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29. Worldwide vaccination program eradicated ___________ since 1977.

Small pox

34. AIDS causing virus once could only infect chimpanzees.


36. Plague is a viral disease harbored by rodent population.


39. Microorganisms convert atmospheric Nitrogen into a usable form.


41. Extreme heat resistance of endospores explains the differences between Pasteur's and others.


26. Protozoa can live in both aquatic and __________ environments.


12. What happened during the "Golden Age of Microbiology"?

The most pathogenic bacteria were found

12. A microbiologist obtained two pure biological samples: one of a virus, and the other of a viroid. Unfortunately, the labels had been lost. The microbiologist felt she could distinguish the two by analyzing for the presence or absence of a single molecule. What molecule would she search for and why?

a. A single short piece of RNA, because this is located in a Viroid, but not in a virus.

4. State three reasons why there is a resurgence of infectious diseases today.

a. Aging population more susceptible to disease b. Organisms have become resistant to the medications c. Children are not being routinely vaccinated against many diseases

6. Name one location where you could isolate members of the Archaea.

a. Areas of high salt concentration or temperature, such as the Great Salt Lake in Utah.

16. Which are the prokaryotic members of the microbial world?

a. Bacteria and archaea

13. Why is the bacterium that causes anthrax such an effective agent of bioterrorism?

a. Because the bacterium is spores, which are environmentally touch and virtually invisible and can be readily delivered through the air, which can infect large numbers of people easily.

9. Why are viruses not microorganisms?

a. Because they cannot reproduce outside a host cell and cannot metabolize on their own.

20. Chemical composition of viruses.

a. Contain both protein and nucleic acid b. Infect all domains of life

14. What are the roles of microorganisms?

a. Disease b. Biodegradation c. Cheese production d. Nitrogen recycling

5. Name the prokaryotic groups in the microbial world.

a. Domain Bacteria b. Domain Archaea

8. In the designation Escherichia coli B, what is the genus? What is the species? What is the strain?

a. Escherichia is the genus b. Coli is the species c. B is the strain

11. The American Society for Microbiology is preparing a "Microbe-Free" banquet to emphasize the importance of microorganisms in the diet. What foods could not be on the menu?

a. Every food has microorganisms

1. How did Louis Pasteur help disprove spontaneous generation?

a. He developed the swan-necked flask that ended arguments because boiled infusions remained sterile despite opening to air, microorganisms settled in bend.

17. What are characteristic feature of Archaea?

a. Microscopic b. Found in extreme environments

15. Which disease was once thought to be due to stress but is now known to be caused by a bacterium?

a. Peptic ulcers

3. List five beneficial applications of bacteria.

a. Production of food, yeast b. Biodegradation such as helping clean oil spills c. Bioremediation, using microorganisms to hasten the decay of pollutants d. Biotechnology - use of microbiological and biochemical techniques to solve practical problems e. Genetic engineering - introduction of genes into another organism

7. How might you distinguish a prokaryotic cell from a eukaryotic cell?

a. Prokaryotic cells do not have a membrane-bound nucleus while eukaryotic cells do.

19. The function of nucleoid and where it can found?

a. They are associated with genetic information and prokaryotes

18. Characteristics of prokaryotic cell.

a. They do not have a nuclear membrane

2. Give three reasons why life could not exist without the activities of microorganisms.

a. They help in the production of oxygen b. Nitrogen would not be available in a form for humans and pants to use c. A wide range of materials would pile up if microorganisms weren't here to degrade them

30. Technological advance such as ____________, vaccination, and effective antimicrobial treatments have reduced the incidence of worst diseases.

modern sanitization

25. When a cell enlarges and divides into two identical cells, the mode of reproduction is called _________ __________.

Binary fission

31. The degradation or detoxifications of environmental pollution by microorganisms is called _____________.


35. Hantavirus is a viral disease transmitted by cow.


37. Bacteria usually increase the damage caused by oil spills.


38. Because of advancement in technology, the fermentation of cereals to produce beer uses different technology what was used by Egyptian in 1500 B. C


40. Restriction enzymes are produced by bacteria used for degrading proteins.


. What is the property of endospores that led to confusion in the experiments on spontaneous generation?

Heat resistance

33. Alexander Flemings in 1929 discovered the first antibiotic ___________.


10. Name three non-living groups in the microbial world and describe their major properties.

a. Viruses i. Nucleic acid packaged in protein coat ii. Variety of shapes iii. Infect living cells iv. Multiply using host machinery and nutrients v. Inactive outside hosts b. Viroids i. Require host cell for replication ii. Consist of single short piece of RNA iii. No protective protein coat iv. Cause plant diseases c. Prions i. Infectious proteins - misfolded versions of normal cellular proteins found in brain ii. Misfolded version forces normal version to misfold iii. Cause several neurodegenerative diseases in humans and animals iv. Resistant to standard sterilization procedures

21. What Antony van Leeuwenhoek could not have observed?

a. viruses

27. The virus causes SARS are found in _________ and transmitted to human.


32. Arber, Nathan, and Smith in 1968 discovered the ____________ __________.

restriction enzymes

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