Microbiology Test 2

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When a virus enters a host cell in which it can replicate, the process is called a(n)


The most frequent way in which small regulatory RNA molecules exert their effects is by

base pairing with other RNA molecules that have regions of complementary sequence.

T/F An RNA genome itself serves as mRNA in negative-stranded RNA viruses.


T/F Gram-negative bacteria are responsible for causing over 60% of foodborne illness.


T/F Ideally, microbes should be eliminated from all foods.


T/F If properly constructed, a Winogradsky column can be used to isolate pure cultures.


T/F The MPN technique is rarely applied in the food industry because any microbial presence in food is unsafe.


T/F Viroids infect only fungi.


If a researcher wanted to compare the enzymatic capacity to degrade compounds in a water column at various depths under a specific set of conditions, which would be the most useful approach?


Both ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) are assimilated by primary producers, but ammonium is the preferred form of nitrogen for fertilizers used in agriculture because __________.

Nitrate leaches out of soils easily due to its negative charge

Irradiation of food uses

Non-ionizing radiation

Microarrays that have been designed to screen samples for specific groups of bacteria are called __________.


In certain circumstances, a single regulatory protein controls multiple operons. This situation would be called a(n) ___________________.


When more than one operon is under the control of a single regulatory protein, the operons are collectively called a(n)


Which operons are always transcribed unless deactivated?

Repressible operons

Which type of regulator(s) specifically binds to operator regions of DNA?


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a coliform?

Resistant to chlorinatio

Some organisms are capable of using aerobic respiration or anaerobic respiration but use aerobic respiration preferentially. Why is aerobic respiration favored?

Respiration with oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor generates more energy than respiration with other terminal electron acceptors.

Salmonellosis is most frequently caused by

Salmonella enterica serovars Typhimurium and Enteriditis.

Which disease did Stanley Prusiner first identify as being caused by prions?


Microarrays are useful for assessing

gene expression and the presence of specific rRNA sequences.

Select the correct sequence of steps as energy is extracted from glucose during cellular respiration.

glycolysis---> acetyl CoA---> Citric acid cycle ----> electron transport chain

Which technique would be used to estimate the concentration of naturally occurring Escherichia coli in a wastewater sample?

most probable number (MPN) method

T/F Although the domain Archaea contains many acidophilic organisms, there are still many others within the domain that grow well in environments with a neutral pH.


T/F Campylobacter infections are the most common foodborne infections in the United States.


T/F Food poisoning generally results from the ingestion of food containing microbial toxins.


T/F Many microbial habitats are unsuitable for plants and animals.


T/F Mass-processed ground meat is a particularly common source of infection with EHEC.


T/F Norovirus is commonly transmitted by the fecal-oral route.


T/F Not all coliforms are pathogenic.


What two molecules are produced by the light reactions and used to power the Calvin cycle?


What is the intermediate product formed by pyruvic acid during alcoholic fermentation?


What is the inducer molecule in the lac operon?


What is the function of GTP?

An energy carrier

Why is the tryptophan operon turned off in the presence of tryptophan?

Tryptophan binds to and activates the repressor proteins; the repressor proteins, in turn, bind to the operator, preventing transcription.

What is the net production of ATP in glycolysis?


Which of the following viral genomes could be directly transcribed to make proteins?

Class IV ssRNA (+) viruses

A naked virus lacks a capsid.


Archaea and Bacteria dominate the upper 100 m of the open ocean while viruses dominate depths greater than 100 m.


T/F A bacteriophage that lacks its proteinaceous capsid structure is also called a viroid.


Waterborne illness only occurs from exposure to contaminated drinking water, not from recreational use of contaminated water.


Coliforms in a water sample indicate ________ contamination.


Distinguish how fermentation and respiration differ.

Fermentation forms organic acids and takes place in the absence of oxygen, while respiration forms water and carbon dioxide in the presence of oxygen.

Microbes capable of fermentation are often used in food. What is the main function of fermentation for the microbes?

Fermentation regenerates NAD+ so that glycolysis can continue.

On a global scale, the most important waterborne bacterial pathogens are _________

Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi

In the oceans, prokaryotes are greatly outnumbered by


The proton motive force (PMF) is driven by __________.

the difference in charge across the plasma membrane with protons outside the membrane

During an oxidation reaction,

the donor molecule loses an electron and becomes oxidized.

When the cell is not in the presence of lactose,

the repressor proteins bind to the operator

The light reactions take place in the _________ and the Calvin cycle takes place in the _________.

thylakoids; stroma

T/F An ecosystem includes both the living organisms and abiotic materials that function together.


T/F Biofilm formation is more likely to occur when Vibrio cholerae is found in low densities such as sea water.


The lac operon is an example of ________ control in which the presence of an ________ is required for transcription to occur.

negative / inducer

Biofilm structure is determined by

Nutritional factors

Enzymes that incorporate oxygen into compounds are called _________


The function of a kinase is


________ are the main primary producers in freshwater environments.

Phototrophic microorganisms

If you wanted to culture a methanogen, what would be one of the steps you would have to take?

Removing all O2 from the headspace of the culture

Why has research in metabolomics been slower than in genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics?

Screening for metabolites is technically challenging due to their diversity.

Why are some xenobiotics biodegraded slower than crude oil and petroleum products?

Some xenobiotics are novel compounds that differ from naturally occurring chemicals, thus microorganisms have not yet evolved to effectively degrade them.

T/F Organisms in natural environments can be detected by assaying for the presence of their genes.


T/F Quorum sensing relies upon a large cell population which then turns on transcription.


At approximately what temperature are most household freezers kept?


How can DNA binding proteins (DBP) regulate transcription?

-DNA-binding proteins can block transcription -DNA-binding proteins can catalyze transcription -DNA-binding proteins can activate transcription

According to the animation, where on the DNA strand does a repressor bind?

The operator

Applying your knowledge of metabolism, glycolysis starts with one molecule of glucose (6C) and produces a net total of __________.

two pyruvates; 2 NADH; 2 ATP

Compounds that are NOT produced by organisms anywhere in nature are called __________.


Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) can be used to determine __________.

-how many Salmonella typhimurium cells are present in a sample of unpasteurized apple juice -whether a specific piece of mRNA is being produced -the phylogenetic diversity of an environmental sample

What is thought to be the maximum temperature for life to exist?

150 C

In what year did Stanley Prusiner discover prions?


Which of the following equations represents photosynthesis?

6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

What is the benefit for a bacteriophage to be a temperate (or lysogenic) virus?

A single infection event can produce millions of new viral particles instead of hundreds of viral particles.

To determine if you have identified a functional open reading frame (ORF), you should have ________________ within the sequence.

A start codon and ribosomal binding site (RBS)

What provides the carbon atoms that are incorporated into sugar molecules in the Calvin cycle?

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Autotrophs are always __________.


The term phage is generally reserved for the viruses that infect


An organism living in the bottommost region of a body of water is described as being


The microbial oxygen-consuming capacity of a water sample is called its

Biochemical oxygen demand

What components make up the structure of a virion?

Capsid and genome

Which of the pairs below are matched correctly for these clostridial pathogens involved in food poisoning?

C. perfringens: produces enterotoxin

Methanogens that make methane from CO2 and H2 have some unique coenzymes that facilitate the reduction of CO2 to form CH4. Which categories of coenzymes are required?

C1 carriers and redox electron donors

What is the correct general equation for cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP energy

What occurs at the bridge step?

Decarboxylation of pyruvic acid

Which of the following is an example of a biofilm?

Dental plaque

Denitrification contributes to global warming by __________.

Destroying ozone

A protein region with a specific function and structure is called a


Which is one major difference between anaerobic and aerobic respiration?

Electron acceptor

Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning enrichment bias?

Enrichment bias favors organisms that grow quickly.

The type of Escherichia coli that produces a verotoxin similar to the one produced by Shigella dysenteriae is ________ E. coli.


Some viruses, especially animal viruses, have an envelope surrounding their nucleocapsid. This envelope may have viral proteins embedded in it. Why are the viral proteins more readily recognized and targeted by the immune system than the envelope?

Enveloped viruses are often coated with animal cell membrane as they leave the cell. This membrane is a major component of the viral envelope. The viral proteins are more readily recognized by the immune system, as they are more distinct from the materials normally found in and on the cells. However, the envelope can contain several types of viral components as well.

In the developed countries of the world, most intestinal infections are transmitted via


Illness that results from ingestion of pathogen-contaminated food is __________.

Food infection

Based on the animation, how many electron carriers are reduced in the Krebs cycle only?


Which operons are never transcribed unless activated?

Inducible operons

According to the animation, how do the repressor proteins block the transcription of the structural genes?

It binds to the operator when activated.

T/F Organisms that degrade hydrocarbons in crude oil are ubiquitous in the environment and have evolved special strategies, such as surfactant production, that allow them to readily use hydrocarbons as electron donors and carbon sources.


Which statement describes the difference between the normal neuron protein PrPC and the pathogenic version PrPSc?

The amino acid sequence is identical, but the three-dimensional conformation is different.

How do viability stains usually distinguish between living cells and dead cells?

The dye specifically targets intact cytoplasmic membranes

What would be the most likely effect of a mutation in the operator of a lac operon?

The genes would be constitutively expressed

With which genetic region does the repressor protein interact?

The operator region

What is the driving force of energy production in steps 6 and 7?

The oxidation of three-carbon compounds.

According to the animation, to what genetic element does the RNA polymerase bind?

The promoter

Which of the following genetic elements is transcribed into a single mRNA?

The structural genes

How is anaerobic respiration different from aerobic respiration?

The terminal electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration is not oxygen.

Chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll pigment molecules absorb light energy for photosynthesis. Each specific version of these molecules absorbs a different range of wavelengths of light, allowing different species of phototrophs to coexist by partitioning their use of the light spectrum. What controls the absorption spectrum of each particular chlorophyll/bacteriochlorophyll?

The various substituents on the tetrapyrrole ring alter the absorption properties of the pigments.

Which of the following describes a retrovirus?

The virus uses reverse transcriptase to make DNA from an RNA template, the reverse of the normal process of gene expression.

What is the fate of metabolites during respiration?

They are oxidized completely to carbon dioxide and water.

How are prions different from other infectious agents?

They lack nucleic acid

How are viruses different from cells?

They require a host in order to reproduce

Which statement describes the citric acid cycle?

This process produces some ATP and carbon dioxide in the mitochondrion.

Which statement describes glycolysis?

This process splits glucose in half and produces 2 ATPs for each glucose.

By isolating total community RNA, using reverse transcriptase to make cDNA copies of it, and then sequencing the cDNA, ecologists can __________.

determine the community genome expression at the moment of sampling

What structure can the viral genome take?

ds-DNA, ss-DNA, ds-RNA

What is the medium used in the membrane filter (MF) procedure to differentiate fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli?

eosin-methylene blue agar (EMB) blood agar triple sugar iron agar

If ΔG0 is negative, the reaction is

exergonic and energy will be released

For microbial biodiversity studies, it is common to identify the ________ rather than the ________ as a measure of biodiversity.

genes / organisms themselves

Which of the following processes takes place in the cytosol of a eukaryotic cell?


Staphylococcus aureus is a common causative agent of foodborne disease because it

grows on many foods, is present in some humans that work in food processing, and produces several heat-stable enterotoxins.

In microbial ecology studies, the FISH technique identifies organisms based on

hybridization of a fluorescent probe to specific ribosomal RNA sequences.

Nearly 90% of all foodborne illnesses are associated with __________.

norovirus, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, and Campylobacter jejuni

As a microbiologist, you have been asked to advise a town council on the possible ways to remove PCB contaminants from the local groundwater. Which microbial process is most likely to have bioremediation potential in this case?

reductive dechlorination

Activation energy is the energy

required for a chemical reaction to begin.

Metagenomics involves the analysis of a microbial community by __________.

sampling and sequencing all of the genes in an environment

Enrichment cultures are often effective for isolating bacteria from complex communities in natural samples because they __________.

select both for and against certain bacteria

The Baltimore Scheme to classify viruses contains a total of ________ groups based on ________.

seven / genome composition and transcription mechanism

Synthetic plastics are

slower to degrade than microbial plastics.

Where would you expect to find electron transport chains in a prokaryote?

Along the plasma membrane

Global regulatory systems include all of the following EXCEPT

Amino acid synthesis

What connects the two photosystems in the light reactions?

An electron transport chain

The abundance of cyanobacterial mats has greatly declined due to the evolution of

Animal grazers

Which of the following are the hosts for most enveloped viruses?


In which of the following organelles does photosynthesis take place?


Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria that are facultative anaerobes, are non-spore formers, and ferment lactose to acid and gas are __________.


The most common route of transmission of Salmonella enterica typhi worldwide is through

Contaminated water

Which U.S. government agency monitors water utility reports?

Environmental Protection Agency

Which bacteria involved in food infections produce toxins to cause host damage?

Escherichia coli and Salmonella

Food that is heavily salted or candied does not need to be refrigerated. Why not?

Extremely concentrated solutions are very hypertonic and therefore desiccate microorganisms. As a result, there is no need for lower temperatures through refrigeration to slow growth.

Psychrotolerant microorganisms can survive and grow at

Refrigeration temperatures

In Bacteria, sensor kinases that respond to extracellular signals transfer this signal to the cytoplasmic machinery by typically phosphorylating the residues.


Tests to monitor water safety often report the number of fecal coliform bacteria found in samples. Which of the following statements accurately reflects water safety recommendations based upon fecal coliform levels?

If the level of fecal coliform bacteria is low, the likelihood of fecal contamination is low, but the water may still be unsafe because of the presence of other pathogens.

Differentiate between persistent and latent animal virus infections.

In a persistent infection, the host cell is continually releasing new viral particles slowly. In a latent infection, there are periods of time where the virus is not replicating and creating new viral particles.

When is the repressor protein transcribed?

It is always transribed

Which of the following statements about fermentation is true?

It is an alternative way to return electron carriers to their oxidized state.

What is the fate of the NAD+ newly regenerated by fermentation?

It returns to glycolysis to pick up more electrons.

What is the role of pyruvic acid in fermentation?

It takes the electrons from NADH, oxidizing it back into NAD+.

Which of the following is an acid produced by fermentation?

Lactic acid and propionic acid

In the lac operon, which of the following conditions would allow the structural genes to be transcribed?

Lactose is present and glucose is absent.

A virus that kills its host is said to be

Lytic or virulent

Transcriptional regulators bind most frequently at the ________ site of DNA.

Major groove

From the aquatic systems below, where are heterotrophic Bacteria the most abundant?

Marine coastal waters

The most common source of Escherichia spp. food poisoning is contaminated


The total genetic complement of all cells within a microbial community is called a(n)


Explain why viroids can only infect and damage plant cells, but not animal cells.

Plant cells contain a RNA polymerase that can copy RNA can animal cells do not.

Microbial plastics are composed of

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PAHs)

Which of the following represents increasing microbial diversity?

Population -guild- community

Clostridium botulinum is a gram-________ rod that produces an ________.

Positive endospore-forming/ exotoxin

Of the following examples, which is not a common part of many viral life cycles?

Pox viruses replicate in the cytoplasm of the cell

Two major environmental extremes of the deep sea are high ________ and low ________.

Pressure/ nutrient levels

What is meant by substrate-level phosphorylation?

Production of ATP by transferring phosphates directly from metabolic products to ADP

From which phrase is the term "prions" derived?

Proteinaceous infectious particles

According to bacterial abundance studies done so far on soils, the ________ represent the most abundant phylum.


When the cell is NOT in the presence of tryptophan,

RNA polymerase can transcribe mRNA

Viruses rely on the host cell machinery to make new viruses, but they sometimes provide their own enzymes (such as reverse transcriptase, which is an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase). Which of the following types of enzymes would a virus need to provide in order to replicate within a cell? In other words, which of these enzymes would not normally be found in a cell unless a virus provided it?

RNA replicases (RNA-dependent RNA polymerases) for RNA viruses

Which statement is TRUE?

RNA viruses contain their own nucleic acid polymerases

Which of the following statements regarding redox reactions is true?

Redox reactions involve an oxidation reaction coupled with a reduction reaction.

If an organism used glycolysis (Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway) to break down glucose and produce ATP but was unable to subsequently use fermentation or an electron transport chain (respiration), what problem would develop?

The available NAD+ would be converted to NADH and glycolysis would eventually stop due to the lack of NAD+.

Two-component regulatory systems rely on a balance of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of sensor kinases and response regulators. If the response regulator became permanently phosphorylated due to lack of phosphatase activity, which of the following would NOT happen?

The cell would become more sensitive to the environment stimulus.

Why is reduction the term used to describe the gain of an electron?

The electron acceptor's net charge decreases.

Which statement is TRUE about the fluid from the hydrothermal vents?

The fluid contains large amounts of reduced inorganic materials.

Which statement describes the electron transport chain?

This process uses energy captured from electrons flowing to oxygen to produce most of the ATPs in cellular respiration.

What is the basic function of the lac operon?

To code for enzymes involved in catabolizing lactose

What is the overall function of the trp operon?

To ensure that the cell has a supply of tryptophan at all times

What is the function of the structural elements of a virus?

To package and protect the viral genome

Reheating food to a temperature sufficient to kill bacteria is helpful in making food safer. However, is there a way that one can get food poisoning despite food having been reheated?

Toxins may be heat-stable above temperatures that kill bacteria.

One reason that regulation of gene expression is important is that it saves energy and materials from being used when they are not needed. Although most genes have more than one form of regulation acting upon them, at which point would regulation be most efficient in conserving energy and materials if the product of a gene is not needed?

Transcriptional regulation (regulation of whether transcription occurs)

Most riboswitches control


How does the proton motive force lead to production of ATP?

Translocation of three to four protons drives the F0 component of ATPase which in turn phosphorylates one ADP into ATP.

The most important potential common source of infectious disease is


Pickling is a type of food preservation utilizing

Weak acids

Which of the following examples describes a type of catabolite repression?

When glucose is present, the lac operon is inhibited.

Why would using nitrogenous fertilizer near a body of water affect the organisms in the body of water?

When runoff enters the body of water, the nitrogen level significantly increases, which increases the activity of the microorganism there and upsets the balance of the ecosystem.

A patient reported a headache, chills, vomiting, and diarrhea that occurred 12 hours after having a meal at home that included chicken. The physician suspected which type of organism?

a food infection, most likely Salmonella

A reaction that involves the transfer of electrons from one molecule to another is referred to as

a redox reaction

The function of NAD+/NADH in the cell is best described as __________.

a way to increase the types of redox reactions that occur in the cell by acting as an intermediary between dissimilar compounds

Winogradsky columns are used primarily for enrichment of

aerobes, anaerobes, and phototrophs.

Human influences on the carbon cycle may cause major upsets in the balance of the ecosystem because __________.

increasing the anthropogenic carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere may significantly decrease the amount of calcium carbonate in the deep ocean

The phylogenetic diversity analysis of complex microbial communities often targets small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA genes. This is because rRNA is found in all organisms and __________.

is highly conserved over evolutionary time

Transcriptome analysis is useful in relation to genome analysis because

it analyzes RNA, thus it reveals which genes are expressed under different conditions.

The pH of most foods is

Neutral or acidic

Ecological theory states that for every organism there is at LEAST one ________, and the microenvironment where the organism is most successful is called the ________.

Nice/ prime niche

In anoxic environments, organic compounds are cycled back to carbon dioxide and methane by __________.


Many nutrient cycles are coupled and changes in one cycle will affect another. This means that a change in the amount of carbon dioxide fixed is intimately affected by the amount of __________.

Nitrogen available in an ecosystem

The most common source of individual foodborne botulism outbreaks are due to consumption of

Nonacid, home-canned vegetables

Which step is the step for which glycolysis is named?


Gluconeogenesis is the process of synthesizing __________.

Glucose from other compounds

When arginine is added to a culture already growing exponentially in a medium without arginine, what occurs?

Growth continues, but the production of enzymes required for the synthesis of arginine ceases.

What provides electrons for the light reactions?


In what organelle would you find acetyl CoA formation, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain?


Which organelle is the primary site of ATP synthesis in eukaryotic cells?


Glycolysis produces energy in which form?


According to the animation, which compounds provide electrons to the system?


What transports electrons from the light reactions to the Calvin cycle?


Plaque assays are often used to estimate the number of virions in a sample of a particular volume (the titer). The count is given as plaque-forming units. Which of the following is NOT generally a concern that must be considered in evaluating the results of plaque assays? View Available Hint(s)

NOT: The largest problem is that single viruses may create multiple plaques, resulting in overestimates of the number of viruses present.

Which of the following is NOT a way in which viruses are different from living organisms?

NOT: Viruses are obligate parasites and no living organisms are obligate parasites. TRUE: Viruses have DNA or RNA, not both -Viruses are acellular and all living things are made up of cells -Viruses depend on their host to synthesize the essential components of new viruses (e.g., genetic material and proteins), while living organisms are capable of synthesizing these components even if they require a host for food, shelter, or other necessities.

Some viruses are associated with cancer. There are a variety of ways in which viruses may affect a cell in a way that may lead to the formation of a tumor. Based on your knowledge of the life cycles of viruses and of molecular genetics, what is one way that this might happen?

Viral genetic material inserts into a host genome, placing a promoter in a new location and turning on a gene that had previously been turned off.

The role of an enzyme includes all EXCEPT which of the following?

reducing the rate of a reaction to allow for better control

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