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QN=1 All of the following statements about survey designs are true, EXCEPT: a. most surveys are designed to be descriptive or predictive. b. descriptive surveys can be used to test hypotheses. c. descriptive surveys can be used to collect attributes and behavioral data. d. data collected using descriptive surveys can be turned into knowledge about people, objects or issues. e. US census Bureau generally uses descriptive surveys to collect information on population.


QN=1 Which of the following is NOT an example of measurement? a. A researcher measuring the amount of beverage people consume with their meals b. A researcher classifying people who enter a store based on their gender (male or female c. A researcher collecting demographic information of online shoppers visiting a particular web site d. A researcher collecting qualitative information about shoppers visiting a retail store e. A researcher observing a focus group discussion from behind a one-way mirror


QN=10 Two popular techniques used to assess internal consistency are: a. split-half tests and coefficient alpha. b. split-half tests and the equivalent form technique c. the equivalent form technique and coefficient alpha d. the test-retest technique and the equivalent form technique e. the test-retest technique and split-half tests


QN=10 Which of the following questions most closely demonstrates an example of a leading question? a. "Do you smoke cigarettes? If not, proceed to the last section of this survey." b. "Should the government impose an additional tax on liquor and deprive people (who drink responsibly) the chance of enjoying an alcoholic beverage?" c. "Do you consider aneurism to be a deadly disease?" d. "State, in years and months, your age." e. "Have you ever been convicted for a violent crime?"


QN=11 In order to estimate respondents' satisfaction with Coke, a researcher asks "In a month, how frequently do you buy Coke?" Another researcher objects to the use of this scale stating that the scale captures purchase frequency and not customer satisfaction. One can say that the scale lacks: a. reliability. b. face validity c. application comprehension d. application assessment e. application stability


QN=11 On a survey, a student comes across a question that asks, "To what extent did you find marketing and accounting courses useful?" This question is (most closely) an example of a(n): a. incomprehensible question. b. unanswerable question. c. leading question. d. loaded question. e. double-barreled question.


QN=12 "Do you live in a rented apartment? If not, please ignore question 10 and proceed." This is an example of a: a. instructive question. b. directive question. c. loaded question. d. leading question. e. skip question.


QN=12 A scale should have all of the following properties, EXCEPT a. scale items should be intelligible b. there should be a balance of positive and negative descriptors. c. scale should be reliable and internally consistent d. scale items should not have discriminatory power e. scales should include a neutral response choice where appropriate


QN=13 In sample 1, the age of respondents varies from 29 to 50 years. In sample 2, the age of respondents varies from 15 to 61. This implies that sample 2 must have a higher _____ than that of sample 1. a. Mean b. standard deviation c. range d. median e. frequency distribution


QN=13 While filling out a survey, a respondent comes across a statement that read "The survey is almost completed. There are only a few more questions." This statement is an example of a: a. introductory statement. b. concluding statement. c. transition phrase. d. layout phrase. e. skip phrase.


QN=14 All of the following items are likely to be found in the introductory section of a questionnaire, EXCEPT: a. screening questions. b. general instructions. c. assurance of confidentiality. d. identification of the research company. e. research questions.


QN=14 If there is significant variation among subjects regarding their attitudes towards a given brand, this variance will be reflected most clearly in which of the following measures of brand attitude? a. Mean b. Mode c. Standard deviation d. Median e. frequency distribution


QN=15 Response order bias can be reduced using all of the following methods, EXCEPT: a. online surveys. b. mail surveys. c. self-administered surveys. d. phone surveys. e. preparing several different forms of the questionnaire using a different order and averaging the responses


QN=15 Which of the following measures of dispersion is/are appropriate for all the different types of scales (nominal, ordinal, etc.)? a. Frequency distribution b. Mode c. Standard deviation d. Median e. Range


QN=16 All of the following are guidelines for writing good questions for a survey, EXCEPT a. questions should avoid qualifying phrases. b. question response categories should be overlapping c. questions and scale items should be meaningful to the respondent d. questions should be simple and straightforward. e. questions should avoid technical or sophisticated words.


QN=16 What type of a scale asks the respondent to state his/her agreement or disagreement with a series of statements about a specific brand in terms of a five-point scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree? a. Likert scale b. Semantic differential scale c. Paired-comparison scale d. Constant sum scale e. Numerical scale


QN=17 Which of the following scales is typically used to create a perceptual image profile? a. Likert scale b. Free-choice scale c. Nominal scale d. Ratio scale e. Semantic differential scale


QN=17 Which of the following statements about questionnaire design is incorrect? a. In the introduction section, one should include a general description of the study. b. One should ask the easy questions first before going to more specific questions c. In a given section of the questionnaire, one should mix and match different measurement formats to keep the respondent's interest d. Personal questions should be asked at the end of the survey e. One should end the survey with a thank you statement


QN=18 Monica Trevor changes the end-points of a scale from "Expert/Not and expert" to "Expert/Novice." She did this to: a. make the scale balanced. b. make the descriptors truly bipolar. c. make the scale unbalanced. d. make the scale Likert-type e. make the descriptors free-choice


QN=18 What is the typical sample size used for pretesting a survey instrument? a. 10-20 b. 20-30 c. 50-100 d. 100-200 e. 200-500


QN=19 During a pretest, respondents are asked to pay attention to all of the following, EXCEPT: a. words. b. other participants in the study. c. instructions. d. question flow patterns. e. phrases.


QN=19 Which of the following is the strongest predictor of future behavior? a. A person's stated attitudes b. A person's past behavior c. A person's stated purchase intentions d. A person's exposure to advertisements for a product e. A person's dislike for competing products


QN=2 A questionnaire is: a. a formalized framework consisting of a set of question/scales designed to generate primary raw data. b. used to formulate the research problem for the organization. c. a formalized statement of a testable relationship between two or more constructs or variables. d. a dynamic evaluation. e. a separate written communication to a prospective respondent designed to enhance that person's willingness to complete and return the survey in a timely manner.


QN=2 Which one of the following statements about constructs is false? a. Constructs are not directly observable. b. Measurement of constructs is direct in nature. c. Customer satisfaction is an example of a construct d. Constructs are made up of a combination of several related indicator variables. e. Construct development begins with an accurate definition of the purpose of the study and the research problem


QN=20 A cover letter should include all the following, EXCEPT: a. identification of the research firm conducting the study b. acknowledgement of reasons for nonparticipation in surveys. c. the sampling method used in selecting the sample. d. the approximate time needed to complete the survey. e. advance thank-you statement for willingness to participate.


QN=20 A researcher is interested in finding out people's perception of their prices relative to those at Target. Given this objective, the researcher should use a: a. graphic rating scale b. noncomparative rating scale. c. comparative rating scale. d. nominal scale. e. hybrid scale


QN=21 A researcher is in the process of putting together a blueprint for training people to complete the interviewing process in a consistent fashion. The researcher is most likely developing a: a. supervisor instruction form. b. respondent instruction form. c. interviewer instructions. d. screening form. e. quota sheet.


QN=21 Which of the following statements about smiling faces scale is false? a. This scale is a type of a graphic rating scale. b. This scale is a type of noncomparitive scale. c. This scale is recommended for use with adults only. d. This scale can be used to collect emotional data. e. This scale does not contain any narrative descriptors.


QN=22 Equipment and supply requirements are typically mentioned in which of the following documents? a. supervisor instruction form. b. respondent instruction form. c. interviewer instructions. d. screening form. e. quota sheet.


QN=22 If a researcher wants to force respondents to make explicit trade-offs among several attributes or features, the most appropriate scale for this purpose is a: a. graphic rating scale. b. constant sum scale c. likert scale. d. smiling face descriptor scale e. rank-order scale.


QN=23 A person is asked if he has traveled abroad in the last six months. He replies that he has not. The interviewer thanks him and decides not to include him in her sample. Which of the following supplemental documents might have indicated to the interviewer to exclude her from the sample? a. Rating cards b. Screening question forms c. Interviewer instructions d. Quota sheets e. Supervisor instructions


QN=23 Rank-order rating scales: a. use a scale point format that allows the respondents to express some type of post-decision or behavior evaluative judgment about an object. b. are easy to use in traditional or computer-assisted telephone interviews, and are especially effective if the number of items being asked is more than six or seven c. incorporate a scale point format that allows a respondent to compare their responses to each other by indicating their first preference, then their second preference, and so forth until all the desired responses are placed in some type of rank order either "highest to lowest" or "lowest to highest". d. can collect more than ordinal data structures, helping the researcher to learn about the intensity or reasoning of the respondents e. require the respondents to allocate a given number of points among several attributes or features based on their importance to the individual.


QN=24 A person meets all the requirements for inclusion in a survey. She meets all the screening form requirements. Still, she is not included in the survey. Which of the following supplemental documents might have indicated to the interviewer to exclude her from the sample? a. Rating cards b. Screening question forms c. Interviewer instructions d. Quota sheets e. Supervisor instructions


QN=24 The factors that impact the decision to use either a single-item or a multiple-item scale are: a. the number of dimensions of the construct and the reliability b. the reliability and validity. c. the number of dimensions of the construct and the validity. d. the number of dimensions of the construct and the reliability and validity e. the reliability and validity and the discriminatory power.


QN=25 Call records are also referred to as: a. tracking approaches. b. screening sheets. c. rating card sheets. d. survey sheets. e. contact letters.


QN=25 Which of the following statements is true regarding the various scale measurement issues? a. The researcher should avoid using specific terms and instead use general, broad words. b. The researcher should use "leading" phrases. c. The researcher should give clear and simple instructions. d. The researcher should ensure that scale descriptors have minimal discriminatory power e. The researcher should ensure that scale descriptors are inclusive.


QN=3 During construct development, a researcher is forced to identify measurable subcomponents that can be used as indicators of the object's subjective properties. The researcher is most likely working with which of the following objects? a. Age b. Intelligence c. Income d. Gender e. Marital status


QN=3 In the process of questionnaire design, a researcher has obtained initial client approval. What is the next step in the process? a. Confirm research objectives b. Develop questions and scaling c. Determine layout and evaluate questionnaire d. Pretest, revise and finalize questionnaire e. Select appropriate data collection method


QN=4 A firm is examining its data requirements to achieve the objectives of its research study. The management team determines that in order to get the needed data, they cannot use an observation method. Instead, it will have to do a mail survey. The team is most likely in which stage of the questionnaire design process? a. Confirm research objectives b. Develop questions and scaling c. Determine layout and evaluate questionnaire d. Pretest, revise and finalize questionnaire e. Select appropriate data collection method


QN=4 A respondent can communicate her intensity of like/dislike for a product by circling an appropriate number from the response options that go from 1 to 7 (where 1 is "Strongly disagree" and 7 is for "Strongly agree"). These numbers (1 to 7) are commonly referred to as: a. construct points. b. scale portions. c. scale points. d. scale ordinals. e. scale ratios.


QN=5 All of the following are factors that may affect a researcher's decision to select a particular data collection method, EXCEPT: a. research objectives. b. information requirements. c. secondary data sources. d. desire for a random sample. e. budget availability.


QN=5 What type of scale structure is being used in a question that asks the respondent to check either: Male or Female? a. Ordinal b. Nominal c. Ratio d. Interval e. Likert


QN=6 A researcher gives respondents five brands of cereal and asks them to rank these cereals from the best liked (rank = 1) to the least liked (rank = 5). This scale is most closely a(n): a. nominal scale. b. ratio scale. c. ordinal scale. d. interval scale. e. hybrid-ordinally interval scale.


QN=6 An unstructured question is: a. a question with wording problems such as ambiguity, abstraction, and connotation. b. a question that is open-ended formatted to allow respondents to reply in their own words. c. a formalized statement of a testable relationship between two or more constructs or variables. d. a question with a predetermined list of responses available to aid or limit the respondent's answers. e. a separate written communication to a prospective respondent designed to enhance that person's willingness to complete and return the survey in a timely manner.


QN=7 What type of scale structure is being used in a question that asks the respondent to write in his or her age on the survey? a. Ordinal b. Nominal c. Ratio d. Interval e. Likert


QN=7 While filling out a survey, a respondent comes across a question that asks for respondent's annual income. There are five answer options and each option includes a range (e.g., $20,000 to $40,000). What is this question format called? a. Structured question b. Unstructured question c. Restricted options question d. Unrestricted response question e. Categorical question


QN=8 A researcher prepares a two page questionnaire. On each page, there are questions related to the amount of beverages consumed by the respondent in a given week. Given below are the units of measurement used on pages 1 and 2 respectively. Which of the following combinations is recommended as appropriate for use in a questionnaire? a. Ounces, liters b. Liters, ounces c. Liters, liters d. Gallons, ounces e. Ounces, gallons


QN=8 Which of the following statements is true regarding interval scales? a. They can measure absolute differences between scale points. b. The standard deviation cannot be calculated for interval scales. c. They are the highest level scale. d. They do not allow for comparison between measured objects. e. They are less powerful than ordinal scales.


QN=9 If a respondent does not have access to information needed to answer an item, then the participant has been exposed to a: a. unanswerable item. b. leading item c. incomprehensible item. d. double-barreled question. e. primary item.


QN=9 Using a scale, a researcher determines that the brand attitudes for Volvo are very positive (6.5 on a 7 point scale). Using the same scale for the same population, another researcher discovers that the brand attitudes for Volvo are very negative (2.2 on the same scale). This indicates that there was some problem with the scale being used. This problem is a problem related to: a. scale reliability. b. scale validity. c. scale comprehension. d. scale assess ability. e. scale stability.

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