Mizzou Meteorology 1050 Quizzes 1 & 2 (Fall '18 Online)

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A. cirrocumulus

A "mackerel sky" describes a sky full of which type of clouds? A. cirrocumulus B. stratocumulus C. cumulonimbus D. nimbostratus E. cumulus

D. 1600

Denver is identified as the "mile-high city" because it is about one mile above sea level. What is Denver's height in meters? A. 1.6 B. 16 C. 160 D. 1600 E. 16,000

C. longwave; shortwave

Earth's radiation is often referred to as __________ radiation, while the Sun's radiation is often referred to as __________ radiation. A. shortwave; longwave B. shortwave; shortwave C. longwave; shortwave D. longwave; longwave

C. They are water-attracting nuclei.

. Which statement best describes hygroscopic nuclei? A. They are water-repelling nuclei that resist condensation. B. They are necessary ingredient for dew formation. C. They are water-attracting nuclei. D. They enter the atmosphere through forest fires only. E. They retard the growth of drops by condensation at relative humidities of less than 100 percent.

B. that water vapor has been added or removed

11. What does a change in the mixing ratio of an air parcel indicate? A. a change in atmospheric pressure B. that water vapor has been added or removed C. a change in temperature D. a change in both temperature and pressure E. a change in the volume of the parcel

C. temperature and relative humidity

13. The heat index (HI) used to indicate danger from summer's heat is based on what variable(s)? A. only temperature B. temperature and wind C. temperature and relative humidity D. temperature, relative humidity, and wind E. only the dew-point temperature

B. Atmospheric pressure decreases and its density also decreases.

As the altitude increases above the surface, what happens to the atmospheric pressure and density? A. Atmospheric pressure decreases and its density increases. B. Atmospheric pressure decreases and its density also decreases. C. Atmospheric pressure remains constant and its density decreases. D. Atmospheric pressure remains constant and its density increases. E. Atmospheric pressure decreases and its density remains constant.

B. 40°F

At 40°F, the atmosphere is saturated with water vapor. If the temperature increases to 60°F with no addition of water vapor, what is the approximate dew-point temperature? A. 20°F B. 40°F C. 50°F D. 60°F E. 100°F

E. most frequently during the hours of darkness and less frequently during daylight hours

At what time does fog most likely occur? A. with equal frequency both day and night B. always at night and never in the daylight hours C. always during the daylight hours and never during darkness D. most frequently during the daylight hours and less frequently at night E. most frequently during the hours of darkness and less frequently during daylight hours

A. when the air temperature is highest

At what time of day is the relative humidity normally at a minimum? A. when the air temperature is highest B. just before sunrise C. about midnight D. around sunset E. when the air temperature is lowest

A. Barrow, Alaska

At which city might you observe cirrus clouds at an altitude of 3000 meters (10,000 feet) above the surface? A. Barrow, Alaska B. Honolulu, Hawaii C. Miami, Florida D. Chicago, Illinois E. Mexico City, Mexico

A. 13°N

At which latitude is the Sun highest in the sky at noon on March 20? A. 13°N B. 23°N C. 33°N D. 43°N E. 54°N

B. required

For evaporation to occur, heat is _____________________. A. released B. required C. released at low temperatures but required at high temperatures D. released at high temperatures but required at low temperatures E. neither released nor required

B. twice a year

How often is the Sun directly overhead at Mexico City (latitude 19°N)? A. once a year B. twice a year C. three times a year D. four times a year E. never

D. the maximum amount of gaseous water, and this amount is greater at higher temperatures

If a parcel of air is saturated with respect to liquid water, what does it contain? A. no gaseous water B. the maximum amount of gaseous water, and this amount is constant at all temperatures C. the maximum amount of gaseous water, and this amount is lower at higher temperatures D. the maximum amount of gaseous water, and this amount is greater at higher temperatures E. the amount of gaseous water necessary to achieve a relative humidity of 50%

D. 16

If the absolute temperature of an object considered to be a blackbody doubles, the radiant energy emitted goes up by what factor? A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16

C. 51%

If the air temperature is 27°C and the dew-point temperature is 16°C, what is the relative humidity rounded to the nearest whole number? A. 18% B. 40% C. 51% D. 60% E. 75%

C. 62%

If the air temperature is 32°C and the actual vapor pressure is 29.6 mb, what is the relative humidity rounded to the nearest whole number? A. 30% B. 40% C. 62% D. 75% E. 80%

B. 35°C

If the dew-point temperature is 21°C and the relative humidity is 44.5 percent, what is the air temperature? A. 18°C B. 35°C C. 44°C D. 56°C E. None of the above. There is not enough information to calculate air temperature.

C. 2000 m and 7000 m (6500 ft and 23,000 ft)

In mid-latitudes, the base of an altostratus cloud is generally observed at what altitudes? A. 600 m and 2000 m (2000 ft and 6500 ft) B. 7000 m and 8000 m (23,000 ft and 26,000 ft) C. 2000 m and 7000 m (6500 ft and 23,000 ft) D. 8000 m and 10,000 m (26,000 ft and 33,000 ft) E. 10,000 m and 20,000 m (33,000 ft and 46,000 ft)

A. 20°S

In the Southern Hemisphere, the length of the daylight period is the longest on June 21 at which latitude? A. 20°S B. 40°S C. 60°S D. 80°S E. None of the above. The length of the daylight period is about the same at all of these latitudes.

E. as a gas, liquid, and solid

In what state(s) does water appear in the atmosphere? A. only as a gas B. only as a liquid C. only as a solid D. as a gas or liquid but never as a solid E. as a gas, liquid, and solid

C. longer than visible and not detected by the eye

Infrared radiation has wavelengths that are ______________________. A. the same as visible and detected by the eye as a bright red B. the same as visible and detected by the eye as a dull red C. longer than visible and not detected by the eye D. shorter than visible and not detected by the eye

C. the atmosphere

Meteorology is the study of __________________. A. landforms B. the oceans C. the atmosphere D. outer space E. extraterrestrial meteoroids that enter the atmosphere and vaporize

A. molecular oxygen (O2)

Of the following gases, which is not believed responsible for enhancing Earth's greenhouse effect? A. molecular oxygen (O2) B. nitrous oxide (N2O) C. carbon dioxide (CO2) D. methane (CH4)

C. sublimation

When water undergoes a phase change from ice to vapor, the process is called ___________. A. evaporation B. condensation C. sublimation D. freezing E. melting

E. all of the above

Relative humidity changes with _________________. A. the addition of water vapor to the air B. a decrease in temperature C. an increase in temperature D. the removal of water vapor from the air E. all of the above

A. The temperature readings were taken in instrument shelters more than five feet above the ground.

Suppose yesterday morning you noticed ice crystals (frost) on the grass, yet the minimum temperature reported in the newspaper was only 35°F. What is the most likely reason for this apparent discrepancy? A. The temperature readings were taken in instrument shelters more than five feet above the ground. B. The thermometer was in error. C. The newspaper reported the wrong temperature. D. The thermometer was read before the minimum temperature was reached for that day. E. The thermometer was read incorrectly; an observer error.

A. cumulus

Which of the following is a cloud with towers of vertical growth? A. cumulus B. stratus C. lenticular D. noctilucent E. cirrus

B. energy

Which of the following is best defined as the ability or capacity to do work? A. specific heat B. energy C. latent heat D. albedo

B. photosynthesis

Which of the following processes does not put CO2 into the atmosphere? A. decay of vegetation B. photosynthesis C. volcanic eruptions D. exhalations of animal life E. the burning of fossil fuels

D. three; low; stratosphere

The ozone molecule is a combination of __________ oxygen atoms and is generally found in __________ concentrations in the __________. A. three; very high; thermosphere B. three; very high; stratosphere C. three; low; thermosphere D. three; low; stratosphere E. two; low; stratosphere

A. infrared radiation emitted by Earth's surface

The primary cause of a radiation inversion is _________________________. A. infrared radiation emitted by Earth's surface B. infrared radiation absorbed by Earth's surface C. solar radiation absorbed by Earth's surface D. solar radiation reflected by Earth's surface E. infrared radiation absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds

B. contains all of the weather we study in meteorology

The troposphere is important to meteorology because it ________________. A. contains the ozone layer B. contains all of the weather we study in meteorology C. contains the region of free electrons D. is the region of the heterosphere E. is the region where ultraviolet radiation from the Sun is absorbed

E. all of the above

The winter solstice marks A. the beginning of astronomical winter in the Northern Hemisphere. B. the date when the noon Sun is over latitude 23.5°S. C. the longest night of the year at middle latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. D. both A and B E. all of the above

B. dew-point temperature

To become saturated, air must be cooled to what temperature? A. minimum temperature B. dew-point temperature C. dry-bulb temperature D. maximum temperature E. freezing point

C. between solar noon and sunset

When does the daily maximum temperature occur? A. at sunrise B. at solar noon C. between solar noon and sunset D. at sunset E. between sunset and sunrise

C. nitrogen and oxygen

What are the most abundant gases in Earth's atmosphere by volume? A. carbon dioxide and nitrogen B. oxygen and water vapor C. nitrogen and oxygen D. oxygen and helium E. oxygen and ozone

A. hoarfrost

What is another name for visible white frost? A. hoarfrost B. black frost C. frozen dew D. dew E. snow

D. either small liquid water drops or small ice crystals

What is the best description of the composition of fog? A. small, solid particles (nuclei) before condensation occurs B. small, liquid water drops but never ice crystals C. small ice crystals but never liquid water drops D. either small liquid water drops or small ice crystals E. liquid drops the size of large raindrops

C. the heat of vaporization

What is the cooling felt as a result of the evaporation of water from a portion of one's body? A. conduction B. radiation C. the heat of vaporization D. the heat of fusion

C. More than 80 percent of the Southern Hemisphere is covered with water.

What is the most important reason summers in the Southern Hemisphere are not warmer than summers in the Northern Hemisphere? A. Earth is closer to the Sun in January. B. Earth is farther from the Sun in July. C. More than 80 percent of the Southern Hemisphere is covered with water. D. The Sun's energy is much less intense in the Southern Hemisphere. E. The days are shorter.

B. ultraviolet, visible, and infrared

What is the proper order of waves from shortest to longest? A. visible, infrared, and ultraviolet B. ultraviolet, visible, and infrared C. visible, ultraviolet, and infrared D. ultraviolet, infrared, and visible

B. It extends from 10 to 50 kilometers above the surface and has, in general, a temperature increase with height.

Which of the following statements best describes the stratosphere? A. It extends from 10 to 50 kilometers above the surface and has a temperature decrease with height. B. It extends from 10 to 50 kilometers above the surface and has, in general, a temperature increase with height. C. It extends from 50 to 85 kilometers above the surface and has a temperature decrease with height. D. It extends from 50 to 85 kilometers above the surface and has, in general, a temperature increase with height. E. It could be either 10 to 50 or 50 to 85 kilometers with either a temperature decrease or increase with height, depending on the season.

D. advection

Which of the following terms is best defined as the transfer of energy by the horizontal movement of air from one region to another? A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. advection

C. blackbody; a selective absorber of radiation

Which of the following word associations is incorrect? A. albedo; percent of radiation reflected from the surface B. kinetic energy; energy of motion C. blackbody; a selective absorber of radiation D. longwave radiation; Earth's radiation

C. altostratus and high clouds

Which of the following word associations is not correct? A. cirrocumulus and high clouds B. cumulus and clouds of vertical development C. altostratus and high clouds D. stratus and low clouds E. cumulonimbus and clouds of vertical development

D. It remains over a fixed point on Earth's surface at an altitude of 36,000 km

Which statement best describes the path of the GOES satellite system? A. It passes over the north and south polar regions with each revolution around Earth. B. It circles Earth at an altitude between 100 km and 500 km. C. It circles Earth at an altitude of 36,000 km. D. It remains over a fixed point on Earth's surface at an altitude of 36,000 km. E. It circles Earth every 103 minutes at an altitude of just less than 900 km.

B. Without them, condensation would not occur naturally in the atmosphere.

Why are condensation nuclei important in the atmosphere? A. They provide most of the minerals. B. Without them, condensation would not occur naturally in the atmosphere. C. They are the sole producers of smog. D. They filter out sunlight. E. They are high-energy particles that cool the air.

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