mkt chapters 10-12

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A new restaurant just opened in your town. Fill in the blanks with the word(s) from the drop-down list that would best complete each passage about brand loyalty toward this restaurant or a competitor. Words may be used more than once. Your friend Fred mentions that he has seen a billboard with the eatery's name and may try it; from your marketing class, you know this stage of brand loyalty is called __________ . An element of the marketing mix that is important to reach consumers like Fred is __________ . It turns out that your neighbor, Sue, has eaten at the new restaurant and urges you to make a reservation soon. "I had a great experience!" she says. Sue's stage of brand loyalty is called___________ . However, you tell Sue that you're not interested in the new restaurant. Whenever you eat out, you'll only go to your favorite place: Cheesecake Factory. Your stage of brand loyalty toward Cheesecake Factory is called ___________.

Brand recognition, Promotion, brand preference, Brand insistence

A company needs to ensure that its product line won't become obsolete; it will therefore add new items so that the line continues to grow, choosing from an array of product development strategies. Fill in the blanks with the word(s) from the drop-down list that would best complete the passages about product development strategies. Words may be used more than once. A product developmentSelectmarket penetrationproduct developmentdifferentiationmarket developmentItem 1 strategy looks for ways to increase a product's sales in an existing market. A market penetrationSelectmarket penetrationproduct developmentdifferentiationmarket developmentItem 2 strategy takes new products and enters them in an established market. A common goal of a market expansionSelectmarket penetrationmarket expansionmarket developmentItem 3 strategy is to boost market share for products in newSelectunstablenewmatureItem 4 categories.

EDIT CH 12 #7

Cadence Rappaport, the marketing director of a high-profile advertising agency, is working with a hair care client, Edifice, Inc., and has to gather primary data about how Edifice customers use its products. She will use a combination of observation and survey research. You are Cadence's intern this summer and want to help her implement these methods; but first, you want to make sure that you understand what they entail. Fill in the blanks with the word(s) from the drop-down list that would best complete the passage. A good way to determine how customers style their own hair is to observe their at-home styling rituals. This type of observation could serve as the basis for internalSelectinterpretiveinteriorinternalItem 1 research. In general, Cadence should expect to pay relatively lessSelectmorefasterlessItem 2 for a survey of Edifice's target market—women aged 18-25—than for observational research. In general, Cadence should expect the time frame for the survey part of her research to be more predictableSelectlongershortermore predictableItem 3 than for the observation part.

EDIT CH.10 #2

You work for a firm that franchises high-end spas. The company wishes to identify promising new locations. Your marketing research consultant believes you can forgo the costly collection of primary data, because secondary data will provide the key information you need. You were skeptical, but his or her presentation changed your mind. His or her presentation included all of the following points except: a. Spa industry trade magazines publish details about important market trends. b. U.S. census data enables you to determine city-block-level population characteristics relevant to spa use. c. Because of your up-to-date mailing list, you can readily implement cost-effective mail surveys. d. There are research services able to identify neighborhoods with high concentrations of people likely to spend time at spas. Hide Feedback Incorrect

EDIT CH.10 #3

nternational marketing research presents the marketer with a different set of challenges in dealing with the cultural, economic, legal, and regulatory differences that exist among countries. In particular, these differences can have a profound impact on data collection. Fill in the blanks with the word(s) from the drop-down list that would best complete the passage. The U.S. government doesSelectdoesdoes notrarelyItem 1 offer(s) information about global markets. To avoid language issues that may impede the use of surveys, researchers may employ the method known as continuousSelectcontinuousforwardbackItem 2 translation. Focus groupSelectFace-to-face interviewingMail surveyFocus groupItem 3 is the most common primary data collection method outside the United States. Face-to-faceSelectFace-to-faceTelephoneResearchItem 4 interviews and personalSelectface-to-facepersonalmailItem 5 surveys are frequently unsuitable outside the United States.

EDIT CH.10 #4

Selom is doing research for an interior design firm called Your Décor. Fill in the blanks with the word(s) from the drop-down list that would best describe his available secondary data sources. Words may be used more than once. Your Décor's marketing analytics are an externalSelectindustryinternalexternalItem 1 source. Your Décor's sales records are a(n) internalSelectexternaltradeinternalItem 2 source. Your Décor is interested in population distribution across states. A major government source of such data is the Federal Trade CommissionSelectcensusInternal Revenue ServiceFederal Trade CommissionItem 3 . NielsenSelectFederal Trade CommissionNielsenCalifornia Consumer CommissionItem 4 is an example of a research firmSelectresearch firmfederal agencystate agencyItem 5 that Selom may hire to compile and analyze external data.

EDIT CH.10 #9

A marketer of fruit juices is considering different approaches to developing its products. Fill in the blanks with the word(s) from the drop-down list that would best complete the passages about the company's alternatives. Words may be used more than once. The company might run an advertising campaign that encourages people who drink orange juice at breakfast to consume the beverage with other meals. This would be an example of product diversificationSelectmarket penetrationproduct developmentproduct diversificationItem 1 . The company could introduce a fruit-flavored candy. This would be an example of market expansionSelectmarket penetrationmarket expansionproduct diversificationItem 2 . The company could offer new mixed-fruit drinks to people who already enjoy a variety of juices. This would be an example of product diversificationSelectproduct developmentmarket developmentproduct diversificationItem 3 .

EDIT Ch.12 #13

Companies face different challenges depending on the type of brand they choose to market. Each type has a distinct set of characteristics. Fill in the blanks with the word(s) from the drop-down list that would correctly describe these characteristics. The type of product sold with the __________ branding effort is classified as __________. Some manufacturers refuse to produce ____________ brands. When Nabisco began to offer its Ritz cracker brand in different sizes and in salt-free, whole-wheat, and low-fat varieties, it was engaging in line ______________ .

Least, generic, private, line extension

Companies go to great lengths to enhance and protect the identities of their brands. Fill in the blanks with the word(s) from the drop-down list that would best describe the methods commonly used to achieve these objectives. Words may be used more than once. A brand logo is the same as a brand ___________ . A brand ______________ is a symbol or pictorial design. The combination of visual cues that creates Starbucks' total image is its _______________ . The mermaid on every Starbucks cup is part of its ___________ .

Mark, Mark, Trade Dress, Brand Mark

You work for a local snack manufacturing and distribution company and have been asked to assist in the data collection process for ongoing marketing research. You must correctly identify the sources of data you will use. Fill in the blanks with the word(s) from the drop-down list that would best complete the passage. The word(s) may be used more than once. A newspaper is a source of __________ data. A telephone survey is a source of __________ data. Questionnaires disseminated via mobile applications yield ___________data. Magazine clippings of families enjoying preferred snacks are a type of _____________ data. An infographic published on a television show is a source of ______________ data. Observation notes from a panel discussion yield _____________ data.

Secondary,Primary,Primary,Secondary, Secondary, Primary

The new-product development process is often costly, risky, and requires a significant amount of time on the part of the company developing the product. Your company is developing a new product. Hoping to be successful, your product development manager follows the six-step development process. The rate of new product failure averages 80 percent; however, he or she knows that a company can reduce the chances of a new product's failure by implementing and carefully proceeding through this process. Below is a description of what occurs during each of the six steps in the development process. In what order should these activities take place? Step 1: Your company runs through a checklist of standards to be met for its products. Step 2: The product is assessed to find out its likely growth and competitiveness. Step 3: The product is ready for full-scale marketing. Step 4: Your company has an idea for a new product. Step 5: Your company converts the new product idea into a visible prototype. Step 6: This step will help determine a consumer's reaction to the new product in a real-world environment. a. 4, 1, 2, 5, 6, 3 b. 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 6 c. 5, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1 d. 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 1

a. 4, 1, 2, 5, 6, 3

You work for a marketing company that specializes in researching market shares and profits related to miscellaneous consumer products. To ensure that the data you have collected are accurate, you categorize the consumer products of interest according to the customers' buying behavior: convenience, shopping, and specialty purchases. Choose the product that would be best described as a shopping purchase. a. A house b. A liposuction procedure c. A pack of breath mints d. A bag of pet food

a. A house

As an experienced marketer, you understand the importance of thinking critically about any proposal to add breadth or depth to your product mix. Whenever a member of your team makes such a proposal, you ask all of the following questions except: a. Are we matching the breadth and depth of our competitors' product mixes? b. Are we at risk of ending up with too many products? c. Do all of our current products make adequate contributions to our portfolio? d. Are we overlooking a viable consumer segment?

a. Are we matching the breadth and depth of our competitors' product mixes?

You work for a beverage distribution company and have been asked to support the marketing research team in the preliminary phases of their process. You have been tasked with finding out which beverages are most popular at sporting events, so you visit local stadiums, talking with fans about their preferences and to concession owners about their beverage sales. You also gather samples of sports-oriented ads being run by your competitors. Your teammates ask you why you chose to employ this strategy. Which of the following themes explain your choice? a. Conducting exploratory research may include talking to customers and retailers, and/or evaluation of available competitive data. b. Creating a research design may include talking to customers and retailers, and/or evaluation of available competitive data. c. Defining a problem may include clarification of what researchers need to test. d. Formulating a hypothesis requires clarification of what researchers need to test.

a. Conducting exploratory research may include talking to customers and retailers, and/or evaluation of available competitive data.

As consumers opt to watch their favorite television shows and movies online via Web-streaming platforms such as Netflix and Hulu, the appeal of cable television seems to have dwindled. Some cable companies have gone out of business, and others have merged to ensure stability during these challenging economic times. According to the scenario presented above, at which of the following stages is cable television? a. Decline b. Growth c. Challenged d. Maturity

a. Decline

At which stage of the new product development process should a firm typically expect the first substantial increase in its financial outlays on the process? a. Development b. Screening c. Test marketing d. Idea generation e. Commercialization

a. Development

You are in charge of ensuring that all labels used on your food company's packages are in compliance with the law. To remind employees of this responsibility, you distribute a checklist of label requirements. Which of the following does not appear on your checklist? a. Disclose country of origin. b. Disclose major food allergens. c. Provide the amounts of calcium and vitamins. d. Utilize a standard format for nutritional information. Hide Feedback

a. Disclose country of origin.

Your professional rival, Maureen, works for one of your company's competitors. You both work for companies that specialize in condiments and salad dressings. Maureen's company's major product is a seasonal salad dressing, which happens to be in the decline stage of its product lifecycle. She asks your advice about how to extend the product's lifecycle. You do not want Maureen's company to outcompete your company in the market. Which of the following steps would you tell her to take? a. Eliminate the product and introduce a completely new one b. Repackage the product to create new interest c. List new recipes that families can try on your company website d. Develop a campaign to encourage families to use the product year round.

a. Eliminate the product and introduce a completely new one

You are about to engage in the marketing research process. It includes the following steps, listed in alphabetical order—not necessarily the order in which they should be carried out. Collecting primary or secondary data Conducting exploratory research Creating a research design Defining the problem Formulating a hypothesis Interpreting and presenting research information Indicate which two of these steps should come first and last. a. First: Defining the problem. Last: Interpreting and presenting research information b. First: Collecting primary or secondary data. Last: Interpreting and presenting research information c. First: Interpreting and presenting research information. Last: Collecting primary or secondary data d. First: Collecting primary or secondary data. Last: Defining the problem e. First: Formulating a hypothesis. Last: Creating a research design

a. First: Defining the problem. Last: Interpreting and presenting research information

You work for a Europe-based company that is interested in doing business internationally. As a top manager of the firm, you want to make sure that your services and goods meet international standards. When evaluating your company's ability to compete in an international market, which of the following would help you standardize the quality of your company's goods and services? a. ISO 9001 b. Benchmarking c. Enhanced service encounters d. Product mix depth e. Six Sigma

a. ISO 9001

You are learning about strategies that can help a friend's company extend her product's lifecycle. Your friend, Celeste, sells desserts locally and is known for her holiday cakes. Which of the following strategies is likely to be unsuccessful in extending the lifecycle of her cakes? a. Introduce a line of pies b. Change the package size and label c. Distribute the cakes in another state d. Sell cakes year round, rather than just on holidays e. Package the cakes in boxes that consumers can reuse

a. Introduce a line of pies

You are the CEO of a food manufacturer that sells only holiday candy. About 85 percent of your company's products are sold between October 15 and December 31 of each year. As the company's overhead costs increase, you need new ways to increase sales and profits. Your research confirms that if the company sold cookies or other baked sweets year round, you could better manage overhead costs and other expenses. How should your marketing managers respond to the scenario described above? a. Product diversification b. Market penetration c. Market development d. Cannibalization

a. Product diversification

Alanis has to collect primary data for the floral company for which she works. The company, which is currently based in Miami, Florida, is seeking to expand to other cities within the state. Alanis is interested in gauging what motivates people to buy flowers and customers' attitudes toward online flower delivery. Which of the following primary research methods would best capture the information Alanis wants to collect? a. Surveys b. Controlled experiments c. Case studies d. Syndicated data service e. Observation

a. Surveys

You are the vice president of sales and marketing for a major home appliance retailer, and you just received the quarterly global sales report for the second quarter. The first figure that you notice in the report is the dramatic decline in sales in the Latin American territory. You suspect that the falloff isn't unique to your company, but instead is consistent with poor performance in Latin America across many appliance stores and manufacturers. The only way to confirm your hypothesis is with a compilation of market-wide industry data that has been published by various economic think tanks but that your firm can't afford to acquire. Choose the type of outside research specialist best suited to help you—if any. a. a research aggregator b. a data miner c. a predictive analytics expert d. a big data server e. No outside research specialist is especially well suited to help you.

a. a research aggregator

Airbnb, the online home rental business, has partnered with the Hearst publishing company to create Airbnb Magazine. This is primarily an example of: a. brand extension. b. national branding. c. line extension. d. online branding. e. retail branding.

a. brand extension

You are preparing a seminar for your colleagues on the topic "How Marketers Protect Brand Equity." Which of the following pairs of terms and examples should you use when you explain the symbol that distinguishes a product? a. brand mark, Nike swoosh b. trademark, McDonalds golden arches c. brand design, Nike swoosh d. trade symbol, McDonalds golden arches

a. brand mark, Nike swoosh

You are a business consultant and have a contract with the Small Business Administration (SBA) to conduct training seminars for people seeking loans from the SBA to start new businesses. The SBA wants to give these prospective business owners as much information as possible so they have a greater chance of success. You are conducting a seminar on the different types of products that target business markets. Choose the type of business product that tends to have a long life and be very expensive, together with the correct example of such a product. a. installation; customized computer system b. installation; large conference table c. component; high-grade lumber d. equipment; fork lift

a. installation; customized computer system

Your company is experiencing technical problems and financial losses with one of its products. Which stage of its lifecycle has the product most likely reached? a. introductory b. growth c. decline d. maturity e. competitive

a. introductory

Though some people may not automatically identify a service as a product, marketers know that products comprise services as well as goods; sometimes a product may be a combination of the two. You work for a database company and want to ensure that your product listings are accurate, so you refresh your memory by checking how other firms identify their products. Which of the following should be identified as pure goods? a. Gold Standard Gym has affordable rates for all. b. A publishing company sells health-based curricula. c. Somaya just launched an online shoe company. d. Abe has contracted a recycling company that collects his materials weekly. e. Quarets Photography will take pictures of Lyssa's wedding.

b. A publishing company sells health-based curricula. c. Somaya just launched an online shoe company.

You have been hired as the new head of development for a dessert company and have been asked to come up with strategies to expand one of your many product lines. Since the market share for cheesecake continues to increase, you are interested in enhancing the depth of this product's mix. You are aware of changing consumer demands and tastes and want to create an innovative variation that does not deviate too much from the cheesecake line. You and your staff conduct market research and collect feedback from customers. Survey responses indicate that though customers enjoy cheesecake treats, they are becoming more health conscious. You decide to come up with a sugar-free cheesecake. As an experienced marketer, you understand that though there are several general advantages to adding depth, some general drawbacks exist as well. Which of the following drawbacks is most likely to hinder sales of the new cheesecake? a. Product variations are often overpriced. b. After adding the cheesecake variation, your firm may be selling too many desserts overall. c. The appeal of cheesecake is decreasing. d. Consumers may only associate the company with one type of product.

b. After adding the cheesecake variation, your firm may be selling too many desserts overall

You have been working for a popular hotel chain for the last several years and want to use some of the data you have pulled from the data warehouse to answer a series of questions you hope will help you better strategize for the company's upcoming marketing campaign. You are particularly interested in evaluating customers' past behavioral patterns when it comes to rewards programs and promotions. You need an efficient way to sort through decades of information on customer profiles. Which of the following strategies would you use to acquire the information you need? a. Exploratory research b. Data mining c. Ethnographic research d. Predictive analytics

b. Data mining

Marketing research activities yield different types of data for the marketer. The techniques used to obtain the data and the source of the data are the most significant factors that dictate what type of data are obtained in the marketing research process. From the following list, choose any example(s) of primary data. a. Census data, syndicated data b. Focus groups, interviews c. Annual reports, case studies d. Surveys, polls e. Experiments

b. Focus groups, interviews d. Surveys, polls e. Experiments

You have recently been hired to work in the marketing department of a company that manufactures and distributes baby food. During orientation, you are told that baby food is a convenience product because it is a good that families want to purchase frequently, immediately, and with minimal effort. This summary makes sense to you because you have a younger brother, and you recall that whether baby food was on sale or not, your parents bought it because they needed to feed your brother. You also remember that because convenience products are typically cheap, retailers must sell large volumes in order to make a profit. Based on the information provided in the scenario above, which of the following would you be least likely to emphasize in the marketing mix for your company's baby food products? a. Using many sales outlets b. Keeping price low c. Hiring a personal selling staff d. Running ads

c. Hiring a personal selling staff

Your company manufactures a watch that doubles as a heart and caloric intake monitor. Company managers are excited about this innovation and have been pushing it along the product development stages quickly. You have identified the consumers that are most likely to try the new product and hopefully, ensure the product's success. You know that these early adopters will be opinion leaders for this product, and if they like the product, will tell others about the innovation. Because you understand that the rate of adoption for the product will be determined by a myriad of factors, you conduct a webinar for your marketing team on this topic. Your webinar makes all of the following points except: a. The relative difficulty of understanding how to use the monitor watch will influence the speed of its adoption. b. If potential buyers believe the monitor watch will deliver an experience at odds with their prior experiences, their adoption rate will increase. c. If potential buyers get a free two-day trial of the monitor watch, their adoption rate will increase. d. If the monitor watch appears far superior to other watches and monitors, it will have a relative advantage and a faster adoption rate.

b. If potential buyers believe the monitor watch will deliver an experience at odds with their prior experiences, their adoption rate will increase.

Cassie is failing her "Marketing 101" course. She has to get at least a 97 percent on the next exam to ensure a passing grade this semester, but she is still confused about the difference between two key dimensions of brand personality: relevance and esteem. As her study partner, you want to help Cassie pass the exam. Select the description of this concept that you will urge Cassie to review. a. Relevance is based on knowledge about the brand; esteem is based on perceptions of uniqueness. b. Relevance reflects the brand's pertinence to its target; esteem is a combination of quality perception and other opinions about the brand. c. Esteem reflects the brand's pertinence to its target; relevance is a combination of quality perception and other opinions about the brand. d. Relevance refers to a brand's ability to stand out from competitors; esteem combines quality perception and knowledge about the brand.

b. Relevance reflects the brand's pertinence to its target; esteem is a combination of quality perception and other opinions about the brand.

Your company is studying new product opportunities in the business market. However, the firm has lost out in the past because of heavy price competition in the consumer market, so the CEO prefers to steer clear of the type of business product likeliest to face the same challenge. Which type of business product would you advise the CEO to avoid? a. equipment b. supplies c. component parts d. consulting services e. installations

b. supplies

Below is a list of the five new-product adopter categories. In what order do these groups of consumers adopt new products? Category 1: Laggards Category 2: Late majority Category 3: Consumer innovators Category 4: Early majority Category 5: Early adopters a. 3, 4, 1, 2, 5 b. 4, 2, 1, 5, 3 c. 3, 5, 4, 2, 1 d. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

c. 3, 5, 4, 2, 1

Apple products have had an exciting lifecycle, which indicates just how large and in demand the company's product lines are. While it took the iPod five years to break the 30 million units per year mark, the iPhone reached this mark in four. The iPad reached this mark in two years. Modifications of its popular products continue to sell briskly to new buyers as well as to early Apple customers, despite ever-increasing competitive pressure. Based on the details provided in the scenario above, in which of the following stages of a product lifecycle are Apple products? a. Introductory b. Developing c. Growth d. Decline e. Maturity

c. Growth

Organizations want to have a reputation for producing quality products with strong brand identities to give them an advantage in the marketplace. Brand equity, the added value of a brand name, has four dimensions. Choose the example that is not identified with the appropriate brand equity dimension. a. Peyton buys his jeans from Gap because he likes their quality and because almost all his friends buy Gap jeans too. This illustrates the dimension of esteem. b. Marta buys a pair of Dr. Scholl's shoe inserts because she thinks they will help her feet while she is jogging. This illustrates the dimension of relevance. c. Ruben buys a Ferrari because he thinks it will set him apart from other drivers. This illustrates the dimension of esteem. d. Gabriella buys her children Campbell's soup when they are sick because it comforts them and helps her feel she is helping by providing nutritious food. This illustrates the dimension of knowledge.

c. Ruben buys a Ferrari because he thinks it will set him apart from other drivers. This illustrates the dimension of esteem.

You decide to start a dog-walking service because you notice a number of trends that suggest a high demand for this type of service. You are trying to convince your brother to partner with you in this business, but one of his comments suggests that he doesn't understand the nature of a service. Which of the following comments did your brother make? a. Consumers who have a need that can only be satisfied by an intangible task are often willing to pay someone to perform that task. Marketers call this a service. b. Services are tied to the individuals who provide those services. Therefore, if a customer has a negative experience with the service provider, he or she may not return even if the service itself was impeccable. c. Standardized services are easier to provide than unstandardized services. d. Perishability means that the unused service capacity from one time period cannot be stored for future use.

c. Standardized services are easier to provide than unstandardized services.

Benchmarking involves three steps. Which of these steps requires external analysis? Step 1: Identifying processes that need improvement. Step 2: Comparing processes to those of industry leaders. Step 3: Implementing changes for quality improvement. a. None of the steps requires external analysis. b. Step 1 c. Step 2 d. All of the steps require external analysis.

c. Step 2

This morning your boss, a product manager, assigned you to a group of coworkers who are focused on new product development. However, by the time you got home and started to tell your roommates about it, you forgot what the group is called. You do remember that it is the most common organizational arrangement for developing new products. Choose the most likely name of the group. a. The New Product Innovation Department b. The Product Manager's New Product Development Division c. The New Product Venture Team d. The New Brand Development Department

c. The New Product Venture Team

The director of marketing at your firm is very interested in developing new packages. However, he or she doesn't want a scattershot development process; he or she wants the development team to prioritize the first objective of packaging. This means he or she will instruct the team to put its emphasis on: a. trade dress. b. cost effectiveness. c. physical protection. d. product differentiation. e. promotion.

c. physical protection.

As a marketing strategist just hired by your company, you want to be respectful of your new colleagues. However, during a meeting to plan research into the firm's global opportunities, a coworker clearly errs in one of his or her comments. You feel obligated to point out his or her mistake. Which of the following statements do you point out? a. Mail surveys are common in developed parts of the world. b. In some countries, there are cultural problems with focus groups. c. Mail surveys are ineffective in many countries because of unreliable postal service. d. Face-to-face interviewing is the least common method for conducting primary research outside the United States.

d. Face-to-face interviewing is the least common method for conducting primary research outside the United States.

The executives of Majority Productions, an entertainment and public relations agency with offices in five countries, are trying to figure out why their marketing strategies in four of the five countries appear to have failed. The company is thriving in the United States, where executives built the company's first office about a decade ago. At the time, they collected primary data that were extremely helpful, leading to a 20-percent growth for the company within the first two years. Because the company's marketing strategies worked so efficiently, the executives saw no need to conduct market research before they entered the other markets. You are diagnosing Majority Productions' inability to compete in international markets. Which of the following is likely to be a major factor in the company's failure in other countries? a. The original data gathered by the company were misleading. b. The executives of Majority Productions do not nurture diversity within their company. c. The U.S. government operates differently from governments abroad. d. The executives of Majority Productions needed to bolster their knowledge about consumers in other countries. e. Other countries lack entertainment and public relations industries.

d. The executives of Majority Productions needed to bolster their knowledge about consumers in other countries.

A job description posted on reads as follows: The individual will oversee each of the Skin Care Division's lotion and lip balm lines. In particular, he or she will be expected to maximize the profitability of all brands within those lines. This description suggests the company is looking for a: a. product manager. b. brand manager. c. line manager. d. category manager. e. profit manager.

d. category manager.

Over the last few years, you have seen how important social media has become in shaping people's attitudes and their purchasing behavior. You want to make sure your company takes full advantage of this new avenue for building relationships with current and potential customers. You recognize that the power of social media marketing can be magnified if marketers target the right group of users. You want to target the most influential users of social media when you market new or existing products. Which of the following groups of consumers should you target on social media if you want to generate the highest number of word-of-mouth communications about your products? a. Laggards b. Early majority c. Consumer innovators d. Late majority e. Early adopters

e. Early adopters

Aiden is in charge of the supplies inventory at his manufacturing company. Which of the following items is not in Aiden's inventory? a. Receipt paper b. Toner for the printer c. USB devices d. Garbage bags e. Smartphones

e. Smartphones

You have been asked to supervise a new intern, who inquires about the benefits of having combined goods and services businesses. Rather than explicitly tell him or her the answer, you explain to him or her how these types of businesses operate, so he or she can make an inference about the benefits. To illustrate the purpose of combined goods and services businesses, you tell your intern that sometimes, the combination of a primary good with additional services defines the complete product to the customer and better satisfies their needs. To further illustrate your point, you explain that local coffee shops offer coffee and breakfast as primary goods. However, they also provide free Wi-Fi to make customers more comfortable, encouraging longer stays and extra beverage or food purchases. Based on the information provided, what can your intern infer about the benefits of combined goods and services businesses? a. These businesses can make more strategic investments because they have combined goods and services. b. These businesses experience an increase in revenue faster than single good or service businesses. c. These businesses fail to assess markets and prices appropriately, and may decline in market competitiveness. d. These businesses can choose to sell either their goods or their services, depending on demand. e. These businesses aim to better satisfy their customers by offering goods and services that complement each other.

e. These businesses aim to better satisfy their customers by offering goods and services that complement each other.

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