Microbiology Chapter 10

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Primers used for polymerase chain reaction normally contain ____ to ____ bases.


______ enzymes cleave specific locations on DNA to produce fragments used to splice genes in genetic engineering.

Endonuclease, Restriction, or Restriction endonuclease

Genetic ____ is a field involving the deliberate alterations of the genomes of microbes, plants, and animals through special technological processes.


____ is replacement therapy that benefits patients with emphysema.


Which of the following statements about restriction enzymes is true?

Are sequence-specific DNA endonucleases

_____DNA is DNA created by using reverse transcriptase to synthesize DNA from RNA templates.

Complementary or CDNA

In the _____ in situ _____ technique, or FISH technique, probes are applied to intact cells and observed microscopically for presence and location of genes.

Blank 1: fluorescent or fluorescence Blank 2: hybridization

What process involves the introduction of normal functional genes into cells of people with genetic diseases such as sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis?

Gene therapy

. What is the role of Taq polymerase?

It catalyzes the synthesis of the new DNA chains.

What is the function of DNA ligase in cloning a gene?

It seals the sticky ends of the desired DNA fragments with the cohesive ends of the plasmid.

Which enzyme seals the sticky ends of DNA pieces when splicing genes into plasmids or chromosomes?


__________ are excellent cloning vectors because they are small, well characterized, easy to manipulate, and can be transferred into appropriate host cells through transformation.


Recombinant strains of this organism are released to colonize plant roots to produce an insecticide to destroy invading insects.

Pseudomonas fluorescens

Reverse transcriptase is the enzyme that can convert _____ into _____ .

RNA into DNA

Please choose the statement that best describes the role of restriction enzymes in genetic engineering.

Restriction enzymes are used to cut DNA at specific locations.

Which vector can be used to integrate foreign genes into the chromosomes of crop plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, cotton, and grapes? specifically used to introduce DNA to plants?

Ti plasmid

Which vector is delivered by Agrobacterium to transfer new genes to plant cells?

Ti plasmid

The initial challenges in gene _____, or recombinant DNA technology, are locating and isolating a target gene.


An organism that receives and replicates a foreign piece of DNA inserted during a genetic engineering experiment is called the

cloning host

Gene probes are short strands of single-stranded DNA or RNA that hybridize specifically with ______ areas of test nucleic acid to serve as a tagging and identification device.


Gel electrophoresis is a laboratory technique for separating DNA fragments according to length by employing _____ to cause the DNA to move through a gel-like matrix.

electricity or current

T/F : A DNA library contains cells with the same DNA fragments.


DNA _____ is a forensic science tool that allows for the comparison of genomic patterns between individuals.


The resulting thousands of different-sized DNA fragments are then separated by size using

gel electrophoresis.

Correction or repair of a faulty gene in humans suffering from a fatal or debilitating disease is a process known as __________.

gene therapy

Recombinant organisms produced through the introduction of foreign genes are referred to as transgenic or ______ ________ organism.

genetically modified

The field of _____ focuses on analyzing, comparing, and classifying DNA, determining protein sequences and understanding the functions of specific genes and proteins.

genomics or bioinformatics

Both DNA sequencing and polymerase chain reactions require special __________ to initiate synthesis of a new DNA molecule.


When a dideoxyribonucleotide is added to the tube

replication of the strand stops

Required to produce the recombinant plasmid?

restriction endonuclease and DNA ligase

In traditional DNA fingerprinting, the DNA that has been collected is cut into smaller pieces by

restriction enzymes.

The pieces of DNA produced by restriction endonucleases are called ______ fragments.

restriction fragments

The separated segments of DNA produced by restriction endonucleases are

restriction fragments.

DNA technology can be used to differentiate between members of ________ species.


What are exons?

sequences of DNA that code for proteins

DNA _____ involves determining the exact order of nucleotides in a fragment of DNA.


Primers are used for

showing the polymerase enzyme where to begin building the new DNA chain.

DNA microarrays contain __________.

single stranded DNA

Which size of DNA fragments move farther in the gel when electrophoresis is used?

small/shorter strands

The plasmid is taken up by _____ cells in the culture when conducting recombinant DNA technology.


The _______blot technique separates DNA fragments using electrophoresis and identifies them by hybridization.


Why is the DNA heated to over 90 degrees Celsius to start the process?

stable at higher temperatures. Correct

Staggered cuts through the two strands of DNA by an endonuclease leave tails known as


In order to ensure compatibility between the target DNA and the plasmid DNA,

target DNA and plasmid are treated with the same restriction endonuclease.

A ______ is used to automatically expose the polymerase chain reaction to repetitive steps, yielding large amounts of DNA in a short period of time.

thermal cycler

Why is the DNA cooled slightly after it is denatured?

to allow the primers to anneal to their complementary sequence on the target DNA Correct

Plasmids are put into bacterial cells by _____, a process by which bacterial cells take up naked DNA.


T/F : When foreign DNA and plasmid are both cut with the same restriction enzyme and then mixed together, all molecules will form recombinants.


True or false: The polymerase chain reaction is a technique that makes numerous copies of DNA segments.


_____is the enzyme responsible for unwinding DNA.


______is a process in which single strands of nucleic acids bind to one another by uniting at their complementary sites.


What are dideoxynucleotides missing?

hydroxyl group

In insertional inactivation, if foreign DNA is inserted the beta-galactosidase marker is

inactivated and the colonies remain white

DNA polymerases used in PCR

include Taq polymerases and Vent polymerase

The first step in cloning a gene is to

isolate the DNA from the organism that contains the desired gene

Utilizing insulin made from recombinant DNA technology is beneficial because __________.

it will not cause an allergic reaction

To curtail transmission of the Zika virus, a(n) _____ gene was introduced into the Aedes aegypti mosquito to reduce the survival of offspring.


DNA probes are used to

locate a specific DNA nucleotide sequence in a test sample.

Which of the following methods determines which genes are actively transcribed in a cell under a variety of conditions?

microarray analysis

Which technique will hopefully be used to identify and devise treatments for diseases based on the genetic profile of the disease?

microarray analysis

When sequencing a genome, what component of DNA is being looked at?

nitrogenous base

A _____is a sequence that is identical both forwards and backwards.


The ____ _____ _____ (PCR) is a technique that makes numerous copies of DNA segments for testing.

polymerase chain reaction

Which of the following is NOT one of the most reliable methods of DNA fingerprinting?

polymerase chain reaction

What are the advantages of using recombinant products instead of natural products?

-Large-scale production -Safer products

Pseudomonas bacteria have been engineered to do what?

-Release insecticides -Prevent frost formation on crops

Why do plasmids work well as vectors for the insertion of foreign DNA?

-They can replicate apart from chromosomal DNA. -They have an origin of replication. -They usually contain a genetic marker that can be used to identify recombinants.

Which PCR step synthesizes complementary DNA strands?

Add DNA polymerase and nucleotides at 72°C.

In Hybridization

DNA from two separate sources combine.

The single-stranded ends of DNA molecules can be joined together by

DNA ligase.

Describes the purpose of DNA microarray analysis.

DNA microarray analysis is used to determine which genes are being transcribed.

The enzyme responsible for synthesizing the new strands of DNA in PCR is called _____

DNA polymerase

For DNA probes to hybridize

DNA strands must be homologous, having regions with similar or identical nucleotide sequences

____ are nucleotides that do not have a hydroxyl group bound to the 3'--carbon of deoxyribose.


Primers are short strands of a known sequence of DNA of 15 to 30 bases of DNA that serve as landmarks to indicate where DNA ____ will begin in PCR.

amplification or polymerase

Which of the following is NOT a type of protein product obtained through recombinant DNA technology? A. immune treatments B. hormones C. antibiotics D. enzymes E. vaccines


The lac z gene marker codes for

b galactosidase, which splits x-gal

What determines the size of nucleic acids?

base pairs

To use a microarray, mRNA from cells of interest are first converted to __________.


Which of the following was commonly used to pharm HGH as a treatment for dwarfism?


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