Mid Term Exam Review

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"Shifty eyes" are an example of manipulators, which are unreliable indicators of deceit.

Facilitated communication

A controversial method that can be used as a form of communication. This is designed for people who do not have the physical ability to use sign language or the ability to use keyboards or communication boards on their own.

The best person to call to take care of the evidence at the crime scene is:

A crime scene investigator.


A direct or forced-choice question is a closed ended type of question.

Detailed field evaluation

An up-closed assessment to determine whether the subject is mentally disordered or physically handicapped.

The application of communication theory and the study of patterns of behavior to guide the interview process are known as:

Behavioral interviewing

Replacement cost method

Consideration is given to rebates, sale price or discounts


Getting the most out of the fewest words


Measurements are precise

A primary question type is:


______ are words that modify or limit the general meaning of a phrase.



Reviews old cases, looking for something new to try

A superior investigator:

Thinks outside the box

With what three items should the narrative section of a report begin?

date, time, how you got involved


A direct or forced-choice question is a closed-ended type of question.

Touch Screen

Allows for rapid selection of data.


As people get older they commit less crime. This not mean that old age renders an individual incapable of committing criminal offenses.

Which of the following best describes the interrogation?

It is an exercise in persuasion

Which of the following are features of Berlo's model of communication?

Source, message, channel, and receiver

Source confusion

The difficulty in distinguishing what has been personally witnessed from what may have been heard from someone else, or a problem identifying the exact source of the information.


The door was kicked in

When should an arrest report NOT be completed?

When a person is only detained and not booked.

Probable cause

the reason you are arresting someone.

Select the abstract word



A business may not be listed as a victim in a crime report.

Distant field evaluation

A nonverbal assessment that is conducted from a distance of greater than 3 feet; this is used when a person attracts interest in the field due one or more of the following conditions: The person may be inappropiately dressed for the weather. The person is in a place where he or she doesn't belong and personal danger clearly exists. The person stumbling about or appears to be in a confused state. The person is engaging in inappropiate actions with peers or people of the opposite sex. The individual appears to be gravely disabled either in judgment or because of substance abuse.

A Miranda waiver refers to:

A person acknowledging their rights and agreeing to talk to you.

Physical abuse

Causing harm to the victim. This can involve a number of activities such as hitting, slapping, and physically restraining the victim.


Confrontation questions are accusatory and should be used early in the interview process.


Connects names and events in the news to an old case

One of the most common sources of eyewitness error is:


Preliminary considerations checklist

Determine the reason for questioning, determine the purpose of questioning, identify the population, and identify the interviewer.


Digital evidence does not need to be accounted for as traditional evidence does.

Testamentary evidence is:

Evidence of what a witness will say in court.

Sexual abuse

Forced sexual contact with an individual who has not given consent or who is incapable of giving consent because of physical or mental impairments.

Two categories of fiduciary are:

Fraud committed by stranger and financial exploitation perpetrated by family members or caregivers.


Generally speaking, the arresting officer should include an opinion in an arrest report.

Comprehensive questioning involves:

Getting as much information as possible, thinking outside of the box and the application of social systems theory.

When you begin your investigation, your first cinsideration should be:

Getting there

When you begin an investigation, your first considerstion should be:

Getting to the scene promptly.

Victim appraisal method

Historical value is a considration

The parts of the initial narrative include:

Information about what happened prior to the event, during the event itself and afterwards.

The ________ is the organization that developed the Uniform Crime Reporting System.

International Association of Chiefs of Police

Talking to people for the purpose of getting information about the case is:



Interviewing is the process of eliciting a confession from a suspect.


Interviews a witness three or four times


Investigations can start before or after the crime occurs.

Risk assessment

It is a legal requirement that the investigator assets the present and the future risk of harm to a child.

Which of the following best defines an interview?

It is an information-gathering exercise


It is the arresting officer's duty to write a biased report that will ensure a suspect is convicted

Fair Market Value Method

Judgement is used to figure the value

The words a suspect used during the commission of a crime are known as

Key words and phrases


Kinesics is a form pf verbal communication.

In determining whether a crime was committed, police officers need:

Knowledge of the elements of the crime under investigation.

The Uniformed Crime Reporting Program collects data on the eight Part I crimes. Name one of the four property crimes it tracks.

Larceny Theft

Forced choice

Modus Operandi factor

The concept that family continuation prevails against an intervening threat is called:


The Uniform Crime Reporting Program collects data on the eight Part I crimes. Name them.

Murder, Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Larceny


Narrative should be written in the present tense.


Narrowing of the lips indicates.


Notebooks should be a standard size

Mental retardation

Persons who possess significantly less than average age-appropiate ability to process information.


Persons who use the sensory learning method think in verbal terms. When asked a question, pictures of thoughts go through their minds.


Questions used to verify information are ___________.

What are the three most important qualities to look at when selecting the location for an interview?

Quiet, private, free of distractions.

The Uniform Crime Report collects data on eight Part 1 Crimes. Name one of the four crimes against persons that the UCR tracks.


A suggested method of apprising someone of their Miranda rights is:

Read them the rights and quote their response

What is the chain of custody?

Refers to chronological documentation or showing the seizure custody control transfer analysis and disposition of evidence physical or electronic.


Refers to the believability of the witness or victim. It is a major factor that must be established during an interview.


Short interviews done at the scene of the crime are usually done out of ____________.

The answers to general questions that help supervisors prioritize crime reports for assignment are known:

Solvability factors

Name one of the three basic uses of field notes?


List the three basic uses of field notes

Storage, Building Blocks, Aid to Memory

List the three basic uses of field notes as discussed in this chapter

Storage, building block, aid to memory


Superior investigators are energized

What is the name of the organization that developed the Uniform Crime Reporting Program?

The International Association of Chiefs of Police


The National Incident Based Reporting System captures summary crime information and detailed information on an expanded set of crimes.

Totality of circumstances test

The ______ refers to the consideration of all relevant information in determining relaibility; this test was advocated by the Supreme Court in Illinois v. Gates.


The approach to interviewing used in this chapter focuses on caring, self-development, and __________, which emphazises the role of power that is inherent in

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The best option by clicking on it


The chain of custody refers to the movement of prisoners to court.

What information should be included at the start of each day's notes?

The date, shift, your partners name, area and car assignment

Examples of enhancers include:

The five senses

Interview preparation

The focus of Phase I is ___________.

Memory enhancement

The goal of forensic hypnosis is ________ and retrieval for use in a specific civil or criminal case.


The interviewer should always apologize for asking questions that are embarrasing to the interviewee.

Multidisciplinary team approach

The third model is the comprehensive evaluation that may consist of physicians, social workers, and psychological testing may be conducted and considered by the team for abuse evaluation.

Parent-child interaction model

Theorectically based on expected behaviors between an offending and a nonoffending parent and their children.


Tries a new undercover program

Grammar Check

Usage against standards

Printed form

Used to deliver the Miranda admonishment


When a suspect is arrested for multiple charges, only the most serious charge should be established with probable cause


When a suspect is arrested for multiple charges, only the most serious charge should be established with probable cause.

A witness is someone __________ you are investigating.

With useful information


Witnesses should be seaprated prior to intervieweing.


You should separate dates in the notebook with a clean break.


______ are developed from separate photographs or sketches of facial features.

Corner-to-corner or 45-degree angle

______ is the most desirable physical arrangement between the interviewer and the interviewee.


______ occurs when the interviewer reflects the same behavior as the interviewee to establish rapport.

Purposeful interviewing

______ refers to the realization that statements are sought for specific reasons.

Which type of investigation has broader parameters?



begin with the date, time, and how you got involved.

When you begin an investigation, your first consideration should be:

getting there.


must always be reported.

People at the scene

must be identified.

When interviewers are seeking a full narrative response, they will ask __________questions.


The study of proxemics examines:

the non-verbal communication of personal space.


A common mistake in an interview is not giving the person time to answer the question.

The definition of an investigation is:

A lawful search for a thing or a person.

The definition of an investigation is:

A lawful search for a thing or person

The definition of an investigation is:

A lawful search for a thing or person.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

A legislative mandate to provide equal protections and access of government facilities for persons who have a disability.

Cognitive interviewing method

A memory-jogging and retrieval tool that was developed in the hope of improving the completeness and accuracy of eyewitness accounts.


A small percentage of the population has a ________ thought process. They are emotional thinkers, and their language will contain "feeling" terms.

Forensic interviewing

A traditional structured format for a chil interview that is designed to minimize future court challenges through strict adherence to legal principles.

Conversation-observing evaluation

An approach to assessing an elderly person through direct observation for the purpose of identifying the limitations of the interviewee and the nature of the offense.

Personality disorder

An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment.

The preferred type of handwriting for your field notes is:

Anything that is legible and understandable.


Approximately half of the states have laws that require police officers to make a primary-aggressor determination rather than arrest both individuals in a domestic dispute.

When should the arrest report be completed?

As soon as possible after the arrest

Evidence descriptions must pass what type of test?

Average Person Test

Active listening can be demostrated to the interviewee through the interviewer's:

Body posture, body language and lack of negative response to statements


Brown was shot in the back of the neck

What are the three main characteristics of purposeful interviewing?

Comprehensive questioning, morphostasis, common language

The most important thing to be established in a crime report is the _______.

Corpus Delicti

Non verbal communication is affected by:

Culture, gender and age.


Dave was stabbed at 1200 hours

Mental illness

Defined in the DSM-IV as a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual that is associated with present distress (e.g., a painful symptom) or disability (i.e., impairment in one or more important areas of functioning) or with a significant increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom.

What are the two types of quotes used in investigative reports?

Direct and Indirect

What are the two types of quotes used in investigative reports?

Direct and Indirect Quotes

Which agency is charged with the responsability to act as the owner and operator of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program?


Which agency is charged with the responsibility to act as the owner and operator of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program?

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Why is it important to have field notes?

Few people can remember everything.

The first person style of writing uses which type of words to describe the writer?

I and me

An example of the past tense is:

I saw Brown go in the garage.

The checklist for writing includes which of the rules?

In most instances, write in the first person

Which of the following is NOT a primary question type used for interviewing?


A major cause of memory contamination occurs through:

Leading questions


Leading questions are best used when interviewing children.

The basic principle to be followed in taking notes is

Listen first, then write

Two types of lineups that are often used to identify the suspect are _____________.

Live, photo


Measurements in field notes should be approximations whenever possible.

What is the revised Uniform Crime Reporting Program called?

National Incident Based Reporting System

_______ refers to the interconnectedness of primary forms of human communication: thinking, speaking, and patterns of behavior.

Neurolinguistic programming

______ may communicate what interviewees cannot bring themselves to state openly.

Non-verbal behaviors

Eyewitness identification is:

Not considered the most reliable form of evidence.


Notes are legible

Secondary abuse

Occurs as the consequence of residing in a violent home.


Opinions are not present here

A receipt is sometimes needed

Original cost method

The single most important thing that must be established in an arrest report is:

Probable cause


Rapport is the communication that results when two people agree on the means and willingness to communicate.

Child Interview model

Relies most significantly on the interview with the child to determine whether abuse has ocurred.

Appropiate adult

Someone who is able to provide support to the interviewee and to smooth the progress of communication with the police.

_________ is evidence of what a witness will say in court.


What information should be included at the start of each day's notes?

The date, your partner's name, areas and car assignment.

Active neglect

The deliberate attempt by a caregiver to inflict injury or emotional stress on an older person; examples include intentional withholding of needed medication or food due to the costs.


The desertion of an elderly person by an individual who has assumed responsability for providing care for him or her by a person entrusted with his or her physical custody.

What is the difference between open-ended and closed-ended questions?

The difference between the open end and closed end questions is that the open end is used at the beginning of the interview to clarify doubts and to elaborate more on the different topics covered in the interview and at the same time giving space to develop other topics giving during the interview go with the closed end is not given the same space to develop some deeper issue at some point or limiting the possibility of obtaining more information from the interviewee.


The failure to provide for one's own essential needs. This is most frequent form of elder abuse. This is a noncriminal activity that might result in civil intervention by criminal justice and social services systems on the victim's behalf.

What are the two main parts of a police report?

The fill in the blank part and the narrative part.

Fiduciary abuse

The financial exploitation or economic abuse of elderly; it covers a range of criminal conduct concerning misappropiated property.

Which of the following is a primary influence on when the interview should occur?

The nature of the offense


The nature of the offense will dictate the approach of questioning.


The passive voice is the preferred style of writing for narratives.

The primary aggressor in a domestic relationship is:

The person who is exercising power and control over the other.

The most important part of the interview process is ______.

The preparation

Case review

The purpose of ________ is to gather as much information possible to determine the validity of the case.


The television was worth $700

Passive neglect

The unintentional failure to fulfill a caretaking obligation in which no willful desire to inflict physical or emotional distress esxists; examples include the denial of adequate food or health services due to ignorance or carelessness on the part of the caretaker.

Developing rapport

Used to help gain information during the interview


Used to prepare for the interview

Behavior baseline

Used to set a beginning level of questions.

Comprehension monitoring (CM) preparation method

Uses a practice session to assist the child to identify information that he or she does not understand and improve the child's ability to tell the interviewer when he or she doesn't understand.


Using abbreviations in notes is a good practice to follow whenever possible.

The three categories of interviewees are ________, ________, and ___________.

Victim, witness, suspect

The interviewer should listen to the ___________ of the suspect during an interview.

Voice inflection, Tone and Level of excitement


When interviewers are seeking a full narrative response, they will ask ____________ questions.

When should a crime report be completed?

When the elements of a crime are present

How accurate are eyewitnessess? What are some of the issues affecting eyewitness testimony?

Witnesses cannot be exact because the case that they can distort their memories instantly. Some of the situations that affect the witnesses' testimony are that once you do the same testimony of a particular fact or identify a particular person, to them later, they find it difficult to reconstruct the scene and recall memory in order to give the same version of events accurately.

Two categories of secondary abuse:

Witnessing domestic violence and witnessing the homicide of a parent.

Solvability factors

_______ are used to prioritize cases with the greatest chance of being solved based on the information and evidence available.

Non-verbal behaviors

_______ may communicate what interviewees cannot bring themselves to state openly.

Cognitive interviewing

__________ encourages the witness to do the talking while the interviewer listens.

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