midterm computing essentials practice

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The Web was introduced in ________.


A byte is formed by a group of ________.

8 bits

Launched in 1969 as a U.S. funded project that developed a national computer network, the Internet was initially called ________.


This type of software can be described as end user software and is used to accomplish a variety of tasks.


Which of the following is not a character encoding standard?


________ provide additional information and request user input.

Dialog boxes

A web page typically contains ________, which contains the formatting instructions for displaying the web page.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

Which of the following is true about an internal hard disk?

Often stores the operating system

This system software is responsible for managing your computer's resources including memory, processing, and storage.

Operating System

Which of the following is not an example of secondary storage?


This GUI includes tabs, groups, and galleries.


These organize commonly used commands into a set of tabs.


Which of the following is not a system software program type?


This type of software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details.


Which of the following is a collection of programs rather than a single program?

System software

This version of the web evolved to support more dynamic content creation and social interaction.

Web 2.0

Which of the following is not a well-known web browser?

Windows Explorer

The most common way to access the Internet is through ________.

an Internet service provider (ISP)

With these systems, input and output devices are located outside the system unit.

desktop systems

In many application programs, this feature is used to provide information or request input.

dialog boxes

The study of human factors related to things people use.


Most applications use a(n) ________ that displays graphical elements called icons to represent familiar objects.

graphical user interface

The equipment that processes data in order to create information is called the ________.


The hard disk's surface is scratched and some or all of the data is destroyed when there is a ________.

head crash

________ is any data or instructions that are used by a computer.


The system board is also known as the ________.


Most operating systems support the ability to switch between different applications. This is called ________.


Storage that retains its data after the power is turned off is referred to as ________.

nonvolatile storage

Identify the program that coordinates computer resources, provides an interface between users and the computer, and runs applications.

operating system

This type of mouse emits and senses light to detect mouse movement.


Hard disks store and organize files using all of the following, except ________.


The Internet is a ________ made up of wires, cables, satellites, and rules for exchanging information between computers connected to the network.

physical network

Which part of an information system consists of the rules or guidelines for people to follow?


In most cases, the word "software" is interchangeable with the word ________.


Which of the following is not a function of the operating system?

providing internet access

On a hard disk each track is divided into invisible wedge-shaped sections called ________.


In a network operating system, this computer coordinates all communication between computers.


On the motherboard, the connection points for chips are referred to as ________.


"Background" software that helps the computer manage its own internal resources is called ________.

system software

What are the two major software types?

system software and application software

This type of computer is a thin slab that is almost all monitor with the system unit located behind the monitor.


The arrangement of keys on a keyboard, QWERTY reflects the keyboard layout by ________.

taking the letters of the first six alphabetic characters found on the top row of keys

Keyboards that are widely used on various smartphones and other small portable devices, and that are designed primarily for communicating via texting and connecting to the Web.


A keyboard key, like Caps Lock, that turns a feature on or off is called a ________ key.


This character encoding scheme allows non-English characters and special characters to be represented.


An external hard disk ________.

usually connects to a USB or Thunderbolt port

Antivirus programs protect your computer system from viruses or malicious programs. This is an example of which type of software?


Type of keyboard that uses a touch screen as the input device.


This type of boot occurs when the computer is already on and you restart it without turning off the power.

warm boot

General-purpose applications include all of the following except:

web authoring

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