Microbiology Lecture 14

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Are spores formed within a sac like head called a sporangium, and are formed by successive cleavages and is attached to a stalk called a sporangiophore, These spores are initially enclosed but are released when the sporangium ruptures


Fungal classification that most are molds or yeast, that have sexual spores that produce ascospores in asci, and asexual spores in conidia, and include : penicillium,


Fungal classification that most species are free-living saprobes, and have pathogens in humans, animals, and plants, and have sexual spores called: Zygospores, and Asexual spores called Sporangiospores and conidia, and have speices of Rhizopus, Mucor


Mycetae are ________ because they are not able to create their own food from non-organic sources, and must degrade dead plants and animals as food source


Mycetae contain the enzyme which can breakdown cellulose

birdseed agar

Selective agar for Cryptococcus neoforman


The Kingdom to which the fungi belong

Sexual spores

The Majority of fungi produce _______-_____ at some point, and they vary from the simple fusion of fertile hyphae of two different strains to a complex union of differentiated male and female and the development of special fruiting structures


The blue-green mold _________ was the original source of the 1st major antibiotic, penicillin.

Kingdom Mycetae

What Kingdom does Fungi belong too?

Cephalosporium acremonium

What are cephalosporins derived from?

Sabouraud agar

What media is used to isolate Fungi? because it has a ph of 5.6 to inhibit bacteria


_____ are involved in reproduction and not for survival like in bacteria, and they can be

1.5 million

________ is the estimated number of species of Mycetae


________ is the number of species of Mycetae that have been described


are asexual spores that are formed inside of a closed sac


are asexual spores that are free spores and are not enclosed by a sac


are conidia spores which A conidium that is budded from the mouth of a vase-shaped spore-bearing cell called a phialide or sterigma, leaving a small collar


are conidia spores which a spore produced by budding from a parent cell that is a yeast or another conidium, also called a bud


are conidia spores which are formed in a rectangular spore formed when a septate hypha fragments at the cross walls


are conidia spores which are formed in a spherical conidium formed by the thickening of a hyphal cell cell, and it is released when the surrounding hypha fractures, and it serves as a survival or resting cell


are conidia spores which is a conidium that grows out through small pores in the spore-bearing cell; some are composed of several cells

Microconidium and macroconidium

are conidia spores which the smaller and larger conidia formed by the same fungus under varying conditions, Microconidia are one-celled, and macroconidia have two or more cells


are long hairs or web-like structures and can be Septated or non-septated, and are able to reproduction by sexual and asexual by budding

Asexual spores

are spores that can be Sporangiospores, and or conidia


are sturdy diploid spores formed when hyphae of two opposite strains (called the plus and minus strains) fuse and create a diploid zygote that swells and becomes covered by strong, spiny walls


are toxins released from fungal that are lethal to humans and animals, like the toxin secreated by Aspergillus flavus found in grains, and is conductive to liver cancer


are toxins that inhibits growth of bacteria


bathroom mold, and belongs to the phylum of fungi Zygomycota


is a club-shaped cells that formed on the outside of Basidiospores

Non-septated Hyphae

is a continuous hyphae that doesn't have divisions

Septated Hyphae

is a continuous hyphae that has individual compartments


is a form of asexual spore that is most common one, and are free spores that are not enclosed by a spore-bearing sac, They develop either by pinching off the tip of a special fertile hypha or by segemntation of a preexisting vegetative hypha and they occur : in arthrospore, chlamydospores, blastospore, phialospore, microconidium and macroconidium, porospore


is a fungal classification that have Sexual reproduction by basidia, and Asexual spores (conidia), and plant parasites and one human pathogens (Cryptococcus Neoformans


is a fungal classification that is called fungi Imperfecti, and produce only asexual spores that conidia, and include Yeasts, molds, some dimorphic, saprobes, and have Human pathogens: Blastomyces, Microsporum, and Coccidioides immitis


is a fungal classification that is ususual and primitive fungi, and single cells to clusters and colonies, and Do not form hyphae or yeast-type cells, and Flagelated spores (zoospores), and gametes and are not pathogens of humans but destorys frogs

Armillaria ostoye

is a fungi species that covers an area of 2,200 acres and stretches 3.5 miles across and 3 feet into the ground in oregon


is a fungi species that is the source of LSD and found on cattle feed

Stachybotrys chartarum

is a fungi that gives off spores and toxins, that when inhaled causes many syndromes called 'sick building syndrome' and affects children


is a sexual spore that are formed on the outside of a club-shaped basidium in mushrooms)


is a sexual spore that are haploid sexual spores that are formed on the outside of a club-shaped cell called a basidium, and in general, spore formation follows the same pattern of two mating types coming together, fusing, and forming terminal cells with diploid nuclei


is a sexual spore that is haploid spore that are created inside a special fungal sac, although details can vary among types of fungi, that ascus and ascospores are formed when two different strains or sexes join together to produces offspring


is a sexual spore that is the fusion of +/- hyphae to form a zygote


is a sexual spore that is the haploid spores formed in a sac called ascus


is a special fungal sac, that ascospores are created inside


is a species of poisonous mushroom

Emmons agar

is a type of agar that contains chloramphenicol


is black bread mold, and belongs to the Phylum of fungi Zygomycota


is the fusion of gametes


is the fusion of nuclei


is the fusion of protoplasts

Coccidioides immitis

is the most virulent fungal, that affects the lungs, and occurs in the south west Calfornia found in bird droppings, Systemic disease with this dimorphic fungus is characterized by bone lesions at the epiphyseal junction


is the woven, interwining mass of hyphae that makes the colony of a mold, and forms colonies that are easily recognize because of their cottony, hairy and velvety textures

10^5 - 10^9

spores are light in weight and take up the volume of ___-__ spores/m^3)


the ______ of mycetae can germinate when suitable substrates become available

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