Michigan WasteWater D.Hill

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{Suspended/Total Solids Problems}{%TS- (Dry/Wet) x 100}{%VolSol- ((Dry-Ash/Dry) x 100} Calculate the Percent Total Solids and Percent Volatile Solids on a sludge sample: wt. of Dish- 121.08g Dish & Wet Sludge- 213.63g Dish & Dry Sludge- 125.53g Dish & Ash- 122.06g

%TS- (4.45/92.55) x 100= 4.8 mg/L %VolSol= (4.45-0.98/4.45) x 100= (3.47/4.45) x 100= 77.97 mg/L

{Suspended/Total Solids Problems}{TSS= ((Dry solid-cruc. wt.)/mL sample) x 1,000,000} {VolSolids- (dry-ash)/mL) x 1,000,000} Calculate suspended solids and volatile suspended solids in mg/L given the following data: Sample volume= 75ml Tare wt. of Cruc.= 18.1450 Cruc. w/Dry solids= 18.1482 Wt. of cruc. w/Ash= 18.1456

(.1482 - .1450)/75 x 1,000,000..... (.0032/75) x 1,000,000= 42.7 mg/L TSS (.1482 - .1456)/75 x 1,000,000...... (.0026/75) x 1,000,000= 34.7 mg/l VolSolids

Calculate the flow in gallons per day into a lift station that is 14ft wide and 18 feet long and fills at a rate of 18 inches in 10 minutes.

(18 inches=1.5 ft) 14 x 18 x 1.5= 378cft......... 378x7.48=2827 gal.....@ 10 minutes 2827 x 6 =16,962 gph........16962x24= 407,088 per day

{Suspended/Total Solids Problems}{TSS= ((Dry solid-cruc. wt.)/mL sample) x 1,000,000} Calculate the Total Suspended Solids, TSS, in mg/L given the data: Sample Vol filtered = 50ml Tare wt. Crucible = 22.1086g Crucible&Dry solids= 22.1251

(22.1251-22.1086)/ 50 x 1,000,000= (.0165/50) x 1,000,000= .00033 x 1,000,00= 330 mg/l

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is SDI, Sludge Density Index?

(mg/L MLSS/1000) / (mL settled/100)

What are some characteristics of a piston pump?

-Positive Displacement -Double check valve feeding -Don't run against closed valves

{Suspended Solids & Total Solids Review} The analytical balance (scale) used for suspended solids analysis must be capable of measuring to 1/10th of 1 milligram. How many grams is this?


{Biosolids Application Review} Calculate the LBS of zinc applied per acre when biosolids are applied at a rate of 10,000 gallons per acre. The biosolids have a solids content of 3.2% and zinc concentration of 120mg/kg on a dry weight basis.

.01 x 8.34 x .032 x 120= .32 lbs Zinc per acre

{Solids Digestion Review} How many pounds of volatile solids a day, per cubic foot, in a digester?

.02-.10 lbs of Volatile Solids

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Extended Aeration F:M range?


Detention time:{(Volume.gal/Flow.gpd)x24} Calculate the detention time in hours of a tank with a volume of .15 MG that recieves a flow of 250,000 gallons per day.

.15 MG= 150,000 gal.... 150,000/250,000=.6 .6 x 24= 14.4 hrs detention

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} A BOD dilution water blank must be set up with each set of samples. What is the maximum mg/L depletion for a blank?

.2 mg/L

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Conventional Activated Sludge F:M range

.25 - .45

Measurement of PSI,

.433 psi @ 1 foot of head or 2.31 feet of head @ 1 psi

{Biosolids Application Review} Assume that the application of cadmium on a field cannot exceed .5lbs/acre Calculate the gallons of biosolids that may be applied per acre if the biosolids contain 20mg/kg of cadmium on a dry weight basis, and has a solids concentration of 3.7%

.5= (X) x 8.34 x 20 x .037; .5= (X) x 6.17; (X) = .5/6.17= .081 MG/acre, 81,000 gal per acre

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is a good range for SDI?

0.8-1.2 is good, 1.0 is considered perfect

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What rate of flow should a grit channel have?

1 ft/sec to settle grit

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What are two ways to verify the Aerated Grit Separator is adjusted properly?

1 way is to check your volatile solids in the lab. Way 2 is in your grit collection system, lots of volatile solids is a sign for more turbulence.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} 2 train of RBC- 4 shafts per train 100,000 sqft media per shaft, baffle between each shaft PE BOD 120 mg/L (50%) soluble, Flow 1.8 MGD Calculate the hydraulic load on the RBC system in gal/day/sqft

1,800,000 / 800,000= 2.25 gal/day/sqft

{Nutrient Removal Review} What is the Specific Gravity of Water?


{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} A trickling filter is 60ft in diameter and 25ft deep, receiving 1.3 MGD. The primary effluent concentration of 85mg/l and recirculation ratio is 1:1. The media has a specific surface area of 40 sqft/cft Calculate the volumetric organic loading rate, lbs BOD per day per 1000cft

1.3 mgd x 85 mg/l x 8.34= 921.57 lbs BOD per day 60 x 60 x 25 x .785= 70,650 cft 921.57/ 70,650= .013 lbs/day per cft x 1000 = 13lbs/day per 1000cft

{Disinfection Review} Calculate the Chlorine Demand if the flow was dosed with 10 mg/l and a residual was measured at .5 mg/l

10 - .5 = 9.5 mg/l demand

{Fecal Coliform Review} Results of bacterial analysis are reported in Colony Forming Units per how many mL?

100 mL

{Disinfection Review} What percent of Chlorine gas is actually chlorine?


{ Concentration x Volume (before dilution) equals Concentration x Volume (after dilution} 10mL of a solution with 1000mg/l of phosphorus is diluted to 100ml. Calculate the concentration of the diluted solution.

1000 mg/l x 10 ml= ?mg/l x 100ml (10,000)/ 100ml= 100mg/l verification- 1000mg/L x 10ml =10,000 and 100mg/L x 100ml =10,000

{Suspended Solids & Total Solids Review} What temperature does the drying oven need to maintain for suspended solid analysis?


{Disinfection Review} What percent of chlorine is in Sodium Hypochlorite Solution?


{% Removal= (Amount removed/total amount)x100%} {((in-out)/in)x100%} Influent suspended solids is 270 mg/l, primary effluent is 150 mg/l. Calculate the percent removal of solids in the primary clarifier.

120/270=.44x100%= 44% removal (270-150)/270x100%=(120/270)x100%=44%

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} The sample holding time for a DO sample is how long?

15 minutes

{Fecal Coliform Review} Equipment used for bacterial analysis must be autoclaved for how long and what temperature?

15 minutes at 121ºC

{1HP= .746 kilowatts} Calculate the cost per day to run a 15 HP motor continuously given that the electricity costs $.075 per Kilowatt hour.

15x.746=11.19 KWH.....11.19x24=268.56 per day.......268.56x.075=$20.14

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} INF- 0.8 MGD-------- MLSS 3000 mg/l INF BOD- 230 mg/l--------- MLVSS 2600 mg/l PE BOD- 160 mg/l-------- RASVSS 7400 mg/l------- WAS 550 lbs volatile/day Aeration tank 75 ft L x 20 ft W x 18 ft D Calculate F:M

160 x .8 x 8.34= 1067.5lbs PE BOD tank size- 75 x 20 x 18 x 7.48= 201,960 .202 x 2600 x 8.34= 4380 lbs MLVSS 1067.5/ 4380= 0.24 F:M

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is a typical detention time for a clarifier?

2 hours, more can lead to septicity.

RBC PICTURE HERE How many trains?

2, top and bottom

{Lbs of Solids= lbs/day= MG/D x 8.34lbs/gal x (?) mg/l} Calculate the number of pounds being discharged per day from a plant with an effluent solids concentration of 14 mg/l and a flow of 2.5 MGD.

2.5x8.34x14=292 lbs per day

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Extended Aeration CRT range?

20 days

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} The incubator used for BOD5 analysis must maintain what temperature Celsius?


{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Extended Aeration Detention time?

24 hours

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} INF- 0.8 MGD-------- MLSS 3000 mg/l INF BOD- 230 mg/l--------- MLVSS 2600 mg/l PE BOD- 160 mg/l-------- RASVSS 7400 mg/l------- WAS 550 lbs volatile/day Aeration tank 75 ft L x 20 ft W x 18 ft D----- 30 min Settle 240 ml Calculate SVI & SDI

240/ (3000/1000) = 240/ 3= 80 SVI (3000/1000) / (240/100) = 3/2.4= 1.25 SDI Verification- 100/80= 125...... 100/1.25= 80

{ Concentration x Volume (before dilution) equals Concentration x Volume (after dilution} How much water must be added to 250ml of a 50mg/l solution to obtain a 5mg/l solution?

250 x 50 = (?) x 5........ (250 x 50)/5 =(?) 2500= (?)........... Verification- 250 x 50= 12500... 2500 x 5= 12500

Detention time:{(Volume.gal/Flow.gpd)x24} Calculate how many hours it would take to empty a tank that has a volume of 300,000 gal with a pump rated at 200 GPM.

300000/200=1500 minutes......minutes into hours....1500/60=25 25 hours.

{Fecal Coliform Review} Filters of the Membrane filter technique incubate at what temperature for 24 hours?


{Nutrient Removal Review} Average flow of .5 MGD, Ferric Chloride dosage of 45 lbs per day. Calculate the average dosage rate expressed as mg/L

45= (X) x .5 x 8.34 ......... 45 = (X) x 4.17= 45/4.17= (X) (X) = 10.8 mg/l

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} The sample holding time for BOD samples is how long?

48 hours refrigerated

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} The required incubation time for BOD5 analysis is how many days?

5 days

RBC PICTURE HERE How many stages per train?

5 stages

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Conventional Activated Sludge CRT range?

5-8 days

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Conventional Activated Sludge detention time in aeration tank range?

5-8 hours

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} 2 train of RBC- 4 shafts per train 100,000 sqft media per shaft, baffle between each shaft PE BOD 120 mg/L (50%) soluble, Flow 1.8 MGD Calculate the organic loading in lbs soluble BOD/day/1000sqft

50% x 120= 60mg/l 60 x 1.8 x 8.34= 900.72 lbs soluble BOD 900.72/ 800,000 = .001126 lbs solBOD/day/sqft 1.126 lbs solBOD/day/1000sqft

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} 2 train of RBC- 4 shafts per train 100,000 sqft media per shaft, baffle between each shaft PE BOD 120 mg/L (50%) soluble, Flow 1.8 MGD Calculate the 1st stage organic loading in lbs soluble BOD/day/1000sqft

50% x 120= 60mg/l 60 x 1.8 x 8.34= 900.72 lbs soluble BOD 900.72/200,000 = .0045 lbs solBOD/day/sqft 4.5 lbs solBOD/day/1000sqft

{ Concentration x Volume (before dilution) equals Concentration x Volume (after dilution} 50,000 gal of sludge with a solids concentration of 4% is thickened to 20% solids. How many gallons of thicken sludge will there be?

50,000 x 4= 20 x (?)........ (50,000 x 4)/20= (?) 10,000= (?)....... Verification- 50,000 x 4 = 200,000... 10,000 x 20= 200,000.

{Lbs of Solids= lbs/day= MG/D x 8.34lbs/gal x (?) mg/l} Calculate the average concentration of phosphorus that may be discharged if the plant flow is 4.7 MGD and the discharge permit for phosphorus is 50 lbs per day.

50lbs=4.7x8.34x(?)....50lbs=39.2x(?).....50/39.2=(?).....(?)=1.27 mg/l

{Solids Digestion Review} Calculate the Volatile Acids to Alkalinity Ratio for an anaerobic digester given total alkalinity of 3200mg/l and volatile acids of 550mg/l. Is this a good or bad ratio?

550:3200- 550/3200= .17 This ratio is good, below .5

{Suspended Solids & Total Solids Review} Volatile solids are those that burn away at what temperature?


{Nutrient Removal Review} A chemical feed pump was calibrated to deliver 2.7 mL/sec. Calculate the pumping rate in gallons per day. (1 gal= 3785 mL)

60 sec- 1 min; 60 min- 1 hour; 24 hr - 1day 2.7 x 60= 162 ml/min; 162 x 60= 9720 ml/hour; 9720 x 24= 233280 ml/day; 233280/3785= 61.63 gal per day

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} A trickling filter is 60ft in diameter and 25ft deep, receiving 1.3 MGD. The primary effluent concentration of 85mg/l and recirculation ratio is 1:1. The media has a specific surface area of 40 sqft/cft Calculate the media surface organic loading rate

70650 cft x 40 sqft/cft= 2,826,000 sqft media 921.57/ 2,826,000= .00033 lbs BOD/day per sqft .33lbs BOD/day per 1000sqft media

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Gallons daily per capita?

75-100 gallons

{BOD Calculations} Ten milliliters of a sample is diluted to 1000 ml. [< crap put into the question to add confusion] A BOD is set up using 5ml of the diluted sample in a 300 ml BOD bottle. Calculate B.O.D. with the following data: Initial DO-8.6 mg/l 5Day DO- 3.2 mg/l

8.6 - 3.2= 5.4 @5ml... for 300ml= 300/5= 60.....60 x 5.4= 324mg/L

{BOD Calculations} Calculate the BOD of a seeded effluent sample given the following data:(300 ml BOD bottles) Seed material Seed EFF sample Volume Used 10 ml 5ml Sample, 1ml seed Initial DO 8.7 mg/l 8.6 mg/l Final DO 3.2 mg/l 3.7 mg/l

8.7 - 3.2= 5.5mg/l @10 ml of seed.... 5.5/10= .55 mg/l @1 ml of seed 8.6 - 3.7= 4.9 mg/l @5ml...... 4.9 - .55= 4.35 (seed depletion of 1ml)...@ 300ml 300/5=60 4.35 x 60= 261 mg/l

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is a good range for SVI?

80-120 is good, 100 is considered perfect

Calculate the depth of sludge if 8000 gallons is pumped to a drying bed that is 20 ft wide and 60 ft long.

8000x7.48=59,840cft........20x60=1200sqft..........1200 x (?)=59840 (?)=59840/1200.........(?)=49.86 or 50 ft of sludge

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What can happen when sludge is pumped and pulled too quickly?

A "cone" or "post-hole" will form, sucking in water instead of sludge, leaving it in the Clarifier.

What are the pH calibration requirements?

A 2 point calibration and temperature compensation: 2 point as in two different pH standards, I use 3 point with pH 4, 7 and 10.

{Nutrient Removal Review} Return flow from solids handling often contain large amounts of ammonia, which may cause what?

A discharge permit violation

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is "Beggiatoa" at a RBC plant?

A filamentous bacteria thriving in low D.O. or septic conditions. White slimy substance with rapid growth and shifting balance of RBC.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What does it mean to have dark brown foam at your Activated Sludge plant?

A high CRT or old sludge or SLURP ( turbid water with sludge, thick)

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is a "Load Cell" at an RBC plant?

A hydraulic cylinder for determining weight on the shaft, placed under the end of said shaft.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What does it mean to have white billowing foam at your Activated Sludge plant?

A low CRT, young sludge, or toxicity

{Nutrient Removal Review} How does Chemical Phosphorus Removal operate?

A metal salt is added to the influent which combines with the Phosphorus, then settles as a solid

Where should the effluent sample be collected?

A point specified by discharge permit, usually after disinfection, right before discharge.

{Disinfection Review} What is a fusible plug on a tank of Chlorine gas?

A soft metal plug that melts in a fire to prevent explosion

{Solids Digestion Review} Sludge is pumped into an anaerobic digester at 15,000 gal/day Total Solids of Raw Sludge: 4.2% Volatile Solids of Raw Sludge: 68% Gas Production: 21,000 cft per day Volatile Solids Reduction: 48.5% A. Calculate the pounds of volatile solids destroyed per day B. Calculate the gas production in cubic feet per pound of VS destroyed/day

A. 15,000 x 8.34 x .042 x .68= 3572.9 3572.9 x .485= 1732.9 lbs VS destroyed per day B. 21,000/ 1732.9= 12.12 cft per LB VS destroyed/day

{$ of treatment per month(31 days)=$23,000. Average Flow:2.8 MGD. Average Influent BOD: 275 mg/l A. Calculate the cost to treat 1lb of BOD B. Calculate the cost of treatment per MG

A. 2.8x8.34x275=6422lbs BOD......23000/31=$742 per day....742/6422= .12 cents per lb BOD. B. 742/2.8=$265 per MG

{BOD Calculations} A sample is analyzed for BOD, with 3 dilutions of the sample as follows: Sample Volume Initial DO Final DO ○100 ml ○8.2 mg/l ○7.8 mg/l ○200ml ○8.3 mg/l ○4.2 mg/l ○300ml ○8.2 mg/l ○0.8 mg/l A. Which of the 3 BOD5 dilutions should be used to calculate the reported value? B. Calculate the BOD5 value that should be reported.

A. 200ml dilution should be used for the reported value. 100ml and 300ml depletion was too low and too high. B. 8.3 - 4.2= 4.1 mg/l depletion @200ml. We need a multiplier to be out of 300 ml, so 300/200= 1.5 (our multiplier) ...... 1.5x 4.1= 6.15mg/L

{Disinfection Review} 20lbs of chlorine are added to a flow of 3 MGD A. Calculate the dosage in mg/l B. The chlorine residual was measured at .25, calculate the demand

A. 20= (x) x 8.34 x 3....... 20 = (X) x 25.02......20/25.02= (X) X= .80 mg/l B. .80 - .25 = .55 mg/l

{Nutrient Removal Review} A flow of 3.5 MGD was dosed with 240gal of Ferric Chloride with a specific gravity of 1.434 and concentration of 41%. A. Calculate the LBS of dry ferric chloride in the gallons of solution that was used B. Calculate the dosage of ferric chloride in mg/L in the flow

A. 240 x 1.434= 344.16 x 41%= 141.11 dry lbs B. 344.16= (X) x 3.5 x 8.34........ 344.16= (X) x 29.19...... (X) = 344.16/29.19.... (X) = 11.79 mg/l

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} {Grit Channel calculation} Flow through a grit channel was measured at 27 ft in 14 seconds. A. Calculate the velocity of flow B. How does this velocity affect grit?

A. 27 / 14= 1.9 ft/sec B. The flow is too fast for grit to settle, thus sending it further into the plant.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} A clarifier is 50' in Diameter, side water depth of 12ft and receives a flow of 900,000 gpd. The effluent weir is 1 foot inside of the perimeter. A. What is the Detention time B. Calculate Surface Overflow Rate in gpd per sqft. C. Calculate the weir overflow rate in gpd per foot of weir

A. 50 x 50 x 12 x .785= 23550 cft..... 23550 x 7.48= 176,154 gal.... 176154/900000= .1957 = ~0.2 day or 4.7 hours B. 50 x 50 x .785= 1962.5 sqft.... 900000/1962.5= 458.6 gpd sqft C. 48 x 3.14= 150.72 ft..... 900000/150.72= 5971 gpd ft of weir

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} SQUARE CLARIFIER PICTURE

A. Inlet

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} ROUND CLARIFIER PICTURE

A. Scum beach/ trough

{Fecal Coliform Review} Fecal Coliform: A. Are a more specific indicator of human pollution than total coliform B. Are found only in human wastes C. Provide proof that disease causing microorganisms are present D. All of the above

A. are a more specific indicator of human pollution than total coliform

{Nutrient Removal Review} What plants are designed for Biological Phosphorus Removal?

A/O, A2/0, SBR, Concentric Ring Oxidation Ditch, Modified Bardenpho

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is the goal of Recirculation?

Add more D.O. to the trickling filter and increase contact time; can also strip biomass from media

{Solids Digestion Review} How do we most commonly raise alkalinity?

Add sodium bicarbonate

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What need is there for Aeration in the Activated Sludge Process?

Aeration provides DO but also keeps solids in suspension.

What is Al2(SO4)3*14H2O?


{Nutrient Removal Review} What is another, completely different chemical, that also settles phosporus?

Aluminum Sulfate, Alum

What is Al2(SO4)3?

Aluminum Sulphate

What is NH3?


{Nutrient Removal Review} Why do we need to control the ammonia discharge to the receiving stream?

Ammonia causes oxygen demand in the stream thus being toxic

{Nutrient Removal Review} What order does biological treatment convert ammonia?

Ammonia into Nitrites, Nitrites into Nitrates

Who is OSHA

An agency under the Department of Labor who assure safe and healthful working conditions by setting and enforcing standards with training, outreach and assistance.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Arm Dump Gate

Quality Assurance

Assure accuracy and precision of analyses by using true values and following tests producing similar results.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} RBC, Rotating Biological contactor, are an ________ ______ system, with _______ wastewater treatment

Attached Growth, Aerobic

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Trickling Filters are an ________ ______ system, with _______ wastewater treatment

Attached Growth, Aerobic

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} ROUND CLARIFIER PICTURE

B. Center Baffle

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} sQUARE CLARIFIER PICTURE

B. Inlet Baffle

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} Toxicity in the BOD test would likely cause the calculated BOD value to be: A. Higher than actual B. Lower than actual C. Unaffected D. Invalid, since all of the DO would probably be used.

B. Lower than actual

{Fecal Coliform Review} The geometric mean calculation is used to report what? A. Monthly average for BOD B. Monthly averages for Fecal Coliform C. Seven worst day averages for Ammonia-nitrogen D. All of the above

B. Monthly averages for Fecal Coliform

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} The analysis of Carbonaceous BOD5 (CBOD5) is often required in discharge permits. This analysis requires the addition of: A. Chlorine B. Nitrification Inhibitor C. Chloroform D. Carbon

B. Nitrification Inhibitor

{Fecal Coliform Review} The sterilized dilution water used in the membrane filter procedure for coliform analysis: A. Kills interfering organisms B. Provides some buffering capacity of the filter C. Contains seed organisms needed for proper colony development D. Is only needed when testing chlorinated effluents

B. Provides some buffering capacity of the filter

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} To be considered valid, BOD samples must deplete how much mg/L and leave a residual of how much mg/L?

BOD must deplete 2 mg/l and leave a residual 1 mg/L. (passing example: 8.0 - 6.0= 2.0 mg/L & 8.0 - 7.0= 1.0 mg/L) (Failing example: 8.0 - 6.1= 1.9 mg/L & 8.0 - 7.2= .8 mg/L)

What is HCO3?


{Nutrient Removal Review} How can Phosphorus be removed Biologically?

Biomass can release the phosphorus in anaerobic conditions, and uptake when in aerobic conditions. Wasted biomass removes the phoshporus.

{Nutrient Removal Review} How does Denitrification occur?

Biomass in an anoxic environment is forced to take oxygen from Nitrate, into Nitrite then to nitrogen gas for the atmosphere

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is "Sloughing" inside of a Trickling Filter?

Biomass that falls off or is stripped from the media

{Fecal Coliform Review} What color are fecal coliform colonies in the Membrane Filter method?


{Nutrient Removal Review} What do Alum and Ferric Chloride have in common, besides removing phosphorus?

Both are acidic and corrosive; very concentrated and heavier than water

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} Seeding a BOD sample is intended to provide: A. DO B. Nutrients C. Bacteria D. Organic Material

C. Bacteria

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} ROUND CLARIFIER PICTURE

C. Drive Unit

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} SQUARE CLARIFIER PICTURE

C. Drive unit

{Flow, cfs= Area x Velocity or sqft x ft/sec} Calculate the flow in cfs through a pipe with an inside diameter of 4 inches if the water moves at 3.5 fps.

CFS= .33 x .33 x 3.5 x .785= .299 ~ .3cfs

{Flow, cfs= Area x Velocity or sqft x ft/sec} Calculate the flow in cfs and in gpm through a channel that is 1ft 3 inches wide, 1 ft 6 inches deep and moving at 2.8 feet per second.

CFS= 1.25 x 1.5 x 2.8= 5.25 cft/sec (5.25 x 7.48) x 60= 2356.2 gpm

{Flow, cfs= Area x Velocity or sqft x ft/sec} Calculate the flow in cubic feet per second and in gallons per minute through a channel that is 2ft wide, depth of 1.2 feet and moving at a velocity of 3.6 feet per second.

CFS=2 x 1.2 x 3.6= 8.64 cft/sec (8.64 x 7.48) x 60= 3877.6 gal/min

What is CO3?


Letter F


Letter I

Casing wear ring

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Center Well

What pump can be run for a short period against a closed discharge valve?


{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} Toxic materials such a chlorine or metals in the sample may cause the BOD test to be invalid. What analysis technique would be used rather than BOD?

Chemical Oxygen Demand

{Disinfection Review} How does Chlorine gas compare in weight to Air?

Chlorine is heavier than air, thus ventilation should be near the floor.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Besides a bar screen, what other ways do large debris get removed?

Comminutors, muffin monsters, chopper pumps

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} Samples for BOD analysis are usually collected as a grab or composite sample?


{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is the function of an Aerated Grit Separator?

Control turbulence with air diffusers keeping organics in suspension while still settling grit.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Square TF Pic

Cross Flow Media

{Suspended Solids & Total Solids Review} Errors may be introduced into weighing on an analytical balance (scale) by which of the following: A. Vibration B. Drafts C. Touching the object with the fingers D. All of the above

D. All of the above

{Fecal Coliform Review} A water bath is often used for the incubation of fecal coliform: A. to be sure the humidity is maintained at the proper level B. Because water bath incubators do not cost as much as other incubators C. To gently agitate the filter to enhance growth D. Because a water bath can maintain the temperature within a very small range.

D. Because a water bath can maintain the temperature within a very small range.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} SQUARE CLARIFIER PICTURE

D. Flight

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} ROUND CLARIFIER PICTURE

D. Skimmer Arm

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} As the temperture of water increases, what happens to the amount of dissolved oxygen?

DO decreases

{Fecal Coliform Review}{(#of blue/mL sample) x 100} Calculate the number of fecal coliform per 100mL that would be reported for each day: PICTURED HERE

Day 1- 1ml- 27/1 x 100= 2700 10ml- TNTC 100ml- TNTC: 2700 Day 2- 1ml- 0/1 x 100= 0 10ml- 10/0 x 100= 0 100ml- 48/100 x 100= 48: 48 Day 3- 1ml- 1/0 x 100= 0 50ml- 22/50 x 100= 44 100ml- 40/100 x 100= 40...... average the "good" reporting samples. (44+40)/ 2= 42 Day 4- 1ml- 10/1 x 100= 1000 3ml- 35/3 x100= 1167 90ml- TNTC :1084 Day 5- 1ml- 1/0 x100= 0 10ml- 25/10 x 100= 250 100ml- TNTC :250

{Suspended Solids & Total Solids Review} Where do you store dried or ignited samples while cooling to prevent contact with moisture?


Letter K

Discharge nozzle

{Suspended Solids & Total Solids Review} Solids that pass through the glass fiber filters are what?

Dissolved Solids

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Distributor Arm

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Distributor Base

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Distributor Bearing

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} ROUND CLARIFIER PICTURE

E. Scum Baffle

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} SQUARE CLARIFIER PICTURE

E. Scum Trough

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Square TF Pic


Suction cavitation

Evaporation of liquid near the eye of the impeller

Letter G

Eye of the Impeller

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} ROUND CLARIFIER PICTURE

F. Effluent Weir

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} SQUARE CLARIFIER PICTURE

F. Effluent weir

What is FeCl3?

Ferric Chloride

{Nutrient Removal Review} Why does Ferric Chloride need to be stored inside or a heated tank?

Ferric Chloride will crystalize in cold weather

{Solids Digestion Review} What does it mean to have a foaming digester?

Filamentous bacteria is rapidly breaking down volatile solids

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Filter Media

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How do we calculate Surface Overflow Rate?

Flow(GPD)/ Surface Area

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is the calculation for Weir Overflow Rate?

Flow(GPD)/Ft of Weir

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} ROUND CLARIFIER PICTURE

G. Effluent Launder

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} sQUARE CLARIFIER PICTURE

G. Effluent launder

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} Samples for Dissolved Oxygen are collected as a grab or composite sample?


{Fecal Coliform Review} Samples for fecal coliform analysis should be collected as what type of sample?

Grab sample

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} ROUND CLARIFIER PICTURE

H. Clarifier Influent

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} SQUARE CLARIFIER PICTURE

H. Drive Gear

{Solids Digestion Review} What are some characteristics of the Primary Digester?

Heated and completely mixed, most all degradation of organics, 20-30 days detention

What is H2S?

Hydrogen Sulfide

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What gas is formed by long detention times in sewer systems that indicates septicity?

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} SQUARE CLARIFIER PICTURE

I. Idler Sprockets

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} ROUND CLARIFIER PICTURE

I. Sludge sump

Cross Connections

Illegal connections of potable water to a contaminated source. Such as potable water for wastewater pump seal water.

Letter J

Impeller discharge

Letter H

Impeller suction

Lock out/Tag out

Indication of Do Not Operate equipment. It does not run properly or is being worked on.

{Fecal Coliform Review} Bacteria such as fecal coliform, used to monitor the disinfection process, are called what kind of organisms since they're not pathogenic?

Indicator organisms

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic


{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Square TF Pic


{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How can short circuiting be detected?

Introduce dye to the influent of the clarifier, it should not appear in the effluent for at least 2 hours.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} ROUND CLARIFIER PICTURE

J. Sludge Plow

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} SQUARE CLARIFIER PICTURE

J. Sludge Withdrawal Pipe

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} SQUARE CLARIFIER PICTURE

K. Sludge Trough

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} SQUARE CLARIFIER PICTURE

L. Drive Chain

{Solids Digestion Review} A digester is 60ft in diameter and a side water depth of 20ft, cone of 6ft. Sludge is pumped in at 9,000 gal/day, concentration 3.5 % and 72% volatile solids. Calculate the loading on the digester in LBS of volatile solids per day per cubic foot.

LBS VS= 9000 gpd x 8.34 x .035 x .72= 1891.5 lbs VS/day 60 x 60 x 20 x .785= 56,520 cft; (60 x 60 x 6 x .785) /3 = 5652 cft 1891.5 / 62,172= .03 lbs VS/day per cft

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How is the Solids Loading Rate calculated?

LBs Solids/ SQFT

{Solids Digestion Review} What is a good Alkalinity ratio for a digester?

Less than .5 VA/ALK

{Nutrient Removal Review} What are 4 ways Nitrification may be inhibited?

Low CRT, toxicity, low temperature and low alkalinity

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Square TF Pic

Media Supports

What is CH4?


{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Oxidation ditches, what is usually different about their aeration?

Mostly mechanical aeration with rotors that can be brought up or submerged for adjustment.

What are the sampling specifications for pH?

Must use an effluent grab sample and analyze within 15 minutes.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How does oxygen flow into a Trickling filter?

Naturally through water or with a forced ventilation system; there are ventilation ports to allow free exchange of air to the atmosphere

What is NO3?

Nitrate (what helps me- [3 ate] first, [2 ite] second)

What is NO2?

Nitrite (what helps me- [3 ate] first, [2 ite] second)

{Suspended Solids & Total Solids Review} The ash that is left after igniting the solids in a muffle furnace is also called what?

Non-Volatile Solids

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How strong is the smell of influent?

Normally musty

{Solids Digestion Review} What are some characteristics of a Secondary Digester?

Not heat and not mixed, solid separation here and return of supernatant

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is "filtered out" in a Trickling filter?

Nothing, there is no physical filter or removal of solid

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Sequencing Batch Reactor, what goes on?

One tank goes through 5 treatment phases; Fill, React, Settle, Decant, Idle. Biomass stays in the reactor

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is the purpose for the Arm Dump Gate?

Opening stops rotation of arms, used for cleaning

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Square TF Pic

Optional Blower

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Square TF Pic

Optional Dome

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How is Facultative defined?

Organisms can exist with or without oxygen

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Outlet Orifice

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Outlet Pipe

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Outlet Valve

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What does Aerobic mean?

Oxygen required

Letter B


{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What ways to we measure the flow of influent?

Parshall flume, Ultrasonic meter or a magmeter.

{Biosolids Application Review} What part of Federal Regulations requires municipal sludge disposed of on agricultural land?

Part 503

{Fecal Coliform Review} Disinfection of municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent to prevent the discharge of what organisms, which cause disease?

Pathogenic Organisms

{Biosolids Application Review} What are some possible hazards to municipal sludge?

Pathogens, metal and other toxins, odors and runoff

What does pH measure?

Ph measure the concentration of Hydrogen ions (H+)

What is PO4?


{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} MCRT/CRT- (Mean) Cell Residence Time is what?

Pounds of MLVSS/Pounds of WAS per day. (use MLVSS or MLSS, just don't mix)

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Food to Microorganism Ratio, F:M, how do we calculate?

Pounds of Primary BOD (F)/ Pounds of MLVSS (M)(lbs)

{Solids Digestion Review} What does the flame trap do on a digester?

Prevent flames from traveling back into the digester

How do you keep equipment operating properly for a longer life span?

Preventive Maintenance

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How does Primary Clarification effect influent solids and BOD?

Primary Clarification usually removes about 40-50% of influent solids and BOD.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Square TF Pic

Protective Surface Grating

{Disinfection Review} How can you detect a Chlorine gas leak?

Puffs of ammonium hydroxide

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is the Return Activated Sludge, RAS?

Pumped constantly from the Secondary Clarifiers back to the aeration tank reusing hungry organisms

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Square TF Pic


{Solids Digestion Review} What does a drip trap do on a digester?

Removes moisture from gas collecting piping

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Retaining Valve

{Surface area= L x W} {Volume= L x W x D} Find the surface area in sqft and volume in gallons of a rectangle tank that is 11 ft wide, 15ft 3 inches long, and 6.5 ft deep.

SA= 11 x 15.25= 167.75 sqft V= 11 x 15.25 x 6.5= 1090.375 cft........1090.375 x 7.48= 8156 gal

{3.14xD= DxDx.785}{circles fit 78.5% inside squares} Find the surface are in sqft and the volume in gallons of a tank with a D of 17ft, side water depth of 8ft and cone depth of 2ft.

SA=17 x 17 x .785= 226.9~227 ft V=17 x 17 x 8 x .785= 1814.9~1815cft Vcone=(17 x 17 x 2)/3=578/3=192.66cft 1814.9+192.7= 2007.6~2008cft....... 2007.6 x 7.48= 15,017 gal

{3.14xD= DxDx.785}{circles fit 78.5% inside squares} FInd the surface area in sqft and the volume in gallons of a circular tank with a diameter of 20 ft, side water depth of 12 ft and cone depth of 3.5 ft.

SA=20 x 20 x .785=314sqft V=20 x 20 x 12 x .785=3768cft Vcone=(20 x 20 x 3.5 x.785)/3=1099/3= 366cft 3768+366= 4134cft total.... 4134 x 7.48= 30,922 gal

{Surface area= L x W} {Volume= L x W x D} Find the surface area in sqft and volume in gallons of a rectangle tank, 15ft wide, 27 ft 6 inches long and 10 ft deep.

SA=27.5 x 15= 412.5 sqft V=27.5 x 15 x 10= 4125 cft.....4125 x 7.48= 30,855 gal

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How are SDI and SVI related?

SDI= 100/SVI and SVI= 100/SDI or 100/125 = 0.80 SDI and 100/0.80 = 125 SVI

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What tests do we use to check settleability?


Letter C


Letter D

Shaft Sleeve

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Sloped Floor

What is NaCl?

Sodium Chloride

What is NaOCl?

Sodium Hypochlorite

{Fecal Coliform Review} Samples collected after chlorine disinfection for bacterial analysis must be dechlorinated with what chemical?

Sodium Thiosulfate

{D.O. & BOD analysis Review} Samples collected for BOD analysis of a chlorinated flow must be dechlorinated with what chemical?

Sodium sulfate

{Nutrient Removal Review} What if Denitrification occurs in the Secondary Clarifier?

Solids will float to the top because of trapped nitrogen gas bubbles

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Speed Retarder Orifice

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Splash Plates

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Stay Rod

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Stay Rod Turn Buckle

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How are sterilization and disinfection different from eachother?

Sterile has 0 organisms left, disinfection kills pathogenic, disease causing organisms.

Letter A

Stuffing Box

What is SO2?

Sulfur Dioxide

{Disinfection Review} What are some common dichlorination chemicals?

Sulfur Dioxide gas, Sodium Bisulfite and Sodium Metabisulfite solution

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Support Grill

{Disinfection Review} What are some limitations to UV disinfection?

Suspended solids block the radiation: bulbs that emit radiation become coated in slime or other inorganics

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} INF- 0.8 MGD-------- MLSS 3000 mg/l INF BOD- 230 mg/l--------- MLVSS 2600 mg/l PE BOD- 160 mg/l-------- RASVSS 7400 mg/l------- WAS 550 lbs volatile/day Aeration tank 75 ft L x 20 ft W x 18 ft D Calculate CRT

Tank size- 75 x 20 x 18 x 7.48= 201,960 .202 x 2600 x 8.34= 4380 lbs MLVSS 4380/ 550= 7.96 or ~ 8 days

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How do Wear Shoes help flight maintenance?

The "wear shoes" protect the flight from erosion and degradation while scraping the floor.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How does the RBC treat the wastewater using bacteria and other microorganisms?

The biomass is attached to plastic discs that rotate about 1.6 RPM while partially submerged in wastewater.

{Fecal Coliform Review} If a chlorinated effluent sample collected for bacteria analysis was not declorinated, how would it compare to a dechlorinated sample?

The chlorinated sample would show less coliform.

What is cavitation?

The evaporation of passing liquid into gas due to low pressure in the casing.

Wire guage

The lower number carries more current

What is a pump curve?

The manufacturers specifications for operating the pump with efficiency across a range of parameters. Horsepower, ft of head, flow are some of the parameters.

An electrical tag on a 3-phase motor says, "Volt 220/440" "Amp 20/10". What is the tag telling me?

The motor can be wired as either voltage, 220 or 440; and will use different amps accordingly. 20 amps @ 220v or 10 amps @ 440v.

Where should an influent sample be collected?

The sample is collected where wastewater enters the plant, but before any plant return flow.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What does floating, black sludge indicate in a Clarifier?

The sludge has sat for too long and become septic. Pump the sludge more frequently.

{Disinfection Review} What makes the shelf-life of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution lower than Chlorine gas?

The solution decomposes overtime while releasing oxygen

What is a Composite sample?

The stockpiling of water over time, usually 24 hrs, into one container for analysis. BOD, Ammonia, Phosphorus and Suspended Solids.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What benefit is there to having screens?

They remove large debris like sticks and rags that clog pumps and valves or collect in clarifiers or digesters.

How tight should pump packing be?

Tight enough to allow 1 drip per second

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is the need for a Secondary Clarifier in the Trickling Filter plant?

To catch and remove mass that has sloughed off

{Nutrient Removal Review} What is the point of Phosphorus removal?

To control eutrophication of receiving lakes and streams

What is this coupling used for?

To correct misalignment where motor and driven equipment cannot line up.

{Solids Digestion Review} What is the purpose of Anaerobic digesters?

To stabilize the sludge

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Why are cables used in a Trickling Filter?

To support the length of the distribution arms, need adjustment with temperatures

{Suspended Solids & Total Solids Review} What do you call all of the solids, suspended or dissolved?

Total Solids

{Suspended Solids & Total Solids Review} Solids that cannot pass through Whatman GF/C glass fiber or similar filter and do not volatilize at 103ºC are called what?

Total suspended solids

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Trailing Edge

{Disinfection Review} What is another common way of disinfection besides Chlorination

Ultraviolet Radiation

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Underdrain Channel

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Underdrainage System

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How do Trickling Filters treat water and how?

Use of bacteria and other microorganisms that form habitats attached to filter media

{Nutrient Removal Review} What is the purpose of Nitrification?

Used to meet an ammonia limit for the discharge permit

{Disinfection Review} Why can't I use as much Chlorine as needed from a single cylinder?

Using too much gas causes freezing of the cylinder. (no more than 40lbs of 150lbs)

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is the likely cause, and how to treat Bulking?

Usually due to filamentous bacteria holding particles apart. Chlorinate the RAS to kill filamentous.

{Solids Digestion Review} If your digester is going sour, what is the likely cause?

VA/ALK (alkalinity ratio) is low

Letter E


{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Square TF Pic

Vent Window

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Round Trickling Filter Pic

Ventilation Port

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Square TF Pic

Vertical Flow Media

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids, MLVSS?

Volatile portion of MLSS, estimates the active bacteria

{Solids Digestion Review} What can an operator control on the digesters?

Volatile solids loading, temperature and the mixing

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How can we calculate Detention Time?

Volume/Flow or Volume(gal) x 24/ GPD

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What does "channeling through media" mean?

Wastewater passing through media in certain locations versus even distribution; channeling is worse treatment than desired

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How does wastewater get distributed through the Trickling filter?

Water wells up from the center of the filter in a basin. The outlets of the basin extend to the walls, usually 4 extensions called "arms". The outlets project most of the water in the same direction producing a revolution of the arms, about 1 or 2 revolutions per minute.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is short circuiting in a Clarifier?

When the velocity is uneven throughout, ie. uneven or blocked weirs.

What is a Grab sample?

a single sample analyzed individually. pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Fecal Coliform and Chlorine Residual

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is the Waste Activated Sludge, WAS?

activated sludge sent to solids handling for control of MLVSS. Usually T-ed from the RAS line.

{Disinfection Review} What does "Demand" mean, when talking about Chlorination?

amount of Chlorine used by chemical reaction

{Disinfection Review} What does "dosage" mean, when talking about Chlorination?

amount of chlorine added to flow

Air Binding

an air leak into the pump increasing noise and possibly stopping flow.

Confined space

atmosphere testing; 19.5% minimum 02

{Solids Digestion Review} What temperature do most anaerobic digesters operate?

between 95-98 degrees F

What is CO2?

carbon dioxide

Explain the pH Log Scale

each pH unit change represents a concentration change of 10x (ie;change pH 7 to 10, concentration changes 10 x 10 x 10= 1000)


electrical current flow


electrical resistance


electromotive force

Discharge cavitation

evaporation of liquid near the ends of the impeller and vanes

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} A trickling filter is 60ft in diameter and 25ft deep, receiving 1.3 MGD. The primary effluent concentration of 85mg/l and recirculation ratio is 1:1. The media has a specific surface area of 40 sqft/cft Calculate the hydraulic loading rate in GPD per square foot.

flow of 1.3 mgd + recirc of 1.3 = 2.6 MGD 2,600,000/ (60 x 60 x .785) = 2,600,000/2826 = 920 GPD per square foot

Quality Assurance- Recovery

for spike samples, add a known amount of standard and determine what percent is recovered.

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What are "Psychoda"?

gnat like flies that grow in areas of stagnant water

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is the "usual" color of influent?

grey, used dishwater looking

{Solids Digestion Review} What help does a Pressure/Vacuum relief offer a digester?

it prevents excessive pressure or a draw of vacuum on the digester

{Disinfection Review} What does "Residual" mean, when talking about Chlorination?

leftover chlorine that did not chemically react and is sent to discharge

{Nutrient Removal Review} Final Effluent should have ___ ammonia and ____ nitrate

low, high

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is SVI, Sludge Volume Index?

mL settled sludge in 30min/ (mg/l MLSS/1000)

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is absorption?

material dissolved and directly consumed by organisms; passes through the bacterial cell wall

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How does "biological" treatment work?

microorganisms, mostly bacteria, remove pollutants from wastewater

What is the typical lubrication cycle for electric motors?

once per year

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} Anaerobic means what?

organisms do not need free oxygen, could even be harmful

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is adsorption?

particulates stuck outside of the bacterial cell wall, which get broken down by excreted enzymes to be absorbed afterwards.

{Disinfection Review} How does UV radiation of Disinfection work?

radiation at 254nm interferes with microorganisms ability to reproduce

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What happens during Grit Removal

removes heavy inorganics allowing organics to the biological process

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is Mixed Liquor Suspend Solids, MLSS?

solid suspension inside of the aeration tank

What is SO4?


{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is is bulking inside of a Clarifier?

the settled solids are not compressing, compacting, and taking more space than normal.

{Nutrient Removal Review} If a solutions has a Specific Gravity of 1.450, how does the weight compare to water?

the solution is 1.45 times heavier than the weight of water

{Nutrient Removal Review} What is Specific Gravity?

the weight of a solution compared to that of water

{Nutrient Removal Review} What is the purpose for Denitrification?

to meet a Total Inorganic Nitrogen (TIN) limit of a groundwater discharge permit

{Disinfection Review} What is the point of Dechlorination?

to prevent damage to the ecosystem because chlorine is toxic

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} What is "Loping" of an RBC?

uneven rotation due to unequal weight inside of the biological contactor

Quality Assurance- Duplicates

use of a 2nd sample assists precision of analyses

{Biosolids Application Review} What kind of characteristic requirements are set on Biosolids for land application?

vector attraction reduction, pathogen reduction, pollutant concentration, and useable levels of Nitrogen/Phosphorus

{Wastewater Treatment Processes Review} How come components like chloride and sodium may not be changed throughout a Biological treatment plant?

very soluble inorganic materials

Quality Assurance- Control Charts

warning and control limits- used to judge reliability of data

Symbols (KEY)

{}= informational assistance cft= cubic feet sqft= square feet PEMDAS={(2+2)x3} math inside first (2+2) then x3 MG=Million Gallons MGD= Million Gallons Daily GPD=gallons per day GPH=gallons per hour (?)= solution to be found D=diameter CFS= cubic feet per second g= grams mg= milligram ug=micrograms l=liter mL= milliliters uL= microliters mg/L= milligrams per liter N= Normality º= Degrees (alt key + 167 numbpad)

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