Midterms: Human Growth & Development

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Which of the following is a criticism of the evolutionary theory of aging?

It cannot account for cultural issues.

Which of the following statements about the postpartum period is accurate?

It involves a steep drop inestrogen and progesterone levels.

Both _____ are genetic disorders caused by the presence of an extra chromosome.

Klinefelter syndrome and Down syndrome

Baby Chloe startles when she hears a loud sound. She arches her back, throws back her head, and flings out her arms. Which reflex is she demonstrating?


Which of the following statements is true regarding smell and taste in the elderly?

Smell declines more than taste.

Which of the following is NOT true about sleep in adulthood?

The average American adult gets just under sixhours of sleep a night.

Kenneth is considering moving into a nursing home. Based on the findings of Rodin and Langer, which of the following would increase both his happiness and his health in the new facility?

The nursing home allows him a lot of self-determination in aspects of his life.

What explanation best accounts for why those older than 60 lose weight?

They experience muscle loss.

Which of the following statements about growth spurts during puberty is true?

They occur approximately two years earlier for girls than for boys.

Which of the following is among the reasons that life expectancy is longer for women than it is for men?

Women engage in healthier lifestyles than men.

Baby Natalie is generally in a positive mood. She follows a regular daily routine and is calm during new situations. According to Chess and Thomas, Natalie is:

an easy child

Christie is 5'7'' tall and weighs only 90 pounds but constantly worries she is getting fat. She exercises two to three hours a day and eats very little food. Christie may be suffering from

anorexia nervosa

The cellular clock theory holds that our cells divide

approximately 75-80 times before they die.

Which of the following is/are a nonprescription drug known to cause harmful prenatal effects?


Which of the following prenatal diagnostic tests would involve removing a small sample of the placenta?

chorionic villus sampling

In one study, young adult lovers rated which of the following as more characteristic of their love than their older counterparts?


According to socioemotional selectivity theory, for older adults, knowledge-related goals _____, whereas emotion-related goals _____.

decline; increase

During adolescence, activity levels

decrease, especially for girls

A core difference between people with anorexia and those with bulimia is the

degree of control they have over food intake.

Alzheimer disease is a type of


The global term for a neurological disorder in which the primary symptom is deterioration of mental functioning is


Anya is growing up in an orphanage and receives very little emotional, mental, or physical stimulation and nurturing. Anya's brain development will likely be

depressed compared to peers raised in enriched environments

Hannah is an "easy" child. She rarely cries and is cooperative and pleasant. As a result, she receives much attention and nurturing. This is an example of which type of genotype-environment correlation?


Reducing oxidative damage in older adults can be potentially achieved through


The component that the most effective weight loss programs include is


With increasing age, young children's sources of emotion regulation shift from being

external to internal

Stranger anxiety is less likely to appear in conjunction with

familiar settings

Many preschool children are _____, and first graders ______.

farsighted; can focus their eyes and sustain their attention on close-up objects.

Men have a higher incidence of _____ chronic conditions, whereas women have a higher incidence of _____ chronic conditions.

fatal; nonfatal

Beginning in early childhood, girls have more _____ tissue than boys, and boys have more _____ tissue than girls.

fatty; muscle

Which of the following is NOT associated with a lack of sleep in adolescents?

higher levels of melatonin

Sensation occurs when information

interacts with sensory receptors, such as the eyes, ears, tongue, nostrils, and skin.

Fifteen-year-old Tamara only gets about six hours of sleep each night. Which of the following behaviors may Tamara exhibit due to her lack of sleep?

irritability depression fatigue All of these answers are correct.

An Apgar Scale score of 3 signals a newborn's condition

is critical and that the baby may not survive

When engaging in cognitive tasks, older brains may compensate for the effects of aging with less


Which brain lobe is responsible for registering spatial location, attention, and motor control?


Romantic love emphasizes _____, while affectionate love emphasizes

passion; companionship

Angela describes her friend as tall and slender with blue eyes and red hair. She is describing her friend's


Baby Jasmina is sitting in her high chair and picks up Cheerios using her thumb and forefinger. This newfound ability is due to the development of the:

pincer grip

Although she is upset, Olivia controls her emotions during a heated discussion with a coworker. Olivia has a high level of emotional:


Compared to younger drivers, older drivers

show a decline in motion sensitivity. need to expend more cognitive effort when driving. overestimate the time needed for an approaching vehicle to reach its location. All of these answers are correct

We know that fetuses can hear before birth because newborns

show specific responses for sounds presented repeatedly before birth.

Which of the following genetic disorders occurs most often in African Americans?

sickle cell anemia

What is approximately the earliest point that a fetus can survive outside the womb?

six months

From the top of the Ferris wheel, the people on the ground look small, but Allison knows they are regular-sized humans. This is an example of

size constancy

Which of the following has NOT been linked to shorter durations of infant sleep?

sleeping alone rather than with parents

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor related to sudden infant death syndrome?

sleeping in a bedroom with a fan

During the early childhood years, girls are generally _____ than boys.

slightly smaller

According to Chess and Thomas, a child who has a low activity level, is somewhat negative, and displays low intensity moods is characterized as:


Three-month-old Elizabeth smiles whenever her mother smiles at her. Researchers call this a _____ smile.


A recent study linked bed sharing with which of the following?


Which sound is an infant most likely to hear?

high-pitched, conversational volume

What percentage of infant sleep is spent, on average, in REM sleep?

50 percent

To prevent osteoporosis, women should

- exercise more. - avoid smoking. - eat foods rich in calcium ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT

Which of the following factors affects puberty's timing and makeup?

1.health 2. eating patterns and stress 3. nutrition All of these answers are correct

Body fat accounts for _____ percent of body weight in adolescence and _____ percent or more in middle adulthood.

10; 20

The maximum life span of human beings is approximately _____ years.


How much time can newborn Tyler's parents expect him to sleep?

16-17 hours a day

Although aging people are often characterized as sickly, only _____ percent of U.S. adults aged 65 to 74 have a disability.


Roughly what percentage of adult sleep is spent in REM sleep?

20 percent

As measured on the Snellen chart, a newborn's vision is estimated to be


According to a 2016 study, what percentage of U.S. adults aged 20 and older were obese?

39.8 percent

Tameka's newborn baby is awake for several hours during the night and often sleeps during the day. At what age will her child have likely established a pattern of sleeping mostly at night?

6 months

The average life expectancy in 2017 for individuals born in the United States was over ________ years for women and over ______ years for men.


Which is the following statements is correct?

A pregnant woman's... High maternal stress... Children of mothers.... ALL ANSWER CHOICES ARE CORRECT

Which of the following statements is correct?


Which of the following best explains why life expectancy is longer now than in early 1900s?

Adults today have better health and well-being and infant deaths have been reduced.

Of the following ethnic and gender groups among teens, which exhibited the LEAST exercise, on average?

African American girls

Lack of sleep in infants is linked with which of the following?

All of the answer choices are correct.

Cocaine exposure during prenatal development is linked to which of the following?

All of these answers are correct.

George's blood test reveals very low levels of acetylcholine. An MRI shows an abnormal amount of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques in his brain. These results indicate that George may have

Alzheimer disease

According to the dynamic systems theory, how do infants develop motor skills?

Infants perceive something new in the environment that motivates them to act. They use their perceptions to fine-tune their movements.

Which of the following is true of older adults' experience of touch and pain?

Older adults detect touch less in their ankles than their shoulders

Which of the following diseases is characterized by muscle tremors, slowing of movement, and partial facial paralysis?

Parkinson disease

_____ is a genetic disorder that can be controlled by diet.

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

Who is most likely to get up latest in the day?

Phil, who is a freshman in college

Which of the following is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics to reduce the risk of SIDS?

Place infants on their backs to sleep.

Which of the following was a conclusion reached in the brain study of the Sisters of Notre Dame of Mankato?

Positive emotions in early adulthood were linked to longevity.

Secure attachment to parents in adolescence may facilitate

Positive peer relations

What is often recommended as a treatment strategy for overweight children?

a combination of diet with restricted calories, exercise, and behavior modification

Infant boys often drift into a deep sleep after circumcision. This is most likely

a mechanism to cope with the pain.

Twin and adoption studies have found that heredity has ________ influence on temperament within a group of people.

a moderate

The relative contributions of heredity and environment are not additive. This means

a person's characteristics and behavior are a result of a constantly fluctuating mix of gene expression and environment.

Sound waves transmitted to David's auditory nerve create ______. David's interpretation of the sound waves as the school bell is _____.

a sensation; perception

When does the zygote implant in the lining of the mother's uterus?

about 10 to 14 days after conceptions

The emotion of fear may appear earlier than normal in some infants due to

abuse or neglect

What is the leading cause of death in children in the United States?


Alzheimer disease involves a deficiency in


Dani loves dinosaurs. She always chooses library books about dinosaurs and has even asked her parents to enroll her in a junior paleontology club. This is an example of which type of genotype-environment correlation?


Elise has enrolled in a parenting program aimed at teaching parents to recognize and support a child's natural abilities and chosen activities. If she helps her child pursue only activities her child seems drawn to, which type of heredity-environment correlation will she be encouraging?


______ is a sustained activity that stimulates heart and lung functioning.

aerobic exercise

Eighteen-month-old Bridget is running in the park when he reaches a steep embankment. He stops, looks up, and then drops to his hands and knees and begins crawling up. This illustrates the concept of


Facial deformities, defective limbs, learning problems, and below-average intelligence are all linked to heavy use of which teratogen during pregnancy?


Research indicates that babies are first able to use their sense of taste _____ birth


Giving nursing home residents more control over their daily schedules is


Binging without purging typifies which of the following disorders?

binge eating disorder

Deb gorges on large amounts of food. After a binge, she "compensates" by exercising excessively and making herself vomit. Deb appears to be suffering from

bulimia nervosa

The nutritional status of the fetus during pregnancy is determined

by the mother's intake of protein, vitamins, minerals, and total calories.

What is the leading cause of death in U.S. adults aged 65-74?


Stella has just returned from the doctor and was told she has cloudy areas in the lenses of her eyes. Stella has


Which structure is responsible for about 80 percent of the brain's volume and is critical to perception, thinking, and language?

cerebral cortex

Hypertension and stroke are signs of which of the following in older adults?

changes in the circulatory system

Gross motor skills include activities such as running, whereas fine motor skills include activities such as

cutting with scissors

Al avoids driving at night because it is difficult for his eyes to adjust after he passes oncoming cars. Al is having a problem with

dark adaptation

Research shows that living in a deprived environment

depresses brain activity

During which prenatal development period is the probability of a structural defect the greatest?


The prefrontal cortex, which is the highest level of the frontal lobes, is involved in reasoning, decision making, and self-control. It finishes most of its development during

emerging adulthood

A feeling or affect that occurs when a person is in a state or an interaction that is important to him/her, especially to his or her well-being is labeled:


Cherilyn's parents often ignore her emotions or try to explain that her problems should not upset her. Cherilyn's parents can be described as

emotion dismissing

Gayle insists that her daughter is being silly and should not be upset by a friend's insensitive comments. Gayle is practicing

emotion dismissing

Goodness of fit occurs when a child's temperament matches

environmental demands

During which prenatal development period do the following changes- rapid weight gain; active movement of arms and legs; face, forehead, eyelids, nose, and chin becoming distinguishable- take place?


What skills involve movements such as buttoning a shirt or typing?

fine motor

During which stage of childbirth does the cervix dilate?


Adolescents who eat dinner with their parents _____ or more days a week have lower rates of smoking, getting into fights, and initiating sexual activity.


What component of the process of walking do infants first master?

forward stepping movement

Which theory of aging proposes that unstable oxygen molecules ricochet around cells, damaging DNA and other structures?

free radical

Which brain lobe is responsible for voluntary movement, thinking, personality, and intentionality or purpose?


All of the following are environmental factors that influence whether or not children become overweight EXCEPT

genetic inheritance of at least one parent who is overweight.

All of a person's genetic material makes up the ______, whereas the ______ consists of only observable characteristics.

genotype; phenotype

During which prenatal development period does differentiation of cells take place?


Activities that use large muscles develop

gross motor skills

James is going through puberty quite early. Research indicates that James is likely to

have a positive self-image than his late-maturing peers during his freshman year of high school

According to the cephalocaudal growth pattern, which of the following is/are likely to show fast growth first?


During early adolescence, girls are generally ________ than boys.


Brenda's grandmother is 83 years old. Of the following, the most likely reason she doesn't show much interest in her food is that

her sense of smell has declined

Professor Mayfield is teaching her class about the harmful effects of stress, citing that it can lead to an early death. Which theory of aging does Professor Mayfield likely espouse?

hormonal stress

Which of the following functions occur(s) primarily in the right hemisphere of the brain?

humor and the use of metaphors

Todd's infant daughter begins to cry only minutes after she goes down for a nap. According to John Watson, Todd should

ignore her so that her crying won't be reinforced

Older adults who exercise regularly will likely enjoy which of the following benefits?

improved cellular and cognitive functioning, prevention of common chronic illnesses such as stroke, breast cancer, and cardiovascular disease, reduction in the decline of motor skills ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT

Physical growth in middle and late childhood occurs

in a slow, consistent manner

If an older adult participates in six months of aerobic activity, what would most likely occur?

increased hippocampus volume

Despite the concerns about substance abuse in adulthood, researchers have shown which of the following positive effects of moderate alcohol consumption in older adults?

increased longevity, better physical and mental health ALL ANSWES ARE CORRECT

"I'm physically attracted to him, but we aren't emotionally close. It's fun to be with him sexually, but this probably won't be a long-lasting relationship." According to Robert Sternberg's triangle theory of love, this is an example of


High cortisol levels, high activity in the right frontal brain lobe, and a high and stable heart rate are associated with a(n) _____ temperament.


Devon clings to his mother. When she leaves the room, he cries loudly, but when she returns to comfort him, he kicks and squirms. Mary Ainsworth would say he is:

insecure resistant

Caregiver research indicates that fathers

interact with their babies in different ways than mothers do.

According to the proximodistal growth pattern, which of the following is likely to show growth earlier?

legs and arms

Kayla is an obese third grader. She is most likely at risk for which of the following?

low self-esteem, depression, anxiety ALL ANSWER CHOICES ARE CORRECT

Which of the following is more characteristic of love in a mature relationship than in a new relationship?


Allan is having laser surgery to repair the deterioration of his retina. He has:

macular degeneration

The mostwidely used illicit drug in the United States is


Which of the following prenatal diagnostic tests could detect an elevated risk for spina bifida, Down syndrome, and congenital heart disease, though not an actual overall picture of the health of the fetus?

maternal blood screening

According to the studies reported in the textbook about falling out of love, ending a close relationship

may actually have many positive outcomes.

High schools in Edina, Minnesota, delayed class start time based on the finding that _____, the sleep hormone, is released approximately an hour later in older adolescents.


The hippocampus lies deeper in the brain, beneath the cortex, and plays an important role in which of the following?

memory and emotion

Girls' first menstruation is called


At 51, Beverly is experiencing nausea, fatigue, and rapid heartbeat. A blood test reveals very low levels of estrogen. Beverly is most likely experiencing symptoms of


Which of the following characteristics is likely to be exhibited in boys with fragile X syndrome?

mental deficiency

By what age does maximum bone density occur?

mid- to late-thirties

Which two theories claim that damage caused by unstable oxygen molecules precipitates the aging process?

mitochondrial and free radical

Communication in the synapses occurs through the release of chemical substances known as


Allison learned that she had a good singing voice in childhood. She requested vocal lessons, and now she participates in the school choral program. This is an example of which type of genotype-environment correlation?


Which brain lobe is responsible for vision?


Currently, there is an increased demand for home-care workers because of which of the following?

older adults' preference to stay in their own homes

Infants start to be able to walk

only after they are able to balance on one leg long enough to swing the other leg forward and shift their weight without falling.

A significant achievement in an infant's interactions with the environment is the

onset of reaching and grasping

Adolescents often experience heightened emotions and increased risk-taking behavior. This may be due to delayed development (compared to the limbic system) in which area of the brain?

prefrontal cortex

Paul, a sophomore in college, makes it a point to drink a few beers before going clubbing. Paul is engaging in


Fifty-two-year-old Curtis is beginning to lose his ability to focus and maintain images on his retina. This condition is known as


Forty-seven-year-old Dixie is able to read better when she holds the book further from her face. The recent decline in her visual acuity is common among individuals her age and is known as


What type of emotions are surprise, interest, joy, anger, sadness, and fear?


Which emotion type develops in the first six months of life and is also present in animals?


Just as _____ has been coming earlier, _____ has been coming later.

puberty, menopause

Michael is a 10-year-old obese child. He is most likely at risk for which of the following?

pulmonary and hip problems, depression and low self esteem, hypertension ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT

Infant Nathan is smiling and "talking" with short, loud noises. His mother responds each time Nathan expresses himself by smiling and talking. This interaction is described as


Michael Rehbein had the left hemisphere of his brain removed in order to stop seizures. After much therapy, the right side of his brain began to reorganize and take over left hemisphere functions. This example supports neuroscientists' belief that what "wires" the brain is

repeated experience

What are two major forms of love?

romantic and affectionate

Janice strokes the cheek of newborn Robby. He turns his head toward that cheek and opens his mouth. This is an example of the __________ reflex.


Which taste preference develops at about 4 months of age?


Age-related loss of muscle mass and strength is called


During which stage of childbirth does the fetus emerge from the womb?


What type of emotions are empathy, jealousy, and embarrassment?


Fifteen-month-old Teri cries when her mother drops her off at day care. Baby Teri is experiencing:

separation protest

Ellie wants to touch a plant she sees in the doctor's office. She moves toward the plant and looks for her mother's reaction. Her mother frowns and shakes her head. Ellie retreats and leaves the plant alone. This illustrates

social referencing

The Moro reflex is a response to ______, whereas the grasping reflex is a response to _______.

sound or movement; touch

Which of the following functions occur(s) primarily in the left hemisphere of the brain?

speech and grammar

If a mother wants to reduce the risk of her child developing wheezing symptoms and asthma, she should

stop smoking

In addition to aerobic activity and stretching, gerontologists recommend _____ for older adults.

strength training

Sirtuins are a form of protein that has been linked to both longevity and a number of other phenomena, such as

stress resistance

Gina is pregnant and is a heavy smoker. Compared to the baby of a nonsmoker, her baby is MORE likely to suffer from which of the following?

sudden infant death syndrome

Ora's blood test shows a major reduction in acetylcholine. The effect of this may be responsible for

symptoms of Alzheimer disease

Leonard's blood test shows a major reduction in dopamine. The effect of this may be responsible for

symptoms of Parkinson's disease

Which brain lobe is responsible for hearing, language processing, and memory?


Which of the following is a core component of the neuroconstructivist view of brain development?

the brain is context dependent

Fifteen percent of people over 65 are legally deaf, usually due to degeneration of the primary neural receptor for hearing in the inner ear, referred to as

the cochlea

Adolescence is a critical juncture in health because

the formation of an unhealthy lifestyle and factors leading to early death start during adolescence.

The designation of preterm is determined by

the occurrence of birth three weeks or more before full term is reached

Baby Kassie can slap the tray of the highchair but cannot pick up small pieces of cereal with her fingers yet. This is an example of:

the proximodistal pattern in physical growth.

Peak physical performance usually occurs during

the twenties

Baby Alec was born during his mother's 38th week of pregnancy and weighed 5 lbs 2 oz. He is considered

to have a low birth weight

The _____ connects a baby to the placenta.

umbilical cord

What happens to the brain's weight and volume as it ages?

weight and volume decrease

Which of the following would inhibit an infant's ability to learn about the social world?

when caregivers show no facial expressions and are unresponsive to infants

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