MHR exam 1

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Employer Defenses Against Discrimination Charges/Remedies

-Bona Fide Occupational Qualification(BFOQ): no member of the group you are discriminating against could perform the job (hooters example with male wanting to be a server) -job relatedness (key knowledge and skills required for the job) -seniority (bona fide seniority systems) -business necessity (to ensure safety or security) -Employer or court ordered remedies for illegal discrimination: reinstatement, back pay, compensatory damages, punitive damages

strategies for enhancing HR's credibility

-Listen to and focus on executive problems. -Have HR staff view their roles as providing support to the line - Customers! -Define HR responsibilities in relation to the line. -Have HR and the line work together to form personnel policies. -Ensure that HR staff have firsthand experience with line operations.• -Develop a positive chemistry with peers, subordinates, and managers. -Act in ways that respect confidentiality of sensitive information and that possess integrity.

9 Key competencies for Hr professionals

1. Business acumen 2. Critical evaluation 3. technical expertise and practice 4. ethical practice 5. global and cultural effectiveness 6. relationship management 7. verbal and written communication 8. organizational leadership and navigation 9. consultation

Characteristics of effective diversity programs

1. an inclusive definition of diversity with specific objectives 2.Support of top management. 3.Integration of diversity objectives into the strategic plan of the organization. 4.Diversity training for all managers and employees. 5.Ongoing communication and events that support diversity. 6.Creation of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) to better understand and support the needs and interests of under-represented groups in an organization. 7.Aligning performance appraisal and reward systems with diversity objectives. 8.A culture that embraces diversity. 9.Zero tolerance policies regarding not respecting diversity and a process for reporting and resolving grievances. 10.Ongoing evaluation and improvement of the diversity initiative.

Hot Stove Principle

1. did it involve advance warning? 2. did it burn immediately? 3. was the punishment given consistently? 4. Did it burn impersonally?

HR Strategic Management Process characteristics

1. it is aligned with the mission, vision, values, strategic objectives etc. of an org 2. it involves a strong partnership between leaders from HR, management, and individual contributors 3. it explicitly recognizes the impact of the external environment 4. it focuses on the issue of choice and decision making in addressing problems and challenges 5. it is inclusive in that it considers all members of the organization's workforce 6. it utilizes Key Performance Indicators to evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of HR activities

Disciplinary Action Process

1. set organizational goals 2. establish rules 3. communicate rules to employees 4. observe performance 5. compare performance with rules 6. take appropriate disciplinary action

Characteristics of Effective Diversity Programs

1.A business case for diversity and inclusion.• 2.An inclusive definition of diversity with specific objectives. 3.Support of top management.•4.Integration of diversity objectives into the strategic plan of the organization.•5.Inclusion of diversity as a core value in the company's culture.•6.Ongoing diversity training for all managers and employees.•7.Ongoing communication and events that support diversity. 8.Creation of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)9.Aligning performance appraisal and reward systems with diversity objectives.10.A culture that embraces diversity.11.Zero tolerance policies regarding not respecting diversity and a process for reporting and resolving grievances.12.Ongoing evaluation and improvement of the diversity initiative.

New Role For Senior & Line Management in working with hr

1.Communicate to the organization that "soft stuff" matters.• 2.Define the "deliverables" from HR and make it accountable.• 3.Work with HR leaders and representatives as partners in handling workforce issues.• 4.Invest in innovative HR practices.• 5.Upgrade the quality of HR professionals.

Guidelines for Managing the Aftermath of a Layoff

1.Hold a meeting with survivors.•2.Provide access to EAP services for survivors.•3.Provide a vision for the future.•4.Avoid signs of extravagant spending following a layoff.•5.Maintain open channels of communication with employees.•6.Set realistic expectations among survivors regarding the possibility of future layoffs.

Biggest Mistakes Made with Employee Layoffs/Downsizing

1.Lack of a strategic vision.• 2.Lack of consideration for alternatives.• 3.HR held completely responsible for the downsizing.• 4.Lack of consideration for feelings of people affected.• 5.Lack of training.

Evaluating Effectiveness of a diversity program

1.Number of EEO complaints, grievances, and lawsuits• 2.Demographic analysis of your workforce by job type and level in the organization• 3.Career progression of targeted employees• 4.Employee turnover among targeted employees 5.Job satisfaction among targeted employees• 6.Understanding of diversity issues among all employees• 7.Attitudes toward diversity among all employees• 8. Corporate image as an employer of choice for targeted employees

Objectives of downsizing and layoffs

1.reduce costs 2.increase profitability 3. increase shareholder return 4. increase quality and productivity

The "Star Wars" video clips shown in lecture illustrated which aspect(s) of effective strategy?

A formal analysis of the "Death Star" was conducted as the basis for the strategy. b.A briefing including all of the individuals who would be involved in the execution of the strategy was held. c.The space fighters were equipped with technology to increase the ability of the pilots to hit their targets using missiles. d.Communications technology and support staff kept the fighter pilots updated on the situation during the attack. ALL are right !

Based on the Mars Incorporated case study covered in discussion section, recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of the HR function include _______.

Add more "perks" besides free candy to enhance the workplace culture. This could include employee appreciation events, a wellness program, on-site childcare, flexible work schedules, etc. b.Align HR policies and practices with each of the five principles of Mars -Quality, Responsibility,Mutuality, Efficiency, and Freedom. Currently, they are only addressed through the training process. They should be reflected in the performance appraisal and rewards and bonus systems as well. c.Restructure the bonus system so that it is also based on company performance and individual performance, in addition to team performance. All of the above

Layoff decisions: seniority based

Advantages: •Legally defensible•Easy to implement•Objective-Perceived as being fair •Disadvantages•Loss of good employees•Loss of minorities and women

Amazon, the online retailer, has been rapidly expanding its operations on a variety of dimensions as it continues to innovate and enter new business segments. From an HR perspective, Amazon will need to address which of the following strategic HR challenges?

Aggressive recruiting and selection of new employees

Just Cause Termination

Applies when an employee has an employment contract

Employment at will

At-will means that an employer can terminate an employee at any time for any reason, except an illegal one, or for no reason without incurring legal liability. Likewise, an employee is free to leave a job at any time for any or no reason with no adverse legal consequences.•At-will also means that an employer can change the terms of the employment relationship with no notice and no consequences. For example, an employer can alter wages, terminate benefits, or reduce paid time off. In its unadulterated form, the U.S. at-will rule leaves employees vulnerable to arbitrary and sudden dismissal, a limited or on-call work schedule depending on the employer's needs, and unannounced cuts in pay and benefits.

Based on the "Downsizing" Incident from your textbook that was discussed in lecture, the elements of the company's environment that Scott (the HR Manager) will need to consider in developing his suggested plan for reducing the size of the workforce by 30% in his company include.

Competition and the need to be cost competitive b.Impact of the reduction on the community in which it has been located c.Negative press from the media d.Negative campaigns from special interest groups ALL are true

A disabled individual applies for a job as a computer operator at a telecommunications firm. He has indicated that he will need a dictation application on his computer and headset to do world processing since he does not have use of his hands. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, what does the employer need to do in thissituation?

Determine whether the job applicant can perform the essential functions of the job

Disparate Treatment vs. Adverse Impact

Disparate: direct discrimination, unequal treatment, decision rules with a racial/sexual premise or course, intentional discrimination, prejudiced actions, different standards for different groups Adverse: indirect discrimination, unequal consequences or results, decision rules with racial/sexual consequences or results, unintentional discrimination, neutral actions, same standards but different consequences for different groups

Preventing Problems with HR Legal Issues

Do not assume that what is "common sense" and what is "legal" are the same thing. •Compliance with laws and regulations should be the absolute minimum standard for operations with being ethical and responsible as the higher standards. The best employers aim above the minimum.• Work with your HR representative on how to deal with employment issues that may have legal implications. •Provide training on employment laws. •Consider the legal implications for ALL decisions and actions you take especially for issues related to hiring, problem employees/discipline/termination. Establish a formal complaint resolution process for workers.• Document detailed information about incidents and decisions made.• Follow company policy in handling employee issues. Hold people accountable for their actions!• Ask only for information you "need to know."

HR Value Chain

Efficiency- activities and processes (workforce planning, recruitment and selection, compensation and benefits, industrial relations, training, internal mobility, talent management, coaching, downsizing organizational design) Effectiveness- outcomes (employee engagement, retention, absenteeism, competency levels, performance, workforce costs, talent metrics) Impact- Organizational objectives (profit, market value, market value, turnover, productivity, quality, customer satisfaction)

Exceptions employment at will

Employment Contracts•Violation of Federal Employment Laws on Discrimination•Termination for Engaging in Protected Activities (e.g., whistleblowing, filing a complaint with the EEOC, taking permitted medical leave under Family and Medical Leave Act)•Employer's Discipline or Termination Policy•Implied Contracts •Employee Handbooks•Statements or Comments Made by Employer•Covenant of Good Faith or Fair Dealing

You have been hired as a consultant by the vice-president of human resources at a computer company in order to help her to develop and implement strategies for enhancing the credibility of HR in the organization.Based on this situation and the Strategies for Enhancing the Credibility of HR, which of the following would you recommend?

Ensure that HR staff have firsthand experience with line operations

Based on the Ledvinka, Scarpello, and Bergmann HRM model, consumers perceiving some of Kraft's products as being unhealthy is an example of a factor in the __________.

External Environment

The provision of the Occupational Safety and Health Act that states that an employer has an overall obligation to furnish employees with a place of employment free from recognized hazards is the

General Duty Clause

The term that is used to refer to companies that rely primarily on non-traditional employment to meet service and product demands is ____________.

Gig economy

Based on the Ledvinka, Scarpello, and Bergmann HRM model, the wholesale layoffs of middle management that is associated with the use of zero-based budgeting is most relevant to which part of the model?

HR Outcomes/Evaluation

Which of the following is(are)a key variable to be considered in the strategy implementation process?

HR capabilities

The HR conceptual framework or perspective that is critical for you to develop to be able to diagnose and make strategic decisions about HR is called

HR radar

Which of the following statements by an HR leader reflects a stakeholder perspective of HR?

HR will respond to employee concerns about the culture of the company being toxic and hostile toward protected classes by launching a cultural transformation initiative.

Suppose that you are the leader of a team of seven subject matter experts(SMEs)who are conducting an assessment of the vertical integration of HR practices with the corporate strategy of a consumer products company. Based on an examination of the ratings from the seven SMEs, you find that the variation in ratings for the performance appraisal -corporate growth strategy assessment is excessive. Based on the use of the team consensus method, which action would be most appropriate for you to take to address this situation?

Hold a meeting, ask each SME to justify his/her rating, discuss this as a team, and ask each person to consider modifying his/her rating

Based on the SAS video case presented in lecture, a specific example of anHR practice that supported the company's innovation strategy was ___________.

It focused on paying employees the industry average for their base salaries but made performance-based pay a significant addition to their overall compensation.

Job Analysis Process

Job analysis refers to the process through which information about jobs is systematically collected and summarized in order to produce a job description and a job specification. The process: 1. collect preliminary information 2. conduct work site tour 3. collect job data 4. conduct second work site tour 5. consolidate job data 6. draft the job description and specification 7. validate Implementing an effective job analysis: -Collect as much job data as possible from a variety of sources and methods. -Modify the draft of the job description/specification based on feedback from knowledgeable individuals. Validate before finalizing it. -Make sure that the job specification and the job description are in alignment with each other. -Use the job description/specification as the basis for developing a recruiting/selection plan for the job. -Make sure that the job description/specification, recruiting plan, and selection plan are all in alignment with each other.

A company redesigned all of the jobs that its workers perform to give them much greater autonomy and to include exciting opportunities to work on ground breaking projects. The objective of the job redesign was to motivate and engage workers so that they feel valued by the company. The company also eliminated its flexible work schedule policy and performance bonus system in order to reduce labor and operating expenses which was not well received by the workforce. The actions take by the company in this situation are an example of which of the following?

Lack of horizontal integration

Based on the Ulrich HR roles framework, in order for HR to realize its ability to add value to the success of an org, it must place much greater emphasis on

Management of Transformation and Change

The system that was developed by the Department of Labor for classifying jobs using fixed job titles and narrow task descriptions was called ____________.


Based on the Ledvinka, Scarpello, and Bergmann HRM model, the use of zero-based budgeting and investments in supply chain technologies are most relevant to which part of the model?

Organizational Environment

Elements of Organizational Culture

Organizational culture: shared values (conscious beliefs, evaluate what is good or bad, right or wrong) shared assumptions (unconscious, taken for granted beliefs, implicit mental models, ideal prototypes of behavior) Artifacts of organizational culture: physical structures, language, rituals and ceremonies, stories and legends

Measures for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Job Analysis

Percentage of jobs for which a position description exists •Time and cost to create position descriptions for new jobs •Time and cost to update position descriptions for existing jobs •Horizontal integration rating for job descriptions and other HR activities •Manager satisfaction with and utilization of job descriptions for their units

Strategic planning: process

Phase 1: organizing the process and analyzing the environment (readiness assessment, plan the plan, stakeholder assessment, mandate analysis, environmental scan) Phase 2: identifying and analyzing strategic issues (vision, mission, values, goals and objectives, strategic issues) Phase 3: developing strategies and action plans (budgets, action plans) Phase 4: Implementing strategies (evaluation, monitoring, implementation)

One of the most broadest and well-researched instruments for analyzing jobs that focuses on inputs, processes, relationships, and outputs is the

Position Analysis Questionnaire

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Prohibits discrimination against any individual based on national origin, gender, race, religion, or color in making decisions regarding hiring, firing, training, discipline, compensation and benefits, classification or other terms or conditions of employment. it applies to employers engaged in interstate commerce if they have fifteen or more employees, labor organizations, and employment agencies

Disability Discrimination/Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Prohibits discrimination in employment practices against an individual with a physical or mental disability who is otherwise qualified. 1.Key issue is whether a disabled person can perform the "essential functions of a job." 2.The employer is obligated to make "reasonable accommodations" for employees who are otherwise qualified. 3. Accommodations may not present an "undue hardship"to the employer. Examples of reasonable accommodations: lap boards, voice responsive computers, robotic devices, phone amplifiers, flexible work arrangements, walking canes, computer screen magnifiers, delivered lunches, automatic page turners

Affirmative Action

Purpose•Affirmative action is a program in which employers identify conspicuous imbalances in the work force and take positive steps to correct under-representation of protected groups. Such plans focus on hiring, training and promoting protected groups. basic elements: 1. utilization analysis 2. Availability analysis 3. problem identification (gaps) 4. goals and timetables (to close gaps) Action Plans -targeted recruiting -flexible work options -remedial training and education -partnerships with minority orgs -career development programs -mentoring programs -leadership development training critical deficiency in many AA programs: excessive focus on recruiting and selection but little support afterwards

Sexual Harassment

Quid pro quo: a manager who gives an employee preferential treatment in exchange for "sexual favors Hostile work environment: when the behavior of someone in the work setting is sexual in nature and is perceived by an employee to be offensive and undesirable

The GU Corporation has been struggling in the last three years based on declining sales, profits, high customer turnover, etc. As a result, management has decided that the company must make dramatic changes to all aspects of its strategy and operations in order to survive. The company's workforce of 2,500 people are members of the Top Gunners of America union. The union has had a very hostile relationship with management in the past and this has led to multiple strikes that caused serious damage to the company's profitability. Based on our discussion of corporate strategies and their associated HR challenges, the GU corporation will likely experience challenges in implementing which of the following HR strategies?

Reduction in staffing through layoffs and early retirements. b.Reduction in staffing through hiring freezes. c.Retraining employees for new jobs in the organization. d.Reducing costs through pay freezes, pay reductions, etc. ALL are right

The key point(s) from the "pancakes and syrup" demonstration include

Strategy must permeate an organization from top to bottom.

You are the HR manager at a small printing company in North Carolina. Your company has had three sexual harassment lawsuits filed against it by female employees. The president of the company has asked you to address the situation immediately in order to prevent future incidents of sexual harassment. Based on our discussion of practical guidelines for handling sexual harassment, the actions you would take include.

Take every complaint seriously

The three major competitive challenges facing U.S. companies that will increase the importance of HRM include competing through


R Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard

The HR Balanced Scorecard refers to a formal architecture of measurements that is used to align HR strategies, systems, and processes with a firm's overall mission, strategic priorities, and performance.

Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), how have the courts handled age discrimination lawsuits where employers used early retirement incentives to older workers in order to help reduce a surplus of labor?

The courts have allowed them so long as the workers involved were not coerced into signing a waiver of the right to sue the company as part of the agreement.

A job analyst was assigned to conduct a job analysis for a customer service relationship specialist job in her company. Her process for conducting a job analysis started by her researching the job online and finding examples of job descriptions for the job at other companies. She then interviewed two managers of customer service relationship specialists, compiled all of the data, drafted the job description, obtained feedback from his boss in HR, and finalized the position description. Based on the process for conducting a job analysis presented in lecture, how would you evaluate the effectiveness of the job analysis process used in this situation?

The job analyst failed to validate the job description.

Basedon the job description shown below, the major opportunity for improvement is _________.

The job specification is missing.

When taking a strategic approach to human resource management, the first question that needs to be asked is ________?

What are the goals/objectives of the organization?

The question that best reflects the bottom-line concern for human resource management is

What is HR doing to ensure that the right people with the right skills are doing the right things in the jobs that are important for executing business strategy?

Employee Rights Issues

Work, free choice of employment, just and favorable conditions of work and protection against unemployment. Equal pay for equal work without any discrimination. Just and favorable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. Form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

The performance excellence evaluation criterion from the Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award Program that is most directly relevant to the bottom line of an organization is

Workforce Focus

Zero Tolerance and Progressive Discipline Process

Zero tolerance- not tolerated in any circumstances progressive discipline process: gradually gets worse depending on amount of offenses/degree of offenses

organizational competitiveness

a company's ability to maintain and gain market share, related to its effectiveness, which is determined by whether the company satisfied the needs of stakeholders

The approach to job design that comes from bio mechanics is called the ____________.

biological approach

Based on our discussion of the Wal-Mart pharmacist gender discrimination lawsuit AND the Hooter's racial discrimination lawsuit in class, the employers involved in these cases lost the lawsuits because they.

did not treat these employees in a manner that was consistent with how they treated other employees for the same issue

Based on the Ledvinka, Scarpello, and Bergmann HRM systems model, the rapid development of AI and robotics is an example of

external environment

Based on the "Sexual Harassment at Fox News" article that you analyzed in discussion section, effective actions that management at Fox News took to address the problems it was experiencing with sexual harassment included that they_____________.

fired(or they resigned) men who engaged in sexual harassment and racial discrimination after investigations into allegations were completed. b.hired women for high level management/executive positions in the company. c.implemented "civility training" for all employees along with follow-up live training. d.increased the role of HR in the company by having the HR VP also assume the role of Chief Compliance Officer and have him report to the parent company and not Fox News executives. all of the above!

The HR department at the RTXCorporation devotes a lot of time on "providing resources to employees by listening and responding to their concerns about their workplace. Based on Ulrich's Strategic HR Roles Framework, the deliverable associated with this activity is to

increase employee commitment and capability

Criteria for establishing disparate treatment

individual applied for a job and was rejected, they were qualified for the job, employer continued to look for someone else to fill the position

The linkage of strategic planning and HRM with the GREATEST amount of integration is the

integrative linkage

HR creates value to key stakeholders

investors/owners (market value, financial performance, risk), communities/regulators (reputational value: social responsibility, regulatory oversight, cultural awareness), dealers (collaborative value: partnerships, outsourcing) line managers (strategic value: shaping strategy, creating organization traction), employees (employee value/productivity: competence, commitment, contribution), customers (customer share: target customers, customer intimacy)

The Schulenburg-Gu Corporation possesses a job analysis process that monitors job descriptions for all jobs in the organization and ensures that they are all kept up-to-date. However, line managers elected not to use these job descriptions when engaging in recruiting and selection practices for these jobs. This situation provides an example of

lack of horizontal integration

Managerial implications for preventing problems with HR legal issues include

provide training regarding employment laws to employees and managers b. carefully document employment decisions c. ask only for information you need to know d. establish a complaint resolution process all of the above

civil rights act of 1991

put burden of proof on employers -quotas are illegal, permitted trials by jury where punitive and compensatory damages are sought -limited the extent to which reverse discrimination lawsuits could be brought

Uses of Job Analysis

recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, compensation, training and career development

Vertical Integration

refers to the way these HR activities should support and fit neatly with the overall organizational activities.

Based on the "Home Depot" case study covered in discussion section, the key advantage of the technology used by Home Depot to support its hiring process is that it _________.

required the company to be more systematic in its evaluation of job candidates and in making hiring decisions.

4/5 rule

rule of thumb that finds evidence of discrimination if an organization's hiring rate for a minority group is less than 4/5 the hiring rate for the majority group

What was the key HR issue in the McDonald's article that you talked about in discussion section on 9/18?

some franchisees are suing the company for racial discrimination

Nordstroms video element of organizational culture exhibited


Based on our discussion ofAT&T as the#1 ranked company for diversity, this was due to a variety of factors including __________.

the CEO of the company is personally involved in activities supporting diversity and inclusion

HR Management

the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance

Horizontal Integration

the way all HR activities feed into each other and support each other

Based on the video clips shown in class from the "Breakfast Club," the breakthrough moment for the five characters who started the day hating each other and focusing on their differences that led to a strong bond and friendship was when ____________.

they discovered that they all had unhappy situations with their families and relationships with their parents

Based on our discussion in lecture of the future growth of STEM-related jobs and the International Comparisons of Educational Achievementfor math and science, the key HR challenge that emerges for U.S. companies is that __________________.

they will have difficulty finding enough qualified technical workers to meet their business needs in the future

Marines video element of organizational culture exhibited


The Marines video clip shown in lecture illustrated _______ as an element of organizational culture while the Nordstrom video illustrated the ________ element of organizational culture.

values; stories

Rebecca's Diner is a fast-food restaurant that competes directly with McDonalds and Burger King. The company's basis business model is to provide high quality food at a reasonable cost, served by customer service-oriented staff. The company's recruiting process emphasizes asking a lot of interview questions about previous customer service experience. As a result of this, the company's customer service has been exceptional. This is an example of which of the following?

vertical integration

The LibertyCorporation has established a formal e-business unit designed to develop products and services that will demonstrate a concern for the environment and business sustainability. This new emphasis required a new set of knowledge and skills among employees including expertise in environmental issues. The HR department modified its hiring standards to include a requirement that all new college hires have taken at least one course in sustainability in college. This situation provides an example of

vertical integration

Strategies for Reducing Workplace Violence

•Administer severe negative consequences for those who violate the policy. •Encourage reporting of incidents.•Develop a plan for workplace security. •Provide training for handling workplace violence and de-escalating conflict situations.•Ensure management commitment.•Hold employee meetings to discuss workplace violence issues.

Layoff decisions: merit based

•Advantages•Rewards performance.•Enables you to keep your best employees. •Disadvantages•More time consuming. •May be less legally defensible.

Guidelines for Laying Off/Terminating Employees

•Give as much advance warning as possible - have a clear vision of the "post-layoff" organization.•Don't beat around the bush - complete a termination in 15 minutes or less.•Don't allow time for debate.•Give the employee a written statement of his/her severance benefits.•Express appreciation for what the employee has contributed to the organization. •Do not make any personal comments - keep it at a professional level.•Don't rush the employee off-site unless security is a concern.•Provide outplacement services (e.g., EAPs. career services).•Consider timing issues - don't layoff an employee on a significant date. •Make sure that the employee receives the news directly from his/her boss.

Elements of an Effective Description

•Job Requirements: Job Title Job Summary•Reporting Relationship•Work Unit•Tasks•Duties•Responsibilities• Job Specification: Knowledge•Skills•Abilities•Experience

Sexual harassment- practical guidelines

•Provide support for the person who filed the complaint (e.g., HR contact, EAP).• Do not transfer, fire, or take any other adverse employment action against anyone based on a sexual harassment complaint alone. •Conduct a thorough and efficient investigation and document the timeline of events. •Take appropriate disciplinary action against those accused of engaging in sexual harassment based on company policy.

Generic Corporate Strategies and HR Implications

•Stability Corporate Strategy: -Strategic HR Challenges -Maintaining employee motivation, satisfaction and retention. -Providing meaningful career development for employees. -Developing key employee knowledge and skills through training. •Retrenchment/Turnaround Corporate Strategy: -Strategic HR Challenges -Reduction in staffing through layoffs and early retirements, hiring freezes, etc. -Retraining employees for new jobs in the organization. -Reducing costs through pay freezes, pay reductions, etc. -Working with the union to obtain concessions to increase the competitiveness of the firm. Internal (Organic) Corporate Growth Strategies: Strategic HR Challenges -Need to aggressively recruit and select new employees. -Effective training and development to bring new employees up to speed rapidly. -Linking compensation to achieving growth objectives. External (Merger/Acquisition) Corporate Growth Strategies -Strategic HR Challenges -Managing change in culture, strategy, structure, processes, etc. -Employee transfers, reassignments, and layoffs due to acquisitions. -Managing employee communications during challenging organizational transitions and restructuring.

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