Midterm SOCI

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resistance to large-scale racial integration.

"Modern racism" is characterized by a. resistance to large-scale racial integration. b. serious, overt antiblack discrimination. c. rigid segregation. d. extreme antiblack stereotypes.

All of the above contribute to forced migrations

. In our discission of forced migration, we learned that forced migration is the involuntary movement of people who fear harm or death. Select which factors contribute to forced migration. a. Conflict-driven causes arise from human conflicts that can escalate to violence, war, or persecution based on religion or ethnicity. b. Disaster-driven causes arise from natural events such as droughts, famines, or natural disasters. c. Different types of people who experience forced migration include refugees, internally displaced persons, and asylum seekers. d. Corrupt governments infiltrated by cartel money e. All of the above contribute to forced migrations

Single people compared to married people

36. Suicide rates are generally higher among: a. Poor people compared with rich people b. Single people compared to married people c. Females compared to males d. All of the above are correct

lack of agreement about the definition of social class.

7. The belief in the classlessness of U.S. society is encouraged by: a. lack of agreement about the definition of social class. b. the increasing trend toward less privacy and personal security in the U.S. c. the presence of many reliable and clear-cut physical clues to class position. d. the belief that economic differences exist between categories of people not just individuals.

higher unemployment among U.S. workers.

A consequence of penetration (jobs going overseas) of U.S. firms into foreign countries is: a. higher incomes for many U.S. workers. b. higher unemployment among U.S. workers. c. reduction of profit for U.S. firms. d. the increase in power of workers to demand minimum wage increases.


A family, as a group of people living together and sharing individual stories, makes up a ____________ institution. a. social b. conflict c. flimsy d. monolithic

culture of poverty

A politician who argues that poverty causes people to reject the practices of "mainstream" society is making a(n) ____________ argument? a. functionalist c. culture of poverty b. Marxist d. anarchist

caste system.

A type of stratification that is based on hereditary notions of religious and theological purity and in which there is little to no individual mobility within the strata is the: a. caste system. c. hierarchy system. b. estate system. d. elite-mass hierarchy.

case study

A(n) ____________ is an in-depth look at a specific phenomenon or situation in a particular social setting and is common in qualitative research. a. experiment b. case study c. survey d. participant observation

Lower social integration

According to Emile Durkheim, a category of people with higher suicide rates typically has: a. More clinical depression b. Less money and a mate who always wants to be right c. Lower social integration d. Taking over 15 hours of course work at UTRGV

All of these.

According to Professor Villarreal's lecture and sociological research, I.Q. test tend to be biased against: a) racial minorities. b) lower-class people. c) rural residents. d) All of these.


According to Suicide, one of the main social forces leading to suicide is a sense of normlessness that results from drastic changes in society. This normlessness was called: a. anomie. b. the division of labor. c. social solidarity. d. functionalism.

middle and working class.

According to study of social class in the U.S., the majority of the population falls into the: a. middle and working class. b. under class. c. upper class. d. capitalist class.

1 percent

According to study of social class, which portion of the U.S. population comprises the capitalist class? a. 1 percent b. 5 percent c. 10 percent d. 15 percent

has important social influence.

Although race has no deterministic, biological basis, it still: a. influences heredity. b. has important social influence. c. has genetic importance. d. has physical importance.


An examination of how race and ethnicity affect income is really an examination of: a. stratification. c. levels of wealth. b. segregation. d. egalitarianism.

sociological imagination

As defined by C. Wright Mills, which of the following "enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society"? a. formal sociology b. sociological imagination c. microsociology d. macrosociology

is generally viewed by conservatives as a promoter of democracy.

Capitalism: a. is generally viewed by liberals as irrelevant for democracy. b. is generally viewed by conservatives as a promoter of democracy. c. stresses the value of "equality of result" rather than "equality of opportunity." d. is universally viewed as an economic system separate from the political system of democracy.

the condition where members of a class become increasingly aware of differences within one class.

Class consciousness refers to: a. the idea that class is entirely an objective measure. b. a growing awareness that class is become more important in U.S. society. c. the condition where members of a class become increasingly aware of differences within one class. d. a shared sense of belongingness between members of a social class.

characteristics of the labor market and work organizations are the primary reason for economic differences between individuals.

Conservatives are more likely than liberals to argue that: a. people are basically the same in their talents and abilities. b. inequality is the result of the structure of the political economy in society. c. inequality is rooted in biological and inherited differences between individuals. d. characteristics of the labor market and work organizations are the primary reason for economic differences between individuals.

distinct social classes are largely nonexistent in the U.S.

Conservatives argue that: a. inequality can be eliminated. b. inequality is incompatible with a free society. c. inequality in material rewards is harmful to society. d. distinct social classes are largely nonexistent in the U.S.

each ethnic group has the democratic right to retain its own cultural heritage without being forced to assimilate to the dominant culture.

Cultural-pluralism theorists believe that a. each ethnic group has the democratic right to retain its own cultural heritage without being forced to assimilate to the dominant culture. b. most immigrant groups have lost any sense of identification with their original ethnic group. c. all immigrant groups should be expected to abandon their distinctive cultural attributes in favor of those of the core culture. d. It's best if we keep the races segregated because racial mixing is not good for humanity.

U.S. manufacturers to reduce costs and respond to foreign competition.

Downsizing, lean production, and the exportation of jobs to cheaper foreign labor markets have been primary ways used by: a. foreign governments to ensure that they are able to pay their workers fairly. b. U.S. manufacturers to reduce costs and respond to foreign competition. c. multinational corporations to provide more benefits to employees. d. U.S. corporations to increase employee satisfaction.

person is in complete control over the class he or she is in. Hard work (or lack of it) determines class.

Each society has a type of social stratification. How does the United States ideologically justify its type of stratification system? a. The class a person is in has nothing to do with ability; one is born into it. b. A person is in complete control over the class he or she is in. Hard work (or lack of it) determines class. c. One's relatives are responsible for one's social class. d. Luck determines class.

unequal treatment and conquest.

Ethnocentrism classified nonwhites as abnormal and inferior to help justify: a. ideas of ontological equality. b. unequal treatment and conquest. c. cultural relativism. d. the benevolence of the Europeans.


Exaggerated generalizations about the characteristics of members of a group that do not recognize individual differences within the group are known as: a.stereotypes b. pluralities c. scapegoats

all of the above

How does Professor Villarreal make the introduction to sociology more interesting? a. He shares his past social work experience working with different agencies b. He shares his community activism experience advocating for migrants c. He shares his experience advocating for social justice for all humankind. d. He provides extensive reviews e. all of the above

Reports indicate that nearly 400 law enforcement officers arrived at the scene that included U.S. Border Patrol officers, 91 state police and 25 Uvalde police officers and 16 sheriff's deputies.

How many officers responded to the Robb Elementary school shooting and waited in the hallway doing basically nothing? a. There is no actual account on the number of law enforcement officers that responded to the active shooter at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. b. Reports indicate that at least 25 local, state and federal officers responded to the active shooter inside Robb Elementary School. c. Reports indicate that nearly 400 law enforcement officers arrived at the scene that included U.S. Border Patrol officers, 91 state police and 25 Uvalde police officers and 16 sheriff's deputies. d. I don't read the news, please mark wrong.

19 children and 2 teachers

How many young children and how many teachers were murdered by this mass shooter? a. 15 children and 1 teacher b. 19 children and 2 teachers c. 20 children and 20 teachers d. None of the above

d. culture of poverty.

Illegal work, multigenerational living arrangements, multifamily households, serial relationships in place of marriage, and "swapping" are part of the (this question is characterizing how the poor live, it blames the poor for being poor because they adapt to poverty) a. failure of government programs. b. cycle of dependence. c. problem of unintended consequences. d. culture of poverty.

Head Start and College Work Study

In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson declared a "War on Poverty." This ambitious plan led to the creation of numerous agencies, some of which persist today. These include which of the following? a. Head Start and College Work Study b. Department of Labor and Peace Corps c. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Agriculture d. Congressional Budget Office and the Office of Minority Health


In agreement with this discussion, we can conclude that the Black Civil Rights Movement of the 50's and 60's can be considered a social justice movement. A social justice movement works to create a socially just world and based on the concepts of human rights and equality. A social justice movement strives to eliminate economic, cultural and social inequalities and oppression in a society.


In an effort to show that the rich receive more welfare than the poor, Professor Villarreal showed a video in class entitled Welfare for the Rich in which we learned that government officials sent over 350 million dollars to the richest zip codes in a COVID relief bill.

get people back into the labor market as soon as possible.

In general, a major goal of Clinton's 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act was to: a. get people back into the labor market as soon as possible. b. eliminate poverty among children. c. increase government assistance for those in poverty. d. expand employment opportunities in government and civil service.

In 1848 the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on February 2, 1848. Mexico cedes nearly half of its original territory to the U.S.

In our brief discussion of Mexican American history, we learned that the Mexican-American war of (1846-1848) ended with the U.S. winning the war due to having a more powerful military. What was the name of the treaty that ended the war and what was the result. a. The Treaty of Rio Grande, the U.S. agreed to have Mexico keep the southwest territory in question and gave Mexican citizens in the southwest voting rights. b. In 1848 the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on February 2, 1848. Mexico cedes nearly half of its original territory to the U.S. c. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was favorable to Mexican people living in the U.S. because they were able to keep their land and be treated as first class citizens. d. Mark wrong, I don't remember what this treaty was about.


In our discussion of Mexican Americans who had served in the military, we learned that at the age of 21, Marine Sergeant Freddy Gonzalez was killed during the Tet Offensive in Hue City, Vietnam. For his actions defending his platoon that day, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. Later, in 1996, in honor of his actions a U.S. Navy warship, the USS Gonzalez, was named after him. Sergeant Gonzalez was from Edinburg, Texas.


In our discussion of discrimination and racism against Mexican American servicemen, we learned about the "Longoria Affair". Private Longoria, a Mexican American soldier from Three Rivers, Texas. After being killed in the Philippines during World War 11 and his body being brought back home, Mrs. Longoria was told by the funeral director that the wake could not be held in the funeral parlor because it would anger the town's white citizens. This is an example of how Mexican American veterans were treated like second-class citizens.


In our discussion of lynchings against people of color, we concluded that lynchings against Blacks in the U.S. is a dark chapter in history. However, there is no historical proof that lynchings against Mexican Americans ever occurred.

The Chicana feminists deconstruct and challenge dominant racist, sexist, classist, and heterosexist paradigms. Chicana theorists analyze how the effects of colonialism continue to thrive within US borders in new and more complicated and invisible forms.

In our discussion of the Chicana Feminist movement, we learned that: a. Most Chicana women agree with the white feminist movement because they live in the U.S. b. The Chicana Feminist movement emerged after men involved in the Chicano movement encouraged them to "speak up for themselves". c. The Chicana feminists deconstruct and challenge dominant racist, sexist, classist, and heterosexist paradigms. Chicana theorists analyze how the effects of colonialism continue to thrive within US borders in new and more complicated and invisible forms. d. I was not paying attention, please mark wrong.


In our discussion of violence against Mexican Americans in the Rio Grande Valley, we learned about "La Matanza" which was a period of anti-Mexican violence in Texas. We learned that anybody who looked Mexican, whether they were an American citizen or a national who was living in south Texas in the decade of 1910 and 1920, they were not only targeted with vigilante violence and mob violence but also extralegal violence.


In our study of poverty, Professor Villarreal assigned supportive articles that concluded that significant disparities in life expectancy can also be seen on the basis of educational status and race in the United States. In 2008, the life expectancy at birth of highly educated white males was 80 years, but it was only 66 years for low-educated African American males. Life expectancy was 84 years for the highly-educated white women, and 74 years for African American females with low educational levels, a difference of 10 years.


In our study of the impact of infant morality rates and the impact of poverty, we learned that children of color have a higher infant morality rate than white babies, specifically the research showed that in 2013, the U.S. IMR was 5.9 per 1,000 live births. The research shows serious racial and socio-economic disparities. In 2011, the IMR for non-Hispanic African Americans was 11.5, compared with 5.1 for non-Hispanic whites.


In our study of the impact of poverty and incarceration data, we found that U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world. The research showed that American Americans and Whites fall equally.

White males

In the United States today, suicide rates is higher for which of the following categories of people? a. White males b. African American males c. White females d. African American females

underlying social disease of inequality and economic segregation.

In the United States, poverty is usually thought of as severe economic deprivation that prevents people from living with dignity. Despite decades of effort and billions of dollars, poverty in the United States continues unabated. Recent research suggests that poverty is a kind of proxy, or stand-in, for the a. inability of the government to develop successful programs to halt poverty. b. failure of the tax code to fairly levy taxes on income. c. underlying social disease of inequality and economic segregation. d. failure of a capitalist market to provide food supply points in poor areas.

poverty is the cause or the result of social problems.

In the text, we read about Marlin, who was fed by food stamps, housed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and moved through the education system into prison. Marlin's life is a case study of the puzzle of whether a. the poverty line is accurately measured. b. poverty is the cause or the result of social problems. c. income is the primary cause of poverty. d. individuals provided for by so many institutions can be considered truly poor.


In viewing the video of General Mark A. Milley, the highest ranking military officer, related that he supports the teaching of CRT but is against readings of communist leaders such as Karl Marx and Mao Zedong


La Raza Unida Party was created in 1970 and became prominent throughout Texas and Southern California. It was started to combat growing inequality and dissatisfaction with both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, and was typically supported by Mexican-American voters. Professor Villarreal related that he participated in the "door to door" grass root campaign to get voters register to vote during this era.

Native Americans

Legally sanctioned segregation exists for which group in the U.S. today? a. a. Native Americans b. African Americans c. Asian Americans d. Hispanic Americans

Uncontrolled/unchecked capitalism is destructive of human beings.

Liberals tend to argue that: a. the U.S. is a classless society. b. Uncontrolled/unchecked capitalism is destructive of human beings. c. the effects of inequality on individuals are primarily positive. d. inequality is largely a natural phenomenon, rather than an artificial creation.

all of these apply

Members of a minority or subordinate group: a. share physical or cultural characteristics that distinguish them from the dominant group b. have less power over their lives than do members of a majority c. acquire membership by being born into that group d.all of these apply


Mexican American women became very assertive during the reign of La Raza Unida Party and in 1973, Tejanas (Mexican-American females) organized Mujeres por la Raza, (women for our people/race) a caucus within the statewide Raza Unida party, to advance the election of Chicanas to public office and ensure women's leadership within the Chicano movement.


Montrice is conducting a study of the effect of economic recessions on marriage rates in European countries. What type of sociology is this? a. feminist b. functionalist c. microsociology d. Macrosociology


Observing and analyzing the conversations patients have with their doctors would be an example of what kind of sociology? a. Microsociology b. conflict theory c. macrosociology d. quantitative sociology


One source of racial stereotyping and prejudice is the dominant group's need to rationalize the oppression of a subordinate group.

César Chávez and Dolores Huerta and the United Farm Workers union. Reis Lopez Tejerina and the struggle for land stolen from the U.S. government. Corky Gonzalez and the student movement in Colorado.

Please select the main fronts of the Chicano Civil Rights movement during the 1960's and 1970's. a. Cesar Chavez and the land grant struggle in New Mexico. Reiz Lopez Tejerina and the farmworker union in California and Corky Gonzales in Texas fighting for civil rights. b. César Chávez and Dolores Huerta and the United Farm Workers union. Reis Lopez Tejerina and the struggle for land stolen from the U.S. government. Corky Gonzalez and the student movement in Colorado. c. Fidel Castro and Che Guevara and their influence in U.S. Universities. Professor Villarreal protesting discrimination at Texas A&M University Kingsville, and Dr. Garcia protesting segregation in south Texas. d. A and C only.

diverse cultures co-existing in the same society

Pluralism refers to the existence of: a. one homogeneous culture b.social integration c. diverse cultures co-existing in the same society d.Black separatism

that we can scientifically and logically study social institutions and the individuals within them.

Positivism is best defined as the: a. that we can scientifically and logically study social institutions and the individuals within them. b. effect of religion on social institutions and the individuals within them. c. study of the symbolic interactions between social institutions and the individuals within them. d. relationship between scientific and religious social institutions.

economic stratification, racial-ethnic hierarchy, and power issues.

Power-conflict theorists place great emphasis on: a. rates of intermarriage between immigrant groups. b. acculturation in areas of language and dress among new immigrant groups. c. economic stratification, racial-ethnic hierarchy, and power issues. d. only violent conflicts between racial and ethnic groups.


Professor Villarreal assigned his students to read an article entitled-What is Critical Race Theory, and Why is it under Attack. In this article we learned that critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that race is a social construct, and that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.

inequality is a central part of capitalism, and therefore it is natural and inevitable

Professor Villarreal discussed the fact that some sociology scholars argued that: a. capitalism is deeply rooted in the values of democracy and therefore capitalism and democracy are fully compatible. b. inequality is a central part of capitalism, and therefore it is natural and inevitable. c. capitalism generates unsustainable inequalities that undermine the meritocratic values on which democratic societies are based.

Economics, history, psychology, geography, political science, and cultural anthropology.

Professor Villarreal first lecture included a discussion on what he described sociology being an inter-disciplinary area of study. He discussed how the following disciplines are interrelated to sociology. These include: a. Biology, Astrology, marketing, digital technology, and agricultural science. b. Economics, history, psychology, geography, political science, and cultural anthropology. c. Computer science, participant observation, conducting surveys from the office and researching the LGBT community. d. A & C only.

Law enforcement officers stood in the hallway for more than 70 minutes without taking any action, allowing the shooter to shoot children and teachers.

Professor Villarreal lecture during the first week of Fall semester included a discussion on the Uvalde school shooting. In that discussion, mostly all the students and the professor agreed that the law enforcement response was a. Law enforcement officers responded quickly and were able to "take out" the shooter within 15 minutes. b. Law enforcement officers were able to negotiate with the active shooter and convince him to surrender. c. Law enforcement officers stood in the hallway for more than 70 minutes without taking any action, allowing the shooter to shoot children and teachers. d. I don't know, I don't read the news.

All of the above

Professor Villarreal lectured on the importance of developing a student's critical thinking skills. Which of the following statements are true in order to develop a more realistic view of todays social problems that plague our society? a. Do the research on the social problem being addressed before voicing your opinion. b. Do not hold prejudice views towards any race or ethnic group. c. Examine carefully conservative media and Liberal media, especially conspiracy theories such as the Qanon movement. d. Examine the "pros" and "cons" of each issue. e. All of the above

a and c only

Professor Villarreal offered a brief discussion on the nations that represent the G-7. Which nations compose the G-7 and what role do they play in international politics? What recent developments have occurred within these powerful nations? a. The Group of Seven (G-7) is an intergovernmental organization that meets periodically to address international economic and monetary issues. G-7 countries consist of the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Canada, and Japan. b. The G-7 countries consists of India, South Korea, Russia, China and Mexico. These countries provide natural resources to the rich countries. c. Former president Donald Trump is considered an isolationist and did not support climate change during the G-7 summit in August 2019. d. a and c only


Professor Villarreal presented a historical overview of the Chicano movement in which he explained that in the 1960s, a radicalized Mexican-American movement began pushing for a new identification. The Chicano Movement, aka El Movimiento, advocated social and political empowerment through a chicanismo or cultural nationalism. Professor Villarreal related that he has read intensively on the Chicano movement, but he did not participate in any protests and marches of the Chicano movement because he was pursuing his B.A. in sociology at the time.

The "right" groups are represented by extreme groups who attacked the U.S. Capital on January 6, 2022, that included the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and White Nationalist Militias. It appears lately that the Republican Party is moving towards the "right" as some also believe that the last presidential election of November 2020 was "stolen

Professor Villarreal presented a lesson in political sociology in which he described the two sides of the political spectrum in American society. Please choose the correct answer as to what groups are represented on the right? a. The "right" groups are represented by extreme groups who attacked the U.S. Capital on January 6, 2022, that included the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and White Nationalist Militias. It appears lately that the Republican Party is moving towards the "right" as some also believe that the last presidential election of November 2020 was "stolen". b. The "right" are "left wing" democrats who Republicans rely on to vote on major issues such as climate change legislation. c. The "right" is composed of U.S. citizens who defend the Constitution of the United States. d. Mark wrong, I don't watch the news.

The study of globalization reveals that there are both positive and negative aspects to globalization. Pro globalization scholars argue that the world is now more easily connected and therefore, multinational corporations can open jobs overseas. While those that oppose globalization argue that global corporations exploit natural resources, destroy the environment and displace indigenous people from their land.

Professor Villarreal presented a short lecture on the "pros and cons" of globalization, what were the main points of this lecture? a. Scholars argue that there are no negative aspects to globalization because this is the future, and that the jobs that this movement is creating serves a positive purpose. b. The study of globalization reveals that there are both positive and negative aspects to globalization. Pro globalization scholars argue that the world is now more easily connected and therefore, multinational corporations can open jobs overseas. While those that oppose globalization argue that global corporations exploit natural resources, destroy the environment and displace indigenous people from their land. c. This is a difficult question, and I did not pay attention to the lecture. d. a and c only.

all of the above are serious social problems facing our country.

Professor Villarreal's first lecture included encouragement for students to take a serious look a today's society because we are faced with serious social problems that include: a. climate change b. hate crimes against marginalized people c. police brutality d. all of the above are serious social problems facing our country.

none of these

Races can be clearly distinguished on the basis of: a. skin color b. blood type c. genetic resistance to malaria d.none of these

none of the above

Recent data clearly indicate that for the U.S.: a. poverty has been virtually eliminated. b. economic differences between social classes have sharply diminished. c. globalization has improved the economic well-being of virtually all Americans. d. none of the above

economic inequality between nations.

Since the early 1800s up to the recent past, most world inequality has been due to: a. economic inequality between nations. b. political corruption within nations. c. economic inequality within nations. d. social inequality between nations.

the social environment in shaping people's behavior and personality.

Sociologists of the Chicago School emphasized the importance of a. the social and moral consequences of the division of labor. b. the social environment in shaping people's behavior and personality. c. rigorous statistical research. d. predicting and describing relationships.

reduce income inequality.

Taxes and transfer programs in the U.S. a. reduce income inequality. b. are more effective in reducing inequality than in other industrial countries. c. have been more effective in the past two decades in reducing inequality. d. have no effect on income inequality.


The Black Panther Party agreed with Martin Luther King to a non-violent approach to fight racism and discrimination during the 1960's.


The Brown Beret Organization fought police brutality in the 1960's and 1970's, however, they have disbanded and are no longer an active Chicano movement in the year 2023.

defined by their relationship to one another.

The Marxian view considers social classes as: a. defined by their relationship to one another. b. being determined by income and occupation. c. much more multidimensional than the traditional view. d. inevitably remaining categories, rather than ever becoming groups.


The _____ view envisions globalization as raising the average economic fortunes of all nations, while the ______ view sees globalization as a force that strengthens the opportunities of powerful nations to take advantage of less powerful nations and exploit their labor. a. Conflict/functionalist b. Positivist/anarchist c. Collectivist/conflict d. Neoliberal/critical

socially constructed

The concept of race is: a. determined by blood type b. predicated by skin shade increments c. biologically based on genetically isolated groups d.socially constructed

Karl Marx

The contemporary social movement with the slogan "Fight for 15" seeks a $15 minimum wage and unionization. This attempt to mobilize and make gains for workers can be viewed as in line with the view of the social world of which classical sociological theorist? a. Émile Durkheim b. Georg Simmel c. Karl Marx d. Harriet Martineau


The deliberate systematic killing of an entire people or nation is called: a. colonialism b. apartheid c. genocide d. totalitarianism


The differences between race and ethnicity underscore the privileged positions of ____________in America, who have the freedom to pick and choose their identities and freely show their ethnic backgrounds. a. whites b. blacks c. Hispanics d. Asians

higher than that of all other advanced democracies.

The level of income inequality in the United States is e. lower than that of most other advanced democracies. f. higher than that of most other advanced democracies. g. about equal to income inequality in most other advanced democracies. h. higher than that of all other advanced democracies.

e. b, c, and d only

The main conspiracy theories that the Oath Keepers believe in is: a. That the U.S. should have respect for all marginalized groups. b. That the U.S. government wants to send people to concentration camps c. That the U.S. is planning to impose martial law. d. The U.S. will install a global totalitarian government e. b, c, and d only


The maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural domination over a people by a foreign power for an extended period of time is known as: a. oligarchy b. totalitarianism c. credentialism d.colonialism

Robb Elementary

The name of the school where the massacre of the children and teachers took place in Uvalde was: a. Travis Elementary b. Sam Houston Elementary c. Robb Elementary d. Garcia Elementary


The process by which an individual gives up his or her own cultural tradition to become part of a different culture is known as: a. amalgamation b. pluralism c. assimilation d. genocide


The recent rise of Neo-Nazis, the Alt-Right and the Oath Keeper militias across the U.S. proves that our country demonstrates the hateful elements of our society still persists. However, during our discussion, professor Villarreal argued that these groups pose no threat to American Democracy.


The research method that uses information that can be converted to numerical form is: a. qualitative. b. quantitative. c. deductive. d. inductive.

qualitative and quantitative.

The two broad approaches social scientists use to gather data about the social world are: a. deductive and inductive. b. qualitative and quantitative. c. implicit and explicit d. correlational and causal.

color-blind racism

The use of race-neutral principles to defend the racially unequal status quo is called: a. affirmative action b. color-blind racism c. melting pot society d. reverse discrimination

none of the above.

There is universal agreement that: a. social classes exist in the U.S. b. inequality is inevitable and natural. c. capitalism is an enemy of democracy. d. none of the above.


To Marx, conflict between a small number of capitalists and a large number of workers would divide society. He referred to this large number of workers as: a. employees. b. proletariat. c. subordinates. d. slaves.

develop the ability to see the connections between our own personal experience and the larger forces of history.

Using the sociological imagination helps sociologists (and students of sociology) a. create an image of how people in other societies live. b. focus on individual lives. c. develop the ability to see the connections between our own personal experience and the larger forces of history. d. understand the theories developed by Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Émile Durkheim.


What type of research describes people's behavior in rich detail and focuses on the meanings people give to their actions? a. inductive b. qualitative c. quantitative d. deductive


When belief in the inheritance of behavior patterns is coupled with the feeling that certain groups are inherently superior to others it is called: a. Racism* b. Ethnocentrism c. Prejudice d. Racial formation


Which discipline defines itself as "the systemic study of human society"? a. Economics b. Social work c. History d. sociology

All of the above

Which item has played a part in reducing discrimination? a. presidential executive orders b. legislative acts c. judicial decision making d. mass protests during 60's and 70's by the Black Power and Chicano movement. e. All of the above

symbolic interactionism

Which modern sociological theory attempts to understand social behavior by examining the ways people interpret and give meaning to social signals and signs? a. libertarian municipalism b. functionalism c. symbolic interactionism d. scientism


Which modern sociological theory examines how power relationships are defined, shaped, and reproduced on the basis of gender differences? a. feminism b. functionalism c. human sexuality d. midrange theory

United States

Which nation has one of the highest poverty rates in the advanced world? a. United States c. Canada b. Great Britain d. Rio Grande Valley colonias

Professor Villarreal's ethnographic research and case study of El Nino Fidencio.

Which of the following can be considered participant observation research? a. Mark wrong, I was not paying attention. b. Professor Villarreal's ethnographic research and case study of El Nino Fidencio. c. A quantitative study of teenage pregnancy in Hidalgo county. d. A quantitative study of the Latino men and Black men in state jails.

Karl Marx

Which of the following founders of sociology is known, in part, for his writings providing the theoretical foundation of Communism? a. Auguste Comte b. Karl Marx c. Émile Durkheim d. Donald Trump

Discrimination is a factor that contributes to inequality.

Which of the following is a true statement supporting the argument that inequality is not inevitable (certain to happen/unavoidable/can not be prevented) a. Hard work determines the level of economic inequality faced by an individual. b. Discrimination is a factor that contributes to inequality. c. Inequality is a by-product of differences in individual talents, characteristics, and motivations. d. Private property opens up opportunities for economic equality.

a social institution

Which of the following is defined as a complex group of interdependent positions that together perform a social role and reproduce themselves over time? a. a social identity b. a social institution c. a theory d. anomie

Durkheim, Marx, and Weber

Which of the following lists the individuals known as "the founding fathers of the sociological discipline"? a. Comte, Martineau, and Marx b. Martineau, Addams, and Weber c. Durkheim, Marx, and Weber d. Cooley, Park, and Mead

Émile Durkheim

Which of the following sociologists wrote Suicide in 1897? a. Auguste Comte b. Émile Durkheim c. Karl Marx d. Max Weber

Inequality is a necessary function of society.

Which of the following statements would be made by functionalists regarding inequality? a. Inequality is a necessary function of society. b. Inequality endangers society. c. Inequality is unnecessary but not a bad thing. d. Inequality hinders individuals from filling the most difficult societal positions.


Which term is most appropriate in describing the U.S. government's policies toward the Native Americans in the nineteenth century? a. amalgamation b. pluralism c. assimilation d.genocide

Ramsey Muniz

Who was the first and only Mexican American/Chicano to run for governor in 1972 under the Raza Unida Party? a. Ceasar Chavez b. George Lopez c. Ramsey Muniz d. Ramsey Gonzalez

dialectic relationship.

You are dependent on your professor for your grade. Your professor, in turn, is dependent on you for his or her job. Hegel would call this a(n): a. dialectic relationship. b. equality of condition c. example of private property. d. example of affirmative action.

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