Midterm Exam 1 - 7 Food and Culture

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American Paradox.

even though foods from throughout the world are available and often affordable, there is a need for consistency and conservatism. Americanization certain foods. Taco bell, fortune cookies, etc.

Define Culture

values, beliefs, attitudes, practices accepted by members of a group learned not inherited, changes over time Beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people.

.5.3 Pick two regional classifications of traditional Native American cuisine. Describe the similarities and differences between these two classifications in food and their preparation.


2.4 Describe three ways that diet may be used to promote or maintain health, using specific examples of foods and practices.

A healthy diet is a diet that provides essential nutrition, fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and calories. It promotes and maintains healthy body. In general, a dietary plan for health includes the concept of balance and moderation. There are many ways to meet the requirements for a healthy diet, which can be met either from plant-based or animal based food items. Among, there are three ways that are mostly used in our daily lives The three ways that diet can be used to promote or maintain health is as follows 1) Dietary therapy is therapeutic method that uses dietary chocies to maintain or improve health. It promotes healthy eating habits that include limitation of fats, sugar, salt, etc. and increase consumption of fruits, vegetabls, whole grains etc. 2) Scientific form is one of the therapies to treat medical condition by providing a specific tailored diet. It always takes place under the supervision of a registered dietitian or doctor. Example: TYpe 2 diabetes is one of the well known medical conditions, where a patients is prescribed to take diet under the supervision of physican. 3) Pre-scientific form (Chinese medicine) is a traditional practice of eating diet under moderation. It encourage to keep balance between temperature, text and color of the food. Example: Boiled rice is a Chinese staple and is believed to be perfectly balanced.

5.1 In Native American culture, what is considered the cause of illness? How may this influence the treatment of a medical disorder such as type 2 diabetes?

According to Native Americans, every illness is due to an imbalance with supernatural, spiritual or social implications. The superstitious beliefs among the Native Americans have implications in treating disease conditions. Accordingly they blame type 2 diabetes is a disease transmitted via foods provided by whites with the intention of eliminating Native Americans. Treatment focuses on the cause of imbalance and not the symptoms. Traditional medicine is concerned with physical mental, and spiritual renewal through health maintenance prevention of illness and restoration of health.

6.3 Describe the traditional food habits of England, Ireland, and Italy. List five of your favorite foods. Do any of these foods have their roots in Europe? Describe your typical meal cycle and meal composition. Are these similar to those of Europe?

Animal products are of major importance in Great Britian and Ireland. here lam and roasted beef are commonly eaten. The British and Irish diets contain a variety of sea foods. Eggs are tradtion for breakfast. Fruits and veggies are limited in their diets, but potatoes are frequent. Oatmeal is served for breakfast, red algae is a snack. Beverages are tea, whisky and beer, consumed by Britan and Ireland Italian cooking is mainly pizza and spaghetti. Pasta is a typical dish everywhere. They are served in three forms with sauce, in soups and baked. Southern Italy is notable for usage of olive oil, fish, artichokes, bell peppers, eggplants and tomatoes. Garlic is common in all regions. Common seasonings are parsely basil, oregano, anise, cinnamon and cloves. Generally Indian's consume meals thrice a day, consist of breakfast comprising porridges or steamed food made of rice (idly) along with side dishes called chutneys. Lunch is usually steamed rice with vegetables and pulses, dinner includes Indian breads namely roti's or naan's with gravy.

2.1 If you become ill, how might your worldview influence your expectations about your illness and its treatment?

Assumptions regarding social interaction, expectations about persona and public conduct and assessments of individual behavior are determined by worldview, which is otherwise called cultural outlook. This viewpoint influences perceptions about health and illness. It also influences the role of each person withinn a society. This view differs for each cultural group. Contingent on his cultural proceeedings that he is capable of doing on a daily basis. A person with non-life threating disease would normally get in touch with the eldes of the family or with the other family members and prefer home remedies, rather than consulting a physician. If the home remedies do not treat him well, the person would opt for professional advice.

Who invented apple strudel


2.2 How does biomedicine in the United States reflect the majority culture?

Biomedicine is a branch of medical science that applies biological and physiological principles to clinical practice. The approach to use biomedicine has traditionally been valued to treat a medical condition Biomedicine became a cultural sub-division of the American worldview. It reflects majority of Americans in maintaining relationships to nature, personal control, role of the individual, human equality, aging and perception of time. Biomedicine sticks to the concept of mastery over nature. Practitioners were considered as defender of infections and diseases. Likewise, technology is considered to the tool to fight the infections are prevalent disease. The US medical system gives more room to scientific rationality rather than believing on divine intervention. The scientific rationality entitles that there is biomedical cause for every condition. The role of an individual is US biomedicine is always honored by providing individuality and protecting client confidentiality. Many aspects of health care practices concentrated on providing youthfulness by delaying aging factor. It is achieved through plastic surgeries and cell rejuvenating treatments. It is future oriented and provides long term benefits to the client by preventing illness. In brief, Biomedicine reflects majority of US culture in providing long term health benefits.

7.2 What were the common staples of central Europeans, Scandinavians, and people of the former Soviet Union (FSU)? What were their methods of preservation?

Central Europe is similar to the FSU and depends on what can be grown in the cold and damp climate. Bread is a common stapble, there are more than 100 varieties of bread. Foods are dried, pickled or fermented. Pretzels are a favorite snack in Germany and Switzerland, boiled dumping made with flour or potato, stuffed dumplings filled with meat, bacon, liver, potatoes, mushroms are like in Germany, russia, Poland and Ukrain. Meat is common and important staple of the region. Pork and products of pork such as cured and smoked ham, beff bacon, roasted goose, chicken stew and chicken cutlets are also staples. Russia and FSU share staples such as bread, borscht a soup from beets, cabbage, fish, kasha, salads. Zakuski is the even meal in Russian dinner with pickle herrings, cucumbers in sour cream and other apps. Scandinavian food is hearty and most have natural flavors and subtle seasoning. Common spices are black pepper, juniper berries, sill, cloves, caraway seed, nutmeg, cardamon, and onions. The most popular food include dried salted cod, salmon marinated with dill, lox cream, and butter sauteed fish sticks, sour cream, buttermilk and fruits, bread made of wheat and other grains, nuts etc.

Healthcare in other cultures

Chinese medicine biomedicine

List four factors that may influence an individual's choice of foods. Pick one and explain how this factor influences food choices.

Choice of food depends on various factors and differs from person to person. Humans prefer to have food with sensory characteristics. Factors that influence food choices are Taste Cost Variety Convenience Food selections is mostly influenced by taste, a gustatory perception that senses the flavor of the save. Taste depends on flavor principles, which is characteristic combination of core and complementary foods. These principles are necessary to provide expected taste experience with satisfaction.

3.1 Why is communication with another person or group described as an action chain? Give an example of an action chain that might occur when you meet a friend, your new boss, and a young child.

Communication is described as an action chain because one phrase or action leads to creating another in the form of a chain like link.

Define the terms culture and acculturation. Describe an example of a change in food habits that may reflect acculturation

Culture is more of the values, practices, beliefs and attitudes that are accepted by a specific group of people. Culture is not a heritable train from one generation to another but rather is learned through enculturation. Enculturation is the process of learning through language acquisition and socialization Acculturation is a process that states that acclimatization of people who move from a location of their specific ethnicity to a new location, which is different from their cultural practices. Acculturation might lead a person or group of people who depend on local recipes rather than preparing their own meals. This is because of many factors including cost and availability of the ingredients in their new area. For example, the Samoans would find it that is unable to use the coconut cream in their dishes or the Iranians would find it expensive to use saffron for certain rice recipes. Rice was found to be the most important and primary components of the acculturated even though it is not said to be their ethnic supplement.

6.7 Why is the Mediterranean diet considered healthy?

Due to the intake of complex carbs, a high intake of phytochmeicas and a low intake of fat with high proportion of monounstatured fats from olive oil Also an increase of grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. Low intakes of meat and dairy, and promotion of wine in moderation.

4.1 What are the basic tenets of Western and Eastern religions?

Eastern religions are polytheistic, while western are monotheistic. Eastern religons are poly and monistic, which indicates they beilieve in multiple gods but only in one impersonal force. Western religions worship only one god. The basic belief of western religion is that God is omnipotent and omniscient. The basic tenet of Christians is God commands and humankind obeys. Eastern religions believe in immortal soul that lives even after death of the body. They believe that divine is immanent in creation. Western believe that dive is transcendent and different from creation. Buddhism includes four noble truths and eightfold path principles that are designed by the Siddhartha Gautama. Hinduism does not have universal belief or practice but themes that include Dharma, Samsara,Karma and Moksha. Islam includes the five pillars Shahadah, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, and Hajj. Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus.

3 questions on Native American: Buffalo jerky, approach to life, social roles of different genders

Extra meat was preserved by cutting it into very thin strips and then dehydrating it in the sun or over the fire. This tough, dried meat would keep for several years and was known as jerked buffalo or jerky. The jerky would be pulverized and mixed with water or corn gruel, or, in emergencies, eaten dry. Most often it was shredded and mixed with bison fat and berries, then formed into cakes called pemmican. Approach to life: Harmony best describes the Native American approach to life. Each individual strives to maintain a balance among spiritual, social, and physical needs in a holistic approach. Only what is necessary for life is taken from the natural environment; the belief is that the Earth should be cared for and treated with respect. Generosity is esteemed and competitiveness is discouraged, yet individual rights are also highly regarded. Personal autonomy is protected through the principle of noninterference. Among the Navajo, for example, an individual would never presume to speak for another, even a close family member. For most Native Americans, time is conceptualized as being without beginning or end, and the culture is present oriented, meaning that the needs of the moment are emphasized over the possible rewards of the future. Men hunted. Women cooked. Both were responsible for cultivation. The book fails to mention anything about other genders and its very basic and over simplified.

Which of the factors described by the consumer food choice model currently influence your food choices? Which factors do you think will stay the same and which do you think will change as you age?

Factors including cost, taste, variety, well being, self expression and convenience influence a person's food choice. Cost and variety are two of the major factors that tend to change over years. While cost is ever changing, but the factor, variety differs based on people's satiety. Taste is a concept that is associated with taste buds on the tongue. It is one attribute that does not change even if years pass by.

Describe the flavor principles, core foods, and meal patterns of your family's diet.

Flavor principles are unique seasoning combinations that would describe the ethnic foods of a particular locality in the worldwide. Flavor principles of a typical Indian cuisine include the usage of Garman masala in their foods. Core foods are those that normally form a regular part of our diet. For example the core foods that normally form a part of an Indian cuisine include rice and wheat.

2.5 What is meant by folk illnesses or culture-bound syndromes? Using one example, explain how effective treatment for the condition would differ from the conventional biomedical approach.

Folk illness or culture bound syndromes are those complaints that are specific to a particular community or culture. Illnesses are often associated as a result of the supernatural world. Ex: Suddent unexpected noctural death sysndrome expresed by a group in Combodia. Treating folk illnesses are not said to be prevailing in the scientific community that requires proof and reason for a diseased conditioned. Unconcentional alternatives Home remedies- drinking tea, mega vitamins Popular therapies - chiropratic or message Proffesional - people who are versed in conventional medical systems - biomedicine, chinese and ayuvedic medicine. These all involve a variety of treatment that falls under: Inclusion of therpy drugs Application of physical forces Inclusion of magico-religious interventions

Define the terms food and food habits. How does the omnivore's paradox influence a person's food choices and food habits?

Food is an edible content that is consumed by living organisms. It provides energy and nutrition for the maintenance of the living body. Food habits are termed as the way of selecting and consuming the food as per the individual needs. Eating habits are determined by the culture, availability of food, ability to digest, etc. So this differs widely. Omnivores can consumes a variety of food items but all necessary nutrients cannot be supplemented by a single food type, which is the omnivores' paradox. Therefore, food choice and habits lead to various combinations of food types.

Where is the best farmland in Europe 3/5s of the land is under cultivation

France. It is especially well known for premium wine production

5.2 Pick two regional classifications of traditional Native American cuisine. Describe the similarities and differences between these two classifications in food and their preparation.

Geographical variation in cuisine among Native Americans is seen and their prepartions also vary. Considering North-East and South-Western Natives, they both vary. Northeastern settlers are exposed to abundant indigenous fruits, vegetables, and fish, wehere South-West cultivate beans, chili peppers, corns and squash. Mutton is a staple food of this region. North-East pumpkins and squash were baked every day and beans were added to soups and stews. Sweets included cherries sweetened with maple syrup, cranberry pudding and hazelnut cakes. South-West cantaloupe were grown, fruits of prickly pear are eaten. Pinon seed flavored stews and soups.

Two general categories of French cuisine (high and peasant food)

Haute cuisine (High cooking, classic) Elegant and formal, mostly prepared in restaurants using the best ingredients. Provincial cuisine (peasant) Simple fare, made at home with local ingredients.

Why should students develop competency in international cultures? (essay)

Having cross-cultural competence means you can be effective in your interactions with people from most any culture. Being able to communicate and work with people across cultures is becoming more important all the time. People are traveling, reaching out, and mixing with different others like never before.

Omnivores paradox

Humans must be flexible enough to eat a variety of essential items, yet cautious enough to not randomly ingest harmful foods; attraction to new foods, but prefer familiar foods

7.5 Describe a traditional Christmas or Easter dessert for three countries in central Europe, FSU, and one Scandinavian country.

In CE driped marzipan candies in various shapes, spice cakes cookies, fruit cakes, cake in Christmas tree shapes, gingerbread houses are served during Christmas Eve. In Poland, a rich Christmas cake shaped like a jelly roll, filled with black poppy seeds, honey, raisins, and almonds are served during Christmas. Dough with raisins and almonds shaped into round loaf is served in Czech. In Slovakia a famous dessert known as balky a piece of bread slice, scalded, drained and rolled into grou poppy seeds, sugar or honey is served during christmas. Cakes and pastries are served in Hungary wheras doughnuts fitters are served as typical festival food in Germany. In Russia and FSU, a very rich, sweet yeast dough baked into a tall cylindral mold is served. Ginger cakes, pretzel shaped sweet bread is served in russia and ukrain. There is not much christmas food tradition, most of it was lost during soviet-rule since religious ceremonies were discouraged. Scandinvaian deserts are rich but not overly sweet. The Scandinavians use marzipan or almond paste and almonds in the deserts. Kransekake is a regional speciality in which frosted almond pastry rings are staked one above the other. Danes are well known for their desserts whcih include pastry filled with jam and toerh fillings, rice pudding with whipped cream, hot cherry sauce, and braided sweet bread are served on special occasions. In Norway at least seven types of selected sweets are served. Finland, dessert usually includes prunes cookies and piez. Cookes are prepared with ginger and cloves, gingerbread figures, deep fried brandy flavoured dough and cakes are served for Christmas.

6.4 What is the difference between Cajun and Creole cooking? What are the origins of both styles of cooking?

In Cajun style of cooking the best ingredients are chosen and recipes are prepared, whereas in Creole style, which is simpler, uses locally avaiable ingredients. Canjun and Creole cooking styles originated in Louisiana. Cajun is named after the French-speaking Acadian people exiled from Acadia in Canada to the Acadiana region of Louisiana. It is also rustic cuisine and it contains locally available ingredients. Creole blends with Spanish, French, Amerindian, West African, Italian, German and Irish influences. Authentic Canju is a three pot affair. One pot for main dish, one for steamed rice, some seafood dish or special sausages, and the third for seasonal vegetable.

5.4 What is Indian fry bread? Is it a traditional food? Why or why not?

Indian fried bread is falt bread made from wheat flour that is fried in fat. Fried bread through is made from ingredients introduced by Europeans, it is considered a traditional food and served on all Native American festivals.

4.4 Describe and compare the roles of fasting in Islam and Hinduism, using examples of fasting practices in each faith.

Islam: Muslims during a fast abstain from food, drink, smoking and coitus from dawn to sunset. Muslims fast during Ramadan, the fast is broke at sunset by consuming water and odd number of dates. They invite gues to break the fast and special foods are prepared, especially sweets. A Muslim also fasts for six days during Shawwal. A Muslim may fast voluntarily on Monday's and Thursdays preferably Muslims are restricted to fast during two festivals namely Eid al - Fitr and Eid al Azha. Hinduism Fasting practices vary by castes, family and degree of orthodoxy. Fasting for Hindus is either eating no food or avoiding certain kinds of food. The fast of Hindu calendar include first day of the new and full moon of each lunar month, tenth and eleventh days of each month, Sivaratri, nine day of the lunar month Cheitra, the eight day of Sravana, days of eclipses, equinoxes, solstices, and conjunctions of planets, the anniversary of the death of a parent and Sundays.

3.2 Why is it important to become familiar with other cultures' communication behaviors? Give three examples of nonverbal communication behaviors.

It is important to know or learn different cultural communication behavior in order to communicate well with people from different backgrounds. Ti helps us become accustomed to people of any kind while traveling. it also helps us understand our own cultural behavior. Non verbal communication behaviors include handshaking, eye contact, and standing up a s sign of respect.


Judaism is based on a strict monotheism, and a belief in one single, indivisible, non-compound God. The Shema Yisrael, one of the most important Jewish prayers, encapsulates the monotheistic nature of Judaism: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God; the Lord is one.

4.2 Pick two of the following religions and describe the dietary laws for food preparation and consumption, and any additional laws for holy days: Judaism, Hinduism, and Islam.

Judaism: The principle called Kashrut, mammals with cloven foot and chews cud are okay to eat. Similiary, birds that have crop, gizzard, and an extra talon are good to eat. Fish with scales and fins can be eaten. Everything else is unclean and must be avoided. Slaughtering of the clean animals takes places after a process known as shehitah. Certain parts of the animal body is prohibited to eat like blood and fat. The meat is prepped by removing the blood vessels by immersing it in salt for 72 hours before prepartion. Milk and meat is never consumed togther. There must be a six hour wait between the two. Hinduism: They believe bad food habits prevent one from reaching mental purity and communion with God. Many Hindus are vegetarians. Dietary restrictions of Hindues vary among castes. Meat is eaten but pork and beef are avoided. Foods vary by regions and castes. Pious Hindus abstain from alcohols, garlic, turnips onions and mushrooms.

What religion is associated with Kashrut dietary law

Kashrut is a Jewish religious dietary law. Foods that may be consumed, termed kosher, meaning fit for consumption. Prohibitions of certain animals such as pork and shellfish, most insects, and mixtures of meat and milk.

3.4 What would be the culturally appropriate verbal address for when you meet the following individuals: an African American, a Latin American, a Vietnamese, and an Asian?

Latin American: A married women is addressed by her name and maiden surname followed by de, and her husband's family name. Maria William de Francosis. Children are given father's surename followed by mother's family surname. Vietnamese: People are addressed by their surname followed by the given name. China and Korea Here people are given names where the generation name followed by the family name before the given name. In China and Korea married women do not take their husband's name Japan People are called by surname followed by san India Hindus in India don't use surnames, instead man is given name preceded by the initials of his father's given name. A woman follows the same until her marriage, after she uses the given name followed her husband's given name.

The iceberg concept of culture

Like an iceberg, the majority of culture is below the surface. A lot how communication is influenced through culture

3.3 What is meant by low or high context and uncertainty avoidance in describing verbal communications? Name one culture that is low context and one culture that is high context. How may an individual's relationship to the group differ between high- and low-context cultures? How does uncertainty avoidance differ from risk avoidance? Give an example.

Low context refers to communcation style in which the speaker presents the idea precisely and in explicit language. here, the actual words are more important and the communication style is word dependent. So chosing words plays an important role in a low context culture. In a high context culture, the message is conveyed according to the situation or audience. Here, language is more personal than objective and dependents on the relationship between speaker and listener. Physically closer. Uncertainty avoidance reflects the role of a group or individual to cope with different cultural behavior. It measure the degree to which a person feels uncomfortable with a sense of ambiguity. Low context culture mainly includes healthcare professions. High context cultures are evident among mother and child were mother converse in the style of the child, to convey a message. In a low context culture individuals are separate from the group in order to learn to handle a situation soley. Whereas high context, the individual is defined by group and mutual dependency exist among the group. Uncertainty avoidance means unable to tolerate different cultural behavior. Whereas risk avoidance refers to elimination of action that can cause hazard to the group or individual. Example: In case of uncertain avoid, a non smoker or person who did not smoke so far, will try to adjust with a group of smokers, while another will never take the risk of accompany smoker - risk avoidance.

6.2 Describe the American majority cultural beliefs regarding health, and the origins of these beliefs.

Majority cultural beliefs of America originated from northern Europe. The northern European idea of a meal consisting of a large serving of meat, poultry or fish with smaller side dishes of starch and vegetable was quickly adopted and expanding in the US The general belief is taht good health depends on attitude which emphasis religious faith and a proper lifestyle.

6.5 Compare and contrast the immigrant experiences of the Irish and Italians.

Migration of Irish people to the US began in the 18th century. Caused by the result of an economic depression brough on by a textile slump in Ireland. Irish Catholics started to arrive in the US by 1820 and the immigration reached max 1840-1860 when approx. 2 million people arrived. The cause was not only religious but also due to repeated crop failure. These people settled in the north eastern cities and at the bottom of the socio econimc ladder. Migration of Italians to the US was seen during late 19th century and early 20th. More than 5 million Italian settled in the US. They immigrated for economic reason and half of the men returned home.

6.1 Summarize the immigration patterns of northern and southern Europeans.

Northen Europeans: Immgiration of Birtish was reported in the 17th century and settled in New England, Virgina and Maryland, which was to avoid religious persectuion. By the end of the 18th century, immigration reduced, and after indepence it further declined. Migration of Irish to the US began in the 18th century; they migrated as a result of economic depression and crop failure. The French was the least to migrate and migrated for economic oppurtunity. Southern Europeans: Migration of Italians to United States was seen during late nineteen century and early twentieth century. According to the records, more than 5 million Italians setted in the US majority of them came from poor souther Italian provicnces and Sicily. They imgrated for economic reason. One half of the men returned to their home lands after getting enough money Immigration of Spaniards took place since 1820. The majority of Spanish speaking population in the US came from the acquistion of Spanish territories. They immgirated due to depression of economic conditions in Spain. Portuguese immigrated to the US were mostly from the Azore Islands and Cape Verde Islands during the 19th century. They were followed in 1870 by immgiratns hoping to escape poverty. They were equipped with little education and few skills and settled in Cali and Hawaii. A more significant number ofPortuguese entered the US after 1958 following the eruption of valcanoes.

Italian cooking and latitude

Pasta is common through the nation. North, fresh pastas are more common, stuffed version made with meat, chseese and vegies. Also topped with rich cream sauces. The south is agriculturally pooer, pasta is generally dried, and it is usually served unfilled with tomato-based sauce. North uses more butter, dairy, rice and meat. South uses more olive oil, fish, beansveggies, artichokes, etc. Garlic is importan everywhere.

Polish stuffed dumplings

Pirashki (Persia), Empanada (Mexico), Ravioli (Italy), Potsticker (Japan), Bao (China), Pierogi (Poland), Pasties (British), Technique of rolling out dough and folding over, varies by region and culture.

Largest ethnic group in the US

Polish Americans

7.1Briefly describe the traditional health practices and beliefs of the Russians, Germans, and Scandinavians

Russians believe in homeopathic and biomedical therpy and a belief of magic. Germans believe that they can avoid disease by proper dressing, eating cod liver oil and breathing fresh air. Scandinavians consider fish a good meal for health and some tribe believe natural health care like massage, bloodletting and cupping.

Core of Scandinavian diet

Scandinavian food is hearty and most have natural flavors and subtle seasoning. Common spices are black pepper, juniper berries, sill, cloves, caraway seed, nutmeg, cardamon, and onions. The most popular food include dried salted cod, salmon marinated with dill, lox cream, and butter sauteed fish sticks, sour cream, buttermilk and fruits, bread made of wheat and other grains, nuts etc.

Meal in Greece

Similar to Middle Eastern fare.

1st Large Wave of Catholic immigration? For the U.S.A.

Substantial numbers from Germany, Poland Italy and Ireland in the 1800's and from Mexico and Carribean in the 20th and 21st century.

7.6 Describe the religion, worldview, and food and health beliefs attributed to Gypsies.

The Roma people are immigrants to the US, believed to originated from European countries. Most Roma people are Christians and a few of them are misaims, and theis tribe inter marriage btetween the Christians and Muslims is allowed. They speak Romani. Food is potatoes, garlic, raisins, eggs, pineapple, walnuts, cottage cheese, etc.

4.3 Pick two of the following religions and describe the dietary laws for food preparation and consumption, and any additional laws for holy days: Judaism, Hinduism, and Islam.

The five pillars of Islam: 1) Faith in God (Shahadah) 2) Pray five times a day and public prayer on Friday (Salat) 3) Offering the poor (Zakat) 4) Fasting for religious obligation (Sawm) 5) Pilgrimage to Mecca once in lifetime (Hajj)

5.5 What factors may have increased the incidence of type 2 diabetes among Native Americans?

The rate of type 2 diabetes , among NA of certain region is found to be higher. This may be due to genetic predisposition among NAs. Certain factors such as change in traditional diet have led to increase of diabetes among Native Americans.

7.3 List two well-known prepared foods associated with Germany, Poland, FSU, one Scandinavian country, and one other central European country. Describe three sausages that can be found in Germany or Poland. List four U.S. foods that are thought to be descended from eastern European countries.

Well known foods of Germany are macaroni cheese and Bratwurst and for Poland are Swieconka and Bigos. The well known foods of FSU are pelmeni and Blini. Scandinavian country is Gravadlax and Central europe is mozzarella, lasagne, pasta, pizza, etc. The three sausages in Germany are Ahle Wurst, Bregenwurst, Extrawurst, Poland has kielbasa, Krupnoik and Prasky. Foods of the US are though to be descended from Eastern Europe are corn meal and flatbreads.

7.4 What is zakuski in a Russian meal? What foods may be included? What is a smorgasbord in Scandinavian countries? What foods might be included?

Zakuski is a tradional array of apps that are served in dinners in Russia. Zakuski ranges from a few simple dishes to an entire table spread. Zakuski includes sandiwhches topped with salmi, sausages, ham, pickls, cold tongue, smoke fish, anchovies or sardine. Elegan forms serve caviar with hard boiled eggs and onions. Others include pickled vegtables and herring, hot meal dishes, cucumber sour cream and eggs topped with a variety of ingredients. A large variety of hot and cold dishes are served in Scandianivan buffets refered to as a smorgasbord. The order of foods eaten are dictated by rituals. The Swedes begin with herring, followed by other fish dishes, meat and salads. The final course is served before dessert and includeds Swedish meatballs, mushroom omelets and other dishes such as pea soup, brisket and mashed rutabaga. Special occasions such as Christmans, smorgasboareds include 20-30 dishes with ham, herring, duck, pork with brown gravy and goose with other traditional recipes. The sides include red cabbage, carmelized potato and dessert including rice pudding with whipped cream and hot cherry sauce. Meal in Finland begins with pickled herring, salmon, ham, vegetable casseroles and desertes include prunes, cookes, cakes, piez deep fried brandy doughs.


based on science. Chemistry, pathology focused does not take into account psychological, enviornmental or social influences.

What religion is oldest


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