Midterm Exam

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connections between adjacent cells in which plasma membrane proteins attach to each other, producing a zipper like fastening are called

tight junctions

the production of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) in the calvin cycle requires six molecules each of ATP and NADPH. Another three molecules of ATP are then used in the cycle. what is the purpose of these additional ATP molecules

to regenerate the starter molecule RuBP

the reactivity of an atom depends on the number of

valence electrons

of the following examples, which best demonstrates cohesiveness of water

water moving up a 100-foot pine tree, from the roots to the leaves

the light reactions of photosynthesis are said to be similar to a battery because they form a current. In which direction do the electrons of the circuit flow

H20 > PSII > electron transport chain > PSI electron transport chain > NADPH

which functional group is common to both amino acids and fatty acids


the pH of pure water is because

7.0.; water contains an equal number of H+ ions and OH- ions

The pH of pure water is because

7.0; water contains an equal number of H+ ions and OH- ions

Which energy association is correct?

A fish swimming through the water is an example of kinetic energy.

which of the following is an accepted explanation for how the world works

scientific theory

alpha helix and beta pleated sheet are characteristics of

secondary protein structure

Which form of passive transport allows small noncharged molecules, such as oxygen, to cross the cell membrane?

simple diffusion

The number is neutrons present in the nucleus of an average atom of any given element is best estimated by

subtracting the number of protons from the mass number

Select the ultimate source of energy for nearly every organism on this planet.


Cell size is limited because ________ is critical to a cell's function.

surface area to volume ratio

what function does the nucleolus have

synthesizes ribosomal RNA

both starch and cellulose are polysaccharides made by stringing together many glucose molecules, but starch is easily digested by human, while cellulose is indigestible. starch has every bond occurring below the sugar rings while the bonds in cellulose alternate between one bond above the ring and the next below the ring. How can you explain human's' inability to digest starch but not cellulose

the enzyme that breaks down polysaccharide can only fit the specific bond configuration within a starch molecule

Which of the following properties of water involves hydrogen bonds

Cohesion, high heat capacity, surface tension, water expands as it freezes

which of the following organelles would form a membrane bound package, also known as a vesicle

Golgi apparatus

Heartburn occurs when stomach acid escapes the stomach and burns the tissues of the esophagus. Baking soda is sometimes used as an antacid. How does baking soda help relieve symptoms of heartburn?

The baking soda is serving as a buffer to remove excess H+ ions from stomach acid.

Why do leaves and vegetables with high concentrations of carotenoids appear yellow or orange?

The carotenoids reflect yellow and orange wavelengths of light.

When a potted house plant is wilting, the addition of water quickly changes the look of the plant. This can be accounted for by which of the following statements:

The water creates a hypotonic environment causing the cells to gain water.

What do lemons, tomatoes, and coffee all have in common chemically?

They all release H+ ions in solution, making them acids.

which of the following is an example of kinetic energy

a roller coaster traveling downhill

which of the following levels of biological organization is correctly matched with an example

a tropical rain forest with rain, sunlight, trees, insects, and animals - ecosystem

the part of the enzyme into which the substrate fits is called the

active site

Scientist rely on which of the following to make observations

all of the other choices are correct

what are the building blocks for proteins

amino acids

which one of the following is the smallest unit of matter that has all the properties of an element


All atoms of the same element have the same

atomic number

the scientific method

begins with observation

which of the following pairs of words is matched correctly

bladder - organ

which of the following is an accurate statement regarding cell structure in plant and bacterial cells

both plant cells and bacterial cells have cell walls and plasma membranes

A molecule is said to be organic if it contains

carbon and hydrogen atoms

the results of an experiment are referred to as the


the responding variable of an experiment is called


which of the following are components of a good experimental design

designed so results will be meaningful

surface to volume ratio is an important characteristic for cell functions; some cells increase their ratio by

developing finger-like projections.

simple diffusion across a plasma membrane is called passive transport because it

does not require energy from the cell

a covalent bond occurs when

electrons are shared between two atoms to complete their octets.

In science, a theory

encompasses many hypotheses.

metabolic pathways, which are facilitated by begin with a particular and terminate with an end

enzymes; reactant; product

An atom with a neutral charge has

equal numbers of protons and electrons

which of the following is considered the unifying concept of biology because it explains almost every aspect of life, including the diversity of life on the planet


Latonya is an avid gardener who spends a lot of time caring for the plants in her garden. To minimize damage from pests, Latonya uses a pesticide spray. After a few years of using the same pesticide spray, she notices that it has become less effective. This is most likely due to

evolution by natural selection

when neuron releases their neurotransmitter, they release them in secretory vesicles that fuse with the plasma membrane. What type of cellular transport is this


The purpose of a control group in an experiment is

for comparison to the other test groups.

in general, evolution processes lead to organisms that

function well in a given environment

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) generally utilizes a radioactive form of_to determine the comparative activity of tissues


the food web in a prairie ecosystem includes grasshoppers which feed on grasses. when the grasshoppers die, their dead bodies are broken down with the help of fungi. list in order the producer, decomposer, and consumer in this system.

grass, fungi, grasshoppers

why does the folding of the mitochondrial inner membrane, shown here, provide

greater surface area for ATP production

The term "functional" is used in the phrase "functional group" because it describes a group of atoms that

help determine the chemical properties of an organic molecule

which of the following classification categories for humans is correct

homo genus

a possible explanation to a problem or educated guess is a


the changing of an enzyme's shape as the substrate binds to the active site is called the

induced fit model.

if the concentration of the solute is the same in the cell as it is in the surrounding solution, the cell is in a(n) environment


what is the function of peptide bond

joins an amino acid to an adjacent amino acid

Compared with a eukaryotic cell, a prokaryotic cell

lacks organelles beyond ribosomes.

The hormone estrogen is -based


the light reactions act like a battery that stores the energy needed to power the reactions of the Calvin Cycle. This energy from the light reactions is stored in the form of


ATP and NADPH are both used during the Calvin cycle. What is the function of each?

ATP supplies energy and NADPH supplies electrons for reducing power.

which of the following organisms serve as models in scientific studies according to your book

All of the answer choices are correct.

Based on the evolutionary tree of the three domains, which of the following is true?

All three domains have a common ancestor.

which statement below is correct when comparing plant and animal cells

Both plant and animal cells have a plasma membrane, and plant cells also have a cell wall.

which of the following is an organic molecule


the three stages of the calvin cycle reactions are

CO2 fixation, CO2 reduction, and RuBP regeneration.

the calvin cycle produces


the from the light reactions is used to reduce CO2 to a carbohydrate using energy derived from


Although Oregon and South Dakota are at similar latitudes, winters in Oregon are warmer and summers in Oregon are cooler. Which of the following might explain these differences between the climate of Oregon and the climate of South Dakota?

Oregon is location near the Pacific Ocean

chlorophyll is to the light reaction as is to the calvin cycle


which of the following is an inaccurate statement about extinction

Scientists are not currently alarmed by the current rate of extinction which is unlikely to rival rates seen during the last 5 mass extinctions.

Scientists created an enzyme that will break down ANY kind of carbohydrate. If given to humans, they could use which of the following as a new food source?


Wood and paper are composed of


the chemical reactions of photosynthesis occur in which cellular organelle


phylum mollusca is broken into subgroups which include both cehalopoda and bivalvia. as a result, cehalopoda and bivalvia most likely belong to which classification category


when populations of different types of organisms interact in a given area, they comprise a(n)


Sucrose, C12H22O11, is best described as a(n)


the group in an experiment serves as a comparison and lacks the factor being tested for


which of the following allows eukaryotic cells and their organelles to move


living organisms must constantly take in energy in order to power functions necessary to remain alive. all of the chemical reactions that involved energy conversions within a cell are called


Cells needs buffering agents in order to

minimize the changes in pH of their internal environment

Where within the cell is the majority of ATP produced?


large molecules are made of repeating units called


in a dehydration reaction, . In order for this to occur water is

monomers are joined to become a polymer; removed

the process of leads to organisms that are that environment

natural selection; adapted to

elements that differ in their are known as isotopes

neutron number

The subatomic particles that are found within the nucleus of an atom are the

neutrons and protons

the subatomic particles that found within the nucleus of an atom are the

neutrons and protons

the first step of the scientific method is


Which answer choice lists the steps of the scientific method in the correct order?

observation, hypothesis, prediction, experiment, conclusion

what process allows water to move across the cell membrane


which of the types of cellular activities listed below can proceed without ATP energy

passive transport

which organelle functions in proteins synthesis


which of the following splits H20 during the light reaction of photosynthesis

photosystem ll (PSII)

What must materials pass through to enter or leave a cell?

plasma membrane

which feature is found in all cells

plasma membrane composed of phospholipids

Both plants and animals need mitochondria to

produce ATP

in the reaction C6H12O6+6O2>6CO2+6H2O carbon dioxide is one of the


Using their lateral line organ, fish can perceive and react to changes in water currents caused by prey and predators. This is an example of

response to the environment

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