MGT 371 #2

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Studies show only ________ of American employees are highly engaged


One-minute goal setting involves identifying _________ goals, and writing these on one sheet, in 250 words or less

3 to 5

CH 17 A recent survey shows that _________ of North American companies engaged in eleven or more change initiatives within five-year period


The Gallup organizations has identified four human capital strategies that continue to achieve ________ more growth in revenue per employee

59 percent

The Hawthorne studies:

Analyzed working conditions and work relationships

The __________ style of problem-solving involves observing, recording facts, and identifying alternatives


CH 14 Which of the following is most likely the meaning of the statement: "Who would pick someone who smells like fish and mud? Who would pick an unpopular tax collector? Who would pick leaders from filthy wharves and toil-filled fields? But he did, and together they changed the world"?

Effective leadership involves seeing qualities in others unknown to themselves and treating others in a way that brings out their best

In the context of conducting performance reviews, which of the following should employees most likely do during a performance review?

Establish new performance objectives, standards, and completion dates

In the context of diversity practices in the U.S. based private and public organizations as reported by Ann Morrison which of the following is one of the most important practices?

Forming internal advocacy groups

In the context of the five levels of performance excellence, which of the following is most likely true of a contributing team member (Level 2)?

He or she works effectively with others in a group setting

Employee retention is enhanced when the answer is yes to all but one of the following questions?

Is my pay in line with my performance?

Which of the following statements is most likely true of conceptual skill?

It includes the ability to think abstractly

CH 18 In the context of performance management, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of performance coaching?

It involves the development and encouragement of people

Which of the following statements is true in the context of force field analysis?

Leaders often get better results if they focus on reducing barriers

Which of the following should a leader do when assigning work effectively?

Make assignments in a logical manner, give people the opportunity to ask questions and express opinion, be considerate but not apologetic, and use work assignment as a means of developing people

Which of the following should a leader do when assigning work effectively?

Make assignments in a logical manner, give people the opportunity to ask questions and express opinions, be considerate but not apologetic, and use work assignments as a means of developing people

In the context of conducting performance reviews, which of the following should supervisors most likely do before the performance review?

Provide advance notice of the performance review

CH 16 It is a proven fact that expectation of failure can help bring about failure. Conversely, expectation of success can help bring about success. This phenomenon is called the:

Pygmalion effect

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of organizations led by level 5 leaders?

They are technology decelerators

Which of the following statements is true about a cardinal disposition?

This powerful disposition shapes a person's core identity

Both _____ and _______ led their teams by commitment to a task and _________ for people

Tom Landry; Chuck Noll; genuine concern

In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following best describes the multiplication key?

a leader's use of principles and techniques for effective delegation, giving orders, and tapping the potential of all types of followers

In the context of the negative group member roles, which of the following describes a power victim?

a person who seeks negative attention

Which of the following is NOT a positive role someone would play in building a community?

above-it-all person

In the context of a servant leadership mind-set, leaders generate feelings of both uniqueness and belongingness in employees by:

admitting errors

Elements of the art of persuasion include:

an understanding of people, the effective use of words, and the ability to manage conflict

CH 13 In the context of the protocol do's and don't's in Europe, one should ________ in France

be punctual for appointments

Confucian ideals of filial loyalty and five right relationships from the basis of much of East Asian culture. Identify one of these relationships

between husband and wife, father and son, friend and friend, and ruler and subject

CH 19 Sam Walton wrote that success comes from

building a team, hard work, and breaking old rules

Which of the following is defined as a corrective action that is taken to support core values of the organization?

caring confrontation

Several factors can sidetrack the advancement of women int he workplace including:

closed corporate culture, double standards, lack of encouragement

According to Kenneth Thomas, which of the following approaches to managing conflict involves being moderately cooperative and moderately assertive?


Two aspects of caring leadership are commitment to a task and _________

concern for others

According to the conscious competence performance model, in level III of performance effectiveness, a performer is

consciously competent

In the context of fulling functioning groups, which of the following characteristics does a group possess when all the members of the group are in general agreement and willing to go along with the decisions of the group?


Ann Fudge provides leadership advice for women and men in all organizations, including all of the following EXCEPT

continually changing

in the context of the five phases in the life of an organization, which of the following occurs in phase 3?

crisis of control

CH 10 according to Drucker, which of the following leadership effectiveness rules provides the knowledge leaders need?

determine what needs to be done

Winston Churchill though this voice was weak, and he suffered from stage fright that he overcame by:

determined practice, using simple words, vivid imagery, bold delivery, and notes in hand

Which of the following is a major issue in stage III in the life of a group?

development of trust

In the context of the styles of interpersonal relations, the basis of action for traditionals is:

direction from authorities

identify a true statement about participative

discussion and agreement with others are the basis of action for them

Proven policies and techniques that have positive effects on employee morale include all of the following except:

eliminating rewards based on job classification

According to John Holland's model of personality and occupational types, enterprising people _________

enjoy leading, speaking, and convincing others

The five highest stress jobs in the US for 2015 were

enlisted soldier, fire fighter, newspaper reporter, airplane pilot, and police officer

The four stages in the typical path to burnout are:

enthusiasm, slowdown, stagnation, and apathy

CH 15 The qualities that are associated with jobs requiring high social contact and service to others are most likely found in people high in ________


Organizations must effectively manage five team processes for the team concept to work. These processes are:

fact-finding, theorizing, executing, consolidating, and learning

Ralph Waldo Emerson describes "city dolls" who

felt entitles and complained when life was not easy

In the context of employee morale and the role of management, compared with younger workers, older employees are more interested in:

fringe benefits

In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, when a person is motivated by _______ needs, his or her primary concern is to attain personal values and to experience growth


In the context of the styles of interpersonal relations, individualists are most likely to

generate new ideas and creativity

Innovation can be increased by:

having a questioning attitude, using a new ideas system, keeping an open mind

Women in high leadership positions typically have a passion for success, a superior track record, outstanding people skills, and ________.

help from above, mental toughness, and career courage

According to the five-level hierarchy proposed by management author James Collins, level 1 comprises _________

highly capable individuals

Although people across generations tend to have different experiences and develop different tastes, they tend to share important ethical values such as ________.


in the context of McGregor's prescriptions for an enlightened workplace, McGregor believed that:

human goodness is innate but that is can be thwarted by a dysfunctional environment

According to Donald Kirkpatrick's The Four Levels Approach, which of the following is measured by improvement in bottom-line results such as sales, quality, customer satisfaction, safety, employee morale, turnover, costs, and profits?


Research shows over 60 percent of variance on performance ratings can be traced to __________

individual raters' biases

In the context of management processes or functions, the organizing (O) function ________

involves aligning structure, people, and resources to achieve goals

A satisfied need________

is not a motivator

A leader can create a high performance team by:

keeping people informed about progress, showing enthusiasm for the work of the group, making timely decisions based on group goals, and putting otter's first and self last

Two out of three employees say their ________ play(s) a bigger part in creating stress at work than any other personal, organizational, or environmental factor


Abe Lincoln's great competence was seen in his knowledge of history, law, and current conditions, which he used in addition to common sense and practical judgement in dealing with people. In 1964, the NY Herald described Lincoln as having common sense, a kindly disposition, a straightforward purpose, and a shrewd perception of the ins and outs of human nature. In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which component does this exemplify?

leadership principles (the vault key)

Peter Drucker believed all of the following statement except that:

leadership style is important

In the face of virtuality of work relationships brought on by advances in information technology, an effective leader will

maintain high standards of written and spoken communication

In the context of keeping an open mind, which of the following is an action of a leader that closes minds and kills creativity?

maintaining fragmented schedules

In the context of setting performance objectives, which of the following is most likely a part of the area pertaining to cost?


In the context of burnout, which of the following refers to burnout victims who do their job well but who do not like that they are doing?

mismatched people

According to educator S.I. Hayakawa, which of the following is the primary goal of a human being?

not self-preservation but preservation of the symbolic self

If an organization values and manages diversity as an asset, the organization will most likely __________

notice an increase in workforce creativity

According to Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, which of the following leaderships techniques is useful for the performance planning?

one-minute goal setting

Identify the five robust dimensions or traits, each of which shows considerable stability from one situation to another and over time, as well as across cultures

openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism

Widget Corp., an electronic gadget manufacturing company, forms a team that is led by Adam to design and develop a new product. Adam, upon agreement on direction, sets objectives and benchmarks with his teammates to achieve the desired goal. In the context of the role of a leader in the team concept, it is evident that Adam facilitates the work of the team to accomplish ________


In the context of the principles of developing others, which of the following is most likely a personal condition conducive for growth?

people growing when they are encouraged by someone they respect

Calvin Coolidge saw ________ as the most important requirement for solving problems


The trend towards team-based projects, virtual communities, and ________ will only accelerate the move toward shared leadership and the need for leadership education

personal responsibility

entrepreneurship requires all of the following except:

possessing unlimited financial resources

Performance reviews should include three steps:

preparation, implementation, and follow-up

The time perspective for individualists is the __________


In the context of diversity practices in the U.S. based private and public organizations as reported by Ann Morrison which of the following is one of the most important practices?

promoting targeted recruitment

Which of the following guidelines is most likely useful in meeting the needs of traditionals?

providing an organization chart showing reporting relationships

CH 12 In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, an organization most likely meets its employee's' needs for recognition by providing

public acclaim for outstanding contribution

In the context of the 360-degree feedback for improving performance, research shows that improvement is most likely to occur when

recipients believe change is possible

The two primary messages of A Class Divided are:

recognizing the evil of discrimination and the power of the self-fulfilling propecy

In the context of the attitude curve in response to change, which of the following is a characteristic of the resistance phase?

security and other needs are threatened, so overt defenses are employed

An employee concerned primarily with the seniority system, insurance plan, and retirement policy is motivated by:

security needs

According to the dimensions of emotional intelligence, _________ is the ability to recognize and understand the meaning of one's own emotions, moods, and drives and their impact on others


CH 11 In the context of accomplishing a task in different stages int he life of a group, norming involves:

sharing interpretations and perspectives

According to Warren Bennis, which of the following is not one of the principles of effective leadership?

spending time only with people who can help you

In the context of the principles of developing others, judging differs from coaching in that judging is:

standardized for all individuals

An effect way to learn is by _______

studying the masters

In the context of burnout, which of the following refers to burnout victims who want to do everything themselves because no one else can or will and they have never let anyone down?

super people

Identify a proven principle for assigning work effectively

take responsibility for the orders you give, know exactly what you want to communicate before giving an order, ask rather than tell, but leave no doubt that you expect compliance, and make assignments in a logical sequence, using clear and concise language

In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following best describes the front door key?

the empowerment of people, including the power that comes with leadership position, combines with a leader's practice of servant leadership

In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following refers to the importance of ethics, including the character of the leader- honor, honesty, courage, and other related qualities?

the golden key

In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following refers to a leader's vision, including his or her motives for influencing others-power, achievement, altruism- and the strength of these motives?

the ignition key

Which of the following is a characteristic of professional will of level 5 leadership?

the leader sets the standard of building an enduring an great organization and will settle for nothing less

Performance improvement is likely to occur when four conditions are met that include all of the following except

the recipient being young

In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following refers to a leader's ability to achieve results, including the degree of discipline the leader has developed in followers, and the effective use of corrective action?

the score key

In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following refers to a leader's ability to understand people and to persuade them to do things, including sensitivity to their needs, skill in listening and speaking, and motivation effectiveness?

the skeleton key

The "Peter Principle" refers to

the tendency of organizations to promote individuals to their level of impometence

Ben Franklin prescribed taking time for

thinking, playing, reading, love, friends, laughter, giving, and working

As a guideline for conflict management, use collaboration is all of the following situations except:

to build social credit for later use

Which of the following is one of the best ways to make a successful vital shift?

to use the new-job tryout

Research shows ________ of all employees feel management isn't listening to them


In the context of the attitude curve in response to change, which of the following is a characteristic of the denial phase?

unpleasant facts are ignored or dismissed in favor of more satisfying thoughts

In the context of basic beliefs about people, when we view people as means to an end, we :

use them as instruments

Leaders should delegate _______ tasks so that a subordinate can see a project or assignment through to completion, and they should allow time to get jobs down


In "100 Best Companies to Work for", Fortune magazine cities ______ as the most important criterion

work-life balance

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