MIS Midterm Review 1

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According to Nicholas Carr, cloud computing may contribute to the decline in outsourcing. Which of the following justifies this statement?

An IT outsourcer's business is built around managing complex internal systems. A shift to a simpler cloud-based IT infrastructure should reduce the need for outsources.

which of the following is true about electronic commerce?

Business to business is by far the largest in terms of revenues

the ability to independently learn new technologies as they emerge and assess their impact on your work and life is called ___

Computer Fluency

financial management, operations management, human resource management, and other important internal activities require the support of_

ERP core components

__ is concerned with ensuring the authenticity and fidelity of information as well as with identifying who is responsible for informational errors that harm people

Information accuracy

During the industrial revolution, some individuals who felt threatened by the changes brought about by technology resorted to protesting against it. identify the individuals


According to __ the number of tranders that could be agrated onto silicone chip would double every 18 months

Moore's law

Toyota's automotive electronics systems and fedex's web site were not developed solely because managers in these organizations wanted to do things faster or because they wanted to have the latest, greatest technology. These organizations developed these systems to help gain or sustain competitive advantage the choices made in developing the systems at both toyota and fedex were...in their intent


which of the following IS personnel is responsible for responsible for strategic planning and IS use throughout a firm

The chief Information officer

Which of the following statements is true about firms pursuing a multidomestic business strategy

They are extremely flexible and responsive to the need and demands of local markets

a global strategy is associated with___

a high degree of global integration and low degree of local responsiveness

in the 1990's business process management was known as _

business process reengineering

electronic commerce is used to conduct business with business partners such as suppliers and intermediaries. This form of EC is commonly referred to as ___ electronic commerce

business to business

which of the following distinguishes an intranet from an extranet

by its simplest form, intranet communications do not travel across the internet

the innovators dilemma refers to how disruptive innovation __

can cause established firms or industries to lose market dominance when ignored

Which of the following is used to describe the issues and standards of conduct as they pertain to the use of informational systems

computer ethics

managers at the tactical/ managerial level of the organization focus on __

deploying organizational resources to achieve the objectives of the organization

__ are new technologies, products or services that eventually surpass the existing dominant technology or product in the market

disruptive innovations

which of the following provides customers with the ability to obtain personalized info by querying corporate databases and other information sources

e- integration

prior to the introduction of the internet and web, the secure communications of propriety information in business to businesses electronic commerce was facilitated using

electronic data interchange

intranets mostly affect the __ of an organization


applications that integrate business activities across departmental boundaries are often referred to as _

enterprise resource planning

which of the following is true regarding the formula for success of an enterprise system

enterprise systems implementations should include personnel from different departments

Jane works as a manager in a multidomestic firm. She focuses on the long-term questions facing the organization such as which countries to compete in and what organizational policies to follow. Jane is in the __ Level of the organization


_support the primary external activites the organization for suppliers and customers

extended components

companies use ___ to secure proprietary info stored within the corporate local area network and/or wide area network so that the information can be viewed only by authorized users


musicbox jukebox is an all-in-one music management tool that was first marketed in 1990. Most users can use the basic/free version but the $19.99 upgrade provides extra features such as supertagging and faster ripping and burning. Which of the following explains this approach to apply to freeconomics.

freeium approach

the term __ refers to a class of software that enables people to work together more effectively


According to Thomas L. Friedman, which of the following is true about Globalization 3.0?

individuals and small groups from virtually every nation joined the globalization movement

which of the following is true about the extranet

it enables 2 or more firms to use the internet to do business together

according to basic economics within a competitive marketplace, the price of a product is set by its __

marginal cost

Which of the following international business strategies is associated with low degree of global integration and high degree of local responsiveness?

multidomestic strategy

which of the following refers to having certain functions preformed by the same company but in a different country


Information systems at the __ level are designed to automate repetitive activistites, such as sales transaction processing, and to improve the efficiency of business processes and the customer interface


freeconomics is the leveraging of digital technologies to__

provide free goods and services to customers as a business strategy for gaining a competitive advantage

__ refers to a program or set of programs that tell the computer to preform certain tasks


Who owns the computerized information that is stored in thousands of databases by retailers, credit card companies, and marketing research opportunities?

the firm that maintains the database

which of the following statements is true about companies pursuing a click-only business strategy

these companies do not have physical locations

identify the purpose of a transaction processing system used in organizations

to handle day to day business event data at the operational level of an organization

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