microbiology test #1 study guide ch 4-5

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Biofilms are often more sensitive to antibiotics.


Biofilms typically do not develop on healthy tissue.

DNA is copied into RNA.

Please order the following choices to test your understanding of the stages involved in the synthesis, packaging, and export of proteins. stage 1

Protein is synthesized by the ribosome using an RNA code.

Please order the following choices to test your understanding of the stages involved in the synthesis, packaging, and export of proteins. stage 2

halophiles and thermophiles

Such adaptations to their metabolic pathways allow archaea to live in extreme environments, such as areas with high levels of salt ( ____________ ) or high temperatures ( ____________ ).


True or False: All bacteria can be classified as either gram-positive or gram-negative.


True or False: Bacteria are larger than human cells.


True or False: Bacteria are only visible with an electron microscope.


True or False: Biofilms are composed of a single bacterial species.


True or False: Encapsulated bacterial cells generally have greater pathogenicity.


True or False: Endospores function in the reproduction of bacterial genera such as Bacillus and Clostridium.


True or False: Most bacterial genera are capable of forming endospores.


True or False: The presence of flagella can be determined by a Gram stain.


True or False: The thinner peptidoglycan layer of gram-positive bacteria allows the crystal-violet-iodine complex to leave the cell.


True or False: When a spore germinates, it gives rise to 2 vegetative cells.


True or False: When the bacterial glycocalyx is easily removed, it is called a capsule.

sporangiospores sexual spores asexual spores conidiospores

Types of fungal spores include

gram positive versus gram negative cells

Which of the following has historically been the first division in a system of bacterial taxonomy?

pH = 4

Which of the following is considered an "adverse condition" by most bacteria?

protozoa cannot be spread through body fluids

Which of the following is incorrect about protozoan pathogens?

artificial heart valves catheters teeth

Which of the following is/are prone to biofilm accumulation?

fimbriae and flagella

Which of the following structures leads to reversible binding of bacterial cells to a surface?

moist abiotic surfaces and biotic surfaces such as plant and animal tissue

Which of the following surfaces have nutrients available that encourage the development of biofilms?

80S ribosomes

Which structure or molecule could be used to definitively classify a newly discovered life form as a eukaryotic cell.


While examining a sample of pond water you note a cell covered with thousands of minute hair-like extensions which it uses to propel itself through the water. This cell can immediately be classified as a/an


For example, both archaea and eukaryotes share unique ____________ RNA sequences and their ribosomal subunit structures are similar as well.

some regions of the ER are covered in ribosomes

In electron micrographs, portions of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) appear rough on the edges. This is because

It adds lipids and sugars to proteins and then packages these proteins for transport to their final destination.

Please choose the answer that describes the function of the Golgi complex.

Fungi synthesize antibiotics which inhibit bacterial growth. Fungi can be pathogenic to field crops and can rot food during transport. Fungi form associations with plant roots to help them take up water and nutrients.

Please choose the statement that are true regarding the importance of fungi to ecology, agriculture, commerce, and medicine.

Marine algae produce toxins which accumulate in seafood and can cause severe food poisoning.

Please choose the statement that describes the primary medical threat due to algae.

fungi are only detrimental to the food industry

Please choose the statement that is incorrect about fungi to test your understanding of their importance in ecology, agriculture, commerce, and medicine.


Please choose the term that describes the outermost boundary of the eukaryotic cell, which is composed of polysaccharides and is responsible for adherence of the cell to other surfaces.

Colonies of cells began to develop.

Please order the following choices to reflect the evolution of the origin of eukaryotic cells and multicellularity. third step

cytoplasmic matrix1 cell membrane2 cell wall 3 glycocalyx4

Please order the following choices to reflect the generalized anatomy of bacterial cells with "1" being the innermost cell component and "4" being the outermost cell component.


Please order the following choices to reflect the stages in cell division, beginning with the resting, non-dividing state. stage 1


Please order the following choices to reflect the stages in cell division, beginning with the resting, non-dividing state. stage 2


Please order the following choices to reflect the stages in cell division, beginning with the resting, non-dividing state. stage 3


Please order the following choices to reflect the stages in cell division, beginning with the resting, non-dividing state. stage 4


Please order the following choices to reflect the stages in cell division, beginning with the resting, non-dividing state. stage 5

Entamoeba histolytica Balantidium coli

A classification scheme that focused on means of locomotion, number of nuclei, and the ability to form cysts would be most helpful in classifying


Although they share many bacterial characteristics, members of the Domain Archaea are more closely related to Domain ____________ than to bacteria.

lipids, cell wall, and metabolic

Characteristics that define archaea, however, include the presence of unique membrane ____________ , ____________ construction and composition and ____________ pathways.

tapeworms; flukes

Choose the answer that best completes the blanks of this sentence in order. The two major groups of parasitic flatworms include the ____ with a long, ribbon-like body and the ____ with a flat, ovoid body.

flatworms; roundworms

Choose the answer that best completes the blanks of this sentence in order. The two major groups of parasitic helminths include the ____ with a thin, segmented body and the ____ with a cylindrical, unsegmented body.

wall; membrane

Choose the answer that fills in the blanks of this sentence in correct order. The cell ____ is found in fungi and algae to provide structure and support while the cell ____ is found in all eukaryotic cells, is composed of phospholipids, proteins and sterols, and separates the internal cell components from the external environment.

trophozoite; cyst

Choose the answer that fills in the blanks of this sentence in the correct order. Most protozoa have a motile, feeding stage known as a(n) _____ which, in some protozoa, alternates with a resting state known as a(n) _____.

molds; yeast

Choose the answer that fills in the blanks of this sentence in the correct order. Of the microscopic fungi, ____ are filamentous fungi made of long thread-like cells called hyphae while _____ are round or oval-shaped.

euglenids; diatoms; dinoflagellates

Choose the answer that fills in the blanks of this sentence in the correct order. The algae are photosynthetic, eukaryotic protists that are grouped into ______ (no cell wall and motile by flagella), ______ (single-celled with golden chloroplasts and intricate cell walls), ______ (cause "red tide"), kelp, red seaweeds and green algae.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever endemic typhus

Diseases caused by obligate intracellular bacteria include


Eukaryotes that are not plants, animals or fungi make up a diverse category of organisms classified as _______, including algae and protozoans.

protozoa fungi parasitic worms

Eukaryotic organisms studied in microbiology include

protein synthesis

Eukaryotic ribosomes are the site of


Examination of a newly discovered fungus reveals a number of haploid sexual spores formed on the outside of a club-shaped cell. These spores would be classified as

millions of years

How long can spores survive?

most cells would appear red/pink

If the Gram's iodine step was skipped in this technique, what would likely be seen under the microscope?

This structure stores inorganic compounds, such as sulfur and polyphosphate

Match the cell component with its role in the cell granules

The structure which contains the essential DNA of the cell

Match the cell component with its role in the cell. chromosome

This structure is a network of protein polymers that helps stabilize the shape of the cell from within.

Match the cell component with its role in the cell. cytoskeleton

This structure stores nutrients during periods of ample resources to compensate for times when nutrients are scarce.

Match the cell component with its role in the cell. inclusion bodies

The structure which contains the nonessential DNA of the cell.

Match the cell component with its role in the cell. plasmid

Composed of RNA and protein, this structure synthesizes new proteins.

Match the cell component with its role in the cell. ribosome

oxygen gradient pH gradient nutrient concentration

Microenvironments are created within the biofilm based on


Of the photosynthetic bacteria, cyanobacteria produce ______ as a product of photosynthesis but the green and purple sulfur bacteria do not produce this substance.

nucleus mitochondria chloroplast

Organelles which contain DNA include the

maintaining strength; peptidoglycan

Other than maintaining the shape of the cell, what is the primary function of the cell wall, and which component contributes most to this function?

these long, coiled threads provide movement to spirochetes

Please match the appendages to the description that most accurately describes their function to distinguish among the types of external cell appendages. axial filaments

these short, bristle-like projections are used to attach the cell to other cells or surfaces

Please match the appendages to the description that most accurately describes their function to distinguish among the types of external cell appendages. fimbriae

composed of a filament, hook and basal body, these cell appendages provide movement to the cell

Please match the appendages to the description that most accurately describes their function to distinguish among the types of external cell appendages. flagella

these long, tubular appendages allow cells to conjugate to other cells

Please match the appendages to the description that most accurately describes their function to distinguish among the types of external cell appendages. pili

This arrangement is formed when two rod-shaped bacteria divide on the transverse plane and do not separate

Please match the cell arrangement to the statement that most accurately describes that arrangement and how it was formed in order to test your understanding of the arrangements of bacteria. diplobacilli

This arrangement is formed when a coccus divides on a single plane and the two daughter cells remain attached.

Please match the cell arrangement to the statement that most accurately describes that arrangement and how it was formed in order to test your understanding of the arrangements of bacteria. diplococci

This arrangement is formed when bacilli that are attached end to end fold back on each other to form rows of side-by-side cells. palisades arrangement

Please match the cell arrangement to the statement that most accurately describes that arrangement and how it was formed in order to test your understanding of the arrangements of bacteria. palisades arrangement

This arrangement is formed when a coccus divides on perpendicular planes and results in four cocci being attached as a cluster of cells.

Please match the cell arrangement to the statement that most accurately describes that arrangement and how it was formed in order to test your understanding of the arrangements of bacteria. tetrad

germ-negative cells

Please match the cell components with the type of cell where it is found. If the component is found in both gram-positive and gram-negative cells, select "both gram-positive and gram-negative cells" lipopolysaccharide; outer membrane

both gram positive and gram negative cells

Please match the cell components with the type of cell where it is found. If the component is found in both gram-positive and gram-negative cells, select "both gram-positive and gram-negative cells" peptidoglycan; cell membrane

germ positive cells

Please match the cell components with the type of cell where it is found. If the component is found in both gram-positive and gram-negative cells, select "both gram-positive and gram-negative cells" teichoic acid

cells which contain a thick layer of mycolic acid or cord factor

Please match the cell types with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of cell walls and wall-free cells. acid-fast cells

cells which contain both an inner and outer membrane as well as a thin layer of peptidoglyan

Please match the cell types with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of cell walls and wall-free cells. gram negative cells

cells which contain a thick layer of peptidoglycan and teichoic acids

Please match the cell types with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of cell walls and wall-free cells. gram positive cells

cells which lack a cell wall with peptidoglycan but contain sterols to strengthen their cell membrane

Please match the cell types with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of cell walls and wall-free cells. mycoplasms

eukaryotic cells

Please match the cell types with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells, and viruses. contains a nucleus and undergoes mitosis.

prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells and viruses

Please match the cell types with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells, and viruses. contains nucleic acid

both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

Please match the cell types with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells, and viruses. contains ribosomes and enzymes

prokaryotic cells

Please match the cell types with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells, and viruses. does not contain organelles but can replicate independently via binary fission

both flagella and cilia

Please match the description to the term that it most accurately describes to test your understanding of the structure and functions of locomotor appendages and the types of cells that possess them. composed of a cylinder of microtubules in a 9+2 arrangement


Please match the description to the term that it most accurately describes to test your understanding of the structure and functions of locomotor appendages and the types of cells that possess them. found in certain protozoa and animal cells; can serve as feeding/filtering structure


Please match the description to the term that it most accurately describes to test your understanding of the structure and functions of locomotor appendages and the types of cells that possess them. found in certain protozoa and some algae

neither flagella nor cilia

Please match the description to the term that it most accurately describes to test your understanding of the structure and functions of locomotor appendages and the types of cells that possess them. involved in the horizontal transfer of genetic material

photosynthetic eukaryotes which can be either unicellular or multicellular; multicellular forms include seaweed

Please match the eukaryotic microbe with the description of its body plan. algae

eukaryotes which can be either unicellular or multicellular; multicellular forms include mushrooms

Please match the eukaryotic microbe with the description of its body plan. fungi

eukaryotes whose adult forms are always multicellular

Please match the eukaryotic microbe with the description of its body plan. helminths

eukaryotes which are always unicellular

Please match the eukaryotic microbe with the description of its body plan. protozoa


Please match the organelles with the statements that most accurately describe their structure and function. This organelle contains two membranes of which the inner membrane contains the enzymes and electron carriers that carry out aerobic respiration.


Please match the organelles with the statements that most accurately describe their structure and function. this framework, composed of microfilaments and microtubules, serves to anchor other organelles, provide support, and permit movement in some cells.

smooth ER

Please match the organelles with the statements that most accurately describe their structure and function. this organelle is composed of a series of tunnels within the cell which are used for synthesis, storage and transport

fungi with incompletely septate hyphae that commonly have fleshy fruiting bodies

Please match the representative example of each fungal group to the characteristics of that group. Cryptococcus neoformans

the hyphae of these fungi are usually nonseptate but if they are septate, the septa are complete

Please match the representative example of each fungal group to the characteristics of that group. Rhizopus

primitive fungi which have flagellated spores

Please match the representative example of each fungal group to the characteristics of that group. chytrids

these fungi have hyphae with porous septa

Please match the representative example of each fungal group to the characteristics of that group. penicillium

the sarcodina move primarily via the use of pseudopods and most contain a single nucleus

Please match the representative example of each protozoal group to the characteristics of that group. Entameoeba

the ciliophora move via cilia and most develop cysts

Please match the representative example of each protozoal group to the characteristics of that group. balantidium

the apicomplexa are non-motile organisms which produce sporelike cells called sporozoites

Please match the representative example of each protozoal group to the characteristics of that group. plasmodium

the mastigophoran contain a single nucleus and move primarily via flagella

Please match the representative example of each protozoal group to the characteristics of that group. trypanosoma

these tests use the presence or absence of biochemical processes and enzymes to group organisms

Please match the technologies with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of the methods and characteristics used in classifying bacteria. bacterial physiology/biochemistry

use DNA to determine the identity of an organism

Please match the technologies with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of the methods and characteristics used in classifying bacteria. genetic techniques

these tests use cell shape and gram reaction to classify organisms.

Please match the technologies with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of the methods and characteristics used in classifying bacteria. morphology

use antibody reactions to identify an organism or to determine relatedness

Please match the technologies with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of the methods and characteristics used in classifying bacteria. serological analysis

this pattern has flagella at both poles of the cell

Please match the terms related to flagella with the statement that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of the attachment patterns of bacterial flagella. amphitrichous

this pattern has groups of flagella all originating from the same point on the cell

Please match the terms related to flagella with the statement that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of the attachment patterns of bacterial flagella. lophotrichous

this pattern has one flagellum attached at one end of the cell

Please match the terms related to flagella with the statement that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of the attachment patterns of bacterial flagella. monotrichous

this pattern consists of flagella randomly distributed around the cell

Please match the terms related to flagella with the statement that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of the attachment patterns of bacterial flagella. peritrichous

this type of flagella can be found at either or both ends of a cell

Please match the terms related to flagella with the statement that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of the attachment patterns of bacterial flagella. polar

an organism that lives in an environment that contains high amounts of salt such as the Dead Sea

Please match the type of extremophile with the description of its preferred environment to test your understanding of archaeal adaptations. halophile

an organism that lives in extremely hot temperatures such as the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park

Please match the type of extremophile with the description of its preferred environment to test your understanding of archaeal adaptations. hyperthermophile

an organism that lives in anaerobic environments and converts CO2 and H into methane

Please match the type of extremophile with the description of its preferred environment to test your understanding of archaeal adaptations. methanogen

an organism that lives in very cold conditions, including temperature below freezing

Please match the type of extremophile with the description of its preferred environment to test your understanding of archaeal adaptations. psychrophile

this layer of polysaccharides and/or proteins is tightly bound to the cell and contributes to the cell's pathogenicity

Please match to cell component with the statement that most accurately describes it to test your understanding of glycocalyx, the different forms and their most important functions. capsule

this is the general term which describes all the various coatings covering the surface of the cell

Please match to cell component with the statement that most accurately describes it to test your understanding of glycocalyx, the different forms and their most important functions. glycocalyx

this loosely attached, thin mucoid layer protects the cell from drying out or losing nutrients

Please match to cell component with the statement that most accurately describes it to test your understanding of glycocalyx, the different forms and their most important functions. slime layer

human red blood cell

Please order the following choices (1 being the smallest to 4 being the largest) to test your understanding of the size ranges of bacteria in comparison to other organisms. largest

Rickettsias and Chlamydias

Please order the following choices (1 being the smallest to 4 being the largest) to test your understanding of the size ranges of bacteria in comparison to other organisms. second smallest

a typical virus

Please order the following choices (1 being the smallest to 4 being the largest) to test your understanding of the size ranges of bacteria in comparison to other organisms. smallest

typical bacteria

Please order the following choices (1 being the smallest to 4 being the largest) to test your understanding of the size ranges of bacteria in comparison to other organisms. third smallest

Individual, specialized cells lose the ability to exist independently.

Please order the following choices to reflect the evolution of the origin of eukaryotic cells and multicellularity. fifth step

Two prokaryotes developed a symbiotic relationship where the smaller prokaryote lived within the larger prokaryote.

Please order the following choices to reflect the evolution of the origin of eukaryotic cells and multicellularity. first step

Certain cells within the colony developed specialized functions.

Please order the following choices to reflect the evolution of the origin of eukaryotic cells and multicellularity. fourth step

The smaller prokaryote within the symbiotic relationship developed into an organelle.

Please order the following choices to reflect the evolution of the origin of eukaryotic cells and multicellularity. second step

Proteins are deposited in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum.

Please order the following choices to test your understanding of the stages involved in the synthesis, packaging, and export of proteins. stage 3

Proteins are transported from the ER to the Golgi apparatus.

Please order the following choices to test your understanding of the stages involved in the synthesis, packaging, and export of proteins. stage 4

Proteins are chemically modified.

Please order the following choices to test your understanding of the stages involved in the synthesis, packaging, and export of proteins. stage 5

Proteins are packaged into secretory vesicles.

Please order the following choices to test your understanding of the stages involved in the synthesis, packaging, and export of proteins. stage 6

the egg enters an intermediate host

Please order the following choices, beginning with the infection of a new host, to reflect the life cycle of helminths to test your understanding of helminth biology, life cycles, and reproduction. stage 1

the egg releases larvae

Please order the following choices, beginning with the infection of a new host, to reflect the life cycle of helminths to test your understanding of helminth biology, life cycles, and reproduction. stage 2

larvae develop into an adult in the definitive host

Please order the following choices, beginning with the infection of a new host, to reflect the life cycle of helminths to test your understanding of helminth biology, life cycles, and reproduction. stage 3

mating of the adult occurs I the definitive host

Please order the following choices, beginning with the infection of a new host, to reflect the life cycle of helminths to test your understanding of helminth biology, life cycles, and reproduction. stage 4

fertilized eggs are released into the environment where they can infect another host

Please order the following choices, beginning with the infection of a new host, to reflect the life cycle of helminths to test your understanding of helminth biology, life cycles, and reproduction. stage 5

heredity growth and development use of energy

Please select all of the characteristics that define life and living things.

prokaryotic circular chromosome contain long-chain, branches hydrocarbons in the cell membrane

Please select all of the following that are characteristics of archaea.

fungi can be found in two cell forms: hyphae and yeasts Most fungi obtain nutrients from decaying matter but some fungi can be parasites of living hosts. fungi are heterotrophic

Please select all of the following that are true regarding fungi.

They are responsible for multiplication and dissemination of the fungi. They are responsible for producing genetic variability.

Please select all of the following that represent the functions of fungal spores.

contains nuclear pores for transporting materials out of the nucleus contains a granular mass known as a nucleolus contains DNA in the form of chromosomes

Please select all of the following which are characteristics of the nucleus to test your understanding of the structure of the nucleus.

flagella cilia

Please select all of the following which are eukaryotic locomotor appendages.

cell membrane cytoplasm DNA

Please select all of the following which are found in all cells regardless of cell type.

Classification and taxonomy can assist in identifying an unknown organism. Classification and taxonomy can assist in studying the evolutionary origins of an organism. Classification and taxonomy can assist in identifying a new species of organism.

Please select all of the following which are purposes of classification and taxonomy in the study of prokaryotes.

number of nuclei size and shape of the cell type and number of locomotor appendages

Please select all of the following which are useful for identifying and classifying protozoa using microscopic morphology.

Bacterial endospores are highly resistant to heat, drying, and radiation. Endospores can exist in the environment for indefinite periods of time. Endospores resist boiling and therefore steam must be used to destroy endospores present in food.

Please select all of the statements that are true about endospores.

Protozoa can move using flagella, pseudopodia, or cilia. protozoa have an ectoplasm involved in locomotion, feeding, and protection protozoa can be free-living or parasitic

Please select characteristics exhibited by protozoa to test your understanding of protozoan form, nutrition, and locomotion.

nucleus mitochondria cytoskeleton

Please select the cellular structures that are present in ALL eukaryotic cells.

level of organization general cell type or body plan acquisition of nutrients and nutritional requirements

Please select the characteristics which have traditionally been used to place plants, animals, and fungi into separate kingdoms.

genetic profile structure of the hyphae type of sexual reproduction

Please select the primary characteristics which are used to classify fungi.


The Kingdom Protista is initially divided into two groups based on whether the organism in question is capable of photosynthesis. true or false


The _______ level of bacterial organisms refers to a group of organisms that all share the same traits while the subspecies level refers to the variation or differences of individual cells within that group.

by rotation that is powered by the proton motive force

The bacterial flagellum moves

cell membrane cell wall

The cell envelope is the external covering that lies outside of the cell cytoplasm and is composed of the _______ and _______.

proteins dispersed throughout a phospholipid bilayer

The cell membrane is composed of _____________.


The ease of global travel and increased immigration has affected the worldwide distribution of helminth infections. true or false


The eukaryotic ribosome is a(n) ____ ribosome, composed of 40S and 60S subunits.


The primary medical threat from algae is skin infections contracted when swimming in algae rich bodies of water, particularly after algal "blooms." true or false


The production of which substance leads to thickening of the biofilm over time?


The term used to describe a cluster of spherical bacteria is _________.

chlamydias; rickettsias

The two groups of obligate intracellular bacteria are the ________, usually spread by contact, and the ________, usually transmitted by the bites of arthropods.


This organelle is formed of stacks of thylakoids called grana which are responsible for photosynthesis.

rough ER

This organelle, composed of a series of membranes to which ribosomes are attached, functions to process and modify proteins.

organismal organization type of cell wall or covering pigmentation

What characteristics are primarily used to classify algae?


What general type of stain is used to separate types of bacteria based on their cellular structures?

run; tumble

When all the flagella on a cell rotate in a counterclockwise fashion, the cell is propelled forward in a movement known as a ____, but when the flagella reverse direction, the cell stops and changes course in an action known as a ____.

analysis of ribosomal RNA

Which characteristic has most recently been used to classify eukaryotic organisms and assign them to various taxonomic groups.

means of motility number of nuclei

Which characteristics are typically used to initially classify protozoans?

pH temperature osmotic pressure

Which of the following conditions need to be suitable for bacteria to grow?

gram-negative—pink/red; gram-positive—purple

Which of the following correctly describe the color of different cells after using the Gram staining technique?

strep throat

Which of the following diseases is NOT caused by a spore-forming bacterium?

They are ancient, primitive organisms that adapt well to extreme conditions because they have retained characteristics of the cells that first evolved when Earth's conditions were far more extreme.

Which of the following explains why archaeons are extremophiles?


You are studying a new variant of a eukaryotic cell. The variant cell has mutated so that it no longer attaches well to surfaces or initiates the formation of a biofilm. The mutation in this cell has most likely affected the _____.

a metabolically active cell

a vegetative cell is

all cells appear purple

after grams iodine is added, what color do the cells appear under a light microscope


are novel prokaryotic organisms that belong to their own superkingdom (domain).

on a variety of surfaces including shower curtains, the walls of swimming pools, and teeth

biofilms are found


does not contain organelles and cannot replicate independently

the remains of dead plants or animals a living host

fungi may obtain nutrition from what

chromosome ribosome water

please select all of the following which are contents of the cell cytoplasm

can be either gram-positive or gram-negative

rod-shaped bacteria

This arrangement is formed when rod-shaped bacteria divide multiple times on their transverse planes and do not separate therefore the cells continue to be attached to each other



the primary function of flagella is for

purple; colorless

when ethanol is applied correct, gram positive cells appear ________ and gram negative cells appear __________

they can lead to systemic infections

which of the following is true of biofilms

old cells ma not gram stain properly

why must fresh cells be used when performing a gram stain

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