Mission, Vision, & Values

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How is a Vision Statement Used?

A vision should challenge and inspire the group to achieve its mission.

Inspiration and Casullo's Four Phases


-Vision Statement


Leadership is about influencing others. Inspiration combines multiple types of


Alpha dog as a Charismatic Leader

Uses authenticity to create -Emotional bond -Sense of trust Self-confidence and self-efficacy Strong Communicator Take responsibility/accountability Concerned with the organization before themselves

Permission-to-play values

reflect the minimum behavioral and social standards required of any employee vTend to not vary across organizations or in an industry or region. vWill not distinguish and organization

Questions that mission Statement answers

- Why do you exit -What gaps would be left if you did not exist? - What can you do better than anyone else in higher education? How can you measure the things that you say you do well?


vArise spontaneously without being cultivated vTake hold over time vReflect common interests or personalities in the organization vNeed to differentiate from core values vCan have a positive force or negative force

Authentic Leadership. values-based concept

where leaders synergistically align their personal values with leadership initiatives.

Types of Values

üCore üAspirational üPermission-to-Play üAccidental

Types of Organizational Values:

•Core (behaviors at our organization, may or may not be unique to our organization) •Permission to Play (required for our industry) •Aspirational Accidental

Mission Statement question addresses

•Why does our organization exist? •What business are we in? •What values will guide us? •Statement of purpose and function


◦Direction & Focus ◦Energy ◦Catalyst for Creativity ◦Instigate action ◦Increase performance ◦Attract employees & customers ◦Create distinction


◦Do you trust yourself? Authenticity and Integrity


◦Sharing your Vision ◦Conversation ◦Story-telling Communication allows you to build relationships and trust with followers

Missionat Chicago State University COP

"Chicago State University transforms students' lives by innovative teaching, research, and community partnerships through excellence in ethical leadership, cultural enhancement, economic development, and justice" (CSU, 2020). Impact: 1.Predominately Black College and University 2.Low income Chicago neighborhoods Ethical, Cultural, Economic Development

impact of mission statement

1.Gives a sense of purpose 2.Work has meaning 3.Connection to community 4.Promotes intrinsic motivation Manipulation vs. inspiration

Value Statement Parameters

1.How individuals should behave 2.Guide decision making 3.Serves as the ethics of an organization (Vanourek & Vanourek, 2012) 4.Define organizational culture

Vision statement provides dirctions like

1.Where the organization wants to go (Vanourek & Vanourek, 2012) 2.Desired end state (SHRM, 2018) 3.Updated more regularly than Mission or Values 1.Touch all major stakeholders 2.Inspirational & Aspirational 3.Provides a challenge

So, What Is a Vision and How Do I Get One?

A Vision is a guiding image of success formed in terms of a contribution to society. If a strategic plan is the "blueprint" for an organization's work, then the vision is the "artist's rendering" of the achievement of that plan. It is a description in words that conjures up a similar picture for each member of the group of the destination of the group's work together. What is the organization trying to solve? Where are we headed? What would we look like 5 to 10 years from now? (SHRM, 2018) People don't want to follow the leader's vision, but instead want the leader to share the vision that they already hold

What is a Vision Statement?

A vision is a guiding image of success formed in terms of a contribution to society. "What will success look like?" "The artist's rendering...." It is the pursuit of this image of success that really motivates people to work together.

Key Elements for Organizational Values

Aggressively authentic Values are not necessarily about building consensus Often established by small teams including the CEO and other leaders Cannot be rushed and requires reflection Values must be weaved into everything done by the organization Must be promoted at every opportunity Must be included in rewards system Living by organizational values is not easy

Alpha dog as a Charismatic Leader-

Align Personal Truths Ability to influence Creates Energy Positive Impact on Organization Strong Communicator


Deeply ingrained principles and cultural cornerstones. -Inherent -Sacrosanct -Never Compromised

Objectives of Presentation

Define and Create organizational mission, vision, and values Evaluate the presence of shared mission, vision, and values at Chicago State University College of Pharmacy Describe the Four A's Process and how it can be used to create and sustain effective organizations

Values Explain

HOW an organization operates

Inspiration Communication & Trust


Inspiration Passion & Vision


Value Statement



Strategic Vision Tactical Vision Personal Vision Strategic Vision -Long-term direction, overriding philosophy Tactical Vision -Short-term, specific direction (Leigh & Maynard, 2012) Personal Vision -Personal Truths

T/F Sinek describes a Golden Circle of What, How, and Why related to employee engagement and intrinsic motivation. This starts with Why (which is the purpose/belief) or the Mission of the organization. Then it focuses on the How (the uniqueness of the organization), and the What (what the organization does) (Sinek, 2009). Binds workers together as they are working for a common purpose (Vanourek & Vanourek, 2012) The mission statement communicates the organization's purpose and direction to its employees, customers, vendors, and other stakeholders. A mission statement also creates a sense of identity for its employees.


Self-awareness Check: What are your values?

Think of times that you have found yourself bursting with energy. Reflect on past situations where you sensed that something was missing. Defining moments in your career, whether they were great accomplishments or significant setbacks. What stories are you most eager to share? Think of the best leaders you've known over the years, what did those leaders stand for?

Vision Statement explains ---

WHAT an organization is trying to achieve

Mission Explains

WHY an organization exists

Core Values

the fundamental, passionate, and enduring principles of an organization that guide its conduct over time

aspirational values

those that a company needs to succeed in the future but currently lacks vWhat is needed for success in the future but currently lacking in the organization vChallenge to manage as to avoid diluting the core values

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