Microbiology Chapter 6

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b. can be used directly to translate viral proteins

A positive strand RNA virus: a. must first be converted to a mRNA before it can be translated b. can be used directly to translate viral proteins c. will be degraded by host enzymes d. is not recognized by host ribosomes

naked, nonenveloped

A virus containing only nucleic acid and a capsid is called a/an ___________________ virus or __________________ virus.

d. release

A virus obtains its envelope during which of the following phases? a. attachment b. penetration c. assembly d. release


A virus that infects a bacterium is called a/an _____


For lytic viruses, _________ is a phase during a viral growth curve then the virus is not detected.


A/an ________ virus possesses characteristics of both a polyhedral and helical virus.

reverse transcriptase

An enzyme from HIV that can make a copy of DNA from RNA is called _____________

RNA, helper virus

Both viroids and virusoids have a(n) _________ genome, but virusoids require a(n) _________ to reproduce.

cytopathic effects

Cell abnormalities resulting from a viral infection are called ____________ _____________.

b. -viridae; -virus

In naming viruses, the family name ends with ________ and genus name ends with _________. ​a. -virus; -viridae ​b. -viridae; -virus ​c. -virion; virus ​​d. - virus; virion


Scientists have identified viruses that are able to infect fungal cells.

tail fibers

The ____________ _____________ on the bacteriophage allow for binding to the bacterial cell.

b. spikes

The component(s) of a virus that is/are extended from the envelope for attachment is/are the: a. capsomeres b. spikes c. nucleic acid d. viral whiskers

b. membrane structures

The envelope of a virus is derived from the host's a. nucleic acids b. membrane structures c. cytoplasm d. genome


Viruses can be diagnosed and observed using a(n) _________ microscope.

c. naked virus

What is another name for a nonenveloped virus? a. enveloped virus b. provirus c. naked virus d. latent virus

a. transduction

What is the name for the transfer of genetic information from one bacterium to another bacterium by a phage? a. transduction b. penetration c. excision d. translation

b. liquid medium only

Which of the following cannot be used to culture viruses? a. tissue culture b. liquid medium only c. embryo d. animal host

d. reverse trascriptase

Which of the following components is brought into a cell by HIV? a. a DNA-dependent DNA polymerase b. RNA polymerase c. ribosome d. reverse transcriptase

a. ribosomes b. metabolic processes

Which of the following does a virus lack? a. ribosomes b. metabolic processes c. nucleic acids d. glycoproteins

c. mononucleated cell

Which of the following is NOT a cytopathic effect? a. transformation b. cell fusion c. mononucleated cell d. inclusion bodies

c. They are a rogue form of protein, PrP.

Which of the following is true of a prion? a. They can be inactivated by boiling at 100 C. b. They contain a capsid. c. They are a rogue form of protein, PrP. d. They can be reliably inactivated by an autoclave.

b. lytic cycle

Which of the following leads to the destruction of the hos cells? a. lysogenic cycle b. lytic cycle c. prophage d. temperate phage

d. all of the above

Which of the following tests can be used to detect the presence of a specific virus? a. EIA b. RT-PCR c. PCR d. all of the above

d. prions

Which of these infectious agents do not have nucleic acid? a. viroids b. viruses c. bacteria d. prions

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