Microsoft 365 Final exam

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Press ____ to select the entire worksheet.


The shortcut keys used to center a paragraph are ____.


To move to the end of the document, press the ____ key(s)


Pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut key(s) selects cell A1.


To move left one word with the keyboard, press the ____ key(s)


You can insert a new slide by pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut keys.


To right-align a paragraph, use the ____ shortcut keys.


To move to the right one word, press the ____ key(s).


To move up one paragraph, press the ____ key(s).


The ____ function displays the highest value in a range.


To advance rightward from one cell to the next in a table, press the ____ key.


A field with the ____ data type can contain an attached file, such as an image, document, chart, or spreadsheet.


The ____ button allows you to choose whether you want to copy the values from the source area to the destination area with formatting.

Auto Fill Options

Which of the following Option buttons gives options for filling cells following a fill operation?

Auto Fill Options

The date you change a file is an example of a(n) ____ property.

automatically updated

In the ____ letter style, all components of the letter begin flush with the left margin.


A cell reference with only one dollar sign before either the column or the row is called an absolute reference.


A photo's color intensity can be modified by changing the brightness and content.


A raised dot (·) shows where the ENTER key was pressed.


A single point is about 1/12 of an inch in height.


According to MLA style, on each page of the research paper, precede the page number by the title of the paper.


After you have created at least four slides, a scroll bar containing scroll arrows and scroll boxes will appear on the right edge of the window.


The MLA style uses the term bibliographical references for works cited.


To follow the MLA style, single-space text on all pages and apply one and a half-inch top and bottom margins, and one-inch left and right margins.


To use the AutoCalculate area, select the range of cells containing the numbers for a calculation you want to verify and then press and hold or double-click the AutoCalculate area to display the Customize Status Bar shortcut menu.


When at the rightmost cell in a row, press the ENTER key to move to the first cell in the next row; do not press the TAB key.


Business documents can include all of the following EXCEPT ____.

personal letters

A(n) ____ contains information about a given person, product, or event.


In a(n) ____ database such as those maintained by Access, a database consists of a collection of tables, each of which contains information on a specific subject.


The adjusted cell references in a copied and pasted formula are called ____ cell references.


In a business letter, type the ____ at least four blank lines below the complimentary close, allowing room for the author to sign his or her name.

signature block

Footnote text is _____.

single-spaced, left-aligned, and a smaller font size than the text in the research paper

The small squares and circles around a selected graphic are called ____ handles.


PowerPoint ____ should reinforce the speaker's message and help the audience retain the information presented.


To order the records in the answer to a query in a particular way, you ____ the records.


A letterhead should contain all of the following EXCEPT ____.

the company's objective

A company or department may standardize with a specific ____ so that all of their documents have a similar appearance.


PowerPoint displays many ____ that are varied and appealing and give you an excellent start at designing a presentation.


Word includes a variety of document ____ to assist you with coordinating visual elements in a document.


A(n) ____ is a book of synonyms.


You can use ____ options to repeat a background image many times vertically and horizontally on a slide.


The ____ introduces the presentation to the audience.

title slide

A slide ____ is a special effect used to progress from one slide to the next slide in a slide show.


You can make one color in a graphic ____, that is, removing its color.


A background is considered fill.


A property sheet is a window containing the various properties of the object.


A requirements document includes a needs statement, source of data, summary of calculations, and any other special requirements for a worksheet.


A slide show is another name for a PowerPoint presentation.


Color saturation changes the intensity of colors.


Joining tables in a query creates an ad hoc relationship, that is, a relationship between tables created for a specific purpose.


The Navigation Pane contains a list of all the objects in the database.


To place your name to the left of the page number as required by the MLA style, you must create a header that contains the page number.


You can remove selected text from a slide by pressing the CTRL+X keyboard shortcut keys.


To view the results of a query, right-click the query in the Navigation Pane and then click ____ on the shortcut menu.


To change a selected shape's height or width to a specific value, type the value in the Height or Width text boxes on the ____.

(DRAWING TOOLS FORMAT tab | Size group)

Which of the following formulas contains an absolute cell reference?


The Bullets button is available on the HOME tab of the Ribbon in the ____ group.


Which of the following happens when you enter the formula =G15 into a cell?

Excel assigns the value in cell G15 to the active cell

Pressing the ____ key instructs Word to replace a building block name with the stored building block entry.


Which of the following keys can you press to run a slide show starting with slide 1?


To rename a database object, press and hold or right-click the object in the Navigation Pane and then tap or click ____ on the shortcut menu.


To change the name of a field, press and hold or right-click the column heading for the field, tap or click ____ on the shortcut menu, and then type the desired field name.

Rename Field

To instruct PowerPoint to confirm each change, click the Find Next button in the ____ dialog box.


____ words are words that have a special meaning to Access and cannot be used for the names of fields.


____ is/are used to place worksheet, column, and row titles on a worksheet.


The ____ Auto Fill Option that fills the destination area using the format of the source area; no content is filled.

Fill Formatting Only

The ____ AutoComplete list contains those functions that alphabetically match the letters you type following the equal sign.


____ is one color shade gradually progressing to another shade of the same color or to another color.

Gradient fill

____ help clarify and emphasize details, so they appeal to audience members with differing backgrounds, reading levels, attention spans, and motivations.


____ changes picture color into black, white, and shades of gray


To indicate grouping in Access, select ____ as the entry in the Total row for the field to be used for grouping.

Group By

Which of the following keys moves the insertion point to the beginning of data in a cell?


To find the largest amount paid amount for a client, select ____ as the entry in the Total row for the Amount Paid column.


The ____ function determines the lowest number in a range.


You can type comments to yourself in the ____ for a specific slide while working in Normal view.

Notes pane

A ____ is text and graphics that print at the bottom of every page.


You ____ a worksheet to emphasize certain entries and make the worksheet easier to read and understand.


A ____ is a prewritten formula that is built into Excel.


One method of getting the audience's attention and reinforcing the major concepts being presented is to have ____ on the title slide.

graphical elements

Which of the following colors suggests neutrality?


Word shades fields ____ on the screen.


Redundancy means storing the same fact in more than one place.


Researchers have known for decades that documents with visual elements are more effective than those that consist of only text.


Shapes in the Shapes gallery can be combined to show relationships among the elements.


Standard properties are associated with all Microsoft Office documents and include author, title, and subject.


The Sum button menu allows you to enter one of five often-used functions easily into a cell.


The field or fields on which records are sorted is called the sort key.


The maximum number of characters allowed in a field whose data type is Short Text is 255 characters.


The mini toolbar contains the Italic button.


The path to the Logical button is (FORMULAS tab | Function Library group).


The shortcut keys, CTRL+ENTER, instruct Word to insert a manual page break.


To add a pie chart, first select the data to be charted and then tap or click the Insert Pie or Doughnut Chart button (INSERT tab | Charts group).


A tag name is an identifier that links a(n) ____ to a source.


The question mark (?) wildcard represents any collection of characters.


You cannot format an entire column at once.


Files containing ____ are available from a variety of sources.


A ____ is text and graphics that print at the top of each page.


Formatting text in a shape follows the same techniques as formatting text in a ____.


PowerPoint provides a wide variety of ____ shapes that can add visual interest to a slide.


Modifying the column widths usually is done last because other formatting changes may affect the size of data in the cells in the column.


The ____ feature automatically locates specific text and then replaces it with desired text.

Find and Replace

To save time and avoid formatting errors, you can use the ____ to apply custom formatting to other places in your presentation quickly and easily.

Format Painter

. ____ is the process of copying an item from the Office Clipboard into the document at the location of the insertion point.


To undo the most recent change to a table structure, tap or click the ____ button on the Quick Access Toolbar.


When Word flags a possible spelling or grammar error, it also changes the Spelling and Grammar Check icon to a(n) ____


You use ____ to view an XPS file.

XPS Viewer

PowerPoint assumes every new slide, except for a blank slide, has ____.

a title

The path to the Format Painter button is ____.

(HOME tab | Clipboard group)

All of the following are valid Excel arithmetic operators EXCEPT ____.


One way to add a correctly spelled word to the custom dictionary is to click the ____ button in the Spelling and Grammar dialog box.

Add to Dictionary `

____ are types of changes that occur when text has been omitted from a document and must be inserted later


____ includes special visual and sound effects applied to text or other content.


Word provides a(n) ____ button, which increases the font size of selected text each time you tap or click the button.

Increase Font Size

The ____ Option button lists formatting options following an insertion of cells, rows, or columns.


When you click the ____ button for a selected graphic, Word provides options for changing how a graphic is positioned with text in a document.

Layout Options

By default, slides in a new presentation are in ____ orientation.


High color saturation produces gray tones.


In Access, the columns in a table are called records.


In a business letter, within the message, paragraphs are double-spaced with single-spacing between paragraphs.


It is not possible to add a shadow to text.


____ effects modify text and objects displayed on the screen.


Clicking the ____ box completes an entry.


____ effects determine how slide elements disappear.


Combining two or more selected cells into one cell is called ____ cells.


In the ____ letter style, the date, complimentary close, and signature block are positioned approximately one-half inch to the right of center or at the right margin.

modified block

A background feature called ____ allows you to move the background from the slide borders in varying distances by a percentage.


Headers print in the top margin ____ inch from the top of every page


Studies show people remember at least ____ more information when the document they are seeing or reading contains visual elements.


The Trim Video feature allows you to trim your clip by time measurements that are accurate to ____ of a second.


A(n) ____ paragraph is a paragraph that begins with a dot or other symbol.


The Increase Indent button indents the contents of a cell to the right by ____ spaces each time you click it.


There are ____ standard colors for text in a theme.


When working with a large worksheet, you can split the window into ____ panes.

two or four

The first step in creating an effective worksheet is to make sure you ____.

understand what is required

According to the MLA style, the _____ is a list of sources that are referenced directly in a research paper.

works cited page

An Excel ____ allows data to be summarized and charted easily.


A point is ____ of an inch in height.


Every theme has ____ standard colors.


Excel remembers the last ____ actions you have completed.


On most computers, the default font size in Word is ____.


How many chart types does Excel offer?


When you install PowerPoint, the default setting allows you to reverse up to the last ____ changes by tapping or clicking the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar.


With more than ____ predefined color schemes, Word provides a simple way to select colors that work well together.


When Excel follows the order of operations, the formula, 8 * 3 + 2, equals ____.


____ determines the overall lightness or darkness of an entire image.


Click ____ to move a stacked object toward the top of the stack.

Bring Forward

The Copy button copies the contents and format of the source area to the Office ____, a temporary storage area in the computer's memory.


You should use a ____ chart to compare values side by side, broken down by category.

Clustered Column

To compact and repair a database, tap or click the ___ button in the Info gallery in the Backstage view.

Compact & Repair

Press the ____ key(s) to erase one character to the right of the insertion point.


What effect does the Accounting Number Format have on the selected cells?

Displays cell contents with two decimal places that align vertically

Which of the following keys moves the insertion point to the end of data in a cell?


To erase an entire entry in a cell and then reenter the data from the beginning, press the ____ key.


To import data to a table, tap or click the ____ tab on the ribbon.


To re-use saved export steps, click the Saved Exports button on the ____ tab on the ribbon.


Which of the following Auto Fill Options menu options is the same as the Fill Series option?

Fill Months

A field whose data type is ____ can store text that can be used as a hyperlink address.


Which of the following keys toggles between Insert mode and Overtype mode?


To center a page's contents vertically between the top and bottom margins, click the Page Setup Dialog Box Launcher, click the ____ tab, click the vertical alignment box arrow, click Center in the list, and then click the OK button.


A(n) ____ data type can store a variable amount of text or combination of text and numbers where the total number of characters may exceed 255.

Long Text

To add a record to a table, tap or click the ____ record button.

New (blank)

A field whose data type is ____ can store an OLE object, which is an object linked to or embedded in the table.

OLE object

The default color scheme is called ____.


To view the results of a query, open it by right-clicking the query in the Navigation Pane and clicking ____ on the shortcut menu.


The default view in Word is ____

Print Layout view

Which of the following cell contents is extended to Qtr3, Qtr4, and Qtr1 by dragging the fill handle?


Many of the shapes included in the ____ gallery can direct the viewer to important aspects of the presentation.


A field whose data type is ____ can contain any characters.

Short Text

To open the Navigation Pane, tap or click the ____ Button.

Shutter Bar Open/Close

To show the Navigation Pane if it is hidden, click the ____ Button.

Shutter Bar Open/Close

To see the height and width of the currently selected graphic, look in the ____ group on the Picture Tools Format tab.


____ view allows you to look at several slides at one time.

Slide Sorter

When you open a new presentation, a slide with the default ____ layout appears.

Title Slide

When you add a new slide following the title slide, PowerPoint uses the ____ slide layout for the new slide.

Title and Content

The ____ button lists error-checking options following the assignment of an invalid formula to a cell.

Trace Error

____ help one slide flow gracefully into the next during a slide show.


____ allows you to see through the background, so that any text on the slide is visible.


Using the____, you can choose the arrangement of placeholders on a new slide.

layout gallery

When you assign a(n) ____ to a field, Access will display the value you assign, rather than the field name, in datasheets and in forms.


Charts can either be embedded in a worksheet or placed in a separate ____.

chart sheet

A ____ may be composed of a few individual objects or several complex groups of objects.


A(n) ____ circular reference occurs when a formula in a cell refers to another cell or cells that include a formula that refers back to the original cell.


In a multilevel bulleted list slide, creating a lower-level paragraph is called ____ the text.


A ____ is a specific design with coordinating colors, fonts, and special effects.

document theme

Using the mouse to move or copy cells is called ____.

drag and drop

A(n) ____ is a placeholder for data whose contents can change.


The ____, or typeface, defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special characters.


Word, by default, places a tab stop at every ____ mark on the ruler.


The file type ____ identifies a Word 2016 document.


In Access, table and field names can be up to ____ characters in length.


By default, the Normal style places ____ points of blank space after each paragraph.


If you do not assign a format to a cell or cells in a column, the column width will remain ____ characters.


The ____ area on the status bar includes six commands as well as the result of the associated calculation on the right side of the menu.


The ____ feature works behind the scenes, fixing common typing or spelling mistakes when you complete a text entry.


The _____ feature automatically corrects typing, spelling, capitalization, or grammar errors as you type them.


You can click the ____ button to undo an automatic correction.

AutoCorrect Options

A field with the ____ data type can store a unique sequential number that Access assigns to a record. Access will increment the number by 1 as each new record is added.


Click ____ to move a stacked object to the top of the stack.

Bring to Front

To print a mailing label, click the Labels button on the MAILINGS tab in the ____ group.


One way to delete a note is to click immediately to the left of the note reference mark in the document text and then press the ____ key twice.


To delete a database object, press and hold or right-click the object in the Navigation Pane and then tap or click ____ on the shortcut menu.


To delete a field in a table, press and hold or right-click the column heading for the field, and then tap or click ____ on the shortcut menu.

Delete Field

To change the caption for a field in a query, click the field in the design grid, click the ____ button on the Design tab, click the Caption box, and enter the new caption.

Property Sheet

To create a new query in Design view, click CREATE on the ribbon to display the CREATE tab and then click the ____ button to create a new query

Query Design

The Undo button is located on the ____.

Quick Access Toolbar

To save the changes to the layout of a table, tap or click the Save button on the ____.

Quick Access Toolbar

The ____ function sums the numbers in the specified range and then divides the sum by the number of cells with numeric values in the range.


Pressing the ____ key to complete an entry activates the adjacent cell to the right.


You can use the ____ to check which cells are referenced in the formula assigned to the active cell.

Range Finder

To convert a hyperlink to regular text, right-click the hyperlink and then click ____ on the shortcut menu.

Remove Hyperlink

To sort records in a query, specify the sort order in the ____ row of the design grid below the field that is the sort key


____ properties are associated with all Microsoft Office files and include author, title, and subject.


To display the entire entry for a calculated field, select the column in the Field row, right-click to display the shortcut menu, and then click ____.


____ a slide can help you see slide elements more clearly so that you can position them precisely where desired.


Cell references in a formula are called ____.


Which of the following is a standard document property?


Sepia changes picture colors into ____.

brown, gold, and yellow

A ____ symbol is another name for a dot symbol.


When you set up a worksheet, you should use cell references in formulas whenever possible, rather than ____ values.


Excel allows you to rotate text in a cell counterclockwise by entering a number between -1 degrees and -90 degrees.


Typing text, followed by two hyphens, followed by more text and then a space changes the two hyphens to a(n) ____.

em dash

A pie chart with one or more slices offset is referred to as a(n) ____ pie chart.


All slide layouts have a content placeholder.


When more than one arithmetic operator is involved in a formula, Excel follows the same basic order of ____ that you use in algebra.


The WordArt ____ is the exterior border surrounding each letter or symbol.


You can include ____ in calculations to indicate which calculation should be done first.

parentheses ( )

A PowerPoint ____ can help you deliver a dynamic, professional-looking message to an audience.


The person or persons requesting the worksheet should supply their requirements in a ____ document.


Excel automatically appends the ____ to complete the AVERAGE function when you click the Enter box or press the ENTER key.

right parenthesis

A ____ paragraph places the last character of text near the right border of a paragraph.


When you drag a graphic's ____ handle, the graphic moves in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.


In a business letter, the ____, if present, begins two lines below the last line of the inside address.


Dragging or sizing affects only a ____.

selected object

If formulas located in other cells reference cells in a deleted row or column, Excel does not adjust these cell references but instead displays the ____ error message.

semi-colon (;)

Which of the following is not a valid format symbol?

semi-colon (;)

A(n) ____ chart provides a simple way to show trends and variations in a range of data within a single cell.


To create a parameter query, enter a parameter rather than a specific value as a criterion in the design grid. The parameter must be enclosed in ____.

square brackets [ ]

A ____ is a named group of formatting characteristics.


A thesaurus can be used to look up a(n) _____, or a word similar in meaning to a given word.


According to the MLA style, the first line of each entry on the works cited page begins at the left margin.


By default, PowerPoint ends a slide show with a black slide.


Each customer has one book rep, but each book rep can have many customers. This is an example of a one-to-many relationship.


Excel recognizes the following as text: 401AX21, 921-231, 619 321, 883XTY.


Form view displays a single record at a time.


Layout view shows a report on the screen and allows the user to make changes to the report.


To enter a criterion for a particular field without displaying the field in the results of the query, include the field in the design grid, enter the criterion, and remove the check mark from its Show check box.


Unless you specify otherwise, Access assumes that the criteria you enter involve equality (exact matches).


When shading paragraphs, Word shades from the left margin to the right margin of the current paragraph.


You can nest IF functions as deep as you want, but after you get beyond a nest of three IF functions, the logic becomes difficult to follow.


You can press the RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW keys to position the insertion point during in-cell editing.


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