MGT-420 Exam #1 Self Test Questions | Exploring Management

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1. A management consultant who advises managers to carefully study jobs, train workers to do them with effi cient motions, and tie pay to job perfomance is using ideas from _________.(a) scientifi c managemen(b) contingency thinking(c) Henri Fayol(d) Th eory


10. If the direction in managerial work today is away from command and control, what is it heading towards?(a) Coaching and facilitating(b) Telling and selling(c) Pushing and pulling(d) Carrot and stick


10. In ______________ cultures, members tend to do one thing at a time; in ____________ cultures, members tend to do many things at once.(a) monochronic; polychronic(b) universal; particular(c) collectivist; individualist(d) neutral; aff ectiv


10. In a hierarchy of objectives, plans at lower levels are supposed to act as _________ for accomplishing higher-level plans.(a) means(b) ends(c) scenarios(d) benchmarks


10. When a worker is a responsible parent, makescar payments, and is active in local organizations, how might Argyris explain her poor workperformance?(a) She isn't treated as an adult at work.(b) Managers are using Th eory Y assumptions(c) Organizational subsystems are ineffi cien(d) She doesn't have the right work skills.


12. Th e big interest today in _________ refers to themanagement practice of using mathematics and computing power to examine "big data" for insights on business.(a) continuous improvement(b) Th eory (c) analytics(d) total quality managemen


12. When a team leader clarifies desired work targets and deadlines for a work team, he or she is fulfiling the management function of _________.(a) planning(b) delegating(c) controlling(d) supervising


15. Which is the best defi nition of a truly "globalmanager?"(a) A manager who is competent working across cultures(b) A manager who travels internationally on busi-ness at least once a year(c) A manager who lives and works in a foreign country(d) A manager who is employed by a transnational corporation


15. Which of the following is a responsibility that is most associated with the work of a CEO, or chief executive offi cer, of a large compan(a) Aligning the company with changes in the exter-nal environment(b) Reviewing annual pay raises for all employees(c) Monitoring short-term performance of lower-level task forces and committees(d) Conducting hiring interviews for new college graduates


2. Th e benefi ts of planning often include ________(a) improved focus(b) less need for controlling(c) more accurate forecasts(d) guaranteed success


2. When members of minority cultures feel that they have to behave similar to the ways of the majority culture, this tendency is called ______________.(a) biculturalism(b) particularism(c) the glass ceiling eff ec(d) multiculturalism


4. If your local bank or credit union is a complex system, then the loan-processing department of the bank would be considered a _________.(a) subsystem(b) closed system(c) learning organization(d) bureaucracy


6. One major diff erence between an internationalbusiness and a transnational corporation is that the transnational tries to operate _________.(a) without a strong national identity(b) in at least six foreign countries(c) with only domestic managers at the top(d) without corruption


7. When a manager denies promotion to a qualified worker simply because of personally disliking her because she is Hispanic, this is an example of _________.(a) discrimination(b) accountability(c) self-management(d) a free-agent economy


7. When a manager is asked to justify a new budget proposal on the basis of projected activities rather than as an incremental adjustment to the prior year's budget, this is an example of _________.(a) zero-based budgeting(b) strategic planning(c) operational planning(d) contingency planning


7. When members of the marketing department stick close to one another, as well as share jokes and even a slang language, the likelihood is that a/an ______________ subculture is forming.(a) occupational(b) generational(c) gender(d) ethnic


8. When someone experiences culture shock on a study abroad trip, the fi rst stage is likely to be one of anxiety caused by confusion in the new cultural setting. What is the next stage in culture shock?(a) Experiencing a sense of confi dence from small victories in dealing with diff erences(b) Displaying outright irritation and anger at the ways of this new culture.(c) Wanting to give up and go home immediately.(d) Accepting reality and enjoying the good and bad aspects


9. If an organization was performing poorly, what would Henri Fayol most likely advise as a way to improve things?(a) teach managers to better plan, organize, lead, and control(b) give workers better technology(c) promote only the best workers to management(d) fi nd ways to improve total quality managemen


10. When the profi ts of large international businessesare disproportionately high relative to those of smaller fi rms and even the economies of somecountries, this is called _________.(a) return on risk for business investment(b) the globalization gap(c) protectionism(d) most favored nations status


11. If a government seizes all foreign assets of global fi rms operating in the country, the loss to foreignfi rms is considered a _________ risk of international business.(a) franchise(b) political(c) currency(d) corruption


12. From a time management perspective, which manager is likely to be in best control of his or her time? One who _________.(a) tries to never say "no" to requests from others(b) works on the most important things fi rs(c) immediately responds to instant messages(d) always has "an open offi ce doo


13. Which of the following is identifi ed by researchersas a universal inhibitor of leadership success across cultures?(a) Inspiring confi denc(b) Acting autocratic(c) Being a good planner(d) Acting trustworthy


14. If an organization is considered an open system, work activities that turn resources into outputs are part of the _________ process.(a) input(b) transformation(c) output(d) feedback


14. Th e best planning goals or objectives would havewhich of the following characteristics?(a) Easy enough so that no one fails to reach them(b) Realistic and possible to achieve, while still challenging(c) Open ended, with no clear end point identifi e(d) No set timetable or due dates


15. If someone commits what Hofstede calls the "ecological fallacy," what are they likely tobe doing? (a) Disregarding monochronic behavior(b) Assuming all members of a culture fi t thpopular stereotype(c) Emphasizing proxemics over time orientation(d) Forgetting that cultural intelligence can be learned


15. When managers make decisions based on solid facts and information, this is known as _________.(a) continuous improvement(b) evidence-based management(c) Th eory (d) Th e scalar chai


2. Th e Hawthorne studies were important in management history because they raised awareness about the infl uence of _________ on productivity(a) organization structures(b) human factors(c) physical work conditions(d) pay and rewards


3. Th e beliefs that older workers are not creativand prefer routine, low-stress jobs are stereotypes that might create bad feelings among members of diff erent ______________ subcultures in organizations.(a) gender(b) generational(c) functional(d) ethnic


3. Th e fi rst step in the planning process is to ________(a) decide how to get where you want to go(b) defi ne your objective(c) identify possible future conditions or scenarios(d) act quickly to take advantage of opportunities


3. The process of building and maintaining good working relationships with others who may someday help a manager implement his or her work agendas is called _________.(a) governance(b) networking(c) emotional intelligence(d) entrepreneurship


4. According to Robert Katz, _________ skills are more likely to be emphasized by top managers than by first-line managers(a) human(b) conceptual(c) informational(d) technical


4. Among the three leadership approaches to diversity identifi ed by Thomas, which one is primarildirected at making sure that enough minorities and women are hired by the organization?(a) Equal employment opportunity(b) Affi rmative acti(c) Valuing diversity(d) Managing diversity


4. As a first step to help implement her firm's strategic plans, the CEO of a business firm would want marketing, manufacturing, and finance executives to develop clear and appropriate _________.(a) procedures(b) operational plans(c) zero-based budgets(d) forecasts


4. When foreign investment creates new jobs in the U.S., this is a form of _________ that is welcomed by the local economy.(a) globalization(b) insourcing(c) joint venturing(d) licensing


5. An effective manager is someone who helps others to achieve high levels of both _________ and _________.(a) pay; satisfaction(b) performance; satisfaction(c) performance; pay(d) pay; quality of work life


5. Pluralism and the absence of discrimination and prejudice in policies and practices are two impor-tant hallmarks of ______________.(a) the glass ceiling eff ec(b) a multicultural organization(c) exclusive organizational cultures(d) affi rmative acti


5. When a Hong Kong fi rm makes an agreement withthe Walt Disney Company to use the Disney logo and legally make jewelery in the shape of Disney cartoon characters, Disney is engaging in a form of international business known as _________.(a) exporting (b) licensing(c) joint venturing (d) franchising


6. Which of the following is one of the characteristics of Weber's ideal bureaucracy?(a) Few rules and procedures(b) Impersonality(c) Promotion by privilege not by merit(d) Ambiguous hierarchy of authority


8. One of the conclusions from the Hawthorne studies was that _________.(a) motion studies could improve performance(b) groups can sometimes restrict the productivity of their members(c) people respond well to monetary incentives(d) supervisors should avoid close relations with their subordinates


9. When managers use benchmarking in the planning process, they usually try to _________.(a) set up fl exible budget(b) identify best practices used by others(c) fi nd the most accurate forecasts that are availabl(d) use expert staff planners to set objective


1. In addition to gaining new markets, businesses often go international in the search for _________.(a) political risk(b) protectionism(c) lower labor costs(d) most favored nation status


1. Which statement is most consistent with argu-ments that diversity is good for organizations?(a) Having a diverse workforce guarantees success.(b) Diversity is easy to manage because it is already valued by all people.(c) Diverse workforces help organizations deal with diverse customers.(d) When workforces are diverse, organizations can spend less on training.


11. If a team leader wants to tap the advantages of participatory planning, what type of decision- making method should he or she use?(a) Authority(b) Quantitative(c) Group(d) Zero-based


11. Th e manager's role in the "upside-down pyramid"view of organizations is best described as providing _________ so that operating workers can directly serve _________.(a) direction; top management(b) leadership; organizational goals(c) support; customers(d) agendas; networking


11. _________ management assumes people are complex, with widely varying needs.(a) Classical(b) Neoclassical(c) Behavioral(d) Modern


12. Who gains most when the dollar weakens versus a foreign currency such as the Brazilian real?(a) American consumers of Brazilian products(b) Brazilian fi rms selling products in Europ(c) American fi rms selling products in Brazi(d) Brazilian consumers of European products


13. It is common in Malaysian culture for people to value teamwork and to display great respect for authority. Hofstede would describe this culture as high in both ______________.(a) uncertainty avoidance and feminism(b) universalism and particularism(c) collectivism and power distance(d) long-term orientation and masculinity


13. Th e highest level in Maslow's hierarchy is _________(a) safety(b) esteem(c) self-actualization(d) physiological


13. Th e research of Mintzberg and others concludesthat most managers _________.(a) work at a leisurely pace.(b) have blocks of private time for planning.(c) always live with the pressures of performance responsibility.(d) have the advantages of short workweeks.


14. Emotional intelligence helps us to manage our-selves and our relationships eff ectively. Someonethat is high in emotional intelligence will have the capacity to _________, an ability to think before acting and to control potentially disruptive emo-tions and actions.(a) set agendas(b) show motivation(c) self-regulate(d) act as a leader


14. If an international business fi rm has separate vicepresidents in charge of its Asian, African, and European divisions, it is most likely using a global _________ structure.(a) product (b) functional(c) area (d) matrix


14. On which dimension of national culture did the United States score highest and Japanscore highest in Hofstede's original surveyresearch?(a) Masculinity, femininity(b) Long-term, short-term(c) Individualism, masculinity(d) High uncertainty avoidance, collectivism


15. Th e planning process isn't complete until _________(a) future conditions have been identifi e(b) stretch goals have been set(c) plans are implemented and results evaluated(d) budgets commit resources to plans | CHAPTER 5


2. The management function of _________ is being activated when a bookstore manager measures daily sales in the magazine section and compares them with daily sales targets.(a) planning(b) agenda setting(c) controlling(d) delegating


3. If Douglas McGregor heard an instructor complain-ing that her students were lazy and irresponsible, he would say these assumptions _________.(a) violated scientifi c management idea(b) focused too much on needs(c) would create a negative self-fulfi lling prophec(d) showed contingency thinking


5. When a manager puts Danté in a customer rela-tions job because he has strong social needs and gives Sherrill lots of daily praise because she has strong ego needs, he is displaying _________.(a) systems thinking(b) Th eory (c) contingency thinking(d) administrative principles


6. Having a clear sexual harassment policy won't help an organization much unless it is accompanied by clear _________ that let all members know for sure how it will be implemented.(a) contingencies(b) benchmarks(c) procedures(d) budgets


7. Th e Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it illegalfor _________.(a) U.S. businesses to work with subcontractors run-ning foreign sweatshop operations(b) foreign businesses to pay bribes to U.S. govern-ment offi cia(c) U.S. businesses to make "payoff s" abroad to gaininternational business contracts(d) foreign businesses to steal intellectual property from U.S. fi rms operating in their countrie


9. The intellectual capital equation states: Intellectual Capital x ________________ = Commitment.(a) Diversity(b) Confidenc(c) Competency(d) Communication


1. If a sales department supervisor is held accountable by a middle manager for the department's performance, on whom is the department supervisor dependent in making this performance possible?(a) Board of directors(b) Top management(c) Customers or clients(d) Department salespersons


1. Planning is best described as the process of _________ and _________.(a) developing premises about the future; evaluating them(b) measuring results; taking corrective action(c) measuring past performance; targeting future performance(d) setting objectives; deciding how to accomplish them


11. When a foreign visitor to India attends a dinner and criticizes as "primitive" the local custom of eating with one's fi ngers, he or she can be described asacting in a/an ______________ way.(a) culturally intelligent(b) polychronic(c) monochronic(d) ethnocentric


12. In a high-context culture we would expect to fi nd______________.(a) low uncertainty avoidance(b) high power distance(c) monochronic time orientation(d) strong emphasis on nonverbal communication


13. A marketing plan in a business fi rm would mostlikely deal with _________.(a) production methods and technologies(b) money and capital investments(c) facilities and workforce recruiting(d) sales and product distribution


2. When boot-maker Rocky Brands bought 70% ownership of a manufacturing company in the Dominican Republic, Rocky was engaging in which form of international business?(a) Import/export(b) Licensing(c) Foreign subsidiary(d) Joint venture


3. When Limited Brands buys cotton in Egypt and has tops sewn from it in Sri Lanka according to designs made in Italy and then sells the tops at Victoria's Secret stores in the United States, this is a form of international business known as _________.(a) licensing(b) importing(c) joint venturing(d) global sourcing


5. _________ planning identifi es alternative coursesof action that can be quickly taken if problems occur with the original plan.(a) Benchmark(b) Participatory(c) Staff(d) Contingency


6. Th e term ______________ helps describe anorganization that fully integrates members of minority cultures and majority cultures.(a) equal employment opportunity(b) affi rmative acti(c) revolving door syndrome(d) pluralism


6. _________ is the active oversight by boards of directors of top management decisions in such areas as corporate strategy and financial reporting.(a) Value chain analysis(b) Productivity(c) Outsourcing(d) Corporate governance


7. Which principle states that a person should only receive orders from one boss in an organization?(a) Scalar(b) Contingency(c) Hawthorne(d) Unity of command


8. A company buys cloth in one country, has designs made in another country, has the garments sewn in another country, and sells the fi nished product inyet other countries. This firm is actively engaging ithe practice of _________.(a) job migration(b) performance eff activeness(c) value creation(d) global sourcing


8. One of the expected benefi ts of participatoryplanning is _________.(a) faster planning(b) less need for forecasting(c) greater attention to contingencies(d) more commitment to implementation


8. Th e World Trade Organization, or WTO, wouldmost likely become involved in disputes between countries over _________.(a) exchange rates(b) ethnocentrism(c) nationalisation(d) tariff s and protectionis


9. Th e athletic footwear maker New Balance discovered that exact copies of its running shoe designs were on sale in China under the name "New Barlun." Th is is an example of a/an _________ problem ininternational business.(a) most favored nation(b) global strategic alliance(c) joint venture(d) intellectual property rights


9. When dealing with proxemics as a silent language of culture, what is the issue of most concern?(a) How people use the spoken word to communicate(b) How people use nonverbal to communicate(c) How people use time to communicate(d) How people use space to communicate


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