missed questions on ap test - Mackenzie Green

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Which of the following is a forward capital?


An increase in the demand for a city's goods and services produces rapid in-migration. Which of the following explains why a city often does not experience a corresponding out-migration when the demand for its goods and services declines?

Family and emotional bonds to the city may limit workers' mobility

Which of the following correctly lists the four major ancient culture hearths?

Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, Nile Valley, North China

The establishment of maquiladoras by United States corporations for the production of electronics components is an example of which of the following?

New International division of labor

A good example of a centripetal force in political geography is

a primate city

Which of the following is the essential requirement of lowland rice production?

abundant water

Water run-off is likely to be greatest in which of the following settings?


The term that descirbes the concept that population will continue to grow even after fertility rates decline is known as?

demographic momentum

Which of the following best illustrates the geographical concept of the nation-state?


According to Carl Sauer, which of the following is true about plant domestication?

it first occurred in diversified habitats with a variety of species

Which of the following is true of an edge city?

it has a large amount of recently developed retail and office space

Which of the following models of urban structure depicts a commercial spine bordered by an elite residential sector extending outward from the central business district?

latin american city

The growth potential of alternative agricultural practices such as growing of amaranth grain and the raising of deer, elk, emus, and buffalo for the meant is limited because:

the growers have not established an integrated commodity chain

the classic model of industiral location theory suggests that the primary consideration in the lcation of an industiral site is which of the following?

the location of the market

What aspect of the deign of Brasilia, Canberra, and Washington D. C. was different from the design of msot other urban center?

the were designed as show places to reflect the power and wealth of their respective countries

the set of statements above applies to which of the following?

the world's remaining dependencies

Even though total fertility rates have been declining in some less-developed countries, the total population has continued to grow. This is primarily because a high percentage of the population is

under the age of 15

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