micro exam 1, sp22

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___ is the study of the evolutionary history of organisms. A) Evology B) Mycology C) Phycology D) Phylogeny E) Taxology

D) Phylogeny

A system of classification grouping organisms into 3 domains based on the cellular organization of organisms was devised by A) Carl Woese. B) Carolus Linnaeus. C) Anton van Leewenhoek. D) Robert Koch. E) Louis Pasteur.

A) Carl Woese.

Which of the following is in the correct order? A) Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species B) Kingdom, Domain, Phylum, Family, Order, Class, Genus, Species C) Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Family, Order, Class, Genus, Species D) Kingdom, Domain, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

A) Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

Animal viruses can be grown in all of the following except A) E. coli cells B) embryonated eggs. C) HeLa cells. D) tissue culture. E) live animal hosts.

A) E. coli cells

Work by ___ laid the foundations of immunology with the development of vaccines. A) Jenner and Pasteur B) Koch and Pasteur C) Lister and Semmelweis D) Pauling and Woese E) Redi and Spallanzani

A) Jenner and Pasteur

Which of the following is NOT a functionally analogous pair? A) cilia - fimbriae B) 9+2 flagella - hook, basal body, filament C) 80S ribosomes- 70S ribosomes D) nucleus-nucleoid region E) mitochondria - prokaryotic plasma membrane

A) cilia - fimbriae

A map that shows the evolutionary relationships of organisms among organisms is a A) cladogram B) dichotomous key C) dendogram D) dimorphic key E) dichotogram

A) cladogram

Which of the following structures do not help the bacteria adhere to surfaces? A) flagella B) slime layer C) pili D) capsule E) fimbriae

A) flagella

A viral species is a group of viruses that A) has the same genetic information and ecological niche. B) has the same morphology and nucleic acid. C) infects the same cells and cause the same disease. D) are made of the same types of cells E) cannot be defined.

A) has the same genetic information and ecological niche.

The Apicomplexa are named for their complexes of specialized organelles which allow them to A) penetrate host cells. B) undergo schizogony. C) be motile by means of multiple flagella. D) attach to surfaces. E) carry out photosynthesis.

A) penetrate host cells.

Which group is not a kingdom-level classification of eukaryotic organisms? A) protozoa B) fungi C) protista D) plants E) animals

A) protozoa

Penicillin was discovered by accident by A) Joseph Lister. B) Alexander Fleming. C) Robert Koch. D) Paul Ehrlich. E) Edward Jenner.

B) Alexander Fleming.

Which pairing of organism and the chemical component of its cell wall is matched incorrectly? A) Algae: cellulose, silica, or pectin B) Animals: cholesterol C) Bacteria: peptidoglycan D) Plants: cellulose E) Fungi: chitin

B) Animals: cholesterol

Why are Archaea not discussed as much as bacteria? A) Archaea infections are easy to treat. B) Archaea have not been linked to human diseases. C) Archaea are only found in a few limited environments. D) Archaea are not part of the human microbiome. E) Archaea only live in extreme environments.

B) Archaea have not been linked to human diseases.

Which of the following individuals pioneered the use of chemicals to reduce the incidence of infections during surgery? A) Nightingale B) Lister C) Snow D) Ehrlich E) Semmelweis

B) Lister

Which of these scientists helped come up with experimental steps to demonstrate that a specific microbe causes a specific disease? A) Anthony Fauci B) Robert Koch C) Joseph Lister D) Edward Jenner E) Louis Pasteur

B) Robert Koch

In bacterial ribosomes, a small 30S subunit and a large 50S subunit come together to produce the functional 70S ribosome. Why is it not an 80S ribosome? A) Additional factors are required for protein synthesis. When these are put with the ribosome, it will become an 80S ribosome complex. B) S stands for Svedberg units, which indicates the relative rate of sedimentation due to size, weight, and shape of a particle. The numbers are not strictly additive. C) A portion of the larger 50S subunit is detached as the ribosomes come together, making the final complex a 70S ribosome instead of an 80S ribosome. D) The ribosome will become an 80S complex when the protein it is producing starts to be formed.

B) S stands for Svedberg units, which indicates the relative rate of sedimentation due to size, weight, and shape of a particle. The numbers are not strictly additive.

Bacteria and Archaea are similar in which of the following? A) They both use methionine as the start signal for protein synthesis B) They are both considered prokaryotic cells. C) They both have eptidoglycan cell walls. D) Their plasma membranes have ester linkages. E) They are share the same level of sensitivity to antibiotics.

B) They are both considered prokaryotic cells.

All of the following are characteristics of nematodes except A) They are roundworms. B) They are monoecious. C) They are cylindrical and tapered at each end. D) They have a complete digestive system, with a mouth, intestine and anus. E) All of the above are true statements about nematodes.

B) They are monoecious.

Which of the following best defines a strain in microbiological terms? A) groups of cells all derived from and identical to a single parent species B) a pure culture that is not totally identical to other cultures of the same species C) a mixed population of cells, which are genetically distinct, but with highly similar phenotypic characteristics D) a group of organisms with a limited geographical distribution E) same as a species

B) a pure culture that is not totally identical to other cultures of the same species

In bacteria, photosynthetic pigments are found in A) chloroplasts. B) chromatophores. C) cytoplasm. D) mesosomes. E) ribosomes.

B) chromatophores.

A system in which ID is based on successive questions with two possible answers is called A) cladogram B) dichotomous key C) dendogram D) dichotogram E) dimorphic key

B) dichotomous key

Short, bristle-like structures that extrude from the cell surface used for attachment are called A) eilia. B) fimbriae. C) flagella. D) mating bridges. E) pili.

B) fimbriae.

A particular type of inclusion body that is used to orient bacteria in three-dimensional space in a fluid environment is the A) carboxysome. B) gas vacuole. C) sulfur granule. D) metachromatic granule.

B) gas vacuole.

Bacteria are a commonly used organism for studies of genetic material in the research laboratory. The nucleic acids must first be isolated from the cells for these studies. Which of the following would most likely be used to remove the cell wall from gram-positive bacterial cells prior to their lysis for nucleic acid isolation? Al alcohot B) lysozyme C) mycolic acid D) water E) polymixins

B) lysozyme

According to the endosymbiotic origin of eukaryotic cells, aerobic bacteria were engulfed by larger bacterial cells and evolved into A) chloroplasts. B) mitochondria. C) peroxisomes. D) ribosomes. E) vacuoles.

B) mitochondria.

Where within a eukaryotic cell is ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesized? A) mitochondrion B) nucleolus C) lysosome D) endoplasmic reticulum E) cytoplasm

B) nucleolus

Peptidoglycan in Gram-positive bacterial cell walls is reinforced by A) periplasm. B) teichoic acids. C) the inner membrane. D) lipopolysaccharide. E) all of the above.

B) teichoic acids.

Which one of the following pairs is mismatched? A) magnetosomes - iron oxide inclusions B) volutin granules - sulfur reserve C) carboxysomes - RuBis CO enzyme for carbon dioxide fixation D) metachromatic granules - phosphate reserves E) lipid inclusions- energy reserves

B) volutin granules - sulfur reserve

When does endospore formation commence? A) following bacterial death B) when bacterial growth ceases due to limitation of an essential nutrient C) when bacteria are dividing exponentially D) when the bacterium is undergoing binary fission E) anytime the bacterium feels like it

B) when bacterial growth ceases due to limitation of an essential nutrient

Helical and icosahedral are terms used to describe the shapes of a virus A) envelope. B) capsomere. C) capsid. D) core. E spike.

C) capsid.

Which of the following does not belong in Archaea? A) hyperthermophiles B) methanogens C) cyanobacteria D) thermophiles E) halophiles

C) cyanobacteria

A mutualistic combination of an alga and a fungus is a(n) A) alfung B) funga C) lichen D) litmus E) lycan

C) lichen

Lipid A is a component of A) bacterial glycocalyces. B) cytoplasmic membranes. C) lipopolysaccharides. D) mycolic acid. E) plant cell walls.

C) lipopolysaccharides.

All viruses must use their genome to produce which is then used by the host cell to produce A) DNA; mRNA B) DNA; proteins C) mRNA; proteins D) proteins; DNA E) proteins; mRNA

C) mRNA; proteins

Hyphae are associated with which of the following? A) algae B) helminths C) molds D) protozoa E) yeasts

C) molds

Which of the following is necessary for all bacterial cells? A) cell wall B) flagella C) nucleoid D) magnetosomes E) capsule

C) nucleoid

Why do most scientists agree that viruses are nonliving entities? A) They pass through filters. B) They are composed of relatively simple components. C) They cause diseases in host cells. D) They are not composed of cells. E) They cannot replicate outside host cells.

D) They are not composed of cells.

All of the following are true about protozoa except A) They may reproduce asexually or sexually. B) They may have flagella or cilia. C) They are typically grouped by their means of motility. D) They can be unicellular or multicellular eukaryotic cells. E) All of the above are true statements.

D) They can be unicellular or multicellular eukaryotic cells.

All of the following are characteristics of cestodes except A) They are hermaphroditic. B) Their bodies consist of segments called proglottids. C) They have a scolex that can be armed or unarmed. D) They have an incomplete digestive system. E) They absorb food through their cuticle.

D) They have an incomplete digestive system.

Which genomic arrangement has not been found in viruses? A) double-stranded RNA B) double-stranded DNA C) single-stranded RNA D) a combination of DNA and RNA in the same virus E) single-stranded DNA

D) a combination of DNA and RNA in the same virus

The cysts produced by some protozoans are most similar to A) algal asexual spores. B) helminthic eggs. C) mitochondria. D) bacterial endospores. E) fungal sexual spores.

D) bacterial endospores.

Most prokaryotic cells reproduce A) extremely quickly. B) sexually. C) by mitosis. D) by binary fission. E) by meiosis.

D) by binary fission.

If two organisms have similar rRNA sequences, you can conclude that they A) live in the same place. B) will have different G-C ratios. C) will both ferment lactose. D) evolved from a common ancestor. E) mated with each other.

D) evolved from a common ancestor.

The technique developed by Hans Christian Gram is important for bacterial A) classification. B) epidemiology. C) etiology. D) identification. E) isolation.

D) identification.

Multicellular organisms with hard exoskeletons, segmented bodies and three pairs of jointed legs in the adult stage are A) arachnids. B) crustacea. C) helminths. D) insects. E) lice.

D) insects.

Mycoplasma bacteria differ from other bacteria in that they A) are motile. B) are acid-fast. C) grow inside host cells. D) lack a cell wall. E) are gram-negative.

D) lack a cell wall.

Which of the following pairs is mismatched? A) rough endoplasmic reticulum - proteins B) mitochondria - ATP production C) chloroplasts - photosynthesis D) lysosome - lipid synthesis E) All of the pairs are matched correctly

D) lysosome - lipid synthesis

A clear area against a confluent "lawn" of bacteria is called a A) pock. B) phage. C) cell lysis. D) plaque. E) rash.

D) plaque.

The ability of certain bacterial cells to take on different cell shapes is known as A) pyloric. B) meiosis. C) pallidic. D) pleomorphic. E) fission.

D) pleomorphic.

Which of the following shows the correct path a secreted protein takes in a eukaryotic cell? A) Golgi complex, rough ER, vesicle, cell membrane B) Golgi complex, vesicle, rough ER, cell membrane C) rough ER, Golgi complex, cell membrane, vesicle D) rough ER, Golgi complex, vesicle, cell membrane E) vesicle, rough ER, Golgi complex, cell membrane

D) rough ER, Golgi complex, vesicle, cell membrane

The first vaccination was created to prevent A) anthrax. B) HIV. C) the plague. D) smallpox. E) tuberculosis.

D) smallpox.

All of the following are characteristics of the trematodes except A) They have flat, leaf-shaped bodies with two suckers. B) They are hermaphroditic. C) They are bilaterally symmetrical. D) They have an incomplete digestive system. E) All of the above are true statements about trematodes.

E) All of the above are true statements about trematodes.

6. Vesicles that bud off the ER are typically shuttled to the where their contents can be modified, sorted, and distributed. A) mitochondria B) plasma membrane C) nucleus D) lysosome E) Golgi apparatus

E) Golgi apparatus

Which of the following pairs is mismatched? A) dinoflagellates - saxitoxins B) brown algae - algin C) diatoms - petroleum D) red algae - carrageenan E) All of the above are correctly matched

E) all of the above are correctly matched

When a virus has an envelope, A) it is always a bacteriophage. B) it is always an RNA-containing virus. C) it may escape its host cell either by budding or by lysis. D) it likely escapes its host cell by lysis. E) it likely escapes its host cell by budding.

E) it likely escapes its host cell by budding.

Bacteria that have flagella distributed all over the cell surface are described as (having) A) periplasmic flagella. B) monotrichous. C) lophotrichous. D) amphitrichous. E) peritrichous.

E) peritrichous.

70S is the sedimentation rate of which of the following? A) prokaryotic cells B) eukaryotic cells C) chloroplasts and mitochondria D) eukaryotic cells, chloroplasts and mitochondria E) prokaryotic cells, chloroplasts and mitochondria

E) prokaryotic cells, chloroplasts and mitochondria

Multiple fission is known as A) coenocytic division. B) encystment. C) interphase. D) meiosis. E) schizogony.

E) schizogony.

Axial filaments are found in A) dinoflagellates. B) Gram-positive bacteria. C) Gram-negative bacteria. D) protozoa. E) spirochetes.

E) spirochetes.

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