MHR 365 Final Exam

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China: 1990 Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Disabled Persons

defines a person with a disability as a "person who suffers from abnormalities or loss of a certain organ or function, psychological or physiologically, or in anatomical structure and has lost wholly or in part the ability to perform an activity in the way considered normal" all enterprises are to have a workforce with at least 1.5% employees with disabilities

What is an undue hardship?

depends on the size of the employer - if providing an accommodation requires a significant expense or difficulty relative to the employer's size and financial resources, then the employer does not have to provide the accommodation because it is not reasonable for them

What is organizational citizenship behavior?

discretionary behavior which is not part of one's formal job requirements but helps the functioning of the organization

What are major life activities?

include walking, speaking, breathing, hearing, seeing, learning, working, and being able to take care of oneself, among many others

This results in a surplus of $35 billion per year, which on the one hand reduces the wages of the native-born citizens who are in competition with the immigrants for jobs by $402 billion per year, but on the other hand?

increases the income of employers who hire immigrant labor by an estimated $437 billion per year

Older persons with the same or similar qualifications or attributes as younger persons commonly receive higher or lower ratings in interviews and performance appraisals?


Worldwide, the data show that people with disabilities have lower or higher employment rates than people without disabilities?

lower; in US the difference is a 2:1 ratio

What is a mental impairment?

may include a psychological disorder, emotional or mental illnesses, and learning disabilities

There was a small positive or negative correlation between age and commitment to the organization, organizational identification, loyalty to the organization, person-organizational fit, and trust in the organization?


Age was positively or negatively related to satisfaction with coworkers, satisfaction with supervisor, interpersonal trust, and positively or negatively related to relationship conflict?

positively; negatively

Social exchange with the employer is positively or negatively associated with company performance and positively or negatively associated with collective turnover intentions among the employees?

positively; negatively

What is a reasonable accommodation?

refers to an adjustment that an employer can make to enable a qualified person to perform the job without causing an undue hardship to the employer

What is symbolic threat?

refers to the majority group's concerns that the immigrant groups will challenge their values or way of life **reason why immigrants experience discrimination

The studies that have found a negative impact on the native-born population find that it reduces employment what people in the native-born population?

the less educated, the young, and for minorities

The United Nation's World Health Report describes disability as...

"The umbrella term for impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions, referring to the negative aspects of the interaction between an individual (with a health condition) and that individual's contextual factors (environmental and personal factors)"

The average reported cost for an accommodation for a disabled worker above the cost of providing equipment for a non-disabled worker in the same position was $________


Of those employers with accommodations that required a one-time cost, the average cost was $________


What are two helpful laws then in regards to weight?

(1) The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (RHA): prohibits employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities by organizations that hold government contracts, receive federal grants, and are government agencies and departments (2) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA): which extends this prohibition to private employers and state and local entities

The definition of "major life activities" was expanded by including two non-exhaustive lists

(1) The first list includes EEOC recognized activities such as walking and other activities such as bending, reading, and communicating (2) The second list includes major bodily functions such as functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive functions

What are the legal protections here in America related to immigration?

(1) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects against discrimination based on national origin (2) Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) prohibits discrimination in employment based on national origin or citizenship status for those authorized to work in the U.S.

Looking at age, what are the generations at work?

(1) Traditionalists are 1922-1945 8% (2) Baby boomers are 1946-1964 44% (3) Generation X are 1965-1980 34% (4) Millennials are 1981-2000 14%

Northern Ireland: age discrimination --> what are the 6 ways this law defines unlawful discrimination?

(1) direct discrimination (2) indirect discrimination (3) age victimization (4) age harassment (5) discrimination for failing to carry out an age discriminatory instruction (6) discrimination after a relationship has come to an end

Perceived discrimination can be covered under the ADA if person in question has:

(a) a physical or mental impairment that does not substantially limit major life activities but is treated by the employer as constituting such a limitation (b) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major life activities only as a consequence of the attitudes of others toward such impairment (c) no impairment at all, but is treated by the employer as having a substantially limiting impairment

Looking at some research related to the economic impact according to the American Immigration Council (2012)...

(a) there is no correlation between immigration and unemployment (b) immigrants create jobs both because they are consumers who demand goods and services and because they are often entrepreneurs who create businesses, and (c) immigrants and native-born workers are usually in different jobs and do not compete with one another

Younger worker positive stereotypes

**not listed in book, come back to this

National statistics on BMI

- 2/3 of adults are overweight or obese - 1/3 of adults are obese - over 1 in 20 adults have extreme obesity - about 1/3 of children are overweight or obese - 1 in 6 children are obese

Northern Ireland: age discrimination

- Employment Equality Regulations 2006 is a law that makes discrimination on the basis of age illegal with respect to employment, occupations, higher education, and vocational training - covers people of ALL ages - prohibits all employers, no matter the size of the company, from subjecting job applicants or current employees, to age discrimination and harrassment

Immigration: Sergey Brin

- Google co-founder is one example of the economic impact immigrants can have on the U.S. economy - Russian immigrant - As of July 2015, Google, headquartered in Mountain View, California, employed 57,100 people

According to the United States Census Bureau, what are the disability stats here in America?

- about 56.7 million people or 18.7% of the population in the United States has a disability - of the 56.7 million people with a disability, 38.3% are considered severe disabilities - 12.3% need assistance - disability increases with age

Social change and acceptance of the disabled in China

- before 1980, "can fei," which means "the handicapped and useless," was frequently used to refer to the disabled - today, the term "canji ren," which means "disabled persons" or "persons with disabilities," is being used more often

Immigration: Albert Einstein

- born in Germany of Jewish descent - won the Nobel Prize in 1921 - immigrated to the United States in 1933 - alerted U.S. government to Germany's uranium enrichment in 1939 - after WWII, advocated for nuclear disarmament

India: the Government of India Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (2013) and disability

- defines a person with a disability as someone with any non-temporary impairment that can hinder their full and effective societal participation - this includes twenty conditions (e.g., blindness) that are considered protected classes under Indian disability law

Germany: disability def. and status

- defines as disabled a person whose physical, cognitive, or psychological health deviates from the typical average for someone their age for a period of more than six months, thus having a negative impact on their inclusion in society - disability status is diagnosed by a medical doctor who assigns a degree of disability ranging from 0 to 100 percent - this disability score is documented on an official disability identification card that can then be used by the cardholder to obtain selected benefits

Spain: law of Social Integration of Disabled People or LISMI

- dictates that employers with a payroll of over 50 employees hire individuals with disabilities at no less than 2% of its workforce - the reality is that few businesses comply with the law

Obstacles faced by immigrants

- discriminated due to accent - occupy low-level job - although immigrants in the U.S. are more likely to be employed than native-born citizens, they tend to have lower incomes, live in poverty more often, and are less likely to have health care - stereotypes - policies that highlight immigrant status - job credentials not recognized

What are ways that we can reduce this issue?

- diversity-friendly human resource policies mitigate the effects between age diversity and a climate for age discrimination - negative age stereotypes among top managers exacerbated the effects of age diversity on perceived climate for age discrimination and made that relationship stronger - organizational age diversity and age diversity management practices are positively associated with organizational attractiveness and negatively associated with expected age discrimination

Research Findings on Weight: obesity for men

- does not seem to play a role in labor participation - choose jobs where they have a productivity advantage - choose to work in the service industry because this occupation affords them a higher wage in exchange for accepting greater stress-related risk

Employee Reactions to Coworkers with Disabilities and Accommodations

- experimental studies reveal mixed attitudes toward coworkers with a disability - studies also showed that accommodations for the disabled may be perceived as unfair when they help the requester outperform the competition

Recommendations for Practice from Reviews of Age Research

- identify reasonable factors unrelated to age - avoid erroneous decisions based on stereotypes - use training and development - allow equal opportunity to people of all ages - identify most qualified employees regardless of age - give older employees more cognitively challenging tasks

Challenges faced by younger employees

- in America, no federal law protecting employees under age 40 - younger workers perceive the negative impressions of being seen as untrustworthy and given less responsibility because of their age, as well as being paid less than other workers with similar jobs

United Kingdom: 2010 Equality Act

- it is unlawful to directly discriminate against anyone by treating them less favorably than someone else because of their age - it is also unlawful to discriminate indirectly against anyone by applying a practice that disadvantages any particular age groups - it is illegal to subject someone to harassment because of their age, and to victimize someone because they have made or intend to make an age discrimination claim either for themselves or to provide evidence in someone else's claim - it is illegal to discriminate against someone in certain circumstances after the employment has ended unless there is a justifiable reason for that - it is also illegal to force someone to retire unless it can be objectively justified - covers employees of all ages

What is the realistic group conflict theory? How does it relate to discrimination amongst immigrants?

- it's the perception that another group is competing with one's own for scarce resources - leads to more prejudice expressed against immigrants, particularly during poor economic conditions - the whether blue or white collar worker, those who have the most to fear from immigrants will have the most negative attitudes toward them

The Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act (ADAAA, 2008)

- law expanded the definition of major life activities to include chronic illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and cancer - chronic illnesses that are episodic and may be in remission would be included if they substantially limit major life activities when these illnesses are active

Older worker negative stereotypes

- less capable of learning - less motivated - lower performance - resist change and learning new technology

Purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act

- level the playing field and provide equal opportunities to people with a disability compared to people without a disability - this includes employment, whereby a qualified individual is one who can carry out the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation - it is important for employers to define the essential functions of all jobs - the non-essential functions of the job are tasks that are secondary to that particular position

Research Findings on Weight: obesity for women

- lower probability of holding a job in some occupations - women pay an obesity wage penalty - primarily employed in relatively low-paying jobs and mostly excluded from high-paying managerial occupations - bias against hiring overweight job applicants exists, especially for women applicants

Older worker positives stereotypes

- more likely to perform organizational citizenship behavior - more experienced and knowledgeable about the job - more dependable - more stable - more reliable

Are stereotypes about older people true?

- no, most stereotypes about older workers have no basis in fact - found that performance tends to increase with age and that, when declines are seen, they tend to be small - in a meta-analysis they found that age was largely unrelated to core task performance, creativity, and performance in training programs

Challenges faced by young supervisors

- older subordinates may have lower expectations of them - older subordinates may not take instructions from supervisors well - younger supervisors may also be uncomfortable giving directions to subordinates who are older than they are - the contradicting age norm

What are some more observations about older workers in the Ng and Feldman 2012 study?

- older workers are not less motivated - older workers have a lower desire to partake in developmental activities - older workers are not more resistant to change - older workers are not less trusting - older workers are not less healthy - older workers are not more vulnerable to work-family imbalance

What did they find evidence of age demonstrating a strong relationship with?

- organizational citizenship behavior (inc.) - workplace safety (inc.) - counterproductive work behavior (dec.) - workplace aggression (dec.) - substance abuse (dec.) - tardiness (dec.) - absenteeism (dec.) Effect sizes were small to moderate in magnitude

To increase the employment rates among disabled persons, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment...

- provides monetary awards and recognition to outstanding employers of people with disabilities - implemented small quotas to employ people with disabilities in selected jobs within public sector organizations

The stereotype content model: competence and warmth

- reported the least favorable perceptions of competence and warmth for undocumented immigrants - other groups that received low ratings on competence and warmth were migrant farm workers, Africans, Latinos, Mexicans, and South Americans - Irish and Italian immigrants were seen as high in warmth but low in competence; Asian immigrants (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) were perceived the opposite way, as being high on competence but low on warmth; Indian immigrants, Canadian immigrants, and third generation immigrants were grouped in the same cluster as Americans and college students

Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities

- research shows that observers can categorize persons with disabilities, which triggers stereotyping, and can lead to discriminatory behavior - research shows that being discriminated can lead to a lack of employment and scarcity of adequate housing for people with disabilities

United Nations recommendations to organizations related to disability

- respect for the dignity and individual autonomy of all people, including the ability to make one's own choices - no tolerance for discrimination - inclusion of people with disability in society so they have effective and full participation - acceptance of people with disabilities as a natural part of human diversity and respect for these differences - providing equality of opportunity for all - providing accessibility for the disabled - promoting equality between women and men - respecting the capacities of children with disabilities and the right of these children to preserve their identities

Younger worker negative stereotypes

- sense of entitlement - narcissistic - not loyal - lack of trust - lack of respect

Do jobs have a correct age?

- some jobs are associated with different ages - negative stereotypes are activated when older people apply for jobs not seen as age appropriate - bias against older workers may result in lower evaluations for older applicants applying for stereotypically old jobs

What are other reasons why immigrants may experience discrimination?

- the tendency to categorize and over-simplify out-groups may lead native-born citizens to generalize their views and attitudes about one group of immigrants toward other immigrants - more established groups of immigrants who have been in the country for a long time exhibit prejudice toward newer groups of immigrants - political climate (amnesty or deportation for illegal immigrants)

Research Findings about Employee Age and Job Attitudes

- there are no meaningful differences between the generations with respect to job attitudes - age is positively correlated to task-based attitudes - age is positively associated with overall job satisfaction, satisfaction with the work itself, satisfaction with pay, and work involvement - age was also negatively associated with stressors including role conflict, role ambiguity, and role overload - older workers were less satisfied with promotions

The net gain of legal and illegal immigration to native-born people is ______% of the total GDP in the U.S.


___% said that the accommodation required an ongoing annual cost as well as a one-time cost


The presence of legal and illegal immigrants in the labor market increases the U.S. economy gross domestic product (GDP) by about _______% $1.6 trillion) annually


ADA covers employers with how many employees?

15 or more employees

There is also a high level of immigration worldwide. In the US, immigrants made up approximately ______% of the U.S. labor force in 2012


_____% of employers experienced a one-time cost, ____% indicated that the accommodation resulted in an ongoing annual cost

37%, 4%

German organizations employing over 20 employees must fill _____% of their positions with applicants who have a disability. If they fail to do so, they must pay a monthly penalty.

5% The revenues generated from these fines totaled 486 million € in the year 2012 (approximately $529 million) and were used to provide vocational integration efforts for the disabled

Reports show that ____% of accommodations cost employers nothing


BMI formula

= (703*weight in pounds)/(height in inches^2)

What is prime age? When is peak performance observed?

An age group of employees who are the most preferred employees, specifically those between the ages of 25 and 35 - Peak performance was observed for employee ages 31-35 - Small decrements were observed for the over 40 group

Looking at disability by race, what is the order of most to least?

Black - 20.3% White - 19.8% Hispanic/Latino - 13.2% Asian - 13%

Unemployment rates for persons with disabilities by race in order from highest to lowest rate

Black - 21.6% Hispanic - 16.1% White - 11.2% Asian - 8.6%

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Civil rights legislation that prohibits discrimination and is intended to provide persons with disabilities the same opportunities and rights as everyone else with respect to employment, buying goods and services, and participating in local government as well as public services

What is the social exchange with the employer?

Confidence in the employer-employee relationship where if the employees work hard on the behalf of the employer, the employer will reciprocate and provide benefits to the employees in the future

Las Patronas - Mexican Women Helping Migrants

Despite the poverty that surrounds them, this group of women known as Las Patronas (protecting mothers) feed the hungry illegal migrants who speed past the women's hometown atop a north bound freight train

What is a disability?

Disability has been described as a socially constructed concept where differences between people become disabling when some individuals are not fully integrated into society

For educational attainment of people with and without a disability in 2008, how is it interesting?

Educational attainment was somewhat lower than that of people without a disability in the United States for 2008

What are the four considerations when determining if something causes an undue hardship to an employer?

First - the nature and the cost of the accommodation Second - the financial resources of the organization, the number of people employed by the organization, and the effect of the accommodation on the organization's expenses, resources, and operation Third - overall financial resources with respect to the size of the business, number of employees, and the number, type, and location of its facilities Fourth - type of operation including the structure, function, and composition of the workforce as well as the geographic location and administrative and fiscal situation of the facility in question

Plaintiffs have a high or low burden in order to establish obesity-related perceived disability claims under federal law?

High! - the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects workers that are regarded or perceived as disabled in addition to actual disabilities - overweight plaintiffs tend to file perceived disability claims and experience greater success compared to other disability claims

What is social categorization?

Individuals put themselves and others into categories based on individual characteristics, including race, sex, age, and nationality, among others; they categorize people into in-groups and out-groups - positive characteristics associated with the in-group and negative ones with the out-group - view members of the out-group as being more homogeneous than members of their own in-group **reason why immigrants experience discrimination

Are older employees more or less likely to receive training than younger employees?


Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

Major age discrimination law in the United States - protection to employees 40 or over - although some of the 50 states within the United States have an employment law which covers younger workers, the majority do not, and there is no federal law protecting employees under age 40 - 20 employees or more

With respect to cost, do older employees cost more than younger ones?

No, older workers are less likely to be absent from work, more likely to stay at the organization longer, and typically require less training on how to dot heir jobs because of their years of work experience

Little Recourse in the Event of Weight Discrimination

Not protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 but two exceptions are: - disparate treatment and - disparate impact

What are age stereotypes?

Over-generalizations about individuals based on the age group to which they belong

Stereotypes About Overweight Employees

Overall, studies conducted to test commonly held stereotypes that overweight job applicants and employees are less conscientiousness, less agreeable, less emotionally stable, and less extraverted than others who are not overweight REFUTE stereotypic beliefs about overweight employees

Is the overall economic impact of immigration on the U.S. economy is positive or negative?


What is a meta-analysis?

Procedure where results from all studies on a particular topic are statistically aggregated to arrive at the true population effect of the relationship in question

Australia: Age Discrimination Act of 2004

Prohibits employment discrimination against employees of all ages - direct discrimination refers to treating another person less favorably than they would treat someone of a different age - indirect discrimination is where the discriminator imposes conditions, or requires practices not reasonable under the circumstances - acts committed because of age and other reasons include discriminating against a person due to his or her age, due to the characteristics that generally pertain to individuals of that age, or on the basis of traits generally imputed to persons of a specific age group

Tension between age groups (succession, identity, consumption)

Succession - older people making way for younger people to have political power and to determine how organizations and society should function Identity - refers to disliking that older persons enter the turf that is normally reserved for younger people Consumption - the concern that older people may be using up more than their fair share of government and social resources

According to the National Institutes of Health, what is one way to assess one's weight?

The body mass index (BMI) which is a measure of body fat based on weight and height which applies to adults

What is active aging?

The process for optimizing opportunities in health, participation, and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age

What is bridge employment?

This refers to workers who have retired from long-term positions but are still engaged in the workforce It's a benefit to employers

Title I: Employment-related discrimination (relate it to disability)

Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits private employers, state and local governments, employment agencies and labor unions from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities in job application procedures, hiring, firing, advancement, compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment

Age discrimination or "ageism"

Treating people in a less desirable manner and denying them opportunities on the basis of their age; seen in all age groups but reports of it are greatest among both older and younger age groups

How many people have a disability?

Worldwide... -1 billion people or about 15% of the world's population have a disability -360 million or 5% have a disabling hearing loss -350 million people are affected by depression -60 million are affected by bipolar disorder -21 million are affected by schizophrenia -47.5 million have dementia

Do both older and younger workers share the same stereotypes regarding older employees?

Yes; a meta-analysis investigating age bias demonstrated that older adults are biased against people of their own age group in that they believe that older individuals are less competent

Research shows that younger or older employees with little seniority are most likely to be laid off during economic downturns?


The data indicate that the native-born who lose from immigration are those without what?

a high school diploma, that is to say, a significant proportion of the working poor

Importance of positive age diversity climate

age diversity = age discrimination climate = poor employee commitment = poor firm performance

What is a mobility impairment?

associated with the loss of physical function such as the inability to walk

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