MKT 3413- CH. 4, MKTG 4154 Exam 1

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19) Which type of panel asks members the same questions on each panel measurement? A) Continuous panels B) Discontinuous panels C) Repeated panels D) Repeated measures panels E) Small group panels


23) Non-traditional focus groups differ from traditional focus groups in that: A) they are not restricted to 6 to 12 persons meeting in a dedicated room with one-way mirrors for client viewing B) they are not certifiable by the Qualitative Research Consultants association C) they are run by clients for clients D) they are run only by qualified QRC's E) they are not quantifiable


3) A(n) ________ is a set of advance decisions that makes up the master plan specifying the methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing the needed information. A) research design B) exploratory study C) research plan D) sample description E) research action plan


33) Omnibus means: A) including or covering many things or classes B) syndicated data C) developing an understanding of a phenomenon in terms of "if-then" conditional statements D) searching for and interpreting existing information relevant to the research problem E) taking long periods of time to complete


38) What is the purpose of a market tracking study? A) to measure some variable of interest, such as market share or unit sales over time B) to determine if consumers switched brands from one time period to the next C) to determine the relationship between several variables D) to search for and interpret existing information relevant to the research problem E) to track causality


40) Which of the following is a good description of causality? A) understanding a phenomenon in terms of conditional statements of the form "If x, then y." B) a very casual understanding of a topic C) understanding a phenomenon in terms of two phenomena occurring at the same time D) understanding of two phenomena that never occur at the same time E) none of the above


44) A procedure for ensuring that the change in the dependent variable may be solely attributed to the change in the independent variable is called: A) an experimental design B) a variable design C) a procedural design D) a design procedure E) a change procedure


46) Which of the following symbols represents the measurement of the dependent variable? A) O B) X C) C D) M E) none of the above


55) What type of experiment involves manipulating the independent variable and measuring the dependent variable in an artificial setting contrived to control extraneous variables? A) laboratory experiment B) field experiment C) extraneous experiment D) government experiment E) art-con experiment


58) Which of the following describes a standard test market? A) It is one in which the firm tests the product or marketing-mix variables through the company's normal distribution channels. B) It is conducted by outside research firms that guarantee distribution of the product through prespecified types and numbers of distributors. C) It includes a panel of consumers that has agreed to carry identification cards that each consumer presents when buying goods and services. D) A limited amount of data on consumer response to a new product is fed into a model containing certain assumptions regarding planned marketing programs, which generates likely product sales volume. E) none of the above


62) Of the following, which is a potential disadvantage of using a simulated test market? A) It is not as accurate as full scale test markets. B) The distribution network may or may not properly represent the firm's actual distribution system. C) It is often very time consuming and expensive. D) They allow competitors to acquire knowledge of the test. E) all of the above


67) With ________, the researcher observes the effects or results of the behavior rather than the behavior itself. A) indirect observation B) disguised observation C) undisguised research D) direct observation E) guided observation


An example of basic research is:

A winery needs to understand more about exporting wine

In the movie, The Tin Men, two rival salesmen engaged in a variety of dishonest and unethical practices in order to sell aluminum siding to homeowners. Their job was difficult, in part, because the supply of aluminum siding surpassed the demand for the product and competition was intense. This situation is indicative of the __________ era of U.S. business history.

Advertising and salesforce evaluation

Market research refers to:

Applying marketing research to a specific geographical marketing area

An important step in the problem definition process involves ________, which is the quantity and quality of evidence a manager possesses for each of his or her assumptions.

Assessing the existing information state

11) What type of research is unstructured and informal? A) deductive B) exploratory C) causal D) exploitive E) custom, non-standard


12) If you were gathering information from those thought to be knowledgeable on the issues relevant to the research problem, you would probably be using which method of exploratory research? A) Secondary data analysis B) Experience surveys C) Case analysis D) Longitudinal studies E) Cross-sectional studies


15) The process of searching for and interpreting existing information relevant to the research problem can be described as: A) an experience survey B) secondary data analysis C) causal analysis D) exploitive research E) focus group research


20) Although focus groups should encourage open, free-wheeling information, who has the task of ensuring that the conversation stays focused? A) focus group manager B) focus group moderator C) focus group gate keeper D) quantitative research assistant (QRA) E) none of the above


26) Which of the following is NOT a projective technique? A) Word-association test B) Protocol analysis C) Sentence-completion test D) Balloon test E) Role-playing activity


27) What is the general purpose of projective techniques? A) to gain information through small groups of people brought together and guided by a moderator through an unstructured, spontaneous discussion B) to explore hidden consumer motives for buying goods and services, by asking respondents to project themselves into a situation C) to review available information about a former situation that has some similarities to the present research problem D) to gather information from those thought to be knowledgeable on the issues relevant to the projective research problem E) to project answers from focus group participants to a much larger population


28) Which of the following involves placing a person in a decision-making situation and asking him or her to verbalize everything he or she considers when making a decision? A) Word-association test B) Protocol analysis C) Sentence-completion test D) Balloon test E) Role-playing activity


32) What type of descriptive research study measures units from a sample of the population at only one point in time? A) sample surveys B) cross-sectional studies C) longitudinal studies D) population research E) Both B and C are correct.


34) A panel of respondents is often used in which type of study? A) cross-sectional B) longitudinal C) sample survey D) case analysis E) population research


36) What type of panel would be used to determine how consumers feel about two different product concepts by varying panel questions from one panel measurement to the next? A) inquisitional panel B) discontinuous panel C) population panel D) continuous panel E) repeatability panel


4) Which of the following is most accurate? A) The uniqueness of every problem situation precludes applying research designs. B) Though every problem is unique there are enough similarities among problems and objectives to allow us to make some advance decisions about the best plan to use to resolve the problem. C) Every problem is so unique there are not enough similarities among problems and objectives to allow us to make any advance decisions about the best plan to use to resolve the problem. D) Since research standards are standard, actions determining the research design may be pre-planned. E) none of the above are accurate


41) In an experiment, which type of variable does a researcher have control over and wish to manipulate? A) dependent variables B) independent variables C) extraneous variables D) exploitive variables E) reliable variables


47) Which of the following symbols represents the change or manipulation of the independent variable? A) O B) X C) C D) I E) M


48) What makes an experimental design a "true" experimental design? A) There are no "false" variables. B) It truly isolates the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable while controlling for effects of any extraneous variables. C) It is performed by a certified marketing researcher. D) both A and C E) none of the above


50) In experimental designs an R stands for: A) restricted use of complex variables B) random assignment of research subjects (e.g. stores) to groups (experimental and control) C) random assignment of treatments to either the independent or the dependent variables D) the reliable variable E) There is no R in experimental design terminology.


53) What type of experimental validity is concerned with the extent that the relationship observed between the independent and dependent variable during the experiment IS generalizable to the real world? A) internal validity B) external validity C) extraneous validity D) causal validity E) face validity


59) Which of the following describes a controlled test market? A) It is one in which the firm tests the product or marketing-mix variables through the company's normal distribution channels. B) It is conducted by outside research firms that guarantee distribution of the product through prespecified types and numbers of distributors. C) It includes a panel of consumers that has agreed to carry identification cards that each consumer presents when buying goods and services. D) A limited amount of data on consumer response to a new product is fed into a model containing certain assumptions regarding planned marketing programs, which generates likely product sales volume. E) none of the above


64) Which of the following best represents the disadvantages of conducting test markets as discussed by your authors? A) cost, competitor intervention, and government regulations of test markets B) fallibility of results, cost, exposure of product/service to competition and ethical issues C) cost, delay in getting to the market first, competitive awareness of the product/service D) inability to test marketing mix variables E) disadvantages were not discussed in your book


8) Which of the following is most commonly unstructured, informal research that is undertaken to gain background information about the general nature of the research problem? A) Casual research B) Exploratory research C) Causal research D) Descriptive research E) either A or D


9) If the research objective helps to determine terms and concepts, it is likely that the most appropriate research design would be: A) exploitive B) exploratory C) deductive D) causal E) standard


As environments change what should be revised on an ongoing basis to produce the right strategy for the new environment?

Business decisions

17) Which of the following is a type of exploratory research which refers to a review of available information about a former situation(s) that has some similarities to the present research problem? A) secondary data analysis B) experience surveys C) case analysis D) projective techniques E) focus group research


2) When is it appropriate for marketing researchers to consider selecting a research design? A) never; clients determine the research design B) before collecting data but after data analysis C) after thoroughly considering the problem and the research objectives D) this should be one of the very first decisions researchers make even before the initial client meeting E) after collecting data


21) Which of the following is NOT true? A) Focus group companies often use clubs or church group lists from which to recruit participants. B) Focus group participants are NOT paid. C) Focus groups constitute representative samples. D) Focus groups generate fresh ideas. E) Focus groups allow clients to observe their participants.


25) Which of the following is NOT true of depth interviews? A) They are especially useful when the researcher wants to understand decision making on the individual level. B) A trained interviewer is used. C) Interviews cannot be conducted in the participants' homes. D) The respondent is not influenced by others, as in a focus group. E) They are especially useful when the researcher wants to understand how products are used.


30) Descriptive studies are conducted to: A) specify the causality in the problem B) describe previous findings in similar problems C) answer who, what, when, where, and how questions D) describe secondary data from previous studies E) all of the above


31) What are the two basic types of studies that are categorized as descriptive research? A) focus groups and case analysis B) longitudinal studies and case analysis C) longitudinal studies and cross-sectional studies D) focus groups and cross-sectional studies E) population research and cross-sectional research


43) An experiment is defined as: A) something men and/or women in white coats do B) manipulating an independent variable to see how it affects a dependent variable, while also controlling for the effects of additional complex variables C) manipulating an independent variable to see how it affects a dependent variable, while also controlling for the effects of additional extraneous variables D) manipulating a dependent variable to see how it affects an independent variable, while also controlling for the effects of additional complex variables E) controlling for the effects of reliable variables on dependent variables


5) How many categories are research designs classified into? A) 4 B) 2 C) 3 D) 6 E) There is no specific number of research design categories.


52) ________ is concerned with the extent to which the change in the dependent variable was actually due to the independent variable. A) Representativeness B) External validity C) Internal validity D) Measurement E) Validation


60) Which of the following describes an electronic test market? A) It is one in which the firm tests the product or marketing-mix variables through the company's normal distribution channels. B) It is conducted by outside research firms that guarantee distribution of the product through prespecified types and numbers of distributors. C) It includes a panel of consumers that has agreed to carry identification cards that each consumer presents when buying goods and services. D) A limited amount of data on consumer response to a new product is fed into a model containing certain assumptions regarding planned marketing programs, which generates likely product sales volume. E) none of the above


63) Which of the following best represents the criteria discussed by your authors to be used in selection of a test market city? A) representativeness, isolation and cost B) representativeness, existing company presence, control of promotion C) representativeness, isolation and control of distribution and promotion D) representativeness, cost and control of competitor's intelligence E) representativeness, cost and ability to meet the federal codes regulating test markets


66) How many general ways for organizing observations are there? A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 E) 6


Which of the following best illustrates one of the uses of marketing research, monitoring marketing performance?

Conducting a customer satisfaction study on firms' products and services.

Publix Supermarkets and The Little Clinic signed an exclusive agreement in 2006, placing small walk-in health clinics inside selected stores. Now Publix customers can have simple medical needs addressed in a convenient and familiar environment, seven days a week, and pick up their prescription from the pharmacy without even leaving the store. This is a prime example of

Customer relationship management

United Way of Greater Toronto (UWGT), like many charities, was sitting on a gold mine of donor data (including companies, groups, and individuals). Unfortunately, UWGT was not certain how to use that information to its greatest advantage. UWGT could blanket past donors with generic mailings, but it could not offer donors information that would convince them to donate to UWGT rather than other charities. Which of the following tools would be most useful for the nonprofit organization to utilize?

Customer relationship management

Which of the following marketing research activities is unique to the 21st century?

Customer relationship marketing

The unique combination of benefits received by targeted buyers that includes quality, convenience, on-time delivery, and both before-sale and after-sale service at a specific price called

Customer value

1) The convenience store example discussed in your textbook illustrates that when we don't know what problem is, we should use: A) problem definition websites B) experiments C) internal supplier firms D) exploratory research E) descriptive research


10) Which of the following is not true of secondary data, or information? A) They have been collected for a purpose. B) They are almost always a part of a marketing research project. C) They are widespread and readily available. D) They are difficult to find because you must first petition the researcher to get the data. E) You can conduct a search for secondary information on virtually any topic quickly and efficiently.


18) How should researchers determine if case analysis is an appropriate component of exploratory research? A) They ask themselves questions to determine the relevance of prior cases. B) They determine how similar phenomena in the past is with phenomena in the present. C) it is not necessary to determine appropriateness, because case analysis should always be included in D) Both A and B are correct. E) None of the above are correct.


24) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a focus group? A) generate fresh ideas B) allow clients to observe their participants C) allow easy access to special respondent groups such as lawyers and doctors D) produce quantifiable results suitable for statistical testing E) can provide information on a wide variety of issues


29) What type of research design should a marketing researcher use to find out how many customers there are, what brands they buy and in what quantities, which advertisements they recall, what are their attitudes toward the company, and who is the competition? A) exploratory research B) causal research C) explicit research D) descriptive research E) population research


42) When a variable exerts influence on the dependent variable and is not an independent variable we refer to it as a(an): A) influencing variable B) unwanted variable C) complex variable D) extraneous variable


45) Which of the following symbols represents the experimental effect? A) O B) X C) C D) E E) none of the above


51) How can it be determined if an experiment is valid? A) The observed change in the dependent variable is in fact due to the independent variable. B) The results of the experiment apply to the real world outside the experimental setting. C) The results do not account for the effects of extraneous variables. D) Both A and B are correct. E) A, B, and C are correct.


57) Which of the following is a potential use of test marketing? A) to test the sales potential for a new product B) to test variations in the marketing mix for a product C) to test the sales potential for a new service D) all of the above E) none of the above


6) The various types of research design include: A) exploratory, exploitive, and competitive B) deductive, descriptive, and exploitive C) exploratory, causal, and competitive D) exploratory, descriptive, and causal E) action, standard, experiential


61) Which of the following describes a simulated test market? A) It is one in which the firm tests the product or marketing-mix variables through the company's normal distribution channels. B) It is conducted by outside research firms that guarantee distribution of the product through prespecified types and numbers of distributors. C) It includes a panel of consumers that has agreed to carry identification cards that each consumer presents when buying goods and services. D) A limited amount of data on consumer response to a new product is fed into a model containing certain assumptions regarding planned marketing programs, which generates likely product sales volume. E) none of the above


Once a firm decides to conduct marketing research, the next step is to:

Define the problem

Which one of the following steps in the research process is thought to be most important step in the marketing research process?

Defining the problem

A winery wants to know more about sales channels, product outlets, and even whether these channels are motivated. What type of research would the winery use to answer these questions?

Distribution research

13) Which of the following would be a question that we would try to answer with descriptive research? A) Who are our customers? B) What brands do our customers buy? C) When do our customers shop? D) How did our customers find out about our products? E) all of the above


14) Appropriate methods for conducting exploratory research would include: A) secondary data analysis B) experience surveys C) case analysis D) only A and B E) all of the above


16) Which of the following is true of longitudinal studies? A) They measure units from a sample of the population at only one point in time. B) They are often described as "snapshots" of the population. C) They include "sample surveys." D) They are prevalent in marketing research, outnumbering cross-sectional and causal studies. E) They repeatedly measure the same sample units of a population over a period of time.


22) Which of the following would be considered to be qualitative research studies? A) depth interviews B) protocol analysis C) projective techniques D) ethnographic research E) all of the above


35) Discontinuous panels are sometimes called ________ panels. A) inquisitional B) repeatability C) population D) sample E) omnibus


37) What type of panel should be used in brand-switching studies? A) repeatability panel B) inquisitional panel C) discontinuous panel D) population panel E) continuous panel


39) What type of research design should a researcher use if he/she wishes to determine the effect of a change in price on the sales of a particular brand? A) exploitive B) longitudinal C) exploratory D) after-only E) causal


49) Which of the following designs represents the Before-After with Control Group design? A) X - O - C B) E = I X O C) E = O X O D) X=BXOOA E) none of the above


54) Which of the following is a type of experiment mentioned in your textbook? A) Laboratory B) Field C) Controlled D) Standard E) both A and B


56) What type of experiment involves manipulating the independent variable and measuring the dependent variable in a natural setting? A) extraneous experiment B) laboratory experiment C) causal experiment D) longitudinal experiment E) field experiment


65) Which of the following is true of quantitative research? A) It is sometimes referred to as "survey research." B) It often involves a sizable representative sample of the population. C) Data format and sources are clear and well defined. D) Its purpose is very specific. E) all of the above


7) Which of the following is the order in which research designs should be carried out? A) exploratory-descriptive-causal B) descriptive-exploratory-causal C) causal-descriptive-exploratory D) causal-exploratory-descriptive E) There is no step-by-step fashion for which order to use research designs.


The marketing research process contains multiple steps. The first step is:

Establishing the need for marketing research

A marketing firm launched a major advertising campaign to position its brand as superior to its competitors. After the campaign had run for six months, the marketing team wanted to use marketing research to determine if it had achieved its objective. Which of the functions of marketing research is carried out by the firm?

Evaluation of marketing actions

The difference between basic research and and applied research is that applied research is conducted to:

Expand our knowledge to solve a specific problem

A retailer may experience a decrease in sales over previous periods, a website begins losing traffic, or an advertising campaign does not reach its expected level of awareness. These situations are examples of:

Failure to meet objectives

Marketing researchers should avoid defining the problem either too broadly or too narrowly. A proper problem definition means that the researchers should balance the trade-off of _______.

Feasibility and value

Which of the following does NOT belong to using marketing research to identify a marketing problem and opportunity?

Ford sends out a satisfaction survey to evaluate the satisfaction of Ford dealers

A research objective should specify:

From whom information is to be gathered

In 2014, General Mills acquired Annie's Homegrown, an organic food company, to meet a growing demand by consumers to have access to organic and natural foods. The company used marketing research to identify ways to grow the brand, promote it, and evaluated plans to market it. This is an example of what use of marketing research?

Generate, refine, evaluate potential marketing actions

Wrangler® developed several different proposed advertisements. They then used marketing research to test consumers' preferences for the different promotional messages expressed in the various ads. This is an example of which use of marketing research?

Generate, refine, evaluate potential marketing actions

A new use for a product is identified on social media, or those in a target market would like to have a service delivered to their doors. These would be examples of:

Identification of an opportunity

When everyone saw the music industry facing a terrible decline due to pirating of songs on the Internet, Apple saw an opportunity for iTunes. This example illustrates which use of marketing research?

Identify market problems and opportunities

What are the potential applications of marketing research?

Identify marketing problem/opportunity, generate, refine, evaluate potential marketing actions, monitor marketing performance, improve marketing as a process

Dexter Alvarez learns of a new breakthrough in solar panel technology by reading one of his online science magazines. Being a businessman, Dexter would like information regarding whether or not this breakthrough would make practical some solar panel applications that are presently not in use. Dexter considers hiring a marketing research firm. This would be an example of:

Identifying a type of problem that is an opportunity

High gasoline prices and concerns about fossil emissions bothered consumers, so Toyota developed the Prius. This is an example of what use of marketing research?

Identifying marketing opportunities and problems

A great deal of marketing research is conducted to determine the size of various market segments. Not only are managers interested in knowing the size of a market segment but also:

If that segment is growing or shrinking and how well competitors are fulfilling the wants and needs of that segment.

One of the most important emerging trends for client-side marketing research departments is:

Increasing use of DIY research

In order to create the right strategies for decision making, managers must have objective, accurate, and timely what?


A research firm that specializes in one, or, at most, a few marketing research activities is:

Limited service supplier firm

Establishing the need for marketing research arises when:

Managers have a marketing problem that must be solved but have not enough information for the solution

Abe would like to locate a new unit of his franchised fast-food restaurant chain. He orders an evaluation of several city blocks from a marketing research firm. The research firm will determine the population, population growth, income, and other important demographic information for the defined geographical area. The research company will be performing:

Market research

Marketing research depicts the Saturn Motorcycle shopper as a middle-aged, college-educated individual with an average annual income of $75,000. This is an example of:

Market segmentation research

A ________ is a structure consisting of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.

Marketing Information System

General Motors did research on what became the minivan-a small van suitable for families. The research did not convince them to produce it. Later, Chrysler introduced the Dodge Caravan and Plymouth Voyager minivans, which turned out to be among the most successful models in automotive history. This example most closely demonstrates that:

Marketing research does not always provide the right answer

A strategic marketing process includes situation analysis, STP process (segmentation, targeting, positioning), and the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place). Which stage of the strategic marketing process does marketing research belong?

Marketing research plays a role in every stage of the strategic marketing process

Short definition of marketing

Meeting needs profitably

After many years of relative stability in marketing research methods, the industry is undergoing great change in recent years due to:

New uses of traditional research tools

Carol Rodgers is a brand manager for Hershey Candy Company. Mars, a competitor, has introduced a new flavored candy bar, and sales for the new bar have skyrocketed. Hershey is losing market share rapidly. Carol Rodgers is considering conducting marketing research. She should:

Not conduct marketing research because the timing is wrong

Myron Pitts works for Paramount Entertainment. He reads in a technical newsletter about a new three-dimensional process that produces lifelike three-dimensional images on LCD screens. Myron is considering conducting research because he recognizes this as a:


Which of the following does not belong to "using marketing research to monitor marketing performance"?

Palmolive offers $3 coupon to Kroger shoppers who purchased its new colgate toothpaste

When a revolutionary new product is created, marketers use research to determine the "value" consumers perceive in the new product. The main use of this type of research would be related to:

Pricing research

A retailer wants to understand the consequences of an increase in sales by baby boomers and a decrease in sales by millennials during the past 12 months. This is an example of:

Problem statement

Maritz Research's New Vehicle Customer Study includes data collected over several years, and in recent years it has studied hybrids. Its market analysts know why drivers purchase hybrids, what makes them satisfied, what their expectations are for gas mileage, and preferences for alternative fuels. The main use of this type of research would be related to:

Product research

Marketing mix refers to

Product, price, promotion, and place that can be used to solve marketing problems

Chobani launched a campaign, called "The Break You Make," in 2015 to increase awareness of the Chobani Flip, an afternoon snack yogurt. Research determined that the campaign was very successful, with sales of Chobani Flip up 300% over the previous year. The main use of this type of research would be related to:

Promotion research

Which of the following statements about customer value is most accurate?

Quality, price, convenience, on-time delivery, and both before-sale and after-sale service are all elements used to create unique benefits to targeted buyers.

________ need to be very clear, since they will determine the methods used and the content of the measurement instrument.

Research objectives

Carolyn Wolf is considering conducting a significant amount of marketing research to determine how to wrap boxes of products that she sends to several trade shows during the year. Carolyn's boss suggests that she should not conduct the research because:

The cost of this research will likely outweigh its value

Which of the following is not consistent with the definition of marketing research?

The definition states that marketing research is focused on data collected by someone else

Marketing research is:

The process of gathering and analyzing data that may be used to solve a specific marketing decision problem

Which of the following best describes the role of the researcher in problem definition?

To help managers ensure they have properly defined the problem particularly when managers have already defined the problem very specifically.

Which of the following does not fit "using marketing research to generate, refine, evaluate potential marketing actions"?

Wal-Mart estimates the market potential in local Blacksburg

Frank C. Church is a brand manager for Heinz. He hires a research firm and when he meets the research company representative he states: "Here's the information I want to know. Tell me the change in market shares every time my top three competitors change advertising strategies." What question should the researcher ask?

What decision are you trying to make using that information?

Jeff Williams is the marketing director for Acme Ford. Jeff receives the customer satisfaction scores for the month and notices that they are below objectives and are significantly lower than they have been in the last two years. This means that there is a gap between:

What was supposed to happen and what did happen

When is marketing research not needed?

When the information is already available, timing is wrong, and funds are not available

The appeal of DIY research has to do with:

its cost effectiveness and increasing availability of marketing research tools

Improving our understanding of ___________ entails conducting research to expand our knowledge of marketing.

the marketing process

Because marketing is defined as processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders, marketing managers must have information in order to determine values desired by customers and how to build customer relationships. This is an explanation that would explain:

why marketing research is a part of marketing; that is, marketing research provides information to allow marketing managers to understand values desired by customers.

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