MM chapter 3 (part 1)

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plasma membrane (non-organelle structure)

-consists of a phospholipid bilayer, which separates the interior of the cell from the outside world -function: act as a selective barrier that regulate movement of substances into or out of the cell


-energy center harvest energy from nutrient molecules and producing ATP -double membrane

conjugation pill (outside the cell membrane of prokaryote)

-found on the exterior of some prokaryotic cell -longer than fimbriae and in smaller number -function: cell-to-cell contact to transfer genetic material(the process known conjugation)

Nucleus(organelle structure)

-is a control center house the genetic materials -surrounded by the nuclear envelope, which regulate the passage of materials into and out of the nucleus with the aid of nuclear pores -the genetic material housed in the nucleus consisted of DNA packaged with special protein forming chromatin -the center of the nulceus called nucleolus where ribosomal components are synthesized and assembled

endoplasmic reticulum

-is a manufacturing center for synthesizing organic molecules

cell wall(outside the cell membrane of prokaryote)

-maintain the shape of the cell -Composed of peptidoglycan


-metabolism of macromolecules(similar to lysosome) -detoxification by neutralizing reactive oxygen species of harmful substance in the cell


-recycling center -digesting macromolecules and worn out organelles

smooth ER

-synthesis of lipid -metabolic control center -detoxification of poison -calcium storage

rough ER function

-synthesis of protein and phospholipid

cytoplasm(non-organelle structure)

-the fluid that bath eukaryotic organelles in the interior eukaryotic cell -when many essential chemical reaction occur

ribosome (non-organelle structure)

-the protein factrories for the cell -Nonmembranous organelle found in prokaryotes and eukaryotes that is composed of protein and ribosomal RNA and functions to make polypeptides. -find in cytoplasm or on the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum -the final destination of the ribosome is the production of protein

antiports (one of the active transport)

-transport two solutes in opposite directions against their gradients(ex. sodium-potassium pump) -require ATP

Two Types of Glycocalyces: 多糖-蛋白质复合物(outside the cell membrane of prokaryote)

1, Capsule: -Composed of organized repeating units of organic chemicals. -Firmly attached to cell surface. -May prevent bacteria from being recognized by host. 2,Slime layer粘液层: -Loosely attached to cell surface. -Water soluble. -Sticky layer allows prokaryotes to attach to surfaces.

facilitated diffusion

1, assisted movement across a membrane 2, allow ions and large, polar molecules to go through

the feature of passive transport

1, movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration 2, no energy requirement. the movement is spontaneous

simple diffusion

1, unimpeded movement through a membrane 2, allow small non-polar molecule to go through

hypertonic solution

A solution in which the concentration of solutes is greater than that of the cell that resides in the solution

hypotonic solution

A solution in which the concentration of solutes is less than that of the cell that resides in the solution

Where in a cell is ATP made?

ATP is made in mitochondria.

Which of the following is part of the endomembrane system? ( flagellum Golgi apparatus cytoskeleton ribosomes mitochondria )

Golgi apparatus (The endomembrane system includes the ER, the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and vesicles. It manufactures, processes, and transports lipids and proteins. The Golgi apparatus processes and packages proteins.)

cytoskeleton(non-organelle structure)

Internal network of fibers contributing to the basic shape of eukaryotic and rod-shaped prokaryotic cells.


Organelle- 1, membrance-enclosed compartments 2, carry out one or more cellular functions.

One of the ways smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) differs from rough endoplasmic reticulum is that rough ER is covered by

Ribosomes (Ribosomes dock on the rough ER, and proteins are completed inside the rough ER.)

The __________ produces plasma-membrane-associated proteins, which are then sent to the __________ for sorting and processing.

Ribosomes, Golgi (Ribosomes bound to the rough ER are responsible for producing proteins for secretion, membrane-associated proteins, and proteins for other organelles. Upon completion, the protein is sent to the Golgi, where it is modified and shipped off to the plasma membrane.)

The chemical characteristics of transported substances impact the type of diffusion that will be used by the cell. Sort the following chemicals by the type of transport required to move them down their gradient.

The interior of the cell membrane is uncharged and hydrophobic. As a result, small, non-polar gases such as N2 and CO2 will move by simple diffusion, while polar substances like glucose and ions will use facilitated diffusion.

What is the impact of penicillin on a bacterial cell in an isotonic environment?

There will be no impact on the size of the cell. (penicillin only impact to destroy a bacterial cell wall. In an isotonic environment, the cell is in equilibrium with the environment; there is no net flow of water into or out of the cell. Water balance is maintained, and there is no impact on the size or viability of the cell.)

flagellum (outside the cell membrane of prokaryote)

a long tail attached on the surface of the prokaryotic cell -function: promote "run" and "tumble" movement characteristic of bacterial motility

active transport requires:

a pump and input of energy

Gram-Negative Bacterial Cell Walls (outside the cell membrane of prokaryote)

a thin layer of peptidoglycan

Coupled transport differs from primary active transport due to the fact that it uses __________ as a direct source of energy.

an electrochemical gradient (Coupled active transport uses an existing electrochemical gradient to drive the transport of a second solute from low to high concentration.)

What type of transporter would be used to move H+ from low to high into the cell and Na+ from low to high out of the cell?

antiporter (The movement of two different solutes from low to high in opposite directions is mediated by antiporters. In this example, two separate gradients are created: an H+ gradient and a Na+ gradient.)

main function of Flagella

bacterial motility (Flagella are long protein threads that rotate in either direction, propelling the bacterium through the medium. This may be used to move toward beneficial environments or away from harmful environments.)

Removal of which structure would make the bacterial cell susceptible to bursting due to the influx of water?

cell wall (The cell wall, made up of peptidoglycan, is a rigid structure that resists overexpansion as the cell swells with water.)

Which structure is responsible for the transfer of genetic information between two cells?

conjugation pili (Conjugation pili initiate cell-to-cell contact, followed by the transfer of genetic material called plasmids质粒. These plasmids confer new traits on the recipient cells, including the ability to produce their own conjugation pili.)

nuclei (inside a prokaryote cell membrane)

control center of the cell

Which of the following represents the site of most of the important chemical reactions within a prokaryotic cell?

cytoplasm (The cytoplasm is the fluid that fills the cell. Because a prokaryotic cell is simple and lacks membrane-bound organelles, most of the essential chemical reactions take place in this space.)

The structural framework in a cell is the

cytoskeleton ("cyto" refers to cell and "skeleton" refers to a structural framework)

chemical gradients

different in concentration of a chemical across a membrane are the driving force for diffusion (ex. unequal distribution of ions concentration between inside and outside a cellular membrane)

isotonic solution

equal concentration of solute on Both side

Pancreatic lipase is secreted from the pancreas and is charged with the breakdown of fat molecules in the human digestive system. Which process is used to secrete this protein from pancreatic cells? ( phagocytosis receptor-mediated endocytosis endocytosis exocytosis)

exocytosis (Exocytosis exports large substances from the cell. In this case, the protein, produced by the rough ER and modified by the Golgi, is taken to the plasma membrane in a vesicle and excreted.)


export of large substances

plasmid (inside a prokaryote cell membrane)

extra genetic material

fimbriae (outside the cell membrane of prokaryote)

feature: protein cover outside of the cell membrane function: aid the attachment of the cell to environmental surfaces

Which environment will have a negative impact on both cells with a cell wall and cells without a cell wall? (hypertonic hypotonic osmotonic isotonic)

hypertonic -A hypertonic environment will cause water to be drawn from the cell, causing the cell to shrink. The loss of water will dramatically impact the health of the cell.. -While a hypotonic solution will cause a wall-less cell such as an animal cell to burst due to the influx of water, a cell containing a cell wall will not be affected due to the rigid nature of the wall itself.

endocytosis(ex. phagocytosis吞噬作用)

import of solid material

protein pass completely through the cell membrane called

integral protein

inclusion (inside a prokaryote cell membrane)

is a cell's storage facilities (Deposited substance such as a lipid, gas vesicle, or magnetite stored within the cytosol of a cell.)

Which of the following represents the digestion center of the cell responsible for breakdown macromolecules and worn-out organelles? ( mitochondrion Golgi complex nucleus rough ER lysosome)


Which of the following organelles breaks down worn-out organelles? (rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Golgi apparatus lysosomes smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) mitochondria )

lysosomes (Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes and break down worn-out organelles.)

What carries instructions for making proteins from the nucleus into the cytoplasm?

mRNA (The "m" in mRNA stands for "messenger"; mRNA is the messenger that carries genetic instructions from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.)

bulk transport

movement of large substane using vesicles(eukaryotes) -endocytosis is import goods -exocytosis is export goods

Which of the following is not associated with all cell types? (ribosomes cytoplasm DNA cell membrane nucleus)

nucleus (The nucleus is exclusive独有 to eukaryotic cells and is an important distinguishing characteristic between prokaryote and eukaryote.)

Diffusion is an example of ____________________ transport.

passive transport

A __________ uses phagocytosis to engulf and destroy foreign pathogens in the body. (bacterial cell red blood cell phagocyte lysosome)

phagocyte噬细胞 (A phagocyte is a specialized white blood cell of the immune system in charge of engulfing foreign invaders, which are ultimately destroyed through the actions of the lysosome.)

Which of the following represents the bulk import of solids from the environment? (facilitated diffusion pinocytosis exocytosis phagocytosis)

phagocytosis (Phagocytosis is a form of endocytosis used to import bulk material from the surrounding environment.)

Which of the following makes up the largest part of the cell membrane?

phospholipid molecules (The cell membrane is primarily a phospholipid bilayer which is mostly nonpolar to allow small nonpolar molecules come in through)

What structure acts as a selective barrier, regulating the traffic of materials into and out of the cell?

plasma membrane (The plasma membrane surrounds the cell and regulates the movement of materials into and out of the cell.)

Which of the following molecules will not be able to easily pass directly through the phospholipid portion of the cell membrane? (nonpolar molecules carbon dioxide oxygen polar molecules)

polar molecules (The phospholipid portion of the cell membrane is largely nonpolar, so nonpolar substances generally can pass through, but polar molecules cannot and instead typically go through protein channels.)

Which type of molecule forms channels through the cell membrane?

protein (-some protein adjacent structure inside and outside -other protein serve as identifier, maker, or receptor)

ribosome (inside a prokaryote cell membrane)

protein synthesis

cholesterol(embed on the cell membrane)

provide rigidity and structure of the cell membrane

diffusion includes

simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion

cytoplasm (inside a prokaryote cell membrane)

site of important chemical reactions

prokaryotic cell feature

small and simple, lacking internal "wall"

A patient enters your office complaining of excessive stiffness and cramps after vigorous exercise. Tests reveal the patient has Brody disease, a muscle disorder characterized by impairment of skeletal muscle relaxation due to the inability of the muscle cells to regulate calcium levels in the cytoplasm. Which organelle is most likely affected in this patient?

smooth ER (The smooth ER is responsible for a variety of functions, including calcium balance in muscle cells. The ability to clear calcium from the cytoplasm and into the smooth ER allows muscle cells to relax.)

Where are lipids made in the cell?

smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

solution consisted of

solvent(dissolving medium) solute(dissolved substance)

Golgi complex

sorting and processing center(process start at cis-face end at trans-face)

what is chemotaxis趋药性(for prokaryote)

the ability of a bacterium to sense the environment in order to propel itself toward positive stimuli(like nutrients) but away from negative stimuli(like antimicrobial agent)

Which of the following is the best definition of passive transport?

the spontaneous movement of molecules from high to low concentrations (Passive transport requires the presence of a gradient to move molecules from high to low concentrations with no input of energy.)

Gram-positive Bacterial Cell Walls (outside the cell membrane of prokaryote)

thick layer of peptidoglycan (complex polysaccharide composed of alternating units of N-acetylmuramic acid & N-acetylglucosamine


to destroy a bacterial cell wall.

uniports (one of the active transport)

transport single solute from low to high concentration (require ATP)

chlamydial life cycle

use both receptor-mediated endocytosis and exocytosis

coupled transport (one of the active transport)

used an existing electrochemical gradient to drive transport. (require ATP)

osmotic pressure

water favor to the side with greater solute concentration and a lower water free concentration

selectively permeable membrane only allows

water to pass but not solutes.

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