MHR 4020 CH. 8

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-Inspiration appeal, ingratiation, and undue-pressure -Making a personal appeal, exchange favors/bargaining, legitimating a request -rational persuasion -forming a coalition

-The following influence tacts were used in a downward (toward a lower-ranking person) direction: -The following influence tacts were used in a lateral (toward a same-ranking person) direction: -The following influence tacts were used in an upward (toward an upper-ranking person) direction: -The following was used in both upward and lateral direction:

-Influence -power

-is the ability to affect the behavior of others in a particular direction -the potential or capacity to influence (Leaders are influential only when they exercise power. A leader, therefore, must acquire power in order to influence others)


A subtle manipulative tactic, demeaning or insulting oneself to control the behavior of another person. (Can be used as a tactic to disarm people). Can include belittling, bullying, or intimidating people

1. Deliberate Machiavellianism 2. Gentle manipulation of people and situations 3. Undue pressure 4. Debasement

Essentially Dishonest and unethical tactics include: (1.) They tend to initiate actions with others and control the interactions. These people regularly practice deception, bluffing, and other manipulative tactics. (2.) Some people who attempt to influence others are manipulative, but to a lesser extent than an outright machiavellian. They gain the compliance of another person by making untrue statements or faking certain behaviors. (3.) Effective leaders regularly use motivational techniques such as rewards and mild punishments. (When rewards become bribes, and threats become severe it brings undue pressure. (Examples include, using threats or warnings when trying to get you to do something. Tries to pressure you to carry out a request. The threat can include firing someone if they don't carry out their request. Also one of the least effective influence tactics) (4.) A subtle manipulative tactic, demeaning or insulting oneself to control the behavior of another person. (Can be used as a tactic to disarm people). It can include belittling, bullying, or intimidating people. It is not illegal to intimidate or bullying but it is still considered unethical.

1.) leading by example, respect and trust 2.) using rational persuasion 3.) explaining the benefits to the target 4.) Making a personal appeal 5.) Developing a reputation as a subject matter expert 6.) Exchanging favors and bargaining 7.) Legitimating a request 8.) Making an inspirational appeal, being charming, and emotional display 9.) consultation with others 10.) Forming coalitions 11.) Being a team player 12.) Practicing hands-on leadership

Essentially ethical and honest influence tactics include: (Used with tact, diplomacy, and good intent, these strategies can help you get others to join you in accomplishing a worthwhile objective) 1.) Act as a positive role model. The ideal approach is to be a "do as I say and do" manager- that is, one whose actions and words are consistent. Actions and words, confirm, support and often clarify each other. (Being respected facilitates leading by example because group members are more likely to follow the example of leaders they respect. A major way in which a leader obtains respect is by being trusted) 2.) involves using logical arguments and factual evidence to convince another person that a proposal or request is workable and likely to achieve the goal. This is the most effective ethical-influence tactic of all (assertiveness combined with careful research is necessary for this. It is likely to be the most effective with people who are intelligent and rational) -Explains clearly why requests or proposed change is necessary to attain a task objective -Provides information or evidence to show that a proposed activity or change is likely to be successful 3.) A strongly effective way of influencing another person is to explain what's in it for them if that individual honors your request (Apprising) -benefits you gain from a task (learn new skills, meet important people, enhance your reputation) -how the task can help your career 4.) The agent asks the target to implement a request or support a proposal out of friendship. Another form of this is to ask for a personal favor before specifying the nature of the favor -Appeals to your friendship when asking you to do something -Asks for your help as a personal favor 5.) becoming a SME is important because it can be considered a subset of rational persuasion. Managers who possess this in a relevant field and continually build on that knowledge can get others to help them get work accomplished 6.) Offer to do a specific task for you in return for your help and support, and offers to do something for you in the future for your help now (for example, you might promise to place a person's name on a report to top management if that person will help you analyze data and prepare the data) 7.) Says that his or her request is consistent with official rules and policies. verifies that a request is legitimate by referring to a document such as a work order, policy manual, charter, bylaws, or a formal contract. (This influence tactic is used by upper-management) 8.) A leader is supposed to inspire others, so it follows that making an inspirational appeal is an important influence tactic. An inspirational appeal usually involves displaying emotion and appealing to group member's emotion (one of the most effective ethical influence tactic, personal magnetism) -says a proposed activity or change is an opportunity to do something really exciting and worthwhile -Makes an inspiring speech to arouse enthusiasm for proposed activity or change 9.) The influence target becomes more motivated to follow the agent's request because the target is involved in the decision-making process. Asks you to suggest things you could do to help him or achieve a task objective or resolve a problem. Invites you to suggest ways to improve a preliminary plan or proposal that he or she wants you to support or help implement (One of the most effective ethical-influence tactics which suggest participative actions) 10.) Mentions the names of other people who endorse a proposal when asking you to support it. Brings someone along for support when meeting with you make a request or proposal (forming a union or unionization, also one of the least effective influence tactics) 11.) A leader might be a team player by doing such things as pitching in during peak workloads 12.) one who gets directly involved in the details and processes of operations. Such a leader has expertise, is task-oriented and leads by example.

1. Ingratiation 2. Joking/kidding 3. Upward appeal 4. Co-opting antagonists

Essentially neutral influence tactics include: (If implemented with good intent, they tend to be positive, but if implemented with the intent of duping another person, they tend to be negative) 1.) can take place of the form of flattery or mildly manipulative influence tactic. (often directed upward or downward). Says you have the special skills or knowledge needed to carry out a request. Praises your skill or knowledge when asking you to do something 2.) Good-natured kidding is especially effective when a straightforward statement might be interpreted as harsh criticism. However, you must be careful in the type of jokes you make or it would cost you your job. (might be interpreted as either dishonest or tactful because the criticizer softens the full blow of criticism) 3.) The leader exerts influence on a team member by getting a person with more formal authority to do the influencing. Regarded as an ethical and standard practice, yet it does contain an element of manipulation and heavy-handedness. The leader can request higher management assistance in gaining another person's compliance with the request. The influence target thus feels pressured (example, "I sent the guy to my boss when he wouldn't listen to me. That fixed him." or a leader might attempt to persuade another staff member that higher management approved their request. Also one of the least effective influence tactics) 4.) A potentially effective influence tactic, as well as a method of conflict resolution, is to find a clever way to get the other person or group of persons to join forces with you. In this sense co-opt is to win over opponents by making them part of your team or giving them a stake in the system

implicit leadership theory

Followers' personal assumptions about the traits and abilities that characterize an ideal organizational leader. These assumptions, both stated and unstated, develop through socialization and past experiences with the leader. The assumptions are stored in memory and activated when group members interact with a person in a leadership position

-leadership prototype -leadership antiprototype

Implicit leadership theory dimensions include: -are positive characterizations of a leader -traits and behaviors people do not want to see in a leader

1. those that are essentially ethical and honest 2. those that are essentially neutral with respect to ethics and honesty 3. those that are essentially manipulative and dishonest

Influence tactics are often viewed from an ethical perspective. Following this perspective, the influence tactics described here are classified into three categories:

-commitment -compliance -resistance

Leader traits, leader behaviors, situations are influence tactics that lead to influence outcomes such as (Leader traits: An extroverted and warm leader who has charisma can more readily use some influence tactics than a leader who is introverted and cold) (Leader behavior: for example, setting high standards facilitates making an inspirational appeal. additionally, leaders who perform well consistently are better able to lead by example because they are good role models.) (Situation: The organizational culture or subculture is one such key situational factor. For example, in a high tech environment, inspirational appeal and emotional display are less likely to be effective than rational persuasion and being a subject matter expert, because high-tech workers are more likely to be impressed by facts than feelings)


People in the workplace who ruthlessly manipulate others are known as _______. They tend to initiate actions with others and control the interactions. These people regularly practice deception, bluffing, and other manipulative tactics.

-rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, consultation with others -undue pressure, forming a coalition, legitimating -Ingratiation and exchange favors/bargaining

Research indicated that the most effective influence tactics for influencing team members are: The least effective are: The moderately effective are:


This is an unsuccessful influence attempt: the target as opposed to carrying out the request and finds ways to either not comply or do a poor job. (Includes making excuses for why the task cannot be carried out, procrastinating and outright refusing to do the task)

1. Tyranny (dominant, selfish, manipulative) 2. Masculinity (male, masculine, command-control)

Traits of Leadership anti-prototype includes:

1. sensitivity (compassion, sensitive) 2. Intelligence (intelligent, clever) 3. Dedication (dedicated, motivated) 4. Charisma (charismatic, dynamic) 5. Strength (strong, bold) 6. Attractiveness (well dressed, classy)

Traits of Leadership prototype includes:


When it comes to ethical and honest influence tactic, A major moderating variable in rational persuasion (most effective tactic) is _______ of the influence agent. (Because this helps an individual be more persuasive in two ways: makes them more convincing and it contributes to a person's perceived power and the more power one is perceived to have the more targets will he influenced)

1. Rational Persuasion 2. inspirational appeal 3. consultation 4. ingratiation 5. exchange 6. personal appeal 7. coalition 8. legitimating 9. pressure

When it comes to the relative effectiveness of influence tactics, the people who worked with the managers completed a questionnaire to identify which of the nine influence tactics managers used. These common influence tactics are:


a specific arrangement of parties working together to combine their power. The formation works as an influence tactic because "there is no power in numbers"

leading by example

acting as a positive role model. This is often interpreted to men that the leader works long and hard, and expects others to do the same, with this type of behavior being prevalent among entrepreneurs who hire a staff (During a startup phase of a company, the entrepreneur will often work over 60 hours per week and expect the new hires to follow a similar work schedule)


is to win over opponents by making them part of your team or giving them a stake in the system


means that the influence agent explains how carrying out a request or supporting a proposal will benefit the target personally, including advancing the targets career.


means that the influence attempt is partially successful: The target person is apathetic (not overjoyed) about carrying out the request and makes only a modest effort (changed their behavior but not attitude) Example, this for routine tasks- such as wearing a hard hat on a construction site is usually good enough

hands-on leader

one who gets directly involved in the details and processes of operations. Such a leader has expertise, is task-oriented and leads by example. (expected at levels below the executive suite, yet many high-level executives are also this)

personal magnetism

quality of being captivating, inspiring personality with charm and charismatic. Possessing this makes it easier for the leader to inspire people.

upward appeal

the leader exerts influence on a team member by getting a person with more formal authority to do the influencing. (regarded as an ethical and standard practice)


the most successful outcome: The target of the influence attempt is enthusiastic about carrying out the request and makes a full effort. This is particularly important for complex, difficult tasks because these require full concentration and effort

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