MKTG 201 Exam 2

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Which of the following is not a common metric relevant to Paid Search? A.Cost-per-click (CPC) B.Cost-per-action (CPA) C.Clicks-per-email (CPE) D.Cost-per-thousand (CPM) E.Click-through-rate (CTR)

Clicks-per-email (CPE)

What makes up the Marketing environment?

Company, Customers, Competitors

Positioning-Gap analysis

Compares hospitality brands based on the importance and performance of differentiating features and benefits.

Augmented Product

Complementary products

The product development process includes a number of important stages. Testing the idea for the first time with customers is the most critical stage. Marketers refer to this stage as: A. Idea screening B. Concept testing C. Idea generation D. Marketing strategy E. Business analysis

Concept testing

Inseparable Marketing Problem

Consumer and provider are part of the service

Brand Image

Consumers have a definite impression about the brand "I like Apple"

Brand Awareness

Consumers know about the brand "Yes, I know what Apple is"

Brand Loyalty

Consumers purchase only their favored brand "I only buy the iPhone"

Which promotion method builds interest in the brand by creating and sharing images, videos, blogs, and social media posts? A. Advertising B. Sales promotions C. Trade promotions D. Content marketing E. Personal selling

Content marketing

Fixed costs

Costs that do not vary with the quantity of output produced

What are the profitability drivers?

Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention, Sales per Customer, Margin

In order for a sales team to achieve full potential, modern day sales organizations assign specialized roles to increase efficiency and productivity of their sales teams. For example, ________________________ are farmers, with the sole responsibility of increasing customer loyalty and retention through additional services so that customers continue to use and expand a firm's product and service offerings. ____________ are hunters who are responsible for finding new clients. A. Market Response Reps; Account Executives (AEs) B. Sales Development Reps (SDRs); Customer Success or Client Development Reps C. Account Executives (AEs); Market Response Reps (MRRs) D. Customer success or client Development Reps; Sales Development Reps E. Sales Managers; VP of Sales

Customer success or client Development Reps; Sales Development Reps

Idea Generation

Customers Employees Distributors Competitors R&D Consultants Other Experts

In the late 1980s J. Crew was an online catalog exclusive, meaning that there were not retail outlets and customers ordered by phone from the catalog. This is an example of which promotional element? A.Advertising B.Personal Selling C.Sales Promotion D.Direct Marketing E.Public Relations

Direct Marketing

Reason to Believe

How effective is the demonstration of the product's problem-solving benefits in capturing the imagination of your target market?


It is the act of designing the company's product offering so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the target customers' minds.

Until two years ago, Walt believed that cell phones were just a fad and insisted on using payphones. Walt is an example of a(an) _________ in the diffusion process (Adoption Life Cycle). A.Innovator B.Laggard C.Early Majority D.Late Majority E.Early Adaptor


Skill Level

Learned proficiencies at performing job activities

Shopping products

More expensive than convenience product, requiring more shopping effort


Native abilities and enduring personal traits relevant to job performance (e.g. mental abilities, personality)

Deborah is the brand manager for a new product that is priced for the whole market. Deborah is using a _____ pricing method. A.Bundling B.Penetration C.Versioning D.Skimming


Direct Marketing

Promotional element that uses direct communication with consumers to generate a response in the form of an order, request for information, or visit to a retail outlet or website. (Ex. Direct Mail, Telemarketing)

Extensive, data-driven research demonstrates that the primary determinants of B2B salesperson performance are: A. Appearance, appreciation, promotion, product B. Quotas, competition, compensation, budets C. Assertiveness, charisma, charm, drive D. Role perceptions, skills, motivation, and aptitude E. All of the above

Role perceptions, skills, motivation, and aptitude

contribution analysis

Total contribution is the amount available to the firm to cover (or contribute to) fixed costs and profit after variable cost has been deducted from total revenue.

Fixed and Variable Costs equation

Total cost = fixed cost + variable cost

Personal Selling

Two-way communication between a buyer and seller designed to influence a purchase decision

Unit contribution is: A. Unit price minus unit variable cost B. Unit price divided by total contribution C. Contribution multiplied by the total number of units sold. D. Fixed cost divided by price minus unit variable cost E. The break-even volume for a specific product item

Unit price minus unit variable cost


Usage situations, benefits

Business/Industrial Products

a product purchased by individuals and organizations for further processing or for use in conducting business

business analysis

a review of the sales, costs, and profit projections for a new product to find out whether these factors satisfy the company's objectives


a type of performance based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliates own marketing efforts

Cost-plus pricing

add a specific amount to the cost

Actual product

bundle of attributes

How is value created?

by meeting customer's functional and emotional needs


cost per thousand

Variable Costs

costs that vary with the quantity of output produced

content marketing

create relevant content

The Diffusion Process (form of market segmentation)

describes how potential customers learn about new products, try them, and opt or reject them

price lining

different prices for different products in a product line

Direct Traffit

direct links or bookmarks


helping customers promptly. Returning phone calls quickly, replying to emails promptly, keeping customers informed, and delivering the service on time demonstrate responsiveness.

prestige pricing

high price to signal quality, status

Skimming pricing

high price to skim the market


include appearance of physical facilities, equipment, and personnel. Cleanliness, design, and decor of the premises, appearance of the staff, and appropriate equipment demonstrate tangibles.


includes access, communication, and understanding. Listening to customers and seeking to understand customer needs demonstrate empathy.


includes competence, courtesy, credibility, and security. Treating customers with respect, providing knowledgeable information and assistance, and creating a relationship of trust with customers demonstrate assurance.


individuals can be assigned to a segment and counted


individuals in the segment can be reached through the company's promotion/distribution channels

yield management

match demand and supply for set capacity

What is the criteria for effective segmentation?

measurable, accessible, durable, substantial, unique needs

unique needs

needs are homogeneous within segments and heterogeneous across segments

Unit Margin

price - unit variable cost


price, quality, reliability, beauty

the product life cycle

the course of a product's sales and profits over its lifetime

Marketing Strategy

the marketing logic by which the company hopes to create customer value and achieve profitable customer relationships


the number of different people or households exposed to an advertisment

Market Testing

the stage of the new-product process that exposes actual products to prospective consumers under realistic purchase conditions to see if they will buy


the systematic application of marketing along with other concepts and techniques, to achieve specific behavioral goals

Bundle pricing

two or more products in a single package

What is Percent Margin?

what percent of the selling price is the unit contribution margin

What is price determined by?

what the consumer is willing to pay

perceived value pricing

what the customer is willing to pay

odd-even pricing

$19.95, $14.99

Advantages of Branding

-Branding allows marketers to distinguish their products from others -Branding is useful when introducing new products -Branding helps consumers identify products they wish to buy again and avoid those we do not -Branding enables consumers to express personalities, lifestyle, and social identities.

Brands and Consumers

-Consumers help shape the brand -Learn from your customers, what's important to them -Brand is more than just a logo. It's a relationship with the customer. -The customer co-creates this relationship with all kinds of rituals

What makes up the Market Channel Performance?

-Customer Reach (volume) -Operating Efficiency (cost to serve) -Service Quality (retention)

Social media Marketing strategy

1. set social media marketing goals 2. Know your buyer perrsonas 3. Determine the social media network 4. Track results, identify insights

Don Hale has a burger restaurant, Hires, his fixed costs are $85,000, variable unit costs are $4, and he is selling his burger combos (burger, fries, and drink) for $9.00. How many units does Don have to sell to breakeven? A.21,250 B.17,000 C.6,538 D.9,444


HP sells its brand new laptop to Costco for $550 and Costco resells the laptop at $1,000. What is the percent margin on the laptop for Costco? A.45% B.65% C.25% D.40% E.50%


selective distribution

A level of distribution intensity whereby a firm selects a few retail outlets in a specific geographical area. Shopping and specialty goods

Selective Distribution

A level of distribution intensity whereby a firm selects a few retail outlets in a specific geographical area. Manufacturers who produce shopping and specialty goods like carpets, home appliances, and perfumes use selective distribution.

Exclusive Distribution

A level of distribution intensity whereby only one retail outlet in a specific geographical area carries the firm's products. Exclusive distribution limits the total sales units of a product but provides the setting, service, and exclusivity needed to support super-premium prices. Examples: Ferrari, Lamborghini, Tiffany & Co.

Consumer Products

A product purchased by the final consumers for personal consumption

Brands should

1. resonate with customers 2. differentiate from competitors 3. motivate employees

What group should you ignore?


Idea Screening

screening new product ideas to spot good ones and drop poor ones as soon as possible


selecting a segment - WHO SHOULD WE EXCHANGE WITH

Service Quality - Direct Channel

-Manufacturer controls service quality -Manufacturer interfaces with customer at all contact points

3 components of brand positioning

1. Competitive frames of reference -Nature of competition -Target Market 2. Points of difference (PODs) -Desirable to consumer -Differentiating from competitors 3. Points of parity (POPs) -Demonstrate category credentials -Negate competitor poins-of-difference

Inseparable Marketing Solution

-People -Care and quality -Personal attention

Perishable Marketing Solution

-Predict demand fluctuation -Balance supply and demand

Variability Marketing Solution

-Process -Standardization -Training

Operating Efficiency - Direct Channel

-Produces higher margins -Must bear the cost of channel management -Must bear all marketing costs

Operating Efficiency - Indirect Channel

-Produces lower margins -Provides lower channel management costs -Provides lower marketing costs

Service Quality - Indirect Channel

-Removes the manufacturer from the end-user customer -Manufacturer is dependent on channel partners to deliver the desired level of customer service

Intangible Marketing Solution

-Tangible cues -Physical environment

Create value for consumers through four utilities:

-Time (make the product available at a convenient time) -Place (making the product available in a convenient place) -Form (making the product in the form consumers want) -Possession (transferring product ownership to consumer)

Importance of brands

-battle of brands -brands as the company most valuable assets -own market-dominant brands


-informing them about product benefits -persuading them to try to continue using the product -reminding them of product benefits to encourage repeat purchases

Person by situation segmentation

-people are not all the same--person variability - people make choices depending on the situation--situation variability

Positioning: Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

1) who is target market? 2) when should the brand be considered? 3) why should the brand be chosen over alternatives?

What Counts Most in Motivating the Sales Force?

1. A clear sales task 2. Need for achievement 3. Incentive compensation and recognition 4. Good leadership

What is the process of Recruiting and Selecting?

1. Define the Job 2. Profile the ideal candidate 3. Find and attract pool of applicants 4. Select sales personnel 5. Evaluate the process

Five Dimensions of an Angle

1. Need to Believe 2. Reason to Believe 3. Dominate Situations 4. Quantifiable Support 5. Unique Product Claim

The product life cycle premises

1. Products have limited life 2. Product sales pass through distinct stages, each with different marketing implications 3. Sales and profits from a product vary at different stages in the life cycle 4. Products require different strategies at different life-cycle stages

Steps in setting price

1. Select the pricing objective 2. Determine demand 3. Estimate company costs 4. Know competitors' prices 5. Select pricing method


Age, gender, family size and life cycle, race, occupation, income

Break-even analysis provides a useful method for examining the relationship between price, cost, revenue, and profit at various levels of sales. At the break-even point: A. Total revenue equals total cost. B. There are no profits. C. There are no losses. D. A and B E. All of the above

All of the above

Marketing managers use elements of the promotion mix to communicate value to consumers by: A. Informing them about the benefits of the product B. Persuading them to try or continue using the product C. Reminding them of the product benefits D. A and B above E. All of the above

All of the above

Social media marketing may be more effective than traditional marketing communications channels because social media: A. Offers greater flexibility of content and duration B. Has credibility similar to word-of-mouth C. Can build awareness and interest at a much lower cost D. Both A and B E. All of the above

All of the above

Research on marketing services identifies five determinants of service quality--reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness. Tangibles include: A. Delivering and performing the service dependably and accurately B. Competence, courtesy, and credibility C. Access, communication, and understanding D. Appearance of physical facilities and personnel E. Helping customers promptly

Appearance of physical facilities and personnel

H&M consciously designs retail space to orchestrate various dimension of the store—layout, color, sounds, and signage—to appeal to consumers' emotions and encourage buying. This is called: A. Sales promotions B. Wheel of retailing C. Location D. Retail control E. Atmospherics


The possible price range for a product is: A. Above the seller's cost of goods sold B. Below the buyer's perceived value C. Below the seller's cost of goods sold D. Above the buyer's perceived value E. Both A and B are correct F. Both C and D are correct G. All of the above are correct

Both A and B are correct

Dave loves apple products. He is loyal to apple and has bought the iPhone 3, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, and iPhone 6. Dave recently decided that he would by the new Gold MacBook instead of an HP. Dave's new MacBook purchase is an example of ________. A.Brand Image B.Brand Awareness C.Brand Equity D.Brand Loyalty

Brand Equity

Brand Equity

Brand loyalty is transferred to new products "All my electronics are Apple"

Advertising seeks to achieve one or more objectives--cognitive, affective, and behavioral. The cognitive objective: A. Builds awareness B. Gains interest C. Gains liking D. Stimulates action E. Both B and C are correct

Builds awareness

A sketch or composite picture of the ideal customer who buys or may buy the firm's products is known as a(n) A. Decision maker B. Influencer C. Buyer persona D. Personal shopper E. Gatekeeper

Buyer persona

Social media services created a new vocabulary such as cost-per-click (CPC), click-through-rate, and cost-per-action (CPA). Because ads must generate enough interest to get a click and clicks must generate an action leading to a sale, the critical number is: A. CPM--cost per thousand impressions B. CPC--cost per click C. CPGW--cost per gross weight D. CPA--cost per action E. CPCC--cost per cohort connection

CPA--cost per action

Research suggests that satisfied frontline employees lead to satisfied customers. Nurses represent the frontline in health care. The working situation for nurses may affect job satisfaction. Indeed, a recent study of medicare reimbursements found much higher job dissatisfaction and burnout among nurses who were: A. Older than 45 years old B. Working in the public sector C. Assigned to K-12 schools D. Caring for patients in hospitals and nursing homes E. Working in rural areas

Caring for patients in hospitals and nursing homes

What is NOT one of the four steps for creating a social media marketing strategy? A.Track Success and Improve B.Deliver Viral Content C.Set Social Media Marketing Goals D.Determine the Social Media Network E.Know Your Buyer Personas

Deliver Viral Content

Sally is introducing a new product - bacon and chocolate bubble gum. She discovered a good segment: adults (18-30) in the southern region of Bacon Land. Sally is segmenting using A.Demographic only B.Behavioral and Demographic C.Demographic and Geographic D.Psychographic and Geographic E.Demographic and Behavioral

Demographic and Geographic


Desire to expend effort on specific job activities

Image brands

Differentiate from competitors by offering superior performance or superior economy

Specialty products

Extensive search effort; consumer reluctant to accept substitute

Products travel through life cycles starting with introduction stage and finishing with maturity stage. In which stage of the product life cycle do marketing managers seek to build market share by emphasizing product distinctions? A. Introduction B. Growth C. Maturity D. Decline E. Obsolete


Internal marketing activities, between the company and its employees, are important because: A. Moments of truth create promises for results. B. How employees feel about the company, products, and services correlates highly with employee engagement and service quality. C. The physical environment provide evidence of service quality. D. Services are inseparable and variable. E. Reliability creates assurance.

How employees feel about the company, products, and services correlates highly with employee engagement and service quality.

Unique Product Claim

How is the product distinctly different, better at solving problems, and more memorable than its closest competitor?

Expectancy theory of motivation includes expectancies, instrumentalities, and valence. The valence answers the question: A. How many competitors in the category? B. How will my effort affect my performance? C. How much do I value the reward? D. How much money can I expect to make? E. How will my performance be rewarded?

How much do I value the reward?

The best channel system should achieve

Ideal market exposure

When choosing channel members, Giorgio Armani, an Italian company that offers an exclusive brand of tailored clothing, selects only high-end retailers like Harrods, Neiman Marcus, and Saks Fifth Avenue. Giorgio Armani does this to enhance: A. Product benefits B. Service benefits C. Non-price costs D. Image benefits

Image benefits

Reference price is an important concept in pricing strategy. ______________ is what you think you should pay, given your past experience and the buying situation, and _______________ is what what everyone else is paying for the product. A. External reference price; internal reference price B. Internal reference price; external reference price C. Referral reference price; accepted reference price D. High reference price; low reference price E. Personal reference price; relevant range reference price

Internal reference price; external reference price


Lifestyle, personality, attitudes, values

Each social network platform has unique strengths. Which platform is best for thought leadership? A. LinkedIn B. Facebook C. Pinterest D. YouTube E. Pandora


What group should you understand benefits for?



Market segmentation is the process of grouping customers into relatively homogeneous sets or groups such that customers within a segment are similar to one another in the way they respond to the marketing effort directed toward them. - WHO COULD WE EXCHANGE WITH

Target Attracrive Segments

Market size, Expected growth, Competitive position, Cost to reach

What is the path to profitability?

Marketing environment, Marketing mix, profitability drivers, profit!

Suppose you are a sales manager for Intel. One of your salespeople is struggling with the presentation step of the sales process. As you coach this salesperson, you begin by explaining that the purpose of the "presentation" step of the sales process is to: A. Qualify the buyer. B. Match the benefits of your product offering to the customer's needs. C. Gather data on the customer. D. Close the sale. E. Create colorful PowerPoint slides to engage the customer.

Match the benefits of your product offering to the customer's needs.

intensive distribution

Maximum market coverage--firm seeks to make the product available in every outlet where customers might want to buy it. Convenience goods

Intensive Distribution

Maximum market coverage--firm seeks to make the product available in every outlet where customers might want to buy it. Convenience goods, such as packaged candy or soda pop, are generally good candidates for intensive distribution.

Considering a product's competitive angle, _______________ is about finding significant pain points that are personally relevant to the target market while _______________ is about demonstrating product-solving benefits. A. Quantifiable Support, Unique Product Claim B. Reason to Believe, Dominate Situations C. Dominate Situations, Quantifiable Support D. Unique Product Claim, Need to Believe E. Need to Believe, Reason to Believe

Need to Believe, Reason to Believe

Supplies and services

Operating supplies, maintenance items, services

Media convergence shows an ad becoming viral at the intersection of...? A.SEO, AdWords and Social Media B.Owned, Purchased and Earned Media C.Facebook, Twitter and YouTube D.Branded, Engaged, Converted Media

Owned, Purchased and Earned Media


Paid placement of announcements and persuasive messages to inform, gain liking/interest, and/or stimulate action

The marketing mix for services includes the 4P's of marketing (product, price, place, and promotion), plus: A. Processes, physical environments, and potential customers B. People, process, and physical environment C. Political environment, physical environment, and personal environment D. People, perishability, and personality E. People, politics, and psychology

People, process, and physical environment

Role Perceptions

Perceptions of job demands and the expectations of role partners

Public Relations

Placement of news or media presentations with the deliberate attempt to manage the public's perception

Which pricing strategy is used when marketers set a relatively low price to obtain market share quickly at the expense of not capturing consumer surplus? A. Price skimming B. Price penetration C. Promotional pricing D. Cost-plus pricing E. Competitive pricing

Price penetration

In the produce department, Smith's and Harmon's grocery stores break bulk (offering quantities customers want) and provide assortments or varieties of produce to their customers. In this example, Smith's and Harmon's add value by increasing ______________ benefits. A. Product B. Service C. Image D. Possession E. Time


What are the 7Ps of Service Marketing?

Product Price Place Promotion People Process Physical Environment

Honda is a Japanese public multinational conglomerate corporation primarily known as a manufacturer of automobiles, aircraft, motorcycles, scooters, generators, water pumps, lawn and garden equipment, rotary tillers, outboard motors, robotics, and small engines. All products offered by Honda represent the company's: A. Product item B. Product line C. Product mix D. Product life cycle E. Production promotion

Product mix

Capital items

Products that aid in production or operations

Materials and parts

Products used in the manufacturing process that become part of the final product

Profit Equation

Profit = Total Revenue - Total Cost

Image brands like Range Rover, Ralph Lauren, Louis Vuitton, and Mercedez-Benz connect with customers through emotional images, symbols, and associations. Which marketing mix element is emphasized the most with image brands? A.Product B.Price C.Place D.Promotion E.All of the above


Marty McFly Inc. sells hoverboards to the general population. Recently a news channel picked up the story saying how much better the hoverboards are than regular skateboards. This free promotion would be be represented as? A.Advertising B.Direct Selling C.Sales Promotion D.Direct Marketing E.Public Relations

Public Relations

Pillsbury has developed a new toaster strudel. It is far superior to Pop Tarts but the retailers don't know that. As a result Pillsbury sends sales people out to the retailers to convince them to sell the toaster strudels. By promoting to the retailers to ultimately reach the consumers Pillsbury is utilizing which strategy? A.Push Strategy B.Pull Strategy C.Economic Strategy D.Price Skimming Strategy

Push Strategy

Pfizer, a multinational pharmaceutical company, deploys sales representatives to encourage physicians to prescribe Pfizer products, such as Prevnar, LYRICA, LIPITOR, and Xeljanz, to their patients. This is an example of: A. Preventive strategy B. Pull strategy C. Physical strategy D. Push strategy E. Progressive strategy

Push strategy

TRP (target rating points)

Reach (percentage of the target market) X Frequency

Advertising effectiveness is measured by: A. Push versus pull promotions B. Media buying--CPM, GRP, TRP C. Brand legacy D. Recall (remember the ad and the advertiser) and persuasion (remember the benefit) E. The amount of humor and the level of entertainment

Recall (remember the ad and the advertiser) and persuasion (remember the benefit)

Channel members (intermediaries) make the selling of products more efficient by: A. Maximizing the number of contacts necessary between producers and consumers B. Eliminating inventory costs C. Reducing manufacturing costs D. Identifying target markets E. Reducing the number of contacts between producers and consumers

Reducing the number of contacts between producers and consumers


Region, city or metro size, density, climate

Convenience Products

Relatively inexpensive products that merit little shopping effort

What is a critical driver for engaging and converting potential customers using social media? A. Multiple media outlets and avenues B. Relevant, inspiring, and engaging content C. Google AdWords D. Product blogs and service sermons E. Short, precise, and promising messages

Relevant, inspiring, and engaging content

The five determinants of service quality are:

Reliability Assurance Tangibles Empathy Responsiveness

Programmed costs

Result from attempts to generate sales volume (advertising, sales salaries)

Functional Brands

Satisfy functional needs -Wash clothes -Relieve pain -Close shave

Nike launched Legend Tights. These tights are marketed to active women ages 18-35 who value performance and style. In deciding whom they shouldexchange with, Nike is: A.Selecting the Target Market B.Segmenting the Market C.Positioning a Product D.All of the above

Selecting the Target Market

Because DuPont marketing managers positioned STAINMASTER as a premium carpet, they selected a distribution type that would make price premiums possible, encourage the use of marketing support tools such as carpet-comparisons and in-store kiosks, and provide adequate national coverage through a limited number of qualified retailers in each geographic area. This distribution type is: A. Intensive distribution B. Selective distribution C. Exclusive distribution D. Competitive distribution E. Dual distribution

Selective distribution

What is generally the best strategy? A. Sell to the swing group through the eyes of the love group B. Sell to the love group through the eyes of the love group C. Sell to the hate group through the eyes of the swing group D. Sell to the swing group through the eyes of the swing group E. Sell to the hate group through the eyes of the love group

Sell to the swing group through the eyes of the love group

Perishable Marketing Problem

Services cannot be stored

Intangible Marketing Problem

Services cannot easily be displayed or communicated

Variability Marketing Problem

Services depend on who provides them and when and where they are provided

Sales Promotion

Short-term incentives to encourage trial or increase purchase (Ex. Coupons, Rebates, Samples, Contests, Premiums, Price packs)

Landyachtz recently launched a new Slide Glove for longboarders--Ly Leather Slide Gloves. The local market segment consists of a few longboarders in Provo Canyon. Retailers in the Utah market are worried that the segment size is not large enough to make this product profitable. Which characteristic of effective segmentation is lacking? A. Accessible B. Durable C. Measureable D. Substantial E. Unique needs


What group is your biggest opportunity?


Perceptual maps show the judgments customers make regarding the performance of a brand's features and benefits. Gap analysis extends the perceptual maps method by asking customers to make judgments regarding: A. Cultural differences among consumers B. The performance of competitive brands C. Psychological differences among consumers D. The importance of a brand's features and benefits to the buying decision E. The performance of external forces in the environment

The importance of a brand's features and benefits to the buying decision

Net Promoter Score (NPS) enables businesses to measure progress of their brand. NPS is the difference between: A. Competitor brands and company brands B. National brands and store brands C. The percentage of brand promoters and the percentage of brand detractors D. The percentage of swing group members and the percentage of swing group non-members E. Introduction stage and growth stage in the product life cycle

The percentage of brand promoters and the percentage of brand detractors

Product positioning is: A. The place a product occupies in the target customers' minds B. Shelf size and location in major retail chains--grocery and department stores C. Geographic segmentation, often within major metropolitan and suburban areas D. A careful analysis of cross tabulationsE. What marketers do to a product3

The place a product occupies in the target customers' minds

Why dosen't "me too" positioning work as a value positioning strategy? A. The positioning approach does not give consumers a reason to change B. Competitors are just too difficult to copy C. Competitors may have lower cost structures D. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery E. Customers want consistency among competitors

The positioning approach does not give consumers a reason to change

Paid Search (aka PPC)

The process of bidding on key words or terms to improve results ranking when those terms are used in search. Common metrics include cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-action (CPA), cost-per-thousand (CPM), and click-through-rate (CTR)

Market Segmentation

The process of grouping customers into relatively homogenous sets such that customers within a segment are similar to one another in the way they respond to the marketing effort directed at them.

Natural Search (aka SEO)

The process of making a site and its content highly relevant for both search engines and searchers

Today's salespeople face highly informed customers and unprecedented pressure to sell more and sell faster. To boost performance, sales organizations rely on technology and sales tools. Combined, these technologies and sales productivity tools are called: A. Firm resources B. Productivity enhancers C. Automatic enhancers D. The sales technology stack E. Tech boosters

The sales technology stack

Which of the following sets a service business apart from its competitors? A.The service provider's personal behavior B.The service provider's ability to manage perishability C.The ability to do the job D.Better pricing strategies

The service provider's personal behavior

Market segmentation is the process of grouping customers into relatively homogeneous sets or segments such that customers within a segment are similar to one another in: A. Age and psychographics B. Family and cultural situations C. Their frequency of purchase D. Geographic location E. The way they respond to the marketing effort directed torward them

The way they respond to the marketing effort directed torward them

Create value for consumers through 4 utilities

Time Place Form Possession

Lufthansa (the German airline) faces the service challenge of perishability because the company cannot save seats from the 7:40 am flight from Munich to Stockholm for the 5:25 pm flight from Frankfurt to Rome. What can Lufthansa do to address this service challenge? A. Use pricing to manage fluctuating demand or match supply with changing demand B. Change the physical environment of the aircraft to provide tangible cues C. Diversify into other forms of transportation D. Hire more employees to handle problems quickly E. Provide more training for frontline employees

Use pricing to manage fluctuating demand or match supply with changing demand

Megan recently visited Bumble and Bumble to get her hair cut. The person who cut Megan's hair did and excellent job. In fact, Megan was so pleased that she recommended Bumble and Bumble to her friend Rebecca. The person who cut Rebecca's hair was a different employee. Rebecca was disappointed in the outcome. What characteristic of services helps explain this situation? A.Intangibility B.Variability C.Inseparability Perishability


If a company is in survival mode, at the very least they should cover _____ costs. A.Fixed and variable B.Fixed C.Variable D.Employee Salaries


Lower price for more benefits

Very difficult to sustain in the long run Offering more usually costs more, making it difficult to deliver on the "for-less" promise May lose out to more focused competitors

Quantifiable Support

What are the relevant facts and figures that you use to support or enhance the product claims?

Need to Believe

Which significant pain point does the product address that is personally relevant to your target audience?

Dominate Situations

Which usage situations or buying situations does the product dominate in a way that delivers superior value?


a bundle of attributes that satisfies consumers' wants or needs


a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating

Exclusive distribution

a level of distribution density whereby only one retailer in a specific geographical area carries the firm's products

Costs of goods sold

a measure of the cost of merchandise sold or cost of raw materials and supplies used for producing items for resale

From most used to most useful, how would you list the ways to segment the market?

geographic, demographic, psychographic, behavioral

Marketing creates value for the firm's ----

chosen customers

strong positioning helps ------, what the brand helps the customer achieve, and how it is unique in doing so.

clarify the brand's essence

Product Development

company growth by offering modified or new products to current market segments

Experiential brands

connect with consumers by helping them achieve basic goals related to physical needs, such as food, shelter, health, safety

3 levels of a product

core, actual, augmented

What is the fastest and most effective way for a company to realize its maximum profit?

get its pricing right

going rate pricing

follow the competition

penetration pricing

low price to penetrate the market

Core Product

personal benefit

Unsought products

products that the buyer does not actively seek

Target return pricing

profit, sales, ROI


segment is large enough to make products profitable


segment membership is relatively constant

GRP (gross rating points)

reach x frequency

Geographic segmentation variables

region, city/metro size, density, climate

Committed costs

required to maintain the organization (rent, administration, clerical salaries)


size, weight, volume, color, ingredients, quantity, etc.

Sell to the ----- group through the eyes of the ----- group

swing, love

Social media marketing

tell the world through social media

Concept testing

testing new product concepts with a group of target consumers to find out if the concepts have strong consumer appeal


the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. Delivering and performing the right service the first time demonstrates reliability.


the act of designing a company's offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the minds of the target market. (The heart of the marketing strategy)

What is Unit Contribution?

the amount of profit each unit sold brings to the table


the average number of times a person in the target audience is exposed to an advertisment

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