style is the best style of leadership.

Leaders should adapt their behaviors to what the situation requires

Researchers at Ohio State University developed a questionnaire called the LBDQ. The letters "LBDQ" stand for what? A) Leader-based detail questionnaire B) Leadership-biased descriptive questionnaire C) Leadership-based diagnostic questionnaire D) Leadership behavior description questionnaire E) Leadership-based description questionnaire

Leadership behavior description questionnaire

Who developed the Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ)? A) Ohio State studies B) Stogdill C) University of Michigan studies D) Blake and Mouton E) Katz

Ohio State Studies

__________ refers to a leader who uses any combination of the basic five styles for the purpose of personal advancement. A) Middle-of-the-road management B) Maternalism C) Opportunism D) Team management E) Paternalism


Sara is criticized for shifting her management style too much and is known as a leader who watches out for herself. She is a A) 1,9 leader B) 9,1 leader C) 9,9 leader D) Paternalistic leader E) Opportunistic leader

Opportunistic leader

Each day of the week you meet with your direct supervisor and your coworkers for a morning meeting. The meeting is open-forum and issues, goals, topics, and ideas are all discussed at the meeting, during which the supervisor responds when able and asks for feedback often. This is an example of A) Authority-compliance management B) Team management C) Country-club management D) Middle-of-the-road management E) Impoverished management

Team Management

Your boss listens to employees personal problems and tries to create a positive work environment by being agreeable, eager to help, comforting, and uncontroversial. This is an example of A) Authority-compliance management B) Team management C) Country-club management D) Middle-of-the-road management E) Impoverished management

Team management

Which of the following behaviors is not associated with the opportunistic leadership style? A) The leader shifts his or her style to gain personal advantage. B) The leader may be perceived as ruthless and cunning. C) The leader may be perceived as adaptable and strategic. D) The leader puts self-interest ahead of other-interest. E) The leader stresses the importance of social needs.

The leader stresses the importance of social needs.

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