Micro Chapter 21

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Which of the following is true of spirochetes

They are able to penetrate a host's tissues

The emerging disease known as anaplasmosis is transmitted by


Which causes piñata, a skin disease primarily in children, in which spirochetes are detectable in specimens from the lesions

Treponema carateum

The STD characterized by 3 distinctly different symptomatic stages is the result of infection with

Treponema pallidum pallidum

T/F: A positive urease test in cultures from gastric secretions is definite identification of helicobacter pylori


T/F: All stages of lodes, the vector for Lyme disease, may feed humans.


T/F: Campylobacter gastroenteritis is usually caused by ingestion of contained poultry


T/F: The cholera toxin is a potent exotoxin composed of 5 identical B subunits and one A subunit.


T/F: chlamydophila pneumoniae is suspected of causing arteriosclerosis


Leptospirosis interrogates exits the body in _____


A gastroenteritis which usually resolves in72 hours in contracted from eating shellfish contaminated with

Vibrio parahaemolyticus

Would contaminated with vibrio _____ can lead to potentially fatal septicemia


The normal habitat for vibrio cholerae is ____


Parrot fever, caused by ______, is usually pneumonia- like disease but can sometimes lead to hepatitis or endocarditis

Chlamydophila psittaci

Which intercellular parasite of humans causes mild pneumonia

Chlomy pneumoniae

Major pandemics of severe diarrheal disease have been caused by vibrio _____ for centuries


What characteristic does vibrio share with salmonella

Both have 0 polysaccharide antigens

Treponema pallidum can be transmitted by

Both through sexual intercourse and from an infected mother to unborn child

Epidemic typhus recur many years after an initial episode; the recurrent disease is called

Brill-Zinsser disease

STD chlamydia is similar to infection with Yersinia pest is in that they both can produce


Among adults chlamydia trachomatis is an STD, but among kids it can cause ocular infections which may spread

By fecal contamination or respiratory droplets

T/F: An expanding rash that resembles a bull's-eye is characteristic of secondary syphilis


T/F: Vibrio vulnificus causes septicemia that is self limiting but rarely fatal


T/F: humans are the only hosts of rickettsia rickettsii


T/F: small doses of antimicrobial agents are very effective in treating the late stages of borrelia infection because most of the symptoms result from immune responses


T/F:All of the rickettsias are zoonoses


The characteristic lesion for tertiary syphillis is the presence of _______ in bones, nervous tissue and the skin


Gastritis from infection of the stomach wall with _____ can cause inflammation leading to peptic ulcers

Helicobacter pylori

Rickettsia prowazekii is transmitted by

Human body louse pedicures humanus

Which of the following disease is considered an emerging disease since 1987

Human monocytes ehrlichiosis

Endoscopes filled with multiplying chlamydia are know as

Inclusion bodies

Rickettsiosis is caused by a pathogen that

Infects the lining of blood vessels and leads to leaking of plasma into tissue

The S/S of infection with helicobacter pylori are the result of

Invasion by H.Pylori into the mucosa of the stomach

The S/S of infection with helicobacter pylori are a result of

Invasion of H. Pylori into the mucosa of the stomach

Which of the following statements of trachoma is false

It is most often a disease of adults who suffer from chlamydia

Which about ehrilichia is false

It usually causes a spotted rash similar to Rocky Mountain spotted fever

What characteristic of borrelia burgdorferi makes it an usual bacterium

It utilizes manganese instead of iron in its proteins and enzymes

The most important virulence factor of vibrio cholera is

It's ability to produce a potent exotoxin

Which statement concerning the causative agent syphilis is true

Large helically coiled bacterium motile by means of endoflagella

Which of the following is a zoonosis caused by a spirochete


The rash characteristic of RMSF starts on the _____


Shortly after travel, young man experiences fever, chills, muscle aches, and headache. Kid had large backpack and saying in hostels. What does he have?

Louse-borne relapsing fever

Borrelia burgdorferi is an unusual bacterium that lacks iron- containing enzymes and proteins and causes _____ disease in humans


Which of the following are referred to as energy parasites


Transovarian tranmission is a process in which

An infected female vector transmits the pathogen to the eggs forming in its ovaries.

Infection with _____ produces symptoms similar to RMSF, except for rash

Anaplasma phagocytophilium

Young woman, recently hiking and found tick on her torso has a fever that came on suddenly. No rash but leukopenia. What disease


A nonveneral treponema disease transmitted by contaminated eating utinsils and primary affects African kids


Patient with frequent diarrhea with ab pain and fever for several days. Allergy to shellfish. Blood in feces. Gram positive, curved, motile, urease-negative bacteria.

Campylobacter jejuni

The bacterium _______ is a common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis contracted from contaminated food, especially in poultry

Campylobacter jejuni

The STD invasive form of chlamydia

Caused by the LGV strain of Chlamydia trachomatis

Intracellular parasite of humans that usually causes a mild pneumonia

Chalmydolphil pneumoniae

In the mother has ______ at the time of birth, it will effect the kids eyes


The intracellular parasite _____ can infect mucous membranes in various organ systems

Chlamydia trachomatis

Which pair is mismatched?

Chlamydia trachomatis: pneumonia

The Ixodes tick can become infected with borrelia burgdorferi

Either as a a large or lymph

The infectious form of chlamydia is the _____ body


Which of the following pairs is mitmatched

Elementary bodies: dormant noninfectious form

Sequence for stages of ehrlichia developed in infected host

Elementary body, initial body, morula

The reservoir for orientia tsutsugamushi is _____


Scrub typhus is transmitted to humans by mites infected with ______


Red mites (chiggers) spread _____ among both humans and rodents.

Orientia tsutsugamushi

A disease that birds carry that can be given to humans is


Typical lesion of syphilis is

Painless reddened lesion called a chancre

Rickettsia ____ is fatal to its vector within 2-3 weeks


Pair rickettsial pathogen and vector

R. Prowazeki: louse

Louse-Borne relapsing fever is caused by a spirochete known as borrelia ______,


Epidemic typhus, spread by lice, caused by

Rickettsia prowazekii

Leptospirosis interrogates gets its name from

The fact that one end of spirochete is curbed like a question mark

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