MGT 300: Chapter 11 - Chapter 15

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A person evaluates whether the selected behavior has satisfied the need and whether it should be used again during the ______ stage.


Samantha sent an email to Joyce, letting her know about a job opening. Joyce quickly responded with an email, thanking Samantha. Joyce's response is an example of _____.


The term _____ describes when the receiver expresses his or her reaction to the sender's message.


Alexis sends a text message to her coworker, asking her to verify the time of a meeting with a client. This is an example of _______ communication.


Simply giving employees additional tasks of similar difficulty is known as ______ loading.


The economic or protective potential of employee experience, actions, and knowledge is referred to as ______.

human capital

Although some people view ______ as a weakness, it is actually the belief that something greater than oneself exists.


According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, ______ are associated with job dissatisfaction.

hygiene factors

Dianne found out that someone else was using her name and Social Security number to apply for credit cards and run up large amounts of debt. Dianne is a victim of ______.

identity theft

Thieves hijack your name and identity and use your good credit rating to obtain cash or make purchases. This is known as _____ _____.

identity theft

"I'll take out the garbage," Jan tells husband. "Just stop bugging me about it." This situation exemplifies ______.

negative reinforcement

According to reinforcement theory, turning in your monthly expense report on time so that your supervisor will not nag you for it is an example of ______.

negative reinforcement

Building and maintaining a wide array of professional contacts is called ______.


Proponents of the ______ approach to leadership believe that the most effective leadership behavior depends on the circumstances at hand.


Under Fiedler's model, the level of influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called _____ control.


Jon's employees have a lot of personal respect and admiration for him. As a result, they are very loyal to him. This is an example of ______ power.



Letting the other person know you want to find a resolution that will benefit both of you.

Focusing on the speaker as well as what the person says is a hallmark of the _____ style of listening.


The process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages is known as _____ listening.


In the communication process, the _____ is the person wanting to share information.


Forming a positive impression of an individual based on a single trait is called _____.

the halo effect


"I want things to be pleasant, because everyone's about equal here."


"We're destined to accomplish great things."

How much did U.S. companies spend on leadership coaching in 2016?

$14 billion

What is cyberloafing?

Accessing the Internet at work for personal use

How important is the end of a speech?

As important as the introduction

Which types of communication have been shown to increase stress among workers?

Email and Text messages


I'm fully invested.


Members concentrate on solving problems and completing tasks

Which of the following are included in the internal dimensions of diversity?

Race, Ethnicity, and Age

_____ occurs when other's expectations exceed one's ability.

Role overload


Sudden occasions of terror, such as a tornado or fire


Trying to experience the other person's feelings and point of view

What term describes retired workers' choice to return to the workforce?



The process of getting oriented and acquainted

People who transmit their messages accurately in the least time are ______ communicators.


Pay for performance, basing pay on one's results, is also known as ______ pay.


Your professor awards five bonus points for coming to class on time. This is an example of ______.

positive reinforcement

A(n) ______ is an environmental characteristic that causes stress


Work facilitation

"Here's the goal, and here's what I can do to help you achieve it."

Interaction facilitation

"Let's see how we can all work together to accomplish our goals."

______ is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.


Which question is the most likely to help build a personal connection to someone in your professional network?

"What was the best thing that happened to you this week?"

According to the Kessler Foundation, about what percentage of organizations have disability hiring goals?


As of 2017, approximately how many CEOs of leading Fortune 500 firms were women?


What percentage of Pew survey respondents said women should not be ambitious or assertive?

30 percent

Women make up more than ______ of the workforce in the United States.

50 percent

Of all the employees in the world, which percentage are highly or moderately engaged on the job?


What resources can job candidates find at online employment recruiting sites?

Available job openings, Background material for researching companies, and Links to company blogs and videos

Within Kyle's individual professional network, who of the following would likely have the most information, opportunities, and potential introductions to share?

A business acquaintance he has known for two years, but not well

Which aspects are among the internal dimensions on the "diversity wheel"?

Age and Ethnicity

Mallory decided to hire a recent college graduate for the open teaching position at her school. The other candidate for the job was a well-qualified woman, but she was almost 50, and Mallory felt that she would be more likely to miss days of work. What distorted perception is Mallory displaying?

Age stereotyping

What are examples of emotional labor on the job?

Smiling at customers when they walk in the door and Acting cheerful while taking a customer's order

Which situational factors can reduce employee engagement?

A job that offers little variety and The presence of stressors

Engaging in team reflexivity

A process whereby team members evaluate the team's objectives, strategies, and processes

Leaders who are self-aware tend to lead with which of the following?

A sense of purpose, Authenticity, and Trust

When the conversation with her coworker started to get tense, Mariah announced, "I don't want to talk about it" and left the room. Which conflict-handling style does this demonstrate?


Which of the following would be characterized as motivating factors by Herzberg's two-factor theory?

Achievement and Responsibility

Angi calls her team members into a meeting to announce that they have been assigned a new project. "This project is going to be demanding, but you are the best and brightest this company has to offer, and I know you are up for the challenge." Which style of leader behavior identified by the path-goal theory does this best describe?

Achievement oriented

Regarding Maslow's theory of needs, which statements are true?

Actions are aimed at fulfilling the deprived needs., Needs at the lowest level in the hierarchy must be met before an individual will seek to achieve needs at higher levels., and Needs are met in order from the bottom to the top of the hierarchy.

After a long session of studying for final exams, you turn to your best friends to tell them things you've learned, and they give you their full attention. Which type of listening style does this demonstrate?


Withholding judgment, showing respect, asking questions, and focusing on the present moment are all ways of improving which of the following?

Active listening

Dave has arranged a catered lunch for his team members to celebrate the completion of their work so they can see one another for a final time before being assigned to new teams. Dave's team is now in which stage of team development?


Everyone in the office considers Halle a good-natured person. She trusts the people she works with and cooperates on group projects. What personality dimension does Halle display?


What legislation prohibits discrimination against the disabled and requires organizations to provide reasonable accommodation for an individual's disabilities?

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Creating a team charter

An agreement among team members about how they will work together to make binding decisions and share accountability

Which situations are examples of turnover?

An employee is fired for stealing from the cash register., An employee resigns and accepts a different job with better pay., and An employee retires at age 65.


Anne submits her vacation request to her boss.

According to a 1970s study, work groups that experience too little conflict tend to experience which of the following?

Apathy and Lack of creativity

To reduce anxiety about making an oral presentation, what should the speaker do before the event begins?

Arrive early and make sure the necessary equipment is in place and working., Learn how much time has been scheduled for the presentation., and Ask who else will be speaking.

Which statements regarding workforce trends in the United States are true? (Choose all that apply.)

Asians earn a higher median income than any other race., The Caucasian population is expected to decrease to about 69% by 2060., and The Hispanic population is expanding far more rapidly than any other race.

Which techniques will lead to more effective listening? (Check all that apply.)

Ask questions to make sure you understand. and Use nonverbal cues to demonstrate interest.

Which guidelines should be followed when giving positive reinforcement?

Be clear about what behavior is desired. and Give rewards as soon as possible.

Which of the following demonstrates racial/ethnic stereotyping?

Connor decided to hire Edgar for the job instead of Maria because he felt that Hispanics were too compassionate.

Which strategies are recommended for minimizing multicultural conflict and instead, building cross-cultural relationships?

Be sensitive to the needs of others, Develop and mentor others, and Advocate for participative leadership

How can you raise your emotional intelligence (EI)?

Become aware of your EI level. and Learn about aspects of your EI that could be enhanced.

Which approach to leadership attempts to determine the actions and behaviors that effective leaders engage in when interacting with others?


In what ways do transformational leaders inspire trust in their followers?

Being persistent and Being consistent


Being upbeat and expressing your willingness to work with the other person to find a resolution to the problem

After you identify a long-term goal, what is the second step in developing career readiness?

Break your long-term goal into several short-term goals.

What tips are recommended for building a professional network of contacts?

Build networks that serve your professional purposes. and Identify your career goals, and target contacts who will help you achieve them.

How can an individual build personal connections while creating a professional network?

By asking interesting questions to create a positive first impression and By drawing people into meaningful conversations

How do businesses typically use social media to increase productivity?

By working with a larger variety of knowledgeable people outside the business, By collaborating with co-workers and people outside the company, and By connecting in real time with employees, customers, suppliers, and communities

People in the office can always count on Tyrone to get the job done. He's methodical, detail-oriented and his work is always completed on time. Which of the Big Five personality dimensions would this illustrate?


What are characteristics of motivating goals according to goal-setting theory?

Challenging, Specific, and Achievable

According to John Kotter, leadership is primarily about coping with what?


Which statements accurately describe what is communicated by body movements and gestures in U.S. culture? (Check all that apply.)

Closed body positions tend to be interpreted as being defensive. and Open body positions convey warmth and closeness.

Which of the following are common types of power used by leaders within an organization?

Coercive, Legitimate, and Reward

What is the psychological discomfort that people experience when their attitudes and behaviors are incompatible?

Cognitive dissonance

How does collaboration differ from teamwork?

Collaboration is less hierarchical. and Collaboration is more spontaneous.

Sacrificing individual recognition, putting the needs of others first, and focusing on the greater good are all aspects of which action you can employ to become a better team member?

Committing to a team

According to self-determination theory, what are the innate needs that people need to satisfy to achieve psychological growth?

Competence, Autonomy, and Relatedness

What three experiences should managers foster when applying the self-determination theory to motivate employees?

Competence, Relatedness, and Autonomy

According to self-determination theory, people's behavior and well-being are influenced by what three innate needs?

Competence, autonomy and relatedness

Which bad attitude behavior involves highlighting problems without offering solutions?


Which of the following have been identified as the four basic skills needed by leaders?

Conceptual skills, Cognitive abilities, Interpersonal skills, and Business skills

What is an example of self-serving bias?

Concluding that the reason you aced the driving test is because you are an excellent driver

Which of the following are common task-oriented traits of leaders?

Conscientiousness, Emotional stability, and Intelligence

Applying the job characteristics model requires which of the following?

Considering how to redesign the job, Determining whether job redesign is appropriate, and Diagnosing the work environment to see whether a problem exists

Susan was able to get Steve to work with her in making decisions about how the new office should look by asking him for his thoughts on the design. This is an example of what type of influence tactic?


Which core influence tactic tends to work better than a legitimating tactic?


Which of the following are among the nine most common influence tactics?

Consultation, Rational persuasion, and Inspirational appeals

What are the three major elements of Hackman and Oldham's job characteristics model?

Core job characteristics, Work outcomes, and Psychological states

_____ are types of behaviors that harm employees and the organization as a whole, such as absenteeism, tardiness, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual harassment, theft, and white-collar crime.

Counterproductive work behaviors

After tasks on a to-do list are prioritized, what is the next step in developing career readiness?

Create a time schedule for reaching your long-term goal.

After breaking your long-term goal into several short-term goals, what is the next step in developing career readiness?

Create a to-do list for accomplishing short-term goals.

Jeremy feels it is important to include a department head from each area of the company in the decision to purchase an additional warehouse. What type of team does Jeremy want to form?


Kyle, an American, is giving a presentation in the Middle East. The audience is not laughing at his jokes, and people are even scowling at some of his hand gestures. What is most likely causing Kyle's distress?

Cultural differences

Which are principal examples of conflict triggers?

Cultural differences, Personality differences, and Group differences


Cynical view of human nature that condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people

What is the first step in identifying "good attitude" behaviors?

Define what a good attitude is.

Connor rereads the email that he has received in order to make sense of its message. On what part of the communication process is Connor focusing?


_____ communication typically involves hostility, anger, or passivity, whereas _____ communication is assertive and direct.

Defensive; nondefensive

_____ communication typically involves hostility, anger, or passivity, whereas _____ communication is assertive and direct.Defensive; nondefensive

Defensive; nondefensive

What are reasons for the pay gap between women and men?

Discrimination against women and Women's care for children and family members

Which managerial behaviors can cause stress for employees?

Disregarding employees' opinions, Asking too much from employees, and Acting unethically

_____ represents all the ways people are unlike and alike - the differences and similarities in age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities, and socioeconomic background.


A manager with a "my way or the highway" approach to a conflict is demonstrating which conflict-handling style?


What type of organizational communication flows from a higher level to a lower level, such as a manager communicating with subordinates?


Which situations are examples of race/ethnicity stereotyping?

During a staff meeting, Julius is asked to present the "black perspective" on the issues., When Patrick behaves foolishly at an office party, his manager comments that he should have known better than to hire a "drunken Irishman.", and When Marco makes a mistake, his co-workers sometimes excuse it because "Hispanics don't have experience with these things."

What type of conflict is defined by the fact that it hinders the organization's performance or threatens its interests?


Women tend to lead in which industries?

Education and Health care

Irene has always been known to exhibit "grace under pressure". Even when she's under a tight deadline, she appears to be relaxed, confident and in control. Which Big Five personality dimension does this BEST describe?

Emotional stability

Which traits are elements of an individual's core self-evaluation?

Emotional stability, Self-efficacy, Locus of control, and Self-esteem

What is the ability to recognize and understand another person's feelings and thoughts?


_____ is defined as an individual's involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work.

Employee engagement

Which statements about employee engagement are true?

Employee psychological well-being tends to increase customer satisfaction. and Employee engagement tends to improve corporate-level financial performance.

What tends to happen in a positive diversity climate?

Employees are loyal to the organization., Employees have a sense of psychological safety., and The organization performs well.

What key ideas can be drawn from equity and justice theories?

Employees need a way to appeal decisions. and Organizations should foster a climate for justice.

The concept of fitting jobs to people is based on what ideas?

Employees want more responsibility, challenges, and variety. and Employees are underutilized.

The model of motivation called equity theory is based on which of the following ideas?

Employees want to see fairness in how they are rewarded for task performance.

Which one of the following would be considered the most appropriate action for a leader during the performing stage of team development?

Empower employees to work on tasks.

Which of the following are aspects of considerate leader behavior?

Encourages identification with the team, Promotes social interactions, and Creates mutual respect

What methods tend to build trust in your team members?

Establish personal credibility., Make good on your promises., and Show respect.

What type of leadership represents normatively appropriate behavior that focuses on being a moral role model?


Which of the following would be categorized as relationship-oriented leadership behaviors?

Ethical leadership, Consideration behavior, Servant leadership, and Empowering leadership

Jared is from the United States, but is working in Mexico. He believes that his culture, language, and behavior are superior to those of his Mexican employees. This illustrates which one of the following concepts?


_____ is the belief that one's native country, culture, language, abilities, and/or behavior are superior to those of another culture.



Evaluating all ideas fairly without regard to ownership

According to research findings, followers seek and admire leaders who create which of these feelings?

Excitement, Significance, and Community

What theory asserts that motivation is essentially a decision about how much effort to exert to get what you want in a particular situation?


Which theories of motivation are characterized as process perspectives?

Expectancy theory, Goal-setting theory, and Equity theory

Which of the following are employee characteristics identified in House's path-goal leadership model?

Experience, Task ability, Need for path-goal clarity, Need for achievement, and Locus of control

Who should respond to negative comments posted about a company on social media sites?

Experienced managers

Mike half-jokingly calls Deb the "tax goddess" at work because she knows more about the tax implications of investments than anyone else in the office. What kind of power does Deb have?


What type of communication flows among people inside and outside the organization?


In addition to emotional intelligence and agreeableness, what is a common positive interpersonal attribute of leaders?


Equity theory is focused on explaining how people work to achieve which of the following?

Fairness and Justice

Socialized power occurs when power is directed at helping oneself as a way of achieving one's own selfish ends.


True or false: Effective listening is an innate skill; it cannot be learned.


True or false: Employees who have a poor relationship with their boss should expect the boss to change.


True or false: House's revised path-goal theory has been tested enough to verify its overall conclusions.


True or false: Leadership is a narrow term that only refers to formal positions such as CEO and CFO.


True or false: Low levels of stress lead to optimal performance.


True or false: Managers of employees with low self-efficacy can overcome this issue by lowering their expectations and assigning such employees to part-time jobs.


True or false: Money is the best motivator.


True or false: Task-oriented leaders are best suited to handle all situations.


True or false: The "rules" for eye contact are the same across all cultures.


True or false: The classic advice given by Dale Carnegie for public speaking is to say what you have to say only once.


True or false: The term "diversity" is synonymous with differences.


True or false: The use of email has peaked and it is expected that the number of email users worldwide will continue to steadily decrease.


True or false: Women executives score lower than men on producing high-quality work.


True or false: Writing is NOT important for a career in management, because managers have administrative assistants who edit and correct their business correspondence.


In terms of the goal-setting theory, what is necessary for employees to know if they are on the right track when working on a project?



Feeling a sense of belonging and attachment to others


Feeling as though you have the freedom and discretion to determine what you want to do

What is an example of an intrinsic reward?

Feeling independent


Feeling qualified, knowledgeable, and capable of completing a goal or task

Which of the following leadership models are categorized as situational approaches to leadership?

Fiedler's contingency model and House's path-goal model

What is the modern way of designing jobs?

Fitting jobs to people

At Arturo's firm, employees are allowed to work four 10-hour days instead of five 8-hour days. This best describes which attempt to balance work and life?


A servant leader would display which of the following characteristics?

Focus on listening and Commitment to the growth of people

Place the stages of group and team development in the correct order, with the first stage listed at the top and the last stage listed at the bottom.

Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning

Which leadership approach asserts that leadership behavior varies across a wide number of leadership styles, ranging from take-no-responsibility leadership to transformational leadership?


Which leadership approach suggests that leadership behaviors vary along a continuum of leadership styles, from passive through transactional to transformational?


What type of conflict benefits the main purposes of the organization or serves its interests?


What is the term for the way individuals perceive their ability to perform across a variety of different situations?

Generalized self-efficacy

Mariposa, a young office manager, is trying to exchange text messages with her supervisor, Bill. Although Bill has been the general manager of the business for years, he has never learned how to use the texting function on his cell phone. What barrier to communication is Alexandria experiencing?

Generational differences

Which theory suggests that employees can be motivated by objectives that are specific and challenging but achievable and that have rewards tailored to individual needs?

Goal-setting theory

Marie has been given a goal to sell five cars by the end of the weekend. During the workday, she approaches every potential customer and makes an effort to engage with them and make a sale. When customers seem unsure about buying a car, she points out the car's best features and talks about the great deal she can give the customers if they buy. Marie is demonstrating what motivational mechanism of goal setting?

Goals increase your persistence.

How does access to social media tend to increase an organization's productivity?

Greater job satisfaction, Better communication among employees, and Less employee turnover

What techniques will improve the effectiveness of a public speech?

Guide the audience with transitions., Speak on a topic you know well., and Do research and recheck the facts.

What characterizes a hostile work environment?


Nico felt uncomfortable about cheating on the last quiz in his management class, but he told himself that students cheat all the time and it was only a quiz, not a major test. What factor did Nico use to reduce his cognitive dissonance?

He decided the quiz was not very important.

Trina never disagrees with what her manager asks her to do on a project, even if she thinks there is a better way to do the job. Which type of follower does Trina represent?


Which of the following are core job characteristics in the Hackman and Oldham job characteristics model?

Skill variety, Autonomy, Task significance, and Feedback

Which theory proposes that work satisfaction originates from motivating factors, and dissatisfaction originates from hygiene factors?

Herzberg's two-factor theory

What theories of motivation would be characterized as content perspectives?

Herzberg's two-factor theory, McClelland's acquired needs theory, and Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

Researchers believe that workplace stress generally affects job performance in which of the following ways?

High levels of stress lead to low performance, Low levels of stress lead to low performance, and Moderate levels of stress lead to optimal performance

People with high rates of self-efficacy, including generalized self-efficacy, tend to have what characteristics?

Higher rates of motivation and High job performance

What type of communication flows within and among work units, most often for the purpose of coordination?


Research demonstrates that transformational leadership yields positive results in several areas, including which of the following?

Levels of intrinsic motivation, group cohesion, and work engagement, Leadership effectiveness and employee job satisfaction, and Measures of organizational effectiveness


How a person intends or expects to respond toward a situation

What is the relatively stable trait that is grounded in the belief that something greater than the self exists?


Which of the following are characteristics of a Type A behavior pattern?

Hurried, Competitive, and Deadline-focused


I'm partially invested.


I'm uninterested.

What is the first step in developing career readiness?

Identify your most important long-term goal.

What is the term for the attitudes or beliefs that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner?

Implicit bias

Which strategies are recommended for writing e-mail messages and reports more effectively? (Check all that apply.)

Start with your purpose., Know your audience., and Write simply.

Managers can reduce turnover in organizations through which of the following ways? Check all that apply.

Incorporating realistic job previews (RJPs)., Basing hiring decision on the extent to which the applicants' values match those of the organization., and Providing post-hiring support through onboarding programs.

What does the technique called scientific management seek to do?

Increase employee efficiency, Reduce the number of tasks a worker performs, and Raise employee productivity

In which ways do interpersonal skills help leaders in being effective?

Influencing others and Working with diverse groups of people

What type of communication channels do NOT follow the chain of command and develop outside the formal structure of the organization?


Acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or important before making a request is an example of what kind of influence tactic?


Which characteristics are associated with leaders rather than with managers?

Inspiring others, Being a visionary, and Providing emotional support

What are key behaviors for transformational leaders?

Intellectual stimulation, Inspirational motivation, Idealized influence, and Individual consideration

Which leader behavior identified by the path-goal theory emphasizes collaboration and teamwork and facilitates communication and the resolution of disputes?

Interaction facilitation

What are some of the implications of transformational leadership for managers?

It can improve results for both individuals and groups, It can be used to train employees at any level, and It requires ethical leadership

Why is cyberloafing bad for business?

It exposes the company to computer viruses., It uses up bandwidth., and It causes employees to waste time instead of doing their jobs.

How does having a social media policy benefit a business?

It helps prevent employees from posting inappropriate online comments that damage the company's reputation.

Why is creating a time schedule important when it comes to developing a career management plan?

It helps you organize your schedule. and It enables you to monitor your progress.

What are recommendations for handling face-to-face meetings with co-workers?

Listen more and talk less., Explain the situation before delivering bad news., and Schedule time for face-to-face meetings.

Which behavior is typical of a person with a good attitude?

Listening closely to your colleagues

Which of the following are ways that motivation plays a role in an organization?

It keeps workers engaged and producing quality work., It helps good people remain in the organization., and It encourages employees go beyond the call of duty.

Which of the following are characteristics of a project team?

It meets as needed depending on the assignment., Team meetings happen virtually or face to face., and It is task or problem oriented.


It's not my responsibility to listen.

During the first staff meeting after Blake joined the company, he was completely confused by his coworkers' repeated references to the "PPAC committee" and "the next level drill-down". Blake experienced which barrier to communication?


Which of the following focuses on five core job characteristics that affect the psychological states of an employee, which in turn affect work outcomes?

Job characteristics model

What are the two means by which jobs are fitted to people?

Job enlargement and Job enrichment

Which of the following is an example of a physical barrier to communication?

Jonathan and his team members are located in different time zones around the world, making it difficult to schedule video conferences together.

Which of the following is an example of an organizational demand that creates job-related stress?

Josh comes home from work each night complaining about the lack of lighting and ventilation in the plant.

Which of the following scenarios is an example of a pressure tactic?

Juan threatens to fire you if you do not make your sales quota at the end of the month.

What practice is concerned with enhancing a person's abilities and skills to lead and help a company met its goals?

Leadership coaching


Lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior, and lack of remorse when actions harm others

Guadalupe is considering quitting her job. She has a newborn baby, but her work will not offer her paid family leave and the managers refuse to allow her to work a flexible schedule. Which barrier to diversity is BEST exemplified by Guadalupe's situation?

Lack of support for family demands

Which region has the most highly or moderately engaged employees?

Latin America

Which actions can an individual take to become a more effective team member?

Lead by example and Commit to the team

Jonathan manages a department of 10 people. Once he got to know each of the individual employees, he realized it would be best for him to approach them with projects in different ways. For example, Shaina likes to know the final goal of every project, while Carson only wants the details of his task. Which type of leadership is based on having different relationships with different subordinates?

Leader-member exchange

According to Fiedler's contingency leadership model, which component of situational control is deemed as the most important?

Leader-member relations

Which of the following are implications that are offered by House's revised path-goal theory?

Leaders should modify their style to fit the employee characteristics and situational factors in the leadership situation., Leaders should help employees to achieve their goals by helping to clarify the path to those goals and removing obstacles to achieving them., and Effective leaders will possess and likely use more than one style of leadership.

What interventions are managers advised to adopt to increase employee engagement?

Leadership training, Health promotion, and Job resource building

Natalie loves her work at the shoe production facility. She is inspired by the company because, for every pair of shoes someone buys, the company gives a pair of shoes to a child in need. What type of leadership is this company providing that empowers Natalie?

Leading for meaningfulness

What is an example of an "open" body position?

Leaning backward

What is defined as the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done while facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives?

Managerial leadership

Which of the following best illustrates the mismatch between education levels and workforce needs in the United States?

Many college graduates are underemployed and working at jobs that require less education than they possess

Which of the following are considered external dimensions of diversity?

Marital status, Religion, Educational background, and Parental status

The theory of motivation that asserts that people are motivated by physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization needs is ______ theory.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Which statements about Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory are correct?

Maslow's theory is popular with managers., Maslow's theory shows that workers need more than a paycheck., and Managers should first focus on meeting level 1 and level 2 needs.

Tasha loves to travel, especially internationally. She's always eager to see new places, try new things, and learn about different cultures. Which Big Five personality dimension does this illustrate?

Openness to experience

Jake is a member of the United Auto Workers union. According to the wheel of diversity, which dimension of diversity does this illustrate?


The theory of motivation that asserts that achievement, affiliation, and power are the major motives determining people's behavior in the workplace is called ______.

McClelland's acquired needs theory

What are the three critical psychological states identified by the job characteristics model?

Meaningfulness of work, Responsibility for work outcomes, and Knowledge of actual results of the work

What makes a self-managed team unique?

Members of the team are given administrative oversight for their task area.


Members prepare for disbandment of the group or team

What is a state of reduced attention that often leads to thoughtless, rigid behavior, and causes people to forget names soon after hearing them?


What are some of the main causes of poor listening in modern times?

Mindlessness, Cell phones, and Information overload

Which of the following is is true of racial and ethnic populations in American business?

Minorities tend to have a lower median household income than whites.

Which actions could be considered microaggressions if they happen repeatedly?

Mispronouncing a person's name, Interrupting someone who is speaking, and Avoiding eye contact

Which of the following are common ways that employees express burnout?

Missed deadlines, Showing indifference to performance, and Taking longer lunch breaks

What interdisciplinary field is dedicated to understanding and management of people at work?

Organizational behavior

______ is characterized by value-adding behaviors such as making constructive statements about the department, taking a personal interest in the work of others, making suggestions for improvements, and mentoring new employees.

Organizational citizenship

What are the two factors influencing transformational leaders?

Organizational culture and Individual characteristics

What is included on Anita Rowe's "diversity wheel"?

Organizational dimensions, Internal dimensions, and Personality

According to Fiedler's contingency leadership model, in which of the following situations will a relationship-oriented leadership style be optimal?

Moderate-control situations

According to the Pew Research Center, which statement is accurate regarding predicted trends in the United States during the next few decades?

More women will continue to be hired for top leadership jobs.

Which statements about motivation are true?

Motivation can only be inferred from a person's behavior. and Multiple contextual and personal factors create motivation.

One model of motivation starts with an unfulfilled need. List the rest of the steps in the correct order, with the first step at the top.

Motivation, Behaviors, Rewards, and Feedback

What area of equity theory is concerned with the extent to which people believe they are being treated fairly at work?

Organizational justice

How does McClelland view needs?

Needs are something we learn from our culture.


Negative stress that can cause anxiety and illness

What characteristics should your long-term goal have?

Results-oriented, Attainable, and Measurable

The phrase "the power of the purse strings," meaning that managers can approve raises and other monetary incentives for employees, describes which type of power?


To prepare for a career in business communication, you need to become competent in which areas?

New media literacy, Teamwork and collaboration, and Social intelligence

Rank the following media in terms of media richness, placing the medium with the least richness at the top and the medium with the greatest richness at the bottom.

Newsletter, Text message, Phone call, Videoconference, and Face-to-face meeting

Which of the following are four conclusions we can draw from trait theory?

Organizations may want to consider personality and trait assessments in their selection and evaluation processes., The implications of leadership traits cannot be ignored., A global mindset is an increasingly valued task-oriented trait., and The positive and "dark triad" traits suggest the qualities you should cultivate and avoid.

Which statement about incentive compensation plans is true?

No one plan will boost the performance of all employees.

What type of communication consists of messages sent outside of the written or spoken word?


Which elements often become cross-cultural barriers to communication?

Nonverbal gestures, Religious beliefs, and Ethnocentrism

During which stage of group development would group cohesiveness be a factor?


What general guidelines or rules of acceptable behavior are followed by most members of a group or team, even though they are often unwritten and seldom discussed?


According to a Pew Research study, which two traits ranked as more important for women to exhibit than the other two traits?

Nurturing and Attractiveness

Which statement about older workers is true?

Older workers are staying in the workforce longer.

_____ programs help employees integrate and transition to new jobs by making them more familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culture and politics and clarifying work-role expectations and responsibilities.


Anita has been experiencing cognitive dissonance because, although she is extremely worried that smoking will eventually kill her, she continues to smoke. Each time she smokes, she tells herself that one more cigarette won't make much difference. What factor is she using to relieve her cognitive dissonance?

One cigarette is not very important.

How do transformational leaders encourage growth among subordinates?

One-on-one mentoring and Empowerment

What technology has most profoundly changed the principles of management and the nature of how businesses operate?

Online social media

When a coworker voiced an opinion with which Jeb disagreed, he calmly stated, "I don't agree with that approach, but I'd like to get a better understanding of your objections to see what other approaches we might consider." Which conflict-handling behavior is Jeb demonstrating?


When analyzing the pay scale of her staff, Nanci saw that several equivalent positions in the department were paid at various rates. She felt that they needed to be balanced. Which aspect of equity theory is Nanci taking into consideration?


One nurse complains to another, "Dr. James is a legend in his own mind because he's got that MD behind his name." Which personal barrier to effective communication is the nurse describing?

Oversized egos

Which of the following managers is displaying a passive leadership style?

Parul knew her staff was having problems generating reports but did not do anything about it until the president demanded the finished report.

Which leadership model holds that an effective leader makes desirable rewards available to workers and increases workers' motivation by clearly outlining the behavior that will help them achieve those goals and rewards?

Path-goal leadership

Which leadership model states that successful leaders help followers by tying meaningful rewards to goal accomplishment, reducing barriers to achieving those goals, and providing subordinates with support?

Path-goal leadership

Which forms of nonverbal communication are inappropriate in some cultures?

Patting on the shoulder and Embracing

Tyler works for a large financial services firm. Each time he earns a professional certification in his field, he is rewarded with an increase in his salary. Which type of compensation plan does this describe?

Pay for knowledge

What type of compensation plan ties employee pay to the number of job-relevant skills or academic degrees they earn?

Pay for knowledge

To avoid errors in writing, what precautions should be taken with every business communication?

Pay particular attention to the spelling of people's names and titles. and Watch for auto-correct errors.

Why are face-to-face meetings still an important part of the work day?

People value human contact.

Intergroup conflicts are expressed in which of the following ways?

Poorly defined job boundaries, Power and influence discrepancies, and Inconsistent reward systems

Which contacts are important for you to add to your professional network?

People who can help you, People you can help, and People who share your interests

What are the stages of Victor Vroom's expectancy theory of motivation?

Performance to outcomes and Effort to performance

Which of the following are types of barriers to communication? (Check all that apply.)

Personal barriers, Physical barriers, and Cross-cultural barriers

What intervention to boost employee engagement focuses on "increasing individuals' self-perceived positive attributes and strengths"?

Personal resource building

Sam and Eric don't get along well because Sam is very rigid and goes "by the book," while Eric is much more likely to bend the rules. This is an example of which type of conflict?


Which type of conflict is best described as interpersonal opposition based on dislike or disagreement among individuals?


What is the term for power directed at helping yourself and furthering your own ends rather than those of others or the organization?

Personalized power

Which of the following are levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Physiological, Esteem, Safety, and Love

Merilee is a seamstress in a garment factory, and she is paid $10 for each skirt she produces. What compensation plan does this describe?

Piece rate

In American culture, which behaviors demonstrate poor nonverbal communication skills?

Playing with your hair, Speaking very quickly or slowly, and Looking away from the speaker

Deb is frustrated because, while she assigns responsibilities to members of her staff, the human resource director makes any final decisions about staff bonuses. Which aspect of situational control is Deb concerned with?

Position power

What is the willingness to accept constructive criticism, try and propose new ideas, and maintain a good attitude called?

Positive approach


Positive stress that can stimulate better coping and adaptation

An integrated model of leadership considers which of the following to create leadership effectiveness?

Power and influence, Situational factors, and Traits, gender, and skills

In equity theory, the outputs received from an organization include which of the following?

Praise, Pay, and Rewards

Which groups are often incorrectly perceived as having low organizational commitment?

Pregnant women and Mothers

After the creation of a "to-do" list for accomplishing short-term goals, what is the next step in developing career readiness?

Prioritize the tasks you need to complete to reach your goal.

Which of the following are likely characteristics of transformational leaders?

Proactive, Agreeable, and Extroverted

What three types of justice are the components of organizational justice?

Procedural, Distributive, and Interactional

Which perspectives on motivation are concerned with the thought progression that leads to people deciding how to act?

Process perspectives

What type of incentive compensation plan involves the distribution of a portion of the company's profits to employees?

Profit sharing

What type of conflict is designed to elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings?


Which of the following is characterized by a lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior, and a lack of remorse when the individual's actions harm others?


Which types of reinforcement are intended to weaken a behavior?

Punishment and Extinction

What type of follower is likely to be the least compliant with a leader?


Sarah emails Joyce to tell her about a new project opportunity. What is Joyce's role in the communication process?


What are appropriate ways to to self-manage?

Recognize words, sayings, and situations that trigger your emotions., Recognize your physiological responses to triggers., and Pause and take deep breaths.

Brandon has earned the trust and respect of his staff by consistently modeling the positive behaviors he expects from them. What type of power does this describe?


Eye contact serves which of the following functions?

Reflects interest, Expresses emotion, and Shows attention

Which actions should managers take when employees exhibit low self-efficacy?

Reward small successes and Nurture self-efficacy by giving constructive pointers and positive feedback

How does goal setting motivate employees?

Regulating employee efforts, Increasing employee persistence, Fostering employee use of action plans, and Directing employee attention

"Consequences influence behavior" best describes which theory of motivation?

Reinforcement theory

Which element of emotional intelligence reflects your ability to use awareness of your emotions and the emotions of others to manage interactions successfully and build strong, personal bonds with others?

Relationship management

What type of leadership is primarily concerned with leaders' interactions with their subordinates and is aimed at enhancing the creation of a positive, nurturing work environment?


When situational control is moderate, which of the following is the optimal leadership style according to Fiedler's contingency leadership model?

Relationship-oriented leadership

To be effective, a person employing influence tactics should do which of the following?

Rely on the core., Be subtle., and Be authentic.

Which of the following are recommended ways of handling communication via e-mail?

Remember that not every topic belongs on e-mail., Treat all e-mail as confidential., and Reduce unnecessary e-mails that you receive.

How should a business respond to negative comments that customers or employees post about the company on social media sites?

Require employees to follow the company's social media policy and Respond quickly on the site

The capacity to bounce back from adversity and sustain yourself when confronted with challenges is called what?



Resolution of conflicts, and the emergence of unity and harmony among group members

What are recommendations for handling meetings via webcasting or video conferencing?

Resolve any technical issues before the meeting begins. and Keep communications direct and personal.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, in order for Josephina to seek fulfillment of her love needs, she must first satisfy which of the following needs?

Safety and Physiological

Which of the following would be characterized as hygiene factors in Herzberg's two-factor theory?

Salary and Working conditions

Except in unusual circumstances, which employees are usually NOT allowed to text at work?

Sales associates, Cashiers, and Customer service representatives

According to Dale Carnegie, what are the three rules of an effective speech?

Say it, Tell them what you said, and Tell them what you are going to say

Identify the disadvantages brought about by the digital age. (Check all that apply.)

Security breaches, Too many emails, and Decreased privacy

What strategies are recommended to add meaningfulness to your life?

Seek out activities you love doing., Look for ways to help others., and Integrate your natural strengths into your work life.

Place the steps in the perceptual process in the correct order, with the first step listed at the top and the last step listed at the bottom.

Selective attention, Interpretation and evaluation, Storing in memory, and Retrieving from memory to make judgements and decisions

According to psychologist Daniel Goleman, what is the most essential trait of emotional intelligence?


Jordan realized that his bad mood was causing other people in his work group to feel negatively about the project. Which aspect of emotional intelligence is Jordan displaying?


What term describes understanding who you are and what you stand for?


According to Daniel Goleman, which traits make up emotional intelligence?

Self-awareness, Relationship management, Social awareness, and Self-management

Which personal attributes are important for a career in business communication?

Self-awareness, Self-efficacy, and Self-motivation


Self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory

Learned helplessness is associated with which facet of a core self-evaluation?


_____ occurs when people's expectations of themselves lead them to behave in ways that make those expectations come true.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Jeanine's motto is "Check your bad mood at the office door." Even if she's tired or upset, she makes an effort every day to control her emotions in the workplace. This is an example of which component of emotional intelligence?


What is the term for taking more personal responsibility for success than for failure?

Self-serving bias

Sarah emails Joyce to let her know about a job opening. What is Sarah's role in the communication process?


What are examples of work-life conflict?

Skipping your son's soccer game to attend a work meeting and Missing an afternoon at work because you had to pick up your sick child from school

Which leadership approach focuses on providing increased service to others rather than to the leader?


What are examples of a positive approach?

Sharing with your boss a new idea that you developed and Listening to your boss give you feedback on your work


Simple irritants, such as misplacing things or being overworked

Strong stressors

Situations that can dramatically strain a person's ability to adapt, such as frequent migraine headaches

What Tamika loves about her job is that every day brings new challenges, and she can use different talents and abilities to complete her job tasks. This is an example of which core job characteristic?

Skill variety

Louisa seems to have a strong ability to accurately pick up on the emotions of others in the workplace, understand what is going on, and display a keen sense of empathy. Which element of emotional intelligence does this describe?

Social awareness

Role conflict

Source of stress that occurs when one feels torn by the different expectations of important people in one's life

Role ambiguity

Source of stress that occurs when others' expectations are unknown or unclear

Role overload

Source of stress that occurs when others' expectations exceed one's ability

What uses of crowdsourcing have been shown to be successful?

Sponsoring a competition with a cash prize for the team that suggests the best solution to a problem and Hiring temporary or contingent workers

Which strategies stimulate constructive conflict among team members?

Spur competition among employees. and Bring in outsiders.


Stating your views honestly and concentrating on finding a solution to the problem

Which bad attitude behavior may involve yelling or using sarcasm?

Stink bomb throwing

Negative reinforcement

Strengthening a behavior by withdrawing something negative

What statement about stretch goals is true?

Stretch goals increase willingness to take risks.

What are three types of learning opportunities?

Studying co-workers, Learning and development, and Tuition reimbursement

What are guidelines for creating a strong conclusion to a speech?

Summarize the main points of the speech., Signal the audience that the speech is about to end., and Include a call to action, a quotation, or a story at the very end.

When Jose compares his input/output ratio with that of his co-workers, he is satisfied that he is being treated fairly. What is Jose most likely to do as a result?

Support organizational change


Suzie emails a coworker to inform him that she has finished her part of a team project.

Which of the following are proven ways to become more self-aware as a leader?

Take time to reflect and learn. and Write down priorities.

What is phubbing?

Talking or texting on a cell phone instead of focusing on people who are with you


Tamika emails a supplier to ask for a price quotation on a product.

Which core job characteristic describes the extent to which a job requires the worker to perform all of the tasks needed to complete the job from beginning to end?

Task identity

Which of the following behavioral outcomes are associated with a high leader-member exchange?

Task performance, Job satisfaction, and Justice

Asked to describe what was most meaningful about his job at the senior citizen center, Marc answered, "I make a difference every day to the lives of elderly people in our community." This is an example of which element of the job characteristics model?

Task significance

Which core job characteristic refers to the degree to which the individual perceives that the job affects the lives of others, whether inside or outside of the organization?

Task significance

The employees at the shipping warehouse have a set of routines that they follow every day. Their job is outlined in detail, and the process of fulfilling orders that come in is easily understood. Which aspect of situational control does this represent?

Task structure

According to Fiedler's contingency leadership model, which two of the following are seen as leader orientations or styles?

Task-oriented and Relationship-oriented

What are characteristics of teams?

Team members share a common commitment. and Teams are small groups.

Which forms of communication are still popular among older generations but are considered outdated by some younger people?

Telephone calls and Email

Why is it important to focus a speech on a few key points?

That is probably all the audience will remember

Which effect occurs when people who are incompetent at something are unable to recognize their own incompetence?

The Dunning-Kruger effect

Relationship management

The ability to communicate clearly, disarm conflicts and build strong personal bonds


The ability to control your emotions and act with honesty and integrity


The ability to read your own emotions and gauge your moods accurately

Social awareness

The ability to show others that you care and your understanding of how your emotions and actions affect others

The job diagnostic survey (used in connection with the job characteristics model) measures an individual's motivating potential score (MPS). What is the MPS designed to reveal?

The amount of internal work motivation associated with a specific job

What conditions must be present before a company's social media strategy will succeed?

The company's customers must have social media skills., The company must dedicate resources to the effort., and The company's personnel must be competent in using technology.


The emergence of individual personalities, roles, and conflicts within the group


The emotions a person feels about a situation

Task significance

The extent to which a job affects the lives of others, whether inside or outside the organization


The extent to which a job allows the worker to make choices about scheduling different tasks and/or deciding how to perform them

Skill variety

The extent to which a job requires a worker to use a wide range of different abilities

Task identity

The extent to which a job requires the worker to perform everything needed to complete the job from beginning to end

Which of the following best describes the dimension of situational control known as leader-member relations in Fiedler's contingency leadership model?

The extent to which a leader has or lacks the support, loyalty, and trust of the work group


The extent to which a person is dependable, reliable and responsible

Openness to experience

The extent to which a person is imaginative, curious and broad-minded


The extent to which a person is outgoing, sociable and assertive

Emotional stability

The extent to which a person is relaxed, secure and unworried


The extent to which a person is trusting, cooperative, and good-natured

What is organizational commitment?

The extent to which an employee identifies with an organization and is committed to its goals

Which answer best describes flourishing?

The extent to which our lives contain positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement


The extent to which workers receive clear, direct information about how well they are performing the job

Giving team members a voice

The freedom team members feel to express their constructive opinions, concerns, or ideas about work-related issues

Which statements about norms are true?

They exert a powerful influence on group behavior., They are typically unwritten., and They are general rules of behavior.

Which statements regarding social media strategies in business are true?

The message should be surprising. and Marketers should track the results.

Which of the following are types of informal communication channels? (Check all that apply.)

The office grapevine and Face-to-face communication

Which of the following help ensure transformational leaders get positive results from their employees?

They have a code of ethics in place., They reward high moral conduct., and They are committed to diversity.

What are characteristics of the best incentive compensation plans?

They link rewards to performance. and They are agreed on by both employees and managers.

According to equity theory, how might employees respond if they feel their rewards are inadequate?

They may change the object of comparison., They may leave the situation., and They may try to change the outputs.

True or false: According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, employers should first eliminate dissatisfying elements in the work place and then focus on adding incentives to motivate workers.


True or false: According to the leader-member exchange model (LMX), a leader has different relationships with different subordinates.


Which statements accurately describe the way messages are interpreted?

The speaker is responsible for ensuring that the listener understands the message., Communication is a perceptual process that varies from person to person., and People's individual experiences affect the way they interpret what someone is saying.

True or false: Employee assistance programs are aimed at helping employees cope with a variety of problems that negatively influence job performance.


True or false: High-level jobs are often less stressful than low-level jobs because people with low-level jobs have less control over their lives.


A positive diversity climate enhances which of the following for employees?

Their psychological safety

True or false: Pay for performance allows different salaried employees to get different pay raises and other rewards.


What statement is true about people who have a performance goal orientation?

They are less likely to take on new challenges.

Which statements about companies with highly engaged employees are true, according to Gallup?

They are more profitable. and They are more productive.

True or false: People can improve many aspects of their emotional intelligence.


True or false: Resilience is a capacity that can be learned and developed over time.


Which statements about people with disabilities are true?

They earn less than people without disabilities. and They are less apt to be employed than people without disabilities.

Which statements about employees who are motivated by a need for power are true?

They enjoy being in control of events and people. and They like being publicly recognized for their responsibilities.

What is true of people who are motivated by the need for achievement?

They want fair and balanced feedback, both negative and positive.

What are characteristics of virtual teams?

They work together over time., They communicate electronically., and They work together over distance.

True or false: When punishing an employee, it is best to give out disciplinary action as soon as possible after the undesirable behavior.


True or false: When using expectancy theory to motivate workers, managers should ask questions to determine what rewards the employees value.


According to the concept of goal orientation, there are two basic reasons why people try to achieve a goal, depending on the individual's personality. What are those reasons?

To develop competence by learning new skills and To demonstrate competence and receive approval

Why are group norms typically enforced?

To help the group survive, To avoid embarrassing situations, and To emphasize important values

Why do businesses establish a presence on social media platforms?

To increase sales, To increase brand awareness, and To interact with customers

Why is it important to manage employees as individuals who have different personalities and circumstances?

To influence the way employees behave

How do hiring managers use online social media?

To locate job candidates with specific skill sets, To post available job openings, and To investigate potential employees' social media pages

Why can it be beneficial for a company to allow employees some use of personal texting on the job?

To relieve stress and To improve work-life balance

What approaches to challenges do transformational leaders often inspire in their employees?

To view problems as personal challenges and To question the status quo

To create effective managers, companies should do what?

Train them on task and relationship management.

According to equity theory, which of the following would be characterized as inputs?

Training, Effort, and Experience

Tyrone's management style could best be described as the "carrot or the stick" approach. If his subordinates perform to expectations, he will reward them; if their performance falls short of expectations, he will punish them. Which leadership style does this describe?


Which of the following are forms of task-oriented leadership behaviors?

Transactional leadership and Initiating-structure leadership

What type of leaders use inspirational motivation, idealized influence, individual consideration, and intellectual stimulation to pursue organizational goals?


Which type of leader transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interest?


What are true statements about the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in the workforce?

Transgender workers are at risk of being fired for their gender expression. and LGB workers are at risk of being passed over for promotion because of their sexual orientation.

As opposed to face-to-face teams, virtual teams find it more difficult to establish which of the following?

Trust, Cohesion, and Cooperation

What are the types of employee behavior that managers can influence?

Turnover and absenteeism, Counterproductive work behaviors, Organizational citizenship behavior, and Performance and productivity

A survey showed that while most employees were pleased with the company's advancement opportunities and merit system, they were dissatisfied with factors such as pay scale and sharing an office with someone they disliked. These results exemplify which theory of motivation?

Two-factor theory

Laura talks fast, walks fast, eats fast, and is in a constant rush to accomplish everything she thinks she needs to do. Which of the following BEST describes Laura's behavior?

Type A behavior pattern

How should a business communication be written?

Use few adjectives and adverbs.

Which techniques are recommended for effective business writing?

Use simple words, phrases, and sentences. and State what you expect of your reader.

Positive reinforcement

Using rewards or positive consequences to strengthen a particular behavior

Charlie complains to a coworker, "Chris has lied to us so many times about how he's going to try to get us a raise that I don't believe a thing he says anymore." Which personal barrier to effective communication does this BEST describe?

Variations in trustworthiness and credibility

What type of communication flows upward and downward within the hierarchy of an organization?



Weakening a behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced


Weakening a behavior by presenting something negative or withholding something positive


What a person believes or knows about a situation

Most effective managers ______.

are motivated by a high need for power

"If I see Ethan cheating on this exam, I'm going to report him to the professor." This is an example of the _____ component of an attitude.


Annamarie's new job is so stressful that she starts smoking again, even though she had quit smoking several months ago. This is a(n) _____ symptom of stress.


What is typically specified in a social media policy for a business?

Who is allowed to participate in social media at work, What consequences will be imposed on employees who fail to comply, and When employees are allowed to use social media

Which statement about public speaking is true?

With practice, everyone has the ability to become a skillful public speaker.

What are accurate statements concerning the traits of women who excel as executives?

Women are highly collaborative. and Women generally use a more participative style than men.

Which statements accurately describe the way gender influences communication?

Women tend to provide more information than is needed. and Men are less likely to admit when they feel uncertain.

Which of the following are environmental factors identified in the path-goal leadership theory?

Work group dynamics and Task structure

Which would be characterized as organizational dimensions of diversity? (Check all that apply.)

Work location and Union affiliation

Your to-do list for achieving short-term goals should identify the ______.

daily tasks you need to complete

Which conditions support teamwork?

Work that is considered meaningful and Mutual accountability among team members

After creating a time schedule for accomplishing tasks and goals, what is the next step in developing career readiness?

Work the plan, give yourself rewards when appropriate, and make needed adjustments.

Ethical leadership encourages which of the following?

Worker motivation and Job satisfaction

What are buffers to stress that is caused by group demands?

Working with a manager who listens to you and Working with people you like

Why should you break your most important long-term goal into many short-term goals?

You are more likely to achieve a long-term goal if you break it down into smaller goals.

Leslie likes working on tasks that are challenging but still within her abilities. Leslie is most likely motivated by a need for ______.


Which assumption about the U.S. workforce is true?

Young college graduates are earning less than they used to.

Effective communicators realize that ______.

a speaker is responsible for making sure the listener understands the message.

Telecommuting, or enabling employees to work at home while keeping in touch with their employers and coworkers via email, phone, and other electronic technologies, is one example of ______.

a work-life benefit

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires organizations to provide a reasonable _____ for individuals with disabilities in the workplace.


John has a strong desire to perform difficult tasks well. He is motivated by personal standards of excellence. John has a high need for ______.


During the final stage of group and team development, which is called ______, the work has been completed and members prepare for disbandment.


Darius works in sales. For him, the most important thing is to build satisfying personal relationships with his co-workers and clients. Darius is primarily motivated by a need for ______.


Depicting older workers as less involved in their work, less motivated, and having higher absenteeism than their younger counterparts in the workplace is a stereotype based on ______.


Trying to build enthusiasm or confidence by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values is called ______.

an inspirational appeal

An individual who believes that she is in control of her fate through her own actions and efforts would be said to have _____.

an internal locus of control

Brittani has worked long hours putting the finishing touches on a presentation to a major client, but she has a strong sense of self-satisfaction with her work and feels good about what she has accomplished. In terms of the model of motivation, this self-satisfaction would be categorized as ______.

an intrinsic reward

A learned predisposition toward a given object is a(n) _____.


Travis asked his mother if he should look for a new job because he wasn't happy in his current one. She told him it probably wouldn't matter because he was never happy with any job. His mother was commenting on Travis's ______.


Implicit bias is characterized by the

attitudes and beliefs that we unconsciously hold about groups of people

The activity of inferring causes for observed behavior is known as causal _______.


The right to perform or command that comes with a supervisor's job is ______.


A college professor who is required by the department chair to use a certain textbook and has no input into the number or types of assignments given to the class would likely have low ______.


Carin is a manager who likes to delegate important tasks to capable employees and allows them to make most of the key decisions related to those tasks. Carin is focused on fostering ______ among her employees.


Jobs with high ______ allow workers to set their own schedules and decide how to perform the necessary tasks.


Self-_____ is the ability to read your own emotions and accurately assess your moods so that you know how you are affecting others.


Dysfunctional conflict is ______ for the organization.


People's values and attitudes affect their workplace _____, which includes their actions and judgments.


Conrad and his wife, Olivia, are both managers at different companies. While Conrad prefers to allow his team to make decisions and come up with their own processes for completing tasks, Olivia prefers to tell her staff how to approach a project and who should be responsible for what. Each has a unique style, and both are effective. They both demonstrate the ______ leadership approach.


Elaine surpassed her sales goal and earned a small cash award for her strong performance. This is an example of a ______.

bonus program

Cash awards given to employees who achieve specific performance objectives are called ______.


The retail store where David works always adds extra staff during the busy holiday season and summer months. Managers know that this additional staff will relieve some of the stress year-round employees feel. The addition of the extra staff is an example of a _____.


Administrative changes that managers can make to reduce the stressors that lead to employee burnout are called _____.


Relationship management is the component of emotional intelligence that deals with the ability to: (select all that apply)

build strong personal bonds, disarm conflicts, and communicate clearly and convincingly

When an individual reaches a state of emotional, mental, or even physical exhaustion, it is called _____.


Emotional intelligence reflects the ability to: (select all that apply)

carry out accurate reasoning about emotions, use emotions and emotional knowledge to enhance thought, and monitor your and others' feelings and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions

A leader who displays an interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support and is better able to persuade others is demonstrating _______.


"Let me share a vision that transcends us all" is the message of a(n) ______ leader.


Kendra is the type of transformational leader who provides motivation by offering a vision that inspires and energizes her staff. Kendra is an example of a ______ leader.


Employees who frequently praise their co-workers, show up for work on time, offer helpful suggestions, and take good care of the company's equipment are demonstrating organizational ______.


Creating and enforcing a clearly stated ______ is an important practice for transformational leaders to follow.

code of ethics

Some managers use ______ power to punish their subordinates through verbal or written reprimands, fines, or, in extreme situations, terminations.


Steve docks an employee's pay when he comes in late for work for the second time in a week. Steve is demonstrating ______ power.


Anita knows that smoking is bad for her health but doesn't seem to be able to quit for longer than a few days. The discomfort she feels as a result of the incongruence between her attitude and behavior is known as _____.

cognitive dissonance

The "we feeling" that binds group members together is called group ______.


Sharing information and coordinating efforts among individuals to achieve a common objective is known as ______.


When planning her company's annual sales meeting, Cynthia sets up a chat room months in advance and encourages people from each department to share their needs and concerns about the meeting. Armed with this information, Cynthia coordinates with key departmental team members to make sure they all work together to create a productive and effective sales meeting. This is an example of ______.


Louisa is a real estate salesperson. When she sells a house, she earns a sales ______ equal to 6 percent of the sales price of the house.


The extent to which an employee identifies with an organization and is committed to its goals is known as organizational _____.


The transfer of information and understanding from one person to another is known as _____.


Jordan enjoys working at his company because it has the philosophy that every employee is making an important contribution. As a result, there is a mutual level of respect among all employees. In this situation, the company is creating a feeling of ______.


John Kotter suggests that leadership and management do not compete; rather, they are ______ systems of action.


Team ______ reflects the collection of jobs, personalities, values, knowledge, experience, and skills of team members.


Connie's team members criticize her for being outspoken and for not keeping them informed of her progress as often as they think she should. The criticism she receives is an example of ______.


One management responsibility is to identify when to create ______, not simply when to mitigate it.


Sources of conflict, such as differences between personalities, groups, or cultures, are called ______.

conflict triggers

Of the Big Five personality dimensions that have a positive relationship to job performance, _____ describes how dependable, responsible, and achievement-oriented a person is.


When punishing an employee, you should ______.

consider combining punishment with positive reinforcement

Leader behavior that is focused primarily on group members' needs and desires and is directed at creating mutual respect or trust is referred to as ______ leader behavior.


Fiedler's ______ leadership model is determined by whether a leader's style is task-oriented or relationship-oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand.


The situational approach to leadership is also known as the _____ approach.


According to equity theory, when people believe there is equity, they will ______.

continue their current behavior

Self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability are traits that make up an individual's ______.

core self-evaluation

Rob's employee has been coming back from lunch drunk and performed poorly as a result. This employee is displaying a _____ work behavior.


A community task force consisting of police officers, emergency service personnel, and other support service staff who work with the public is meeting to determine the best response system for the 911 services of a town. This task force is an example of a(n) ______ team.


Using the Internet and social media to enlist a group outside the organization for help solving a problem is known as _____.


Interpreting and trying to make sense of the message is called ______.


Active listening is the process of ______.

decoding and interpreting verbal messages

During an argument with a coworker, Analiese became increasingly hostile and profane. This would BEST be described as _______ communication.


When trust is lacking between two people communicating with each other, the individuals tend to become ____ rather than focus on the meaning of the message.


Hostile work environments are: (select all that apply)

demeaning and unethical

Dividing work among employees and applying motivational theories to increase employee satisfaction are the two components of job ______.


The method of programmed conflict that assigns a person to the role of critic is known as ______.

devil's advocacy

During an office debate, Jan is assigned the job of voicing possible objections to proposals. The goal is to generate critical thinking and reality testing. Jan is playing the role of ______,

devil's advocate

The process of having two people or groups play opposing roles in a debate to better understand a proposal is known as the ______ method.


An organization's ______ climate is the employees' aggregate "perceptions about the organization's diversity-related formal structure characteristics and informal values."


It is important to Jan to have a work team that consists of a variety of people from different backgrounds. She wants people from different religions, of different ages, and with a variety of job skills. Jan is concerned with having _____.


The chancellor of the university sent a memo to faculty members to advise them that the governor would be speaking at the university and to encourage them to attend. This is an example of ______ communication.


When Marta explains a project to members of her staff, they are able to understand her intended message accurately. This suggests that Marta is a(n) _____ communicator.


Good communicators are _____ and effective. That is, their messages are transmitted in a short time, and people understand them.


Marcus was recently advanced to the director's post at his company. Many of the people who report to him are not happy that he was promoted. He tends to tune out their ideas, and he likes to say, "I'm in charge because I am the best." His arrogance demonstrates his ______.


The ability to monitor your own feelings and those of others and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions is referred to as _____.

emotional intelligence

The extent to which a person is relatively secure and unworried and how likely she or he is to experience negative emotions under pressure is known as _______.

emotional stability

They don't call Ed "Steady Eddy" for no reason. He is unfailingly calm, even under pressure or stress. It would appear that Ed has a high level of _______.

emotional stability

Miriam's employee explains that he was absent because his wife was diagnosed with cancer. Miriam thinks about what it would be like to be in her employee's position, and she realizes that she is both frightened and sad. Miriam is demonstrating ______.


To better help employees cope with family and workplace demands, Suzette's employer has a comprehensive program that includes counseling on family matters, financial problems, and drug and alcohol abuse. This is BEST described as a(n) _______ program.

employee assistance

The basic lesson of Herzberg's research is that ______.

employers should attempt to eliminate job dissatisfaction before addressing job satisfaction

In the communication process, translating a message into symbols or language for transmission is referred to as _____.


Putting a message into understandable symbols or language to send to another person is called _____.


Jenna loves her job. She is known as the "cheerleader" of the department because she is enthusiastic about every project and highly focused. Jenna displays employee _____.


Managers should be concerned with motivation because it is tied to worker ______.


Businesses can increase productivity by encouraging managers and employees to use social media to ______.

enhance their individual performance

Jasmine previously handled only accounts payable, but she now handles accounts receivable as well. This is an example of job ______.


To increase variety and motivate workers, Grant Industries increases the number of tasks in each job on the assembly line. This practice is known as job ______.


To motivate his employees, Enzo gave them tasks with added responsibility and room for recognition. Enzo was using job ______.


Self-_____ is the extent to which people like or dislike themselves.


Juanita believes that if she works hard, her efforts will lead to strong performance. Juanita has a high level of ______.


Robert believes that no matter how hard he studies, he will never pass the exam. According to Victor Vroom's theory, Robert has low ______.


Power that results from one's specialized information or expertise is ______ power.


Trina is the "go-to gal" when anyone in the office has problems with the computer system. She knows more about the system than anyone else, and no matter what the problem is, she can fix it. Trina has ______ power.


A(n) _____ locus of control indicates that you believe outside forces control you.


Formal communication is of three types: vertical, horizontal, and _____.


Jamal calls a supplier to check on the delivery status of an order. This is an example of _____ communication.


Mark failed his last test and blamed it on the fact that the test was poorly written and the room was too noisy for him to concentrate, not because he didn't study for the test. Mark would be said to have a(n) _____ locus of control.


The _______ dimensions of diversity include such factors as geographic location, educational background, and marital/parental status.


The weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced is referred to as ______.


When little Josef would throw himself on the floor, screaming and kicking, his mother ignored him. Consequently, Josef has stopped throwing tantrums. This is an example of ______.


Raises and other monetary incentives are examples of ______ rewards.


Janeen's boss is so pleased with her sales performance during the past quarter that he gives her a bonus. In terms of the model of motivation, the bonus represents a(n) ______.

extrinsic reward

Because they are driven primarily by information and skills as opposed to time and location, proponents of virtual teams consider them to be highly ______.

flexible and efficient

A group established by an organization to accomplish specific goals is called a(n) ______ group.


An organization's ______ communication channels include official memos, letters, reports, and announcements.


Jackson sends a memo to his staff announcing a project review meeting to be held the next day. This is an example of _____ communication.


Jen's department has been assigned the task of developing new flavors for the company's line of soft drinks. In this instance, the department members function as a(n) ______ group.


Susan's team is going through the ______ stage of team development. In this stage, they are becoming oriented with the group's processes and getting acquainted with one another.


Within the first stage of team development, called ______, members get oriented and acquainted with each other.


Informal groups come together for ______.


Members of Tyler's work team disagreed about the best way to complete their project. After arguing about it repeatedly, the team came up with an exciting new idea and reached consensus. Their project was a success. Their initial arguing is an example of a(n) ______ conflict.


Paulina believed that the new hires in her department were lazy for failing to make use of the company's expert software system, but the new hires had not been adequately trained to make use of the system. This is an example of _____.

fundamental attribution bias

The Scanlon plan is an example of ______, which distributes company savings to groups of employees who reduced costs and increased productivity.


The distribution of savings to groups of employees who reduced costs and increased measurable productivity is known as ______.


The basic types of barriers to communication are physical, personal, cross-cultural, nonverbal, and _____ differences.


With regard to higher-level needs, managers should ______.

give employees a chance to meet these needs in a way that supports the organization's goals

When rewarding an employee for a behavior, you should ______.

give rewards as soon as possible

The ______ ceiling is a metaphor for an invisible barrier preventing women and minorities from being promoted to top executive jobs.


Firms that aim to have culturally diverse workforce and operate overseas try to have employees with a ______.

global mind-set

Your belief in your ability to influence people who are unlike you in a global context is called a ______.

global mind-set

The _____ is the unofficial communication system of the informal organization, a network of in-person and online gossip and rumor.


A ______ is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms and goals and have a common identity.


Connor, Luke, and Mason are co-workers who meet regularly after work to talk about the latest video games on the market and strategies for improving their scores on the games. This is an example of a ______.


Transformational leaders are known for encouraging their subordinates to ______.

grow and succeed

Simple irritants, such as misplacing your keys or a phone number, are referred to as ______.


According to Fiedler's contingency leadership model, situations in which leaders' decisions produce predictable results because they can influence work outcomes are characterized as ______-control situations.


Stephanie works for a company that offers a physical fitness center, a dietitian on staff in the cafeteria, and lower health insurance premiums for employees who exercise. These perks represent components of a _____ wellness program.


What type of program encourages employees to balance physical, mental, and social well-being by developing and following a plan to improve their health?

holistic wellness

Within the LMX model of leadership, ______ exchange refers to the relationship between leader and follower and is viewed as a partnership characterized by such aspects as mutual trust and a common fate.


Studies have shown that a conflict-free work group tends to be a(n) _____ work group.


Causal attribution is the act of

inferring causes for observed behavior

Conscious efforts to affect and change behaviors in others are known as ______ tactics.


The leadership aspect of managerial leaders is to ______, while the management part is to ______.

influence; facilitate

A group formed by people seeking friendship that has NO official leader or specific organizational goals is known as a(n) ______ group.


A manager who exhibits ______ leadership behavior will pay more attention to production costs than employee morale.


Leaders who exhibit ______ leadership behavior focus on clarifying tasks and setting goals to maximize output and efficiency.


In equity theory, the education, experience, and skills that individuals contribute to their organizations are examples of ______.


Power that is used as a means to further organizational goals is known as ______ power.


Terminology that is specific to a particular profession or group is known as _____.


In expectancy theory, the expectation that successful performance of a task will lead to a desired outcome is called ______.


Jerry is confident in his ability to perform a new set of tasks, but he does not think he will be adequately rewarded for mastering the new knowledge. According to expectancy theory, he has low ______.


Keri is confident that, if she exceeds her sales quota for the year, she will be promoted to regional manager. This is an example of the ______ element of the expectancy theory.


A team that relies heavily on interpersonal interactions to complete tasks is said to have a high degree of ______ among team members.


Disagreement among work groups, teams, and departments is known as ______ conflict.


Age, gender, and race are ______ dimensions of diversity.


Jolene doesn't believe that "luck happens". She firmly believes that you make your own luck in life by what you do and how you do it. Jolene has a(n) _____ locus of control.


The satisfaction, such as a feeling of accomplishment, that a person receives from performing a task is known as a(n) ______ reward.


Self-determination theory is largely focused on ______.

intrinsic rewards and motivation

Liu wants to better understand how to motivate employees at her company. Because she knows there is no single leading theory accepted by everyone on what motivates people, she looks into the top four perspectives: content, process, reinforcement, and ______.

job design

Behavior is defined as the combination of which two elements?

judgments and actions

A "hands-off" leadership style in which the leader allows subordinates to make decisions and gives them the least possible guidance is known as ______ leadership.


A leadership style characterized by a general failure to take responsibility for leading is referred to as ______ leadership.


What are the dimensions of situational control identified by Fiedler's contingency leadership model? are leader-member relations, task structure, and ______.

leader-member relations, task structure, and position power

An organization's vision and strategic plan is created by ______ and then implemented by ______.

leaders; managers

The ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals is referred to as ______.


Garrett told his sales team to send their monthly sales figures to him via email rather than calling him on the phone. Garrett is indicating his preference for a _____ medium.


The debilitating lack of faith in your ability to control your environment is referred to as ______.

learned helplessness

Mycah complains to her boss about working overtime by saying, "I don't see why I have to finish this project tonight." Her boss responds, "Because I'm the boss and I say so, that's why." Mycah's boss is displaying ______ power.


The type of power that all managers have that results from their formal position within the organization is called ______ power.


Basing a request on one's right or authority, organizational rules or policies, or express or implied support from superiors is known as using ______ tactics.


A person's characteristic speaking patterns are called ______ style.


Derek tends to use the latest buzzwords and throw in a few jokes when he talks to his assistant about a project. Derek's speaking pattern demonstrates his ______ style.


One of the key take-aways from expectancy theory is that a manager should ______.

link rewards to levels of employee performance

The extent to which people believe that they control their fate through their own efforts is called _____.

locus of control

Trevor likes to work on assignments in his own way. He feels that it is up to him to handle problems and take responsibility for the outcome, whether things go right or wrong. Which aspect of a core self-evaluation does Trevor demonstrate?

locus of control

A ______-control situation is one in which a leader's decisions cannot produce predictable results because he or she cannot really influence outcomes.


After William's boss asked him to compile sales figures for the past three years, William pulled together the information and turned it over to his boss. After several days of not getting any feedback from his boss, William worried that he hadn't done a good job in presenting the information. William is demonstrating _____.

low self-esteem

Erin realized that the arguing during a discussion was getting out of control, so she commented, "Before we all drive off a cliff, let's slow this car down and find some common ground." Her comment eased the tension in the room. Erin is demonstrating a ______ role.


The focus of a ______ role is fostering constructive relationships among team members and keeping the team together as a cohesive whole.


Some employees fear that attempts to diversify their organizations will result in bias against _____ employees.

majority group

Transformational leaders have high ethical standards, but ______.

make sacrifices for the greater good

Scientific ______ is the process of reducing the number of tasks a worker performs.


The sense of belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self is referred to as ______.


To be successful, an incentive compensation plan must be ______.


How well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning is called ______.

media richness

An email, a handwritten notice, or a voicemail are each an example of a ______ in the communication process.


In communication, _____ (men or women?) are more likely to use "I" statements.


Nanci needs to let Morgan know that the production line will be down until tomorrow and the items she needs to ship to the customer won't be ready on time. The information Nanci wants to share is called the _____.


A global ______ is your belief in your ability to influence dissimilar others in a global context.


The use of reinforcement theory to change human behavior is called behavior ______.


The goal of an incentive compensation plan is to ______.

motivate employees to work harder for more money

According to Herzberg, ______ factors are more frequently associated with achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, and love of the work itself.


The psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior are collectively called ______.


People who feel greater job satisfaction are also likely to experience greater ______.

motivation, life satisfaction, and commitment to the organization

Conflict that results from a clash between two or more cultures is known as ______ conflict.


Physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior are called ______.


Anything that delays or obstructs any stage of the communication process is referred to, in general, as _____.


During the professor's lecture, Jake was distracted by a classmate's coughing. This distraction is an example of _______ in the communication process.


After a staff meeting in which a coworker criticized Elena, she approached him and stated calmly, "I am unhappy about the way you treated me during the meeting, and I want to discuss it." This is an example of ______ communication.


A rich medium is more effective with _____ situations.


Eye contact, facial expressions, and body movements and gestures are forms of _____ communication.


During the ______ stage of team development, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge.


In Jack's work group, members are developing close interpersonal relationships that have led to an emerging sense of unity and harmony within the team. This is an example of the activities that occur during the ______ stage of group development.


When prioritizing the tasks you need to complete to reach your career goals, you should ______.

order them from low importance to high importance

Patrick's company allows employees to buy stock at a future date for a discounted price. This is referred to as a stock ______.


Roberto's job requires frequent travel. Other positions are available within the company, but his manager has not tried to accommodate Roberto's request for work that would allow him to stay closer to his family. Roberto has started applying for jobs with other companies. Roberto's unhappiness with his job has affected his ______.

organizational commitment

According to the LMX model, in an ______ exchange, leaders are characterized as overseers who fail to create a sense of mutual trust, respect, or common fate.


One of the dangers of using a rich medium for routine matters is information _____, in which the receiver gets more information than necessary.

overloading or overload

After listening to her boss's instructions regarding completion of the project, Angelica said, "Let me make sure I've got this straight. You need this project completed by the 15th of the month so we can go over it and make any changes before our meeting with the client on the 17th. Is that correct?" This is an example of _____.


When people restate in their own words the essential meaning of what they have heard or read, they are ______.


Leadership behavior that is characterized by a lack of leadership skills, such as the management-by-exception style, is referred to as ______ leadership.


The process of interpreting and understanding one's environment is called ______.


During the ______ stage in group and team development, members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned tasks.


According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, ______ power is expressed in an individual's desire to dominate others.


Contingency factors refer to the degree to which individuals want ______.

personal and psychological development

In the fundamental attribution bias, a person attributes the behavior of another person to _____.

personal characteristics

Matt is one of those consistently upbeat, optimistic people. He always looks on the bright side of things and sees the glass as half-full, rather than half-empty. These characteristics describe Matt's _____.


The stable behavioral and psychological characteristics responsible for a person's identity are known as _____.


Richard's use of power is directed toward helping himself rather than helping others. This is an example of ______ power.


The wall separating Henri from his manager made it hard to hear what his manager was saying. The wall is an example of a _____ barrier.


During the tax season, accountant Gregory is under considerable stress to complete all of his clients' tax returns. He finds that he is suffering from repeated headaches. This is an example of a(n) _____ sign of stress.


A pay-for-performance plan in which employees are paid according to their productivity is referred to as ______.

piece rate

Within situational control, the power to make work assignments and reward and punish is called ______ power.


To encourage Mikayla to help around the house, her mother offers to pay her $1 each time she makes her bed in the morning and puts her laundry in the hamper. This is an example of ______.

positive reinforcement

According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, a "control freak" might be described as an individual with normal achievement needs, a low level of affiliation needs, and a very high level of ______ needs.


Legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, and referent are five sources of _____ that leaders may draw on.


The ability to gather human, informational, and other resources to get something done is ______.


Organizational behavior is a field of study that explains and ______ behavior.


The key to protecting yourself against online security threats is ______.


Gina was frustrated when her credit card company sold its customer list to a telemarketing firm. She was not happy that her personal information was released and felt it violated her _____.


The right of people not to reveal information about themselves is called _____.


Which are principal perspectives on motivation?

process, job design, reinforcement, and content

Interdependent actions taken by team members that turn inputs into collective outcomes are known as team ______.


The distribution to employees of a percentage of the company's profits is known as ______.

profit sharing

Jonathan manages a team that has to decide whether to pursue a new business opportunity in Japan. He splits the team into opposing sides and has them engage in role-playing to help them consider the decision from multiple perspectives. This is an example of ______ conflict.


A ______ team works to address a particular problem or specific task. Team members can come from the same or different departments.


Employees' belief that they have some degree of control over their work is referred to as ______.

psychological empowerment

Groups often develop through ______, characterized by alternating periods of stable functioning and events that cause dramatic change in norms, roles, and/or objectives.

punctuated equilibrium

Lark's company has been operating for several years, contracting with the government to create solar arrays around the country. In a recent election, the administration changed and several contracts for solar arrays were canceled. Lark has been meeting with his staff to figure out how to adapt to the lack of funds and keep the business going. This is an example of ______.

punctuated equilibrium

If students arrive late to Professor Clarkson's class, their participation grade is automatically docked five points. This is an example of ______.


Keir's boss calls him into her office to berate him for coming in late for the third time this week. This is an example of ______.


By communicating an organization's opportunities and strengths, as well as its weaknesses and threats, transformational leaders encourage a sense of ______ among their employees.


In equity theory, people compare their ______.

ratio of inputs and outputs to the ratio of others in similar jobs

In the communication process, the person for whom the message is intended is the _____.


The digital era and social media have caused major problems for businesses, including security breaches and ______.

reduced productivity due to handling large volumes of e-mail

Anything that causes a given behavior to be repeated or inhibited is known as ______.


When working on your plan, it is important to ______.

remain flexible

Complete the sentence with all of the accurate statements regarding the relationship between conscientiousness and job performance. Conscientiousness is consistently and positively related to:

resilience, task performance, leadership behavior, and supervisor-rated liking

Power that results from managers' authority to give subordinates bonuses or other incentives for doing a good job is ______ power.


A _____ is a socially determined expectation of how an individual should behave in a specific position; i.e., a set of behaviors that people expect of occupants of a position.


A ______ is a set of behaviors that people expect of individuals in a certain position.


Sets of behaviors that are expected of occupants of a specific position are called _____.


A lean medium is more effective with _____ situations.


Psychological ______ reflects the extent to which people feel free to express their ideas and beliefs without fear of negative consequences.


Sales representatives are paid a percentage of the earnings the company made from their sales in the form of a ______.

sales commission

The extent to which you feel positive or negative about various aspects of your work is called job ______.


The system of safeguards for protecting information technology against disasters, system failures, and unauthorized access that results in damage or loss is called ______.


People with a high need for affiliation ______.

seek social approval

The theory of motivation that asserts that people are driven to try to grow and attain fulfillment, with their behavior and well-being influenced by the three innate needs of competence, autonomy, and relatedness, is known as the ______ theory.


Even though she had never instructed anyone on how to use the new software, Millicent accepted the responsibility of instructing Sherri because she knew she was capable of doing the job. Which aspect of a core self-evaluation does Millicent's belief represent?


The belief in one's ability to complete a task is called __.


Liam knew that everyone else thought he was lazy and incompetent, so rather than tell his work team about an idea, he just let them do all of the work. As a result, his coworkers continued to feel he was lazy and incompetent. What does Liam's behavior demonstrate?

self-fulfilling prophecy

Teams with administrative oversight of their task domains are known as ______ teams.


An aspect of emotional intelligence that involves the ability to control one's emotions and act with honesty and integrity in reliable and adaptable ways is called _____.


When Liz's manager asked her to get the report done right away, Liz didn't know if that meant within an hour or by the end of the week. This is an example of a _____ problem.


When two people from the same culture misunderstand each other because the meaning of the words is unclear, they are experiencing a ______ problem.


Connie believes that women are not as effective leaders as men. This is an example of a(n) _____ stereotype.


When women are viewed as moody, emotional, and catty, whereas men are seen as strong and powerful, it is an illustration of ______.

sex-role stereotypes

According to equity and justice theories, organizational decisions ______.

should include input from the employees they will affect

According to the job characteristics model, the extent to which a job requires the job holder to use a wide range of different talents and abilities is known as ______.

skill variety

Colin decided to use Facebook to announce the new product his company is introducing. Facebook is an example of _____ media.


How women are viewed in the workplace and their opportunities for leadership are shaped by ______ attitudes.


The component of emotional intelligence known as _____ consists of empathy and organizational intuition, the ability to understand how your emotions and actions affect others within the organization.

social awareness

Cell-phone and Internet-based technologies that generate interactive dialog among members of a network are known as _____.

social media

Power directed at helping others, as opposed to helping oneself, is known as ______ power.


Karen was surprised when her friend said that the man at the first table in the restaurant must be a great basketball player just because he was tall and African American. Karen's friend was making a _____.


The tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics you believe are typical of the group to which that individual belongs is known as _____.


With ______, certain employees are given the right to buy stock at a future date for a discounted price.

stock options

A team in the middle of the ______ stage of team development experiences individual conflicts and the emergence of individual personalities within the group.


In Michelle's group, individual members are beginning to assert their personalities, and the group is beginning to experience interpersonal conflict among its members. Michelle's group is entering the ______ stage of group development.


In the integrated model of leadership, leadership behavior is task-oriented, relationship-oriented, passive, or ______.


Kerri Ann feels very tense at work these days. Three people in her department quit, and it is up to her to complete her own work plus all of the work they would have done. She is anxious and often responds rudely when her manager speaks with her about a project. Kerri Ann is experiencing _____.


Stress is the feeling of tension and pressure; the source of that stress is known as a(n) _____.


A goal that goes beyond what a person is actually expected to achieve is a ______ goal.


According to Fiedler, the dimension of situational control referred to as task ______ is the extent to which subordinates perform unambiguous, easily understood, routine tasks.


It is Jacob's role during the meeting to make sure everyone stays on track and focuses on finding out why sales are dropping. Jacob is performing a(n) ______ role.


Jakob thought he would enjoy his job as a web designer, but it turns out that he is responsible only for updating web pages and not for creating them, too. According to the jobs characteristics model, Jakob has low ______.

task identity

Within a team, individuals tend to assume either a ______ role based on the expectations of the team, the organization, or themselves.

task or maintenance

A(n) ______ role concentrates on keeping the team on track and getting the work done.


Nicole runs a "tight ship" in her department. She expects her staff to follow the rules and procedures and is hands-on when it comes to making sure that the organization's production and productivity goals are met. Nicole would best be described as displaying ______ behaviors.


A small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable is known as a ______.


Norms tend to be enforced by ______ to help the group survive, to clarify role expectations, to help individuals avoid embarrassing situations, and to emphasize and identify the group's important values.

team members

Eisuke set several goals for his new hire, who, despite working diligently, failed to meet several of them. According to goal-setting theory, Eisuke should have remembered that setting goals is useful only if ______.

the goals are achievable

Transactional leaders try to get people to do ordinary things, while ______ leaders attempt to get people to do exceptional things.


The personality dimensions of extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience are referred to as _____.

the Big Five personality dimensions

Janeen hears a rumor from a colleague in sales that there is going to be a layoff on Friday afternoon. She quickly calls her friend in accounting to let her know. This is an example of _____.

the grapevine

Darren is interviewing for a new administrative assistant. The three people he interviewed include an older woman, a man in a wheelchair, and a recent college graduate with beautiful blond hair. Darren knew just by looking at each candidate which one he would hire. His impression of each person was based on a single trait. This is known as _____.

the halo effect

The CEO of Widgets, Inc., must decide whether to take the company public. To better understand the potential advantages and disadvantages of the idea, she divides an upper management team into two groups to play opposing roles in a debate. This process is known as ______.

the dialectic method

The means by which a communicator sends a message is called ______.

the medium

The information that is shared in the communication process is called ______.

the message

John has been interviewing job applicants all day. Finally he hires one of the last people he interviewed. He has forgotten important information about a better applicant who spoke to him earlier in the day. He is experiencing _____.

the recency effect

Kayla has made her sales quota every month during the past year except for last month. When her boss conducts her performance appraisal, he focuses on this factor, rather than looking at her sales performance during the previous 11 months. This is an example of _____.

the recency effect

The human resource director told James that, in his role as product supervisor, he would get the best work out of his staff by employing a reward system for a job done well. The human resource director is focused on ______ leadership.


Attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders are called the ______ approaches to leadership.


Candidates for the management development program at GenCo Enterprises must first complete a personality assessment to determine their suitability for a leadership role. Based on this, it would appear that GenCo believes in the ______ approach to leadership.


The T in LGBTQ stands for _____, or a term for people whose sense of their gender differs from what is expected based on the sex characteristics with which they are born.


Reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behaviors is known as ______.


During the monthly meeting, Ethan discussed the two positions that were open in his department since Marcus and Amy had both quit last week. Ethan is discussing the _____ in his department.


Team performance improves when members demonstrate a high tolerance for ______ during the forming and storming stages.


Emily graduated with a degree in chemistry from college last year but hasn't been able to find a job in her academic field. She is currently working at a retail store so she can pay her bills. Emily is over-qualified for this job, which makes her an example of someone who is _____.


Brad sends an email to his boss, asking for permission to attend a training seminar in Houston. This is an example of _______ communication.


Communication from an employee to her boss is an example of _____ communication.


Laura's manager is retiring in six months, and Laura really wants to be promoted to succeed her. In terms of expectancy theory, Laura has a high ______ in regard to her promotion.


Lois asks herself how badly she wants the bonus she could earn by working overtime on her current project. In terms of expectancy theory, this describes Lois's ______ for the additional pay.


Jessica believes she should be concerned for the welfare of others. This belief is an example of a ______.


Abstract ideals that guide a person's thinking and behavior in all situations are called ______.


A manager sends a memo to notify his department of a new company policy. This is an example of ______ communication.


Through ______, people in different locations can see, hear, and talk with one another.

video conferencing

A ______ team consists of members who collaborate over time and distance via electronic media.


Social media allow a company's employees to collaborate with each other and with people outside the organization in a group effort called ______.

virtual teamwork

According to psychologist Martin Seligman, the combined effect of positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement constitutes ______.


When the demands or pressures from work and family domains are mutually incompatible, a person is experiencing ______-life conflict.


The path-goal theory of leadership identified two environmental factors that cause some leadership behaviors to be more effective than others: task structure and ______.

work group dynamics

One survey found that about half of U.S. adults would be willing to take a 10% pay cut if it meant ______.

working at a job they found meaningful

Because emails and texting have replaced the telephone in much business communication, ______ has become an increasingly important management skill.


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