Micro tests combined

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the event of binary fission are I. the cell doubles in size II. the DNA is replicated III. the cell forms a septum IV. the daughter cells are separated what is the correct order?

I., II., III., IV

grams iodine in the gram staining procedure serves as:

a chemical mordant

what is a virion?

a mature virus

Koch's postulates are criteria used to establish that:

a specific microbe is the cause of a specific disease

which of the following organisms would be most likely to contaminate a jar of pickles


what of the following statements is incorrect about helminths

adulthood and mating of parasitic helminths occur in the same intermediate host

how should the agar plates be incubated? Why?

agar plates should be incubated upside down to avoid mixing of colonies that might happen because of condensed water drops on the lid

how is air contamination prevented when an inoculating loop is used to introduce or take a bacterial sample to/from an agar plate?

air contamination is prevented by holding the lid at an angle

agar is a complex polysaccharide that comes form a/an


analysis of a urine sample from a patient suffering from bacterial urinary tract infection detected an ammonium release and shift of the urine pH towards more ___ values


which statement is false about bacteria

all bacteria are cocci by their shape

important characteristics of antimicrobial drugs include: 1. low toxicity for human tissue 2. high toxicity against microbial cells 3. stability and solubility in body tissues and fluids 4. all of the above

all of the above

sterilization can be achieved by: 1. flash pasteurization 2. boiling water 3. steam autoclave 4. all of the above

all of the above

the mechanism of action of antimicrobial agents include damaging of: 1. cell wall 2. cell membrane 3. protein synthesis 4. all of the above

all of the above


alternative carbon source provided to support the growth of organisms that do not catabolize sugars

groups of three bases along the DNA of a gene have the code for one ___

amino acid

the property of organism to integrate catabolic and anabolic pathways to improve cell efficiency is called:


if you observe in a starch agar plate zones not colored by iodine in 24-48 hours around inoculated bacteria, that means that these bacteria:


which of the following is correct about making a smear?

an adequate smear is one that is thin enough to see small groups of cells or individual cells

the alcohol wipe used on a patient's skin before an injection is an example of


the use of chemical agents directly on exposed body surfaces to destroy or inhibit vegetative pathogens is:


___ is a type of microbes that can be found in extreme conditions such as EX a boiling hot spring or highly acidic environment


acidic dyes:

are negatively charged

the methanogens require environments that

are with hydrogen gas and CO2

a microorganism grows in the lab on medium containing mineral salts but no organic compounds. The organism is likely to be a(n):


what antibiotic is mixed with neomycin and polymyxin to make an antibiotic ointment for superficial skin infections?


list the three recognized by current taxonomy proposed by Carl Woese

bacteria archaea Eukaryotic

what are the two types of prokaryotic cellular organisms?

bacteria and archaea

which term best describes an agent that kill microbes as opposed to temporarily inhibiting their growth and reproduction?


viruses that infect bacteria are specifically called:


placing organisms at 4 degrees Celsius is ___


bacteria living in freshwater stream that are transferred to ocean water would

become dehydrated due to loss of water

what type of antimicrobial agents work by inhibiting the formations of the peptidoglycan layer in the bacterial cell wall?


what is the name of the process in which larger molecules are broken down into smaller products to release energy?


you added hydrogen peroxide to a sample of bacteria and observed rapid bubble formation. these bacteria are:


what is binary fission

cell growth followed by division to produce two daughter cells

the microorganisms that recycle nutrients by breaking down dead matter and wastes are called:


a nutrient medium that has all of its chemical components identified ant their precise concentrations known and reproducible is termed:


phenol red

detects changes in pH based upon the production of acidic or basic productions

which type of medium distinguishes different types of microorganisms based on an observable change in the colonies or in the medium?


the use of a physical or chemical process to destroy vegetative pathogens on inanimate objects is:


surfacants work by:

disrupting membrane integrity

the process by which a cell uses ATP to enclose a substance in its membrane, by forming a vacuole and engulfing it:


The blood agar is ___ medium

enriched and differential

which of the following is not associated with every virus?


each of the following affect cell walls except: 1. penicillin 2. vancomycin 3. erythromycin 4. cephalosporin


which of the following antimicrobial agents is most toxic to humans

ethylene oxide

which of the following is a serilizing agent?

ethylene oxide

according to current taxolog, algae belong to:


a certain type of archaea live in a lake with pH 3.0 based on their pH preference, they are considered the be alkalinophiles (true/false)


a selective medium contains one or more substances that inhibit growth of some microbes to facilitate the growth of other desired microbes (true/false)


all animal cells have a cell wall (true/false)


all bacterial cells contain double stranded RNA (true/false)


all fungi are unicellular (true/false)


amylase is an endoenzyme in bacteria (true/false)


an obligate anaerobe requires oxygen for growth (true/false)


mixed cultures are also referred to as contaminated culture (true/false)


the ability of a microscope lens to gather light is referred to as its magnification (true/false)


the specimen preparation technique that is best for viewing cell motility is the streak-plate technique (true/false)


to induce an aerobic condition in the oxidation-fermentation test tube we would add mineral oil to the top of media (true/false)


What is the purpose of flaming the loop before and after use?

flaming the loop before use insures that it is sterile, whereas flaming the loop after use prevents contamination of counter tops and additional cultures

when it is important to count the number of cells, determine cell size and differentiate between dead and live cells, ___ is used

flow cytometer

which of the following statements correctly determines the process when following the scientific method?

formulate question, conduct research, propose hypothesis, test hypothesis

psychrophile is an organism that grows optimally at temperatures ranging:

from 0 to 15 degrees Celsius

Hyphae are associated with


when humans manipulate the genes of microorganisms, the process id called:

genetic engineering

which of the following statements concerning glycolysis is true

glucose is catabolized into pyruvate. ATP is produced

what is an external structure of prokaryotic cells that helps them to form a biofilm on a surface?


which of the following prokaryotic cells contain an outer membrane

gram-negative bacteria only

is a microbiology lab student left the safranin out of the gram stain procedure (but all previous steps were completed), what would be the results?

gram-positive cells would be purple and gram-negative cells would be colorless

what is the purpose of heat fixing the smear

heat fixing kills the bacteria

which of the following is an example of pasteurization?

heat is used to kill potential pathogens in apple juice

inoculating loops and needles are made of Nichrome or platinum because these metals:

heat rapidly

once flamed. inoculating loops and needles should be cooled by

holding it and waiting briefly

which of the following describes the transfer of genetic information within the same generation?

horizontal transmission

host cells of viruses may include

humans and animals, plants and fungi and bacteria

physical agents for controlling microbial growth include all of the following except: 1. hydrogen peroxide 2. ultraviolet radiation 3. boiling water 4. pasteurization

hydrogen peroxide

where the electron transport chain occurs in prokaryotic cells?

in the cytoplasmic membrane

in lab, inoculating loops are sterilized using:


newly inoculated cultures must be ___ at a specific temperature and time to encourage growth


The five I's of studying microorganisms include all of the following except: identification isolation infection inoculation incubation


the mechanism of action of erythromycin:

inhibition of protein synthesis

the event that occurs in bacteriophage multiplication that does not occur in animal virus replication is:

injection of only the viral nucleic acid into the host cell

the term that refers to the purposeful addition of microorganisms into a laboratory nutrient medium is:


the correct microbial term for the tiny sample of specimen that is put into a nutrient medium in order to produce a culture is the:


which of the following best describes the mechanism of action of strptomycin?

it inhibits protein synthesis by targeting the 30s ribosome

which of the following is not true about anaerobic respiration?

it uses the same final electron acceptor as aerobic respiration

what determines the genotype of a cell?

its DNA

which of the following is a fermentation product useful in the manufacture of yogurts

lactic acid

the phase of the bacterial growth curve in which newly inoculated cells are adjusting to their new environment, metabolizing but not growing at an exponential rate:

lag phase

pathogenic microbes that grow at human body temperature are classified as:


viruses exhibit all the following except


which of the following are not considered microorganisms?


a measurement of a bacteria is reported as 1 x 10^-6 m, also known as:


which of the following characteristics is not observable when simple staining is preformed?


Eosin-methylene blue agar is a commonly used bacteriological medium for growing gram-____ bacteria from complex environments. It contains two dyes, eosin and methylene blue, as well as the sugar ____. The medium is ____

negative, lactose,selective and differential

a naked virus only has a/an


what is the main structural feature that eukaryotic cells possess, but prokaryotic cells lack?


in general, most DNA viruses multiply in the host cell's ___, while most RNA viruses multiply in the host cell's___

nucleus, cytoplasm

magnification is achieved in a compound microscope through the initial magnification of a specimen by the ___ lens. This image is then projected to the ___ lens that will further magnify the specimen to form a virtual image received by the eye.

objective, ocular

what type of microbes must possess the enzyme superoxide dismutase

obligate aerobes

The DNA fragments that constitute the lagging strand during DNA replication are called:

okazaki fragments

a pure culture contains

only one identified species of microorganism

a microorganism that does not have catalase or superoxide dismutase would find it difficult to live in an environment with:


which of the following statements regarding antimicrobial resistance is most accurate?

pathogens can become resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents

an organism that produces catalase is protected from the harmful effects of:

peroxide anion

which type of microscopy transforms the subtle variations in cell density into differences in light intensity, allowing for increased internal detail without staining?


predominant lipids found in the cytoplasmic membranes of all eukaryotic cells are:


the lipid group that is the major component of cell membranes is the:


an organism that uses light energy to form ATP and can only grow on organic carbon sources is called:


an aquatic microbe that can grow only near the surface of water is probably which of the following?


each of the following targets bacterial ribosomes, except: 1. polymyxins 2. tetracycline 3. erythromycin


which of the following microorganisms is most resistant to antimicrobial agents?


to retrieve a sample from a culture tube with an inoculating loop, the cap of the tube is:

removed and held with the last two fingers of the loop hand

a microscope's ability to distinguish between two objects that are close together is called a:


which cellular structures translate messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules into polypeptides?


a halophile would grow best in

salt lakes

which of the following represents the use of osmotic pressure as a microbial control method?

salting of meat

a ___ derives its nutrients and energy from the organic matter of dead organisms, whereas a ___ lives in or on another living organism and derives its nutrient and energy from that living organism

saprobe, parasite

carbohydrate source

serves as the primary energy source, used to detect fermentation

Ideally, the bunsen burner flame:

should be blue

if the codon AAA is changed to AAG, it still codes for the aa lysine; this is an example of a:

silent mutation

If pathogen A is more resistant to an erythromycin disc on a Kirby-Bauer plate compared to pathogen B, then pathogen A will have a/n ___ zone of inhibition compared to pathogen B


the thee physical forms of laboratory media are

solid, semisolid and liquid

the three physical forms of laboratory media are:

solid, semisolid and liquid

what is defined as the removal of all microbes in or on an object?


antibiotics such as ___ are highly effective against most gram-negative bacteria

streptomycin and tetracycline

a drug that inhibits folic acid synthesis:


DNA polymerase III______

synthesizes new DNA only in the 5' to 3' direction

which of the following groups of drugs can become incorporated into the teeth enamel?


the formation of citric acid occurs in

the Krebs cycle

enteric bacteria are facultative anaerobes, meaning they are capable of both aerobic and fermentative metabolism. What results would you expect to see in both sealed and unsealed O-F tubes inoculated with such bacterium?

the aerobic tube would be yellow and the anaerobic tube would be yellow

a microbiologist inoculated Staphylococcus epidermis and Escherichia coli into a culture medium. Following incubation, only the E. coli grows in the culture. What is the most likely explanation?

the culture medium was selective

In the experiments constructed by Pasteur to disprove spontaneous generation, swan-necked flasks were used. Why was this shape used in this experiment?

the glass necks needed to be open to the air, yet constructed so that bacteria would settle in the lower part of the neck.

why must the loop be cool before you touch it to a culture?

the loop must be cool to avoid scalding the microbial cells

which statement regarding prokaryotic chromosomes is incorrect?

there are two copies of the chromosomes so that cells are diploid

what type of microorganism would you find living near hot springs?


which is not a characteristic of plasmids

they are always found in the nucleoid

which of the following statements about algae is false?

they are important in the degradation of dead plants and animals

which of the following is not a characteristic of protozoa?

they are photosynthetic

what type of medium is used to demonstrate oxygen requirements of microbes?


which of the following is a function of the cytoplasmic membrane?

to control the passage of substances into and out of the cell

which of the following is not a reason why scientists use stains to view microbes?

to observe the specimen while it is still alive

what term describes the process of copying DNA to RNA


The RNA molecules that carry amino acids to the ribosomes during protein synthesis are called:

transfer RNA

select the type of microscope that allows for the visualization of intracellular organelles and viruses in thinly sliced specimen preparations

transmission electron microscopy

durham tube

traps gas that is potentially produced during fermentation

In scientific method, a hypothesis must be tested many times before it can be considered a theory (true/false)


anabolic reactions can be characterrized as forming larger molecules from smaller molecules (true/false)


dry heat is less efficient than moist heat (true/false)


enzymes act as a catalyst to lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction (true/false)


horizontal gene transfer between bacteria spreading R (resistance) plasmids can result in development of drug resistance in bacterial populations (true/false)


lithoautotrophs use inorganic nutrients for carbon and energy sources (true/false)


mycology is a study of fungi. (true/False)


potential number of ATP molecules produced per molecule of glucose via fermentation process is substantially lower than via aerobic respiration (true/false)


the Kirby-Bauer test uses an agar surface seeded with the test bacterium, and a small disc containing a specific concentration of an antibiotic is placed on the surface (true/false)


the degree of turbidity in a culture correlates to the amount of cell growth (true/false)


the structure of amino acids does not include phosphate group (true/false)


which of the following is not used to culture viruses?

typtic soy agar

which of the following causes mutations by creating thymine dimers?

ultraviolet light

which of the following is used for microbial control in fresh fruits and vegetables?

ultraviolet light

the process of dissolving the envelope and capsid to release the viral nucleic acid is:


DNA includes the following nitrogenous bases except


the metabolic processes called fermentation

use an organic molecule as a final electron acceptor

infectious naked strands of RNA that affect plants are called


among the types of microorganisms, the ____ are non cellular.


Eukaryotic cells are larger than bacterial or archaeal cells; all cells are larger than macromolecules. Where do viruses fit on this scale?

viruses are smaller than bacterial or archaeal cells, but larger than macromolecules

all of the following are true about viruses except

viruses can exist only in an intracellular state

an enzyme that joins together fragments of DNA is called:

DNA ligase

which activity is an example of biotechnology?

Escherichia coli producing human insulin

viral nucleic acid types include which of the following? 1. double stranded DNA 2. single stranded DNA 3. double stranded RNA 4. single stranded RNA

1. double stranded DNA 2. single stranded DNA 3. double stranded RNA 4. single stranded RNA ALL OF THE ABOVE

which of the following are types of cytopathic effects? 1. inclusions in the nucleus 2. multinucleated giant cells 3. inclusions in the cytoplasm 4. all of the choices are correct

1. inclusions in the nucleus 2. multinucleated giant cells 3. inclusions in the cytoplasm 4. ALL THE CHOICES ARE CORRECT

binary fission occurs every 30 mins, started with 10 cells, how many cells they give in 2 hours

10 x2^4 = 160

characteristics exhibited by all cellular microbes include all of the following except: 1. cytoplasmic membrane 2. nucleus 3. nucleic acid 4. ribosomes

2. nucleus

a loop is preferable more than a needle for inoculating bacteria in all procedures except: 1. inoculating a petri plate 2. inoculating a test tube with broth 3. inoculating a slant 4. inoculating a test tube with semisolid media

4. inoculating a test tube with semisolid media

which of the following is essential for development of discrete, isolated colonies? 1. broth medium 2.differential medium 3. selective medium 4. solid medium

4. solid medium

aseptic technique is important for all the following reasons except: 1. aseptic technique prevents the introduction of unwanted microorganisms into our culture chambers 2. aseptic technique prevents us from transferring microbes to ourselves 3. aseptic technique reduces environmental contamination 4. aseptic technique protects the supporting staff from potential sickness 5. aseptic technique helps to increase the number of cells that are members of the normal microbiota

5. aseptic technique helps to increase the number of cells that are members of the normal microbiota

which of the following is a universal start codon?


Mannitol salt agar is selective for


which scientific name is written correctly?

Staphylococcus aureus (italicized)

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